def _maintained_selection_context(): """Maintain selection during context Example: >>> scene = cmds.file(new=True, force=True) >>> node = cmds.createNode("transform", name="Test") >>> cmds.select("persp") >>> with maintained_selection(): ... cmds.select("Test", replace=True) >>> "Test" in cmds.ls(selection=True) False """ previous_selection = cmds.ls(selection=True) try: yield finally: if previous_selection: cmds.select(previous_selection, replace=True, noExpand=True) else: cmds.select(deselect=True, noExpand=True)
def _clone(worldspace=False): """Clone selected objects in viewport Arguments: worldspace (bool): Whether or not to append a transformGeometry to resulting clone. """ clones = list() for node in cmds.ls(selection=True, long=True): shape = _find_shape(node) type = cmds.nodeType(shape) if type not in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"): cmds.warning("Skipping '{node}': cannot clone nodes " "of type '{type}'".format(**locals())) continue cloned = commands.clone(shape, worldspace=worldspace) clones.append(cloned) if not clones: return # Select newly created transform nodes in the viewport transforms = list() for clone in clones: transform = cmds.listRelatives(clone, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0] transforms.append(transform) cmds.select(transforms, replace=True)
def make_planar(joints): for joint in joints: parent = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True) if not parent: log.warning('Cannot make %s planar because it does not have a parent.', joint) continue children = _unparent_children(joint) if not children: log.warning('Cannot make %s planar because it does not have any children.', joint) continue cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(children[0], joint, aim=(1, 0, 0), u=(0, 1, 0), worldUpType='object', worldUpObject=parent[0])) cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def make_position_planar(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint') if len(sel) <= 3: raise RuntimeError('Select 3 joints to make a plane and then additional joints to move onto that plane.') a, b, c = [get_position(sel[i]) for i in range(3)] ab = (b - a).normal() ac = (c - a).normal() normal = (ab ^ ac).normal() joints = sel[3:] for joint in joints: children = _unparent_children(joint) p = get_position(joint) pa = a - p dot = pa*normal p = p + (normal*dot) cmds.xform(joint, ws=True, t=(p.x, p.y, p.z)) _reparent_children(joint, children) if sel: cmds.select(sel)
def align_with_child(joints): """Aligns the up axis of the given joints with their respective child joint. @param joints: List of joints to orient. """ for joint in joints: children = _unparent_children(joint) if children: cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(children[0], joint, aim=(1, 0, 0), upVector=(0, 1, 0), worldUpType="objectrotation", worldUpVector=(0, 1, 0), worldUpObject=children[0])) cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def orient_to_world(joints): """Orients the given joints with the world. @param joints: Joints to orient. """ for joint in joints: children = _unparent_children(joint) print children parent = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True) orig_joint = joint.split('|')[-1] if parent: joint = cmds.parent(joint, world=True)[0] cmds.joint(joint, e=True, oj='none', zso=True) if parent: joint = cmds.parent(joint, parent)[0] print 'Renaming {0} to {1}'.format(joint, orig_joint) joint = cmds.rename(joint, orig_joint) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def create_selected(self): """Create the curves selected in the curve list.""" curves = [] sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) target = sel[0] if sel else None for item in self.control_list.selectedItems(): text = item.text() control_file = os.path.join(CONTROLS_DIRECTORY, '{0}.json'.format(text)) fh = open(control_file, 'r') data = json.load(fh) fh.close() curve = create_curve(data) if target: cmds.delete(cmds.parentConstraint(target, curve)) curves.append(curve) if curves: cmds.select(curves)
def setUp(self): self.group = cmds.createNode('transform', name='skeleton_grp') cmds.select(cl=True) j1 = cmds.joint(p=(0, 10, 0)) cmds.joint(p=(1, 9, 0)) cmds.joint(p=(2, 8, 0)) j = cmds.joint(p=(3, 9, 0)) cmds.joint(p=(4, 6, 0)) cmds.joint(p=(5, 5, 0)) cmds.joint(p=(6, 3, 0)) self.cube = cmds.polyCube()[0] cmds.parent(self.cube, j) cmds.parent(j1, self.group) self.translates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.t'.format(x))[0] for x in cmds.ls(type='joint')] self.rotates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.r'.format(x))[0] for x in cmds.ls(type='joint')] self.orients = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.jo'.format(x))[0] for x in cmds.ls(type='joint')]
def doit(radius=5., num=36): cmds.loadPlugin('rotationDriver', qt=True) node = cmds.createNode('composeRotate') node_or = node + '.outRotate' node_h = node + '.bendH' node_v = node + '.bendV' shiftX = radius * 1.25 top0 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotStereoProj', radius, num) cmds.setAttr(top0 + '.tx', -shiftX) cmds.setAttr(node + '.method', 1) top1 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotExpmap', radius, num) cmds.setAttr(top1 + '.tx', shiftX) cmds.delete(node) cmds.select([top0, top1])
def WeaponBinder(): # Call of Duty specific for x in xrange(0, len(GUN_BASE_TAGS)): try: # Select both tags and parent them cmds.select(GUN_BASE_TAGS[x], replace = True) cmds.select(VIEW_HAND_TAGS[x], toggle = True) # Connect cmds.connectJoint(connectMode = True) # Parent mel.eval("parent " + GUN_BASE_TAGS[x] + " " + VIEW_HAND_TAGS[x]) # Reset the positions of both bones cmds.setAttr(GUN_BASE_TAGS[x] + ".t", 0, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr(GUN_BASE_TAGS[x] + ".jo", 0, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr(GUN_BASE_TAGS[x] + ".rotate", 0, 0, 0) # Reset the rotation of the parent tag cmds.setAttr(VIEW_HAND_TAGS[x] + ".jo", 0, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr(VIEW_HAND_TAGS[x] + ".rotate", 0, 0, 0) # Remove cmds.select(clear = True) except: pass # Place a notetrack
def SelectKeyframes(): # Clear current selection cmds.select(clear=True) # Get a list of bones boneList = cmds.ls(type = 'joint') # Iterate and select ones with frames on loc/rot/scale for bone in boneList: # Check for loc keysTranslate = cmds.keyframe(bone + ".translate", query=True, timeChange=True) keysRotate = cmds.keyframe(bone + ".rotate", query=True, timeChange=True) keysScale = cmds.keyframe(bone + ".scale", query=True, timeChange=True) # Check for frames if keysTranslate is not None: if len(keysTranslate) >= 1: cmds.select(bone, add=True) if keysRotate is not None: if len(keysRotate) >= 1: cmds.select(bone, add=True) if keysScale is not None: if len(keysScale) >= 1: cmds.select(bone, add=True) # Cleans namespaces
def populateCrvField(tfgKey="", *args): if tfgKey not in ["cntrPivTFBG", "cntrPiv2TFBG", "upLoc2TFBG", "upLocTFBG"]: sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if sel and len(sel)!=1: cmds.warning("only select the curve you want to rig up!") else: if rig.isType(sel[0], "nurbsCurve"): cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets[tfgKey], e=True, tx=sel[0]) else: cmds.warning("That's not a curve!") else: sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if sel and len(sel)!=1: cmds.warning("only select the object you want to rig up!") else: cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets[tfgKey], e=True, tx=sel[0]) if tfgKey == "upLocTFBG": cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets["upLoc2TFBG"], e=True, tx=sel[0]) if tfgKey == "cntrPivTFBG": cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets["cntrPiv2TFBG"], e=True, tx=sel[0])
def scale_the_objects(scaleVal, *args): """ does the scaling bits """ sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel: for obj in sel: if (rig.isType(obj, "nurbsSurface")) or (rig.isType(obj, "nurbsCurve")): piv = cmds.xform(obj, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) cvs = cmds.select((obj + ".cv[*]")) cmds.scale(scaleVal, scaleVal, scaleVal, cvs, pivot=piv) elif rig.isType(obj, "mesh"): piv = cmds.xform(obj, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) vs = cmds.select((obj + ".vtx[*]")) cmds.scale(scaleVal, scaleVal, scaleVal, vs, pivot=piv) else: cmds.warning("{0} isn't a nurbs or poly object, so it was skipped".format(obj)) # clear and reselect all if sel: cmds.select(cl=True) cmds.select(sel) return (True) return (False)
def reparameter(*args): """ reparameterizes curves to be from 0-1 Args: Returns: """ sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, exactType = "transform") check = False newCrvs = [] if sel: for x in sel: check = rig.isType(x, "nurbsCurve") if check: crv = x newCrv = cmds.rebuildCurve(crv, constructionHistory=False, rebuildType = 0, keepControlPoints=True, keepRange = 0, replaceOriginal=True, name = "{0}_RB".format(crv))[0] # reconnect parents and children of orig curve else: cmds.warning("{0} is not a nurbsCurve object. Skipping!".format(x)) cmds.select(sel, r=True)
def align_along_curve(*args): """ aligns and objet along a curve at given param Args: *args: Returns: void """ sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if len(sel) != 2: cmds.warning("You need to select curve then object to align!") return() crv = sel[0] obj = sel[1] if not rig.isType(crv, "nurbsCurve"): cmds.warning("select curve first, THEN object") return() param = cmds.floatFieldGrp(widgets["alExFFG"], q=True, v1=True) rig.align_to_curve(crv, obj, param)
def preciseRemovePercent(keepNum, *args): """selects the exact amount of things to remove and randomly selects which from the selection list""" sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, fl=True) remNum = (100.0-keepNum)/100.0 remCount = int(remNum*len(sel)) count = 0 ch = [] if sel: while len(ch)<remCount: x = random.choice(sel) if x not in ch: ch.append(x) newSel = [g for g in sel if g not in ch] cmds.select(newSel, r=True) print len(newSel), "objects remaining"
def selectComponents(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if sel: for obj in sel: shape = cmds.listRelatives(obj, s=True)[0] if cmds.objectType(shape) == "nurbsCurve": cmds.select(cmds.ls("{}.cv[*]".format(obj), fl=True)) elif cmds.objectType(shape) == "mesh": cmds.select(cmds.ls("{}.vtx[*]".format(obj), fl=True)) else: return
def capReplace(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel < 2: cmds.warning("You don't have two things selected (cap and one ctrl minimum)!") return newCap = sel[0] ctrls = sel[1:] for ctrl in ctrls: oldCap = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.capRig".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] dupe = rig.swapDupe(newCap, oldCap, delete=True, name=oldCap) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.rotateCap".format(ctrl), "{0}.rotateY".format(dupe)) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.message".format(dupe), "{0}.capRig".format(ctrl)) cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(dupe), 1) # if not already, parent cap replace obj in folder and hide par = cmds.listRelatives(newCap, p=True) if not par or par[0] != "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp": cmds.parent(newCap, "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp") cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(newCap), 0) cmds.select(ctrls, r=True)
def addBaseCap(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel < 2: cmds.warning("You don't have two things selected (cap and one ctrl minimum)!") return newCap = sel[0] ctrls = sel[1:] for ctrl in ctrls: tempCap = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.tempBaseCap".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] dupe = rig.swapDupe(newCap, tempCap, delete=True, name="{0}_baseCap".format(ctrl)) cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(dupe), 1) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.rotateBaseCap".format(ctrl), "{0}.rotateY".format(dupe)) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.message".format(dupe), "{0}.tempBaseCap".format(ctrl)) # if not already, parent cap replace obj in folder and hide par = cmds.listRelatives(newCap, p=True) if not par or par[0] != "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp": cmds.parent(newCap, "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp") cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(newCap), 0) cmds.select(ctrls, r=True)
def groupOrient(target='none',orig='none', group="GRP"): """ groups the second object and snaps the group to the second (point and orient). The group arg is to name the suffix you want the group to have (default is '_GRP') Arguments: target (to be constrained to), orig (obj to move), group (suffix for group) """ if (target == "none"): sel = getTwoSelection() target = sel[0] orig = sel[1] cmds.select(orig) grpName = "%s_%s"%(orig,group) cmds.group(name=grpName) pc = cmds.pointConstraint(target, grpName) oc = cmds.orientConstraint(target, grpName) cmds.delete(pc) cmds.delete(oc) cmds.select(clear=True) return(grpName)
def import_animation(*args): """imports the anim (from rand selection of list items) onto selected objs""" lo, hi = cmds.intFieldGrp(widgets["rangeIFG"], q=True, v=True) rand = cmds.radioButtonGrp(widgets["randRBG"], q=True, sl=True) clips = cmds.textScrollList(widgets["animTSL"], q=True, si=True) path = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets["impPathTFG"], q=True, tx=True) options = {"targetTime":3, "time": 1, "option":"insert", "connect":1} delKeys = cmds.checkBoxGrp(widgets["delCBG"], q=True, v1=True) sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) for obj in sel: startF = cmds.currentTime(q=True) if rand == 1: startF = random.randint(lo, hi) cmds.currentTime(startF) if delKeys: delete_later_keys(obj, startF) cmds.select(obj, r=True) myClip = random.choice(clips) animPath = "{0}/{1}".format(path, myClip) cmds.file(animPath, i = True, type = "animImport", ignoreVersion = True, options = "targetTime={0};time={1};copies=1;option={2};pictures=0;connect={3};".format(options["targetTime"], startF, options["option"], options["connect"]), preserveReferences=True) cmds.select(sel, r=True)
def follicleUI(*args): """UI for the script""" if cmds.window("folWin", exists=True): cmds.deleteUI("folWin") widgets["win"] = cmds.window("folWin", t="zbw_makeFollicle", w=300, h=100) widgets["mainCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout() # widgets["polyFrame"] = cmds.frameLayout(l="Polygon Vert(s) Follicle") # widgets["polyCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout() widgets["text"] = cmds.text("Select one or two vertices (2 will get avg position) and run") widgets["nameTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(l="FollicleName:", cal=([1, "left"],[2,"left"]), cw=([1,100],[2,200]), tx="follicle") cmds.separator(h=10) widgets["button"] = cmds.button(w=300, h=50, bgc=(0.6,.8,.6), l="Add follicle to vert(s)", c=getUV) # cmds.setParent(widgets["mainCLO"]) # widgets["nurbsFrame"] = cmds.frameLayout(l="Nurbs select") cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"]) cmds.window(widgets["win"], e=True, w=300, h=100) #-------could also select edit point???? #-------multiple selection and average uv position? Orrrr option to create multiple UV's, one on each vertex #-------grab an edge and convert to 2 verts and get average. . . #-------have option for distributed (select 2 verts and number of follicles, spread that num between the two uv positions)
def addObjectsToScrollList(objs): """puts the list of things in the textScrollList""" clearScrollList() stringSearch = cmds.checkBox(widgets["stringMatchCB"], q=True, v=True) searchText = "" checkedObjs = [] if stringSearch: searchText = getSearchText() if stringSearch and searchText: for obj in objs: # check if the string is in the name of obj if searchText.lower() in obj.lower(): checkedObjs.append(obj) else: checkedObjs = objs for x in checkedObjs: #---------------- here add rt click functions to select all shapes or select transform (if shape) cmds.textScrollList(widgets["resultsTSL"], e=True, a=x, doubleClickCommand=selectItemInList)
def bevelEdges(*args): """select obj, this will randomly bevel some edges""" cutoffRaw = cmds.intSliderGrp(widgets["bpercISG"], q=True, v=True) cutoff = cutoffRaw/100.0 sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) for obj in sel: edges = cmds.ls("%s.e[*]"%obj, fl=True) bevelList = [] for edge in edges: rand = random.uniform(0,1) if rand <= cutoff: bevelList.append(edge) cmds.select(cl=True) cmds.select(bevelList, r=True) cmds.polyBevel(fraction = .5, offset = .05) cmds.select(sel, r=True)
def getAttr(*args): """grabs the selected channel from the selected obj and puts the enum values into the list""" #--------here could require a channel of a specific name, then you could do it automagically (check for "follow", "spaces", "space", "ss", etc) obj = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["objTFG"], q=True, tx=True) cmds.select(obj, r=True) channels = cmds.channelBox ('mainChannelBox', query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) print channels if (channels and (len(channels)==1)): if (cmds.attributeQuery(channels[0], node=obj, enum=True)): enumValue = cmds.attributeQuery(channels[0], node=obj, listEnum=True) values = enumValue[0].split(":") for value in values: cmds.textScrollList(widgets["spacesTSL"], e=True, append=value) #----------create a button for each one??? #----------or have them be double clicked??? else: cmds.warning("select only the enum space switch channel")
def get_source_and_targets(*args): """ checks current selection, first sel is source, remaining are targets args: None Return: list (string, list): [0] is the source, [1] is the list of targets or None """ sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if sel and len(sel) > 1: src = sel[0] tgts = sel[1:] return (src, tgts) else: cmds.warning("You need to select at least two objects!") return (None, None)
def locked_attr(*args): """ creates a locked attr (I use as a separator). Uses the long name as the nice name (literal name in channel box) """ attrName = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets["lockAttrTFBG"], q=True, tx=True) if attrName: sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if sel: for obj in sel: try: cmds.addAttr(obj, ln=attrName, nn=attrName, at="enum", en="-----", k=True) cmds.setAttr("%s.%s" % (obj, attrName), l=True) except: cmds.warning("Failed to add %s to %s, skipping!" % (attrName, obj)) else: cmds.warning("Please select some objects to add attr to!") else: cmds.warning("Please enter a name for the attr!")
def add_zero_one_attribute(attrType, *args): """ adds an attribute with range of 0 to 1 to each selected obj :param attrType: either "short" or "float" :param args: :return: """ sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) if not sel: cmds.warning("You need to select an object add attrs to!") return() attrName = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["newAttrTFG"], q=True, tx=True) if not attrName: cmds.warning("Please enter a name for the attribute in the field!") return() for obj in sel: try: cmds.addAttr(obj, ln=attrName, at=attrType, min=0, max=1, dv=0, k=True) except: cmds.warning("Couldn't add attr: {0} to object: {1}. Skipping.".format(attrName, obj))
def maintained_selection(): """Maintain selection during context Example: >>> scene = cmds.file(new=True, force=True) >>> node = cmds.createNode("transform", name="Test") >>> cmds.select("persp") >>> with maintained_selection(): ... cmds.select("Test", replace=True) >>> "Test" in cmds.ls(selection=True) False """ previous_selection = cmds.ls(selection=True) try: yield finally: if previous_selection: cmds.select(previous_selection, replace=True, noExpand=True) else: cmds.select(deselect=True, noExpand=True)
def get_goz_objs(): """Grab meshes from selection, filter out extraneous DAG objects and freeze transforms on objects. """ objs = cmds.ls(selection=True, type='mesh', dag=True) if objs: xforms = cmds.listRelatives(objs, parent=True, fullPath=True) # freeze transform cmds.makeIdentity(xforms, apply=True, t=1, r=1, s=1, n=0) cmds.select(xforms) objs = cmds.ls(selection=True) return objs #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Renaming #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getRootAndCOM(node): ''' Given either the root or COM, return root and COM based on connections. ''' com = None root = None if mc.attributeQuery(COM_ATTR, node=node, exists=True): com = node messageCon = mc.listConnections(com+'.'+COM_ATTR, source=True, destination=False) if not messageCon: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine root from COM, please select root and run again.') root = messageCon[0] else: messageCon = mc.listConnections(node+'.message', source=False, destination=True, plugs=True) if messageCon: for each in messageCon: eachNode, attr = each.rsplit('.',1) if attr == COM_ATTR: com = eachNode root = node break return root, com
def copySkinComponents(source, destinationVerts): if not mc.listRelatives(source, shapes=True): raise RuntimeError('Source object must be geometry.') sourceSkin = getSkinCluster(source) if not sourceSkin: raise RuntimeError("Source mesh doesn't have a skinCluster to copy from.") destMesh = mc.ls(destinationVerts[0], o=True)[0] destMesh = mc.listRelatives(destMesh, parent=True)[0] destSkin = copySkinInfluences(source, destMesh) tempSet = mc.sets(destinationVerts) mc.select(source, tempSet) mc.copySkinWeights(noMirror=True, surfaceAssociation='closestPoint', influenceAssociation='closestJoint', normalize=True) mc.delete(tempSet) mc.select(destinationVerts)
def _populateSelectionField(self, channel, field, *args): selectedChannels = None if channel: selectedChannels = getSelectedChannels() if not selectedChannels: raise RuntimeError('Please select an attribute in the channelBox.') if len(selectedChannels) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one attribute.') sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: raise RuntimeError('Please select a node.') if len(sel) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one node.') selection = sel[0] if selectedChannels: selection = selection+'.'+selectedChannels[0] mc.textFieldButtonGrp(field, edit=True, text=selection)
def _populateSelectionList(self, channel, control, *args): selectedChannels = None if channel: selectedChannels = getSelectedChannels() if not selectedChannels: raise RuntimeError('Please select an attribute in the channelBox.') if len(selectedChannels) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one attribute.') sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: raise RuntimeError('Please select a node.') if len(sel) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one node.') selection = sel[0] if selectedChannels: selection = selection+'.'+selectedChannels[0] mc.textScrollList(control, edit=True, append=[selection])
def copySingle(source=None, destination=None, pasteMethod='replace', offset=0, addToLayer=False, rotateOrder=True): ''' Copy animation from a source node and paste it to a destination node ''' start, end = _getStartAndEnd() if not source and not destination: sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if len(sel) != 2: OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Please select exactly 2 objects.') return source = sel[0] destination = sel[1] layer = None if addToLayer: layer = utl.createAnimLayer(destination, namePrefix='ml_cp') copyAnimation(source=source, destination=destination, pasteMethod=pasteMethod, offset=offset, start=start, end=end, layer=layer, rotateOrder=rotateOrder) #if sel: #mc.select(sel)
def toLocators(bakeOnOnes=False, space='world', spaceInt=None, constrainSource=False): ''' Creates locators, and bakes their position to selection. Creates connections to the source objects, so they can be found later to bake back. ''' if spaceInt and 0 <= spaceInt <= 2: space = ['world', 'camera', 'last'][spaceInt] sel = mc.ls(sl=True) parent = None if space == 'camera': parent = utl.getCurrentCamera() elif space == 'last': parent = sel[-1] sel = sel[:-1] mc.select(sel) matchBakeLocators(parent=parent, bakeOnOnes=bakeOnOnes, constrainSource=constrainSource)
def run_command(self, *args): curve_sel = self.curve_name() vert_sel_list = cmds.ls(sl=True, fl = True) if '.' in vert_sel_list[0]: dummy_item_index = vert_sel_list[0].index('.') self.geo_name = vert_sel_list[0][0:dummy_item_index] Chain_Constrain(curve_sel, vert_sel_list, self.geo_name) Spline_Rig_Chain(curve_sel, vert_sel_list) self.chain_list = cmds.listRelatives(str(self.geo_name + '_geo_grp')) joint_list = cmds.ls(type = 'joint') for dummy_geo in self.chain_list: cmds.select(dummy_geo, add = True) for dummy_joint in joint_list: if 'ikHandle' in dummy_joint: pass elif curve_sel in dummy_joint: cmds.select(dummy_joint, add=True) cmds.select('ikHandle*', d = True) mel.eval('newBindSkin " -byClosestPoint -toSkeleton";')
def makeTeeth(self, teeth=10, length=0.3): # The logic here is exactly the same as in the makeTeeth function we created cmds.select(clear=True) faces = self.getTeethFaces(teeth) for face in faces: cmds.select('%s.%s' % (self.transform, face), add=True) # Instead of returning a value, lets just store the extrude node onto the class as a class variable self.extrude = cmds.polyExtrudeFacet(localTranslateZ=length)[0] cmds.select(clear=True)
def _maintained_selection_decorator(func): """Function decorator to maintain the selection once called Example: >>> @_maintained_selection ... def my_function(): ... # Modify selection ... cmds.select(clear=True) ... >>> # Selection restored """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): previous_selection = cmds.ls(selection=True) try: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: if previous_selection: cmds.select(previous_selection, replace=True, noExpand=True) else: cmds.select(deselect=True, noExpand=True) return wrapper
def parent_group(source, transferTransform=True): """Create and transfer transforms to parent group""" assert cmds.objExists(source), "%s does not exist" % source assert cmds.nodeType(source) == "transform", ( "%s must be transform" % source) parent = cmds.listRelatives(source, parent=True) if transferTransform: group = cmds.createNode("transform", n="%s_parent" % source) match_transform(group, source) try: cmds.parent(source, group) except Exception: cmds.warning("Failed to parent child under new parent") cmds.delete(group) if parent: cmds.parent(group, parent[0]) else: cmds.select(source) group = cmds.group(n="%s_parent" % source) return group
def connect_matching_attributes(source, target): """Connect matching attributes from source to target Arguments: source (str): Absolute path to node from which to connect target (str): Target node Example: >>> # Select two matching nodes >>> source = cmds.createNode("transform", name="source") >>> target = cmds.createNode("transform", name="target") >>> cmds.select([source, target], replace=True) >>> source, target = cmds.ls(selection=True) >>> connect_matching_attributes(source, target) """ dsts = cmds.listAttr(target, keyable=True) for src in cmds.listAttr(source, keyable=True): if src not in dsts: continue try: src = "." + src cmds.connectAttr(source + src, target + src, force=True) except RuntimeError as e: cmds.warning("Could not connect %s: %s" % (src, e))
def process(self, context, plugin): from maya import cmds cmds.select(plugin.assemblies)
def process(self, instance): import os import polly from maya import cmds from avalon import maya dirname = polly.format_staging_dir( root=instance.context.data["workspaceDir"], time=instance.context.data["time"], name=instance.data["name"]) try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError: pass filename = "{name}.ma".format(**instance.data) path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) # Perform extraction self.log.info("Performing extraction..") with maya.maintained_selection(), maya.without_extension(): cmds.select(instance, noExpand=True) cmds.file(path, force=True, typ="mayaAscii", exportSelected=True, preserveReferences=False, constructionHistory=True) # Store reference for integration if "files" not in instance.data: instance.data["files"] = list() instance.data["files"].append(filename) instance.data["stagingDir"] = dirname self.log.info("Extracted {instance} to {path}".format(**locals()))
def zero_orient(joints): for joint in joints: children = _unparent_children(joint) cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointOrient'.format(joint), 0, 0, 0) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def template_joints(joints=None, reorient_children=True, reset_orientation=True): if joints is None: joints = cmds.ls(sl=True, type='joint') if not joints: raise RuntimeError('No joint selected to orient.') if reorient_children: children = cmds.listRelatives(fullPath=True, allDescendents=True, type='joint') joints.extend(children) red, green, blue = create_shaders() orient_group = cmds.createNode('transform', name=ORIENT_GROUP) manips = [] for joint in joints: if reset_orientation: cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True) cmds.joint(joint, edit=True, orientJoint='xyz', secondaryAxisOrient='yup', children=False, zeroScaleOrient=True) if not cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True): zero_orient([joint]) continue group, manip = create_orient_manipulator(joint, blue) manips.append(manip) cmds.parent(group, orient_group) cmds.parentConstraint(joint, group) cmds.setAttr(joint + '.template', 1) cmds.select(manips)
def create_orient_manipulator(joint, material): joint_scale = cmds.jointDisplayScale(query=True) joint_radius = cmds.getAttr('{0}.radius'.format(joint)) radius = joint_scale * joint_radius children = cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True, path=True) if children: p1 = cmds.xform(joint, q=True, ws=True, t=True) p1 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p1) p2 = cmds.xform(children[0], q=True, ws=True, t=True) p2 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p2) radius = p1.distanceTo(p2) arrow_cvs = [[-1, 0, 0], [-1, 2, 0], [-2, 2, 0], [0, 4, 0], [2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0]] arrow_cvs = [[x[0]*radius, x[1]*radius, x[2]*radius] for x in arrow_cvs] shape = cmds.curve(name='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), degree=1, point=arrow_cvs) # shape = cmds.sphere(n='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), p=(0, 0, 0), ax=(0, 0, -1), ssw=0, esw=180, r=radius, d=3, ut=0, tol=0.01, s=8, nsp=4, ch=0)[0] # cmds.setAttr('{0}.sz'.format(shape), 0) # cmds.select(shape) # cmds.hyperShade(assign=material) group = cmds.createNode('transform', name='{0}_grp'.format(shape)) cmds.parent(shape, group) cmds.makeIdentity(shape, apply=True) cmds.addAttr(shape, longName=MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE, attributeType='message') cmds.connectAttr('{0}.message'.format(joint), '{0}.{1}'.format(shape, MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE)) for attr in ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ry', 'rz', 'v']: cmds.setAttr('{0}.{1}'.format(shape, attr), lock=True, keyable=False) return group, shape
def dump(curves=None, stack=False): """Get a data dictionary representing all the given curves. :param curves: Optional list of curves. :return: A json serializable list of dictionaries containing the data required to recreate the curves. """ if curves is None: curves = cmds.ls(sl=True) or [] data = [] for node in curves: shape = shortcuts.get_shape(node) if cmds.nodeType(shape) == 'nurbsCurve': control = { 'name': node, 'cvs': cmds.getAttr('{0}.cv[*]'.format(node)), 'degree': cmds.getAttr('{0}.degree'.format(node)), 'form': cmds.getAttr('{0}.form'.format(node)), 'xform': cmds.xform(node, q=True, ws=True, matrix=True), 'knots': get_knots(node), 'pivot': cmds.xform(node, q=True, rp=True), 'overrideEnabled': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideEnabled'.format(node)), 'overrideRGBColors': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideRGBColors'.format(node)), 'overrideColorRGB': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(node))[0], 'overrideColor': cmds.getAttr('{0}.overrideColor'.format(node)), } if stack: control['stack'] = get_stack_count(node) control['parent'] = get_stack_parent(node) data.append(control) if curves: cmds.select(curves) return data
def test_duplicate_chain(self): for i in range(5): cmds.joint(p=(0, i, 0)) cmds.select(cl=True) for i in range(5): cmds.joint(p=(i+1, 0, 0)) cmds.parent('joint6', 'joint2') joints, original_joints = shortcuts.duplicate_chain('joint1', 'joint5', search_for='joint', replace_with='dupejoint') self.assertEqual(5, len(joints)) self.assertListEqual(['dupejoint{0}'.format(x) for x in range(1, 6)], joints) self.assertListEqual(['joint{0}'.format(x) for x in range(1, 6)], original_joints)
def _select(self, *args): selected = cmds.textScrollList(self.text_scroll, q=True, si=True) if not selected: return camera = selected[0] cmds.select(camera)
def _select_file_node(self, index): u"""index????????????????? :param index: TableView??????index :type index: QModelIndex """ index = self.proxy_model.mapToSource(index) if not index.isValid(): return model = self.model.items[index.row()] cmds.select(model.node)