def debug_plot_over_img(self, img, x, y, bb_d, bb_gt): """Plot the landmarks over the image with the bbox.""" plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure() # , figsize=(15, 10.8), dpi=200 ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() ax.imshow(img, aspect="auto", cmap='Greys_r') ax.scatter(x, y, s=10, color='r') rect1 = patches.Rectangle( (bb_d[0], bb_d[1]), bb_d[2]-bb_d[0], bb_d[3]-bb_d[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect1) rect2 = patches.Rectangle( (bb_gt[0], bb_gt[1]), bb_gt[2]-bb_gt[0], bb_gt[3]-bb_gt[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect2) fig.add_axes(ax) return fig
def plot_over_img(self, img, x, y, x_pr, y_pr, bb_gt): """Plot the landmarks over the image with the bbox.""" plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) # , figsize=(15, 10.8), dpi=200 ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() ax.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), aspect="auto") ax.scatter(x, y, s=10, color='r') ax.scatter(x_pr, y_pr, s=10, color='g') rect = patches.Rectangle( (bb_gt[0], bb_gt[1]), bb_gt[2]-bb_gt[0], bb_gt[3]-bb_gt[1], linewidth=1, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) fig.add_axes(ax) return fig
def create_wordcloud(corpus, output, stopword_dict): lex_dic = build_lex_dic(corpus, stopword_dict=stopword_dict) total_words = get_total_words(lex_dic) ordered_freq_list = build_freq_list(lex_dic, total_words) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), frameon=False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) wordcloud = WordCloud(width=1000, height=800, max_words=100, background_color='white', relative_scaling=0.7, random_state=15, prefer_horizontal=0.5).generate_from_frequencies( ordered_freq_list[0:100]) wordcloud.recolor(random_state=42, color_func=my_color_func) ax.imshow(wordcloud) fig.savefig(output, facecolor='white')
def _add_labels(ax, h, kwargs): """Add axis and plot labels. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes h : Histogram1D or Histogram2D kwargs: dict """ title = kwargs.pop("title", h.title) xlabel = kwargs.pop("xlabel", h.axis_names[0]) ylabel = kwargs.pop("ylabel", h.axis_names[1] if len(h.axis_names) == 2 else None) if title: ax.set_title(title) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.get_figure().tight_layout()
def _add_values(ax, h1, data, value_format=lambda x: x): """Show values next to each bin in a 1D plot. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes h1 : physt.histogram1d.Histogram1D data : array_like The values to be displayed # TODO: Add some formatting """ if value_format is None: value_format = "" if isinstance(value_format, str): format_str = "{0:" + value_format + "}" value_format = lambda x: format_str.format(x) for x, y in zip(h1.bin_centers, data): ax.text(x, y, str(value_format(y)), ha='center', va='bottom', clip_on=True)
def _add_stats_box(h1, ax): """Insert a small legend-like box with statistical information. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes Axes to draw it into h1 : physt.histogram1d.Histogram1D Histogram with valid statistics information Note ---- Very basic implementation. """ # place a text box in upper left in axes coords text = "Total: {0}\nMean: {1:.2f}\nStd.dev: {2:.2f}".format( h1.total, h1.mean(), h1.std()) ax.text(0.05, 0.95, text, transform=ax.transAxes, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left')
def _add_ticks(ax, h1, kwargs): """Customize ticks for an axis (1D histogram). Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes h1 : physt.histogram1d.Histogram1D ticks: {"center", "edge"}, optional """ ticks = kwargs.pop("ticks", None) if not ticks: return elif ticks == "center": ax.set_xticks(h1.bin_centers) elif ticks == "edge": ax.set_xticks(h1.bin_left_edges)
def plot_marginals(self, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, **kwargs): """Plot marginal distributions for parameters. Parameters ---------- selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histograms. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ return vis.plot_marginals(self.samples, selector, bins, axes, **kwargs)
def plot_marginals(self, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, all=False, **kwargs): """Plot marginal distributions for parameters for all populations. Parameters ---------- selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histograms. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional all : bool, optional Plot the marginals of all populations """ if all is False: super(SmcSample, self).plot_marginals() return fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize', 13) for i, pop in enumerate(self.populations): pop.plot_marginals(selector=selector, bins=bins, axes=axes) plt.suptitle("Population {}".format(i), fontsize=fontsize)
def plot_pairs(self, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, all=False, **kwargs): """Plot pairwise relationships as a matrix with marginals on the diagonal. The y-axis of marginal histograms are scaled. Parameters ---------- selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histograms. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional all : bool, optional Plot for all populations """ if all is False: super(SmcSample, self).plot_marginals() return fontsize = kwargs.pop('fontsize', 13) for i, pop in enumerate(self.populations): pop.plot_pairs(selector=selector, bins=bins, axes=axes) plt.suptitle("Population {}".format(i), fontsize=fontsize)
def visualize_frequent_words(vectors_2d: np.ndarray, dataset: DataSet, k: int, ax: plt.Axes = None) -> None: word_ids, counts = np.unique(dataset.data, return_counts=True) indices = np.argpartition(-counts, k)[:k] frequent_word_ids = word_ids[indices] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 13)) else: fig = None vectors_2d = vectors_2d[frequent_word_ids] ax.scatter(vectors_2d[:, 0], vectors_2d[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.25) for i, id in enumerate(frequent_word_ids): ax.annotate(dataset.vocabulary.to_word(id), (vectors_2d[i, 0], vectors_2d[i, 1])) if fig is not None: fig.tight_layout() fig.show()
def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot current quadtree :param axes: Axes instance to plot in, defaults to None :type axes: [:py:class:`matplotlib.Axes`], optional :param figure: Figure instance to plot in, defaults to None :type figure: [:py:class:`matplotlib.Figure`], optional :param **kwargs: kwargs are passed into `plt.imshow` :type **kwargs: dict """ self._initImagePlot(**kwargs) self.data = self._quadtree.leaf_matrix_means self.title = 'Quadtree Means' self._addInfoText() if self._show_plt: plt.show()
def __init__(self, axes: plt.Axes, timesteps=20, limits=None, auto_limit=6, title="", legend=()): self.auto_limit = auto_limit self.legend = legend self.x = [] self.timesteps = timesteps self.limits = limits self.lines = [] self.ax = axes self.ax.set_title(title) self.ax.set_xlim(-self.timesteps, 0) self.mean = 0 self.var = 1 self.y = [] self.reset()
def plot_gpx_route(lon, lat, title): fig = plt.figure(facecolor='0.05') ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.], ) ax.set_aspect(1.2) ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_title(title, color='white', fontsize=15) fig.add_axes(ax) plt.plot(lon, lat, '+-', color='red', lw=1, alpha=1) plt.hold(True) return plt
def save_pic(pic, path, exp): if len(pic.shape) == 4: pic = pic[0] height = pic.shape[0] width = pic.shape[1] fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(width, height))#, dpi=1) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) if exp.symmetrize: pic = (pic + 1.) / 2. if exp.dataset == 'mnist': pic = pic[:, :, 0] pic = 1. - pic if exp.dataset == 'mnist': ax.imshow(pic, cmap='Greys', interpolation='none') else: ax.imshow(pic, interpolation='none') fig.savefig(path, dpi=1, format='png') plt.close() # if exp.dataset == 'mnist': # pic = pic[:, :, 0] # pic = 1. - pic # ax = plt.imshow(pic, cmap='Greys', interpolation='none') # else: # ax = plt.imshow(pic, interpolation='none') # ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # ax.axes.set_xlim([0, width]) # ax.axes.set_ylim([height, 0]) # ax.axes.set_aspect(1) # fig.savefig(path, format='png') # plt.close()
def line(h1, ax, errors=False, **kwargs): """Line plot of 1D histogram. Parameters ---------- h1 : Histogram1D errors : bool Whether to draw error bars. Returns ------- plt.Axes """ show_stats = kwargs.pop("show_stats", False) show_values = kwargs.pop("show_values", False) density = kwargs.pop("density", False) cumulative = kwargs.pop("cumulative", False) value_format = kwargs.pop("value_format", None) data = get_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) _apply_xy_lims(ax, h1, data, kwargs) _add_ticks(ax, h1, kwargs) _add_labels(ax, h1, kwargs) if errors: err_data = get_err_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) ax.errorbar(h1.bin_centers, data, yerr=err_data, fmt=kwargs.pop( "fmt", "-"), ecolor=kwargs.pop("ecolor", "black"), **kwargs) else: ax.plot(h1.bin_centers, data, **kwargs) if show_stats: _add_stats_box(h1, ax) if show_values: _add_values(ax, h1, data, value_format=value_format) return ax
def fill(h1, ax, **kwargs): """Fill plot of 1D histogram. Parameters ---------- h1 : Histogram1D Returns ------- plt.Axes """ show_stats = kwargs.pop("show_stats", False) # show_values = kwargs.pop("show_values", False) density = kwargs.pop("density", False) cumulative = kwargs.pop("cumulative", False) data = get_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) _apply_xy_lims(ax, h1, data, kwargs) _add_ticks(ax, h1, kwargs) ax.fill_between(h1.bin_centers, 0, data, **kwargs) if show_stats: _add_stats_box(h1, ax) # if show_values: # _add_values(ax, h1, data) return ax
def bar3d(h2, ax, **kwargs): """Plot of 2D histograms as 3D boxes. Parameters ---------- h2 : Histogram2D Returns ------- plt.Axes """ density = kwargs.pop("density", False) data = get_data(h2, cumulative=False, flatten=True, density=density) # transformed = transform_data(data, kwargs) if "cmap" in kwargs: cmap = _get_cmap(kwargs) _, cmap_data = _get_cmap_data(data, kwargs) colors = cmap(cmap_data) else: colors = kwargs.pop("color", "blue") xpos, ypos = (arr.flatten() for arr in h2.get_bin_centers()) zpos = np.zeros_like(ypos) dx, dy = (arr.flatten() for arr in h2.get_bin_widths()) _add_labels(ax, h2, kwargs) ax.bar3d(xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, data, color=colors, **kwargs) ax.set_zlabel("density" if density else "frequency") return ax
def polar_map(hist, ax, show_zero=True, **kwargs): """Polar map of polar histograms. Similar to map, but supports less parameters. Returns ------- plt.Axes """ data = get_data(hist, cumulative=False, flatten=True, density=kwargs.pop("density", False)) # transformed = transform_data(data, kwargs) cmap = _get_cmap(kwargs) norm, cmap_data = _get_cmap_data(data, kwargs) colors = cmap(cmap_data) rpos, phipos = (arr.flatten() for arr in hist.get_bin_left_edges()) dr, dphi = (arr.flatten() for arr in hist.get_bin_widths()) rmax, _ = (arr.flatten() for arr in hist.get_bin_right_edges()) bar_args = {} if "zorder" in kwargs: bar_args["zorder"] = kwargs.pop("zorder") alphas = _get_alpha_data(cmap_data, kwargs) if np.isscalar(alphas): alphas = np.ones_like(data) * alphas for i in range(len(rpos)): if data[i] > 0 or show_zero: bin_color = colors[i] # TODO: align = "edge" bars = ax.bar(phipos[i], dr[i], width=dphi[i], bottom=rpos[i], color=bin_color, edgecolor=kwargs.get("grid_color", cmap(0.5)), lw=kwargs.get("lw", 0.5), alpha=alphas[i], **bar_args) ax.set_rmax(rmax.max()) return ax
def pair_bars(first, second, orientation="vertical", kind="bar", **kwargs): """Draw two different histograms mirrored in one figure. Parameters ---------- first: Histogram1D second: Histogram1D color1: color2: Returns ------- plt.Axes """ # TODO: enable vertical as well as horizontal _, ax = _get_axes(kwargs) color1 = kwargs.pop("color1", "red") color2 = kwargs.pop("color2", "blue") title = kwargs.pop("title", "{0} - {1}".format(first.name, second.name)) xlim = kwargs.pop("xlim", (min(first.bin_left_edges[0], first.bin_left_edges[ 0]), max(first.bin_right_edges[-1], second.bin_right_edges[-1]))) bar(first * (-1), color=color1, ax=ax, ylim="keep", **kwargs) bar(second, color=color2, ax=ax, ylim="keep", **kwargs) ax.set_title(title) ticks = np.abs(ax.get_yticks()) if np.allclose(np.rint(ticks), ticks): ax.set_yticklabels(ticks.astype(int)) else: ax.set_yticklabels(ticks) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.legend() return ax
def _get_axes(kwargs, use_3d=False, use_polar=False): """Prepare the axis to draw into. Parameters ---------- use_3d: bool If yes, an axis with 3D projection is created. use_polar: bool If yes, the plot will have polar coordinates. Kwargs ------ ax: Optional[plt.Axes] An already existing axis to be used. figsize: Optional[tuple] Size of the new figure (if no axis is given). Returns ------ fig : plt.Figure ax : plt.Axes | Axes3D """ figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize", default_figsize) if "ax" in kwargs: ax = kwargs.pop("ax") fig = ax.get_figure() elif use_3d: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') elif use_polar: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) return fig, ax
def _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs): """Check the axes and create them if necessary. Parameters ---------- axes : plt.Axes or arraylike of plt.Axes shape : tuple of int (x,) or (x,y) kwargs Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes kwargs : dict Input kwargs without items related to creating a figure. """ fig_kwargs = {} kwargs['figsize'] = kwargs.get('figsize', (16, 4 * shape[0])) for k in ['figsize', 'sharex', 'sharey', 'dpi', 'num']: if k in kwargs.keys(): fig_kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) if axes is not None: axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) else: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=shape[1], nrows=shape[0], **fig_kwargs) axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) return axes, kwargs
def plot_marginals(samples, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, **kwargs): """Plot marginal distributions for parameters. Parameters ---------- samples : OrderedDict of np.arrays selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histogram. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ samples = _limit_params(samples, selector) ncols = kwargs.pop('ncols', 5) kwargs['sharey'] = kwargs.get('sharey', True) shape = (max(1, round(len(samples) / ncols + 0.5)), min(len(samples), ncols)) axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs) axes = axes.ravel() for ii, k in enumerate(samples.keys()): axes[ii].hist(samples[k], bins=bins, **kwargs) axes[ii].set_xlabel(k) return axes
def plot_traces(result, selector=None, axes=None, **kwargs): """Trace plot for MCMC samples. The black vertical lines indicate the used warmup. Parameters ---------- result : Result_BOLFI selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional kwargs Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ samples_sel = _limit_params(result.samples, selector) shape = (len(samples_sel), result.n_chains) kwargs['sharex'] = 'all' kwargs['sharey'] = 'row' axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs) i1 = 0 for i2, k in enumerate(result.samples): if k in samples_sel: for i3 in range(result.n_chains): axes[i1, i3].plot(result.chains[i3, :, i2], **kwargs) axes[i1, i3].axvline(result.warmup, color='black') axes[i1, 0].set_ylabel(k) i1 += 1 for ii in range(result.n_chains): axes[-1, ii].set_xlabel('Iterations in Chain {}'.format(ii)) return axes
def __init__(self, image, title="Initial problem"): aspect_ratio = image.shape[0] / float(image.shape[1]) width = 8 height = width * aspect_ratio fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), frameon=False) # Let image fill the figure ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., .9]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) self._current_image = ax.imshow(image, aspect="auto", animated=True) self.show_fittest(image, title)
def plot_with_coverage(d, fpath=None, show=False): # plot graph with coverage fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.Axes(fig, (0, 0, 1, 1)) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) h = d['height'] w = d['width'] dpi = 100 pixel_per_cell = 3 fig.set_size_inches(pixel_per_cell * w / dpi, pixel_per_cell * h / dpi) ax.imshow(d['graph'], cmap=plt.cm.viridis, extent=(0, 1, 0, 1), aspect='auto', interpolation='none') routers = [] g = d['graph'] for x, row in enumerate(g): for y, val in enumerate(row): if val == Cell.ConnectedRouter: routers.append((x, y)) coverage = np.zeros((d['height'], d['width']), dtype=np.bool) R = d['radius'] for r in range(len(routers)): a, b = routers[r] mask = wireless_access(a, b, R, d['original']) wx_min, wx_max = np.max([0, (a - R)]), np.min([coverage.shape[0], (a + R + 1)]) wy_min, wy_max = np.max([0, (b - R)]), np.min([coverage.shape[1], (b + R + 1)]) # get the submask which is valid dx, lx = np.abs(wx_min - (a - R)), wx_max - wx_min dy, ly = np.abs(wy_min - (b - R)), wy_max - wy_min coverage[wx_min:wx_max, wy_min:wy_max] |= mask[dx:dx + lx, dy:dy + ly].astype(np.bool) ax.imshow(coverage, cmap=plt.cm.gray, alpha=0.2, extent=(0, 1, 0, 1), aspect='auto', interpolation='none') if fpath is not None: plt.savefig(fpath, dpi=dpi) if show: plt.show()
def imsave(data, fName, dpi=600): """Save figure with no border Parameters ---------- data : numpy array [rows x columns x channels], input image fName : string, file path to save image dpi : int, dots-per-inch (Default: 600) """ sh = data.shape if len(sh) > 2: data = data.reshape(-1,3) else: data = data.ravel() data = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(data)*255.0 fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.imshow(np.uint8(data.reshape(sh)), aspect='auto') fig.savefig(fName,dpi=dpi) plt.close()
def classmap_save(data, fname, cmap=None, num_classes=None, dpi=300): """Save a classification (semantic/instance segmentation) map Parameters ---------- data : numpy array of integers [rows x columns], classification image fName : string, file path to save image cmap : custom colormap (Default : None -> Builds it from discrete_cmap) num_classes : integer, total number of distinct classes (Default: None -> uses max value in input class map) dpi : int, dots-per-inch (Default: 300) """ fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) data = np.uint8(data) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) if num_classes is None: num_classes = np.max(data) if cmap is None: cmap = discrete_cmap(num_classes) ax.imshow(data, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap,vmin=0, vmax=num_classes-1) fig.savefig(fname,dpi=dpi) plt.close()
def assert_is_valid_plot_return_object(objs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(objs, np.ndarray): for el in objs.flat: assert isinstance(el, plt.Axes), ('one of \'objs\' is not a ' 'matplotlib Axes instance, ' 'type encountered {0!r}' ''.format(el.__class__.__name__)) else: assert isinstance(objs, (plt.Artist, tuple, dict)), \ ('objs is neither an ndarray of Artist instances nor a ' 'single Artist instance, tuple, or dict, "objs" is a {0!r} ' ''.format(objs.__class__.__name__))
def plot_barplot(clusters_list, logname, size): """ DESCRIPTION This function is used to plot the linear barplots. Args: cluster_number_list (list) : list of cluster label in order or appearance output (str) : output logname Returns: colors_list (list of list) : list of colors in RGBA format """ # order clusters_labels by order of appearance in the trajectory clusters_number_ordered = [0] * size # Order clusters_labels by cluster order. for cluster in clusters_list: for frame in cluster.frames: clusters_number_ordered[frame] = cluster.id # DEFINE COLOR MAP cmap = get_cmap(len(clusters_list)) data = np.asmatrix(clusters_number_ordered) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,1)) # move the graphic into the corner ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) # remove axes ax.set_axis_off() # set axes fig.add_axes(ax) # create graphic im = ax.imshow(data,aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap=cmap) colors_list = (im.cmap(im.norm(np.unique(clusters_number_ordered)))) plt.savefig("{0}/{0}-linear.png".format(logname), dpi=DPI) plt.close() return colors_list
def visualize(ax: plt.Axes, dataset: DataSet, model: AutoEncoder) -> None: x = Variable(dataset.input) code = model.encode(x).data for t in np.unique(dataset.target): mask = dataset.target == t ax.scatter(code[mask, 0], code[mask, 1])
def visualize_countries(model: Word2Vec, vocabulary: Vocabulary, ax: plt.Axes = None): countries = ['u.s.', 'u.k.', 'italy', 'korea', 'china', 'germany', 'japan', 'france', 'russia', 'egypt'] capitals = ['washington', 'london', 'rome', 'seoul', 'beijing', 'berlin', 'tokyo', 'paris', 'moscow', 'cairo'] vectors_2d = project_to_2d_by_pca(model, vocabulary) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = None # Plot countries country_ids = [vocabulary.to_id(word) for word in countries] country_vectors = vectors_2d[country_ids] ax.scatter(country_vectors[:, 0], country_vectors[:, 1], c='blue', alpha=0.7) for i, label in enumerate(countries): ax.annotate(label, (country_vectors[i, 0], country_vectors[i, 1])) # Plot capitals capital_ids = [vocabulary.to_id(word) for word in capitals] capital_vectors = vectors_2d[capital_ids] ax.scatter(capital_vectors[:, 0], capital_vectors[:, 1], c='orange', alpha=0.7) for i, label in enumerate(capitals): ax.annotate(label, (capital_vectors[i, 0], capital_vectors[i, 1])) # Draw arrows for country, capital in zip(countries, capitals): v1 = vectors_2d[vocabulary.to_id(country)] v2 = vectors_2d[vocabulary.to_id(capital)] ax.arrow(v1[0], v1[1], (v2 - v1)[0], (v2 - v1)[1], alpha=0.5) if fig is not None: fig.show()
def setCanvas(self, **kwargs): """Set canvas to plot in :param figure: Matplotlib figure to plot in :type figure: :py:class:`matplotlib.Figure` :param axes: Matplotlib axes to plot in :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.Axes` :raises: TypeError """ axes = kwargs.get('axes', None) figure = kwargs.get('figure', None) if isinstance(axes, plt.Axes): self.fig, self.ax = axes.get_figure(), axes self._show_plt = False elif isinstance(figure, plt.Figure): self.fig, self.ax = figure, figure.gca() self._show_plt = False elif axes is None and figure is None and self.fig is None: self.fig, self.ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) self._show_plt = True else: raise TypeError('axes has to be of type matplotlib.Axes. ' 'figure has to be of type matplotlib.Figure') self.image = AxesImage(self.ax) self.ax.add_artist(self.image)
def _initImagePlot(self, **kwargs): """ Initiate the plot :param figure: Matplotlib figure to plot in :type figure: :py:class:`matplotlib.Figure` :param axes: Matplotlib axes to plot in :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.Axes` """ self.setCanvas(**kwargs) self.setColormap(kwargs.get('cmap', 'RdBu')) self.colormapAdjust() self.ax.set_xlim((0, self._scene.frame.E.size)) self.ax.set_ylim((0, self._scene.frame.N.size)) self.ax.set_aspect('equal') self.ax.invert_yaxis() self.ax.set_title(self.title) def close_figure(ev): self.fig = None self.ax = None try: self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', close_figure) # specify! except: pass
def plot(self, **kwargs): """Placeholder in prototype class :param figure: Matplotlib figure to plot in :type figure: :py:class:`matplotlib.Figure` :param axes: Matplotlib axes to plot in :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.Axes` :param **kwargs: kwargs are passed into `plt.imshow` :type **kwargs: dict :raises: NotImplemented """ raise NotImplemented self._initImagePlot(**kwargs) if self._show_plt: plt.show()
def plot(self, component='displacement', **kwargs): """Plots any component fom Scene The following components are recognizes - 'cartesian.dE' - 'cartesian.dN' - 'cartesian.dU' - 'displacement' - 'phi' - 'theta' :param **kwargs: Keyword args forwarded to `matplotlib.plt.imshow()` :type **kwargs: {dict} :param component: Component to plot ['cartesian.dE', 'cartesian.dN', 'cartesian.dU', 'displacement', 'phi', 'theta'] :type component: {string}, optional :param axes: Axes instance to plot in, defaults to None :type axes: :py:class:`matplotlib.Axes`, optional :param figure: Figure instance to plot in, defaults to None :type figure: :py:class:`matplotlib.Figure`, optional :param **kwargs: kwargs are passed into `plt.imshow` :type **kwargs: dict :returns: Imshow instance :rtype: :py:class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` :raises: AttributeError """ self._initImagePlot(**kwargs) self.component = component self.title = self.components_available[component] if self._show_plt: plt.show()
def plot(self, axs=None, fscale='log'): """ Plots the impulse response and the transfer function of the filter. """ # validate figure fig_passed = axs is not None if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2) else: axs = np.atleast_1d(axs) if np.any([not isinstance(ax, plt.Axes) for ax in axs]): raise TypeError('axs must be a list of matplotlib Axes, got {}' ' instead.'.format(type(axs))) # test if is figure and has 2 axes if len(axs) < 2: raise ValueError('Passed figure must have at least two axes' ', given figure has {}.'.format(len(axs))) fig = axs[0].figure # compute periodogram fft_length = max(int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(self.fir.shape[0]))), 2048) s = Spectrum(fft_length=fft_length, block_length=self.fir.size, step=None, fs=self.fs, wfunc=np.ones, donorm=False) s.periodogram(self.fir) s.plot('Transfer function of FIR filter', fscale=fscale, axes=axs[0]) # plots axs[1].plot(self.fir) axs[1].set_title('Impulse response of FIR filter') axs[1].set_xlabel('Samples') axs[1].set_ylabel('Amplitude') if not fig_passed: fig.tight_layout() return fig
def _imshow_tfr(ax, ch_idx, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax, onselect, ylim=None, tfr=None, freq=None, vline=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, colorbar=False, picker=True, cmap='RdBu_r', title=None, hline=None): """ Aux function to show time-freq map on topo """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import RectangleSelector extent = (tmin, tmax, freq[0], freq[-1]) img = ax.imshow(tfr[ch_idx], extent=extent, aspect="auto", origin="lower", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, picker=picker, cmap=cmap) if isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): if x_label is not None: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) else: if x_label is not None: plt.xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: plt.ylabel(y_label) if colorbar: plt.colorbar(mappable=img) if title: plt.title(title) if not isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): ax = plt.gca() ax.RS = RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=onselect) # reference must be kept
def update_animation(self, i): print "Frame %d / %d" % (i, self.iters) self.recalc_node_positions() plt.clf() ax = plt.Axes(self.fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.autoscale(False) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('#141414') self.fig.add_axes(ax) self.g.remove_edges_from(self.g.edges()) self.g.add_edges_from(self.edges[self.dates[self.current_date]]) nx.draw_networkx_edges(self.g, self.pos, edge_color='#2F2F2F') self.real_sizes = [2000.0 * self.sizes[node] for node in self.g.nodes()] self.draw_glowing_nodes(self.real_sizes) self.draw_labels(self.g, self.pos, sizes=self.real_sizes, labels=self.nodes) self.tick += 1 self.inc_sizes() if self.tick >= self.ticks_in_week: self.current_date += 1 if self.current_date == len(self.dates): self.current_date -= 1 self.tick = 0 self.curr_edges = self.recalc_edges() self.sizes = self.nodesizes[self.dates[self.current_date]] self.size_inc = self.calc_size_inc() #if i == self.iters - 1: # self.save_positions() self.draw_timeline() return
def plot_over_img_seg(self, img, x, y, x_pr, y_pr, bb_gt, tag_oc=None): """Plot the landmarks over the image with the bbox.""" plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) # , figsize=(15, 10.8), dpi=200 ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() bb_gt = [int(xx) for xx in bb_gt] hight, width = bb_gt[3]-bb_gt[1], bb_gt[2]-bb_gt[0] if tag_oc is None: img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) elif tag_oc is "left": img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) p = int((20/50.) * width) # we took only 20 pixels from 50. img_oc[bb_gt[1]:bb_gt[3], bb_gt[0]:bb_gt[0]+p, :] = np.uint8(255/2.) elif tag_oc is "right": img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) p = int((20/50.) * width) # we took only 20 pixels from 50. img_oc[bb_gt[1]:bb_gt[3], bb_gt[2]-p:bb_gt[2], :] = np.uint8(255/2.) elif tag_oc is "up": img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) p = int((20/50.) * hight) # we took only 20 pixels from 50. img_oc[bb_gt[1]:bb_gt[1]+p, bb_gt[0]:bb_gt[2], :] = np.uint8(255/2.) elif tag_oc is "down": img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) p = int((20/50.) * hight) # we took only 20 pixels from 50. img_oc[bb_gt[3]-p:bb_gt[3], bb_gt[0]:bb_gt[2], :] = np.uint8(255/2.) elif tag_oc is "middle": img_oc = copy.deepcopy(img) p1 = int((15/50.) * hight) # we took only from 15 pixels from 50. p2 = int((35/50.) * hight) # we took only to 35 pixels from 50. img_oc[bb_gt[1]+p1:bb_gt[1]+p2, bb_gt[0]:bb_gt[2], :] = np.uint8(255/2.) ax.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img_oc, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), aspect="auto") for i in xrange(68): ax.plot([x[i], x_pr[i]], [y[i], y_pr[i]], '-r') fig.add_axes(ax) return fig
def plot_basis(self, axes=None, fig=None, labels=[], linstyles=[]): """Plots the basis function and their first and second derivatives Args: fig(plt.Figure): A valid figure object on which to plot axes(plt.Axes): A valid axes, *Ignored* labels(list): The labels, *Ignored* linestyles(list): The linestyles, *Ignored* Return: (plt.Figure): The figure """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = fig # end dof_init = copy.deepcopy(self.get_dof()) basis = [] dbasis = [] ddbasis = [] v_list = np.linspace(self.get_option('spline_min'), self.get_option('spline_max'), 300) for i, coeff in enumerate(dof_init): new_dof = np.zeros(dof_init.shape[0]) new_dof[i] = 1.0 # coeff tmp_spline = self.update_dof(new_dof) basis.append(tmp_spline(v_list)) dbasis.append(tmp_spline.derivative(n=1)(v_list)) ddbasis.append(tmp_spline.derivative(n=2)(v_list)) # end basis = np.array(basis) dbasis = np.array(dbasis) ddbasis = np.array(ddbasis) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) knots = tmp_spline.get_t() for i in range(basis.shape[0]): ax1.plot(v_list, basis[i, :], label='dof{:02d}'.format(i)) ax1.plot(knots, np.zeros(knots.shape), 'xk') ax2.plot(v_list, dbasis[i, :]) ax2.plot(knots, np.zeros(knots.shape), 'xk') ax3.plot(v_list, ddbasis[i, :]) ax3.plot(knots, np.zeros(knots.shape), 'xk') ax1.legend(loc='best') return fig
def plot_fisher_data(self, fisher_data, axes=None, fig=None, linestyles=[], labels=[]): """ Args: fisher_dat(tuple): Data from the fisher_decomposition function *see docscring for definition* Keyword Args: axes(plt.Axes): *Ignored* fig(plt.Figure): A valid figure to plot on linestyles(list): A list of valid linestyles *Ignored* labels(list): A list of labels *Ignored* """ if fig is None: fig = plt.Figure() else: pass # end ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) eigs = fisher_data[0] eig_vects = fisher_data[1] eig_func = fisher_data[2] indep = fisher_data[3] # ax1.bar(np.arange(eigs.shape[0]), eigs, width=0.9, color='black', # edgecolor='none', orientation='vertical') ax1.semilogy(eigs, 'sk') ax1.set_xlabel("Eigenvalue number") ax1.set_ylabel(r"Eigenvalue / Pa$^{-2}$") ax1.set_xlim(-0.5, len(eigs) - 0.5) ax1.set_ylim([0.1 * min(eigs[np.nonzero(eigs)]), 10 * max(eigs)]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) styles = ['-g', '-.b', '--m', ':k', '-c', '-.y', '--r'] *\ int(math.ceil(eig_func.shape[0] / 7.0)) for i in range(eig_func.shape[0]): ax2.plot(indep, eig_func[i], styles[i], label="{:d}".format(i)) # end ax2.legend(loc='best') ax2.get_legend().set_title("Eigen-\nfunctions", prop={'size': 7}) ax2.set_xlabel(r"Specific volume / cm$^3$ g$^{-1}$") ax2.set_ylabel("Eigenfunction response / Pa") fig.tight_layout() return fig
def plot_convergence(self, hist, axes=None, linestyles=['-k'], labels=[]): """ Args: hist(tuple): Convergence history, elements 0. (list): MAP history 1. (list): DOF history Keyword Args: axes(plt.Axes): The axes on which to plot the figure, if None, creates a new figure object on which to plot. linestyles(list): Strings for the linestyles labels(list): Strings for the labels """ if axes is None: fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.gca() else: fig = None ax1 = axes # end ax1.semilogy(-np.array(hist[0]), linestyles[0]) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax1.set_xlabel('Iteration number') ax1.set_ylabel('Negative a posteriori log likelihood') # fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # for i in range(dof_hist.shape[1]): # ax1.plot(dof_hist[:, i]/dof_hist[0, i]) # # end # fig.suptitle('Convergence of iterative process') # ax1.set_ylabel('Spline knot value') # ax1.set_xlabel('Iteration number') # fig.savefig('EOS_convergence.pdf')
def plot(self, data, axes=None, fig=None, linestyles=['-k'], labels=[]): """Plots the object Args: data(tuple): The output from a call to a Sphere object Keyword Args: axes(plt.Axes): The axes on which to plot *Ignored* fig(plt.Figure): The figure on which to plot linestyles(list): Strings for the linestyles labels(list): Strings for the labels Return: (plt.Figure): A reference to the figure containing the plot """ if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() else: pass # end ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(322) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(323) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(324) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(325) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(326) ax1.plot(data[0], data[1][1], linestyles[0]) ax1.set_xlabel('Time from detonation / s') ax1.set_ylabel('Radius of sphere / cm') ax2.plot(data[0], data[1][0]) ax2.set_ylabel(r'Velocity of sphere / cm s$^{-1}$') ax3.plot(data[0], data[1][3]) ax3.set_ylabel(r'Specific volume / cm$^{3}$ g$^{-1}$') ax4.plot(data[0], data[1][4]) ax4.plot(data[0], np.array(data[1][5]) * 1E3, '-k') ax4.set_ylabel(r'Pressure / Pa') ax5.plot(data[0], data[1][2]) ax5.set_ylabel(r'Thickness / cm') ax6.plot(data[0], data[1][6]) ax6.set_ylabel(r'Strain in material / cm cm$^{-1}$') return fig
def draw_display(dispsize, imagefile=None): """Returns a matplotlib.pyplot Figure and its axes, with a size of dispsize, a black background colour, and optionally with an image drawn onto it arguments dispsize - tuple or list indicating the size of the display, e.g. (1024,768) keyword arguments imagefile - full path to an image file over which the heatmap is to be laid, or None for no image; NOTE: the image may be smaller than the display size, the function assumes that the image was presented at the centre of the display (default = None) returns fig, ax - matplotlib.pyplot Figure and its axes: field of zeros with a size of dispsize, and an image drawn onto it if an imagefile was passed """ # construct screen (black background) screen = numpy.zeros((dispsize[1], dispsize[0], 3), dtype='float32') # if an image location has been passed, draw the image if imagefile != None: # check if the path to the image exists if not os.path.isfile(imagefile): raise Exception("ERROR in draw_display: imagefile not found at '%s'" % imagefile) # load image img = image.imread(imagefile) # width and height of the image w, h = len(img[0]), len(img) # x and y position of the image on the display x = dispsize[0] / 2 - w / 2 y = dispsize[1] / 2 - h / 2 # draw the image on the screen screen[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] += img # dots per inch dpi = 100.0 # determine the figure size in inches figsize = (dispsize[0] / dpi, dispsize[1] / dpi) # create a figure fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, frameon=False) ax = pyplot.Axes(fig, [0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) # plot display ax.axis([0, dispsize[0], 0, dispsize[1]]) ax.imshow(screen) # , origin='upper') return fig, ax
def bar(h1, ax, errors=False, **kwargs): """Bar plot of 1D histograms. Parameters ---------- h1: Histogram1D errors: bool Whether to draw error bars. value_format: A function converting or str show_stats: bool If True, display a small box with statistical info Returns ------- plt.Axes """ show_stats = kwargs.pop("show_stats", False) show_values = kwargs.pop("show_values", False) value_format = kwargs.pop("value_format", None) density = kwargs.pop("density", False) cumulative = kwargs.pop("cumulative", False) label = kwargs.pop("label", h1.name) data = get_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) # transformed = transform_data(data, kwargs) if "cmap" in kwargs: cmap = _get_cmap(kwargs) _, cmap_data = _get_cmap_data(data, kwargs) colors = cmap(cmap_data) else: colors = kwargs.pop("color", None) _apply_xy_lims(ax, h1, data, kwargs) _add_ticks(ax, h1, kwargs) if errors: err_data = get_err_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) kwargs["yerr"] = err_data if "ecolor" not in kwargs: kwargs["ecolor"] = "black" _add_labels(ax, h1, kwargs) ax.bar(h1.bin_left_edges, data, h1.bin_widths, align="edge", label=label, color=colors, **kwargs) if show_values: _add_values(ax, h1, data, value_format=value_format) if show_stats: _add_stats_box(h1, ax) return ax
def scatter(h1, ax, errors=False, **kwargs): """Scatter plot of 1D histogram. Parameters ---------- h1: Histogram1D errors: bool Whether to draw error bars. Returns ------- plt.Axes """ show_stats = kwargs.pop("show_stats", False) show_values = kwargs.pop("show_values", False) density = kwargs.pop("density", False) cumulative = kwargs.pop("cumulative", False) value_format = kwargs.pop("value_format", None) data = get_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) # transformed = transform_data(data, kwargs) if "cmap" in kwargs: cmap = _get_cmap(kwargs) _, cmap_data = _get_cmap_data(data, kwargs) kwargs["color"] = cmap(cmap_data) else: kwargs["color"] = kwargs.pop("color", "blue") _apply_xy_lims(ax, h1, data, kwargs) _add_ticks(ax, h1, kwargs) _add_labels(ax, h1, kwargs) if errors: err_data = get_err_data(h1, cumulative=cumulative, density=density) ax.errorbar(h1.bin_centers, data, yerr=err_data, fmt=kwargs.pop("fmt", "o"), ecolor=kwargs.pop("ecolor", "black"), ms=0) ax.scatter(h1.bin_centers, data, **kwargs) if show_values: _add_values(ax, h1, data, value_format=value_format) if show_stats: _add_stats_box(h1, ax) return ax
def plot_pairs(samples, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None, **kwargs): """Plot pairwise relationships as a matrix with marginals on the diagonal. The y-axis of marginal histograms are scaled. Parameters ---------- samples : OrderedDict of np.arrays selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histograms. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ samples = _limit_params(samples, selector) shape = (len(samples), len(samples)) edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'none') dot_size = kwargs.pop('s', 2) kwargs['sharex'] = kwargs.get('sharex', 'col') kwargs['sharey'] = kwargs.get('sharey', 'row') axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs) for i1, k1 in enumerate(samples): min_samples = samples[k1].min() max_samples = samples[k1].max() for i2, k2 in enumerate(samples): if i1 == i2: # create a histogram with scaled y-axis hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(samples[k1], bins=bins) bar_width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] hist = (hist - hist.min()) * (max_samples - min_samples) / ( hist.max() - hist.min()) axes[i1, i2].bar(bin_edges[:-1], hist, bar_width, bottom=min_samples, **kwargs) else: axes[i1, i2].scatter( samples[k2], samples[k1], s=dot_size, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs) axes[i1, 0].set_ylabel(k1) axes[-1, i1].set_xlabel(k1) return axes
def plotPlate(selection, selectioncolors, platename): inch = 25.4 radius = 4.5/inch # diameter of 96 well plates is 9mm radiusc = 4/inch circles = dict() rows = 8 cols = 12 colsStr = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'] rowsStr = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'] rowsStr = rowsStr[::-1] fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(5, 8) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.],) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) ax.cla() plt.axis('equal') for xcord in range(0, cols): for ycord in range(0, rows): string = rowsStr[ycord]+colsStr[xcord] xpos = xcord*radius*2+radius ypos = ycord*radius*2+radius if string in selection: # circle = plt.Circle((xpos, ypos), radiusc, facecolor='black', edgecolor='black') circle = plt.Circle((xpos, ypos), radiusc, facecolor=selectioncolors[selection.index(string)], edgecolor='black') ax.text(xpos, ypos, string, fontsize=10, color='white', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') else: circle = plt.Circle((xpos, ypos), radiusc, facecolor='white', edgecolor='black') ax.add_artist(circle) # inner rectangle ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0, 0), cols*2*radius, rows*2*radius, fill=False)) # outer Rectangle ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((0-2*radius, 0), (cols+1)*2*radius, (rows+1)*2*radius, fill=False)) # add rows and columns for xcord in range(0, cols): ax.text(xcord*2*radius+radius, rows*2*radius+radius, colsStr[xcord], fontsize=10, color='black', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') for ycord in range(0, rows): ax.text(-radius, ycord*2*radius+radius, rowsStr[ycord], fontsize=10, color='black', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') ax.set_xlim([-2*radius, cols*2*radius]) ax.set_ylim([0, (rows+1)*2*radius]) plt.title(platename+' - '+str(len(selection))+' Staples') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) xsize = 13*2*radius ysize = 9*2*radius fig.set_size_inches(xsize, ysize) return fig
def _create_subplot(fig = None, layout = None, position = None, **subplot_args): if layout is None: layout = _newplot_settings['layout'] if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() n = len(fig.axes) n_rows, n_cols = (1, n+1) if layout in ('h', 'horizontal') else (n+1, 1) if layout in ('v', 'vertical') else \ vector_length_to_tile_dims(n+1) if layout in ('g', 'grid') else bad_value(layout) for i in range(n): fig.axes[i].change_geometry(n_rows, n_cols, i+1) for arg in ('sharex', 'sharey'): if isinstance(_newplot_settings[arg], plt.Axes): subplot_args[arg]=_newplot_settings[arg] ax = fig.add_subplot(n_rows, n_cols, n+1, **subplot_args) if _newplot_settings['xlabel'] is not None: ax.set_xlabel(_newplot_settings['xlabel']) if _newplot_settings['ylabel'] is not None: ax.set_ylabel(_newplot_settings['ylabel']) if _newplot_settings['xlim'] is not None: ax.set_xlim(_newplot_settings['xlim']) if _newplot_settings['ylim'] is not None: ax.set_ylim(_newplot_settings['ylim']) if _newplot_settings['grid']: plt.grid() for arg in ('sharex', 'sharey'): if _newplot_settings[arg] is True: _newplot_settings[arg]=ax if not _newplot_settings['show_x']: ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom='off') # ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if not _newplot_settings['show_y']: ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelleft='off') # ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) return ax