def freezeAndConnect(*args): sel = cmds.ls(sl=True) ctrlOrig = sel[0] for x in range(1, len(sel)): obj = sel[x] ctrl = cmds.duplicate(ctrlOrig, n = "{}Ctrl".format(obj))[0] pos = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, rp=True) rot = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, ro=True) grp = cmds.group(em=True, n="{}Grp".format(ctrl)) cmds.parent(ctrl, grp) cmds.xform(grp, ws=True, t=pos) cmds.xform(grp, ws=True, ro=rot) cmds.parentConstraint(ctrl, obj)
def modelSequenceUI(*args): if (cmds.window("modSeq", exists=True)): cmds.deleteUI("modSeq") widgets["win"] = cmds.window("modSeq", w = 300, h = 220, t = "zbw_modelSequence") widgets["mainCLO"] = cmds.columnLayout(w = 300,h = 220) cmds.separator(h=10) cmds.text("Select ONE object to be duplicated \nThis will duplicate it for frames selected and group", al="left") cmds.separator(h=20) #textFieldGRP - name of objs widgets["sufTFG"] = cmds.textFieldGrp(l="Sequence Suffix:", cw = [(1, 100), (2,200)], cal = [(1, "left"),(2, "right")]) #radioButtonGrp - timeslider or frame range widgets["frmRBG"] = cmds.radioButtonGrp(l="Get Frames From:", nrb=2, sl=2, l1="Time Slider", l2="Frame Range", cw = [(1, 120), (2,80), (3,80)], cal = [(1, "left"),(2, "left")], cc=enableFR) #textFieldGrp - framerange (enable) widgets["frmRngIFG"] = cmds.intFieldGrp(l="Range:", nf=2, en=True, v1=0, v2 = 9, cw = [(1, 120), (2,80), (3,80)], cal = [(1, "left"),(2, "left")]) #int = by frame step widgets["stepIFG"] = cmds.intFieldGrp(l="Step By (frames):", v1 = 1, cw = [(1, 120), (2,80)], cal = [(1, "left"),(2, "right")]) cmds.separator(h=30) widgets["doBut"] = cmds.button(l="Create duplicates of objects!", w= 300, h=40, bgc = (0,.8, 0), c=getValues) cmds.showWindow(widgets["win"])
def makeSequence(obj = "", name = "", frameStart = 0, frameEnd = 1, step = 1): """duplicate selected geo based on settings from UI""" dupes = [] numCopies = (frameEnd-frameStart)/step #check here if we want to create more than 25 duplicates? confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Confirm", m= "This will create %d copies of %s. \nFrames: %d to %d\nFor dense meshes, this could get heavy\nAre you sure you want to do this?"%(numCopies, obj, frameStart, frameEnd), button = ["Yes", "No"], cancelButton = "No") if confirm == "Yes": for frame in range(frameStart, frameEnd + 1, step): cmds.currentTime(frame, edit=True) dupe = cmds.duplicate(obj, n="%s_%d"%(name, frame), ic = False, un = False) dupes.append(dupe) if dupes: grp = cmds.group(em = True, n = "%s_GRP"%name) for dupe in dupes: cmds.parent(dupe, grp) #cmds.currentTime(currentFrame, e=True)
def snap(node, snapTo): #duplicate the node we want snap dup = mc.duplicate(node, parentOnly=True)[0] #unlock translates and rotates for a in ('.t','.r'): for b in 'xyz': mc.setAttr(dup+a+b, lock=False) mc.parentConstraint(snapTo, dup) for a in ('.t','.r'): for b in ('x','y','z'): try: mc.setAttr(node+a+b, mc.getAttr(dup+a+b)) except StandardError: pass mc.delete(dup)
def duplicate_chain(start, end, prefix='', suffix='', search_for='', replace_with=''): """ Duplicates the transform chain starting at start and ending at end. :param start: The start transform. :param end: The end transform. :return: A list of the duplicated joints, a list of the original joints that were duplicated """ joint = end joints = [] original_joints = [] while joint: name = '{0}{1}{2}'.format(prefix, joint, suffix) if search_for or replace_with: name = name.replace(search_for, replace_with) original_joints.append(joint) duplicate_joint = cmds.duplicate(joint, name=name, parentOnly=True)[0] if joints: cmds.parent(joints[-1], duplicate_joint) joints.append(duplicate_joint) if joint == start: break joint = cmds.listRelatives(joint, parent=True, path=True) if joint: joint = joint[0] else: raise RuntimeError('{0} is not a descendant of {1}'.format(end, start)) joints.reverse() original_joints.reverse() return joints, original_joints
def createMush(self): mesh = self.sourceField.text() if not mesh: return if cmds.objExists(mesh + '_Mush'): print(mesh + '_Mush already exists!') return cmds.currentTime(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)) dup = cmds.duplicate(mesh, inputConnections=True, n=mesh + '_Mush') cmds.deltaMush(dup, smoothingIterations=20, smoothingStep=0.5, pinBorderVertices=True, envelope=1)
def swapDupe(obj, target, delete = True, name="", *args): """ replaces an target with a duplicate of the obj select the object you want to duplicate, then the target(s), delete bool, name optional [obj] is the object to duplicate [target] is the target to match and delete(?) [delete] is bool to tell whether to delete the target or not [name] is string to rename to """ if not name: name = obj # get pos, rot, scale of target pos = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, rp=True) rot = cmds.xform(target, q=True, ws=True, ro=True) scl = cmds.getAttr("{0}.scale".format(target)) # duplicate the object and rename to name, if no name just use unique names dupe = cmds.duplicate(obj, name=name, returnRootsOnly=True, renameChildren=True) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, t=pos) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, ro=rot) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, s=scl[0]) parent = cmds.listRelatives(target, parent=True) if parent: cmds.parent(dupe, parent[0]) if delete: cmds.delete(target) return(dupe[0])
def dupeIt(*args): """uses the first selection and duplicates it to the transforms of the rest of the selected objects, with or without connections""" sel=cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform", l=True) inputs = cmds.radioButtonGrp("inputsRBG", q=True, sl=True) if sel: base=sel[0] if len(sel)>1: objs=sel[1:] transforms = {} x=0 for obj in objs: #get pos, rot, scale pos = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, t=True) rot = cmds.xform(obj, ws=True, q=True, ro=True) scal = cmds.getAttr("%s.scale"%obj)[0] transforms[x] = [pos, rot, scal] #delete the obj cmds.delete(obj) x=x+1 for key in transforms.keys(): if inputs == 1: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base)[0] elif inputs == 3: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base, un=True, rr=True)[0] elif inputs == 2: dupe = cmds.duplicate(base, ic=True)[0] print dupe cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, t=transforms[key][0]) cmds.xform(dupe, ws=True, ro=transforms[key][1]) cmds.setAttr("%s.scale"%dupe, transforms[key][2][0], transforms[key][2][1], transforms[key][2][2]) #TODO - checkbox to copy inputs on orig objects to corresponding inputs on top level of duplicates else: cmds.warning("You need to select more than one object in order to swap!") else: cmds.warning("Please select some transform nodes to dupe!")
def testAllRotateOrdersForGimbal(obj): #duplicate node without children dup = mc.duplicate(obj, name='temp#', parentOnly=True)[0] tolerences = list() for roo in ROTATE_ORDERS: mc.xform(dup, preserve=True, rotateOrder=roo) tolerences.append(gimbalTolerence(dup)) #delete node mc.delete(dup) return tolerences
def __init__(self, curve_sel, vertex_list): self.curve_sel = curve_sel self.verts = vertex_list self.find_length = Find_Out() self.link_length = self.find_length.edge_length(self.verts) self.chain_length = self.find_length.curve_length(self.curve_sel) self.link_total = int(self.chain_length/self.link_length) cmds.duplicate(self.curve_sel, n = 'buildCurve') cmds.rebuildCurve('buildCurve', ch = 1, rpo = 1, rt = 0, end = 1, kr = 2, kep = 1, kt = 0, kcp = 0, s = self.link_total/2, d = 3, tol = 0.01 ) self.num_cv = int(cmds.getAttr ('buildCurve.degree'))+ (cmds.getAttr ('buildCurve.spans')) for dummy_cv in range(self.num_cv): dummy_cv_pos = (cmds.getAttr ('buildCurve.cv['+ str(dummy_cv) +']')) if dummy_cv == 0: cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_jointRoot',p = dummy_cv_pos[0]) elif dummy_cv == self.num_cv - 1: cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_jointEnd', p = dummy_cv_pos[0]) else: cmds.joint(n=self.curve_sel+'_joint_'+(str(dummy_cv)),p = dummy_cv_pos[0]) cmds.delete('buildCurve') cmds.ikHandle( sj = (self.curve_sel+'_jointRoot'), ee = (self.curve_sel+'_jointEnd'), c = self.curve_sel, sol = 'ikSplineSolver', scv = 0, pcv = 0, ccv = 0, ns = 4)
def create_spine(start_joint, end_joint, lower_control, upper_control, name='spine'): spline_chain, original_chain = shortcuts.duplicate_chain(start_joint, end_joint, prefix='ikSpine_') # Create the spline ik ikh, effector, curve = cmds.ikHandle( name='{0}_ikh'.format(name), solver='ikSplineSolver', startJoint=spline_chain[0], endEffector=spline_chain[-1], parentCurve=False, simplifyCurve=False) effector = cmds.rename(effector, '{0}_eff'.format(name)) curve = cmds.rename(curve, '{0}_crv'.format(name)) # Create the joints to skin the curve curve_start_joint = cmds.duplicate(start_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveStart_jnt'.format(name)) cmds.parent(curve_start_joint, lower_control) curve_end_joint = cmds.duplicate(end_joint, parentOnly=True, name='{0}CurveEnd_jnt'.format(name)) cmds.parent(curve_end_joint, upper_control) # Skin curve cmds.skinCluster(curve_start_joint, curve_end_joint, curve, name='{0}_scl'.format(name), tsb=True) # Create stretch network curve_info = cmds.arclen(curve, constructionHistory=True) mdn = cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', name='{0}Stretch_mdn'.format(name)) cmds.connectAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info), '{0}.input1X'.format(mdn)) cmds.setAttr('{0}.input2X'.format(mdn), cmds.getAttr('{0}.arcLength'.format(curve_info))) cmds.setAttr('{0}.operation'.format(mdn), 2) # Divide # Connect to joints for joint in spline_chain[1:]: tx = cmds.getAttr('{0}.translateX'.format(joint)) mdl = cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', name='{0}Stretch_mdl'.format(joint)) cmds.setAttr('{0}.input1'.format(mdl), tx) cmds.connectAttr('{0}.outputX'.format(mdn), '{0}.input2'.format(mdl)) cmds.connectAttr('{0}.output'.format(mdl), '{0}.translateX'.format(joint)) # Setup advanced twist cmds.setAttr('{0}.dTwistControlEnable'.format(ikh), True) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpType'.format(ikh), 4) # Object up cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpAxis'.format(ikh), 0) # Positive Y Up cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorX'.format(ikh), 0) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorY'.format(ikh), 1) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorZ'.format(ikh), 0) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndX'.format(ikh), 0) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndY'.format(ikh), 1) cmds.setAttr('{0}.dWorldUpVectorEndZ'.format(ikh), 0) cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(lower_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrix'.format(ikh)) cmds.connectAttr('{0}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(upper_control), '{0}.dWorldUpMatrixEnd'.format(ikh)) # Constrain original chain back to spline chain for ik_joint, joint in zip(spline_chain, original_chain): if joint == end_joint: cmds.pointConstraint(ik_joint, joint, mo=True) cmds.orientConstraint(upper_control, joint, mo=True) else: cmds.parentConstraint(ik_joint, joint)
def smartClose(*args): name = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["nameTFG"], q=True, tx=True) upSuf = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["upNameTFG"], q=True, tx=True) dwnSuf = cmds.textFieldGrp(widgets["downNameTFG"], q=True, tx=True) topMidCtrl = ctrlsUp[len(ctrlsUp)/2] downMidCtrl = ctrlsUp[len(ctrlsDown)/2] if len(lowResCurves)==2 and len(highResCurves)==2: tmpCloseLow = cmds.duplicate(lowResCurves[0], n="{0}_closeLowTmpCrv".format(name))[0] cmds.parent(tmpCloseLow, w=True) tmpLowBS = cmds.blendShape(lowResCurves[0], lowResCurves[1], tmpCloseLow)[0] tmpLowUpAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(tmpLowBS, lowResCurves[0]) tmpLowDwnAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(tmpLowBS, lowResCurves[1]) cmds.setAttr(tmpLowUpAttr, 0.5) cmds.setAttr(tmpLowDwnAttr, 0.5) closeLow = cmds.duplicate(tmpCloseLow, n="{0}_CLOSE_LOW_CRV".format(name))[0] cmds.delete([tmpCloseLow, tmpLowBS]) lowBS = cmds.blendShape(lowResCurves[0], lowResCurves[1], closeLow)[0] lowUpAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(lowBS, lowResCurves[0]) lowDwnAttr = "{0}.{1}".format(lowBS, lowResCurves[1]) #---------------- connect up down into reverse setup that drives lowclosecrv to go up/down cmds.addAttr(topMidCtrl, ln="__xtraAttrs__", ) cmds.setAttr(lowUpAttr, 1) cmds.setAttr(lowDwnAttr, 0) closeUpHigh = cmds.duplicate(highResCurves[0], n="{0}_HI_{1}_CLOSE_CRV".format(name, upSuf.upper() ))[0] cmds.parent(closeUpHigh, w=True) upHighWire = cmds.wire(closeUpHigh, en=1, gw=True, ce=0, li=0, w=closeLow, name = "{0}_CLS_UP_WIRE".format(name))[0] wireUpBaseCrv = "{0}BaseWire".format(closeLow) cmds.setAttr("{0}.scale[0]".format(upHighWire), 0) #---------------- set up blend shape on high res curve (drive high res with wire driven curve) #---------------- set up the center ctrl to drive this BS cmds.setAttr(lowUpAttr, 0) cmds.setAttr(lowDwnAttr, 1) closeDwnHigh = cmds.duplicate(highResCurves[1], n="{0}_HI_{1}_CLOSE_CRV".format(name, dwnSuf.upper() ))[0] cmds.parent(closeDwnHigh, w=True) dwnHighWire = cmds.wire(closeDwnHigh, en=1, gw=True, ce=0, li=0, w=closeLow, name = "{0}_CLS_DWN_WIRE".format(name))[0] wireDwnBase = "{0}BaseWire".format(closeLow) cmds.setAttr("{0}.scale[0]".format(dwnHighWire), 0) #---------------- set up blend shape on high res curve (drive high res with wire driven curve) #---------------- set up the center ctrl to drive this BS
def swapAnimation(fromNode, toNode): if not mc.keyframe(fromNode, query=True, name=True): mc.cutKey(toNode, clear=True) return attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True) if not attrs: return for attr in attrs: if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True): mc.cutKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, clear=True) continue fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr) toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr) srcCurve = mc.listConnections(fromPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve') dstCurve = mc.listConnections(toPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve') copySrc=None copyDst=None if srcCurve: copySrc = mc.duplicate(srcCurve[0])[0] if dstCurve: copyDst = mc.duplicate(dstCurve[0])[0] if copySrc: try: mc.cutKey(copySrc) mc.pasteKey(toNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely') except:pass if copyDst: try: mc.cutKey(copyDst) mc.pasteKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely') except:pass for axis in getMirrorAxis(toNode): mc.scaleKey(toNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1) mc.scaleKey(fromNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1)