Python maya.cmds 模块,listAttr() 实例源码


项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_defaults(*args):
    """Set currently selected values from channel box to their default value

    If no channel is selected, default all keyable attributes.


    for node in
        selected_channels = read_selected_channels()
        for channel in (selected_channels or
                        cmds.listAttr(node, keyable=True)):
                default = cmds.attributeQuery(channel,
            except Exception:

                cmds.setAttr(node + "." + channel, default)
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clone_special(*args):
    """Clone in localspace, and preserve user-defined attributes"""

    for transform in, long=True):
        if cmds.nodeType(transform) != "transform":
            cmds.warning("Skipping '%s', not a `transform`" % transform)

        shape = _find_shape(transform)
        type = cmds.nodeType(shape)

        if type not in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"):
            cmds.warning("Skipping '{transform}': cannot clone nodes "
                         "of type '{type}'".format(**locals()))

        cloned = commands.clone(shape, worldspace=False)
        new_transform = cmds.listRelatives(cloned,

        new_transform = cmds.rename(new_transform,
                                    new_transform.rsplit(":", 1)[-1])

        for attr in cmds.listAttr(transform,
                                  userDefined=True) or list():
                cmds.addAttr(new_transform, longName=attr, dataType="string")
            except Exception:

            value = cmds.getAttr(transform + "." + attr)
            cmds.setAttr(new_transform + "." + attr, value, type="string")

        # Connect visibility
        cmds.connectAttr(transform + ".visibility",
                         new_transform + ".visibility")
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_stack_parent(node):
    """Get the parent of the transform stack belonging to the given node.

    :param node: Node to query.
    :return: The parent node or None if there is no parent.
    previous_parent = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True)
    if not previous_parent:
        return None
    previous_parent = previous_parent[0]
    while previous_parent and STACK_ATTRIBUTE in (cmds.listAttr(previous_parent, ud=True) or []):
        parent = cmds.listRelatives(previous_parent, parent=True, path=True)
        if parent:
            parent = parent[0]
        previous_parent = parent
    return previous_parent
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(node):
    """Return user-defined attributes from `node`


    data = dict()

    for attr in cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True) or list():
            value = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attr)
            # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
            # such as mesh and color attributes. These
            # are considered non-essential to this
            # particular publishing pipeline.
            value = None

        data[attr] = value

    return data
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clearShaderConnections(ts="", geo="", *args):
    myShape = cmds.listRelatives(geo, s=True)[0]
    tsList = cmds.listAttr(ts, m=True, st=["*input*"])
    if tsList:
        # delete empty entries? ? 
        # for tsInput in tsList:
        #   shpList = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.{1}.inShape".format(ts, tsInput), sfd=True)
        #   if not shpList:
        #       cmds.removeMultiInstance("blinn1_TripleSwitch.{0}".format(tsInput))         

        for tsInput in tsList:
            shpList = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.{1}.inShape".format(ts, tsInput), sfd=True).partition(".")
            shp = ""
            if shpList:
                shp = shpList[0]
            if shp == myShape:
                # clear out the shape node
                cmds.disconnectAttr("{0}.instObjGroups[0]".format(shp), "{0}.{1}.inShape".format(ts, tsInput))
                # clear out the texture (delete if we can)
                txt = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.{1}.inTriple".format(ts, tsInput), sfd=True).partition(".")[0]
                cmds.disconnectAttr("{0}.outColor".format(txt), "{0}.{1}.inTriple".format(ts, tsInput))
                p2d = cmds.connectionInfo("{0}.uvCoord".format(txt), sfd=True).partition(".")[0]
                cmds.delete(txt, p2d)
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(node):
    """Return user-defined attributes from `node`"""

    data = dict()

    for attr in cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True) or list():
            value = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attr)
        except ValueError:
            # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
            # such as mesh and color attributes. These
            # are considered non-essential to this
            # particular publishing pipeline.
            value = None

        data[attr] = value

    return data
项目:maya2katana    作者:ababak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNodeAttributes(node):
    Get Maya node attributes
    attributes = cmds.listAttr(node)
    attr = {}
    attr['nodeName'] = node
    attr['nodeType'] = cmds.nodeType(node)
    for attribute in attributes:
        if '.' in attribute:
            val = cmds.getAttr(node + '.' + attribute)
        except RuntimeError:
        attr[attribute] = val
    return attr
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def channels(self):
        The keySelection's channels list.

        if not self._channels:

            if self._curves:
                for c in self._curves:
            elif self._nodes:
                for obj in self._nodes:
                    keyable = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True, hasData=True, settable=True)
                    if keyable:
                        for attr in keyable:
                            self._channels.append('.'.join((obj, attr)))

        return self._channels
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_matching_attributes(source, target):
    """Connect matching attributes from source to target

        source (str): Absolute path to node from which to connect
        target (str): Target node

        >>> # Select two matching nodes
        >>> source = cmds.createNode("transform", name="source")
        >>> target = cmds.createNode("transform", name="target")
        >>>[source, target], replace=True)
        >>> source, target =
        >>> connect_matching_attributes(source, target)


    dsts = cmds.listAttr(target, keyable=True)
    for src in cmds.listAttr(source, keyable=True):
        if src not in dsts:

            src = "." + src
            cmds.connectAttr(source + src,
                             target + src,
        except RuntimeError as e:
            cmds.warning("Could not connect %s: %s" % (src, e))
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_transform_stack(node, count=2):
    """Creates a transform stack above the given node.

    Any previous transform stack will be deleted.

    :param node: Node to parent into a transform stack.
    :param count: Number of transforms to add in the stack.
    :return: A list of the transform nodes created starting from top to bottom.
    previous_parent = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True)
    if previous_parent:
        previous_parent = previous_parent[0]
        while previous_parent and STACK_ATTRIBUTE in (cmds.listAttr(previous_parent, ud=True) or []):
            parent = cmds.listRelatives(previous_parent, parent=True, path=True)
            if parent:
                cmds.parent(node, parent)
                parent = parent[0]
                cmds.parent(node, world=True)
            previous_parent = parent

    nulls = []
    for i in reversed(range(count)):
        name = '_'.join(node.split('_')[:-1])
        name = '{0}_{1}nul'.format(name, i+1)
        null = cmds.createNode('transform', name=name)
        cmds.addAttr(null, ln=STACK_ATTRIBUTE, at='message')
        cmds.connectAttr('{0}.message'.format(node), '{0}.{1}'.format(null, STACK_ATTRIBUTE))
        cmds.delete(cmds.parentConstraint(node, null))
        if previous_parent:
            cmds.parent(null, previous_parent)
        previous_parent = null
    cmds.parent(node, previous_parent)
    return nulls
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None):
    if not set:
        return False

    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    if not allUserDefined:
        return ''

    btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if not btUserDefined:
        return ''

    return btUserDefined
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None):
    if not set:
        return False

    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    if not allUserDefined:
        return ''

    btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if not btUserDefined:
        return ''

    return btUserDefined
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None):
    if not set:
        return False

    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    if not allUserDefined:
        return ''

    btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if not btUserDefined:
        return ''

    return btUserDefined
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None):
    if not set:
        return False

    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    if not allUserDefined:
        return ''

    btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if not btUserDefined:
        return ''

    return btUserDefined
项目:metan    作者:utatsuya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def listAttrStr(self, *args, **kwds):
        _name =
        attrnames = []
        if args:
            attrnames = cmds.listAttr([_name+"."+attr.split(".")[-1] for attr in args], **kwds)
            attrnames = cmds.listAttr(_name, **kwds)

        if not attrnames:
            return []
            return attrnames
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doSpaceMatch(*args):

    #check for correct attrs
    obj = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets["objTFG"], q=True, tx=True)

   #look for message attr re: constraint
    if (cmds.attributeQuery("spaceConstraint", node=obj, exists=True)):
        constraint = cmds.listConnections("%s.spaceConstraint"%obj)
        cmds.warning("this object has no \"spaceConstraint\" message attribute and thus is not set up for this matching")

    #----------look for string attributes for weights of constraints

    #get ws pos of obj before
    ws1Pos = cmds.xform(obj, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
    ws1Rot = cmds.xform(obj, q=True, ws=True, ro=True)

    #pull the constraint info from the message and string attrs
    #attr = cmds.listAttr(sel,ud=True )

    #-----------here just key the space value!!!
    #switch the spaces, set up "cases", i.e. if world, then set all to 0 except world, etc
    cmds.setAttr("group1_parentConstraint1.pCube1W0", 0)
    cmds.setAttr("group1_parentConstraint1.pCube2W1", 1)

    #set ws pos, rot of obj after
    cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, t=ws1Pos)
    cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, ro=ws1Rot)

    #add in scriptjob?

    #-----------try this
    #set up constraints as normal, maybe DO NOT have to moniter them specifically, set them up as SDKs
    #constraint goes in as message mapped "spaceConstraint"
    #create string attrs for constraint, each space attrname = space , attrVal = constraintAttr(ie. nameW1)
    #Create one tab to set it up
    #creat one tab to do it - get spaces
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getSpaceSwitchData(node):

    data = {}

    attrs = mc.listAttr(node, userDefined=True, keyable=True)

    if not attrs:
        return data

    ssAttrs = [x for x in attrs if 'paceSwitch' in x]
    for attr in ssAttrs:
        enumValues = []
        spaceEnum = 'space'
        if attr == 'spaceSwitch':
            if not 'space' in attrs:
                spaceEnum = 'spaceSwitch'
            enumValues = mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, listEnum=True)
        elif 'SpaceSwitch' in attr:
            baseName = attr.replace('SpaceSwitch','')
            if baseName + 'Space' in attrs:
                spaceEnum = baseName+'Space'
                spaceEnum = attr
            if spaceEnum in attrs and mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, attributeType=True) == 'enum':
                enumValues = mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, listEnum=True)
        if not enumValues:
        data[attr] = {}
        data[attr]['enumValues'] = enumValues[0].split(':')
        data[attr]['currentValue'] = mc.getAttr(node+'.'+spaceEnum, asString=True)

    return data
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def copyPose(fromNode, toNode, flip=False):

    attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True)
    if not attrs:

    #if attributes are aliased, get the real names for mirroring axis
    aliases = mc.aliasAttr(fromNode, query=True)
    if aliases:
        for alias,real in zip(aliases[::2],aliases[1::2]):
            if alias in attrs:

    axis = getMirrorAxis(toNode)

    for attr in attrs:
        if attr == 'mirrorAxis':
        if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True):
        fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr)
        toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr)
        fromValue = mc.getAttr(fromPlug)
        toValue = mc.getAttr(toPlug)

        if attr in axis:
            fromValue *= -1.0
            toValue *= -1.0

            utl.setAnimValue(toPlug, fromValue)

        if flip:
                utl.setAnimValue(fromPlug, toValue)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def constrain(source, destination, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=False):
    Constrain two objects, even if they have some locked attributes.

    transAttr = None
    rotAttr = None
    scaleAttr = None

    if translate:
        transAttr = mc.listAttr(destination, keyable=True, unlocked=True, string='translate*')
    if rotate:
        rotAttr = mc.listAttr(destination, keyable=True, unlocked=True, string='rotate*')
    if scale:
        scaleAttr = mc.listAttr(destination, keyable=True, unlocked=True, string='scale*')

    rotSkip = list()
    transSkip = list()

    for axis in ['x','y','z']:
        if transAttr and not 'translate'+axis.upper() in transAttr:
        if rotAttr and not 'rotate'+axis.upper() in rotAttr:

    if not transSkip:
        transSkip = 'none'
    if not rotSkip:
        rotSkip = 'none'

    constraints = list()
    if rotAttr and transAttr and rotSkip == 'none' and transSkip == 'none':
        constraints.append(mc.parentConstraint(source, destination))
        if transAttr:
            constraints.append(mc.pointConstraint(source, destination, skip=transSkip))
        if rotAttr:
            constraints.append(mc.orientConstraint(source, destination, skip=rotSkip))

    return constraints
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transferKeytimes(source, destinations):

    if not isinstance(destinations, (list, tuple)):
        destinations = [destinations]

    attributes = mc.listAttr(source, keyable=True, unlocked=True)

    keytimes = dict()
    start = None
    end = None

    for a in attributes:
        currKeytimes = mc.keyframe(source, attribute=a, query=True, timeChange=True)
        if not currKeytimes:

        if start == None or currKeytimes[0] < start:
            start = currKeytimes[0]

        if end == None or currKeytimes[-1] > end:
            end = currKeytimes[-1]

        keytimes[a] = currKeytimes

    if not keytimes:

    with utl.IsolateViews():
        mc.bakeResults(destinations, time=(start,end), sampleBy=1, preserveOutsideKeys=True, simulation=True)

        #euler filter

        #go through all keys and delete 
        for k in keytimes:
            for f in range(int(start), int(end)):
                if not f in keytimes[k]:
                    mc.cutKey(destinations, attribute=k, time=(f,))
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def showAll(*args):

    sel =
    if not sel:

    for each in sel:
        attrs = mc.listAttr(each, keyable=True, unlocked=True)
        if attrs:
            for a in attrs:
                mc.selectionConnection('graphEditor1FromOutliner', edit=True, select=each+'.'+a)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(selectedChannels=True, transformsOnly=False, excludeChannels=None):
    Resets selected channels in the channel box to default, or if nothing's
    selected, resets all keyable channels to default.
    gChannelBoxName = mm.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName')

    sel =
    if not sel:

    if excludeChannels and not isinstance(excludeChannels, (list, tuple)):
        excludeChannels = [excludeChannels]

    chans = None
    if selectedChannels:
        chans = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True)

    testList = ['translateX','translateY','translateZ','rotateX','rotateY','rotateZ','scaleX','scaleY','scaleZ',
    for obj in sel:
        attrs = chans
        if not chans:
            attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True)
            if excludeChannels:
                attrs = [x for x in attrs if x not in excludeChannels]
        if transformsOnly:
            attrs = [x for x in attrs if x in testList]
        if attrs:
            for attr in attrs:
                    default = mc.attributeQuery(attr, listDefault=True, node=obj)[0]
                    mc.setAttr(obj+'.'+attr, default)
                except StandardError:

项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, context):
        from maya import cmds

        for objset in"*.id",
                              long=True,            # Produce full names
                              type="objectSet",     # Only consider objectSets
                              recursive=True,       # Include namespace
                              objectsOnly=True):    # Return objectSet, rather
                                                    # than its members

            is_empty = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) is None
            if is_empty:
      "%s skipped, it was empty." % objset)

            if not cmds.objExists(objset + ".id"):

            if cmds.getAttr(objset + ".id") not in (

                    # Backwards compatibility


            # The developer is responsible for specifying
            # the family of each instance.
            assert cmds.objExists(objset + ".family"), (
                "\"%s\" was missing a family" % objset)

            data = dict()

            # Apply each user defined attribute as data
            for attr in cmds.listAttr(objset, userDefined=True) or list():
                    value = cmds.getAttr(objset + "." + attr)
                except Exception:
                    # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
                    # such as mesh and color attributes. These
                    # are considered non-essential to this
                    # particular publishing pipeline.
                    value = None

                data[attr] = value

            name =, long=False)[0]  # Use short name
            instance = context.create_instance(data.get("name", name))
            instance[:] = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) or list()

            # Produce diagnostic message for any graphical
            # user interface interested in visualising it.
  "Found: \"%s\" " %["name"])
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rebuild_joints(*args):
    if not cmds.objExists(ORIENT_GROUP):
    nodes = cmds.listRelatives(ORIENT_GROUP, ad=True, path=True) or []

    joints = []
    for node in nodes:
        attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, ud=True) or []
        if MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE not in attrs:
        joint = cmds.listConnections('{0}.{1}'.format(node, MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE), d=False)[0]
        rotation = cmds.getAttr('{0}.rx'.format(node))

        children = cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True, shapes=False, path=True)
        if children:
            # First unparent children so change in joint orient does not affect children
            children = [cmds.parent(child, world=True)[0] for child in children]

            # Add rotation offset to joint orient
            orient_x = cmds.getAttr('{0}.jointOrientX'.format(joint))
            orient_x += rotation
            while orient_x > 180.0:
                orient_x -= 360.0
            while orient_x < -180.0:
                orient_x += 360.0
            cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointOrientX'.format(joint), orient_x)

            # Reparent child
            for child in children:
                cmds.parent(child, joint)

            # tip joint, just zero out joint orient
            cmds.setAttr('%s.jointOrientX' % joint, 0)
            cmds.setAttr('%s.jointOrientY' % joint, 0)
            cmds.setAttr('%s.jointOrientZ' % joint, 0)

        # Untemplate
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.template'.format(joint), 0)

    # Delete arrow group
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DeletePose(set = None, poseIndex = None):

    if not set or poseIndex is None:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set):
        return False

    if BT_IsSetupConnected(set):
        cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!')
        return False

    blendNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')

    if not cmds.objExists(blendNode) or not cmds.objExists(set):
        return False

    numTransforms = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms', size = True)

    if not numTransforms:
        return False

    numPoses = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) 
    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    btUserDefined = [x for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if poseIndex >= numPoses:
        return False

    connectionsToBreak = cmds.listConnections(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], d = True, s = False, p = True)
    for ctb in connectionsToBreak:
        cmds.disconnectAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], ctb)
    cmds.deleteAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex])

    for i in range(0, numTransforms):
        for p in range(poseIndex, numPoses-1):
            #get the next items vales
            matrix = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].matrix')
            scale = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].scale')[0]
            conn = cmds.listConnections(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight', s = True, d = False, p = True)[0]

            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].matrix', matrix, type = 'matrix')
            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].scale', scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], type = 'double3')
            cmds.connectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].weight', force = True)
            cmds.disconnectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight')

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DeletePose(set = None, poseIndex = None):

    if not set or poseIndex is None:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set):
        return False

    if BT_IsSetupConnected(set):
        cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!')
        return False

    blendNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')

    if not cmds.objExists(blendNode) or not cmds.objExists(set):
        return False

    numTransforms = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms', size = True)

    if not numTransforms:
        return False

    numPoses = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) 
    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    btUserDefined = [x for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if poseIndex >= numPoses:
        return False

    connectionsToBreak = cmds.listConnections(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], d = True, s = False, p = True)
    for ctb in connectionsToBreak:
        cmds.disconnectAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], ctb)
    cmds.deleteAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex])

    for i in range(0, numTransforms):
        for p in range(poseIndex, numPoses-1):
            #get the next items vales
            matrix = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].matrix')
            scale = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].scale')[0]
            conn = cmds.listConnections(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight', s = True, d = False, p = True)[0]

            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].matrix', matrix, type = 'matrix')
            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].scale', scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], type = 'double3')
            cmds.connectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].weight', force = True)
            cmds.disconnectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight')

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DeletePose(set = None, poseIndex = None):

    if not set or poseIndex is None:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set):
        return False

    if BT_IsSetupConnected(set):
        cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!')
        return False

    blendNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')

    if not cmds.objExists(blendNode) or not cmds.objExists(set):
        return False

    numTransforms = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms', size = True)

    if not numTransforms:
        return False

    numPoses = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) 
    allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True)
    btUserDefined = [x for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')]

    if poseIndex >= numPoses:
        return False

    connectionsToBreak = cmds.listConnections(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], d = True, s = False, p = True)
    for ctb in connectionsToBreak:
        cmds.disconnectAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], ctb)
    cmds.deleteAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex])

    for i in range(0, numTransforms):
        for p in range(poseIndex, numPoses-1):
            #get the next items vales
            matrix = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].matrix')
            scale = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].scale')[0]
            conn = cmds.listConnections(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight', s = True, d = False, p = True)[0]

            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].matrix', matrix, type = 'matrix')
            cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].scale', scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], type = 'double3')
            cmds.connectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].weight', force = True)
            cmds.disconnectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight')

    return True
项目:pyblish-starter    作者:pyblish    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(self, context):
        from maya import cmds

            # Assertion also made in pyblish_starter.install()
            # but as plug-ins can be used vanilla, the check
            # must also be made here.
            import pyblish_maya
            assert pyblish_maya.is_setup()

        except (ImportError, AssertionError):
            raise RuntimeError("pyblish-starter requires pyblish-maya "
                               "to have been setup.")

        for objset in"*.id",
                              long=True,            # Produce full names
                              type="objectSet",     # Only consider objectSets
                              recursive=True,       # Include namespace
                              objectsOnly=True):    # Return objectSet, rather
                                                    # than its members

            if not cmds.objExists(objset + ".id"):

            if not cmds.getAttr(objset + ".id") == "pyblish.starter.instance":

            # The developer is responsible for specifying
            # the family of each instance.
            assert cmds.objExists(objset + ".family"), (
                "\"%s\" was missing a family" % objset)

            name =, long=False)[0]  # Use short name
            instance = context.create_instance(name)
            instance[:] = cmds.sets(objset, query=True) or list()

            # Apply each user defined attribute as data
            for attr in cmds.listAttr(objset, userDefined=True) or list():
                    value = cmds.getAttr(objset + "." + attr)
                    # Some attributes cannot be read directly,
                    # such as mesh and color attributes. These
                    # are considered non-essential to this
                    # particular publishing pipeline.
                    value = None

      [attr] = value

            # Produce diagnostic message for any graphical
            # user interface interested in visualising it.
  "Found: \"%s\" " %["name"])
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zbw_mmListCurrentMessages(tfbg, *args):
    lists the message attrs in the base obj and sets up rt-click menus to change them and a button to delete them
    if (cmds.rowColumnLayout("mmRCListLayout", q=True, ex=True)):
    cmds.rowColumnLayout("mmRCListLayout", w=600, nc=3, cw=[(1, 250),(2,250),(3,100)],p="existingMessages")
    #get the base object
    baseObj = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(tfbg, q=True, tx=True)
    #find all attr of type message for base obj
    userAttrs = cmds.listAttr(baseObj, ud=True)
    messageAttrs = []
    messageObjs = []
    if userAttrs:
        for attr in userAttrs:
            isMsg = cmds.attributeQuery(attr, n=baseObj, msg=True)
            if isMsg:
                fullMsgAttr = baseObj + "." + attr
                targetObj = cmds.listConnections(fullMsgAttr)
                if not targetObj:
                    targetObj = ["no Connection"]

        sizeMsgs = len(messageObjs)
        for i in range(0, sizeMsgs):
            thisObj = messageObjs[i]
            thisAttr = messageAttrs[i]

            #create textField based on num already there, non-editable
            attrId = "listAttrTFG" + str(i)
            objId = "listObjTFG" + str(i)
            buttonId = "listButton" + str(i)

            cmds.separator(h=15, style="single")
            cmds.separator(h=15, style="single")
            cmds.separator(h=15, style="single")

            #create text field for attr
            cmds.textFieldGrp(attrId, p="mmRCListLayout", l=i, cw=[(1,10), (2,190)], ed=False, tx=thisAttr)
            #create popup for text field
            cmds.popupMenu(("attrPUM"+str(i)), b=3)
            cmds.menuItem(l="change attr name", p=("attrPUM"+str(i)), c=partial(zbw_mmChangeConnectAttrUI, baseObj, thisAttr, thisObj))

            #create textField obj based on num, non-editable
            cmds.textFieldGrp(objId, p="mmRCListLayout", w=200, ed=False, tx=thisObj)
            #create pop up
            cmds.popupMenu(("objPUM"+str(i)), b=3)
            cmds.menuItem(l="change obj", p=("objPUM"+str(i)), c=partial(zbw_mmChangeConnectObjUI, baseObj, thisAttr, thisObj))

            #create button to delete attr
            cmds.button(buttonId, l="delete", w=50, c=partial(zbw_mmDeleteMsgAttr, thisAttr))
        cmds.text("no message attributes on this object", p="mmRCListLayout")
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spaceMatchUI():
    if (cmds.window("spaceMatchWin", exists=True)):
        cmds.deleteUI("spaceMatchWin", window=True)

    widgets["window"] = cmds.window("spaceMatchWin", title="Space Matcher", w=250, h=300)
    widgets["mainLO"] = cmds.columnLayout()
    widgets["tabLO"] = cmds.tabLayout()
    widgets["getObjCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout()
    widgets["instruct"] = cmds.text("get obj, then attr, then space then do it")

    #----------fill with selection automatically?
    widgets["objTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(l="select obj", cw=([1,50],[2,150],[3,50]), cal=([1,"left"], [2,"left"],[3,"left"]), cc=clearList)
    widgets["matchObjButton"] = cmds.button(l="select object", c=partial(getObj, widgets["objTFG"]))
    #-----------maybe here have it catch the selected obj by default
    #-----------and/or have a field for the attribute (default to "follow")
    widgets["getAttrButton"] = cmds.button(w=250, al="center", h=20, l="select enum space attr from obj", bgc= (.5, .5, 0), c=getAttr)
    #-----------when the attr is selected list the attrs automagically,
    widgets["spacesTSL"] = cmds.textScrollList(w=250, h=200, nr=8, ams=False, bgc=(.2, .2, .2))
    widgets["matchButton"] = cmds.button(w=250, al="center", h=40, bgc= (0,.5,0), l="space switch/match", c= doSpaceMatch)

    #tab for creation/setup of matching
    #----------in this tab, create frames. One (closable) to create constraint and fill items, check boxes for orient, position (with user selecting objects), one frame (maybe already filled out) (always open) for setting up attrs (message, strings)
    widgets["setupCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout()
    #frame layout for creating the constraints
    widgets["createFrameLO"] = cmds.frameLayout(l="create Constrants", collapsable=True, w=250)
    cmds.text("have em select for constraint")
    widgets["posRotCBG"] = cmds.checkBoxGrp(ncb=2, l1="translation", v1=True, l2="rotation", v2=True)
    #----------this button should just create the constraints on the objects in question, but then fill in what parts of the lower half it can
    widgets["createSetupButton"] = cmds.button(l="create constraints")


    #frameLayout for setting up the attrs
    widgets["setupFrameLO"] = cmds.frameLayout(l="setup matching", collapsable=False, w=250, h=250)
    widgets["setupObjTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(l="select ctrl obj", cw=([1,100],[2,150]), cal=([1,"left"], [2,"left"]))
    widgets["setupObjButton"] = cmds.button(l="get ctrl object", h=40, c= partial(getObj, widgets["setupObjTFG"]))

    widgets["setupConstrTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(l="constraint", cw=([1,100],[2,150]), cal=([1,"left"], [2,"left"]))
    widgets["setupConstrButton"] = cmds.button(l="get constraint", h=40, c= partial(getObj, widgets["setupConstrTFG"]))

    #create list of attrs on constraint
    #attr = cmds.listAttr(sel,ud=True )
    #create list of spaces on obj attr

    cmds.tabLayout(widgets["tabLO"], e=True, tabLabel = ((widgets["getObjCLO"], "change spaces"),(widgets["setupCLO"], "setup matching")))

    cmds.window(widgets["window"], e=True, w=250, h=300)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shift_attr(mode, *args):
    shifts the selected attr up or down

    obj = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', q=True, mainObjectList=True)
    if obj:
        attr = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', q=True, selectedMainAttributes=True)
        if attr:
            for eachObj in obj:
                udAttr = cmds.listAttr(eachObj, ud=True)
                if not attr[0] in udAttr:
                    sys.exit('selected attribute is static and cannot be shifted')
                # temp unlock all user defined attributes
                attrLock = cmds.listAttr(eachObj, ud=True, l=True)
                if attrLock:
                    for alck in attrLock:
                        cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.' + alck, lock=0)
                # shift down
                if mode == 0:
                    if len(attr) > 1:
                        sort = attr
                    if len(attr) == 1:
                        sort = attr
                    for i in sort:
                        attrLs = cmds.listAttr(eachObj, ud=True)
                        attrSize = len(attrLs)
                        attrPos = attrLs.index(i)
                        cmds.deleteAttr(eachObj, at=attrLs[attrPos])
                        for x in range(attrPos + 2, attrSize, 1):
                            cmds.deleteAttr(eachObj, at=attrLs[x])
                # shift up
                if mode == 1:
                    for i in attr:
                        attrLs = cmds.listAttr(eachObj, ud=True)
                        attrSize = len(attrLs)
                        attrPos = attrLs.index(i)
                        if attrLs[attrPos - 1]:
                            cmds.deleteAttr(eachObj, at=attrLs[attrPos - 1])
                        for x in range(attrPos + 1, attrSize, 1):
                            cmds.deleteAttr(eachObj, at=attrLs[x])
                # relock all user defined attributes
                if attrLock:
                    for alck in attrLock:
                        cmds.setAttr(eachObj + '.' + alck, lock=1)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def swapAnimation(fromNode, toNode):

    if not mc.keyframe(fromNode, query=True, name=True):
        mc.cutKey(toNode, clear=True)

    attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True)
    if not attrs:

    for attr in attrs:
        if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True):
            mc.cutKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, clear=True)

        fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr)
        toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr)

        srcCurve = mc.listConnections(fromPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve')
        dstCurve = mc.listConnections(toPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve')


        if srcCurve:
            copySrc = mc.duplicate(srcCurve[0])[0]

        if dstCurve:
            copyDst = mc.duplicate(dstCurve[0])[0]

        if copySrc:
                mc.pasteKey(toNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely')
        if copyDst:
                mc.pasteKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely')

    for axis in getMirrorAxis(toNode):
        mc.scaleKey(toNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1)
        mc.scaleKey(fromNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isolate(option):

    sel =
    if not sel:

    graphVis = mc.selectionConnection('graphEditor1FromOutliner', query=True, obj=True)

    channels = list()
    wildCard = str()
    alreadyIsolated = True

    if graphVis:
        for c in graphVis:
            if not '.' in c and mc.objExists(c):
                attrs = mc.listAttr(c, keyable=True, unlocked=True)
                if attrs:
                    channels.extend([c+'.'+a for a in attrs])
                attr = c.split('.')[-1]
                if attr.startswith(option):
                    if not wildCard:
                        wildCard = option+'*'
                elif attr.endswith(option):
                    if not wildCard:
                        wildCard = '*'+option
                elif attr == option:
                    if not wildCard:
                        wildCard = option
                    #found a curve that is outside our search parameters
                    alreadyIsolated = False

    if channels and alreadyIsolated:

        #if the option is already the only thing being displayed, then show everything that matches the option

        for obj in sel:
            attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True, string=wildCard)
            if attrs:
                channels.extend([obj+'.'+a for a in attrs])

    if not channels:
        for obj in sel:
            attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True)

            for a in attrs:
                if a==option or a.startswith(option) or a.endswith(option):

    for c in channels:
        mc.selectionConnection('graphEditor1FromOutliner', edit=True, select=c)