def getScriptsUI(*args): if cmds.window("thisWin", exists = True): cmds.deleteUI("thisWin") widgets["win"] = cmds.window("thisWin", w=300, h=200) widgets["mainFLO"] = cmds.formLayout() widgets["list"] = cmds.textScrollList(nr=10, w=300, dcc = executeCommand) cmds.formLayout(widgets["mainFLO"], e=1, af = [(widgets["list"], "left", 0), (widgets["list"], "top", 0), (widgets["list"], "bottom", 30), (widgets["list"], "right", 0)]) widgets["button"] = cmds.button(l="Refresh List!", w=300, h= 30, bgc = (.8, .6, .3), c= getScripts) cmds.formLayout(widgets["mainFLO"], e=1, af = [(widgets["button"], "left", 0), (widgets["button"], "right", 0), (widgets["button"], "bottom", 0)]) cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"]) #populate the list with the contents of the path
def ui(): ''' User interface for ml_tangentWeight ''' with utl.MlUi('ml_tangentWeight', 'Weight Keyframe Tangents', width=400, height=140, info='''Increase or decrease tangents length without affecting tangent angle. Select keyframes and press buttons to weight their tangents. If no keys are selected, the keys on the current frame will be affected.''') as win: form = mc.formLayout() b11 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='-', command=minus, annotation='Scale tangent down.') b12 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='+', command=plus, annotation='Scale tangent up.') b21 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='<', command=sharkFinLeft, annotation='Weight tangent toward the left.') b22 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='>', command=sharkFinRight, annotation='Weight tangent toward the right.') utl.formLayoutGrid(form, ( (b11,b12), (b21,b22) ))
def formLayoutGrid(form, controls, offset=1): ''' Controls should be a list of lists, and this will arrange them in a grid ''' kwargs = {'edit':True, 'attachPosition':list()} rowInc = 100/len(controls) colInc = 100/len(controls[0]) position = {'left':0,'right':100,'top':0,'bottom':100} for r,row in enumerate(controls): position['top'] = r*rowInc position['bottom'] = (r+1)*rowInc for c,ctrl in enumerate(row): position['left'] = c*colInc position['right'] = (c+1)*colInc for k in position.keys(): kwargs['attachPosition'].append((ctrl, k, offset, position[k])) mc.formLayout(form, **kwargs)
def finish(self): ''' Finalize the UI ''' mc.setParent(self.form) frame = mc.frameLayout(labelVisible=False) mc.helpLine() mc.formLayout( self.form, edit=True, attachForm=((self.column, 'top', 0), (self.column, 'left', 0), (self.column, 'right', 0), (frame, 'left', 0), (frame, 'bottom', 0), (frame, 'right', 0)), attachNone=((self.column, 'bottom'), (frame, 'top')) ) mc.showWindow(self.name) mc.window(self.name, edit=True, width=self.width, height=self.height)
def ui(): ''' User interface for ml_lockAndHideAttributes ''' with utl.MlUi('ml_lockAndHideAttributes', 'Lock and Hide', width=400, height=140, info='''Select channels in the channel box to be locked or hidden. then hit the appropriate button.''') as win: form = mc.formLayout() b11 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Lock', command=lock, annotation='Lock selected attributes.') b12 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Hide', command=hide, annotation='Hide selected attributes.') b13 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Lock and Hide', command=lockAndHide, annotation='Lock and hide selected attributes.') b21 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unlock', command=unlock, annotation='Unlock selected attributes.') b22 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unhide', command=unhide, annotation='Unhide all core attributes.') b23 = win.buttonWithPopup(label='Unlock and Unhide', command=unlockAndUnhide, annotation='Unlock and unhide selected attributes.') utl.formLayoutGrid(form, ( (b11,b21), (b12,b22), (b13,b23) ))
def about(): """Displays the CMT About dialog.""" name = 'cmt_about' if cmds.window(name, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(name, window=True) if cmds.windowPref(name, exists=True): cmds.windowPref(name, remove=True) window = cmds.window(name, title='About CMT', widthHeight=(600, 500), sizeable=False) form = cmds.formLayout(nd=100) text = cmds.scrollField(editable=False, wordWrap=True, text=cmt.__doc__.strip()) button = cmds.button(label='Documentation', command='import cmt.menu; cmt.menu.documentation()') margin = 8 cmds.formLayout(form, e=True, attachForm=( (text, 'top', margin), (text, 'right', margin), (text, 'left', margin), (text, 'bottom', 40), (button, 'right', margin), (button, 'left', margin), (button, 'bottom', margin), ), attachControl=( (button, 'top', 2, text) )) cmds.showWindow(window)
def show_ui(self): u"""Window???""" if cmds.window(self._WINDOW_NAME, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(self._WINDOW_NAME) self.window = cmds.window(self._WINDOW_NAME, t=self._WINDOW_TITLE, width=340, maximizeButton=False, minimizeButton=False) form = cmds.formLayout() field_group = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, cal="center", rs=self._MARGIN) cmds.text(u"""??????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????""", al="left") self.text_scroll = cmds.textScrollList(append=self.get_windows(), ams=False, dcc=self.check_execute) self.text_field = cmds.textFieldGrp(l=u"????", ad2=2, cl2=["left", "left"], cw=[1, 60]) cmds.setParent("..") button_group = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, cal="center") cmds.button(l="Check", c=self.check_execute) cmds.setParent("..") cmds.formLayout(form, e=True, attachForm=[(field_group, "top", self._MARGIN), (field_group, "left", self._MARGIN), (field_group, "right", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "bottom", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "left", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "right", self._MARGIN)], attachControl=[(button_group, "top", self._MARGIN, field_group)]) cmds.setParent("..") cmds.showWindow(self.window)
def _create_ui(self): safe_delete_window(self._WINDOW_NAME) win = cmds.window(self._WINDOW_NAME) form = cmds.formLayout() field_group = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, cal="center", rs=self._MARGIN) cmds.text(u"????????focalLength?????Unity?FOV?????????????", al="left") self.text_scroll = cmds.textScrollList(append=self._get_cameras(), ams=False, dcc=self._select) self.text_field = cmds.textFieldGrp(l=u"FOV", ad2=2, cl2=["left", "left"], cw=[1, 60]) self.result_field = cmds.textFieldGrp(l=u"Result", ad2=2, cl2=["left", "left"], cw=[1, 60]) cmds.setParent("..") button_group = cmds.columnLayout(adj=True, cal="center") cmds.button(l="Apply", c=self._apply) cmds.setParent("..") cmds.formLayout(form, e=True, attachForm=[(field_group, "top", self._MARGIN), (field_group, "left", self._MARGIN), (field_group, "right", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "bottom", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "left", self._MARGIN), (button_group, "right", self._MARGIN)], attachControl=[(button_group, "top", self._MARGIN, field_group)]) cmds.setParent("..") cmds.showWindow(win)
def transformBufferUI(*args): if cmds.window("tbWin", exists=True): cmds.deleteUI("tbWin") widgets["win"] = cmds.window("tbWin", t="zbw_tranformBuffer", s=False, w=200) widgets["mainCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout(w=200) ######## ------ checkbox to enable/disable these. . . . widgets["trnFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(l="Trns: ", nf=3, cw=[(1, 40), (2, 50), (3, 50), (4,50)], cal = [(1, "left"), (2, "left"), (3, "left"), (4,"left")]) widgets["rotFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(l="Rot: ", nf=3, cw=[(1, 40), (2, 50), (3, 50), (4,50)], cal = [(1, "left"), (2, "left"), (3, "left"), (4,"left")]) widgets["sclFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(l="Scl: ", nf=3, cw=[(1,40), (2, 50), (3, 50), (4,50)],cal = [(1, "left"), (2, "left"), (3, "left"), (4,"left")]) cmds.separator(h=10) widgets["transCBG"] = cmds.checkBoxGrp(ncb=3, la3 = ("Trns", "Rot", "Scl"), va3=(1, 1, 1), cal=[(1, "left"), (2, "left"), (3, "left")], cw = [(1, 50), (2, 50), (3, 50)]) cmds.separator(h=10) widgets["butFLO"] = cmds.formLayout(w=200, h=50) widgets["getBut"] = cmds.button(l="Catch\nValues", bgc = (.8, .5, .5), h=50, w=100, c=getValues) widgets["setBut"] = cmds.button(l="Set\nValues", bgc = (.5, .8,.5), h=50, w=100, c=setValues) cmds.formLayout(widgets["butFLO"], e=True, af = [ (widgets["getBut"], "top", 0), (widgets["getBut"], "left", 0), (widgets["setBut"], "top", 0), (widgets["setBut"], "left", 100) ]) cmds.window(widgets["win"], e=True, w=200, h=100) cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"])
def deformerWeightUI(*args): if cmds.window("defWgtsWin", exists=True): cmds.deleteUI("defWgtsWin") w, h = 300, 200 widgets["win"] = cmds.window("defWgtsWin", w=w, h=h, t="zbw_deformerWeights") widgets["mainFLO"] = cmds.formLayout(w=w, h=h) widgets["defTSL"] = cmds.textScrollList(w=w, h=100, allowMultiSelection=True) widgets["weightFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(w=w, l="Weight Mult (soft)selection value x this", v1=1.0, cw=[(1, 215), (2, 50)], cal=[(1, "left"), (2, "left")], cc=limitMinMax) widgets["objTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(w=w, l="Deforming Object", cw=[(1, 100), (2, 200)], cal=[(1, "left"), (2, "left")], en=False) widgets["doBut"] = cmds.button(l="set selected weights (based on softSel)", w=w, h=40, bgc = (.5, .7, .5), c=partial(setWeights, "selection")) widgets["zeroBut"] = cmds.button(l="zero all weights on selected deformer", w=w, h=20, bgc = (.7, .7, .5), c=partial(setWeights,"zero")) widgets["resetBut"] = cmds.button(l="reset deformer list based on selection obj", w=w, h=20, bgc = (.7, .5, .5), c=populateList) cmds.formLayout(widgets["mainFLO"], e=True, af=[ (widgets["defTSL"], "left", 0), (widgets["defTSL"], "top", 0), (widgets["objTFG"], "left", 0), (widgets["objTFG"], "top", 105), (widgets["zeroBut"], "left", 0), (widgets["zeroBut"], "top", 135), (widgets["weightFFG"], "left", 0), (widgets["weightFFG"], "top", 165), (widgets["doBut"], "left", 0), (widgets["doBut"], "top", 195), (widgets["resetBut"], "left", 0), (widgets["resetBut"], "top", 245), ]) cmds.window(widgets["win"], e=True, w=5, h=5, rtf=True) cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"]) populateList()
def layer_editor_reset(): # re-parent layer editor to default maya channelbox layout_pane = mel.eval("$tmpvar=$gChannelsLayersPane") layer_editor_form = mel.eval("$tmpvar=$gLayerEditorForm") if layer_editor_form: cmds.formLayout(layer_editor_form, e=1, parent=layout_pane)
def channelbox_make(box_ui, _menu="jtChannelBox_Menu_Modelling"): data = data_load() exists = 0 if box_ui.box is not None: del box_ui.box else: key = currentset_get() _menu = _menu if not key else data[key] if box_ui.menu_layout is not None: exists = 1 # find the key pertaining to this menu to set as current value = [key for key, value in data.iteritems() if value == _menu][0] if data else "None" currentset_set(value) # cbox.ChannelBox parameters : (layout to parent channel box to, name of file containing menus to use, # what to name the file created to store persistent states, True/False/1/0 whether to save states or not) box_ui.box = CBox.ChannelBox(box_ui.layout_cbox, _menu, "jtChannelBox_State_Custom", 1) cmds.formLayout(box_ui.layout_cbox, e=1, attachForm=[(box_ui.box.layout, "left", 1), (box_ui.box.layout, "right", 1), (box_ui.box.layout, "bottom", 3), (box_ui.box.layout, "top", 0)]) if exists: cmds.formLayout(box_ui.layout_cbox, e=1, attachForm=[(box_ui.menu_layout, "bottom", 10), (box_ui.menu_layout, "right", 0), (box_ui.menu_layout, "left", 0)], attachControl=(box_ui.box.layout, "bottom", 10, box_ui.menu_layout))
def parentMaya(self): cmds.paneLayout('ChannelsLayersPaneLayout', edit = True, parent = 'MainChannelsLayersLayout') for form in cmds.layout('MainChannelsLayersLayout', query = True, ca = True): if 'ChannelButtonForm' in form: cmds.formLayout('MainChannelsLayersLayout', edit = True, af = [('ChannelButtonForm', 'top', 0)]) else: cmds.formLayout('MainChannelsLayersLayout', edit = True, af = [(form, 'top', 20), (form, 'left', 0), (form, 'bottom', 0), (form, 'right', 0)])
def buildWindow(self): ''' Initialize the UI ''' if mc.window(self.name, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(self.name) mc.window(self.name, title='ml :: '+self.title, iconName=self.title, width=self.width, height=self.height, menuBar=self.menu) if self.menu: self.createMenu() self.form = mc.formLayout() self.column = mc.columnLayout(adj=True) mc.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth2=(34, self.width-34), adjustableColumn=2, columnAlign2=('right','left'), columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 0), (2, 'both', 8)] ) #if we can find an icon, use that, otherwise do the text version if self.icon: mc.iconTextStaticLabel(style='iconOnly', image1=self.icon) else: mc.text(label=' _ _ |\n| | | |') if not self.menu: mc.popupMenu(button=1) mc.menuItem(label='Help', command=(_showHelpCommand(wikiURL+'#'+self.name))) mc.text(label=self.info) mc.setParent('..') mc.separator(height=8, style='single', horizontal=True)
def createUI(self): """creates the UI """ self.widgets = {} width = self.windowSize[0] height = self.windowSize[1] if (cmds.window("zbw_win", exists=True)): cmds.deleteUI("zbw_win") self.widgets["window"] = cmds.window("zbw_win", title=self.windowName, w=width, h=height, s=self.sizeable) #menus for future self.menus() cmds.setParent(self.widgets["window"]) self.widgets['formLO'] = cmds.formLayout(nd=100, w=width) # self.widgets["topColumnLO"] = cmds.columnLayout(w=width) self.widgets["scrollLO"] = cmds.scrollLayout(vst=10) self.widgets["lowColumnLO"] = cmds.columnLayout(w=width) cmds.formLayout(self.widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm = [(self.widgets["scrollLO"], "top", 0), (self.widgets["scrollLO"], "left", 0), (self.widgets["scrollLO"], 'right', 0), (self.widgets["scrollLO"], 'bottom', 35)]) self.commonUI() self.customUI() #get to buttons bit cmds.setParent(self.widgets["formLO"]) butWidth = width/3 - 10 #add buttons self.widgets["applyCloseButton"] = cmds.button(w=butWidth, h=30, l='Apply and Close', c=partial(self.action, 1)) self.widgets["applyButton"] = cmds.button(w=butWidth, h= 30, l='Apply', c=partial(self.action, 0)) self.widgets['closeButton'] = cmds.button(w=butWidth, h=30, l="close window", c=self.closeWindow) cmds.formLayout(self.widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(self.widgets["applyCloseButton"], 'bottom', 5), (self.widgets["applyCloseButton"], 'left', 5)]) cmds.formLayout(self.widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(self.widgets["closeButton"], 'bottom', 5), (self.widgets["closeButton"], 'right', 5)]) cmds.formLayout(self.widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(self.widgets["applyButton"], 'bottom', 5)]) cmds.formLayout(self.widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachControl=[(self.widgets["applyButton"], 'left', 5, self.widgets["applyCloseButton"]),(self.widgets["applyButton"], 'right', 5, self.widgets["closeButton"])]) cmds.showWindow(self.widgets["window"]) cmds.window(self.widgets["window"], e=True, w=width, h=height)
def shapeScaleUI(): """ UI for the script """ if (cmds.window("ssWin", exists=True)): cmds.deleteUI("ssWin", window=True) # cmds.winPref("shapeScaleWin", remove=True) widgets["win"] = cmds.window("ssWin", t="zbw_shapeScale", w=400, h=75, s=False) widgets["colLo"] = cmds.columnLayout("mainCLO", w=400, h=75) widgets["formLO"] = cmds.formLayout(nd=100, w=400) cmds.separator(h=10) widgets["slider"] = cmds.floatSliderGrp("slider", f=False, l="Scale", min=0.01, max=2, pre=3, v=1, adj=3, cal=([1, "left"], [2, "left"], [3, "left"]), cw=([1, 50], [2, 220]), cc=shapeScaleExecute) cmds.separator(h=10) widgets["scaleFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(v1=100, pre=1, l="Scale %", en1=True, w=110, cw=([1, 50], [2, 50]), cal=([1, "left"], [2, "left"])) widgets["scaleDoBut"] = cmds.button(l="Scale", w=160, h=25, bgc=(.2, .4, .2), c=manualScale) widgets["trackerFFG"] = cmds.floatFieldGrp(l="Change", w=100, v1=100, pre=1, en1=False, cw=([1, 45], [2, 50]), cal=([1, "left"], [2, "right"]), bgc=(.2, .2, .2)) widgets["clearBut"] = cmds.button(l="RESET", w=45, bgc=(.2, .2, .2), c=resetScale) widgets["origBut"] = cmds.button(l="ORIG", w=45, bgc=(.2, .2, .2), c=origScale) # attach to form layout cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["slider"], 'top', 5), (widgets["slider"], 'left', 5)]) cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["scaleFFG"], 'top', 34), (widgets["scaleFFG"], 'left', 5)]) cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["scaleDoBut"], 'top', 34), (widgets["scaleDoBut"], 'left', 120)]) cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["clearBut"], 'top', 34), (widgets["clearBut"], 'left', 344)]) cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["trackerFFG"], 'top', 5), (widgets["trackerFFG"], 'left', 290)]) cmds.formLayout(widgets["formLO"], e=True, attachForm=[(widgets["origBut"], 'top', 34), (widgets["origBut"], 'left', 290)]) cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"]) cmds.window(widgets["win"], e=True, w=400, h=75)
def channelbox_symbols(box, *args): # create buttons for each menu icon b_manip = cmds.symbolButton(p=box.symbol_layout) b_speed = cmds.symbolButton(p=box.symbol_layout) b_hyper = cmds.symbolButton(p=box.symbol_layout) # attach buttons to form layout cmds.formLayout(box.symbol_layout, e=1, attachForm=[ (b_manip, "top", 0), (b_manip, "bottom", 1), (b_speed, "top", 0), (b_speed, "bottom", 1), (b_hyper, "top", 0), (b_hyper, "bottom", 1), (b_hyper, "right", 2), ], attachNone=[ (b_manip, "left"), (b_speed, "left"), (b_hyper, "left") ], attachControl=[ (b_manip, "right", 2, b_speed), (b_speed, "right", 2, b_hyper) ]) # add the commands for each button (stored in box.sym) cmds.symbolButton(b_manip, e=1, c=sysCmd.rpartial(box.sym["pressed"], box, "manipsState")) cmds.symbolButton(b_speed, e=1, c=sysCmd.rpartial(box.sym["pressed"], box, "speedState")) cmds.symbolButton(b_hyper, e=1, c=sysCmd.rpartial(box.sym["pressed"], box, "hyperbolic")) # store the buttons themselves for updating when changed via menu options instead of button presses box.symbols["manipsState"] = b_manip box.symbols["speedState"] = b_speed box.symbols["hyperbolic"] = b_hyper # call their update function on creation to set them to their current states (because data is serialized, # may not be default on creation) for key in box.symbols: box.sym["update"](box, key) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------- # -- MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE AT OWN RISK -- # You will break many things # ---------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CORE SYSTEM : This is setup very specifically to NOT require you to modify this part # # If you need changes here, feel free to email me at the address provided if you feel # that they could benefit everyone # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------