def _iter(self): sleeped = 0 # measure time w/o messaging # Waiting for any input while not self.comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG): if sleeped == 0.5: secs_since_start = round(time.time() - self.start, 1) logger.info('Sleeping @ %s s.', secs_since_start) # TODO: stats! # observe ram usage # observe free disk space # observe ... # make sure executed every 60? seconds if self.numworkers == 0: self._shutdown() # TODO: think about better use of sleeped sleeped += self._manage_io() if sleeped > 0.5: logger.info("Slept for %s seconds.", sleeped - 0.5) # TODO: catch mpi.send errors properly try: self._process_mpi() except IndexError as e: logger.info('IndexError happend: %s', e)
def run(self, model): if self.comm == None: print('Server communicator not initialized') return print('server started') while True: # Wait for next request from client request = self.comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=199) # Do some process work and formulate a reply reply = self.process_request(model, request['id'], request['rank'],request['message']) # Send reply back to client self.comm.send(reply, dest=request['rank'], tag=200) # Do some action work after reply self.action_after(model, request['id'], request['rank'], request['message'])
def _update_ready(self): if self.comm.rank == 0: while self.comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI_TAG_READY): buf = numpy.empty(1, dtype='i') self.comm.Recv([buf, MPI.INT], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI_TAG_READY) rank = buf[0] self._closing_ranks.append(rank) log_debug(logger, self._log_prefix + "Received closing signal from rank %i (%i/%i)" % (rank,len(self._closing_ranks),self.comm.size)) if len(self._closing_ranks) == self.comm.size: for i in range(1, self.comm.size): send_buf = numpy.array(1, dtype='i') self.comm.Send([send_buf, MPI.INT], dest=i, tag=MPI_TAG_READY) recv_buf = numpy.empty(1, dtype='i') self.comm.Recv([recv_buf, MPI.INT], source=i, tag=MPI_TAG_READY) self._ready = True log_debug(logger, self._log_prefix + "Master sent out ready signals to slaves") else: if self.comm.Iprobe(source=0, tag=MPI_TAG_READY): recv_buf = numpy.empty(1, dtype='i') self.comm.Recv([recv_buf, MPI.INT], source=0, tag=MPI_TAG_READY) send_buf = numpy.array(1, dtype='i') self.comm.Send([send_buf, MPI.INT], dest=0, tag=MPI_TAG_READY) self._ready = True log_debug(logger, self._log_prefix + "Slave rank %i received ready signals from master" % self.comm.rank)
def bcast(self, obj=None, root=None): """Same with the Broadcast but, it handles for unknown root among the nodes. """ size = self.cart_comm.Get_size() if size == 1: return obj if root is None: obj = self.cart_comm.recv(source = MPI.ANY_SOURCE) else: for dest in xrange(size): if dest != root: self.cart_comm.send(obj, dest) return obj
def _fit_and_score_with_parameters(X, y, cv, best_parameters): """Distribute work of non-nested cross-validation across slave nodes.""" # tell slaves testing phase is next _task_desc = numpy.empty(2, dtype=int) _task_desc[1] = MPI_MSG_TEST comm.Bcast([_task_desc, MPI.INT], root=0) comm.bcast((X, y), root=0) # Compability with sklearn > 0.18 TODO _splitted_cv = [(a, b) for a, b in cv.split(X, y)] assert comm_size >= len(_splitted_cv) for i, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(_splitted_cv): fold_id = i + 1 LOG.info("Testing fold %d", fold_id) parameters = best_parameters.loc[fold_id, :].to_dict() work_item = (fold_id, train_index, test_index, parameters) comm.send(work_item, dest=fold_id, tag=MPI_TAG_TRAIN_TEST_DATA) scores = {} for i in range(len(_splitted_cv)): fold_id, test_result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI_TAG_RESULT) scores[fold_id] = test_result # Tell all nodes to terminate for i in range(len(_splitted_cv), comm_size): comm.send((0, None), dest=i, tag=MPI_TAG_TRAIN_TEST_DATA) return pandas.Series(scores)
def process_messages(self, count_arr, recorder=None): if recorder: recorder.start() status = MPI.Status() s = self.comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=700, status=status) # if self.test: print '%d probed, got %s' % (self.rank,s) while s: src_rank=status.source self.comm.Recv(buf=count_arr, source=src_rank, tag=700, status=status) self.gpucomm, src_gpurank, self_gpurank = self.get_gpucomm_with(src_rank) if self.test: print('%d merging with %d' % (self.rank, src_rank)) self._merge_params_from(src_gpurank, src_rank) s = self.comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=700, status=status) if self.test: print('%d probed again, got %s' % (self.rank,s)) if recorder: recorder.end('comm')
def push_message(self, dest_rank, count_arr, recorder=None): ''' push message: push params_i and alpha_i to the choosen rank ''' # detect if any other worker is pushing to self at the same time to prevent deadlock while self.comm.Iprobe(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=700): if self.test: print('a potential deadlock prevented') self.process_messages(count_arr, recorder) if recorder: recorder.start() # 0. blocking request if self.test: print('%d pushing msg to %d' % (self.rank,dest_rank)) self.comm.Send(buf=count_arr,dest=dest_rank, tag=700) if self.test: print('%d requested to %d' % (self.rank,dest_rank)) # 1. push self.gpucomm, dest_gpurank, self_gpurank = self.get_gpucomm_with(dest_rank) self._push_params(self_gpurank, dest_rank) if self.test: print('%d msg pushed' % self.rank) if recorder: recorder.end('comm')
def recv_any_from_child(self,status): """Receives any message from any child. Returns the provided status object, populated with information about received message""" self.recv( tag='any', source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status, comm=self.child_comm ) return status
def orchestrate_map(self,pds_id): """Orchestrates the slaves/workers to perform a map function This works by keeping track of the workers who haven't finished executing, waiting for them to request the next chunk of data when they are free, responding to them with the data and then sending them a Sentinel signalling that they can exit. """ is_map_done = [True if i in self.master_node_ranks else False for i in range(self.size)] status = MPI.Status() #Copy it to the pending. This is so when master accesses #the PDS data it's not empty. self.pds_pending_store[pds_id] = list(self.pds_store[pds_id]) #While we have some ranks that haven't finished while sum(is_map_done)<self.size: #Wait for a reqest from anyone data_request = self.comm.recv( source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status, ) request_from_rank = status.source if data_request!=pds_id: print("Ignoring stale PDS data request from", request_from_rank,":",data_request,"/",pds_id) continue #Pointer so we don't have to keep doing dict lookups current_pds_items = self.pds_pending_store[pds_id] num_current_pds_items = len(current_pds_items) #Everyone's already exhausted all the data. # Send a sentinel and mark the node as finished if num_current_pds_items == 0: self.comm.send(None, dest=request_from_rank, tag=pds_id) is_map_done[request_from_rank] = True else: #Create the chunk of data to send. Pop off items and tag them with an id. # so we can sort them later chunk_to_send = [] for i in range(self.chunk_size): chunk_to_send+=[(num_current_pds_items-i,current_pds_items.pop())] self.comm.send(chunk_to_send, dest=request_from_rank, tag=pds_id)
def iter(self,log=None,np=None): ''' The iteration of the Lanczos. Parameters ---------- log : Log, optional The log file to record the iteration information. np : int, optional The number of subprocess to perform the iteration. ''' t0=time.time() if self.method=='S' and (np is None or np<=0): vecs,Qs=self.controllers['vecs'],self.controllers['Qs'] for i,lanczos in enumerate(self.controllers['lczs']): ts=time.time() while lanczos.niter<lanczos.maxiter and not lanczos.stop: lanczos.iter() Qs[i,:,lanczos.niter-1]=vecs.dot(lanczos.vectors[lanczos.niter-1]) te=time.time() if log: log<<'%s%s%s'%('\b'*30 if i>0 else '',('%s/%s(%.2es/%.3es)'%(i+1,len(Qs),te-ts,te-t0)).center(30),'\b'*30 if i==len(Qs)-1 else '') elif self.method=='B': lanczos=self.controllers['lanczos'] for i in xrange(lanczos.maxiter): ts=time.time() lanczos.iter() te=time.time() if log: log<<'%s%s%s'%('\b'*30 if i>0 else '',('%s/%s(%.2es/%.3es)'%(i+1,lanczos.maxiter,te-ts,te-t0)).center(30),'\b'*30 if i==lanczos.maxiter-1 else '') elif self.method=='S' and np is not None: path,Qs=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),self.controllers['Qs'] datas=[[self.controllers['vecs'],[],[]] for i in xrange(np)] for i,lanczos in enumerate(self.controllers['lczs']): datas[i%np][1].append(lanczos) datas[i%np][2].append(i) comm=MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable,args=['%s/edbgf.py'%path],maxprocs=np) for i,data in enumerate(datas): comm.send(data,dest=i,tag=0) info,ic,nc=MPI.Status(),0,0 while nc<np: data=comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE,tag=MPI.ANY_TAG,status=info) if info.Get_tag()==0: for index,(_T_,P,niter),Q in data: lanczos=self.controllers['lczs'][index] lanczos._T_,lanczos.P,lanczos.niter=_T_,P,niter Qs[index,:,:]=Q nc+=1 else: ic,(index,t)=ic+1,data if log: log<<'%s%s%s'%('\b'*30 if ic>1 else '',('%s/%s(%.2es/%.3es)'%(ic,len(Qs),t,time.time()-t0)).center(30),'\b'*30 if ic==len(Qs) else '') comm.Disconnect() else: raise ValueError('BGF iter error: not supported.')