def copyShader(src = "", tgts = [], *args): """ gets the shader from the src and assigns it to the tgt objs Args: src (string): the object we're getting the shader FROM tgts (list[strings]): the objects we're setting the shaders TO """ confirm = confirmDialog("Should I copy shaders?") if confirm == "Yes": for tgt in tgts: shp = cmds.listRelatives(src, s=True)[0] sg = cmds.listConnections(shp, t="shadingEngine")[0] tshp = cmds.listRelatives(tgt, s=True)[0] cmds.sets(tshp, e=True, forceElement=sg) else: print "Copy shader assignment cancelled" return()
def makeSequence(obj = "", name = "", frameStart = 0, frameEnd = 1, step = 1): """duplicate selected geo based on settings from UI""" dupes = [] numCopies = (frameEnd-frameStart)/step #check here if we want to create more than 25 duplicates? confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Confirm", m= "This will create %d copies of %s. \nFrames: %d to %d\nFor dense meshes, this could get heavy\nAre you sure you want to do this?"%(numCopies, obj, frameStart, frameEnd), button = ["Yes", "No"], cancelButton = "No") if confirm == "Yes": for frame in range(frameStart, frameEnd + 1, step): cmds.currentTime(frame, edit=True) dupe = cmds.duplicate(obj, n="%s_%d"%(name, frame), ic = False, un = False) dupes.append(dupe) if dupes: grp = cmds.group(em = True, n = "%s_GRP"%name) for dupe in dupes: cmds.parent(dupe, grp) #cmds.currentTime(currentFrame, e=True)
def channelbox_command_cboxReset(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Reset to Default", m="Delete all saved data and modified settings associated with this Channel Box?", icon="critical", button=["Reset", "Cancel"]) if confirm == "Reset": default_states = box.menu_default_states for k, v in default_states.iteritems(): # compare keys containing a default state with items that exist in the edit menu or others # specified and restore them box.saved_states[k] = v sysCmd.channelbox_pickle_delete_state(box) # box.re_init(box) # re-initialize to update our changes in the display cmds.warning("Please close the ChannelBox UI and re-open it for changes to take effect")
def upToDateCheck(revision, prompt=True): ''' This is a check that can be run by scripts that import ml_utilities to make sure they have the correct version. ''' if not '__revision__' in locals(): return if revision > __revision__: if prompt and mc.optionVar(query='ml_utilities_revision') < revision: result = mc.confirmDialog( title='Module Out of Date', message='Your version of ml_utilities may be out of date for this tool. Without the latest file you may encounter errors.', button=['Download Latest Revision','Ignore', "Don't Ask Again"], defaultButton='Download Latest Revision', cancelButton='Ignore', dismissString='Ignore' ) if result == 'Download Latest Revision': mc.showHelp('http://mDynamicAnimUIorganloomis.com/download/animationScripts/ml_utilities.py', absolute=True) elif result == "Don't Ask Again": mc.optionVar(intValue=('ml_utilities_revision', revision)) return False return True
def about(self, *args): ''' This pops up a window which shows the revision number of the current script. ''' text='by Morgan Loomis\n\n' try: __import__(self.module) module = sys.modules[self.module] text = text+'Revision: '+str(module.__revision__)+'\n' except StandardError: pass try: text = text+'ml_utilities Rev: '+str(__revision__)+'\n' except StandardError: pass mc.confirmDialog(title=self.name, message=text, button='Close')
def AboutWindow(): result = cmds.confirmDialog(message="--- SE Tools plugin (v2.3.4) ---\n\nDeveloped by DTZxPorter", button=['OK'], defaultButton='OK', title="About SE Tools") # A list (in order of priority) of bone names to automatically search for when determining which bone to use as the root for delta anims
def confirmDialog(message = "confirm?", *args): """ just returns Yes or No Args: message(string): the message to display Return: string: "Yes" or "No" """ dial = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Confirm?", m=message, button=["Yes", "No"], dismissString="No") return(dial)
def deformer_check(obj, *args): """ check if there are other deformers on the obj :param args: :return: """ deformers = rig.get_deformers(obj) if deformers: cmds.confirmDialog(title='Deformer Alert!', message='Found some deformers on {0}.\nYou may want to put the softmod\n early in the ' 'input list\n or check "front of chain"'.format(obj), button=['OK'], defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='OK', dismissString='OK')
def channelbox_command_selectFilterSet(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): state = cmds.menuItem(menuItem, q=1, isOptionBox=1) f_set_name = cmds.menuItem(menuItem, q=1, label=1) if not state: # didn't press the option box channelbox_command_resetFilters(box) # resetting filters before applying a new one cleans everything up if f_set_name in box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0]: saved = box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0][f_set_name][ :-2] # [-1] is invertShown boolean and -2 is the type string, exclude from loop box.saved_states["invertShown"][0] = box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0][f_set_name][ -1] # restoring invert state saved with the filter # Specific Attribute Filters if box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0][f_set_name][-2] == "type=attr": # dict in ["savedFilters"] contains only enabled attributes, so set to 1 always box.filter_attrs = {k: 1 for k in saved} channelBox_filterAttrs(box) # attributes restored to box.filter_attrs, now apply the filter # Pre-defined Filters else: for f in saved: box.filter_items.append(f) box.saved_states[f][0] = 1 # set each of the checkbox attributes to 1 to update UI channelBox_Filter_Items(box) else: cmds.error( "Filter set doesn't exist, potential mismatch between data file and current menu state." " Was something deleted from the drive?") else: del_conf = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Delete?", icn="warning", message="Delete filter set \"" + f_set_name + "\"?", button=["Delete", "Cancel"]) if del_conf == "Delete": box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0].pop(f_set_name, None)
def channelbox_command_createFilterSet(box, menuItem, key, *args): with sysCmd.Undo(0): attrs = len(box.filter_attrs) >= 1 fset = [] if attrs: # checking if we're dealing with specific attributes or pre-defined items for f in box.filter_attrs: # add the key values in filter_attrs to fset fset.append(f) fset.append("type=attr") # append the type to the end of the list, later becomes [-2] else: for f in box.filter_items: fset.append(f) fset.append("type=item") if fset: name_prompt = cmds.promptDialog(t="Save Filter Set", button=["Save", "Cancel"]) # ask user to enter the set name else: return fset.append( box.saved_states["invertShown"][0]) # append the invertShown state to become [-1] pushing fset to [-2] if name_prompt == "Save": name = cmds.promptDialog(q=1, tx=1) confirm = 0 if name in box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0]: # check if exists, ask to confirm overwrite confirm = cmds.confirmDialog(t="Confirm Overwrite", icn="warning", message="Filter set \"" + name + "\" already exists. Overwrite?", button=["Overwrite", "Cancel"]) if confirm and confirm == "Overwrite" or not confirm: box.saved_states["savedFilters"][0][name] = fset else: return sysCmd.channelbox_save_state(box)
def ui(): '''Launch the UI ''' if not os.path.exists(REPOSITORY_PATH): result = mc.confirmDialog( title='Control Repository Not Found', message='Create a repository directory?', button=['Create','Cancel'], defaultButton='Cancel', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result != 'Create': return None os.mkdir(REPOSITORY_PATH) win = ControlLibraryUI() win.buildMainLayout() win.finish()
def scene_open(path, set_project): ''' ?????? :return: ''' def new_open(): if set_project is True: cmds.workspace(project_path, openWorkspace=True) io.open(path, file_type, 1) add_rectnt_project(project_path) add_rectnt_file(path, file_type) types = {'.ma': 'mayaAscii', '.mb': 'mayaBinary', '.fbx': 'FBX', '.obj': 'OBJ'} if path == '': return None head, tail = os.path.split(path) name, ex = os.path.splitext(path) if ex not in types.keys(): return None file_type = types[ex] project_path = get_project_dir(path) io = om.MFileIO() if cmds.file(q=1,sceneName=True) == '': new_open() else: result = cmds.confirmDialog(t='File Open', m='New Scene Open or Import Scene?', b=['New Scene', 'Import Scene', 'Cancel'], db='New Scene', cb='Cancel', ds='Cancel') if result == 'Cancel': return None elif result == 'New Scene': new_open() elif result == 'Import Scene': fbx_plugin = 'fbxmaya' cmds.loadPlugin('{0:}.mll'.format(fbx_plugin), qt=1) if fbx_plugin not in cmds.pluginInfo(q=1, ls=1): om.MGlobal.displayError('{0} Plugin in not loaded'.format(fbx_plugin)) return None io.importFile(path, file_type, 1, str(tail.replace('.', '_'))) # ?????????? #ls = cmds.ls(typ='file', type='mentalrayTexture') #[cmds.setAttr(x + '.ftn', cmds.getAttr(x + '.ftn'), type='string') for x in ls] return 0
def transferUV(src, tgts, deleteHistory=False, *args): """ gets the shader and uv's from the src and assigns to the tgt objs (transfer uv's) Args: src (string): the object we're getting the shader and uv's FROM tgts (list[strings]): the objects we're setting the shaders and uv's Return deleteHistory (boolean): delete constructionHistory? Will delete non-deformer history. . . TO: None """ message = "" if deleteHistory: message = "Should I copy transfer UV's?\nWarning: 'deleteHistory' will (duh) remove history,\ntho it SHOULD keep deformer history." if not deleteHistory: message = "Should I copy transfer UV's?" confirm = confirmDialog(message) if confirm == "Yes": if deleteHistory: srcShp = [x for x in cmds.listRelatives(src, s=True) if "Orig" not in x][0] for t in tgts: intObj = "" shps = cmds.listRelatives(t, s=True) for shp in shps: # ----------- clean this up to only get the upstream-most orig node if cmds.getAttr("{0}.intermediateObject".format(shp)): intObj = shp break if intObj: print "transferring uvs to {0}.intermediateObject".format(intObj) cmds.setAttr("{0}.intermediateObject".format(intObj), 0) cmds.transferAttributes(srcShp, intObj, uvs=2, sampleSpace=4) cmds.delete(intObj, constructionHistory=True) cmds.setAttr("{0}.intermediateObject".format(intObj), 1) else: print "transferring uvs to {0} shape" cmds.transferAttributes(srcShp, t, uvs=2, sampleSpace=4) cmds.delete(t, ch=True) else: srcShp = [x for x in cmds.listRelatives(src, s=True) if "Orig" not in x][0] for t in tgts: cmds.transferAttributes(srcShp, t, uvs=2, sampleSpace=4) else: print "Transfer UVs cancelled!" return()
def promptExportControl(*args): '''Export selection, prompt for name, and create icon as well. ''' sel = mc.ls(sl=True) assert sel, 'Select a control curve(s) to export.' for each in sel: if mc.nodeType(each) == 'nurbsCurve': continue shapes = mc.listRelatives(each, shapes=True, type='nurbsCurve') assert shapes, '{} is not a nurbsCurve'.format(each) result = mc.promptDialog( title='Export Control Curve', message='Enter Name:', button=['OK', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel') if result != 'OK': return ctrlName = mc.promptDialog(query=True, text=True) ctrlName = ''.join(x if x.isalnum() else '_' for x in ctrlName) if os.path.exists(controlFilePath(ctrlName)): result = mc.confirmDialog(title='Control Exists', message='A control of this name already exists.', button=['Overwrite','Cancel'], defaultButton='Cancel', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result != 'Overwrite': return ctrl = exportControl(sel, ctrlName) strokes = mc.ls(type='stroke') #create the icon mc.ResetTemplateBrush() brush = mc.getDefaultBrush() mc.setAttr(brush+'.screenspaceWidth', 1) mc.setAttr(brush+'.distanceScaling', 0.01) mc.setAttr(brush+'.color1', 0.1, 0.65, 1, type='double3') mc.select(ctrl) mc.AttachBrushToCurves(ctrl) image = utl.renderShelfIcon(name=ctrlName, width=64, height=64) imagePath = os.path.join(REPOSITORY_PATH, os.path.basename(image)) shutil.move(image, imagePath) #delete new strokes. newStrokes = [x for x in mc.ls(type='stroke') if x not in strokes] for each in newStrokes: mc.delete(mc.listRelatives(each, parent=True, pa=True))