def set_ticks(self, ticks, update_ticks=True): """ set tick locations. Tick locations are updated immediately unless update_ticks is *False*. To manually update the ticks, call *update_ticks* method explicitly. """ if cbook.iterable(ticks): self.locator = ticker.FixedLocator(ticks, nbins=len(ticks)) else: self.locator = ticks if update_ticks: self.update_ticks()
def set_ticklabels(self, ticklabels, update_ticks=True): """ set tick labels. Tick labels are updated immediately unless update_ticks is *False*. To manually update the ticks, call *update_ticks* method explicitly. """ if isinstance(self.locator, ticker.FixedLocator): self.formatter = ticker.FixedFormatter(ticklabels) if update_ticks: self.update_ticks() else: warnings.warn("set_ticks() must have been called.")
def __init__(self, ax, mappable, **kw): # Ensure the given mappable's norm has appropriate vmin and vmax set # even if mappable.draw has not yet been called. mappable.autoscale_None() self.mappable = mappable kw['cmap'] = cmap = mappable.cmap kw['norm'] = norm = mappable.norm if isinstance(mappable, contour.ContourSet): CS = mappable kw['alpha'] = mappable.get_alpha() kw['boundaries'] = CS._levels kw['values'] = CS.cvalues kw['extend'] = CS.extend #kw['ticks'] = CS._levels kw.setdefault('ticks', ticker.FixedLocator(CS.levels, nbins=10)) kw['filled'] = CS.filled ColorbarBase.__init__(self, ax, **kw) if not CS.filled: self.add_lines(CS) else: if getattr(cmap, 'colorbar_extend', False) is not False: kw.setdefault('extend', cmap.colorbar_extend) if isinstance(mappable, martist.Artist): kw['alpha'] = mappable.get_alpha() ColorbarBase.__init__(self, ax, **kw)
def residuals_plot(ax, names, residuals, xl, yl, ylim=None, xticks=None, xlabelpad=None, ylabelpad=None): x = np.arange(len(names)) y = [] for name in names: y.append(residuals[name][1]) # Set the axes ranges and axes labels ax.set_xlabel(xl, labelpad=xlabelpad) ax.set_ylabel(yl, labelpad=ylabelpad) if ylim is None: y_min = min(y) ax.set_ylim(y_min - y_min * 0.15, 1) else: ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, x[-1] + 0.5) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(x)) ax.grid(False, which='major', axis='x') bars = ax.bar(x, y, align='center', width=0.8, facecolor=PRIM+(0.5,), edgecolor=EC) # labels = ['$\mathsf{%s: R}^2 = %.3f$' % ( # name.replace('-', '\!\operatorname{-}\!'), r) for name, r in zip(names, y)] labels = ['$\mathsf{R}^2 = %.3f$' %r for r in y] autolabel(ax, bars, labels) if xticks is None: plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, rotation='vertical')
def __init__(self, mappable, **kw): # Ensure the given mappable's norm has appropriate vmin and vmax set # even if mappable.draw has not yet been called. mappable.autoscale_None() self.mappable = mappable kw['cmap'] = cmap = mappable.cmap kw['norm'] = mappable.norm if isinstance(mappable, contour.ContourSet): CS = mappable kw['alpha'] = mappable.get_alpha() kw['boundaries'] = CS._levels kw['values'] = CS.cvalues kw['extend'] = CS.extend #kw['ticks'] = CS._levels kw.setdefault('ticks', ticker.FixedLocator(CS.levels, nbins=10)) kw['filled'] = CS.filled else: if getattr(cmap, 'colorbar_extend', False) is not False: kw.setdefault('extend', cmap.colorbar_extend) if isinstance(mappable, Artist): kw['alpha'] = mappable.get_alpha() ticks = kw.pop('ticks', None) ticklabels = kw.pop('ticklabels', None) self._base = ColorbarBase2(None, **kw) if ticks: self._base.set_ticks(ticks, update_ticks=False) if ticks and ticklabels: self._base.set_ticklabels(ticklabels, update_ticks=False)
def setLineSensor(self): try: self.compressLabel(self.sensorList) x1=[] x1pos=[] labels1=[] j = -1 x1pos.append(0) labels1.append('') # self.setTestData() for i in self.sensorList: if i.startX > j: x1.append(i.startX) j = i.startX x1.append(i.stopX) x1pos.append(i.labelPos) labels1.append(i.label) self.par1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self.par1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(x1pos)) self.par1.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter(labels1)) self.par1.xaxis.set_ticks(x1) except Exception as _err: print(_err) logging.exception(_err) pass
def setLineRBW(self): self.compressLabel(self.rbwList) try: x1 = [] x1pos = [] labels1 = [] j = -1 x1pos.append(0) labels1.append('') # self.setTestData() for i in self.rbwList: if i.startX > j: x1.append(i.startX) j = i.startX x1.append(i.stopX) x1pos.append(i.labelPos) labels1.append(i.label) # self.par2.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 50)) # self.par2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # self.par2.set_xscale('log') self.par2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self.par2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(x1pos)) self.par2.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter(labels1)) self.par2.xaxis.set_ticks(x1) self.par2.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor',length=1,direction='out', pad=5, labelbottom='on') self.par2.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major',length=10,direction='out', pad=5,labelbottom='on') except Exception as _err: print(_err) logging.exception(_err)
def set_longitude_grid(self, degrees): """ Set the number of degrees between each longitude grid. """ number = (360.0 / degrees) + 1 locs = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, number, True)[1:] locs[-1] -= 0.01 # Workaround for "back" gridlines showing. self.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs)) self._logitude_degrees = degrees self.xaxis.set_major_formatter(self.ThetaFormatter(degrees))
def plot_loop(self, data, it): """ The actual function that updates the data in the plot initialized in :meth:`~.init` :param data: The data that is recorded with :class:`~.PlotRecorder`. It can be a just a vector with one binary value (0 or 1) for every spike source you want to plot (in which case the iteration number is used on the x axis) OR a 2-D tuple with the first value containing the vector of spikes to plot as above and the second value containing the corresponding x value. :param it: The iteration number (independent of the actual x value) :return: """ if not isinstance(data, tuple): spikes = data x = it elif len(data) == 2 and isinstance(data, tuple): spikes, x = data else: logger.error("Data is a tuple with too many values (should be at most 2): data: %s", data) raise RuntimeError() logger.debug("Plotting %s in %s", self.var_name, self.entity_name) assert len(spikes.shape) == 1, "The spikes variable should be a vector, one for each source." \ "But its shape is {} at {}".format(spikes.shape, x) assert np.logical_or(spikes == 0, spikes == 1).all(), "Spike data should be either or 1" sps = spikes * (np.arange(len(spikes)) + 1) sps[sps == 0.] = -10 self.spikes_list.append(sps) self.xs.append(x) if it == 0 and self.lines == []: n_y = len(spikes) for _ in range(n_y): l, = self.ax.plot([], [], marker='.', linestyle='none', color='b', **self.plot_kwargs) self.lines.append(l) self.ax.set_ylim(1, len(spikes) + 1) self.ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator([0, len(spikes) + 1])) if it > 0 and it % self.plot_frequency == 0: spike_list_arr = np.array(self.spikes_list) for j, l in enumerate(self.lines): l.set_data(self.xs, spike_list_arr[:, j]) self.ax.set_xlim(self.xs[-1] - 100, self.xs[-1]) self.ax.relim()
def _plot_sections(ax1, ax3, ax4, sections): if sections is not None: sec_labels = [] sec_locs = [] xgrid_locs = [] unique_sections = list(set(s['name'] for s in sections)) cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') colors = [cmap(i) for i in np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_sections))] for sec in sections: # get the time interval tt = sec['time'] dur = tt[1] - tt[0] xgrid_locs += tt # add the boundaries to grid locations # get the plot limits ylim = ax3.get_ylim() # get the color code for the section clr = colors[unique_sections.index(sec['name'])] # create the rectangle p = patches.Rectangle((tt[0], ylim[0]), dur, ylim[1], alpha=0.3, facecolor=clr, edgecolor='black') ax4.add_patch(p) sec_labels.append(sec['name']) sec_locs.append(np.mean(tt)) # styling ax4.set_xticks(sec_locs) ax4.set_xticklabels(sec_labels, rotation=-15) ax1.set_xticks(xgrid_locs, minor=True) ax1.xaxis.grid(True, which='minor') ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator( xgrid_locs, nbins=len(xgrid_locs) / 2 + 1)) plt.setp(ax4.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax4.set_xlim(ax3.get_xlim()) else: # no section labels plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
def get_axis_properties(axis): """Return the property dictionary for a matplotlib.Axis instance""" props = {} label1On = axis._major_tick_kw.get('label1On', True) if isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.XAxis): if label1On: props['position'] = "bottom" else: props['position'] = "top" elif isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.YAxis): if label1On: props['position'] = "left" else: props['position'] = "right" else: raise ValueError("{0} should be an Axis instance".format(axis)) # Use tick values if appropriate locator = axis.get_major_locator() props['nticks'] = len(locator()) if isinstance(locator, ticker.FixedLocator): props['tickvalues'] = list(locator()) else: props['tickvalues'] = None # Find tick formats formatter = axis.get_major_formatter() if isinstance(formatter, ticker.NullFormatter): props['tickformat'] = "" elif not any(label.get_visible() for label in axis.get_ticklabels()): props['tickformat'] = "" else: props['tickformat'] = None # Get axis scale props['scale'] = axis.get_scale() # Get major tick label size (assumes that's all we really care about!) labels = axis.get_ticklabels() if labels: props['fontsize'] = labels[0].get_fontsize() else: props['fontsize'] = None # Get associated grid props['grid'] = get_grid_style(axis) return props
def _ticker(self): ''' Return two sequences: ticks (colorbar data locations) and ticklabels (strings). ''' locator = self.locator formatter = self.formatter if locator is None: if self.boundaries is None: if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): nv = len(self._values) base = 1 + int(nv / 10) locator = ticker.IndexLocator(base=base, offset=0) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.BoundaryNorm): b = self.norm.boundaries locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.LogNorm): locator = ticker.LogLocator() else: locator = ticker.MaxNLocator() else: b = self._boundaries[self._inside] locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): intv = self._values[0], self._values[-1] else: intv = self.vmin, self.vmax locator.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) formatter.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) locator.set_view_interval(*intv) locator.set_data_interval(*intv) formatter.set_view_interval(*intv) formatter.set_data_interval(*intv) b = np.array(locator()) ticks = self._locate(b) inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001) ticks = ticks[inrange] b = b[inrange] formatter.set_locs(b) ticklabels = [formatter(t, i) for i, t in enumerate(b)] offset_string = formatter.get_offset() return ticks, ticklabels, offset_string
def _ticker(self): ''' Return the sequence of ticks (colorbar data locations), ticklabels (strings), and the corresponding offset string. ''' locator = self.locator formatter = self.formatter if locator is None: if self.boundaries is None: if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): nv = len(self._values) base = 1 + int(nv / 10) locator = ticker.IndexLocator(base=base, offset=0) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.BoundaryNorm): b = self.norm.boundaries locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) elif isinstance(self.norm, colors.LogNorm): locator = ticker.LogLocator() else: locator = ticker.MaxNLocator() else: b = self._boundaries[self._inside] locator = ticker.FixedLocator(b, nbins=10) if isinstance(self.norm, colors.NoNorm): intv = self._values[0], self._values[-1] else: intv = self.vmin, self.vmax locator.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) formatter.create_dummy_axis(minpos=intv[0]) locator.set_view_interval(*intv) locator.set_data_interval(*intv) formatter.set_view_interval(*intv) formatter.set_data_interval(*intv) b = np.array(locator()) ticks = self._locate(b) inrange = (ticks > -0.001) & (ticks < 1.001) ticks = ticks[inrange] b = b[inrange] formatter.set_locs(b) ticklabels = [formatter(t, i) for i, t in enumerate(b)] offset_string = formatter.get_offset() return ticks, ticklabels, offset_string
def setLineAMP(self): self.compressLabel(self.ampList) try: x1 = [] x1pos = [] labels1 = [] j = -1 x1pos.append(0) labels1.append('') # self.setTestData() for i in self.ampList: if i.startX > j: x1.append(i.startX) j = i.startX x1.append(i.stopX) x1pos.append(i.labelPos) labels1.append(i.label) if not self.line2TextFlag: # self.par3.text(-0.05,-0.33,"amp",horizontalalignment='left',transform=self.host.transAxes) # self.par3.text(-0.05,-0.40,"att",horizontalalignment='left',transform=self.host.transAxes) # self.par3.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 90)) self.par3.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') self.par3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self.par3.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self.par3.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor',length=1,direction='in', pad=-10, labelbottom='on') self.par3.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major',length=10,direction='in', pad=-20,labelbottom='on') self.line2TextFlag = True self.par3.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(x1pos)) self.par3.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter(labels1)) self.par3.xaxis.set_ticks(x1) #set color for autorange indication _Ret = self.par3.xaxis.get_minorticklabels() n = 0 for i in _Ret: if self.ampList[n].color =='r': i._color = 'r' #sorry, found no other access if n < len(self.ampList) - 1: n += 1 except Exception as _err: print(_err) logging.exception(_err) pass
def setLineATT(self): self.compressLabel(self.attList) try: x1 = [] x1pos = [] labels1 = [] j = -1 x1pos.append(0) labels1.append('') # self.setTestData() for i in self.attList: if i.startX > j: x1.append(i.startX) j = i.startX x1.append(i.stopX) x1pos.append(i.labelPos) labels1.append(i.label) # self.par4.spines["bottom"].set_position(("outward", 90)) # self.par4.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # # self.par1.set_xlim(1e3,1e9) # self.par4.set_xscale('log') self.par4.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self.par4.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(x1pos)) self.par4.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FixedFormatter(labels1)) self.par4.xaxis.set_ticks(x1) self.par4.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor',length=1,direction='out', pad=5, labelbottom='on') self.par4.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major',length=10,direction='out', pad=5,labelbottom='on') _Ret = self.par4.xaxis.get_minorticklabels() n = 0 for i in _Ret: if self.attList[n].color =='r': i._color = 'red' if n < len(self.attList) - 1: n += 1 # self.signalGraphUpdate.emit() except Exception as _err: print(_err) logging.exception(_err) pass