def add_top_level_ctrl(origCtrl, type, geo, *args): """ creates a new ctrl, orients it to the geo and parent constrains the orig ctrl rig under itself :param origCtrl: the control we're working from :param type: the ctrl type of shape see zbw_rig.createControl for options :param geo: the geo to orient to :param args: :return: topCtrl (the new ctrl), grp (the top ctrl grp freeze grp) """ # THIS IS THE XTRA CTRL LAYER, THIS ORIENTS CTRL AND CONNECTS ORIG CTRL TO THE NEW CTRL origCtrlPos = cmds.xform(origCtrl, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) topCtrl = rig.createControl(name="{0}_moveCtrl".format(origCtrl.rpartition("_")[0]), type=type, axis="z", color="yellow") grp = rig.groupFreeze(topCtrl) cmds.xform(grp, ws=True, t=origCtrlPos) nc = cmds.normalConstraint(geo, grp, worldUpType="vector", upVector=(0, 1, 0)) cmds.delete(nc) pc = cmds.parentConstraint(topCtrl, origCtrl, mo=True) sc = cmds.scaleConstraint(topCtrl, origCtrl, mo=True) return(topCtrl, grp)
def _output_node(source, type, suffix): newname = lib.unique(name=source.rsplit("_", 1)[0] + suffix) node = cmds.createNode(type) node = [cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True) or node][0] node = cmds.rename(node, newname) try: cmds.parent(node, source) match_transform(node, source) except Exception: cmds.warning("Could not create %s" % node) cmds.delete(node) return node
def make_planar(joints): for joint in joints: parent = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True) if not parent: log.warning('Cannot make %s planar because it does not have a parent.', joint) continue children = _unparent_children(joint) if not children: log.warning('Cannot make %s planar because it does not have any children.', joint) continue cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(children[0], joint, aim=(1, 0, 0), u=(0, 1, 0), worldUpType='object', worldUpObject=parent[0])) cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def align_with_child(joints): """Aligns the up axis of the given joints with their respective child joint. @param joints: List of joints to orient. """ for joint in joints: children = _unparent_children(joint) if children: cmds.delete(cmds.aimConstraint(children[0], joint, aim=(1, 0, 0), upVector=(0, 1, 0), worldUpType="objectrotation", worldUpVector=(0, 1, 0), worldUpObject=children[0])) cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True) _reparent_children(joint, children) if joints: cmds.select(joints)
def create_curve(control): """Create a curve. :param control: A data dictionary generated from the dump function. :return: The created curve. """ periodic = control['form'] == 2 degree = control['degree'] points = control['cvs'] points = points + points[:degree] if periodic else points curve = cmds.curve(degree=degree, p=points, n=control['name'], per=periodic, k=control['knots']) cmds.xform(curve, ws=True, matrix=control['xform']) cmds.xform(curve, piv=control['pivot']) cmds.delete(curve, constructionHistory=True) cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideEnabled'.format(curve), control['overrideEnabled']) cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideRGBColors'.format(curve), control['overrideRGBColors']) cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideColorRGB'.format(curve), *control['overrideColorRGB']) cmds.setAttr('{0}.overrideColor'.format(curve), control['overrideColor']) return curve
def BT_ConnectSetup(set = None): if not set or not cmds.objExists(set): return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set): cmds.warning('Setup already connected!') return False btNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') if not btNode or not cmds.objExists(btNode): return False transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') for i in range(0, len(transforms)): try: BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i]) except: pass mults = cmds.listConnections(btNode, d = True, type = 'multiplyDivide') if mults: cmds.delete(mults) return True
def doit(radius=5., num=36): cmds.loadPlugin('rotationDriver', qt=True) node = cmds.createNode('composeRotate') node_or = node + '.outRotate' node_h = node + '.bendH' node_v = node + '.bendV' shiftX = radius * 1.25 top0 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotStereoProj', radius, num) cmds.setAttr(top0 + '.tx', -shiftX) cmds.setAttr(node + '.method', 1) top1 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotExpmap', radius, num) cmds.setAttr(top1 + '.tx', shiftX) cmds.delete(node) cmds.select([top0, top1])
def ResetSceneAnim(): # Loop through them all SceneJoints = cmds.ls(type="joint") # Loop for name in SceneJoints: # Disconnect if required ResetBoneKeyframes(DagPathFromJoint(name, False).transform()) # Check for undo if (cmds.objExists(name + ".seanimUndoT")): # Reset to it ResetTranslation = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoT")[0] ResetScale = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoS")[0] ResetRotation = cmds.getAttr(name + ".seanimUndoR")[0] # Apply cmds.setAttr(name + ".t", ResetTranslation[0], ResetTranslation[1], ResetTranslation[2]) cmds.setAttr(name + ".scale", ResetScale[0], ResetScale[1], ResetScale[2]) cmds.setAttr(name + ".r", 0, 0, 0) cmds.setAttr(name + ".jo", ResetRotation[0], ResetRotation[1], ResetRotation[2]) # Remove notetracks if cmds.objExists("SENotes"): # Delete cmds.delete("SENotes") # Processes a joint, creating it's rest position, and returning a dag path
def capReplace(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel < 2: cmds.warning("You don't have two things selected (cap and one ctrl minimum)!") return newCap = sel[0] ctrls = sel[1:] for ctrl in ctrls: oldCap = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.capRig".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] dupe = rig.swapDupe(newCap, oldCap, delete=True, name=oldCap) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.rotateCap".format(ctrl), "{0}.rotateY".format(dupe)) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.message".format(dupe), "{0}.capRig".format(ctrl)) cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(dupe), 1) # if not already, parent cap replace obj in folder and hide par = cmds.listRelatives(newCap, p=True) if not par or par[0] != "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp": cmds.parent(newCap, "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp") cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(newCap), 0) cmds.select(ctrls, r=True)
def addBaseCap(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel < 2: cmds.warning("You don't have two things selected (cap and one ctrl minimum)!") return newCap = sel[0] ctrls = sel[1:] for ctrl in ctrls: tempCap = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.tempBaseCap".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] dupe = rig.swapDupe(newCap, tempCap, delete=True, name="{0}_baseCap".format(ctrl)) cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(dupe), 1) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.rotateBaseCap".format(ctrl), "{0}.rotateY".format(dupe)) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.message".format(dupe), "{0}.tempBaseCap".format(ctrl)) # if not already, parent cap replace obj in folder and hide par = cmds.listRelatives(newCap, p=True) if not par or par[0] != "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp": cmds.parent(newCap, "pastaRigSetupComponents_Grp") cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(newCap), 0) cmds.select(ctrls, r=True)
def groupOrient(target='none',orig='none', group="GRP"): """ groups the second object and snaps the group to the second (point and orient). The group arg is to name the suffix you want the group to have (default is '_GRP') Arguments: target (to be constrained to), orig (obj to move), group (suffix for group) """ if (target == "none"): sel = getTwoSelection() target = sel[0] orig = sel[1] cmds.select(orig) grpName = "%s_%s"%(orig,group) cmds.group(name=grpName) pc = cmds.pointConstraint(target, grpName) oc = cmds.orientConstraint(target, grpName) cmds.delete(pc) cmds.delete(oc) cmds.select(clear=True) return(grpName)
def positionsAlongCurve(crv="", numPts = 3, *args): """ returns list of numPts evenly distributed world positions along given nurbs crv """ if not crv: return if isType(crv, "nurbsCurve"): posList = [] shp = cmds.listRelatives(crv, s=True)[0] poc = cmds.shadingNode("pointOnCurveInfo", asUtility=True, name="tmpPOCInfo") cmds.connectAttr("{}.local".format(shp), "{}.inputCurve".format(poc)) cmds.setAttr("{}.turnOnPercentage".format(poc), 1) lineLen = cmds.arclen(crv, ch=False) dist = float(numPts)/lineLen for x in range(0, numPts+1): perc = 1.0/numPts cmds.setAttr("{}.parameter".format(poc),x*perc) print x*perc pos = cmds.getAttr("{}.position".format(poc))[0] posList.append(pos) cmds.delete(poc) return(posList)
def create(obj): """Tell ZBrush to treat `obj` as a new object. Under the hood this changes a gozbruhBrush ID to match object name. """ # does not change selection: cmds.delete(obj, constructionHistory=True) shape = cmds.ls(obj, type='mesh', dag=True)[0] xform = cmds.listRelatives(shape, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0] goz_check_xform = cmds.attributeQuery( 'gozbruhBrushID', node=xform, exists=True) goz_check_shape = cmds.attributeQuery( 'gozbruhBrushID', node=shape, exists=True) if goz_check_shape: cmds.setAttr(shape + '.gozbruhBrushID', obj, type='string') if goz_check_xform: cmds.setAttr(xform + '.gozbruhBrushID', obj, type='string') return xform
def _cleanup(name): """Removes un-used nodes on import of obj """ # Don't delete the old mesh if gozbruh_delete option var exists and is set to # false, simply rename it if cmds.optionVar(ex='gozbruh_delete') and not cmds.optionVar(q='gozbruh_delete'): if cmds.objExists(name): cmds.rename(name, name + '_old') else: if cmds.objExists(name): cmds.delete(name) for node in GARBAGE_NODES: node = name + '_' + node if cmds.objExists(node): cmds.delete(node) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def doit(cage_tgt=None): if not cage_tgt: cage_tgt = cmds.ls(sl=True, o=True) cage = cage_tgt[0] tgt = cage_tgt[1:] cmds.loadPlugin('greenCageDeformer.py', qt=True) deformer = cmds.deformer(tgt, type='greenCageDeformer')[0] freezer = cmds.createNode('transformGeometry') cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.o', freezer + '.ig') cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.wm', freezer + '.txf') cmds.connectAttr(freezer + '.og', deformer + '.bc') cmds.disconnectAttr(freezer + '.og', deformer + '.bc') cmds.delete(freezer) cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.w', deformer + '.ic') cmds.dgeval(cmds.listConnections(deformer + '.og', s=False, d=True, sh=True, p=True)) #doit([cmds.polyCube(w=2.5, d=2.5, h=2.5)[0], cmds.polySphere()[0]])
def ui(): ''' User interface for arc tracer ''' globalScale = 1 if mc.optionVar(exists='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale'): globalScale = mc.optionVar(query='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale') with utl.MlUi('ml_arcTracer', 'Arc Tracer', width=400, height=180, info='''Select objects to trace. Choose camera space or worldspace arc. Press clear to delete the arcs, or retrace to redo the last arc.''') as win: win.buttonWithPopup(label='Trace Camera', command=traceCamera, annotation='Trace an arc as an overlay over the current camera.', shelfLabel='cam', shelfIcon='flowPathObj')#motionTrail win.buttonWithPopup(label='Trace World', command=traceWorld, annotation='Trace an arc in world space.', shelfLabel='world', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Retrace Previous', command=retraceArc, annotation='Retrace the previously traced arc.', shelfLabel='retrace', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Clear Arcs', command=clearArcs, annotation='Clear all arcs.', shelfLabel='clear', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') fsg = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Line Width', minValue=0.1, maxValue=5, value=globalScale) mc.floatSliderGrp(fsg, edit=True, dragCommand=partial(setLineWidthCallback, fsg))
def snap(node, snapTo): #duplicate the node we want snap dup = mc.duplicate(node, parentOnly=True)[0] #unlock translates and rotates for a in ('.t','.r'): for b in 'xyz': mc.setAttr(dup+a+b, lock=False) mc.parentConstraint(snapTo, dup) for a in ('.t','.r'): for b in ('x','y','z'): try: mc.setAttr(node+a+b, mc.getAttr(dup+a+b)) except StandardError: pass mc.delete(dup)
def copySkinComponents(source, destinationVerts): if not mc.listRelatives(source, shapes=True): raise RuntimeError('Source object must be geometry.') sourceSkin = getSkinCluster(source) if not sourceSkin: raise RuntimeError("Source mesh doesn't have a skinCluster to copy from.") destMesh = mc.ls(destinationVerts[0], o=True)[0] destMesh = mc.listRelatives(destMesh, parent=True)[0] destSkin = copySkinInfluences(source, destMesh) tempSet = mc.sets(destinationVerts) mc.select(source, tempSet) mc.copySkinWeights(noMirror=True, surfaceAssociation='closestPoint', influenceAssociation='closestJoint', normalize=True) mc.delete(tempSet) mc.select(destinationVerts)
def minimizeRotationCurves(obj): ''' Sets rotation animation to the value closest to zero. ''' rotateCurves = mc.keyframe(obj, attribute=('rotateX','rotateY', 'rotateZ'), query=True, name=True) if not rotateCurves or len(rotateCurves) < 3: return keyTimes = mc.keyframe(rotateCurves, query=True, timeChange=True) tempFrame = sorted(keyTimes)[0] - 1 #set a temp frame mc.setKeyframe(rotateCurves, time=(tempFrame,), value=0) #euler filter mc.filterCurve(rotateCurves) #delete temp key mc.cutKey(rotateCurves, time=(tempFrame,))
def cutKey(self, includeSubFrames=False, **kwargs): ''' Wrapper for the cutKey command. Curve and time arguments will be provided based on how this object was intitialized, otherwise usage is the same as maya's cutKey command. Option to delete sub-frames. ''' if not 'includeUpperBound' in kwargs: kwargs['includeUpperBound'] = False if self.selected: mc.cutKey(sl=True, **kwargs) return if not 'time' in kwargs: if includeSubFrames: kwargs['time'] = (round(self.time[0])-0.5, round(self.time[-1])+0.5) else: kwargs['time'] = self.time mc.cutKey(self.curves, **kwargs)
def cleanup(self): ''' Clean up the mess we made. ''' try: mc.lockNode(self.pivotHandle, lock=False) mc.delete(self.pivotHandle) except: pass try: if mc.scriptJob(exists=self.scriptJob): mc.scriptJob(kill=self.scriptJob, force=True) except: pass pivotHandles = mc.ls('*.ml_pivot_handle', o=True) if pivotHandles: for each in pivotHandles: mc.lockNode(each, lock=False) mc.delete(each)
def match_transform(src, dst): """Transform `src` to `dst`, taking worldspace into account Arguments: src (str): Absolute path to source transform dst (str): Absolute path to destination transform """ try: parent = cmds.listRelatives(src, parent=True)[0] except Exception: parent = None node_decompose = cmds.createNode("decomposeMatrix") node_multmatrix = cmds.createNode("multMatrix") connections = { dst + ".worldMatrix": node_multmatrix + ".matrixIn[0]", node_multmatrix + ".matrixSum": node_decompose + ".inputMatrix", node_decompose + ".outputTranslate": src + ".translate", node_decompose + ".outputRotate": src + ".rotate", node_decompose + ".outputScale": src + ".scale", } if parent: connections.update({ parent + ".worldInverseMatrix": node_multmatrix + ".matrixIn[1]" }) for s, d in connections.iteritems(): cmds.connectAttr(s, d, force=True) cmds.refresh() cmds.delete([node_decompose, node_multmatrix])
def combine(nodes): """Produce a new mesh with the contents of `nodes` Arguments: nodes (list): Path to shapes """ unite = cmds.createNode("polyUnite", n=nodes[0] + "_polyUnite") count = 0 for node in nodes: # Are we dealing with transforms, or shapes directly? shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True) or [node] for shape in shapes: try: cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".outMesh", unite + ".inputPoly[%s]" % count, force=True) cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".worldMatrix", unite + ".inputMat[%s]" % count, force=True) count += 1 except Exception: cmds.warning("'%s' is not a polygonal mesh" % shape) if count: output = cmds.createNode("mesh", n=nodes[0] + "_combinedShape") cmds.connectAttr(unite + ".output", output + ".inMesh", force=True) return output else: cmds.delete(unite) return None
def parent_group(source, transferTransform=True): """Create and transfer transforms to parent group""" assert cmds.objExists(source), "%s does not exist" % source assert cmds.nodeType(source) == "transform", ( "%s must be transform" % source) parent = cmds.listRelatives(source, parent=True) if transferTransform: group = cmds.createNode("transform", n="%s_parent" % source) match_transform(group, source) try: cmds.parent(source, group) except Exception: cmds.warning("Failed to parent child under new parent") cmds.delete(group) if parent: cmds.parent(group, parent[0]) else: cmds.select(source) group = cmds.group(n="%s_parent" % source) return group
def get_knots(curve): """Gets the list of knots of a curve so it can be recreated. :param curve: Curve to query. :return: A list of knot values that can be passed into the curve creation command. """ curve = shortcuts.get_shape(curve) info = cmds.createNode('curveInfo') cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldSpace'.format(curve), '{0}.inputCurve'.format(info)) knots = cmds.getAttr('{0}.knots[*]'.format(info)) cmds.delete(info) return knots
def create_transform_stack(node, count=2): """Creates a transform stack above the given node. Any previous transform stack will be deleted. :param node: Node to parent into a transform stack. :param count: Number of transforms to add in the stack. :return: A list of the transform nodes created starting from top to bottom. """ previous_parent = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True) if previous_parent: previous_parent = previous_parent[0] while previous_parent and STACK_ATTRIBUTE in (cmds.listAttr(previous_parent, ud=True) or []): parent = cmds.listRelatives(previous_parent, parent=True, path=True) if parent: cmds.parent(node, parent) parent = parent[0] else: cmds.parent(node, world=True) cmds.delete(previous_parent) previous_parent = parent nulls = [] for i in reversed(range(count)): name = '_'.join(node.split('_')[:-1]) name = '{0}_{1}nul'.format(name, i+1) null = cmds.createNode('transform', name=name) nulls.append(null) cmds.addAttr(null, ln=STACK_ATTRIBUTE, at='message') cmds.connectAttr('{0}.message'.format(node), '{0}.{1}'.format(null, STACK_ATTRIBUTE)) cmds.delete(cmds.parentConstraint(node, null)) if previous_parent: cmds.parent(null, previous_parent) previous_parent = null cmds.parent(node, previous_parent) return nulls
def setUp(self): self.joint1 = cmds.joint(p=(-0.5, -0.5, 0)) self.joint2 = cmds.joint(p=(0, 0.0, 0)) self.joint3 = cmds.joint(p=(0.5, 0.5, 0)) self.shape = cmds.polyCube()[0] cmds.delete(self.shape, ch=True) self.skin = cmds.skinCluster(self.joint1, self.joint2, self.joint3, self.shape)[0] self.expected = { 'bindMethod': 1, 'blendWeights': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'dropoffRate': 4.0, 'heatmapFalloff': 0.0, 'maintainMaxInfluences': False, 'maxInfluences': 2, 'name': u'skinCluster1', 'normalizeWeights': 1, 'shape': u'pCube1', 'skinningMethod': 0, 'useComponents': False, 'weightDistribution': 0, 'weights': { u'joint1': [0.9, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.9, 0.5], u'joint2': [0.10000000000000002, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.10000000000000002, 0.5], u'joint3': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0]} }
def test_import_skin(self): file_path = self.get_temp_filename('temp.skin') skinio.export_skin(file_path, self.shape) cmds.delete(self.skin) skinio.import_skin(file_path) self.assertTrue(cmds.objExists(self.skin))
def build_sequence(timeline, clean=False): existing_shots = cmds.ls(type='shot') or [] if clean: cmds.delete(existing_shots) existing_shots = [] tracks = [ track for track in timeline.tracks if track.kind == otio.schema.TrackKind.Video ] for track_no, track in enumerate(reversed(tracks)): _build_track(track, track_no, existing_shots=existing_shots)
def DeleteMenu(): # Check for existing control, remove it if we can if cmds.control(MENU_DATA['menu'][0], exists=True): # Found it, delete it cmds.deleteUI(MENU_DATA['menu'][0], menu=True) # Create the menu
def CreateMenu(): # Set the diplay's parent cmds.setParent(mel.eval("$temp1=$gMainWindow")) # Purge old one DeleteMenu() # Make new menu menu = cmds.menu(MENU_DATA['menu'][0], label=MENU_DATA["menu"][1], tearOff=True) # Recreate the base # Add children cmds.menuItem(label="Import <- SEAnim", command=lambda x:ImportSEAnim(), annotation="Imports a SEAnim, resetting the scene first") cmds.menuItem(label="Import and Blend <- SEAnim", command=lambda x:ImportMergeSEAnim(), annotation="Imports a SEAnim without resetting the scene (Blending the animations together)") cmds.menuItem(divider=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Export -> SEAnim", command=lambda x:ExportEntireSceneAnim(), annotation="Exports all joints, or all selected joints to a SEAnim file") cmds.menuItem(divider=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Clean Namespaces", command=lambda x:NamespaceClean(), annotation="Removes all namespaces from the scene") cmds.menuItem(label="Place Notetrack", command=lambda x:PlaceNote(), annotation="Places a notetrack at the current scene time") cmds.menuItem(label="Select All Joints", command=lambda x:SelectAllJoints(), annotation="Selects all joints") cmds.menuItem(label="Select Keyed Joints", command=lambda x:SelectKeyframes(), annotation="Selects keyed joints, this feature does not work with conversion rigs") cmds.menuItem(divider=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Reset Scene", command=lambda x:ResetSceneAnim(), annotation="Manually reset the scene to bind position") cmds.menuItem(label="Clear Curves", command=lambda x:PurgeAllKeyframes(), annotation="Manually delete all cached keyframe curves in the scene") cmds.menuItem(divider=True) game_menu = cmds.menuItem(label="Game Specific Tools", subMenu=True) # Make game specific submenu cmds.menuItem(label="Call of Duty", subMenu=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Attach Weapon to Rig", command=lambda x:WeaponBinder(), annotation="Attatches the weapon to the viewhands, does not work properly with conversion rigs") cmds.setParent(game_menu, menu=True) # Close out menu (Call of Duty) cmds.setParent(menu, menu=True) # Close out menu (Game tools) cmds.menuItem(divider=True) cmds.menuItem(label="Reload Plugin", command=lambda x:ReloadMayaPlugin(), annotation="Attempts to reload the plugin") cmds.menuItem(label="About", command=lambda x:AboutWindow()) # Reloads a maya plugin
def PurgeAllKeyframes(): # Grab existing curves ExistingFrames = cmds.ls(type="animCurveTA") + cmds.ls(type="animCurveTL") # Iterate and remove for KeyCurve in ExistingFrames: # Delete it cmds.delete(KeyCurve) # Resets a bones keyframes
def conform_curve(source, destination): point_on_curve = cmds.createNode('nearestPointOnCurve') cmds.connectAttr(destination + '.worldSpace', point_on_curve + '.inputCurve') for i, point in enumerate(cmds.getAttr(source + '.cv[*]')): cmds.setAttr(point_on_curve + '.inPosition', point[0], point[1], point[2]) result_point = cmds.getAttr(point_on_curve + '.result.position')[0] cmds.setAttr('{}.cv[{}]'.format(source, i), result_point[0], result_point[1], result_point[2]) cmds.delete(point_on_curve)
def deleteMush(self): mesh = self.sourceField.text() if not mesh: return if not cmds.objExists(mesh + '_Mush'): return cmds.delete(mesh + '_Mush')
def zbw_swapRotateOrder(): #find frame range from slider startF = cmds.playbackOptions (query=True, minTime=True) endF = cmds.playbackOptions (query=True, maxTime=True) objs = cmds.ls (selection=True) #dummy check for two objects! objA = objs[0] objB = objs[1] #get list of keys to use keysAtFull = cmds.keyframe (objA, query=True, time=(startF,endF), attribute=('tx','ty','tz','rx','ry','rz')) keysSet = set(keysAtFull) keyList=[] for key in keysSet: keyList.append(key) keyList.sort() #print keyList for thisKey in keyList: #populate the dictionary with the key values cmds.currentTime(thisKey) #set currentTime to the value cmds.pointConstraint(objA, objB, name="pointConst")#pointConstriain B to A cmds.orientConstraint(objA, objB, name="orientConst")#orientConstan B to A getRot() #getData() for B and puts it in keyBuffer getTrans() #gets tranlslation data for same cmds.delete('pointConst','orientConst') # delete the constaints on B #since I can't add the keys while I"m constraining, do it now from dictionary for newKey in keyList: objRot = rotBuffer[newKey] objTrans = transBuffer[newKey] cmds.setKeyframe( objB, t=newKey,at='tx', v=objTrans[0]) #set keys for B on all the frames in keyBuffer to values in keyBuffer cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='ty', v=objTrans[1]) cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='tz', v=objTrans[2]) cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='rx', v=objRot[0]) cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='ry', v=objRot[1]) cmds.setKeyframe( objB,t=newKey,at='rz', v=objRot[2]) cmds.filterCurve((objB+'_rotateX'), (objB+'_rotateY'), (objB+'_rotateZ' )) #run Euler filter on curves for rotation?
def deleteRig(*args): # check for ctrl sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if sel: for ctrl in sel: # try rpt = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.rptMult".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] dens = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.densMult".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] curve = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.origCrv".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] para = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.paraMult".format(ctrl), sfd=True).partition(".")[0] if rig.parentCheck(curve): cmds.parent(curve, world=True) cmds.setAttr("{0}.v".format(curve), 1) # check for file node, grab it, then find p2d from that and delete it fTextFull = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.fileTexture".format(ctrl), sfd=True) print "fTextFull:", fTextFull if fTextFull: fText = fTextFull.partition(".")[0] print fText p2dFull = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.uvCoord".format(fText), sfd=True) print p2dFull if p2dFull: p2d = p2dFull.partition(".")[0] cmds.delete(p2d) print "ready to delete" cmds.delete(fText) cmds.delete([ctrl, rpt, dens, para])
def alignToUV(targetObj="none", sourceObj="none", sourceU=0.0, sourceV=0.0, mainAxis="+z", secAxis="+x", UorV="v"): """ inputs should be 1. targetObj 2. sourceObj 3. sourceU 4. sourceV 5. mainAxis(lowerCase, + or -, i.e."-x" 8. secAxis (lowcase, + or -) 7, UorV ("u" or "v" for the direction along surface for the sec axis) """ axisDict = {"+x":(1,0,0), "+y":(0,1,0), "+z":(0,0,1), "-x":(-1,0,0), "-y":(0,-1,0), "-z":(0,0,-1)} #Does this create a new node? no To create a node, use the flag "ch=True". That creates a pointOnSurface node pos = cmds.pointOnSurface(sourceObj, u=sourceU, v=sourceV, position=True) posVec = om.MVector(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) cmds.xform(targetObj, ws=True, t=pos) #get normal, tanU and tanV at selected UV position on source surface tanV = cmds.pointOnSurface(sourceObj, u=sourceU, v=sourceV, tv=True) tanU = cmds.pointOnSurface(sourceObj, u=sourceU, v=sourceV, tu=True) norm = cmds.pointOnSurface(sourceObj, u=sourceU, v=sourceV, nn=True) #decide where up axis is on normal constraint, u or v tangent if UorV == "v": wup = tanV elif UorV == "u": wup = tanU #create normal constraint nc = cmds.normalConstraint(sourceObj, targetObj, aimVector=axisDict[mainAxis], upVector=axisDict[secAxis], worldUpVector=(wup)) cmds.delete(nc) #delete constraint
def swapDupe(obj, target, delete = True, name="", *args): """ replaces an target with a duplicate of the obj select the object you want to duplicate, then the target(s), delete bool, name optional [obj] is the object to duplicate [target] is the target to match and delete(?) [delete] is bool to tell whether to delete the target or not [name] is string to rename to """ if not name: name = obj # get pos, rot, scale of target pos = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) rot = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, ro=True) scl = cmds.getAttr("{0}.scale".format(target)) # duplicate the object and rename to name, if no name just use unique names dupe = cmds.duplicate(obj, name=name, returnRootsOnly=True, renameChildren=True) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, t=pos) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, ro=rot) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, s=scl[0]) parent = cmds.listRelatives(target, parent=True) if parent: cmds.parent(dupe, parent[0]) if delete: cmds.delete(target) return(dupe[0])
def closest_pt_on_mesh_rotation(point, mesh, *args): # TODO - generalize for various orientations, and various rotation orders """ takes a point (can be name of transform or iterable(3) of rotations and a poly mesh and gives the rotation [rot order xyz] (for aim along y) align to surface of the xform at that point """ if isinstance(point, basestring): if isType(point, "transform"): cmds.select(point, r=True) ptPos = cmds.xform(point, ws=True, q=True, rp=True) name = point else: cmds.warning("zbw_rig.closest_pt_on_mesh_position: the string you gave me isn't a transform") return () elif isinstance(point, (list, tuple)): if len(point) == 3: ptPos = point name = mesh else: cmds.warning("zbw_rig.closest_pt_on_mesh_position: there are not the right number of entries in the " "list you gave me") # get the rotations to align to normal at this point loc = cmds.spaceLocator() CPOMesh = closest_pt_on_mesh_position(point, mesh) cmds.xform(loc, ws=True, t=CPOMesh) aimVec = (0, 1, 0) upVec = (0, 1, 0) nc = cmds.normalConstraint(mesh, loc, aim=aimVec, upVector=upVec) rot = cmds.xform(loc, ws=True, q=True, ro=True) cmds.delete(nc, loc) return (rot)
def deleteAll(*args): """deletes all audio in the scene""" nodes = cmds.textScrollList(widgets["audioTSL"], q=True, ai=True) for node in nodes: cmds.delete(node) cmds.textScrollList(widgets["audioTSL"], e=True, ra=True)
def dupeIt(*args): """uses the first selection and duplicates it to the transforms of the rest of the selected objects, with or without connections""" sel=cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform", l=True) inputs = cmds.radioButtonGrp("inputsRBG", q=True, sl=True) if sel: base=sel[0] if len(sel)>1: objs=sel[1:] transforms = {} x=0 for obj in objs: #get pos, rot, scale pos = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, t=True) rot = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, ro=True) scal = cmds.getAttr("%s.scale"%obj)[0] transforms[x] = [pos, rot, scal] #delete the obj cmds.delete(obj) x=x+1 for key in transforms.keys(): if inputs == 1: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base)[0] elif inputs == 3: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base, un=True, rr=True)[0] elif inputs == 2: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base, ic=True)[0] print dupe cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, t=transforms[key][0]) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, ro=transforms[key][1]) cmds.setAttr("%s.scale"%dupe, transforms[key][2][0], transforms[key][2][1], transforms[key][2][2]) #TODO - checkbox to copy inputs on orig objects to corresponding inputs on top level of duplicates else: cmds.warning("You need to select more than one object in order to swap!") else: cmds.warning("Please select some transform nodes to dupe!")
def unlock(): """Permanently unlock a locked scene Doesn't throw an error if scene is already unlocked. """ try: cmds.delete("lock") except ValueError: pass
def remove(container): """Remove an existing `container` from Maya scene Deprecated; this functionality is replaced by `api.remove()` Arguments: container (avalon-core:container-1.0): Which container to remove from scene. """ node = container["objectName"] # Assume asset has been referenced reference_node = next((node for node in cmds.sets(node, query=True) if cmds.nodeType(node) == "reference"), None) assert reference_node, ("Imported container not supported; " "container must be referenced.") log.info("Removing '%s' from Maya.." % container["name"]) namespace = cmds.referenceQuery(reference_node, namespace=True) fname = cmds.referenceQuery(reference_node, filename=True) cmds.file(fname, removeReference=True) try: cmds.delete(node) except ValueError: # Already implicitly deleted by Maya upon removing reference pass try: # If container is not automatically cleaned up by May (issue #118) cmds.namespace(removeNamespace=namespace, deleteNamespaceContent=True) except RuntimeError: pass
def relink(obj, goz_id): """Relink object name with existing gozbruhBrushID. """ # manages re linking gozbruhBrush IDs, checks for attribute on shape/xform # in the case of a object being duplicated this removes the duplicate # to prevent deletion, the 'create' option is prefered # is only happens when an object was duplicated and merged (original # still exists) if cmds.objExists(goz_id): cmds.delete(goz_id) cmds.rename(obj, goz_id) return create(goz_id)
def channelbox_command_break(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): for plug in channelBox_SelectedPlugs(box): if cmds.connectionInfo(plug, isDestination=1): destination = cmds.connectionInfo(plug, getExactDestination=1) # when delete source conn from character, must remove from character set or set becomes inconsistent src_conn = cmds.listConnections(destination, s=1, d=0, type="character") if src_conn: warn_msg = "Removed \'^1s\' from character \'^2s\'." cmds.warning(cmds.format(warn_msg, s=(destination, src_conn[0]))) cmds.character(destination, e=1, rm=src_conn[0]) # is tracking edits? import maya.api.OpenMaya as om obj = om.MSelectionList().add(destination).getDependNode(0) depend_fn = om.MFnDependencyNode(obj) tracking_edits = depend_fn.isTrackingEdits() del obj del depend_fn if tracking_edits: src = cmds.connectionInfo(destination, sourceFromDestination=1) cmds.disconnectAttr(src, destination) else: cmds.delete(destination, icn=1)
def channelbox_command_deleteNode(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.delete(cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1), cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1))
def create_and_animate_trees(): """ Function uses the create_palm() support function to create and animate some palm trees. It was created to show how to create basic geometry objects, use instances and use modificators. """ palm1 = create_palm(diameter=1.3, segs_num=20, leafs_num=9, bending=34, id_num=1, anim_start=11, anim_end=26) palm2 = create_palm(diameter=1.6, segs_num=20, leafs_num=9, bending=34, id_num=2, anim_start=40, anim_end=45) palm3 = create_palm(diameter=1.1, segs_num=18, leafs_num=9, bending=24, id_num=3, anim_start=20, anim_end=35) palm4 = create_palm(diameter=1.1, segs_num=24, leafs_num=9, bending=24, id_num=4, anim_start=25, anim_end=40) cmds.currentTime(55) # The removal of history had strange effect when it was applied before tree animation # Next line is intended to avoid a bug. If the history has to be deleted with a cmds.delete function. If it # would not be modified then the bend modifictor would have to be moved wit an object or it would affect an object # in different ways then desired during a changes in its position. The problem is, that during that an evaluation # of commands may take some time and the removing of history resulted in not deformed mesh or a partialy # deformed mesh. This is why cmds.refresh() ommand was used. cmds.refresh(f=True) cmds.delete(palm1, ch=True) cmds.rotate(0.197, 105, 0.558, palm1, absolute=True) # Rotate the palm cmds.move(-8.5, -4.538, 18.1, palm1, absolute=True) # Position the palm cmds.parent(palm1, 'land', relative=True) # Rename it cmds.delete(palm2, ch=True) cmds.rotate(-16.935, 74.246, -23.907, palm2) cmds.move(29.393, -3.990, 4.526, palm2) cmds.parent(palm2, 'land', relative=True) cmds.delete(palm3, ch=True) cmds.move(24.498, -3.322, 36.057, palm3) cmds.rotate(0.023, 0.248, -1.950, palm3) cmds.parent(palm3, 'land', relative=True) cmds.delete(palm4, ch=True) cmds.move(4.353, -1.083, 22.68, palm4) cmds.rotate(-150, -102.569, 872.616, palm4) cmds.parent(palm4, 'land', relative=True)