def ordered_neighbors(nx_graph, our_address, target_address): paths = list() try: all_neighbors = networkx.all_neighbors(nx_graph, our_address) except networkx.NetworkXError: # If `our_address` is not in the graph, no channels opened with the # address return [] for neighbor in all_neighbors: try: length = networkx.shortest_path_length( nx_graph, neighbor, target_address, ) heappush(paths, (length, neighbor)) except (networkx.NetworkXNoPath, networkx.NodeNotFound): pass return paths
def add_cycle_edges_by_path(g,number_of_edges,path_length = 5): number = 0 num_nodes = g.number_of_nodes() nodes = g.nodes() extra_edges = [] while number < number_of_edges: u,v = np.random.randint(0,num_nodes,2) u = nodes[u] v = nodes[v] if nx.has_path(g,u,v): length = nx.shortest_path_length(g,source = u,target = v) if length <= path_length: extra_edges.append((v,u)) number += 1 if nx.has_path(g,v,u): length = nx.shortest_path_length(g,source = v,target = u) if length <= path_length: extra_edges.append((u,v)) number += 1 print("# extra edges added with path length <= %d: %d" % (path_length,len(extra_edges))) return extra_edges
def get_shortest_path_length(self, vertex1, vertex2): """ Parameters ---------- vertex1: vertex2: Returns ------- NxGraph: Graph object Examples -------- >>> """ try: return nx.shortest_path_length(self._graph, source=vertex1, target=vertex2, weight=self._weight_field) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: return 0
def bell_reweighting(tree, root, sublinear=False): # convert the hierarchy to a tree if make_bfs_tree is true distance_by_target = nx.shortest_path_length(tree, source=root) level_count = defaultdict(int) for val in distance_by_target.values(): level_count[val] += 1 for edge in tree.edges(): parent, child = edge if sublinear: # use smoothed logarithm tree[parent][child]['weight'] = 1.0 / log(1 + level_count[distance_by_target[child]], 10) else: tree[parent][child]['weight'] = 1.0 / level_count[distance_by_target[child]] return tree
def prune(self): """TODO: """ # set of allowed symbols, i.e. singletons and emptyset symbols = set([0] + self.props.values()) # update transitions and mark for deletion del_transitions = deque() for u, v, d in self.g.edges_iter(data=True): sym = d['input'] & symbols if sym: d['input'] = sym else: del_transitions.append((u, v)) self.g.remove_edges_from(del_transitions) # delete states unreachable from the initial state init = next(self.init.iterkeys()) reachable_states = nx.shortest_path_length(self.g, source=init).keys() del_states = [n for n in self.g.nodes_iter() if n not in reachable_states] self.g.remove_nodes_from(del_states) # update accepting pairs for f, b in self.final: f.difference_update(del_states) b.difference_update(del_states) return del_states, del_transitions
def prune(self): """TODO: Note: Does not update the final data structure, because it is dependent on the automaton type. """ # set of allowed symbols, i.e. singletons and emptyset symbols = set([0] + self.props.values()) # update transitions and mark for deletion del_transitions = deque() for u, v, d in self.g.edges_iter(data=True): sym = d['input'] & symbols if sym: d['input'] = sym else: del_transitions.append((u, v)) self.g.remove_edges_from(del_transitions) # delete states unreachable from the initial state init = next(self.init.iterkeys()) reachable_states = nx.shortest_path_length(self.g, source=init).keys() del_states = [n for n in self.g.nodes_iter() if n not in reachable_states] self.g.remove_nodes_from(del_states) return del_states, del_transitions
def InternalRecovery(code, terminal1, terminal2, type, charge_type): measure_chain = nx.shortest_path(code.Dual[type], terminal1, terminal2) chain_length = nx.shortest_path_length(code.Dual[type], terminal1, terminal2) for link in range(chain_length): vertex1 = measure_chain[link] vertex2 = measure_chain[link + 1] for data_qubit in code.Stabilizers[type][vertex1]['data']: if data_qubit in code.Stabilizers[type][vertex2]['data']: prior_charge = code.Primal.node[data_qubit]['charge'][charge_type] code.Primal.node[data_qubit]['charge'][charge_type] = (prior_charge + 1) % 2 return code
def AssociatedExternal(node, Dual, External): associate = External.iterkeys().next() min_dist = nx.shortest_path_length(Dual, node, External[associate]['measure']) + 1 for candidate in External: distance = nx.shortest_path_length(Dual, node, External[candidate]['measure']) + 1 if distance < min_dist: min_dist = distance associate = candidate return associate
def distance(self, type, node1, node2): if node1 in self.Dual[type].nodes() and node2 in self.Dual[type].nodes(): return nx.shortest_path_length(self.Dual[type], node1, node2) elif node1 in self.Dual[type].nodes() and node2 not in self.Dual[type].nodes(): node2 = self.External[type][node2]['measure'] return nx.shortest_path_length(self.Dual[type], node1, node2) + 1 elif node1 not in self.Dual[type].nodes() and node2 in self.Dual[type].nodes(): node1 = self.External[type][node1]['measure'] return nx.shortest_path_length(self.Dual[type], node1, node2) + 1 else: node1 = self.External[type][node1]['measure'] node2 = self.External[type][node2]['measure'] return nx.shortest_path_length(self.Dual[type], node1, node2) + 2 # Re-initializes Measurement qubits
def sp_kernel(g1, g2=None): if g2 != None: graphs = [] for g in g1: graphs.append(g) for g in g2: graphs.append(g) else: graphs = g1 N = len(graphs) all_paths = {} sp_counts = {} for i in range(N): sp_lengths = nx.shortest_path_length(graphs[i]) sp_counts[i] = {} nodes = graphs[i].nodes() for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v2 in sp_lengths[v1]: label = tuple(sorted([graphs[i].node[v1]['label'], graphs[i].node[v2]['label']]) + [sp_lengths[v1][v2]]) if label in sp_counts[i]: sp_counts[i][label] += 1 else: sp_counts[i][label] = 1 if label not in all_paths: all_paths[label] = len(all_paths) phi = np.zeros((N,len(all_paths))) for i in range(N): for label in sp_counts[i]: phi[i,all_paths[label]] = sp_counts[i][label] if g2 != None: K = np.dot(phi[:len(g1),:],phi[len(g1):,:].T) else: K = np.dot(phi,phi.T) return K
def prepare_plot(graph): """ Prepares a Matplotlib plot for further handling :param graph: datamodel.base.Graph instance :return: None """ G = graph.nxgraph # Color map for nodes: color is proportional to depth level # http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html depth_levels_from_root = nx.shortest_path_length(G, graph.root_node) vmax = 1. colormap = plt.get_cmap('BuGn') step = 1./len(graph) node_colors = [vmax - step * depth_levels_from_root[n] for n in G.nodes()] # Draw! # https://networkx.github.io/documentation/networkx-1.10/reference/drawing.html pos = nx.spectral_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels=dict([(n, n.name) for n in G.nodes()]), font_weight='bold', font_color='orangered') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_size=2000, cmap=colormap, vmin=0., vmax=vmax, node_color=node_colors) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=dict([((u, v,), d['name']) for u, v, d in G.edges(data=True)])) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=[edge for edge in G.edges()], arrows=True)
def fully_connected(self): if self.graph is None: return False for i in range(1, self.num_rooms): try: path = networkx.shortest_path_length( self.graph, source=0, target=i, ) except networkx.NetworkXNoPath: print('Graph isnt fully connected! Regenerating.') return False return True
def inputASL(network,inputc): """ Returns the average shortest path length within the input-receiving subgraph. Args: network: networkx graph inputc: MxN array, all nonzero positions are treated as 'input receiving' """ inputnodes = [tuple(ind) for ind in np.transpose(inputc.nonzero())] lengths = [nx.shortest_path_length(network,src,trg) for src in inputnodes for trg in inputnodes] return np.mean(lengths)
def distances_to_roi(network,inputc,roi): """ Returns a list of shortest path lengths from each input-receiving cell to all measured cells. Args: network: networkx graph inputc: MxN array, nonzero positions are treated as 'input receiving' inputc: MxN array, nonzero positions are treated as 'measured' """ inputnodes = [tuple(ind) for ind in np.transpose(inputc.nonzero())] roinodes = [tuple(ind) for ind in np.transpose(roi.nonzero())] lengths = [nx.shortest_path_length(network,src,trg) for src in inputnodes for trg in roinodes] return lengths
def createroiidxs(network,distance): """ Choose two central nodes, some distance apart, and return their (i,j) indices. Args: network: networkx graph distance: how far apart the two nodes should be. Returns: A tuple of two (i,j) indices / node labels """ nodes,centralities = zip(*nx.closeness_centrality(network).items()) # sort nodes from most central to least central: centr_arxs = np.argsort(centralities) nodes_sorted = [n for n in reversed(np.array(nodes)[centr_arxs])] k = 0 while k<len(nodes_sorted): # pick some node in the middle of the graph (high centrality) middlenode = tuple(nodes_sorted[k]) # now pick the most central node that meets the given distance criterion. # [since we dont want to end up near the boundaries) for n in nodes_sorted: if nx.shortest_path_length(network,middlenode,tuple(n)) == distance: return middlenode,tuple(n) # if that didnt work, try starting with a different, less central middlenode. k = k+1 raise Exception("speficied distance to high for this network")
def plot_tasks_dependency_graph(tasks, ax=None): """Plot the graph of all inter-dependencies in the provided tasks list.""" if not NX_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("Install Networkx to plot task dependency graphs.") if not MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("Install Matplotlib to plot task dependency graphs.") g = nx.DiGraph() tasks_dict = { task.id: task for task in tasks } for task_id, task in tasks_dict.items(): for parent_task in task.follows: g.add_edge(parent_task.id, task_id) nodes_depths = { node: 0 for node in g.nodes() } for source, lengths in nx.shortest_path_length(g): for target, length in lengths.items(): nodes_depths[target] = max(nodes_depths[target], length) levels = [ sorted([ node for node, depth in nodes_depths.items() if depth == this_depth ])[::-1] for this_depth in range(max(nodes_depths.values()) + 1) ] def draw_node(x, y, node, ax): task = tasks_dict[node] text = task.name.replace("_", "\n") + "\nduration: %d" % task.duration ax.text(x, y, text, verticalalignment="center", horizontalalignment="center", bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'lw': 0}) return plot_tree_graph(levels, g.edges(), draw_node, width_factor=2, ax=ax)
def truncate_graph_dist(G, source_node, max_distance=1000, weight='length', retain_all=False): """ Remove everything further than some network distance from a specified node in graph. Parameters ---------- G : networkx multidigraph source_node : int the node in the graph from which to measure network distances to other nodes max_distance : int remove every node in the graph greater than this distance from the source_node weight : string how to weight the graph when measuring distance (default 'length' is how many meters long the edge is) retain_all : bool if True, return the entire graph even if it is not connected Returns ------- networkx multidigraph """ # get the shortest distance between the node and every other node, then # remove every node further than max_distance away start_time = time.time() G = G.copy() distances = nx.shortest_path_length(G, source=source_node, weight=weight) distant_nodes = {key:value for key, value in dict(distances).items() if value > max_distance} G.remove_nodes_from(distant_nodes.keys()) log('Truncated graph by weighted network distance in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start_time)) # remove any isolated nodes and retain only the largest component (if # retain_all is True) if not retain_all: G = remove_isolated_nodes(G) G = get_largest_component(G) return G
def getNearestUnvisited(self, currentNode): shortestLength = self.farAway for node in self.g.nodes(): if self.g.degree(node) < node.nbPathsOut + 1: length = nx.shortest_path_length(self.g, currentNode, node, weight = 'weight') print "Length to node ", node.uid, ": ", length if length < shortestLength: nearestUnvisited = node shortestLength = length print "Distance to nearest node with unvisited paths: ", shortestLength return nearestUnvisited
def calc_arc_choord(anno, nxg=None): """ Calculates the arc choord length of an annotation object as a measure of the tortuosity of an annotation. The return value is 1 for a completely straight skeleton. It uses the two most distant end nodes in an annotation and divides it by the graph path length between them. :param anno: :param nxg: :return: float """ if not nxg: nxg = su.annoToNXGraph(anno) # find end nodes e_nodes = list({k for k, v in nxg.degree().iteritems() if v == 1}) # get euclidian distance between end nodes max away # this can be done more efficiently by computing a convex hull first, # but the naive implementation should be fast enough for now dists = [] for pair in itertools.permutations(e_nodes, 2): dists.append((pair, pair[0].distance_scaled(pair[1]))) dists = sorted(dists, key=lambda x: x[1]) try: path_len = nx.shortest_path_length(nxg, source=dists[-1][0][0], target=dists[-1][0][1], weight='weight') except: # print('No path between nodes for tortuosity calculation for neuron %s' % # anno.filename) return 0 return dists[-1][1] / path_len
def _score(self, freq, scores, row, col, memoization=None): mem = memoization if memoization is not None else [False] * scores.shape[1] # memoization hit if mem[col]: return scores[row, col] children = self.hierarchy.successors(self.feature_names[col] if self.feature_names else col) if len(children) == 0: # Base case for leaves scores[row, col] = freq[row, col] mem[col] = True return scores[row, col] # recursively compute children score score = float(0) for child in children: child_idx = self.vocabulary[child] if self.vocabulary else child score += self._score(freq, scores, row, child_idx, memoization=mem) # scale them with some method specific factor if self.method in ["bell", "belllog"]: k = nx.shortest_path_length(self.hierarchy, self.root, self.feature_names[col] if self.feature_names else col) print(k+1, self.levels[k+1]) print("Count of children:", len(children)) denom = self.levels[k+1] if self.method == "belllog": denom = log(denom, 10) #TODO problem when zero score *= 1.0 / denom elif self.method == "children": score *= 1.0 / len(children) elif self.method == "basic": score *= self.decay # add the freq of the concept just now since it should not be scaled score += freq[row, col] scores[row, col] = score mem[col] = True return scores[row, col]
def fit(self, X, y=None): # the bell methods require additional information if self.method in ["bell", "belllog"]: # precompute node count by level self.levels = defaultdict(int) for node in self.hierarchy.nodes(): l = nx.shortest_path_length(self.hierarchy, self.root, node) self.levels[l] += 1 print(self.levels) return self
def compute_potentials(pa): '''Computes the potential function for each state of the product automaton. The potential function represents the minimum distance to a self-reachable final state in the product automaton. ''' assert 'v' not in pa.g # add virtual node which connects to all initial states in the product pa.g.add_node('v') pa.g.add_edges_from([('v', p) for p in pa.init]) # create strongly connected components of the product automaton w/ 'v' scc = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(pa.g)) dag = nx.condensation(pa.g, scc) # get strongly connected component which contains 'v' for k, sc in enumerate(scc[::-1]): if 'v' in sc: start = len(scc) - k - 1 break assert 'v' in scc[start] assert map(lambda sc: 'v' in sc, scc).count(True) == 1 # get self-reachable final states pa.srfs = self_reachable_final_states_dag(pa, dag, scc, start) # remove virtual node from product automaton pa.g.remove_node('v') assert 'v' not in pa.g if not pa.srfs: return False # add artificial node 'v' and edges from the set of self reachable # states (pa.srfs) to 'v' pa.g.add_node('v') for p in pa.srfs: pa.g.add_edge(p, 'v', **{'weight': 0}) # compute the potentials for each state of the product automaton lengths = nx.shortest_path_length(pa.g, target='v', weight='weight') for p in pa.g: pa.g.node[p]['potential'] = lengths[p] # remove virtual state 'v' pa.g.remove_node('v') return True
def remove_trap_states(self): ''' Removes all states of the automaton which do not reach a final state. Returns True whenever trap states have been removed from the automaton. ''' # add virtual state which has incoming edges from all final states self.g.add_edges_from([(state, 'virtual') for state in self.final]) # compute trap states trap_states = set(self.g.nodes_iter()) trap_states -= set(nx.shortest_path_length(self.g, target='virtual')) # remove trap state and virtual state self.g.remove_nodes_from(trap_states | set(['virtual'])) return len(trap_states - set(['virtual'])) == 0
def deploy_controller(self, sw, sw_to_ctrl_delays): sw_to_ctrl_delays[sw] = 0 shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path(self.graph, target=sw, weight='delay') shortest_path_lengths = nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph, target=sw, weight='delay') log.info(shortest_paths) for n in self.graph.nodes(): if n == sw: continue if n in shortest_path_lengths.keys(): sw_to_ctrl_delays[n] = shortest_path_lengths[n] else: sw_to_ctrl_delays[n] = 1 log.debug("sw to ctrl delays: %s" % str(sw_to_ctrl_delays))
def create_profile_graph(self, y_values): self.regenerate_network(load_names=False, gen_names=False) swing_bus = self.swing_bus bus_distance_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph)) pos = dict() for k, v in bus_distance_matrix_df.loc[swing_bus].sort_values().to_dict().items(): pos[k] = (v, y_values[k]) self.positions = pos
def sp_kernel(g1, g2=None): if g2 != None: graphs = [] for g in g1: graphs.append(g) for g in g2: graphs.append(g) else: graphs = g1 sp_lengths = [] for graph in graphs: sp_lengths.append(nx.shortest_path_length(graph)) N = len(graphs) all_paths = {} sp_counts = {} for i in range(N): sp_counts[i] = {} nodes = graphs[i].nodes() for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v2 in sp_lengths[i][v1]: label = sp_lengths[i][v1][v2] if label in sp_counts[i]: sp_counts[i][label] += 1 else: sp_counts[i][label] = 1 if label not in all_paths: all_paths[label] = len(all_paths) phi = lil_matrix((N,len(all_paths))) for i in range(N): for label in sp_counts[i]: phi[i,all_paths[label]] = sp_counts[i][label] if g2 != None: K = np.dot(phi[:len(g1),:],phi[len(g1):,:].T) else: K = np.dot(phi,phi.T) K = np.asarray(K.todense()) return K
def getNetworkTransP(s1, s2, graph, endpoints, segmentlengths, pathnodes, decayconstantNet): """ Returns transition probability of going from segment s1 to s2, based on network distance of segments, as well as corresponding path """ subpath = [] s1_point = None s2_point = None if s1 == s2: dist = 0 else: #Obtain edges (tuples of endpoints) for segment identifiers s1_edge = endpoints[s1] s2_edge = endpoints[s2] s1_l = segmentlengths[s1] s2_l = segmentlengths[s2] #This determines segment endpoints of the two segments that are closest to each other minpair = [0,0,100000] for i in range(0,2): for j in range(0,2): d = round(pointdistance(s1_edge[i],s2_edge[j]),2) if d<minpair[2]: minpair = [i,j,d] s1_point = s1_edge[minpair[0]] s2_point = s2_edge[minpair[1]] ## if (s1_point in pathnodes or s2_point in pathnodes): # Avoid paths reusing an old pathnode (to prevent self-crossings) ## dist = 100 ## else: if s1_point == s2_point: #If segments are touching, use a small network distance dist = 5 else: try: #Compute a shortest path (using segment length) on graph where segment endpoints are nodes and segments are (undirected) edges if graph.has_node(s1_point) and graph.has_node(s2_point): dist = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, s1_point, s2_point, weight='length') path = nx.shortest_path(graph, s1_point, s2_point, weight='length') #get path edges path_edges = zip(path,path[1:]) #print "edges: "+str(path_edges) subpath = [] # get object ids for path edges for e in path_edges: oid = graph.edge[e[0]][e[1]]["OBJECTID"] subpath.append(oid) #print "oid path:"+str(subpath) else: #print "node not in segment graph!" dist = 3*decayconstantNet #600 except nx.NetworkXNoPath: #print 'no path available, assume a large distance' dist = 3*decayconstantNet #700 #print "network distance between "+str(s1) + ' and '+ str(s2) + ' = '+str(dist) return (getNDProbability(dist,decayconstantNet),subpath,s2_point)
def dist_between(x, a, b): """ Returns the geodesic distance between nodes in nanometers. Parameters ---------- x : {CatmaidNeuron, CatmaidNeuronList} Neuron containing the nodes a, b : treenode IDs Treenodes to check. Returns ------- int distance in nm See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.distal_to` Check if a node A is distal to node B. :func:`~pymaid.geodesic_matrix` Get all-by-all geodesic distance matrix. """ if isinstance( x, core.CatmaidNeuronList ): if len(x) == 1: x = x[0] else: raise ValueError('Need a single CatmaidNeuron') elif isinstance( x, core.CatmaidNeuron ): pass else: raise ValueError('Unable to process data of type {0}'.format(type(x))) try: _ = int(a) _ = int(b) except: raise ValueError('a, b need to be treenode IDs') return int( nx.algorithms.shortest_path_length( g.to_undirected(as_view=True), a, b, weight='weight') )
def sp_kernel(g1, g2=None): if g2 is not None: graphs = [] for g in g1: graphs.append(g) for g in g2: graphs.append(g) else: graphs = g1 sp_lengths = [] for graph in graphs: sp_lengths.append(nx.shortest_path_length(graph)) N = len(graphs) all_paths = {} sp_counts = {} for i in range(N): sp_counts[i] = {} nodes = graphs[i].nodes() for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v2 in sp_lengths[i][v1]: label = sp_lengths[i][v1][v2] if label in sp_counts[i]: sp_counts[i][label] += 1 else: sp_counts[i][label] = 1 if label not in all_paths: all_paths[label] = len(all_paths) phi = np.zeros((N, len(all_paths))) for i in range(N): for label in sp_counts[i]: phi[i, all_paths[label]] = sp_counts[i][label] if g2 is not None: K = np.dot(phi[:len(g1), :], phi[len(g1):, :].T) else: K = np.dot(phi, phi.T) return K
def sp_kernel(g1, g2=None): with Timer("SP kernel"): if g2 is not None: graphs = [] for g in g1: graphs.append(g) for g in g2: graphs.append(g) else: graphs = g1 sp_lengths = [] for graph in graphs: sp_lengths.append(nx.shortest_path_length(graph)) N = len(graphs) all_paths = {} sp_counts = {} for i in range(N): sp_counts[i] = {} nodes = graphs[i].nodes() for v1 in nodes: for v2 in nodes: if v2 in sp_lengths[i][v1]: label = tuple( sorted([graphs[i].node[v1]['label'], graphs[i].node[v2]['label']]) + [ sp_lengths[i][v1][v2]]) if label in sp_counts[i]: sp_counts[i][label] += 1 else: sp_counts[i][label] = 1 if label not in all_paths: all_paths[label] = len(all_paths) phi = lil_matrix((N, len(all_paths))) for i in range(N): for label in sp_counts[i]: phi[i, all_paths[label]] = sp_counts[i][label] if g2 is not None: K = np.dot(phi[:len(g1), :], phi[len(g1):, :].T) else: K = np.dot(phi, phi.T) return K.todense()