def colorControlLayout(self, label=''): mc.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=4, columnWidth4=(150, 200, 90, 80), adjustableColumn=2, columnAlign=(1, 'right'), columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 0), (2, 'both', 0), (3, 'both', 0), (4, 'both', 0)] ) mc.text(label=label) colorSlider = mc.colorSliderGrp( label='', adj=2, columnWidth=((1,1),(3,1))) mc.button(label='From Selected', ann='Get the color of the selected object.', command=partial(self.setFromSelected, colorSlider)) mc.button(label='Randomize', ann='Set a random color.', command=partial(self.randomizeColors, colorSlider)) controls = mc.layout(colorSlider, query=True, childArray=True) mc.setParent('..') return colorSlider
def buildUI(self): # To start with we create a layout to hold our UI objects # A layout is a UI object that lays out its children, in this case in a column column = cmds.columnLayout() # Now we create a text label to tell a user how to use our UI cmds.text(label="Use this slider to set the tween amount") # We want to put our slider and a button side by side. This is not possible in a columnLayout, so we use a row row = cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2) # We create a slider, set its minimum, maximum and default value. # The changeCommand needs to be given a function to call, so we give it our tween function # We need to hold on to our slider's name so we can edit it later, so we hold it in a variable self.slider = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=50, step=1, changeCommand=tween) # Now we make a button to reset our UI, and it calls our reset method cmds.button(label="Reset", command=self.reset) # Finally we don't want to add anymore to our row layout but want to add it to our column again # So we must change the active parent layout cmds.setParent(column) # We add a button to close our UI cmds.button(label="Close", command=self.close) # *args will be a new concept for you # It basically means I do not know how many arguments I will get, so please put them all inside this one list (tuple) called args
def buildUI(self): column = cmds.columnLayout() cmds.text(label="Use this slider to set the tween amount") cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2) self.slider = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=50, step=1, changeCommand=tweener.tween) cmds.button(label="Reset", command=self.reset) cmds.setParent(column) cmds.button(label="Close", command=self.close) # And again, we just need to override the reset method # We don't need to define the close, or show methods because it gets those from BaseWindow
def buildUI(self): column = cmds.columnLayout() cmds.text(label="Use the slider to modify the number of teeth the gear will have") cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=4) # This label will show the number of teeth we've set self.label = cmds.text(label="10") # Unlike the tweener, we use an integer slider and we set it to run the modifyGear method as it is dragged self.slider = cmds.intSlider(min=5, max=30, value=10, step=1, dragCommand=self.modifyGear) cmds.button(label="Make Gear", command=self.makeGear) cmds.button(label="Reset", command=self.reset) cmds.setParent(column) cmds.button(label="Close", command=self.close)
def channelbox_command_freezeUI(): with sysCmd.Undo(0): if cmds.window("freezeWindowBox", q=1, exists=1): cmds.deleteUI("freezeWindowBox") frz_window = cmds.window("freezeWindowBox", title="Freeze", rtf=1, s=0, tbm=1, tlb=1) layout = cmds.columnLayout(p=frz_window) layout_top = cmds.rowLayout(nc=4, p=layout) width = 25 cmds.button(l="T", w=width, ann="Freeze Translate", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeTranslate, "", "", "Freeze Translate"), p=layout_top) cmds.button(l="R", w=width, ann="Freeze Rotate", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeRotate, "", "", "Freeze Rotate"), p=layout_top) cmds.button(l="S", w=width, ann="Freeze Scale", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeScale, "", "", "Freeze Scale"), p=layout_top) cmds.button(l="A", w=width, ann="Freeze All", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeAll, "", "", "Freeze All"), p=layout_top) layout_bot = cmds.rowLayout(nc=4, p=layout) cmds.button(l="TS", w=width, ann="Freeze Translate / Scale", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeTranslateScale, "", "", "Freeze Translate / Scale"), p=layout_bot) cmds.button(l="TR", w=width, ann="Freeze Translate / Rotate", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeTranslateRotate, "", "", "Freeze Translate / Rotate"), p=layout_bot) cmds.button(l="RS", w=width, ann="Freeze Rotate / Scale", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeRotateScale, "", "", "Freeze Rotate / Scale"), p=layout_bot) cmds.button(l="JO", w=width, ann="Freeze Joint Orient", c=sysCmd.rpartial(channelbox_command_freezeJointOrient, "", "", "Freeze Joint Orient"), p=layout_bot) cmds.window(frz_window, e=1, wh=(1, 1), rtf=1) cmds.showWindow(frz_window) # --
def buildWindow(self): ''' Initialize the UI ''' if mc.window(self.name, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(self.name) mc.window(self.name, title='ml :: '+self.title, iconName=self.title, width=self.width, height=self.height, menuBar=self.menu) if self.menu: self.createMenu() self.form = mc.formLayout() self.column = mc.columnLayout(adj=True) mc.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth2=(34, self.width-34), adjustableColumn=2, columnAlign2=('right','left'), columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 0), (2, 'both', 8)] ) #if we can find an icon, use that, otherwise do the text version if self.icon: mc.iconTextStaticLabel(style='iconOnly', image1=self.icon) else: mc.text(label=' _ _ |\n| | | |') if not self.menu: mc.popupMenu(button=1) mc.menuItem(label='Help', command=(_showHelpCommand(wikiURL+'#'+self.name))) mc.text(label=self.info) mc.setParent('..') mc.separator(height=8, style='single', horizontal=True)
def __init__(self): name = 'cmt_orientjoints' if cmds.window(name, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(name, window=True) if cmds.windowPref(name, exists=True): cmds.windowPref(name, remove=True) self.window = cmds.window(name, title='CMT Orient Joints', widthHeight=(358, 330)) cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True) margin_width = 4 cmds.frameLayout(bv=False, label='Quick Actions', collapsable=True, mw=margin_width) cmds.gridLayout(numberOfColumns=2, cellWidthHeight=(175, 65)) cmds.button(label='Make Planar Orientation', command=self.make_planar) cmds.button(label='Project to Planar Position', command=partial(make_position_planar)) cmds.button(label='Align Up With Child', command=self.align_with_child) cmds.button(label='Zero Orient', command=self.zero_orient) cmds.button(label='Orient to World', command=self.orient_to_world) cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=4) height = 20 label_width = 60 icon_left = 'nudgeLeft.png' icon_right = 'nudgeRight.png' cmds.text(label='Offset X', align='right', width=label_width) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_left, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_x, direction=-1)) self.offset_x = cmds.floatField(value=90.0) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_right, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_x, direction=1)) cmds.text(label='Offset Y', align='right', width=label_width) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_left, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_y, direction=-1)) self.offset_y = cmds.floatField(value=90.0) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_right, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_y, direction=1)) cmds.text(label='Offset Z', align='right', width=label_width) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_left, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_z, direction=-1)) self.offset_z = cmds.floatField(value=90.0) cmds.iconTextButton(style='iconOnly', image1=icon_right, label='spotlight', h=height, w=height, c=partial(self.offset_orient_z, direction=1)) cmds.setParent('..') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.frameLayout(bv=False, label='Manual Orient', collapsable=True, mw=margin_width) cmds.columnLayout(adj=True) cmds.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=2, cw2=(150, 150)) self.reorient_children = cmds.checkBox(label='Reorient children', value=True, align='left') self.reset_orientation = cmds.checkBox(label='Reset orientation', value=True, align='left') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.gridLayout(numberOfColumns=2, cellWidthHeight=(175, 65)) cmds.button(label='Template Joints', command=partial(self.template_joints)) cmds.button(label='Rebuild Joints', command=partial(rebuild_joints)) cmds.setParent('..') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.showWindow(self.window)