def getObj(*args): #get selection and put it in the widgets["objTFG"] clearList() sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform") if (sel and (len(sel)==1)): cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["objTFG"], e=True, tx=sel[0]) else: cmds.warning("you must select one object with the \"follow\" attribute") #------------maybe add attr onto end of obj text, then you don't have to get it later if you needed to ??? #now create a button for each value in the "follow" attr #channels = cmds.channelBox ('mainChannelBox', query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) enumValueStr = cmds.attributeQuery("follow", node=sel[0], listEnum=True)[0] values = enumValueStr.split(":") for i in range(0,len(values)): #pick a random color? r = random.uniform(0.5,1) g = random.uniform(0.5,1) b = random.uniform(0.5,1) color = (r, g, b) #here create the button cmds.button(l=values[i], w=125, p=widgets["bottomRCLO"], bgc=color, h=50, c=partial(switchMatchSpace, i))
def getAttr(*args): """grabs the selected channel from the selected obj and puts the enum values into the list""" #--------here could require a channel of a specific name, then you could do it automagically (check for "follow", "spaces", "space", "ss", etc) obj = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["objTFG"], q=True, tx=True) cmds.select(obj, r=True) channels = cmds.channelBox ('mainChannelBox', query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) print channels if (channels and (len(channels)==1)): if (cmds.attributeQuery(channels[0], node=obj, enum=True)): enumValue = cmds.attributeQuery(channels[0], node=obj, listEnum=True) values = enumValue[0].split(":") for value in values: cmds.textScrollList(widgets["spacesTSL"], e=True, append=value) #----------create a button for each one??? #----------or have them be double clicked??? else: cmds.warning("select only the enum space switch channel")
def channelbox_command_expression(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): main_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=1) main_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=1) shape_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, shapeObjectList=1) shape_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedShapeAttributes=1) history_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1) history_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedHistoryAttributes=1) output_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1) output_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedOutputAttributes=1) if main_obj_list and main_attr_list: mel.eval("expressionEditor \"EE\" " + main_obj_list[0] + " " + main_attr_list[0] + ";") elif shape_obj_list and shape_attr_list: mel.eval("expressionEditor \"EE\" " + shape_obj_list[0] + " " + shape_attr_list[0] + ";") elif history_obj_list and history_attr_list: mel.eval("expressionEditor \"EE\" " + history_obj_list[0] + " " + history_attr_list[0] + ";") elif output_obj_list and output_attr_list: mel.eval("expressionEditor \"EE\" " + output_obj_list[0] + " " + output_attr_list[0] + ";")
def channelbox_command_setSpeed(box, menuItem, key, *args): # Sets the incremental size for attributes when modifying with middle mouse, # eg 'medium' appends +1/-1, 'fast' is +10/-10 with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = 1 if key == "speedSlow" else 2 if key == "speedMedium" else 3 if state == 1: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, speed=0.1) elif state == 2: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, speed=1) else: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, speed=10) box.saved_states["speedState"][0] = state if box.saved_states["showIcons"][0]: channelbox_command_Symbol_update(box, "speedState") sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def channelbox_command_setManip(box, menuItem, key, *args): # Set manipulator display/update type based on selected attr in channel box with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = 1 if key == "noManips" else 2 if key == "invisibleManips" else 3 if state == 1: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, useManips="none") elif state == 2: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, useManips="invisible") else: cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, useManips="standard") box.saved_states["manipsState"][0] = state if box.saved_states["showIcons"][0]: channelbox_command_Symbol_update(box, "manipsState") sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def channelbox_command_precision(box, menuItem, key, *args): # floating point value displayed in channel box, eg. value of 5 will # display 5 decimal places with sysCmd.Undo(0): old_precision = box.saved_states[key][0] new_precision = mel.eval("precisionPrompt (\"\", " + str(old_precision) + ", 15);") if new_precision > 0: # Change widths of the fields depending on the precision if new_precision <= 3: new_width = 65 elif new_precision <= 6: new_width = 95 elif new_precision <= 9: new_width = 115 elif new_precision <= 12: new_width = 130 else: new_width = 155 cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, pre=new_precision, fieldWidth=new_width) box.saved_states[key][0] = new_precision box.saved_states["fieldWidth"][0] = new_width sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def channelBox_SelectedPlugs(box): result = [] def loop(which, _result): obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=which[0], shapeObjectList=which[1], historyObjectList=which[2], outputObjectList=which[3]) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=which[0], selectedShapeAttributes=which[1], selectedHistoryAttributes=which[2], selectedOutputAttributes=which[3]) if obj_list and attr_list: for obj in obj_list: for attr in attr_list: _result.append(obj + "." + attr) return _result result = loop([1, 0, 0, 0], result) result = loop([0, 1, 0, 0], result) result = loop([0, 0, 1, 0], result) result = loop([0, 0, 0, 1], result) return result # -----------------------------------------
def getSelectedChannels(): ''' Return channels that are selected in the channelbox ''' if not mc.ls(sl=True): return gChannelBoxName = mm.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sma = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True) ssa = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, ssa=True) sha = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sha=True) channels = list() if sma: channels.extend(sma) if ssa: channels.extend(ssa) if sha: channels.extend(sha) return channels
def _populateSelectionField(self, channel, field, *args): selectedChannels = None if channel: selectedChannels = getSelectedChannels() if not selectedChannels: raise RuntimeError('Please select an attribute in the channelBox.') if len(selectedChannels) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one attribute.') sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: raise RuntimeError('Please select a node.') if len(sel) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one node.') selection = sel[0] if selectedChannels: selection = selection+'.'+selectedChannels[0] mc.textFieldButtonGrp(field, edit=True, text=selection)
def _populateSelectionList(self, channel, control, *args): selectedChannels = None if channel: selectedChannels = getSelectedChannels() if not selectedChannels: raise RuntimeError('Please select an attribute in the channelBox.') if len(selectedChannels) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one attribute.') sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: raise RuntimeError('Please select a node.') if len(sel) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select only one node.') selection = sel[0] if selectedChannels: selection = selection+'.'+selectedChannels[0] mc.textScrollList(control, edit=True, append=[selection])
def setChannelBoxAtTop(channelBox, value): """ :param channelBox: mainChannelBox :type channelBox: str :param value: :type value: bool :example:: setChannelBoxAtTop("mainChannelBox",True) """ cmds.channelBox(channelBox, edit=True, containerAtTop=value)
def setChannelShowType(channelBox, value): """ :param channelBox: mainChannelBox :type channelBox: str :param value: :type value: str :example:: setChannelShowType("mainChannelBox", "all") """ cmds.optionVar(stringValue=("cbShowType", value)) cmds.channelBox(channelBox, edit=True, update=True)
def read_selected_channels(*args): """Return a list of selected channels in the Channel Box""" channelbox = mel.eval("global string $gChannelBoxName; " "$temp=$gChannelBoxName;") return cmds.channelBox(channelbox, query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) or []
def getChannels(*args): cBox = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') cAttrs = cmds.channelBox(cBox, q=True, selectedMainAttributes=True, ssa=True, sha=True, soa=True) return cAttrs
def transfer_attrs(*args): """ transfers attrs and connections from second obj to first object selected """ tgt, src = get_source_and_targets() if not tgt or len(src) > 1: cmds.warning("Select only one target then one source obj to transfer the attributes and connections!") return () attrs = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', q=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) if not attrs: cmds.warning("You have to select at least one attr on last object selected to transfer!") return () for attr in attrs: attrType, hasMin, attrMin, hasMax, attrMax, value, inConnection, outConnection, locked = get_channel_attributes( src[0], attr) if not attrType == "enum": # create attribute if not cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=tgt, exists=True): if hasMin and not hasMax: cmds.addAttr(tgt, ln=attr, at=attrType, min=attrMin[0], dv=value, k=True) elif hasMax and not hasMin: cmds.addAttr(tgt, ln=attr, at=attrType, max=attrMax[0], dv=value, k=True) elif hasMin and hasMax: cmds.addAttr(tgt, ln=attr, at=attrType, min=attrMin[0], max=attrMax[0], dv=value, k=True) else: cmds.addAttr(tgt, ln=attr, at=attrType, dv=value, k=True) else: cmds.warning("The attribute: {0} already exists. Skipping creation!".format(attr)) # lock if locked: cmds.setAttr("{0}.{1}".format(tgt, attr), l=True) else: cmds.warning("I don't do enums at the moment!") # connect tgt attr to connection, forced if inConnection: cmds.connectAttr(inConnection[0], "{0}.{1}".format(tgt, attr)) if outConnection: for conn in outConnection: cmds.connectAttr("{0}.{1}".format(tgt, attr), conn, force=True)
def get_selected_channel(tfbg, *args): """ gets the selected channel of the selected objects tfbg = the key of the widget for the ui (from widgets dict). string """ obj = "" channel = "" cBox = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, l=True) if sel: if not len(sel) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") else: obj = sel[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") if sel: channels = cmds.channelBox(cBox, q=True, sma=True, ssa=True, sha=True, soa=True) if channels: if not len(channels) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") else: channel = channels[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") if obj and channel: full = "%s.%s" % (obj, channel) cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(widgets[tfbg], e=True, tx=full)
def channelbox_menu_selected_channels(box): obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=1) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=1) if obj_list and attr_list and len(obj_list) > 0 and len(attr_list) > 0: return 1 obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, shapeObjectList=1) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedShapeAttributes=1) if obj_list and attr_list and len(obj_list) > 0 and len(attr_list) > 0: return 1 obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedHistoryAttributes=1) if obj_list and attr_list and len(obj_list) > 0 and len(attr_list) > 0: return 1 obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedOutputAttributes=1) if obj_list and attr_list and len(obj_list) > 0 and len(attr_list) > 0: return 1 return 0
def channelbox_command_keyItem(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("if( `getAttr -k \"#P.#A\"`||`getAttr -channelBox \"#P.#A\"` )setKeyframe \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_keyAll(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("if( `getAttr -k \"#P.#A\"` ) setKeyframe \"#P.#A\";", 0))
def channelbox_command_breakdown(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("setKeyframe -breakdown true \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_breakdownAll(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("setKeyframe -breakdown true \"#P.#A\";", 0))
def channelbox_command_muteAll(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("mute \"#P.#A\";", 0))
def channelbox_command_unmute(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("mute -disable -force \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_unmuteAll(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("mute -disable -force \"#P.#A\";", 0))
def channelbox_command_syncGraph(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = channelBox_Checkbox_Update(box, key, menuItem) if not state and box.menu_jobs[key] > 0: # if user disabled the option, and ScriptJob is running, kill the ScriptJob cmds.scriptJob(k=box.menu_jobs[key]) box.menu_jobs[key] = -1 if state: mel.eval("GraphEditor;") # open graph editor cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=(channelbox_command_animCurve(box, menuItem, key), 0)) if box.menu_jobs[key] < 0: # if ScriptJob is not running, start it box.menu_jobs[key] = cmds.scriptJob( event=("ChannelBoxLabelSelected", partial(channelbox_command_syncGraph_scriptJob, box)), parent=box.channelbox)
def channelbox_command_cut(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmd = "" okay = 0 def loop(which, _cmd, _okay): obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=which[0], shapeObjectList=which[1], historyObjectList=which[2], outputObjectList=which[3]) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=which[0], selectedShapeAttributes=which[1], selectedHistoryAttributes=which[2], selectedOutputAttributes=which[3]) if obj_list and attr_list: _cmd += "cutKey -t \":\" -f \":" for channel in attr_list: _cmd += "\" -at \"" + channel for obj in obj_list: _cmd += "\" " + obj _cmd += ";" _okay = 1 return _cmd, _okay cmd, okay = loop([1, 0, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 1, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 1, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 0, 1], cmd, okay) if okay == 1: print cmd print "// Result: " + str(mel.eval(cmd)) + " //"
def channelbox_command_paste(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmd = "" okay = 0 current_time = cmds.currentTime(q=1) def loop(which, _cmd, _okay): obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=which[0], shapeObjectList=which[1], historyObjectList=which[2], outputObjectList=which[3]) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=which[0], selectedShapeAttributes=which[1], selectedHistoryAttributes=which[2], selectedOutputAttributes=which[3]) if obj_list and attr_list: _cmd += "pasteKey -connect true -time " + str(current_time) + " " for channel in attr_list: _cmd += "-at \"" + channel + "\" " for obj in obj_list: _cmd += obj _cmd += ";" _okay = 1 return _cmd, _okay cmd, okay = loop([1, 0, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 1, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 1, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 0, 1], cmd, okay) if okay == 1: print cmd print "// Result: " + str(mel.eval(cmd)) + " //"
def channelbox_command_delete(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(): cmd = "" okay = 0 def loop(which, _cmd, _okay): obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=which[0], shapeObjectList=which[1], historyObjectList=which[2], outputObjectList=which[3]) attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=which[0], selectedShapeAttributes=which[1], selectedHistoryAttributes=which[2], selectedOutputAttributes=which[3]) if obj_list and attr_list: _cmd += "cutKey -cl -t \":\" -f \":" for channel in attr_list: _cmd += "\" -at \"" + channel for obj in obj_list: _cmd += "\" " + obj _cmd += ";" _okay = 1 return _cmd, _okay cmd, okay = loop([1, 0, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 1, 0, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 1, 0], cmd, okay) cmd, okay = loop([0, 0, 0, 1], cmd, okay) if okay == 1: print cmd print "// Result: " + str(mel.eval(cmd)) + " //" # --
def channelbox_command_unkeyable(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("setAttr -keyable false -channelBox false \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_lockUnkeyable(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_unkeyableDisplayed(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("setAttr -keyable false -channelBox true \"#P.#A\";", 1))
def channelbox_command_driven(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): main_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, mainObjectList=1) main_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedMainAttributes=1) shape_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, shapeObjectList=1) shape_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedShapeAttributes=1) history_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1) history_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedHistoryAttributes=1) output_obj_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1) output_attr_list = cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, selectedOutputAttributes=1) if main_obj_list and main_attr_list: mel.eval("setDrivenKeyWindow " + "\"\"" + " " + channelBox_MelArray_Conversion(main_attr_list)) elif shape_obj_list and shape_attr_list: mel.eval( "setDrivenKeyWindow " + shape_obj_list[0] + " " + channelBox_MelArray_Conversion(shape_attr_list) + ";") elif history_obj_list and history_attr_list: mel.eval( "setDrivenKeyWindow " + history_obj_list[0] + " " + channelBox_MelArray_Conversion(history_attr_list) + ";") elif output_obj_list and output_attr_list: mel.eval( "setDrivenKeyWindow " + output_obj_list[0] + " " + channelBox_MelArray_Conversion(output_attr_list) + ";")
def channelbox_command_attributeEditor(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): cmds.select(cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1), cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1), add=1) mel.eval("openAEWindow")
def channelbox_command_deleteAttributes(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, exe=("catch (`deleteAttr -attribute \"#A\" \"#P\"`);", 1)) # --
def channelbox_command_selectNode(box, menuItem, key, *args): cmds.select(cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, historyObjectList=1), cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, q=1, outputObjectList=1), r=1)
def channelbox_command_setHyperbolic(box, menuItem, key, *args): # Sets whether increments interpolate linearly or using a curve with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = channelBox_Checkbox_Update(box, key, menuItem) cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, hyperbolic=state) box.saved_states["hyperbolic"][0] = state if box.saved_states["showIcons"][0]: channelbox_command_Symbol_update(box, "hyperbolic") sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def channelbox_command_setNamespace(box, menuItem, key, *args): # Sets whether to display namespaces in the editor with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = channelBox_Checkbox_Update(box, key, menuItem) cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, showNamespace=state) sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def channelBox_filterAttrs(box): with sysCmd.Undo(0): names = [] for key, value in box.filter_attrs.iteritems(): if value: names.append(key) box.filter = cmds.itemFilterAttr(byNameString=names, negate=box.saved_states["invertShown"][0]) cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, attrFilter=box.filter, update=1)
def channelbox_command_filter_filterShowAll(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): channelbox_command_resetFilters(box) box.saved_states["invertShown"][0] = 0 box.filter_attrs = {} cmds.channelBox(box.channelbox, e=1, attrFilter=0, update=1) channelBox_Filter_Items(box)
def deselectChannels(): ''' Deselect selected channels in the channelBox by clearing selection and then re-selecting ''' if not getSelectedChannels(): return sel = mc.ls(sl=True) mc.select(clear=True) mc.evalDeferred(partial(mc.select,sel))
def main(selectedChannels=True, transformsOnly=False, excludeChannels=None): ''' Resets selected channels in the channel box to default, or if nothing's selected, resets all keyable channels to default. ''' gChannelBoxName = mm.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: return if excludeChannels and not isinstance(excludeChannels, (list, tuple)): excludeChannels = [excludeChannels] chans = None if selectedChannels: chans = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True) testList = ['translateX','translateY','translateZ','rotateX','rotateY','rotateZ','scaleX','scaleY','scaleZ', 'tx','ty','yz','rx','ry','rz','sx','sy','sz'] for obj in sel: attrs = chans if not chans: attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True) if excludeChannels: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x not in excludeChannels] if transformsOnly: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x in testList] if attrs: for attr in attrs: try: default = mc.attributeQuery(attr, listDefault=True, node=obj)[0] mc.setAttr(obj+'.'+attr, default) except StandardError: pass utl.deselectChannels()
def get_selected_channels(full=True, long=True, *args): """ for ONE object selected, return all selected channels from channel box :param full: (boolean) return the full name of the object.attr?, if false then returns only the attr names ":param long: (boolean) whether we should get the long name of the attr. False will give us "short" names :return: list of full obj.channel names selected, or (if not "full") just the channnel names """ cBox = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, l=True) if len(sel) != 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") return(None) obj = sel[0] channelsRaw = cmds.channelBox(cBox, q=True, selectedMainAttributes=True, selectedShapeAttributes=True, selectedHistoryAttributes=True, selectedOutputAttributes=True) channels = [] if channelsRaw: if long: for ch in channelsRaw: newC = cmds.attributeQuery(ch, node=obj, longName=True) channels.append(newC) else: for ch in channelsRaw: newC = cmds.attributeQuery(ch, node=obj, shortName=True) channels.append(newC) else: return(None) returnList = [] if channels: if full: for c in channels: full = "{0}.{1}".format(obj, c) returnList.append(full) else: returnList = channels return(returnList) else: cmds.warning("zbw_rig.get_selected_channels: I didn't detect any channels selected!") return(None)
def getInput(*args): """ collects the input from the selected obj.channel""" obj = "" channel = "" conv = cmds.checkBox(widgets["conversionCB"], q=True, v=True) cBox = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, l=True) if sel: if not len(sel) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") else: obj = sel[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") if sel: channels = cmds.channelBox(cBox, q=True, sma=True, ssa=True, sha=True, soa=True) if channels: if not len(channels) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") else: channel = channels[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") if obj and channel: full = "%s.%s" % (obj, channel) inAttr = cmds.listConnections(full, plugs=True, scn=conv, d=False, s=True) if inAttr: for each in inAttr: print "%s -----> %s" % (each, full) else: cmds.warning("No input connections on this attr!") inNodes = cmds.listConnections(full, scn=conv, d=False, s=True) if inNodes: cmds.select(cl=True) for node in inNodes: cmds.select(node, add=True)
def getOutput(*args): """ collects the outputs from the selected obj.channel""" obj = "" channel = "" conv = cmds.checkBox(widgets["conversionCB"], q=True, v=True) cBox = mel.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = cmds.ls(sl=True, l=True) if sel: if not len(sel) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") else: obj = sel[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE node!") if sel: channels = cmds.channelBox(cBox, q=True, sma=True, ssa=True, sha=True, soa=True) if channels: if not len(channels) == 1: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") else: channel = channels[0] else: cmds.warning("You have to select ONE channel!") if obj and channel: full = "%s.%s" % (obj, channel) outAttr = cmds.listConnections(full, plugs=True, scn=conv, d=True, s=False) if outAttr: for each in outAttr: print "%s ----> %s" % (full, each) else: cmds.warning("No output connections on this attr!") outNodes = cmds.listConnections(full, scn=conv, d=True, s=False) if outNodes: cmds.select(cl=True) for node in outNodes: cmds.select(node, add=True)