def add_bookmark(type, value): ''' ????????????? :param type: ?????????? :param value: ?????? :return: ''' option_var_name = get_bookmark_option_var_name(type) ls = cmds.optionVar(q=option_var_name) if ls == 0: ls = [] if value not in ls: ls.append(value) cmds.optionVar(ca=option_var_name) [cmds.optionVar(sva=(option_var_name, i)) for i in ls] return
def delete_bookmark(ui, value): ''' ??????????? :param type: ?????????? :param value: ?????? :return: ''' if ui.radio_bookmark_file.isChecked(): type = 'file' elif ui.radio_bookmark_directory.isChecked(): type = 'directory' option_var_name = get_bookmark_option_var_name(type) ls = cmds.optionVar(q=option_var_name) if ls != 0: if value in ls: ls.remove(value) cmds.optionVar(ca=option_var_name) [cmds.optionVar(sva=(option_var_name, i)) for i in ls] return
def add_rectnt_project(project): ''' ?????????????? :param project: :return: ''' optvar = cmds.optionVar opt_list = 'RecentProjectsList' ls = optvar(q=opt_list) max_size = optvar(q='RecentProjectsMaxSize') # ????????? for i, x in enumerate(ls): if project == x: optvar(rfa=[opt_list, i]) optvar(sva=[opt_list, project]) if len(optvar(q=opt_list)) > max_size: optvar(rfa=[opt_list, 0])
def _cleanup(name): """Removes un-used nodes on import of obj """ # Don't delete the old mesh if gozbruh_delete option var exists and is set to # false, simply rename it if cmds.optionVar(ex='gozbruh_delete') and not cmds.optionVar(q='gozbruh_delete'): if cmds.objExists(name): cmds.rename(name, name + '_old') else: if cmds.objExists(name): cmds.delete(name) for node in GARBAGE_NODES: node = name + '_' + node if cmds.objExists(node): cmds.delete(node) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helpers #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def ui(): ''' User interface for arc tracer ''' globalScale = 1 if mc.optionVar(exists='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale'): globalScale = mc.optionVar(query='ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale') with utl.MlUi('ml_arcTracer', 'Arc Tracer', width=400, height=180, info='''Select objects to trace. Choose camera space or worldspace arc. Press clear to delete the arcs, or retrace to redo the last arc.''') as win: win.buttonWithPopup(label='Trace Camera', command=traceCamera, annotation='Trace an arc as an overlay over the current camera.', shelfLabel='cam', shelfIcon='flowPathObj')#motionTrail win.buttonWithPopup(label='Trace World', command=traceWorld, annotation='Trace an arc in world space.', shelfLabel='world', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Retrace Previous', command=retraceArc, annotation='Retrace the previously traced arc.', shelfLabel='retrace', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Clear Arcs', command=clearArcs, annotation='Clear all arcs.', shelfLabel='clear', shelfIcon='flowPathObj') fsg = mc.floatSliderGrp( label='Line Width', minValue=0.1, maxValue=5, value=globalScale) mc.floatSliderGrp(fsg, edit=True, dragCommand=partial(setLineWidthCallback, fsg))
def upToDateCheck(revision, prompt=True): ''' This is a check that can be run by scripts that import ml_utilities to make sure they have the correct version. ''' if not '__revision__' in locals(): return if revision > __revision__: if prompt and mc.optionVar(query='ml_utilities_revision') < revision: result = mc.confirmDialog( title='Module Out of Date', message='Your version of ml_utilities may be out of date for this tool. Without the latest file you may encounter errors.', button=['Download Latest Revision','Ignore', "Don't Ask Again"], defaultButton='Download Latest Revision', cancelButton='Ignore', dismissString='Ignore' ) if result == 'Download Latest Revision': mc.showHelp('http://mDynamicAnimUIorganloomis.com/download/animationScripts/ml_utilities.py', absolute=True) elif result == "Don't Ask Again": mc.optionVar(intValue=('ml_utilities_revision', revision)) return False return True
def get_bookmark(ui): ''' ???????????????????? :param ui: ui??????? :return: ???????? ''' if ui.radio_bookmark_file.isChecked(): type = 'file' elif ui.radio_bookmark_directory.isChecked(): type = 'directory' option_var_name = get_bookmark_option_var_name(type) ls = cmds.optionVar(q=option_var_name) if ls == 0: ls = [] return ls
def get_history(ui): ''' ??????????????????? :param ui: ui??????? :return: ???????? ''' ls = [] if ui.radio_history_file.isChecked(): ls = cmds.optionVar(q='RecentFilesList') elif ui.radio_history_project.isChecked(): ls = cmds.optionVar(q='RecentProjectsList') if ls == 0: return [] return list(reversed(ls))
def export_selected(project_code, tab_code, wdg_code): current_type = cmds.optionVar(q='defaultFileExportActiveType') current_ext = cmds.translator(str(current_type), q=True, filter=True) current_ext = current_ext.split(';')[0] current_checkin_widget = env_inst.get_check_tree(project_code, tab_code, wdg_code) current_checkin_widget.save_file(selected_objects=[True, {current_type: current_ext[2:]}])
def save_as(project_code, tab_code, wdg_code): current_type = cmds.optionVar(q='defaultFileSaveType') current_ext = cmds.translator(str(current_type), q=True, filter=True) current_ext = current_ext.split(';')[0] current_checkin_widget = env_inst.get_check_tree(project_code, tab_code, wdg_code) current_checkin_widget.save_file(selected_objects=[False, {current_type: current_ext[2:]}])
def setChannelShowType(channelBox, value): """ :param channelBox: mainChannelBox :type channelBox: str :param value: :type value: str :example:: setChannelShowType("mainChannelBox", "all") """ cmds.optionVar(stringValue=("cbShowType", value)) cmds.channelBox(channelBox, edit=True, update=True)
def insert_recent_file(path): cmds.optionVar(stringValueAppend=('RecentFilesList', path))
def get_recent_files(): u"""??????????????? :return: ????????????????????????????? :rtype: OrderedDict """ files = cmds.optionVar(q="RecentFilesList") file_types = cmds.optionVar(q="RecentFilesTypeList") files.reverse() file_types.reverse() return OrderedDict(zip(files, file_types))
def create_shelf(): """ Create the OBB shelf Raises: None Returns: None """ tab_layout = mel.eval('$pytmp=$gShelfTopLevel') shelf_exists = cmds.shelfLayout('OBB', exists=True) if shelf_exists: cmds.deleteUI('OBB', layout=True) shelf = cmds.shelfLayout('OBB', parent=tab_layout) for button, kwargs in buttons.items(): img = QtGui.QImage(kwargs['image']) kwargs['width'] = img.width() kwargs['height'] = img.height() cmds.shelfButton(label=button, parent=shelf, **kwargs) # Fix object 0 error. shelves = cmds.shelfTabLayout(tab_layout, query=True, tabLabelIndex=True) for index, shelf in enumerate(shelves): cmds.optionVar(stringValue=("shelfName%d" % (index+1), str(shelf)))
def load(file_path, obj_name, parent_name): """Import a file exported from ZBrush. This is the command sent over the Maya command port from ZBrush. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file that we are importing obj_name : str Name of the object being imported parent_name : str Name of the parent for the object being imported """ file_name = utils.split_file_name(file_path) _cleanup(file_name) cmds.file(file_path, i=True, usingNamespaces=False, removeDuplicateNetworks=True) # Set smoothing options if necessary if cmds.optionVar(ex='gozbruh_smooth') and not cmds.optionVar(q='gozbruh_smooth'): cmds.displaySmoothness(obj_name, du=0, dv=0, pw=4, ps=1, po=1) if not cmds.attributeQuery("gozbruhParent", n=obj_name, ex=True): cmds.addAttr(obj_name, longName='gozbruhParent', dataType='string') cmds.setAttr(obj_name + '.gozbruhParent', parent_name, type='string')
def setLineWidthCallback(slider, *args): value = mc.floatSliderGrp(slider, query=True, value=True) for each in mc.ls('ml_arcTracer_brush_*', type='brush'): mc.setAttr(each+'.globalScale', value) mc.optionVar(floatValue=('ml_arcTracer_brushGlobalScale', value))
def ui(): '''Launch the UI ''' mc.optionVar( sv=('colorManagementColorPickerColorSpaceSelection','Display Space') ) win = ColorControlUI() win.buildMainLayout() win.finish()