def demo1(sess): """Demo based on images dumped during training""" # Get images that were dumped during training filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.train_dir) filenames = sorted(filenames) filenames = [os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, f) for f in filenames if f[-4:]=='.png'] assert len(filenames) >= 1 fps = 30 # Create video file from PNGs print("Producing video file...") filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, 'demo1.mp4') clip = mpe.ImageSequenceClip(filenames, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(filename) print("Done!")
def demo1(sess): """Demo based on images dumped during training""" # Get images that were dumped during training filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.train_dir) filenames = sorted(filenames) filenames = [os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, f) for f in filenames if f[-4:]=='.png'] assert len(filenames) >= 1 fps = 5 # Create video file from PNGs print("Producing video file...") filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.train_dir, 'demo1.mp4') clip = mpe.ImageSequenceClip(filenames, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(filename) print("Done!")
def create_gif(): file_names = (fn for fn in os.listdir('.') if fn.endswith('.png')) s_file_names = sorted(file_names, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[0])) clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(s_file_names, fps=12) name = '{}.gif'.format(uuid4()) clip.write_gif(name, fps=12) delete_pngs() return name
def npy_to_gif(im_list, filename): save_dir = '/'.join(str.split(filename, '/')[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): print 'creating directory: ', save_dir os.mkdir(save_dir) clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(im_list, fps=4) clip.write_gif(filename + '.gif') return
def save_highres(self): # clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(self.highres_imglist, fps=10) # clip.write_gif(self.image_folder + '/highres_traj{}.mp4'.format(self.itr)) writer = imageio.get_writer(self.image_folder + '/highres_traj{}.mp4'.format(self.itr), fps=10) print 'shape highes:', self.highres_imglist[0].shape for im in self.highres_imglist: writer.append_data(im) writer.close()
def npy_to_gif(im_list, filename): clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(im_list, fps=4) clip.write_gif(filename + '.gif') return
def npy_to_gif(im_list, filename): # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(im_list, fps=10) clip.write_gif(filename)
def _make_subclip(self): subclip_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'subclip_{}.mp4'.format(self.frame_idx)) clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(self.images, fps=20) clip.write_videofile(subclip_path) self.subclip_paths.append(subclip_path) del self.images[:]
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create driving video.') parser.add_argument( 'image_folder', type=str, default='', help='Path to image folder. The video will be created from these images.' ) parser.add_argument( '--fps', type=int, default=60, help='FPS (Frames per second) setting for the video.') args = parser.parse_args() #convert file folder into list firltered for image file types image_list = sorted([os.path.join(args.image_folder, image_file) for image_file in os.listdir(args.image_folder)]) image_list = [image_file for image_file in image_list if os.path.splitext(image_file)[1][1:].lower() in IMAGE_EXT] #two methods of naming output video to handle varying environemnts video_file_1 = args.image_folder + '.mp4' video_file_2 = args.image_folder + 'output_video.mp4' print("Creating video {}, FPS={}".format(args.image_folder, args.fps)) clip = ImageSequenceClip(image_list, fps=args.fps) try: clip.write_videofile(video_file_1) except: clip.write_videofile(video_file_2)
def makemovie(dirname, outfile): images = [] filecnt = len(os.listdir(dirname))-1 for cnt in range(1,filecnt): images.append(dirname+str(cnt)+'.jpg') clip = ImageSequenceClip(images,fps=30) clip.write_videofile(outfile)
def rollout(env, agent, max_path_length=np.inf, animated=False, speedup=1, save_video=True, video_filename='sim_out.mp4', reset_arg=None): observations = [] actions = [] rewards = [] agent_infos = [] env_infos = [] images = [] o = env.reset(reset_args=reset_arg) agent.reset() path_length = 0 if animated: env.render() while path_length < max_path_length: a, agent_info = agent.get_action(o) next_o, r, d, env_info = env.step(a) observations.append(env.observation_space.flatten(o)) rewards.append(r) actions.append(env.action_space.flatten(a)) agent_infos.append(agent_info) env_infos.append(env_info) path_length += 1 if d: # and not animated: # TODO testing break o = next_o if animated: env.render() timestep = 0.05 time.sleep(timestep / speedup) if save_video: from PIL import Image image = env.wrapped_env.wrapped_env.get_viewer().get_image() pil_image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (image[1], image[2]), image[0]) images.append(np.flipud(np.array(pil_image))) if animated: if save_video and len(images) >= max_path_length: import moviepy.editor as mpy clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(images, fps=20*speedup) if video_filename[-3:] == 'gif': clip.write_gif(video_filename, fps=20*speedup) else: clip.write_videofile(video_filename, fps=20*speedup) #return return dict( observations=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_list(observations), actions=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_list(actions), rewards=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_list(rewards), agent_infos=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_dict_list(agent_infos), env_infos=tensor_utils.stack_tensor_dict_list(env_infos), )