def test_visualization(): ax = Axes3D(figure()) # Without axis. ut.state_histogram(grove.tomography.operator_utils.GS, title="test") # With axis. ut.state_histogram(grove.tomography.operator_utils.GS, ax, "test") assert ax.get_title() == "test" ptX = grove.tomography.operator_utils.PAULI_BASIS.transfer_matrix(qt.to_super( grove.tomography.operator_utils.QX)).toarray() ax = Mock() with patch("matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar"): ut.plot_pauli_transfer_matrix(ptX, ax, grove.tomography.operator_utils.PAULI_BASIS.labels, "bla") assert ax.imshow.called assert ax.set_xlabel.called assert ax.set_ylabel.called
def ShowCooordsTopology(coords,topo): '''Plots the STL if coords and topology is given. ''' ax = a3d.Axes3D(plt.figure()) xm,ym,zm=coords.max(axis=0) xmi,ymi,zmi =coords.min(axis=0) for nodes in topo: tri = a3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([coords[nodes,:3]]) tri.set_color(colors.rgb2hex([0.9,0.6,0.])) tri.set_edgecolor('k') ax.add_collection3d(tri) ax.set_xlim3d([xmi,xm]) ax.set_ylim3d([ymi,ym]) ax.set_zlim3d([zmi,zm]) plt.show()
def ShowSTLFile(v1,v2,v3): '''Plots the STL files, give vertices v1,v2,v3''' ax = a3d.Axes3D(plt.figure()) xm,ym,zm=v1.max(axis=0) xmi,ymi,zmi =v2.min(axis=0) for i in range(v1.shape[0]): vtx=np.vstack((v1[i],v2[i],v3[i])) tri = a3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([vtx]) tri.set_color(colors.rgb2hex([0.9,0.6,0.])) tri.set_edgecolor('k') ax.add_collection3d(tri) ax.set_xlim3d([xmi,xm]) ax.set_ylim3d([ymi,ym]) ax.set_zlim3d([zmi,zm]) plt.show()
def test_plot_3d(self): """Plot 3d test.""" # Test 3d plots. self.assert_X_from_iterables( self.assertIsInstance, # TODO: error prone since colorbars can be added. (fig.get_axes()[0] for fig in self.figures_3d), itertools.repeat(Axes3D)) # Test that there is just one axes per figure. for i, figure in enumerate(self.figures_3d): axes = figure.get_axes() if len(axes) != 1: # TODO: colorbar may add a second axes. pass raise ValueError( "Axes has the wrong number of elements: {0} but " "should be 1.".format(len(axes)))
def display(self,angles): """ Plots wireframe models of the Dobot and obstacles. """ arm = DobotModel.get_mesh(angles) #fig = plt.figure() fig = plt.gcf() ax = Axes3D(fig) #plt.axis('equal') for Ta in arm: ax.plot(Ta[[0,1,2,0],0],Ta[[0,1,2,0],1],Ta[[0,1,2,0],2],'b') for To in self.obstacles: ax.plot(To[[0,1,2,0],0],To[[0,1,2,0],1],To[[0,1,2,0],2],'b') r_max = DobotModel.l1 + DobotModel.l2 + DobotModel.d plt.xlim([-np.ceil(r_max/np.sqrt(2)),r_max]) plt.ylim([-r_max,r_max]) ax.set_zlim(-150, 250) ax.view_init(elev=30.0, azim=60.0) plt.show() return fig
def _plot_value_function(self, value_functions, n_iter): value_matrix = numpy.zeros((10, 10), dtype='float') for stateid in range(len(self.states)): dealer_showing, player_state = self.states[stateid].split('#') dealer_showing = 0 if dealer_showing == 'A' else int(dealer_showing)-1 player_state = int(player_state) if player_state >= 12 and player_state < 22: value_matrix[player_state-12, dealer_showing] = value_functions[stateid] fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) Y, X = numpy.meshgrid(range(10), range(12,22)) ax.plot_surface(Y, X, value_matrix, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='coolwarm') ax.set_title('value function in iteration %i' % n_iter) ax.set_xlabel('dealer showing') ax.set_ylabel('player sum') ax.set_zlabel('value function') plt.show()
def plot_ring(self, Nb_pts=201): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D if self.X is None or self.Y is None: raise Exception(" X and Y must be grid or a list for plotting") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') X = np.array([self.X[0]]) Y = np.array([self.Y[0]]) intensity = np.array([self.intensity[0]]) ax.plot(X, Y, intensity, '^', label='ring number 0') ring_number = 1 while (ring_number * Nb_pts < len(self.X)): X = self.X[(ring_number - 1) * Nb_pts + 1:ring_number * Nb_pts + 1] Y = self.Y[(ring_number - 1) * Nb_pts + 1:ring_number * Nb_pts + 1] intensity = self.intensity[(ring_number - 1) * Nb_pts + 1:ring_number * Nb_pts + 1] ax.plot(X, Y, intensity, label='ring number %d' % ring_number) ring_number += 1 ax.set_xlabel("X") ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel("itensity") ax.legend() plt.show()
def plot_3d(X, y_actual, y_predicted=None): fig = plt.figure() if y_predicted is None: plt.title("Predicted vs actual function values") else: plt.title("Approximated function samples") ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=70) scatter_actual = ax.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], y_actual, c='g', depthshade=False) if not y_predicted is None: scatter_predicted = ax.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], y_predicted, c='b', depthshade=False) if y_predicted is None: plt.legend((scatter_actual, scatter_predicted), ('Actual values', 'Predicted values'), scatterpoints = 1) plt.grid() plt.show()
def plot_surface_3d(X, y_actual, NN): fig = plt.figure() plt.title("Predicted function with marked training samples") ax = Axes3D(fig) size = X.shape[0] ax.view_init(elev=30, azim=70) scatter_actual = ax.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], y_actual, c='g', depthshade=False) x0s = sorted(X[:,0]) x1s = sorted(X[:,1]) x0s, x1s = np.meshgrid(x0s, x1s) predicted_surface = np.zeros((size, size)) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): predicted_surface[i,j] = NN.output(np.array([x0s[i,j], x1s[i,j]])) surf = ax.plot_surface(x0s, x1s, predicted_surface, rstride=2, cstride=2, linewidth=0, cmap=cm.coolwarm, alpha=0.5) plt.grid() plt.show()
def plot_LDA(converted_X,y): ''' plot the graph after transfer :param converted_X: train data after transfer :param y: train_value :return: None ''' from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig=plt.figure() ax=Axes3D(fig) colors='rgb' markers='o*s' for target,color,marker in zip([0,1,2],colors,markers): pos=(y==target).ravel() X=converted_X[pos,:] ax.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], X[:,2],color=color,marker=marker, label="Label {0}".format(target)) ax.legend(loc="best") fig.suptitle("Iris After LDA") plt.show()
def plotModel3D(vectorFile, numClusters): # http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/cluster/plot_cluster_iris.html model = Doc2Vec.load("Models\\" + vectorFile) docVecs = model.docvecs.doctag_syn0 reduced_data = PCA(n_components=10).fit_transform(docVecs) kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=numClusters, n_init=10) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10)) ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134) kmeans.fit(reduced_data) labels = kmeans.labels_ ax.scatter(reduced_data[:, 5], reduced_data[:, 2], reduced_data[:, 3], c=labels.astype(np.float)) ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) # Plot the ground truth fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10)) plt.clf() ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=48, azim=134) plt.cla() ax.scatter(reduced_data[:, 5], reduced_data[:, 2], reduced_data[:, 3], c=labels.astype(np.float)) ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.show()
def plot_figs(fig_num, elev, azim, X_train, clf): fig = plt.figure(fig_num, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=elev, azim=azim) ax.scatter(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], y_train, c='k', marker='+') ax.plot_surface(np.array([[-.1, -.1], [.15, .15]]), np.array([[-.1, .15], [-.1, .15]]), clf.predict(np.array([[-.1, -.1, .15, .15], [-.1, .15, -.1, .15]]).T ).reshape((2, 2)), alpha=.5) ax.set_xlabel('X_1') ax.set_ylabel('X_2') ax.set_zlabel('Y') ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) #Generate the three different figures from different views
def preview_mesh(*args): """ This function plots numpy stl mesh objects entered into args. Note it will scale the preview plot based on the last mesh object entered. :param args: mesh objects to plot ex.- preview_mesh(mesh1, mesh2, mesh3) :return: """ print ("...preparing preview...") # Create a new plot figure = pyplot.figure() axes = mplot3d.Axes3D(figure) for mesh_obj in args: axes.add_collection3d(mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(mesh_obj.vectors)) # Auto scale to the mesh size. Note it will choose the last mesh scale = mesh_obj.points.flatten(-1) axes.auto_scale_xyz(scale, scale, scale) # Show the plot to the screen pyplot.show()
def visualize_pca3D(X,y): """ Visualize the first three principal components Keyword arguments: X -- The feature vectors y -- The target vector """ pca = PCA(n_components = 3) principal_components = pca.fit_transform(X) fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) # azm=30 # ele=30 # ax.view_init(azim=azm,elev=ele) palette = sea.color_palette() ax.scatter(principal_components[y==0, 0], principal_components[y==0, 1], principal_components[y==0, 2], label="Paid", alpha=0.5, edgecolor='#262626', c=palette[1], linewidth=0.15) ax.scatter(principal_components[y==1, 0], principal_components[y==1, 1], principal_components[y==1, 2],label="Default", alpha=0.5, edgecolor='#262626''', c=palette[2], linewidth=0.15) ax.legend() plt.show()
def threeD(): fig = figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) X = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.25) Y = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.25) X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y) R = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) Z = np.sin(R) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='hot') show()
def apply_limits(ax, pad=0.1): """ apply the stored phoebe_limits to an axes, applying an additional padding :parameter ax: :parameter float pad: ratio of the range to apply as a padding (default: 0.1) """ #try: if True: xlim = ax._phoebe_xlim ylim = ax._phoebe_ylim zlim = ax._phoebe_zlim #except AttributeError: # return ax # initialize new lists for the padded limits. We don't want to directly # edit xlim, ylim, zlim because we need padding based off the originals # and we don't want to have to worry about deepcopying issues xlim_pad = xlim[:] ylim_pad = ylim[:] zlim_pad = zlim[:] xlim_pad[0] = xlim[0] - pad*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) xlim_pad[1] = xlim[1] + pad*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) ylim_pad[0] = ylim[0] - pad*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) ylim_pad[1] = ylim[1] + pad*(ylim[1]-ylim[0]) zlim_pad[0] = zlim[0] - pad*(zlim[1]-zlim[0]) zlim_pad[1] = zlim[1] + pad*(zlim[1]-zlim[0]) if isinstance(ax, Axes3D): ax.set_xlim3d(xlim_pad) ax.set_ylim3d(ylim_pad) ax.set_zlim3d(zlim_pad) else: ax.set_xlim(xlim_pad) ax.set_ylim(ylim_pad) return ax
def plot3d(pixels, colors_rgb, axis_labels=list("RGB"), axis_limits=[(0, 255), (0, 255), (0, 255)]): """Plot pixels in 3D.""" # Create figure and 3D axes fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = Axes3D(fig) # Set axis limits ax.set_xlim(*axis_limits[0]) ax.set_ylim(*axis_limits[1]) ax.set_zlim(*axis_limits[2]) # Set axis labels and sizes ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14, pad=8) ax.set_xlabel(axis_labels[0], fontsize=16, labelpad=16) ax.set_ylabel(axis_labels[1], fontsize=16, labelpad=16) ax.set_zlabel(axis_labels[2], fontsize=16, labelpad=16) # Plot pixel values with colors given in colors_rgb ax.scatter( pixels[:, :, 0].ravel(), pixels[:, :, 1].ravel(), pixels[:, :, 2].ravel(), c=colors_rgb.reshape((-1, 3)), edgecolors='none') return ax # return Axes3D object for further manipulation # Read a color image
def plot3D(data, output_labels_3d, centroids): ''' Creating a 3d Plot of the dataset ''' fig = plt.figure(3) ax = Axes3D(fig) for i in range(len(output_labels_3d)): if output_labels_3d[i] == 0: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'k') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 1: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'r') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 2: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'b') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 3: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'c') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 4: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'g') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 5: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'y') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 6: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 20, c = 'm') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 7: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 25, c = 'y') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 8: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 25, c = 'b') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 9: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 25, c = 'k') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 10: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 25, c = 'm') elif output_labels_3d[i] == 11: ax.scatter(data[i, 0], data[i, 1], data[i, 2], s = 25, c = 'g') ax.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], centroids[:, 2], s = 150, c = 'r', marker = 'x', linewidth = 5) plt.show() return
def _plot_value_function(self, value_function, n_iter): value_matrix = numpy.zeros((self.max_car+1, self.max_car+1), dtype='float') for stateid in range(len(self.states)): state = [int(t) for t in self.states[stateid].split('#')] value_matrix[state[0], state[1]] = value_function[stateid] fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(range(self.max_car+1), range(self.max_car+1)) ax.plot_surface(Y, X, value_matrix, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='coolwarm') ax.set_title('value function in iteration %i' % n_iter) ax.set_xlabel('#cars at A') ax.set_ylabel('#cars at B') ax.set_zlabel('value function') # plt.show() fig.savefig('experiments/value%i' % n_iter)
def plotFromVF(vertices, faces): input_vec = mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(faces.shape[0], dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype)) for i, f in enumerate(faces): for j in range(3): input_vec.vectors[i][j] = vertices[f[j],:] figure = plt.figure() axes = mplot3d.Axes3D(figure) axes.add_collection3d(mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(input_vec.vectors)) scale = input_vec.points.flatten(-1) axes.auto_scale_xyz(scale, scale, scale) plt.show()
def plotFromVertices(vertices): figure = plt.figure() axes = mplot3d.Axes3D(figure) axes.scatter(vertices.T[0,:],vertices.T[1,:],vertices.T[2,:]) plt.show()
def draw3D(X, Y, Z, angle): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.view_init(angle[0], angle[1]) ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z,rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='rainbow') plt.imshow
def plot(self,title="",label=""): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D if self.distance == None: zlabel = "Flux (phot/s/0.1%bw/mrad2)" xlabel = 'X [rad]' ylabel = 'Y [rad]' else: zlabel = "Flux (phot/s/0.1%bw/mm2)" xlabel = 'X [m]' ylabel = 'Y [m]' if self.X is None or self.Y is None: raise Exception(" X and Y must be array for plotting") if self.X.shape != self.Y.shape: raise Exception(" X and Y must have the same shape") fig = plt.figure() if len(self.X.shape) ==2 : ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_surface(self.X, self.Y, self.intensity, rstride=1, cstride=1,cmap='hot_r') else : ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot(self.X, self.Y, self.intensity, label=label) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel) plt.title(title) plt.show()
def plot_2d(self, f, a, b, grid_size=200): grid_x = np.linspace(a[0], b[0], num=grid_size).reshape((-1, 1)) grid_y = np.linspace(a[1], b[1], num=grid_size).reshape((-1, 1)) x, y = np.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y) merged = np.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()]) z = f(merged).reshape(x.shape) swap = np.swapaxes(merged, 0, 1) mu, sigma = self.utility.mean_and_std(swap) mu = mu.reshape(x.shape) sigma = sigma.reshape(x.shape) points = np.asarray(self.points) xs = points[:, 0] ys = points[:, 1] zs = f(np.swapaxes(points, 0, 1)) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, color='black', label='f', alpha=0.7, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.plot_surface(x, y, mu, color='red', label='mu', alpha=0.5) ax.plot_surface(x, y, mu + sigma, color='blue', label='mu+sigma', alpha=0.3) ax.plot_surface(x, y, mu - sigma, color='blue', alpha=0.3) ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, color='red', marker='o', s=100) # plt.legend() plt.show()
def plot(self): x=np.linspace(-1,1,self.L) y=np.linspace(-1,1,self.L) X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y) fig=plt.figure() ax=Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, self.V, rstride=5, cstride=5, cmap='hot')
def run_draw(): #init = -sys.maxsize # for maximun case targ = SimAnneal(target_text='max') init = -sys.maxsize # for maximun case #init = sys.maxsize # for minimun case xyRange = [[-2, 2], [-2, 2]] xRange = [[0, 10]] t_start = time() calculate = OptSolution(Markov_chain=1000, result=init, val_nd=[0,0]) output = calculate.soulution(SA_newV=targ.newVar, SA_preV=targ.preVar, SA_juge=targ.juge, juge_text='max',ValueRange=xyRange, func=func2) t_end = time() #print(city_pos) print('Running %.4f seconds' %(t_end-t_start)) # plot animation fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) xv = np.linspace(xyRange[0][0], xyRange[0][1], 200) yv = np.linspace(xyRange[1][0], xyRange[1][1], 200) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(xv, yv) zv = func2([xv, yv]) ax.plot_surface(xv, yv, zv, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='GnBu', alpha=1) #dot = ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, 'ro') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') x, y, z = output[0][0], output[0][1], output[1] ax.scatter(x, y, z, c='r', marker='o') plt.savefig('SA_min0.png') plt.show()
def plot(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.plot_wireframe(self.meshgrid[0], self.meshgrid[1], self.mu.reshape(self.meshgrid[0].shape), alpha=0.5, color='g') ax.plot_wireframe(self.meshgrid[0], self.meshgrid[1], self.environment.sample(self.meshgrid), alpha=0.5, color='b') ax.scatter([x[0] for x in self.X], [x[1] for x in self.X], self.T, c='r', marker='o', alpha=1.0) plt.savefig('fig_%02d.png' % len(self.X))
def plot_trajectory_3D(traj): """ Plot airplane trajectory in 3D. Parameters ---------- traj: object (AirplaneTrajectory instance). AirplaneTrajectory instance. Returns ------- -. """ fig = plt.figure() fp = Axes3D(fig) fp.plot(traj.flight_x, traj.flight_y, traj.flight_z, label='Airplane trajectory') fp.legend() fp.set_xlabel('x position') fp.set_ylabel('y position') fp.set_zlabel('z position') figv = plt.figure() fv = figv.gca(projection='3d') fv.plot(traj.flight_vx, traj.flight_vy, traj.flight_vz, label='Airplane velocity') fv.set_xscale('linear') fv.set_yscale('linear') fv.set_zscale('linear') fv.legend() fv.set_xlabel('x velocity') fv.set_ylabel('y velocity') fv.set_zlabel('z velocity') plt.show()
def PCA_n_plot(): all_feas = get_all_feas(); print 'Start PCA ...' pca = PCA(n_components = 3,whiten = False) new_feas = pca.fit_transform(np.array(all_feas)) Fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(Fig) print 'Start Ploting' ax.scatter(new_feas[:,0],new_feas[:,1],new_feas[:,2]) plt.show()
def plotSequenceForRotatingState3D(degPerStep, Sigma, stationaryDim=0, T=1000): A = makeA_3DRotationMatrix(degPerStep, stationaryDim) Sigma = Sigma * np.eye(3) assert Sigma.shape == (3, 3) X = np.zeros((T, 3)) X[0, :] = [1, 1, 1] for t in xrange(1, T): X[t] = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.dot(A, X[t - 1]), Sigma) ax = Axes3D(pylab.figure()) pylab.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], '.') pylab.axis('equal')
def showEachSetOfStatesIn3D(): ''' Make a 3D plot in separate figure for each of the 3 states in a "set" These three states just vary the speed of rotation and scale of noise, from slow and large to fast and smaller. ''' from matplotlib import pylab from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D L = len(degPerSteps) for ii in xrange(L): plotSequenceForRotatingState3D(-1 * degPerSteps[ii], sigma2s[ii], 2)
def _plot_sensors(pos, colors, ch_names, title, show_names, show): """Helper function for plotting sensors.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from .topomap import _check_outlines, _draw_outlines fig = plt.figure() if pos.shape[1] == 3: ax = Axes3D(fig) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.text(0, 0, 0, '', zorder=1) ax.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], pos[:, 2], picker=True, c=colors) ax.azim = 90 ax.elev = 0 else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.text(0, 0, '', zorder=1) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=None, hspace=None) pos, outlines = _check_outlines(pos, 'head') _draw_outlines(ax, outlines) ax.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], picker=True, c=colors) if show_names: for idx in range(len(pos)): this_pos = pos[idx] if pos.shape[1] == 3: ax.text(this_pos[0], this_pos[1], this_pos[2], ch_names[idx]) else: ax.text(this_pos[0], this_pos[1], ch_names[idx]) else: picker = partial(_onpick_sensor, fig=fig, ax=ax, pos=pos, ch_names=ch_names) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', picker) fig.suptitle(title) plt_show(show) return fig
def fig_ax3d(**kwds): fig = plt.figure(**kwds) try: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') except: # mpl < 1.0.0 ax = Axes3D(fig) return fig, ax
def plot_figs(fig_num, elev, azim): fig = plt.figure(fig_num, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=elev, azim=azim) ax.scatter(a[::10], b[::10], c[::10], c=density[::10], marker='+', alpha=.4) Y = np.c_[a, b, c] # Using SciPy's SVD, this would be: # _, pca_score, V = scipy.linalg.svd(Y, full_matrices=False) pca = PCA(n_components=3) pca.fit(Y) pca_score = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ V = pca.components_ x_pca_axis, y_pca_axis, z_pca_axis = V.T * pca_score / pca_score.min() x_pca_axis, y_pca_axis, z_pca_axis = 3 * V.T x_pca_plane = np.r_[x_pca_axis[:2], - x_pca_axis[1::-1]] y_pca_plane = np.r_[y_pca_axis[:2], - y_pca_axis[1::-1]] z_pca_plane = np.r_[z_pca_axis[:2], - z_pca_axis[1::-1]] x_pca_plane.shape = (2, 2) y_pca_plane.shape = (2, 2) z_pca_plane.shape = (2, 2) ax.plot_surface(x_pca_plane, y_pca_plane, z_pca_plane) ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([])
def scatters_in_3d(samples, is_labelled = False): # PCA ???2?????? pca = PCA(n_components=3) reduced_data = pca.fit_transform(samples) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig, rect=[0, 0, .95, 1], elev=9, azim=-170) for c, rng in [('r', (0, 80)), ('b', (80, 120))]: xs = reduced_data[rng[0]:rng[1], 0] ys = reduced_data[rng[0]:rng[1], 1] zs = reduced_data[rng[0]:rng[1], 2] ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=c) ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) if is_labelled: for ix in np.arange(len(samples)): ax.text(reduced_data[ix, 0], reduced_data[ix, 1],reduced_data[ix, 2], str(ix+1), verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10) plt.show() # ????????kNN?????
def hist2d(self, title, newfig = True): if newfig : fig1 = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig1) else: ax = Axes3D(newfig) dx, dy = np.indices(self.shape) ax.plot_wireframe(dx, dy, self.image, alpha = 0.2) pylab.title(title) return ax
def kcv_errors(errors, range_x, range_y, label_x, label_y): r"""Plot a 3D error surface. Parameters ---------- errors : (N, D) ndarray Error matrix. range_x : array_like of N values First axis values. range_y : array_like of D values Second axis values. label_x : str First axis label. label_y : str Second axis label. Examples -------- >>> errors = numpy.empty((20, 10)) >>> x = numpy.arange(20) >>> y = numpy.arange(10) >>> for i in range(20): ... for j in range(10): ... errors[i, j] = (x[i] * y[j]) ... >>> kcv_errors(errors, x, y, 'x', 'y') >>> plt.show() """ fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) x_vals, y_vals = np.meshgrid(range_x, range_y) x_idxs, y_idxs = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(range_x)), np.arange(len(range_y))) ax.set_xlabel(label_x) ax.set_ylabel(label_y) ax.set_zlabel('$error$') ax.plot_surface(x_vals, y_vals, errors[x_idxs, y_idxs], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet)
def state_histogram(rho, ax=None, title="", threshold=0.001): """ Visualize a density matrix as a 3d bar plot with complex phase encoded as the bar color. This code is a modified version of `an equivalent function in qutip <http://qutip.org/docs/3.1.0/apidoc/functions.html#qutip.visualization.matrix_histogram_complex>`_ which is released under the (New) BSD license. :param qutip.Qobj rho: The density matrix. :param Axes3D ax: The axes object. :param str title: The axes title. :param float threshold: (Optional) minimum magnitude of matrix elements. Values below this are hidden. :return: The axis :rtype: mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D """ rho_amps = rho.data.toarray().ravel() nqc = int(round(np.log2(rho.shape[0]))) if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) ax = Axes3D(fig, azim=-35, elev=35) cmap = rigetti_4_color_cm norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(-np.pi, np.pi) colors = cmap(norm(np.angle(rho_amps))) dzs = abs(rho_amps) colors[:, 3] = 1.0 * (dzs > threshold) xs, ys = np.meshgrid(range(2 ** nqc), range(2 ** nqc)) xs = xs.ravel() ys = ys.ravel() zs = np.zeros_like(xs) dxs = dys = np.ones_like(xs) * 0.8 _ = ax.bar3d(xs, ys, zs, dxs, dys, dzs, color=colors) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(2 ** nqc) + .4) ax.set_xticklabels(basis_labels(nqc)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(2 ** nqc) + .4) ax.set_yticklabels(basis_labels(nqc)) ax.set_zlim3d([0, 1]) cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes(ax, shrink=.75, pad=.1) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) cb.set_ticks([-np.pi, -np.pi / 2, 0, np.pi / 2, np.pi]) cb.set_ticklabels((r'$-\pi$', r'$-\pi/2$', r'$0$', r'$\pi/2$', r'$\pi$')) cb.set_label('arg') ax.view_init(azim=-55, elev=45) ax.set_title(title) return ax
def animation3D(agents, function, lb, ub, sr=False): side = np.linspace(lb, ub, 45) X, Y = np.meshgrid(side, side) zs = np.array([function([x, y]) for x, y in zip(np.ravel(X), np.ravel(Y))]) Z = zs.reshape(X.shape) fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='jet', linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_xlim(lb, ub) ax.set_ylim(lb, ub) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(10)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) iter = len(agents) n = len(agents[0]) t = np.array([np.ones(n) * i for i in range(iter)]).flatten() b = [] [[b.append(agent) for agent in epoch] for epoch in agents] c = [function(x) for x in b] a = np.asarray(b) df = pd.DataFrame({"time": t, "x": a[:, 0], "y": a[:, 1], "z": c}) def update_graph(num): data = df[df['time'] == num] graph._offsets3d = (data.x, data.y, data.z) title.set_text(function.__name__ + " " * 45 + 'iteration: {}'.format( num)) title = ax.set_title(function.__name__ + " " * 45 + 'iteration: 0') data = df[df['time'] == 0] graph = ax.scatter(data.x, data.y, data.z, color='black') ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_graph, iter, interval=50, blit=False) if sr: ani.save('result.mp4') plt.show()
def plot(self, plot_file=None, save_fig=False): """ Method to plot a file. If `plot_file` is not given it plots `self.shape`. :param string plot_file: the filename you want to plot. :param bool save_fig: a flag to save the figure in png or not. If True the plot is not shown. :return: figure: matlplotlib structure for the figure of the chosen geometry :rtype: matplotlib.pyplot.figure """ if plot_file is None: shape = self.shape plot_file = self.infile else: shape = self.load_shape_from_file(plot_file) stl_writer = StlAPI_Writer() # Do not switch SetASCIIMode() from False to True. stl_writer.SetASCIIMode(False) stl_writer.Write(shape, 'aux_figure.stl') # Create a new plot figure = pyplot.figure() axes = mplot3d.Axes3D(figure) # Load the STL files and add the vectors to the plot stl_mesh = mesh.Mesh.from_file('aux_figure.stl') os.remove('aux_figure.stl') axes.add_collection3d(mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(stl_mesh.vectors / 1000)) # Get the limits of the axis and center the geometry max_dim = np.array([\ np.max(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 0]) / 1000,\ np.max(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 1]) / 1000,\ np.max(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 2]) / 1000]) min_dim = np.array([\ np.min(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 0]) / 1000,\ np.min(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 1]) / 1000,\ np.min(stl_mesh.vectors[:, :, 2]) / 1000]) max_lenght = np.max(max_dim - min_dim) axes.set_xlim(\ -.6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[0] + min_dim[0]) / 2,\ .6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[0] + min_dim[0]) / 2) axes.set_ylim(\ -.6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[1] + min_dim[1]) / 2,\ .6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[1] + min_dim[1]) / 2) axes.set_zlim(\ -.6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[2] + min_dim[2]) / 2,\ .6 * max_lenght + (max_dim[2] + min_dim[2]) / 2) # Show the plot to the screen if not save_fig: pyplot.show() else: figure.savefig(plot_file.split('.')[0] + '.png') return figure
def visualize(N_frame): with tf.Graph().as_default(): # init the sample reader data_generator = AudioSampleReader(data_dir) # build the graph as the training script in_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE, NEFF]) VAD_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE, NEFF]) Y_data = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=[batch_size, FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE, NEFF, 2]) # init BiModel = Model(n_hidden, batch_size, False) # infer embedding embedding = BiModel.inference(in_data) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables()) sess = tf.Session() # restore a model saver.restore(sess, 'train/model.ckpt-68000') for step in range(N_frame): data_batch = data_generator.gen_next() if data_batch is None: break # concatenate the elements in sample dict to generate batch data in_data_np = np.concatenate( [np.reshape(item['Sample'], [1, FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE, NEFF]) for item in data_batch]) VAD_data_np = np.concatenate( [np.reshape(item['VAD'], [1, FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE, NEFF]) for item in data_batch]) embedding_np, = sess.run( [embedding], feed_dict={in_data: in_data_np, VAD_data: VAD_data_np }) # only plot those embeddings whose VADs are active embedding_ac = [embedding_np[i, j, :] for i, j in itertools.product( range(FRAMES_PER_SAMPLE), range(NEFF)) if VAD_data_np[0, i, j] == 1] # ipdb.set_trace() kmean = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(embedding_ac) # visualization using 3 PCA pca_Data = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform(embedding_ac) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=-150, azim=110) # ax.scatter(pca_Data[:, 0], pca_Data[:, 1], pca_Data[:, 2], # c=kmean.labels_, cmap=plt.cm.Paired) ax.scatter(pca_Data[:, 0], pca_Data[:, 1], pca_Data[:, 2], cmap=plt.cm.Paired) ax.set_title('Embedding visualization using the first 3 PCs') ax.set_xlabel('1st pc') ax.set_ylabel('2nd pc') ax.set_zlabel('3rd pc') plt.savefig('vis/' + str(step) + 'pca.jpg')
def plotlines3d(ax3d, x,y,z, *args, **kwargs): """Plot x-z curves stacked along y. Parameters ---------- ax3d : Axes3D instance x : nd array 1d (x-axis) or 2d (x-axes are the columns) y : 1d array z : nd array with "y"-values 1d : the same curve will be plotted len(y) times against x (1d) or x[:,i] (2d) 2d : each column z[:,i] will be plotted against x (1d) or each x[:,i] (2d) *args, **kwargs : additional args and keywords args passed to ax3d.plot() Returns ------- ax3d Examples -------- >>> x = linspace(0,5,100) >>> y = arange(1.0,5) # len(y) = 4 >>> z = np.repeat(sin(x)[:,None], 4, axis=1)/y # make 2d >>> fig,ax = fig_ax3d() >>> plotlines3d(ax, x, y, z) >>> show() """ assert y.ndim == 1 if z.ndim == 1: zz = np.repeat(z[:,None], len(y), axis=1) else: zz = z if x.ndim == 1: xx = np.repeat(x[:,None], zz.shape[1], axis=1) else: xx = x assert xx.shape == zz.shape assert len(y) == xx.shape[1] == zz.shape[1] for j in range(xx.shape[1]): ax3d.plot(xx[:,j], np.ones(xx.shape[0])*y[j], z[:,j], *args, **kwargs) return ax3d
def main(): cal_housing = fetch_california_housing() # split 80/20 train-test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(cal_housing.data, cal_housing.target, test_size=0.2, random_state=1) names = cal_housing.feature_names print("Training GBRT...", flush=True, end='') clf = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_depth=4, learning_rate=0.1, loss='huber', random_state=1) clf.fit(X_train, y_train) print(" done.") print('Convenience plot with ``partial_dependence_plots``') features = [0, 5, 1, 2, (5, 1)] fig, axs = plot_partial_dependence(clf, X_train, features, feature_names=names, n_jobs=3, grid_resolution=50) fig.suptitle('Partial dependence of house value on nonlocation features\n' 'for the California housing dataset') plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) # tight_layout causes overlap with suptitle print('Custom 3d plot via ``partial_dependence``') fig = plt.figure() target_feature = (1, 5) pdp, axes = partial_dependence(clf, target_feature, X=X_train, grid_resolution=50) XX, YY = np.meshgrid(axes[0], axes[1]) Z = pdp[0].reshape(list(map(np.size, axes))).T ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(XX, YY, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=plt.cm.BuPu) ax.set_xlabel(names[target_feature[0]]) ax.set_ylabel(names[target_feature[1]]) ax.set_zlabel('Partial dependence') # pretty init view ax.view_init(elev=22, azim=122) plt.colorbar(surf) plt.suptitle('Partial dependence of house value on median age and ' 'average occupancy') plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) plt.show() # Needed on Windows because plot_partial_dependence uses multiprocessing