Python maya.cmds 模块,rename() 实例源码


项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _output_node(source, type, suffix):
    newname = lib.unique(name=source.rsplit("_", 1)[0] + suffix)

    node = cmds.createNode(type)
    node = [cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True) or node][0]
    node = cmds.rename(node, newname)

        cmds.parent(node, source)
        match_transform(node, source)

    except Exception:
        cmds.warning("Could not create %s" % node)

    return node
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clone_special(*args):
    """Clone in localspace, and preserve user-defined attributes"""

    for transform in, long=True):
        if cmds.nodeType(transform) != "transform":
            cmds.warning("Skipping '%s', not a `transform`" % transform)

        shape = _find_shape(transform)
        type = cmds.nodeType(shape)

        if type not in ("mesh", "nurbsSurface", "nurbsCurve"):
            cmds.warning("Skipping '{transform}': cannot clone nodes "
                         "of type '{type}'".format(**locals()))

        cloned = commands.clone(shape, worldspace=False)
        new_transform = cmds.listRelatives(cloned,

        new_transform = cmds.rename(new_transform,
                                    new_transform.rsplit(":", 1)[-1])

        for attr in cmds.listAttr(transform,
                                  userDefined=True) or list():
                cmds.addAttr(new_transform, longName=attr, dataType="string")
            except Exception:

            value = cmds.getAttr(transform + "." + attr)
            cmds.setAttr(new_transform + "." + attr, value, type="string")

        # Connect visibility
        cmds.connectAttr(transform + ".visibility",
                         new_transform + ".visibility")
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def orient_to_world(joints):
    """Orients the given joints with the world.

    @param joints: Joints to orient.
    for joint in joints:
        children = _unparent_children(joint)
        print children
        parent = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True)
        orig_joint = joint.split('|')[-1]
        if parent:
            joint = cmds.parent(joint, world=True)[0]
        cmds.joint(joint, e=True, oj='none', zso=True)
        if parent:
            joint = cmds.parent(joint, parent)[0]
            print 'Renaming {0} to {1}'.format(joint, orig_joint)
            joint = cmds.rename(joint, orig_joint)
        _reparent_children(joint, children)

    if joints:
项目:SETools    作者:dtzxporter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def NamespaceClean():
    # Get a list of bones
    boneList = = 'joint')
    # Loop
    for bone in boneList:
        # Check if it has a namespace
        if bone.find(":") > -1:
            # We got one, prepare to clean
            resultSplit = bone.split(":")
            # Get the last one
            newName = resultSplit[len(resultSplit)-1]
            # Rename it
                # Do it
                cmds.rename(bone, newName)
                # Continue
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def curve_between(a, b, num_points=24, degree=3, name='curve#'):
    '''Create a nurbsCurve between two MVectors

    :param a: start of curve
    :param b: end of curve
    :param num_points: number of points on curve
    :param degree: degree of curve

    v = b - a

    cvs = []
    for t in linspace(0, 1, num_points):
        cvs.append(a + v * t)
    knots = compute_knots(num_points, degree)

    curve = cmds.curve(point=cvs, degree=degree, knot=knots)
    curve = cmds.rename(curve, name)
    curve_shape = cmds.listRelatives(curve, shapes=True)[0]
    return curve, curve_shape
项目:mayakit    作者:danbradham    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def curve_to_hair(curve_shape, hair_system):

    curve = cmds.listRelatives(curve_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    curve_name = curve.split('|')[-1]

    # Create follicle
    follicle_shape = cmds.createNode('follicle')
    follicle = cmds.listRelatives(follicle_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    follicle = cmds.rename(follicle, curve_name + '_follicle#')
    follicle_shape = cmds.listRelatives(follicle, shapes=True, f=True)[0]
    cmds.connectAttr(curve + '.worldMatrix', follicle_shape + '.startPositionMatrix')
    cmds.connectAttr(curve_shape + '.local', follicle_shape + '.startPosition')

    # # Create output curve
    out_curve_shape = cmds.createNode('nurbsCurve')
    out_curve = cmds.listRelatives(out_curve_shape, parent=True, f=True)[0]
    out_curve = cmds.rename(out_curve, curve_name + '_out#')
    out_curve_shape = cmds.listRelatives(out_curve, shapes=True, f=True)[0]
    cmds.connectAttr(follicle + '.outCurve', out_curve_shape + '.create')

    # Add follicle to hair system
    add_follicle(follicle_shape, hair_system)

    return [[follicle, follicle_shape], [out_curve, out_curve_shape]]
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nameFix(name):
    for xforms - this will take a base name (ie.'pCube') and find all instances of that and rename by appending a
    number, starting with the deepest instances in the DAG hier, so as not to bollocks up the later searches by
    changing items on top of obj
    mayaObjs =
    print "---------\nI'm in nameFix for: {0}, and there are --{1}-- instances of this clash".format(name,
    mayaObjs.sort(key=lambda a: a.count("|"), reverse=True)  # this sorts by greatest number of "|"

    if mayaObjs:
        if len(mayaObjs) > 1:
            for x in range(0, len(mayaObjs) - 1):
                cmds.rename(mayaObjs[x], "{0}_{1}".format(mayaObjs[x].rpartition("|")[2], x))
                print "zbw_clash.nameFix: Changed name of {0} --> {1}".format(mayaObjs[x], "{0}_{1}".format(
                    mayaObjs[x].rpartition("|")[2], x))
项目:gozbruh    作者:LumaPictures    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cleanup(name):
    """Removes un-used nodes on import of obj

    # Don't delete the old mesh if gozbruh_delete option var exists and is set to
    #     false, simply rename it
    if cmds.optionVar(ex='gozbruh_delete') and not cmds.optionVar(q='gozbruh_delete'):
        if cmds.objExists(name):
            cmds.rename(name, name + '_old')
        if cmds.objExists(name):

    for node in GARBAGE_NODES:
        node = name + '_' + node
        if cmds.objExists(node):

# Helpers
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_ncloth():
    selection =[0]

    input_mesh = cmds.listRelatives(selection, shapes=True)[0]
    current_mesh = commands.create_ncloth(input_mesh)

    # Optionally append suffix
    comp = selection.rsplit("_", 1)
    suffix = ("_" + comp[-1]) if len(comp) > 1 else ""

    cmds.rename(current_mesh, "currentMesh%sShape" % suffix)

    # Mimic default nCloth command
项目:maya_rotationDriver    作者:ryusas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _createInsideSphere(name, radius, parent):
    node = cmds.sphere(r=radius * .999)[0]
    cmds.parent(node, parent)
    cmds.rename(node, name)
    return node
项目:maya_rotationDriver    作者:ryusas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _createCurve(name, angle, cvs, parent):
    node = cmds.curve(d=1, p=cvs)
    cmds.parent(node, parent)
    name += '_n%03d' if angle < 0. else '_p%03d'
    cmds.rename(node, name % abs(round(angle)))
    return node
项目:SETools    作者:dtzxporter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def PlaceNote():
    # Notetrack number
    note_tracks = 0
    # We need to ask for a name
    if not (cmds.objExists("SENotes")):
        # We need to make the SENotes parent first
        base_track = cmds.spaceLocator()
        # Rename
        cmds.rename(base_track, "SENotes")
    # Notetrack name
    noteName = "new_notetrack" + str(note_tracks)
    # Now we can make the child (if you have > 50000 notetracks, we got a problem...)
    for npos in xrange(note_tracks, 50000):
        # Setup
        noteName = "new_notetrack" + str(npos)
        # Check
        if not (cmds.objExists(noteName)):
            # Exit
    # Now make it and parent it
    notetrack = cmds.spaceLocator()
    # Rename
    cmds.rename(notetrack, noteName)
    # Parent it
    mel.eval("parent " + noteName + " SENotes")
    # Get current time
    currentFrame = cmds.currentTime(query = True)
    # Key it
    cmds.setKeyframe(noteName, time = currentFrame)
    # Log it
    print("A new notetrack was created")

# Selects all bones
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remNS(*args):
    """removes namespaces . . . """

    rem = ["UI", "shared"]
    ns = cmds.namespaceInfo(lon=True, r=True)
    for y in rem:

    ns.sort(key = lambda a: a.count(":"), reverse=True)
    for n in ns:
        ps ="{}:*".format(n), type="transform")
        for p in ps:
            cmds.rename(p, p.rpartition(":")[2]) 
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def swapDupe(obj, target, delete = True, name="", *args):
    replaces an target with a duplicate of the obj
    select the object you want to duplicate, then the target(s), delete bool, name optional
    [obj] is the object to duplicate
    [target] is the target to match and delete(?)
    [delete] is bool to tell whether to delete the target or not
    [name] is string to rename to

    if not name:
        name = obj

    # get pos, rot, scale of target
    pos = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, rp=True)
    rot = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, ro=True)
    scl = cmds.getAttr("{0}.scale".format(target))

    # duplicate the object and rename to name, if no name just use unique names
    dupe = cmds.duplicate(obj, name=name, returnRootsOnly=True, renameChildren=True)
    cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, t=pos)
    cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, ro=rot)
    cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, s=scl[0])

    parent = cmds.listRelatives(target, parent=True)
    if parent:
        cmds.parent(dupe, parent[0])

    if delete:

项目:gozbruh    作者:LumaPictures    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rename_prompt(obj, goz_id, objs):
    """Confirm object rename, trigger create or relink then revise
    gui_message = """%s has a old ZBrush ID, of %s, try to relink?

                    NOTE! relinking will
                    remove objects named "%s"
                    selected mesh as the new one!!
                    """ % (obj,

    choice = pm.confirmDialog(title="ZBrush Name Conflict",
                              button=['Relink', 'Create', 'Skip'])
    if choice == 'Relink':
        # relink to past gozbruhBrushID
        if obj not in objs:
        new_obj = relink(obj, goz_id)
        if new_obj not in objs:

    elif choice == 'Create':
        # new object for zbrush
项目:gozbruh    作者:LumaPictures    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def relink(obj, goz_id):
    """Relink object name with existing gozbruhBrushID.
    # manages re linking gozbruhBrush IDs, checks for attribute on shape/xform

    # in the case of a object being duplicated this removes the duplicate
    # to prevent deletion, the 'create' option is prefered
    # is only happens when an object was duplicated and merged (original
    # still exists)
    if cmds.objExists(goz_id):

    cmds.rename(obj, goz_id)
    return create(goz_id)
项目:3D_Software_and_Python    作者:p4vv37    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def change_hierarchy_and_animate():
    Function modifies the hierarchy of scene and creates some final animations, that ware not possible to create earlier.
    It also creates cameras and lights.
    cmds.lookThru( 'perspView', 'RenderCamera1') # Change the perspective viewport to the render camera.

    top_locator = cmds.spaceLocator() # Parent for all the elemements that will rotate together
    objects_list = ['land', 'water', 'cloud', 'shark', ]

    for obj in objects_list:
        cmds.parent(obj, top_locator)

    cmds.setKeyframe(top_locator, attribute='rotateY', v=20, time=260, itt="plateau", ott="plateau")
    cmds.setKeyframe(top_locator, attribute='rotateY', v=0, time=0, itt="linear", ott="linear")

    dome_light = cmds.polySphere(r=500) # This sphere is a substitute of a skylight in 3Ds Max
    cmds.polyNormal(dome_light, normalMode=0) # The normals have to point to inside

    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miDeriveFromMaya", 0) # Enable changes in object render settings
    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miVisible", 0) # This object will be invisible to camera
    cmds.setAttr(dome_light[0]+".miShadow", 0) # And will not affect shadows
    cmds.rename(dome_light[0], "dome_light")

    area_light = cmds.shadingNode('areaLight', asLight=True)
    cmds.scale(25, 25, 25, area_light, absolute=True)
    cmds.move(-230.59, 178.425, 99.192, area_light)
    cmds.rotate(0, -68.929, -37.987, area_light)

    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".intensity", 120000.0)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaLight", 1)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaType", 1)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".decayRate", 2)
    cmds.setAttr(area_light+".areaHiSamples", 64)
项目:config    作者:mindbender-studio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def follicle(*args):
    supported = ["mesh", "nurbsSurface"]
    selection =

    new_follicles = []
    for sel in selection:
        uv = lib.uv_from_element(sel)

        geometry_shape = lib.shape_from_element(sel)
        geometry_transform = cmds.listRelatives(geometry_shape, parent=True)[0]

        # Figure out output connection
        inputs = [".inputMesh", ".inputSurface"]
        outputs = [".outMesh", ".local"]

        failed = False
        type = cmds.nodeType(geometry_shape)
        if type not in supported:
            failed = True
            shapes = cmds.listRelatives(geometry_shape, shapes=True)

            if shapes:
                geometry_shape = shapes[0]
                type = cmds.nodeType(geometry_shape)
                if type in supported:
                    failed = False

        if failed:
            cmds.error("Skipping '%s': Type not accepted" % type)

        input = inputs[supported.index(type)]
        output = outputs[supported.index(type)]

        # Make follicle
        follicle = cmds.createNode("follicle",
                                   name=geometry_transform + "_follicleShape1")
        follicle_transform = cmds.listRelatives(follicle, parent=True)[0]
        follicle_transform = cmds.rename(follicle_transform,
                                         geometry_transform + "_follicle1")

        # Set U and V value
        cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterU", uv[0])
        cmds.setAttr(follicle + ".parameterV", uv[1])

        # Make the connections
        cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outTranslate",
                         follicle_transform + ".translate")
        cmds.connectAttr(follicle + ".outRotate",
                         follicle_transform + ".rotate")
        cmds.connectAttr(geometry_shape + output,
                         follicle + input)

        # Select last

    # Select newly created follicles
    if new_follicles:, r=1)

    return new_follicles
项目:cmt    作者:chadmv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_spine(start_joint, end_joint, lower_control, upper_control, name='spine'):
    spline_chain, original_chain = shortcuts.duplicate_chain(start_joint, end_joint, prefix='ikSpine_')

    # Create the spline ik
    ikh, effector, curve = cmds.ikHandle(
        name='{0}_ikh'.format(name), solver='ikSplineSolver',
        startJoint=spline_chain[0], endEffector=spline_chain[-1], parentCurve=False,
    effector = cmds.rename(effector, '{0}_eff'.format(name))
    curve = cmds.rename(curve, '{0}_crv'.format(name))

    # Create the joints to skin the curve
    curve_start_joint = cmds.duplicate(start_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveStart_jnt'.format(name))
    cmds.parent(curve_start_joint, lower_control)
    curve_end_joint = cmds.duplicate(end_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveEnd_jnt'.format(name))
    cmds.parent(curve_end_joint, upper_control)

    # Skin curve
    cmds.skinCluster(curve_start_joint, curve_end_joint, curve, name='{0}_scl'.format(name), tsb=True)

    # Create stretch network
    curve_info = cmds.arclen(curve, constructionHistory=True)
    mdn = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name='{0}Stretch_mdn'.format(name))
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info), '{0}.input1X'.format(mdn))
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.input2X'.format(mdn), cmds.getAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info)))
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.operation'.format(mdn), 2)  # Divide

    # Connect to joints
    for joint in spline_chain[1:]:
        tx = cmds.getAttr('{0}.translateX'.format(joint))
        mdl = cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', name='{0}Stretch_mdl'.format(joint))
        cmds.setAttr('{0}.input1'.format(mdl), tx)
        cmds.connectAttr('{0}.outputX'.format(mdn), '{0}.input2'.format(mdl))
        cmds.connectAttr('{0}.output'.format(mdl), '{0}.translateX'.format(joint))

    # Setup advanced twist
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dTwistControlEnable'.format(ikh), True)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpType'.format(ikh), 4)  # Object up
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpAxis'.format(ikh), 0)  # Positive Y Up
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorX'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorY'.format(ikh), 1)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorZ'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndX'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndY'.format(ikh), 1)
    cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndZ'.format(ikh), 0)
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(lower_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrix'.format(ikh))
    cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(upper_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrixEnd'.format(ikh))

    # Constrain original chain back to spline chain
    for ik_joint, joint in zip(spline_chain, original_chain):
        if joint == end_joint:
            cmds.pointConstraint(ik_joint, joint, mo=True)
            cmds.orientConstraint(upper_control, joint, mo=True)
            cmds.parentConstraint(ik_joint, joint)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_line(uniform = True, *args):
    gets info from win to create nurbs curve along an axis
         uniform (bool): whether the parameterization should be uniform (even), which makes the points not even
    axis = cmds.radioButtonGrp(widgets["lineAxisRBG"], q=True, sl=True)
    length = cmds.floatFieldGrp(widgets["lineLenFFG"], q=True, v1=True)
    density = cmds.floatFieldGrp(widgets["lineDenFFG"], q=True, v1=True)

    numCvs = length * density
    if numCvs < 3.0: # curve needs 3 cvs (for 3 dg curve)
        numCvs = 3.0

    cvDist = length/numCvs

    # make a list of pt dist along some axis
    axisList = []
    for x in range(0,int(numCvs)+1):

    pts = []

    if axis == 1:
        for y in range(0, int(numCvs)+1):
            pt = [axisList[y]*cvDist, 0, 0]

    if axis == 2:
        for y in range(0, int(numCvs)+1):
            pt = [0, axisList[y]*cvDist, 0]

    if axis == 3:
        for y in range(0, int(numCvs)+1):
            pt = [0, 0, axisList[y]*cvDist]

    line = cmds.curve(name = "line_01", d=3, p=pts)
    shp = cmds.listRelatives(line, s=True)[0]
    cmds.rename(shp, "{0}Shape".format(line))
    if uniform:
        line = cmds.rebuildCurve(line, rebuildType = 0, spans = 0, keepRange = 0, replaceOriginal=True, end=1, keepControlPoints=0)[0], r=True)
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extendPoly(*args):
    """does the polyextension by grabbing the curve, offsetting it and then lofting. Then converts the nurbs surface to polys"""

    #make sure a curve is selected
    selection =
    if selection:
        sel = selection[0]
        shape = cmds.listRelatives(sel, s=True)[0]
        type = cmds.objectType(shape)
        name = cmds.textFieldGrp("name", q=True, tx=True)
        hisGrp = cmds.checkBox("history", q=True, v=True)
        hisPoly = cmds.checkBox("polyHistory", q=True, v=True)

        if type== "nurbsCurve":
            #offset the curb
            distance = cmds.floatFieldGrp("curbFFG", q=True, v1=True)
            # bump = cmds.checkBox("bumpCB", q=True, v=True)
            pos = cmds.checkBox("curbCB", q=True, v=True)
            if pos == 0:
                dist = distance * -1
                dist = distance
            U = cmds.intFieldGrp("UDivIFG", q=True, v1=True)
            V = cmds.intFieldGrp("VDivIFG", q=True, v1=True)

            origCrv = cmds.rename(sel, "%s_inner_CRV"%name)
            outCurve = cmds.offsetCurve(origCrv, d=dist, n="%s_outer_CRV"%name)
            midCurve = cmds.offsetCurve(origCrv, d=dist/2, n="%s_mid_CRV"%name)
            # if bump:
            #     cmds.xform(midCurve, ws=True, r=True, t=(0,5,0))


            lofted =, midCurve, outCurve)[0]
            loft = cmds.rename(lofted, "%s_lofted"%name)

            polygon = cmds.nurbsToPoly(loft, pt=1, ch=hisPoly, f=2, un=U, vn=V)[0]
            poly = cmds.rename(polygon, "%s_poly"%name)

            curbGrp =
            grp = cmds.rename(curbGrp, "%s_History_GRP"%name)

            # cmds.rename(poly, "polyCurb")

            cmds.parent(loft, outCurve, midCurve, origCrv, grp)

            cmds.setAttr("%s.v"%grp, 0)
            if not hisGrp:

            cmds.warning("That's not a curve! You need to select a curve!")
        cmds.warning("You haven't selected anything!")
项目:zTools    作者:zethwillie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def follicle(surface="none", folName="none", u=0.5, v=0.5, *args):
    creates a follicle on a surface based on the uv input.
    Args are: surface, folName, u, v
#------------do a bit more checking here to make sure the shapes, numbers etc work out
    if surface=="none":
        #decide if surface is polymesh or nurbsSurface
        surfaceXform =, dag=True, type="transform")[0]
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]
        surfaceXform = surface
        surfaceShape = cmds.listRelatives(surfaceXform, shapes=True)[0]

    if folName == "none":
        folShapeName = "myFollicleShape"
        folXformName = "myFollicle"
        folShapeName = "%sShape"%folName
        folXformName = folName

#------------test if follicle exists
    #create the follicle
    folShape = cmds.createNode("follicle", n=folShapeName)
    folXform = cmds.listRelatives(folShape, p=True, type="transform")[0]
    cmds.rename(folXform, folXformName)

    #connect up the follicle!
    #connect the matrix of the surface to the matrix of the follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.worldMatrix[0]"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputWorldMatrix"%folShape)

    #check for surface type, poly or nurbs and connect the matrix into the follicle
    if (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="nurbsSurface"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.local"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputSurface"%folShape)
    elif (cmds.nodeType(surfaceShape)=="mesh"):
        cmds.connectAttr("%s.outMesh"%surfaceShape, "%s.inputMesh"%folShape)
        cmds.warning("not the right kind of selection. Need a poly or nurbs surface")

    #connect the transl, rots from shape to transform of follicle
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outTranslate"%folShape, "%s.translate"%folXform)
    cmds.connectAttr("%s.outRotate"%folShape, "%s.rotate"%folXform)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterU"%folShape, u)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.parameterV"%folShape, v)

    cmds.setAttr("%s.translate"%folXform, l=True)
    cmds.setAttr("%s.rotate"%folXform, l=True)

    return(folXform, folShape)
项目:gozbruh    作者:LumaPictures    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_gozid_mismatches(objs):
    """Return objects from `objs` whose gozbruhBrushID does not match their name

    Checks object history for instances of gozbruhBrushID,
    returns a list ofgozbruhBrushID/name conflicts

    gozbruhBrushID is created by ZBrush on export and is used to track
    name changes that can occur in maya

    this function compares object current name against the ID
    and returns a list of conflicts

    this list is handled by the gui to allow for dialog boxes
    goz_list = []

    for obj in objs:
        has_attr = cmds.attributeQuery(
            'gozbruhBrushID', node=obj, exists=True)

        if has_attr:
            # check for 'rename'
            goz_id = cmds.getAttr(obj + '.gozbruhBrushID')
            if obj != goz_id:
                goz_list.append((obj, goz_id))
            # check for old ID in history
            for old_obj in cmds.listHistory(obj):
                has_attr = cmds.attributeQuery('gozbruhBrushID',
                if has_attr:
                    goz_id = cmds.getAttr(old_obj + '.gozbruhBrushID')
                    if obj != goz_id:
                        goz_list.append((obj, goz_id))

    # resulting mismatches to be handled
    return goz_list

# Sending / Exporting
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addMarksToScene(marks):
    This is temp and will possibly be rolled into future releases.

    start,end = utl.frameRange()
    camera = utl.getCurrentCamera()
    camShape = mc.listRelatives(camera, shapes=True)[0]
    aov = mc.getAttr(camShape+'.horizontalFilmAperture')

    name = 'ml_stopwatch_'

    numStopwatches = len('*', type='locator'))
    top = mc.spaceLocator(name=name+'#')

    ename = ':'.join([str(x) for x in marks])
    mc.addAttr(top, longName='keyTimes', at='enum', enumName=ename, keyable=True)

    markRange = float(marks[-1]-marks[0])
    viewWidth = aov*2
    viewHeight = -0.4*aov+(numStopwatches*aov*0.08)
    depth = 5

    for mark in marks[1:-1]:

        ann = mc.annotate(top, text=str(mark))
        mc.setAttr(ann+'.displayArrow', 0)

        annT = mc.parent(mc.listRelatives(ann, parent=True, path=True), top)[0]
        annT = mc.rename(annT, 'mark_'+str(round(mark)))
        ann = mc.listRelatives(annT, shapes=True, path=True)[0]

        #set the position
        normalX = float(mark-marks[0])/markRange-0.5
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateX', viewWidth*normalX*2)
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateY', viewHeight)
        mc.setAttr(annT+'.translateZ', -depth)

        #keyframe for color
        mc.setAttr(ann+'.overrideEnabled', 1)

        mc.setKeyframe(ann, attribute='overrideColor', value=17, time=(int(marks[0]-1),int(mark+1)))
        mc.setKeyframe(ann, attribute='overrideColor', value=13, time=(int(mark),))
        mc.keyTangent(ann+'.overrideColor', ott='step')    
    mc.parentConstraint(camera, top)
项目:ml_tools    作者:morganloomis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parentShape(child=None, parent=None, maintainOffset=True):
    Parent a child shape node to a parent transform. The child node can be a shape,
    or a transform which has any number of shapes.

    if not child or not parent:
        sel =
        if sel and len(sel) > 1:
            child = sel[:-1]
            parent = sel[-1]
            OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Please make a selection.')

    parentNodeType = mc.nodeType(parent)
    if not parentNodeType in ('transform', 'joint', 'ikHandle'):
        OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning('Parent must be a transform node.')

    if not isinstance(child, (list, tuple)):
        child = [child]

    newChild = unparentShape(child)

    shapes = list()
    for each in newChild:
        thisChild = mc.parent(each, parent)[0]
        mc.makeIdentity(thisChild, apply=True)

        for s in mc.listRelatives(thisChild, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True, path=True):
            shape = mc.parent(s, parent, shape=True, relative=True)[0]
            #move to bottom
            mc.reorder(shape, back=True)

            parentName =, shortNames=True)[0]
            shapes.append(mc.rename(shape, parentName+'Shape#'))


    for each in child:
        if not mc.listRelatives(each):
            #if it doesn't have any kids, delete it

    return shapes