Python maya.cmds 模块,createNode() 实例源码


项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _output_node(source, type, suffix):
    newname = lib.unique(name=source.rsplit("_", 1)[0] + suffix)

    node = cmds.createNode(type)
    node = [cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True) or node][0]
    node = cmds.rename(node, newname)

        cmds.parent(node, source)
        match_transform(node, source)

    except Exception:
        cmds.warning("Could not create %s" % node)

    return node
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _maintained_selection_context():
    """Maintain selection during context

        >>> scene = cmds.file(new=True, force=True)
        >>> node = cmds.createNode("transform", name="Test")
        >>> with maintained_selection():
        ..."Test", replace=True)
        >>> "Test" in


    previous_selection =
        if previous_selection:
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def follicle(shape, u=0, v=0, name=""):
    """Attach follicle to "shape" at specified "u" and "v" values"""

    type = cmds.nodeType(shape)
    assert type in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface"), (
        "follicle() works on polygonal meshes and nurbs")

    src, dst = {
        "mesh": (".outMesh", ".inputMesh"),
        "nurbsSurface": (".local", ".inputSurface")

    follicle = cmds.createNode("follicle", name=name + "Shape")
    transform = cmds.listRelatives(follicle, parent=True)[0]

    cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterU", u)
    cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterV", v)

    cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outTranslate", transform + ".translate")
    cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outRotate", transform + ".rotate")
    cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".worldMatrix[0]", follicle + ".inputWorldMatrix")
    cmds.connectAttr(shape + src, follicle + dst, force=True)

    return transform
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_node(node_dictionary, parent=None):
    """Create the Maya node described by the given data dictionary.
    :param node_dictionary: The data dictionary generated by one of the load/get functions.
    :param parent: The node to parent the created node to.
    node = cmds.createNode(node_dictionary['nodeType'], name=node_dictionary['name'])
    if parent:
        cmds.parent(node, parent)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.t'.format(node), *node_dictionary['translate'])
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.r'.format(node), *node_dictionary['rotate'])
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.s'.format(node), *node_dictionary['scale'])
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.rotateOrder'.format(node), node_dictionary['rotateOrder'])
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.rotateAxis'.format(node), *node_dictionary['rotateAxis'])
    if node_dictionary['nodeType'] == 'joint':
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointOrient'.format(node), *node_dictionary['jointOrient'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.radius'.format(node), node_dictionary['radius'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.side'.format(node), node_dictionary['side'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.type'.format(node), node_dictionary['type'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.otherType'.format(node), node_dictionary['otherType'], type='string')
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointTypeX'.format(node), node_dictionary['jointTypeX'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointTypeY'.format(node), node_dictionary['jointTypeY'])
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.jointTypeZ'.format(node), node_dictionary['jointTypeZ'])

    for child in node_dictionary.get('children', []):
        create_node(child, node)
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self): = cmds.createNode('transform', name='skeleton_grp')
        j1 = cmds.joint(p=(0, 10, 0))
        cmds.joint(p=(1, 9, 0))
        cmds.joint(p=(2, 8, 0))
        j = cmds.joint(p=(3, 9, 0))
        cmds.joint(p=(4, 6, 0))
        cmds.joint(p=(5, 5, 0))
        cmds.joint(p=(6, 3, 0))
        self.cube = cmds.polyCube()[0]
        cmds.parent(self.cube, j)
        self.translates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.t'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
        self.rotates = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.r'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
        self.orients = [cmds.getAttr('{0}.jo'.format(x))[0] for x in'joint')]
项目:maya_rotationDriver    作者:ryusas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doit(radius=5., num=36):
    cmds.loadPlugin('rotationDriver', qt=True)
    node = cmds.createNode('composeRotate')
    node_or = node + '.outRotate'
    node_h = node + '.bendH'
    node_v = node + '.bendV'

    shiftX = radius * 1.25

    top0 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotStereoProj', radius, num)
    cmds.setAttr(top0 + '.tx', -shiftX)

    cmds.setAttr(node + '.method', 1)
    top1 = _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, 'plotExpmap', radius, num)
    cmds.setAttr(top1 + '.tx', shiftX)

    cmds.delete(node)[top0, top1])
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combine_curves(curve_shapes):

    pnt_attr_nodes = []
    for node in curve_shapes:
        pa = cmds.createNode('pointAttributeToArray')
        cmds.connectAttr(node + '.worldSpace', pa + '.inGeometry')
        cmds.setAttr(pa + '.pointPosition', 1)
        cmds.setAttr(pa + '.pointTangent', 1)

    positions = cmds.createNode('combineArrays')
    tangents = cmds.createNode('combineArrays')

    for i, pa in enumerate(pnt_attr_nodes):
        cmds.connectAttr(pa + '.outPositionPP', (positions + '.inArrays[{}]').format(i))
        cmds.connectAttr(pa + '.outTangentPP', (tangents + '.inArrays[{}]').format(i))

    return positions, tangents
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_hair_system(nucleus=None):
    '''Create a hair system, add it to the specified nucleus or active nucleus'''

    if not nucleus:
        nucleus = get_nucleus()

    hair_system = cmds.createNode('hairSystem')
    cmds.connectAttr('time1.outTime', hair_system + '.currentTime')
    index = cmds.getAttr(nucleus + '.inputActive', size=True)
    input_active = '{}.inputActive[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    input_start = '{}.inputActiveStart[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    output_object = '{}.outputObjects[{}]'.format(nucleus, index)
    cmds.setAttr(hair_system + '.active', 1)
    cmds.connectAttr(hair_system + '.currentState', input_active)
    cmds.connectAttr(hair_system + '.startState', input_start)
    cmds.connectAttr(output_object, hair_system + '.nextState')
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + '.startFrame', hair_system + '.startFrame')
    return hair_system
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def curve_to_hair(curve_shape, hair_system):

    curve = cmds.listRelatives(curve_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    curve_name = curve.split('|')[-1]

    # Create follicle
    follicle_shape = cmds.createNode('follicle')
    follicle = cmds.listRelatives(follicle_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    follicle = cmds.rename(follicle, curve_name + '_follicle#')
    follicle_shape = cmds.listRelatives(follicle, shapes=True, f=True)[0]
    cmds.connectAttr(curve + '.worldMatrix', follicle_shape + '.startPositionMatrix')
    cmds.connectAttr(curve_shape + '.local', follicle_shape + '.startPosition')

    # # Create output curve
    out_curve_shape = cmds.createNode('nurbsCurve')
    out_curve = cmds.listRelatives(out_curve_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    out_curve = cmds.rename(out_curve, curve_name + '_out#')
    out_curve_shape = cmds.listRelatives(out_curve, shapes=True, f=True)[0]
    cmds.connectAttr(follicle + '.outCurve', out_curve_shape + '.create')

    # Add follicle to hair system
    add_follicle(follicle_shape, hair_system)

    return [[follicle, follicle_shape], [out_curve, out_curve_shape]]
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lock():
    """Lock scene

    Add an invisible node to your Maya scene with the name of the
    current file, indicating that this file is "locked" and cannot
    be modified any further.


    if not cmds.objExists("lock"):
        with lib.maintained_selection():
            cmds.createNode("objectSet", name="lock")
            cmds.addAttr("lock", ln="basename", dataType="string")

            # Permanently hide from outliner
            cmds.setAttr("lock.verticesOnlySet", True)

    fname = cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True)
    basename = os.path.basename(fname)
    cmds.setAttr("lock.basename", basename, type="string")
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def maintained_selection():
    """Maintain selection during context

        >>> scene = cmds.file(new=True, force=True)
        >>> node = cmds.createNode("transform", name="Test")
        >>> with maintained_selection():
        ..."Test", replace=True)
        >>> "Test" in


    previous_selection =
        if previous_selection:
项目:maya_greenCageDeformer    作者:ryusas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doit(cage_tgt=None):
    if not cage_tgt:
        cage_tgt =, o=True)
    cage = cage_tgt[0]
    tgt = cage_tgt[1:]

    cmds.loadPlugin('', qt=True)
    deformer = cmds.deformer(tgt, type='greenCageDeformer')[0]

    freezer = cmds.createNode('transformGeometry')
    cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.o', freezer + '.ig')
    cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.wm', freezer + '.txf')
    cmds.connectAttr(freezer + '.og', deformer + '.bc')
    cmds.disconnectAttr(freezer + '.og', deformer + '.bc')

    cmds.connectAttr(cage + '.w', deformer + '.ic')
    cmds.dgeval(cmds.listConnections(deformer + '.og', s=False, d=True, sh=True, p=True))

#doit([cmds.polyCube(w=2.5, d=2.5, h=2.5)[0], cmds.polySphere()[0]])
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_transform(src, dst):
    """Transform `src` to `dst`, taking worldspace into account

        src (str): Absolute path to source transform
        dst (str): Absolute path to destination transform


        parent = cmds.listRelatives(src, parent=True)[0]
    except Exception:
        parent = None

    node_decompose = cmds.createNode("decomposeMatrix")
    node_multmatrix = cmds.createNode("multMatrix")

    connections = {
        dst + ".worldMatrix": node_multmatrix + ".matrixIn[0]",
        node_multmatrix + ".matrixSum": node_decompose + ".inputMatrix",
        node_decompose + ".outputTranslate": src + ".translate",
        node_decompose + ".outputRotate": src + ".rotate",
        node_decompose + ".outputScale": src + ".scale",

    if parent:
            parent + ".worldInverseMatrix": node_multmatrix + ".matrixIn[1]"

    for s, d in connections.iteritems():
        cmds.connectAttr(s, d, force=True)


    cmds.delete([node_decompose, node_multmatrix])
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combine(nodes):
    """Produce a new mesh with the contents of `nodes`

        nodes (list): Path to shapes


    unite = cmds.createNode("polyUnite", n=nodes[0] + "_polyUnite")

    count = 0
    for node in nodes:
        # Are we dealing with transforms, or shapes directly?
        shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True) or [node]

        for shape in shapes:
                cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".outMesh",
                                 unite + ".inputPoly[%s]" % count, force=True)
                cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".worldMatrix",
                                 unite + ".inputMat[%s]" % count, force=True)
                count += 1

            except Exception:
                cmds.warning("'%s' is not a polygonal mesh" % shape)

    if count:
        output = cmds.createNode("mesh", n=nodes[0] + "_combinedShape")
        cmds.connectAttr(unite + ".output", output + ".inMesh", force=True)
        return output

        return None
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_matching_attributes(source, target):
    """Connect matching attributes from source to target

        source (str): Absolute path to node from which to connect
        target (str): Target node

        >>> # Select two matching nodes
        >>> source = cmds.createNode("transform", name="source")
        >>> target = cmds.createNode("transform", name="target")
        >>>[source, target], replace=True)
        >>> source, target =
        >>> connect_matching_attributes(source, target)


    dsts = cmds.listAttr(target, keyable=True)
    for src in cmds.listAttr(source, keyable=True):
        if src not in dsts:

            src = "." + src
            cmds.connectAttr(source + src,
                             target + src,
        except RuntimeError as e:
            cmds.warning("Could not connect %s: %s" % (src, e))
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_ncloth(input_mesh):
    """Replace Create nCloth menu item

    This performs the identical option of nCloth -> Create nCloth
    with the following changes.

    1. Input mesh not made intermediate
    2. Current mesh and shape named "currentMesh"

        input_mesh (str): Path to shape


    assert cmds.nodeType(input_mesh) == "mesh", (
        "%s was not of type mesh" % input_mesh)

    nucleus = cmds.createNode("nucleus", name="nucleus1")
    ncloth = cmds.createNode("nCloth", name="nClothShape1")
    current_mesh = cmds.createNode("mesh", name="currentMesh")

    cmds.connectAttr(input_mesh + ".worldMesh[0]", ncloth + ".inputMesh")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".outputMesh", current_mesh + ".inMesh")
    cmds.connectAttr("time1.outTime", nucleus + ".currentTime")
    cmds.connectAttr("time1.outTime", ncloth + ".currentTime")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".currentState", nucleus + ".inputActive[0]")
    cmds.connectAttr(ncloth + ".startState", nucleus + ".inputActiveStart[0]")
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + ".outputObjects[0]", ncloth + ".nextState")
    cmds.connectAttr(nucleus + ".startFrame", ncloth + ".startFrame")

    # Assign default shader
    cmds.sets(current_mesh, addElement="initialShadingGroup")

    return current_mesh
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template_joints(joints=None, reorient_children=True, reset_orientation=True):
    if joints is None:
        joints =, type='joint')
    if not joints:
        raise RuntimeError('No joint selected to orient.')

    if reorient_children:
        children = cmds.listRelatives(fullPath=True, allDescendents=True, type='joint')

    red, green, blue = create_shaders()

    orient_group = cmds.createNode('transform', name=ORIENT_GROUP)
    manips = []
    for joint in joints:
        if reset_orientation:
            cmds.makeIdentity(joint, apply=True)
            cmds.joint(joint, edit=True, orientJoint='xyz', secondaryAxisOrient='yup', children=False, zeroScaleOrient=True)
        if not cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True):
        group, manip = create_orient_manipulator(joint, blue)
        cmds.parent(group, orient_group)
        cmds.parentConstraint(joint, group)
        cmds.setAttr(joint + '.template', 1)
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_orient_manipulator(joint, material):
    joint_scale = cmds.jointDisplayScale(query=True)
    joint_radius = cmds.getAttr('{0}.radius'.format(joint))
    radius = joint_scale * joint_radius
    children = cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True, path=True)
    if children:
        p1 = cmds.xform(joint, q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        p1 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p1)
        p2 = cmds.xform(children[0], q=True, ws=True, t=True)
        p2 = OpenMaya.MPoint(*p2)
        radius = p1.distanceTo(p2)
    arrow_cvs = [[-1, 0, 0], [-1, 2, 0], [-2, 2, 0], [0, 4, 0], [2, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]
    arrow_cvs = [[x[0]*radius, x[1]*radius, x[2]*radius] for x in arrow_cvs]
    shape = cmds.curve(name='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), degree=1, point=arrow_cvs)
    # shape = cmds.sphere(n='{0}_zForward'.format(joint), p=(0, 0, 0), ax=(0, 0, -1), ssw=0, esw=180, r=radius, d=3, ut=0, tol=0.01, s=8, nsp=4, ch=0)[0]
    # cmds.setAttr('{0}.sz'.format(shape), 0)
    # cmds.hyperShade(assign=material)
    group = cmds.createNode('transform', name='{0}_grp'.format(shape))
    cmds.parent(shape, group)
    cmds.makeIdentity(shape, apply=True)
    cmds.addAttr(shape, longName=MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE, attributeType='message')
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.message'.format(joint), '{0}.{1}'.format(shape, MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE))
    for attr in ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ry', 'rz', 'v']:
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.{1}'.format(shape, attr), lock=True, keyable=False)
    return group, shape
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_knots(curve):
    """Gets the list of knots of a curve so it can be recreated.

    :param curve: Curve to query.
    :return: A list of knot values that can be passed into the curve creation command.
    curve = shortcuts.get_shape(curve)
    info = cmds.createNode('curveInfo')
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldSpace'.format(curve), '{0}.inputCurve'.format(info))
    knots = cmds.getAttr('{0}.knots[*]'.format(info))
    return knots
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DisconnectSetup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    if not BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set):
        cmds.warning('Setup already disconnected!')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')
    if not btNode or not cmds.objExists(btNode):
        return False

    numOutputs = cmds.getAttr(btNode +'.output', size = True)
    print numOutputs
    tempMult = None
    for i in range(0, numOutputs):

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', conns[0] +'.translate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', conns[0] +'.rotate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', conns[0] +'.scale')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', tempMult +'.input1') = True)

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DisconnectSetup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    if not BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set):
        cmds.warning('Setup already disconnected!')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')
    if not btNode or not cmds.objExists(btNode):
        return False

    numOutputs = cmds.getAttr(btNode +'.output', size = True)
    print numOutputs
    tempMult = None
    for i in range(0, numOutputs):

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', conns[0] +'.translate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', conns[0] +'.rotate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', conns[0] +'.scale')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', tempMult +'.input1') = True)

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_Setup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers')
    if not transforms:
        return False

    if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True):
        cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms")
    cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string")

    for i in range(0, len(transforms)):
        baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True)
        baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0]
        baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'):
            baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0]

        btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix'
        btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale'
        btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset'

        BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr)
        BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr)
        BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i])

    return True
项目:BlendTransforms    作者:duncanskertchly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BT_DisconnectSetup(set = None):

    if not set:
        return False

    if not BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set):
        cmds.warning('Setup already disconnected!')
        return False

    btNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node')
    if not btNode or not cmds.objExists(btNode):
        return False

    numOutputs = cmds.getAttr(btNode +'.output', size = True)
    print numOutputs
    tempMult = None
    for i in range(0, numOutputs):

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', conns[0] +'.translate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputT', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', conns[0] +'.rotate')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputR', tempMult +'.input1')

        conns = cmds.listConnections(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', s = False, d = True)
        if conns:
            tempMult = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide')
            cmds.disconnectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', conns[0] +'.scale')
            cmds.connectAttr(btNode +'.output[' +str(i) +'].outputS', tempMult +'.input1') = True)

    return True
项目:maya_rotationDriver    作者:ryusas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _plotBendHV(node_or, node_h, node_v, name, radius, num):
    assert MAngle.uiUnit() == MAngle.kDegrees

    top = cmds.createNode('transform', n=name)

    #_createInsideSphere('insideSphere', radius, top)

    bone = MVector.kXaxisVector * radius
    invNum = 1. / float(num)
    angles = [360. * x * invNum - 180. for x in range(num + 1)]

    def evalPos(attr, val):
        cmds.setAttr(attr, val)
        return bone.rotateBy(MEulerRotation([x * _TO_RAD for x in cmds.getAttr(node_or)[0]]))

    grp = cmds.createNode('transform', n='plotBendH', p=top)
    for v in angles:
        cmds.setAttr(node_v, v)
        _createCurve('plogH', v, [evalPos(node_h, h) for h in angles], grp)

    grp = cmds.createNode('transform', n='plotBendV', p=top)
    for h in angles:
        cmds.setAttr(node_h, h)
        _createCurve('plotV', h, [evalPos(node_v, v) for v in angles], grp)

    return top

项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conform_curve(source, destination):

    point_on_curve = cmds.createNode('nearestPointOnCurve')
    cmds.connectAttr(destination + '.worldSpace', point_on_curve + '.inputCurve')

    for i, point in enumerate(cmds.getAttr(source + '.cv[*]')):
        cmds.setAttr(point_on_curve + '.inPosition', point[0], point[1], point[2])
        result_point = cmds.getAttr(point_on_curve + '.result.position')[0]
        cmds.setAttr('{}.cv[{}]'.format(source, i), result_point[0], result_point[1], result_point[2])
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def multi_curve_field(curve_shapes):

    positions, tangents = combine_curves(curve_shapes)

    field = cmds.createNode('pointCloudToField')
    cmds.connectAttr(positions + '.outArray', field + '.inPositionPP')
    cmds.connectAttr(tangents + '.outArray', field + '.inDirectionPP')
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def toggle_burnin(value):
    '''Toggle default viewport burnin'''

    viewport_burnin = get_viewport_burnin()
    if viewport_burnin:
        cmds.setAttr(viewport_burnin + '.v', value)

    if not value:

    if not cmds.pluginInfo(burnin.type_name, q=True, loaded=True):

    viewport_burnin = cmds.createNode('burnin')
    cmds.addAttr(viewport_burnin, ln='viewport_burnin', at='bool', dv=True)
    cmds.setAttr(viewport_burnin + '.fontSize', 16)
    cmds.setAttr(viewport_burnin + '.fontWeight', 75)
    cmds.setAttr(viewport_burnin + '.fontAlpha', 0.75)

    t0 = viewport_burnin + '.textArray[0]'
    cmds.setAttr(t0 + '.textString', '{frame:0>3d}\n{camera}', type='string')
    cmds.setAttr(t0 + '.textColor', 1, 1, 1)
    cmds.setAttr(t0 + '.textAlign', 7)

    t1 = viewport_burnin + '.textArray[1]'
    cmds.setAttr(t1 + '.textString', '{user}\n{scene}', type='string')
    cmds.setAttr(t1 + '.textColor', 1, 1, 1)
    cmds.setAttr(t1 + '.textAlign', 6)
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_strand(hair_system=None):

    if not hair_system:
        selection =, dag=True, leaf=True, type='hairSystem')
        if selection:
            hair_system = selection[0]

    start = om.MVector(0, 0, 0)
    end = om.MVector(0, 0, 24)

    start_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(name='strand_start#')[0]
    end_loc = cmds.spaceLocator(name='strand_end#')[0]
    cmds.xform(end_loc, ws=True, translation=end)

    tta = cmds.createNode('transformsToArrays')
    cmds.connectAttr(start_loc + '.worldMatrix', tta + '.inTransforms[0].inMatrix')
    cmds.connectAttr(end_loc + '.worldMatrix', tta + '.inTransforms[1].inMatrix')
    pcc = cmds.createNode('pointCloudToCurve')
    cmds.connectAttr(tta + '.outPositionPP', pcc + '.inArray')
    expand_grp =[start_loc, end_loc], name='strand_expand_grp#')

    curve, curve_shape = curve_between(start, end, name='strand_curve#')
    cmds.connectAttr(pcc + '.outCurve', curve_shape + '.create')
    root_grp =, name='strand_grp#')
    cmds.parent([expand_grp, curve], root_grp)

    follicle_nodes, out_curve_nodes = add_curve_to_system(curve_shape, hair_system)
    follicle_shape = follicle_nodes[1]
    cmds.setAttr(follicle_shape + '.pointLock', 3)
    cmds.setAttr(follicle_shape + '.sampleDensity', 24)
项目:core    作者:getavalon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unique_name(name, format="%02d", namespace="", prefix="", suffix=""):
    """Return unique `name`

    The function takes into consideration an optional `namespace`
    and `suffix`. The suffix is included in evaluating whether a
    name exists - such as `name` + "_GRP" - but isn't included
    in the returned value.

    If a namespace is provided, only names within that namespace
    are considered when evaluating whether the name is unique.

        format (str, optional): The `name` is given a number, this determines
            how this number is formatted. Defaults to a padding of 2.
            E.g. my_name01, my_name02.
        namespace (str, optional): Only consider names within this namespace.
        suffix (str, optional): Only consider names with this suffix.

        >>> name = cmds.createNode("transform", name="MyName")
        >>> cmds.objExists(name)
        >>> unique = unique_name(name)
        >>> cmds.objExists(unique)


    iteration = 1
    unique = prefix + (name + format % iteration) + suffix

    while cmds.objExists(namespace + ":" + unique):
        iteration += 1
        unique = prefix + (name + format % iteration) + suffix

    if suffix:
        return unique[:-len(suffix)]

    return unique
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect_transform(driver, driven, source=WorldSpace, compensate=False):
    """Connect translation, rotation and scale via decomposeMatrix

        driver (str): Absolute path to driver
        driven (str): Absolute path to driven
        source (str, optional): Either WorldSpace or LocalSpace,
            default WorldSpace
        compensate (bool, optional): Whether or not to take into account
            the current transform, default False.

        output (list): Newly created nodes


    outputattr = ".matrix" if source == LocalSpace else ".worldMatrix[0]"

    assert cmds.objExists(driver), "%s not found" % driver
    assert cmds.objExists(driven), "%s not found" % driven

    decompose = driver + "_decompose"
    output = [decompose]

    if not cmds.objExists(decompose):
        decompose = cmds.createNode("decomposeMatrix", name=decompose)

        if compensate:

            multMatrix = cmds.createNode(
                "multMatrix", name=driver + "_multMatrix")

            # Compensate for drivens parentMatrix.
            cmds.connectAttr(driver + outputattr,
                             multMatrix + ".matrixIn[0]")
            cmds.connectAttr(driven + ".parentInverseMatrix",
                             multMatrix + ".matrixIn[1]")
            cmds.connectAttr(multMatrix + ".matrixSum",
                             decompose + ".inputMatrix")

            cmds.connectAttr(driver + outputattr,
                             decompose + ".inputMatrix")

    # Drive driven with compensated driver.
    cmds.connectAttr(decompose + ".outputTranslate", driven + ".t")
    cmds.connectAttr(decompose + ".outputRotate", driven + ".r")
    cmds.connectAttr(decompose + ".outputScale", driven + ".s")

    return output
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clone(shape, worldspace=False):
    """Clone `shape`

        shape (str): Absolute path to shape
        worldspace (bool, optional): Whether or not to consider worldspace

        node (str): Newly created clone


    type = cmds.nodeType(shape)
    assert type in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"), (
        "clone() works on polygonal and nurbs surfaces")

    src, dst = {
        "mesh": (".outMesh", ".inMesh"),
        "nurbsSurface": (".local", ".create"),
        "nurbsCurve": (".local", ".create"),

    nodetype = cmds.nodeType(shape)

    name = lib.unique(name=shape.rsplit("|")[-1])
    clone = cmds.createNode(nodetype, name=name)

    cmds.connectAttr(shape + src, clone + dst, force=True)

    if worldspace:
        transform = cmds.createNode("transformGeometry",
                                    name=name + "_transformGeometry")

        cmds.connectAttr(shape + src,
                         transform + ".inputGeometry", force=True)
        cmds.connectAttr(shape + ".worldMatrix[0]",
                         transform + ".transform", force=True)
        cmds.connectAttr(transform + ".outputGeometry",
                         clone + dst, force=True)

    # Assign default shader
    cmds.sets(clone, addElement="initialShadingGroup")

    return clone
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def follicle(*args):
    supported = ["mesh", "nurbsSurface"]
    selection =

    new_follicles = []
    for sel in selection:
        uv = lib.uv_from_element(sel)

        geometry_shape = lib.shape_from_element(sel)
        geometry_transform = cmds.listRelatives(geometry_shape, parent=True)[0]

        # Figure out output connection
        inputs = [".inputMesh", ".inputSurface"]
        outputs = [".outMesh", ".local"]

        failed = False
        type = cmds.nodeType(geometry_shape)
        if type not in supported:
            failed = True
            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(geometry_shape, shapes=True)

            if shapes:
                geometry_shape = shapes[0]
                type = cmds.nodeType(geometry_shape)
                if type in supported:
                    failed = False

        if failed:
            cmds.error("Skipping '%s': Type not accepted" % type)

        input = inputs[supported.index(type)]
        output = outputs[supported.index(type)]

        # Make follicle
        follicle = cmds.createNode("follicle",
                                   name=geometry_transform + "_follicleShape1")
        follicle_transform = cmds.listRelatives(follicle, parent=True)[0]
        follicle_transform = cmds.rename(follicle_transform,
                                         geometry_transform + "_follicle1")

        # Set U and V value
        cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterU", uv[0])
        cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterV", uv[1])

        # Make the connections
        cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outTranslate",
                         follicle_transform + ".translate")
        cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outRotate",
                         follicle_transform + ".rotate")
        cmds.connectAttr(geometry_shape + output,
                         follicle + input)

        # Select last

    # Select newly created follicles
    if new_follicles:, r=1)

    return new_follicles
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_spine(start_joint, end_joint, lower_control, upper_control, name='spine'):
    spline_chain, original_chain = shortcuts.duplicate_chain(start_joint, end_joint, prefix='ikSpine_')

    # Create the spline ik
    ikh, effector, curve = cmds.ikHandle(
        name='{0}_ikh'.format(name), solver='ikSplineSolver',
        startJoint=spline_chain[0], endEffector=spline_chain[-1], parentCurve=False,
    effector = cmds.rename(effector, '{0}_eff'.format(name))
    curve = cmds.rename(curve, '{0}_crv'.format(name))

    # Create the joints to skin the curve
    curve_start_joint = cmds.duplicate(start_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveStart_jnt'.format(name))
    cmds.parent(curve_start_joint, lower_control)
    curve_end_joint = cmds.duplicate(end_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveEnd_jnt'.format(name))
    cmds.parent(curve_end_joint, upper_control)

    # Skin curve
    cmds.skinCluster(curve_start_joint, curve_end_joint, curve, name='{0}_scl'.format(name), tsb=True)

    # Create stretch network
    curve_info = cmds.arclen(curve, constructionHistory=True)
    mdn = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name='{0}Stretch_mdn'.format(name))
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info), '{0}.input1X'.format(mdn))
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.input2X'.format(mdn), cmds.getAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info)))
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.operation'.format(mdn), 2)  # Divide

    # Connect to joints
    for joint in spline_chain[1:]:
        tx = cmds.getAttr('{0}.translateX'.format(joint))
        mdl = cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', name='{0}Stretch_mdl'.format(joint))
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.input1'.format(mdl), tx)
        cmds.connectAttr('{0}.outputX'.format(mdn), '{0}.input2'.format(mdl))
        cmds.connectAttr('{0}.output'.format(mdl), '{0}.translateX'.format(joint))

    # Setup advanced twist
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dTwistControlEnable'.format(ikh), True)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpType'.format(ikh), 4)  # Object up
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpAxis'.format(ikh), 0)  # Positive Y Up
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorX'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorY'.format(ikh), 1)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorZ'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndX'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndY'.format(ikh), 1)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndZ'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(lower_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrix'.format(ikh))
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(upper_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrixEnd'.format(ikh))

    # Constrain original chain back to spline chain
    for ik_joint, joint in zip(spline_chain, original_chain):
        if joint == end_joint:
            cmds.pointConstraint(ik_joint, joint, mo=True)
            cmds.orientConstraint(upper_control, joint, mo=True)
            cmds.parentConstraint(ik_joint, joint)
项目:metan    作者:utatsuya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_types(self):
        print("start : node type test.")
        cmds.file(new=True, f=True)

        m = mtn.M(cmds.polyCube()[0])
        _name =
        m2 = mtn.M(_name)
        assert(m.nodeType() == u'transform')
        assert(hash(m) == hash(m2))
        assert(hash(m.t) == hash(m2.attr("t")))
        assert(hash(m.translate) == hash(m2.attr("t")))
        assert(hash(m.t) == hash(m2.attr("translate")))
        assert(hash(m.t.tx) == hash(m2.attr("translate").tx))
        assert(hash(m.tx) == hash(m2.attr("translate").attr("tx")))
        assert(hash(m.translateX) == hash(m2.attr("translate").attr("tx")))
        assert(hash(m.pim) == hash(m2.attr("pim")))
        assert(hash(m.pim) == hash(m2.pim))
        assert(hash(m.pim[0]) != hash(m2.pim))
        assert(hash(m.pim[0]) == hash(m2.pim[0]))
        assert(hash(mtn.M(_name+".translateX")) == hash(mtn.M(_name).attr("t").attr("tx")))
        assert(hash(mtn.M(_name+".translateX")) == hash(mtn.M(_name).attr("t.translateX")))
        assert(m == m2)
        assert(m.t == m2.attr("t"))
        assert(m.translate == m2.attr("t"))
        assert(m.t == m2.attr("translate"))
        assert(m.t.tx == m2.attr("translate").tx)
        assert(m.tx == m2.attr("translate").attr("tx"))
        assert(m.translateX == m2.attr("translate").attr("tx"))
        assert(m.pim == m2.attr("pim"))
        assert(m.pim == m2.pim)
        assert(m.pim[0] != m2.pim)
        assert(m.pim[0] == m2.pim[0])
        assert(mtn.M(_name+".translateX") == mtn.M(_name).attr("t").attr("tx"))
        assert(mtn.M(_name+".translateX") == mtn.M(_name).attr("t.translateX"))

        j = mtn.M(cmds.createNode(u"joint"))
        assert(j.nodeType() == u'joint')

        t = mtn.M(u"time1")
        assert(t.nodeType() == u'time')

        print("end : node type test.")
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def follicle(surface="none", folName="none", u=0.5, v=0.5, *args):
    creates a follicle on a surface based on the uv input.
    Args are: surface, folName, u, v
#------------do a bit more checking here to make sure the shapes, numbers etc work out
    if surface=="none":
        #decide if surface is polymesh or nurbsSurface
        surfaceXform =, dag=True, type="transform")[0]
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]
        surfaceXform = surface
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]

    if folName == "none":
        folShapeName = "myFollicleShape"
        folXformName = "myFollicle"
        folShapeName = "%sShape"%folName
        folXformName = folName

#------------test if follicle exists
    #create the follicle
    folShape = cmds.createNode("follicle", n=folShapeName)
    folXform = cmds.listRelatives(folShape, p=True, type="transform")[0]
    cmds.rename(folXform, folXformName)

    #connect up the follicle!
    #connect the matrix of the surface to the matrix of the follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.worldMatrix[0]"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputWorldMatrix"%folShape)

    #check for surface type, poly or nurbs and connect the matrix into the follicle
    if (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="nurbsSurface"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.local"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputSurface"%folShape)
    elif (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="mesh"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.outMesh"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputMesh"%folShape)
        cmds.warning("not the right kind of selection. Need a poly or nurbs surface")

    #connect the transl, rots from shape to transform of follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outTranslate"%folShape, "%s.translate"%folXform)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outRotate"%folShape, "%s.rotate"%folXform)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterU"%folShape, u)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterV"%folShape, v)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.translate"%folXform, l=True)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.rotate"%folXform, l=True)

    return(folXform, folShape)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def zbw_follicle(surface="none", folName="none", u=0.5, v=0.5, *args):

#------------do a bit more checking here to make sure the shapes, numbers etc work out
    if surface=="none":
        #decide if surface is polymesh or nurbsSurface
        surfaceXform =, dag=True, type="transform")[0]
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]
        surfaceXform = surface
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]

    if folName == "none":
        folShapeName = "myFollicleShape"
        folXformName = "myFollicle"
        folShapeName = "%sShape"%folName
        folXformName = folName

    #create the follicle
    folShape = cmds.createNode("follicle", n=folShapeName)
    folXform = cmds.listRelatives(folShape, p=True, type="transform")[0]
    cmds.rename(folXform, folXformName)

    #connect up the follicle!
    #connect the matrix of the surface to the matrix of the follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.worldMatrix[0]"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputWorldMatrix"%folShape)

    #check for surface type, poly or nurbs and connect the matrix into the follicle
    if (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="nurbsSurface"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.local"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputSurface"%folShape)
    elif (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="mesh"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.outMesh"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputMesh"%folShape)
        cmds.warning("not the right kind of selection. Need a poly or nurbs surface")

    #connect the transl, rots from shape to transform of follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outTranslate"%folShape, "%s.translate"%folXform)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outRotate"%folShape, "%s.rotate"%folXform)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterU"%folShape, u)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterV"%folShape, v)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.translate"%folXform, l=True)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.rotate"%folXform, l=True)

    return(folXform, folShape)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unparentShape(objs=None):

    if not objs:
        objs =
        if not objs:
            OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Please select one or more nodes with shapes to unparent.')
    elif not isinstance(objs, (list,tuple)):
        objs = [objs]

    #are these shapes or transforms
    transforms = list()
    shapes = list()
    for obj in objs:
        nodeType = mc.nodeType(obj)
        if nodeType in ('mesh','nurbsCurve','nurbsSurface','locator','annotationShape'):
        elif nodeType in ('transform', 'joint', 'ikHandle'):
            if not mc.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True, path=True, noIntermediate=True):
                OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning(obj+' has no shapes, skipping.')
            OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning(obj+' must be a shape, or a transform with shapes. Skipping')

    for each in transforms:
        childShapes = mc.listRelatives(each, shapes=True, path=True, noIntermediate=True)
        shapes.extend([x for x in childShapes if x not in shapes])

    #shapes that share a common parent get unparented together
    newTransforms = dict()
    for each in shapes:
        shapeParent = mc.listRelatives(each, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0]
        if not shapeParent in newTransforms:
            newTransforms[shapeParent] = mc.createNode('transform', name='unparentedShape#')
            newTransforms[shapeParent] = mc.parent(newTransforms[shapeParent], shapeParent)[0]
            mc.setAttr(newTransforms[shapeParent]+'.translate', 0,0,0)
            mc.setAttr(newTransforms[shapeParent]+'.rotate', 0,0,0)
            mc.setAttr(newTransforms[shapeParent]+'.scale', 1,1,1)
            newTransforms[shapeParent] = mc.parent(newTransforms[shapeParent], world=True)[0]

        shape = mc.parent(each, newTransforms[shapeParent], shape=True, relative=True)[0]
    return newTransforms.values()