def dump(root=None, file_path=None): """Dump the hierarchy data starting at root to disk. :param root: Root node of the hierarchy. :param file_path: Export json path. :return: The hierarchy data that was exported. """ if root is None: root = cmds.ls(sl=True) if root: root = root[0] else: return if file_path is None: file_path = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter='Skeleton Files (*.json)', dialogStyle=2, caption='Export Skeleton', fileMode=0, returnFilter=False) if file_path: file_path = file_path[0] else: return data = get_data(root) fh = open(file_path, 'w') json.dump(data, fh, indent=4) fh.close() logger.info('Exported skeleton to %s', file_path) return data, file_path
def browse(self, line_edit, relative_to_combobox): root = cmds.workspace(q=True, rd=True) file_path = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=self.filter, dialogStyle=2, caption=self.name, fileMode=1, returnFilter=False, startingDirectory=root) if file_path: # Modify the file path to be a path based on the relative_to value file_path = file_path[0].replace('\\', '/') relative_to = relative_to_combobox.currentText().replace('\\', '/') if relative_to == FilePathField.project_root: project_root = cmds.workspace(q=True, rd=True).replace('\\', '/') file_path = file_path.replace(project_root, '') elif relative_to == FilePathField.full_path: # Do nothing, just take the full path pass else: # Account for if the relative_to is an environment variable. file_path = os.path.expandvars(file_path) # Account for if the relative_to is an actual file path. file_path = re.sub('^{0}'.format(relative_to), '', file_path) line_edit.setText(file_path)
def ImportFileSelectDialog(): importFrom = None if cmds.about(version=True)[:4] == "2012": # Support for newer versions importFrom = cmds.fileDialog2(fileMode=1, fileFilter="SEAnim Files (*.seanim)", caption="Import SEAnim") else: importFrom = cmds.fileDialog2(fileMode=1, dialogStyle=2, fileFilter="SEAnim Files (*.seanim)", caption="Import SEAnim") if importFrom == None or len(importFrom) == 0 or importFrom[0].strip() == "": return None path = importFrom[0].strip() pathSplit = os.path.splitext(path) # Fix bug with Maya 2013 if pathSplit[1] == ".*": path = pathSplit return path # Attempt to resolve the animType for a bone based on a given list of modifier bones, returns None if no override is needed
def load(file_path=None): """Load a skeleton hierarchy from the given json data file and generates the hierarchy in Maya. :param file_path: Json file on disk. :return: The hierarchy data loaded from disk. """ if file_path is None: file_path = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter='Skeleton Files (*.json)', dialogStyle=2, caption='Export Skeleton', fileMode=1, returnFilter=False) if file_path: file_path = file_path[0] else: return data = load_data(file_path) create_node(data) return data
def export_skin(file_path=None, shapes=None): """Exports the skinClusters of the given shapes to disk in a pickled list of skinCluster data. :param file_path: Path to export the data. :param shapes: Optional list of dag nodes to export skins from. All descendent nodes will be searched for skinClusters also. """ if shapes is None: shapes = cmds.ls(sl=True) or [] # If no shapes were selected, export all skins skins = get_skin_clusters(shapes) if shapes else cmds.ls(type='skinCluster') if not skins: raise RuntimeError('No skins to export.') if file_path is None: file_path = cmds.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=2, fileMode=0, fileFilter='Skin Files (*{0})'.format(EXTENSION)) if file_path: file_path = file_path[0] if not file_path: return if not file_path.endswith(EXTENSION): file_path += EXTENSION all_data = [] for skin in skins: skin = SkinCluster(skin) data = skin.gather_data() all_data.append(data) logging.info('Exporting skinCluster %s on %s (%d influences, %d vertices)', skin.node, skin.shape, len(data['weights'].keys()), len(data['blendWeights'])) fh = open(file_path, 'wb') json.dump(all_data, fh) fh.close()
def browse(path=None): """Open a pop-up browser for the user""" # Acquire path from user input if none defined if path is None: scene_path = cmds.file(query=True, sceneName=True) # use scene file name as default name default_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scene_path))[0] if not default_filename: # Scene wasn't saved yet so found no valid name for playblast. default_filename = "playblast" # Default to images rule default_root = os.path.normpath(get_project_rule("images")) default_path = os.path.join(default_root, default_filename) path = cmds.fileDialog2(fileMode=0, dialogStyle=2, startingDirectory=default_path) if not path: return if isinstance(path, (tuple, list)): path = path[0] if path.endswith(".*"): path = path[:-2] # Bug-Fix/Workaround: # Fix for playblasts that result in nesting of the # extension (eg. '.mov.mov.mov') which happens if the format # is defined in the filename used for saving. extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] if extension: path = path[:-len(extension)] return path
def get_path(pType, widgetPath, *args): """get the path from dialog, and puts it in approp textFieldGrp (based on pType == 'import')""" path = cmds.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=1, fileMode=3) cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets[widgetPath], e=True, tx=fix_path(path[0])) if pType == "import": clear_tsl() populate_tsl()
def addToField(num, *args): """calls a file dialog to get a path and adds it to the selected field""" #set the field to add to textField = widgets["path%s"%num] #call up browser to look for paths path = cmds.fileDialog2(fm=3)[0] #add text if path: cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(textField, e=True, tx=path)