def draw_es(id_to_coords, connections, filename): fig = plt.figure() plt.axis([-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1]) fig.add_subplot(111) for c in connections: color = 'red' if c.weight > 0.0: color = 'black' plt.arrow(c.x1, c.y1, c.x2-c.x1, c.y2-c.y1, head_width=0.00, head_length=0.0, fc=color, ec=color, length_includes_head = True) for (coord, idx) in id_to_coords.iteritems(): plt.plot(coord[0], coord[1], marker='o', markersize=8.0, color='grey') plt.grid() fig.savefig(filename)
def plot(self, linewidth=None, startarrows=True, endarrows=True): """Plots the field line and arrows.""" if linewidth == None: linewidth = matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] x, y = zip(*self.x) pyplot.plot(x, y, '-k', linewidth=linewidth) n = int(len(x)/2) if len(x) < 225 else 75 if startarrows: pyplot.arrow(x[n], y[n], (x[n+1]-x[n])/100., (y[n+1]-y[n])/100., fc="k", ec="k", head_width=0.1*linewidth, head_length=0.1*linewidth) if len(x) < 225 or not endarrows: return pyplot.arrow(x[-n], y[-n], (x[-n+1]-x[-n])/100., (y[-n+1]-y[-n])/100., fc="k", ec="k", head_width=0.1*linewidth, head_length=0.1*linewidth)
def AddBuyOrSellArrow(self, x, y, buy=True): """""" if buy: plt.arrow(x, y, 1, 2) else: plt.arrow(x, y, 1, -2) # #?????x?y? ???? #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def drawArrow(A, B): plt.arrow(A[0], A[1], B[0]-A[0], B[1]-A[1], head_width=0.125, head_length=0.125)
def plot_particles(rosbag_name): bag = rosbag.Bag(rosbag_name, 'r') counter = 0 for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(): if topic == '/particle_filter': if counter <= 30: x_points = [] y_points = [] for i in range(len(msg.particles)): x_points.append(msg.particles[i].pose.x) y_points.append(msg.particles[i].pose.y) plt.plot(x_points, y_points, colors[counter % 5]) counter += 1 plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 50]) plt.gca().set_ylim([-35, 30]) plt.arrow(0, 0, 50, 0) plt.ylabel("y (m)") plt.xlabel("x (m)") #Title if len(sys.argv) > 2: title = sys.argv[2] else: title = "" plt.title(title) plt.show()
def visualize_values(mdp, values, policy, filename, title=None): states = mdp.states # print states plt.clf() m = max(states, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] + 1 n = max(states, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] + 1 data = np.zeros((m,n)) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): state = (i,j) if type(values) == dict: data[i][j] = values[state] else: # print values[i][j] data[i][j] = values[i][j] action = policy[state] ## if using all_reachable actions, pick the best one if type(action) == tuple: action = action[0] if action != None: x, y, w, h = arrow(i, j, action) plt.arrow(x,y,w,h,head_length=0.4,head_width=0.4,fc='k',ec='k') heatmap = plt.pcolor(data, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet')) plt.colorbar() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() if title: plt.title(title) plt.savefig(filename + '.png') # print data
def arrow(i, j, action): ## up, down, left, right ## x, y, w, h arrows = {0: (.5,.95,0,-.4), 1: (.5,.05,0,.4), 2: (.95,.5,-.4,0), 3: (.05,.5,.4,0)} arrow = arrows[action] return j+arrow[0], i+arrow[1], arrow[2], arrow[3]
def view(self,bondselect=None,termselect=None,pidon=True,bonddr='+',show=True,suspend=False,close=True): ''' View the index packs of the terms on the bonds. Parameters ---------- bondselect : callable, optional The select function of the bonds. termselect : callable, optional The select function of the terms. pidon : logical, optional True for showing the pids of the points of the bonds. bonddr : '+'/'-', optional The direction of the bonds. show : logical, optional True for showing the view and False for not. suspend : logical, optional True for suspending the view and False for not. close : logical, optional True for closing the view and False for not. ''' plt.axis('off') plt.axis('equal') xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin=0,0,0,0 points,font=set(),FontProperties(style='italic',weight='bold',size='large') for bond in self.bonds: assert len(bond.rcoord)==2 for i,point in enumerate([bond.spoint,bond.epoint]): pid=point.pid xmax,xmin=max(xmax,point.rcoord[0]),min(xmin,point.rcoord[0]) ymax,ymin=max(ymax,point.rcoord[1]),min(ymin,point.rcoord[1]) if pid not in points: x,y=point.rcoord if i==0 else point.rcoord-bond.icoord plt.scatter(x,y,zorder=2,alpha=0.5) if pidon: plt.text(x,y,'%s%s'%('' if pid.scope is None else '%s*'%pid.scope,pid.site),color='blue',horizontalalignment='center',fontproperties=font) points.add(point.pid) if bondselect is None or bondselect(bond): assert bonddr in ('+','-') (x,y),(dx,dy)=(bond.spoint.rcoord,bond.rcoord) if bonddr=='+' else (bond.epoint.rcoord,bond.reversed.rcoord) if nl.norm(bond.rcoord)>RZERO: plt.arrow(x,y,dx,dy,ls='--' if nl.norm(bond.icoord)>RZERO else '-',lw=2,color='red',length_includes_head=True,alpha=0.5) packs=[term.strrep(bond,self.config) for term in it.chain(self.terms['const'],self.terms['alter']) if termselect is None or termselect(term)] if len(packs)>0: plt.text(x+dx/2,y+dy/2,'\n'.join(sorted(packs,key=len)),color='green',horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',fontproperties=font) plt.xlim([xmin-(xmax-xmin)*0.30,xmax+(xmax-xmin)*0.30]) plt.ylim([ymin-(ymax-ymin)*0.30,ymax+(ymax-ymin)*0.30]) if show and suspend: plt.show() if show and not suspend: plt.pause(1) if close: plt.close()
def plot_gps(self, topic_data): print 'Plotting gps...' x_points = [] y_points = [] #Processes each message. for msg_time in topic_data['/navsat/fix']: msg = msg_time[0] x, y = self.gps_to_meters(msg.latitude, msg.longitude) #Appends gps reading only if it differs from last one. if len(x_points) == 0 or not (x == x_points[len(x_points) - 1] and y == y_points[len(y_points) - 1]): x_points.append(x) y_points.append(y) #Gets heading estimates from GPS. theta_points = self.get_heading_from_gps_points(x_points, y_points) #Plots heading. plt.plot(range(len(theta_points)), theta_points) plt.show() #Places map overlay on graph if needed. if not self.map_img_file == None: plt.imshow(self.map_img_file, zorder=0, extent=[0.0, self.width, 0.0, self.height]) #Plots arrows. for i in range(len(x_points)): x = x_points[i] y = y_points[i] theta = theta_points[i] length = 1 x_len = math.cos(theta) y_len = math.sin(theta) plt.arrow(x, y, x_len, y_len, fc = 'k', ec = 'k', head_width = 0.1, head_length = 0.1) plt.show() #Plots points. plt.plot(x_points, y_points, 'ro') plt.show()