def load_user_from_request(request): """ User login validation logic. If the user exists with the given username and with the correct password then returns the user, otherwise None. Args: request (Request): The flask request object used in endpoint handlers Returns: models.User: The logged user, None if login fails """ if not request.authorization: return None try: user = User.get(User.email == request.authorization['username']) except User.DoesNotExist: return None if user.verify_password(request.authorization['password']): return user return None
def post(self): request_data = request.get_json(force=True) if 'email' not in request_data or 'password' not in request_data: abort(client.BAD_REQUEST) email = request_data['email'] password = request_data['password'] try: user = User.get(User.email == email) except User.DoesNotExist: abort(client.BAD_REQUEST) if not user.verify_password(password): abort(client.UNAUTHORIZED) login_user(user) return generate_response({}, client.OK)
def delete(self, order_uuid): """ Delete a specific order. """ try: obj = Order.get(uuid=str(order_uuid)) except Order.DoesNotExist: return None, NOT_FOUND # get the user from the flask.g global object registered inside the # auth.py::verify() function, called by @auth.login_required decorator # and match it against the found user. # This is to prevent users from deleting other users' account. if auth.current_user != obj.user and auth.current_user.admin is False: return ({'message': "You can't delete another user's order"}, UNAUTHORIZED) obj.delete_instance(recursive=True) return None, NO_CONTENT
def parse_signed_cookie(cookie_str): try: L = cookie_str.split('-') if len(L) != 3: return None id, expires, md5 = L if int(expires) < time.time(): return None user = User.get(id) if user is None: return None if md5 != hashlib.md5('%s-%s-%s-%s' % (id, user.password, expires, _COOKIE_KEY)).hexdigest(): return None return user except: return None
def api_update_blog(blog_id): check_admin() i = ctx.request.input(name='', summary='', content='') name = i.name.strip() summary = i.summary.strip() content = i.content.strip() if not name: raise APIValueError('name', 'name cannot be empty.') if not summary: raise APIValueError('summary', 'summary cannot be empty.') if not content: raise APIValueError('content', 'content cannot be empty.') blog = Blog.get(blog_id) if blog is None: raise APIResourceNotFoundError('Blog') blog.name = name blog.summary = summary blog.content = content blog.update() return blog
def login(): next_ = request.values.get('next') if request.method == 'POST': form = { 'username' : request.form['username'], 'password' : request.form['password'] } user = User.validate(**form) if user[0]: if request.form['next'] != '': session['user'] = { 'username': user[1].username, 'id': user[1].id } return redirect(request.form['next']) return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('login.html', next=next_)
def test_move(self): # add game and check it game = Game.create(white='123', black='456', state='Ke1,ke8') self.assertTrue(abs((game.date_created - game.date_state).total_seconds()) < 1) self.assertEqual(game.next_color, WHITE) self.assertEqual(Game.select().count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Move.select().count(), 0) self.assertFalse(game.ended) # wait a second time.sleep(1) # add move and check game.add_move('K', 'e1-e2', 'Ke2,ke8') self.assertEqual(Move.select().count(), 1) # reload game game = Game.get(pk=game.pk) self.assertEqual(game.next_color, BLACK) self.assertEqual(game.state, 'Ke2,ke8') self.assertTrue((game.date_state - game.date_created).total_seconds() > 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(game.moves.get().time_move, 1, places=1) self.assertFalse(game.ended) # add move with ending game game.add_move('k', 'e8-e7', 'Ke2,ke7', True) self.assertTrue(game.ended) self.assertEqual(game.winner, BLACK)
def test_game_over_1(self): # add game and check it game = Game.create(white='123', black='456', state='Ke1,ke8') self.assertFalse(game.ended) self.assertIsNone(game.end_reason) self.assertIsNone(game.date_end) # game over with saving game.game_over(END_CHECKMATE) self.assertTrue(game.ended) self.assertEqual(game.end_reason, 1) self.assertIsNotNone(game.date_end) self.assertIsNone(game.winner) # reload game game = Game.get(pk=game.pk) self.assertTrue(game.ended) self.assertEqual(game.end_reason, 1) self.assertIsNotNone(game.date_end)
def test_game_over_2(self): # add game and check it game = Game.create(white='123', black='456', state='Ke1,ke8') self.assertFalse(game.ended) self.assertIsNone(game.end_reason) self.assertIsNone(game.date_end) # game over without saving game.game_over(END_CHECKMATE, datetime(2015, 1, 27, 12, 0, 0), False, WHITE) self.assertTrue(game.ended) self.assertEqual(game.end_reason, 1) self.assertEqual(game.date_end, datetime(2015, 1, 27, 12, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(game.winner, WHITE) # reload game game = Game.get(pk=game.pk) self.assertFalse(game.ended) self.assertIsNone(game.end_reason) self.assertIsNone(game.date_end) self.assertIsNone(game.winner)
def accept(game_id): try: pool = GamePool.get(GamePool.pk == game_id) except GamePool.DoesNotExist: return send_error('Game not found') except Exception as e: return send_error('Wrong format') if pool.user1 and pool.user1 == request.user: return send_error('You cannot start game with yourself') with config.DB.atomic(): pool.player2 = generate_token(True) pool.user2 = request.user pool.is_started = True pool.save() game = Game.new_game( pool.player1, pool.player2, pool.type_game, pool.time_limit, white_user=pool.user1, black_user=pool.user2 ) delete_cache('wait_{}'.format(pool.player1)) result = {'game': pool.player2} result.update(game.get_info(consts.BLACK)) return send_data(result)
def invited(token): try: enemy_token, game_type, game_limit = get_cache('invite_{}'.format(token)) except: return send_error('game not found') enemy_user = None user_id = get_cache('user_{}'.format(enemy_token)) if user_id: try: enemy_user = User.get(pk=user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: # TODO: if user not found game will be created with None as white player pass user_token = generate_token(True) game = Game.new_game( enemy_token, user_token, game_type, game_limit, white_user=enemy_user, black_user=request.user ) delete_cache('wait_{}'.format(enemy_token)) result = {'game': user_token} result.update(game.get_info(consts.BLACK)) return send_data(result)
def get(self): result = [] count = 0 for pool in GamePool.select().where( GamePool.is_started == False, GamePool.is_lost == False, GamePool.player1 is not None, ).order_by(GamePool.date_created.desc()): if pool.user1 and pool.user1 == request.user: continue result.append({ 'id': pool.pk, 'date_created': pool.date_created.isoformat(), 'user': pool.user1.username if pool.user1 else None, 'type': consts.TYPES[pool.type_game]['name'], 'limit': pool.time_limit, }) count += 1 if count > 9: break return {'games': result}
def post(self, game_id): try: pool = GamePool.get(GamePool.pk == game_id) except GamePool.DoesNotExist: raise errors.APINotFound('game') except Exception as e: raise errors.APIException('wrong format') if pool.user1 and pool.user1 == request.user: raise errors.APIException('you cannot start game with yourself') pool.player2 = generate_token(True) pool.user2 = request.user pool.is_started = True pool.save() game = Game.new_game( pool.player1, pool.player2, pool.type_game, pool.time_limit, white_user=pool.user1, black_user=pool.user2 ) delete_cache('wait_{}'.format(pool.player1)) result = {'game': pool.player2} result.update(game.get_info(consts.BLACK)) return result
def test_updating_account_profile_settings(self): """ Account profile settings can update full name, about, and website. """ self.assertEqual('', self.user.full_name) self.assertEqual('', self.user.about) self.assertEqual('', self.user.website) arguments = { 'full_name' : 'Some User', 'about' : 'About text.', 'website' : 'https://mltshp.com/' } self.post_url('/account/settings/profile', arguments=arguments) user_reloaded = User.get('id = %s', self.user.id) self.assertEqual('Some User', user_reloaded.full_name) self.assertEqual('About text.', user_reloaded.about) self.assertEqual('https://mltshp.com/', user_reloaded.website)
def test_updating_user_profile_photo(self): """ Emulate the variables that nginx passes in via the upload module and see if the file gets uploaded. """ photo_path = os.path.abspath("static/images/test-avatar.png") arguments = { 'photo_path': photo_path, 'photo_content_type': "image/png", 'photo_name': os.path.basename(photo_path), 'photo_size': os.path.getsize(photo_path) } response = self.post_url('/account/settings/profile', arguments=arguments) user_reloaded = User.get('id = %s', self.user.id) self.assertTrue(user_reloaded.profile_image) self.assertTrue(user_reloaded.profile_image_url().find('/account') > -1)
def test_pagination_returns_correct_counts(self): """ This tests creating 111 shared files for a user and then tests that pagination on their user page returns the correct pages """ user = User.get('name="admin"') user_shake = user.shake() source_file = Sourcefile(width=10, height=10, file_key='mumbles', thumb_key='bumbles') source_file.save() missing_ids = [] for i in range(111): sf = Sharedfile(source_id = source_file.id, user_id = user.id, name="shgaredfile.png", title='shared file', share_key='asdf', content_type='image/png', deleted=0) sf.save() sf.add_to_shake(user_shake) for i in range(12): response = self.fetch('/user/admin/%s' % (i + 1)) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
def test_reset_password_finish(self): """ Posting the actual reset-password will reset it """ self.user.create_reset_password_token() self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/account/reset-password/%s" % (self.user.reset_password_token)), self.stop) response = self.wait() request = HTTPRequest( url = self.get_url("/account/reset-password/%s" % (self.user.reset_password_token)), method='POST', headers={"Cookie":"_xsrf=%s" % (self.xsrf)}, body="password=%s&password_again=%s&_xsrf=%s" % ("qwertyqwerty", "qwertyqwerty", self.xsrf) ) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() self.user = User.get("id=%s", 1) self.assertEqual(self.user.reset_password_token, "") self.assertEqual(self.user.hashed_password, User.generate_password_digest('qwertyqwerty'))
def test_reset_password_throws_error_if_passwords_dont_match(self): """ Send two different passwords. """ self.user.create_reset_password_token() reset_token = self.user.reset_password_token request = HTTPRequest( url = self.get_url("/account/reset-password/%s" % (reset_token)), method='POST', headers={"Cookie":"_xsrf=%s" % (self.xsrf)}, body="password=%s&password_again=%s&_xsrf=%s" % ("qwertyqwerty", "poiupoiu", self.xsrf) ) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() self.assertTrue(response.body.find("Those passwords didn't match, or are invalid. Please try again.") > -1) self.user = User.get("id = %s", 1) self.assertEqual(self.user.hashed_password, User.generate_password_digest('asdfasdf')) self.assertEqual(reset_token, self.user.reset_password_token)
def test_clears_all_saves(self): self.upload_file(self.test_file1_path, self.test_file1_sha1, self.test_file1_content_type, 1, self.receiver_sid, self.xsrf) sharedfile = Sharedfile.get('id=1') n = Notification.new_save(self.sender, sharedfile) n = Notification.new_save(self.sender, sharedfile) request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/account/clear-notification'), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.receiver_sid)}, '_xsrf=%s&type=save' % (self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() j = json_decode(response.body) self.assertEqual(j['response'], "0 new saves") ns = Notification.where('receiver_id=%s' % (self.receiver.id)) for n in ns: self.assertTrue(n.deleted)
def test_clears_all_favorites(self): self.upload_file(self.test_file1_path, self.test_file1_sha1, self.test_file1_content_type, 1, self.receiver_sid, self.xsrf) sharedfile = Sharedfile.get('id=1') n = Notification.new_favorite(self.sender, sharedfile) n = Notification.new_favorite(self.sender, sharedfile) request = HTTPRequest(self.get_url('/account/clear-notification'), 'POST', {'Cookie':'_xsrf=%s;sid=%s' % (self.xsrf, self.receiver_sid)}, '_xsrf=%s&type=favorite' % (self.xsrf)) self.http_client.fetch(request, self.stop) response = self.wait() j = json_decode(response.body) self.assertEqual(j['response'], "0 new likes") ns = Notification.where('receiver_id=%s' % (self.receiver.id)) for n in ns: self.assertTrue(n.deleted)
def post(self): url = self.get_argument('url', None) if not url: self.render("tools/save-video.html", url = url, title = None, description=None) url = Sourcefile.make_oembed_url(url.strip()) if url: current_user = self.get_current_user_object(); shake_id = self.get_argument('shake_id', None) if not shake_id: self.destination_shake = Shake.get('user_id=%s and type=%s', current_user.id, 'user') else: self.destination_shake = Shake.get('id=%s', shake_id) if not self.destination_shake: return self.render("tools/save-video-error.html", message="We couldn't save the video to specified shake. Please contact support.") if not self.destination_shake.can_update(current_user.id): return self.render("tools/save-video-error.html", message="We couldn't save the video to specified shake. Please contact support.") if current_user.email_confirmed != 1: return self.render("tools/save-video-error.html", message="You must confirm your email address before you can post.") self.handle_oembed_url(url) else: self.render("tools/save-video-error.html", message="We could not load the embed code. The video server may be down. Please contact support.")
def get(self, share_key): sharedfile = Sharedfile.get_by_share_key(share_key) if not sharedfile: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) expanded = self.get_argument("expanded", False) if expanded: expanded = True # Prevent IE from caching AJAX requests self.set_header("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); self.set_header("Pragma","no-cache"); self.set_header("Expires", 0); user = self.get_current_user_object() can_comment = user and user.email_confirmed == 1 and not options.readonly comments = sharedfile.comments() html_response = self.render_string("image/quick-comments.html", sharedfile=sharedfile, comments=comments, current_user=user, can_comment=can_comment, expanded=expanded) return self.write({'result' : 'ok', 'count' : len(comments), 'html' : html_response })
def post(self, share_key, comment_id): shared_file = models.Sharedfile.get_by_share_key(share_key) user = self.get_current_user_object() comment = Comment.get("id=%s", comment_id) if not shared_file or not comment: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) existing_comment_like = models.CommentLike.get("comment_id = %s and user_id = %s", comment.id, user.id) if existing_comment_like: existing_comment_like.deleted = 1 existing_comment_like.save() json = self.get_argument("json", False) if json: self.set_header("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); self.set_header("Pragma","no-cache"); self.set_header("Expires", 0); count = models.CommentLike.where_count("comment_id = %s", comment.id) return self.write(json_encode({'response':'ok', 'count': count, 'like' : True })) else: return self.redirect("/p/%s?salty" % (share_key,))
def get(self, shake_name): shake = Shake.get("name=%s and deleted=0", shake_name) if not shake: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) value = { 'title' : escape.xhtml_escape(shake.title) if shake.title else '', 'title_raw' : shake.title if shake.title else '', 'description' : escape.xhtml_escape(shake.description) if shake.description else '', 'description_raw' : shake.description if shake.description else '' } # prevents IE from caching ajax requests. self.set_header("Cache-Control","no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); self.set_header("Pragma","no-cache"); self.set_header("Expires", 0); return self.write(escape.json_encode(value))
def post(self, shake_name): current_user = self.get_current_user_object() shake_to_update = Shake.get('name=%s and user_id=%s and type=%s and deleted=0', shake_name, current_user.id, 'group') new_title = self.get_argument('title', None) new_description = self.get_argument('description', None) if not shake_to_update: return self.write({'error':'No permission to update shake.'}) if new_title: shake_to_update.title = new_title if new_description: shake_to_update.description = new_description shake_to_update.save() return self.redirect('/shake/' + shake_to_update.name + '/quick-details')
def post(self, shake_id): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake = Shake.get('id=%s and deleted=0', shake_id) if not shake: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'Shake not found.'})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) if not user.subscribe(shake): if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'error':'error'})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': True})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path())
def post(self, shake_id): is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) user = self.get_current_user_object() shake = Shake.get('id=%s and deleted=0', shake_id) if not shake: if is_json: return self.write({'error':'Shake not found.'}) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) if not user.unsubscribe(shake): if is_json: return self.write({'error':'error'}) else: return self.redirect(shake.path()) else: if is_json: return self.write(json_encode({'subscription_status': False})) else: return self.redirect(shake.path())
def post(self, shake_name): shake = Shake.get('name=%s and type=%s', shake_name, "group") if not shake: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) sender = self.get_current_user_object() receiver = User.get('name=%s and deleted=0', self.get_argument('name', None)) is_json = self.get_argument('json', None) if not receiver: if is_json: return self.write({'error':'error'}) else: return self.redirect('/%s' % (shake_name)) Notification.new_invitation(sender, receiver, shake.id) if is_json: return self.write({'invitation_status':True}) else: return self.redirect('/%s' % (shake_name))
def post(self, shake_name=None): shake = Shake.get('name=%s and deleted=0', shake_name) current_user_object = self.get_current_user_object() if not shake: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) if current_user_object.can_request_invitation_to_shake(shake.id): current_user_object.request_invitation_to_shake(shake.id) if self.get_argument('json', None): return self.write({'status':'ok'}) else: return self.redirect('/%s' % (shake.name)) else: if self.get_argument('json', None): return self.write({'status':'error', 'message':'not allowed'}) else: return self.redirect('/')
def get(self, shake_name=None, page=None): shake_object = Shake.get("name=%s", shake_name) if not page: page = 1 page = int(page) if not shake_object: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) followers = shake_object.subscribers(page=page) follower_count = shake_object.subscriber_count() url_format = '/shake/%s/followers/' % shake_object.name url_format = url_format + '%d' return self.render("shakes/followers.html", followers=followers, shake_info=shake_object, url_format=url_format, follower_count=follower_count, page=page)
def get(self, shake_name): shake = Shake.get("name=%s and deleted=0", shake_name) if not shake: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404) current_user = self.get_current_user_object() invitation, invitation_requests = _invitations(shake, current_user) #is this user a shake manager? managers = shake.managers() is_shake_manager = False if managers and current_user: for manager in managers: if manager.id == current_user.id: is_shake_manager = True break followers = shake.subscribers() follower_count = shake.subscriber_count() return self.render("shakes/members.html", shake=shake, invitation=invitation, managers=shake.managers(), current_user_obj=current_user, invitation_requests=invitation_requests, shake_editor=shake.owner(), is_shake_manager=is_shake_manager, followers=followers, follower_count=follower_count)
def get(self): where = "deleted=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 21" before_id = self.get_argument('before', None) if before_id is not None: where = "id < %d AND %s" % (int(before_id), where) users = User.where(where) prev_link = None next_link = None if len(users) == 21: next_link = "?before=%d" % users[-1].id for user in users[:20]: files = user.sharedfiles(per_page=1) user.last_sharedfile = len(files) == 1 and files[0] or None return self.render("admin/new-users.html", users=users[:20], previous_link=prev_link, next_link=next_link)
def get(self): where = "nsfw=1 AND deleted=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 21" before_id = self.get_argument('before', None) if before_id is not None: where = "id < %d AND %s" % (int(before_id), where) users = User.where(where) prev_link = None next_link = None if len(users) == 21: next_link = "?before=%d" % users[-1].id for user in users[:20]: files = user.sharedfiles(per_page=1) user.last_sharedfile = len(files) == 1 and files[0] or None return self.render("admin/nsfw-users.html", users=users[:20], previous_link=prev_link, next_link=next_link)
def post(self): category = ShakeCategory(name=self.get_argument('name', ''), short_name=self.get_argument('short_name', '')) category.save() return self.redirect('/admin/shake-categories') #class CreateShakeSharedFilesHandler(BaseHandler): # @tornado.web.authenticated # def get(self): # user = self.current_user # if user['name'] in ['admin',]: # shared_files = Sharedfile.all() # for sf in shared_files: # user = User.get('id = %s', sf.user_id) # user_shake = user.shake() # ssf = Shakesharedfile.get("shake_id = %s and sharedfile_id = %s", user_shake.id, sf.id) # if not ssf: # ssf = Shakesharedfile(shake_id = user_shake.id, sharedfile_id = sf.id) # ssf.save() # else: # shared_file = Sharedfile.get('id=%s', ssf.sharedfile_id) # ssf.created_at = shared_file.created_at # ssf.save() # return self.redirect("/")
def test_atomic_with_delete(flushdb): for i in range(3): await User.create(username=f'u{i}') async with db.atomic(): user = await User.get(User.username == 'u1') await user.delete_instance() usernames = [u.username async for u in User.select()] assert sorted(usernames) == ['u0', 'u2'] async with db.atomic(): async with db.atomic(): user = await User.get(User.username == 'u2') await user.delete_instance() usernames = [u.username async for u in User.select()] assert usernames == ['u0']
def identity(payload): user_id = payload['identity'] try: g.user = User.get(user_id, None) return g.user except User.DoesNotExist: return None
def test_get_users_list_not_authenticated__unauthorized(self): add_user(None, TEST_USER_PSW) resp = self.app.get(API_ENDPOINT.format('users/')) assert resp.status_code == UNAUTHORIZED
def load_user(user_id): """ Current user loading logic. If the user exists return it, otherwise None. Args: user_id (int): Peewee user id Returns: models.User: The requested user """ try: return User.get(User.id == user_id) except User.DoesNotExist: return None
def get(self): """ Get all the orders.""" data = Order.json_list(Order.select()) return generate_response(data, OK)