Python networkx 模块,connected_component_subgraphs() 实例源码


项目:massivedatans    作者:JohannesBuchner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_subsets_graph(data_mask, live_pointsp, graph, _):
    # generate data subsets which share points.
    firstmember = numpy.where(data_mask)[0][0]
    allp = numpy.unique(live_pointsp[:,data_mask].flatten())
    if len(live_pointsp[:,firstmember]) == len(allp):
        # trivial case: all live points are the same across data sets
        yield data_mask, live_pointsp[:,firstmember]

    subgraphs = list(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph, copy=False))
    if len(subgraphs) == 1:
        yield data_mask, allp

    # then identify disjoint subgraphs
    for subgraph in subgraphs:
        print 'networkx subgraph:', subgraph.nodes()
        member_data_mask = numpy.zeros(len(data_mask), dtype=bool)
        member_live_pointsp = []
        for nodetype, i in subgraph.nodes():
            if nodetype == 0:
                member_data_mask[i] = True
        yield member_data_mask, member_live_pointsp
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        edges, nodes = [], []
        ntitles = ['PartID', 'NodeID', 'Degree','X', 'Y']
        etitles = ['PartID', 'StartID', 'EndID', 'Length']
        k, unit = ips.unit
        comid = 0
        for g in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False):
            for idx in g.nodes():
                o = g.node[idx]['o']
                nodes.append([comid, idx,, round(o[1]*k,2), round(o[0]*k,2)])
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                eds = g[s][e]
                for i in eds:
                    edges.append([comid, s, e, round(eds[i]['weight']*k, 2)])
            comid += 1

        IPy.table(ips.title+'-nodes', nodes, ntitles)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-edges', edges, etitles)
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        edges, nodes = [], []
        ntitles = ['PartID', 'NodeID', 'Degree','X', 'Y', 'Z']
        etitles = ['PartID', 'StartID', 'EndID', 'Length', 'Distance']
        k, unit = ips.unit
        comid = 0
        for g in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False):
            for idx in g.nodes():
                o = g.node[idx]['o']
                nodes.append([comid, idx,, round(o[1]*k,2), round(o[0]*k,2), round(o[2])])
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                eds = g[s][e]
                for i in eds:
                    l = round(eds[i]['weight']*k, 2)
                    dis = round(np.linalg.norm(g.node[s]['o']-g.node[e]['o'])*k, 2)
                    edges.append([comid, s, e, l, dis])
            comid += 1

        IPy.table(ips.title+'-nodes', nodes, ntitles)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-edges', edges, etitles)
项目:ohmnet    作者:marinkaz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_net(fname, weighted, directed, log):
    if weighted:
        G = nx.read_edgelist(inodetype=int, data=(('weight', float),),
        G = nx.read_edgelist(fname, nodetype=int, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        for edge in G.edges():
            G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = 1

    if not directed:
        G = G.to_undirected()'N: %d E: %d' % (G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges()))'CC: %d' % nx.number_connected_components(G))
    giant = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len)'N: %d E: %d' % (giant.number_of_nodes(), giant.number_of_edges()))
    return giant
项目:mapmatching    作者:simonscheider    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNetworkGraph(segments,segmentlengths):
    Builds a networkx graph from the network file, inluding segment length taken from arcpy.
    It selects the largest connected component of the network (to prevent errors from routing between unconnected parts)
    #generate the full network path for GDAL to be able to read the file
    path =str(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace,segments))
    print path
    if arcpy.Exists(path):
        g = nx.read_shp(path)
        #This selects the largest connected component of the graph
        sg = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected()))[0]
        print "graph size (excluding unconnected parts): "+str(len(g))
        # Get the length for each road segment and append it as an attribute to the edges in the graph.
        for n0, n1 in sg.edges_iter():
            oid = sg[n0][n1]["OBJECTID"]
            sg.edge[n0][n1]['length'] = segmentlengths[oid]
        return sg
        print "network file not found on path: "+path
项目:mapmatching    作者:simonscheider    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNetworkGraph(segments,segmentlengths):
    Builds a networkx graph from the network file, inluding segment length taken from arcpy.
    It selects the largest connected component of the network (to prevent errors from routing between unconnected parts)
    #generate the full network path for GDAL to be able to read the file
    path =str(os.path.join(arcpy.env.workspace,segments))
    print path
    if arcpy.Exists(path):
        g = nx.read_shp(path)
        #This selects the largest connected component of the graph
        sg = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g.to_undirected()))[0]
        print "graph size (excluding unconnected parts): "+str(len(g))
        # Get the length for each road segment and append it as an attribute to the edges in the graph.
        for n0, n1 in sg.edges_iter():
            oid = sg[n0][n1]["OBJECTID"]
            sg.edge[n0][n1]['length'] = segmentlengths[oid]
        return sg
        print "network file not found on path: "+path
项目:QTop    作者:jacobmarks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Partition(UnclusteredGraph, code, type, scale):
    # Make edges on Unclustered graph
    # between all nodes separated by distance 'scale'
    # on Dual Lattice
    for node1 in UnclusteredGraph.nodes():
        for node2 in UnclusteredGraph.nodes():
            if node1 != node2:
                d = code.distance(type, node1, node2)
                if d <= scale:
                    UnclusteredGraph.add_edge(*(node1, node2), weight=d)
    Clusters = []
    # Networkx connected components analysis
    subgraphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(UnclusteredGraph)
    for i, sg in enumerate(subgraphs):

    return Clusters

# Choose fixed node for cluster fusion
项目:skan    作者:jni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summarise(skelimage):
    ndim = skelimage.ndim
    g, counts, skelimage_labeled = skeleton_to_nx(skelimage)
    coords = np.nonzero(skelimage)
    ids = skelimage_labeled[coords]
    sorted_coords = np.transpose(coords)[np.argsort(ids)]
    tables = []
    for i, cc in enumerate(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)):
        stats = branch_statistics(cc)
        if stats.size == 0:
        coords0 = sorted_coords[stats[:, 0].astype(int) - 1]
        coords1 = sorted_coords[stats[:, 1].astype(int) - 1]
        distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords0 - coords1)**2, axis=1))
        skeleton_id = np.full(distances.shape, i, dtype=float)
        tables.append(np.column_stack((skeleton_id, stats,
                                       coords0, coords1, distances)))
    columns = (['skeleton-id', 'node-id-0', 'node-id-1', 'branch-distance',
                'branch-type'] +
               ['coord-0-%i' % i for i in range(ndim)] +
               ['coord-1-%i' % i for i in range(ndim)] +
    column_types = [int, int, int, float, int] + 2*ndim*[int] + [float]
    arr = np.row_stack(tables).T
    data_dict = {col: dat.astype(dtype)
                 for col, dat, dtype in zip(columns, arr, column_types)}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
    return df
项目:massivedatans    作者:JohannesBuchner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_subsets_graph_simple(data_mask, live_pointsp, graph, _):
    # generate data subsets which share points.
    firstmember = numpy.where(data_mask)[0][0]
    # then identify disjoint subgraphs
    for subgraph in networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph, copy=False):
        member_data_mask = numpy.zeros(len(data_mask), dtype=bool)
        member_live_pointsp = []
        for nodetype, i in subgraph.nodes():
            if nodetype == 0:
                member_data_mask[i] = True
        yield member_data_mask, member_live_pointsp
项目:diffacto    作者:statisticalbiotechnology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parsimony_grouping(g, peps):
    ''' Group peptides to proteins using the rule of parsimony
        g:  an undirected graph with peptide <-> protein as edges
        peps: the set of peptide sequences, nodes not listed in the peptide set
              are protein IDs. 
    not_peps = set(g.nodes()) - set(peps)
    prot_groups = dict()
    for cc in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g):
        in_group_peptides = set(cc.nodes()) - not_peps
        in_group_proteins = not_peps.intersection(cc.nodes())

        if len(in_group_proteins) == 1:
            prot_groups[in_group_proteins.pop()] = in_group_peptides
        elif len(in_group_proteins) > 1:
            reported = set()
            while len(in_group_proteins - reported) > 0:
                candidate_proteins = sorted(in_group_proteins - reported,
                                            key=lambda p: (
                                                len(set(cc[p].keys()) - reported), p),
                p = candidate_proteins[0]
                current_peps = set(cc[p].keys())
                plabel = [p]
                for i in range(1, len(candidate_proteins)):
                    _p = candidate_proteins[i]
                    _peps = set(cc[_p].keys())
                    if _peps == current_peps:
                    if len(_peps - current_peps) == 0:

                plabel = ';'.join(sorted(plabel))
                if len(current_peps - reported) > 0:
                    prot_groups[plabel] = current_peps
                    reported = reported.union(current_peps)
    return prot_groups
项目:qlcoder    作者:L1nwatch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve():
    g = networkx.Graph()

    # ?? 1
    with open("144047638844506.txt", "r") as f:
        for each_line in f:
            # ???????????
            each_line = each_line.strip()
            point0, point1 = each_line.split(" ")
            g.add_edge(point0, point1)

    # ??????????????????????????????????????
    print("????: {}".format(len(list(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)))))
项目:qlcoder    作者:L1nwatch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve():
    g = networkx.Graph()

    with open("144341511030664.txt", "r") as f:
        for each_line in f:
            # ???????????
            each_line = each_line.strip()
            point0, point1 = each_line.split(" ")
            g.add_edge(point0, point1)

    # ??????????????????????????????????????
    # ????????
    length = len(list(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)))
    print("????: {}".format(100000 - g.number_of_nodes() + length))
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetGmlSubG():
    'read Data'


    fedge = fname + '.edge'
        fdobj = open(fedge,'r')
    except IOError as e:
        print "***file open error:",e
        s = 'source' #s = 'source '
        tepstr = ''
        Result = []
        eline = fdobj.readline()
        while eline:
            if s in eline:
                source = eline[11:]
                source = source.strip('\n')

                tline = fdobj.readline() 
                target = tline[11:]
                target = target.strip('\n')
                tep = (source,target)
            eline = fdobj.readline()
    #print Result

    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(Gt)
    SubG = graphs[0].edges()

    return SubG
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetTxtSubG():
    'read Data'   


        fdobj = open(fname,'r')
    except IOError as e:
        print "***file open error:",e
        tepstr = ''
        Result = []
        eline = fdobj.readline()
        while eline:
            line = eline.strip().split()
            tep = (line[0],line[1])
            eline = fdobj.readline()
    #print Result

    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(Gt)
    SubG = graphs[0].edges()

    return SubG
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetGmlSubG():
    'read Data'


    fedge = fname + '.edge'
        fdobj = open(fedge,'r')
    except IOError as e:
        print "***file open error:",e
        s = 'source' #s = 'source '
        tepstr = ''
        Result = []
        eline = fdobj.readline()
        while eline:
            if s in eline:
                source = eline[11:]
                source = source.strip('\n')

                tline = fdobj.readline()
                target = tline[11:]
                target = target.strip('\n')
                tep = (source,target)
            eline = fdobj.readline()
    #print Result

    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(Gt)
    SubG = graphs[0].edges()

    return SubG
项目:PhD    作者:wutaoadeny    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetTxtSubG():
    'read Data'


        fdobj = open(fname,'r')
    except IOError as e:
        print "***file open error:",e
        tepstr = ''
        Result = []
        eline = fdobj.readline()
        while eline:
            line = eline.strip().split()
            tep = (line[0],line[1])
            eline = fdobj.readline()
    #print Result

    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(Gt)
    SubG = graphs[0].edges()

    return SubG
项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    edges = []   # ???????
    domain_name = ''
    domain_pkts = get_data(domain_name)

    for i in domain_pkts[0]['details']:
        for v in i['answers']:

    plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 8))
    G = nx.Graph()

    pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog="fdp") #neato fdp
    C = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)  # ?????????????

    for g in C:
        c = [random.random()] * nx.number_of_nodes(g)
    plt.savefig('./graph/'+domain_name+"_relation.png", dpi=75)
项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atlas6():
    """ Return the atlas of all connected graphs of 6 nodes or less.
        Attempt to check for isomorphisms and remove.

    Atlas = graph_atlas_g()[0:100] # 208
    # remove isolated nodes, only connected graphs are left
    U = nx.Graph() # graph for union of all graphs in atlas
    for G in Atlas:
        zerodegree = [n for n in G if]
        for n in zerodegree:
        U = nx.disjoint_union(U, G)

    # list of graphs of all connected components
    C = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(U)

    UU = nx.Graph()
    # do quick isomorphic-like check, not a true isomorphism checker
    nlist = [] # list of nonisomorphic graphs
    for G in C:
        # check against all nonisomorphic graphs so far
        if not iso(G, nlist):
            UU = nx.disjoint_union(UU, G) # union the nonisomorphic graphs
    return UU
项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lanl_graph():
    """ Return the lanl internet view graph from lanl.edges
    import networkx as nx
        fh = open('lanl_routes.edgelist' , 'r')
    except IOError:
        print("lanl.edges not found")

    G = nx.Graph()

    time = {}
    time[0] = 0 # assign 0 to center node
    for line in fh.readlines():
        (head, tail, rtt) = line.split()
        G.add_edge(int(head), int(tail))
        time[int(head)] = float(rtt)

    # get largest component and assign ping times to G0time dictionary
    G0 = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key = len, reverse=True)[0]
    G0.rtt = {}
    for n in G0:
        G0.rtt[n] = time[n]

    return G0
项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atlas6():
    """ Return the atlas of all connected graphs of 6 nodes or less.
        Attempt to check for isomorphisms and remove.

    Atlas = graph_atlas_g()[0:208] # 208
    # remove isolated nodes, only connected graphs are left
    U = nx.Graph() # graph for union of all graphs in atlas
    for G in Atlas:
        zerodegree = [n for n in G if]
        for n in zerodegree:
        U = nx.disjoint_union(U, G)

    # list of graphs of all connected components
    C = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(U)

    UU = nx.Graph()
    # do quick isomorphic-like check, not a true isomorphism checker
    nlist = [] # list of nonisomorphic graphs
    for G in C:
        # check against all nonisomorphic graphs so far
        if not iso(G, nlist):
            UU = nx.disjoint_union(UU, G) # union the nonisomorphic graphs
    return UU
项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_graph(edges,node_main,node_ip,node_cname):
    :param edges:
    from collections import Counter
    sub_graph_set = Counter()  # ?????????????
    sub_graph_count = 0    # ???????????
    sub_graph_domain_count = Counter()    #  ??????????????
    sub_graph_cname_count = Counter()
    sub_graph_ip_count = Counter()
    G = nx.Graph()
    C = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)  # ??????
    test = {'domain_count': [],
            'cname_count': [],
            'ip_count': []
    for g in C:
        sub_graph_count += 1
        sub_graph_set[len(g.nodes())] += 1
        # print  list(set(g.nodes()).intersection(set(nodes_main)))
        sub_graph_domain_count[len(list(set(g.nodes()).intersection(set(node_main))))] += 1
        sub_graph_cname_count[len(list(set(g.nodes()).intersection(set(node_cname))))] += 1
        sub_graph_ip_count[len(list(set(g.nodes()).intersection(set(node_ip))))] += 1
    # print sub_graph_set
    # print sub_graph_domain_count
    # print sub_graph_cname_count
    # print sub_graph_ip_count
    return sub_graph_count
项目:breaking_cycles_in_noisy_hierarchies    作者:zhenv5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def c_c(graph_file):
    g = nx.read_edgelist(graph_file,create_using = nx.Graph(),nodetype = int)
    graphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)
    for graph in graphs:
        print graph.number_of_nodes(),graph.number_of_edges()
    print len(graphs)
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        titles = ['PartID', 'Noeds', 'Edges', 'TotalLength', 'Density', 'AveConnect']
        k, unit = ips.unit

        gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False) if para['parts'] else []
        comid, datas = 0, []
        for g in gs:
            sl = 0
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                sl += sum([i['weight'] for i in g[s][e].values()])
            datas.append([comid, g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), round(sl*k, 2), 
                round(nx.density(g), 2), round(nx.average_node_connectivity(g),2)][1-para['parts']:])
            comid += 1
        print(titles, datas)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-graph', datas, titles[1-para['parts']:])
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        titles = ['PartID', 'Noeds', 'Edges', 'TotalLength', 'Density', 'AveConnect']
        k, unit = ips.unit

        gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False) if para['parts'] else []
        comid, datas = 0, []
        for g in gs:
            sl = 0
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                sl += sum([i['weight'] for i in g[s][e].values()])
            datas.append([comid, g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), round(sl*k, 2), 
                round(nx.density(g), 2), round(nx.average_node_connectivity(g),2)][1-para['parts']:])
            comid += 1
        print(titles, datas)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-graph', datas, titles[1-para['parts']:])
项目:PBSuite    作者:dbrowneup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeClusters(self, chrom):
        yield all non-solo clusters
        returns all of the BreakPoints that comprise the events within the
        MAXSPAN = self.maxSpan
        MAXOVLS = self.maxOvl

        intervalTree = self.genome[chrom]
        overlaps = []

        graph = nx.Graph()
        #Find clusters on the chromosome
        #By building a graph
        for interval in intervalTree:
            if abs(interval.end - interval.begin) > MAXSPAN:
            ovls =
            if len(ovls) == 1 or len(ovls) > MAXOVLS:
            for a,b in itertools.combinations(ovls, 2):
                if abs(a.end - a.begin) > MAXSPAN \
                   or abs(b.end - b.begin) > MAXSPAN:
                graph.add_edge(a, b)

        #clusters are sub graphs
        for subG in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph):
            if len(subG.edges()) == 0:

            lookup = [ for x in subG.nodes()]
            ret = [x for x in self.points[chrom] if in lookup]

            #I need to merge points that are too close

            if len(ret) <= 10:
                yield ret
项目:SyConn    作者:StructuralNeurobiologyLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_annotation_branch_lengths(annotation):
    Fragments an annotation into pieces at every branch point - remaining
    lonely nodes are deleted. Branch nodes are simply deleted. The lengths of
    the resulting fragments are then returned.


    :param annotation:
    :return: list of branch lengths in um

    # this is necessary to avoid trouble because of in place modifications
    anno = copy.deepcopy(annotation)
    nx_graph = su.annotation_to_nx_graph(anno)

    branches = list({k for k, v in if v > 2})
    lonely = list({k for k, v in if v == 0})

    ccs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(nx_graph))

    lengths = [cc.size(weight='weight') / 1000. for cc in ccs]
    return lengths
项目:open-syllabus-project    作者:davidmcclure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trim_unconnected_components(self):

        Remove all but the largest connected component.

        subgraphs = sorted(
            key=len, reverse=True

        self.graph = subgraphs[0]
项目:isambard    作者:woolfson-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_coiledcoil_region(self, cc_number=0, cutoff=7.0, min_kihs=2):
        """ Assembly containing only assigned regions (i.e. regions with contiguous KnobsIntoHoles. """
        g = self.filter_graph(self.graph, cutoff=cutoff, min_kihs=min_kihs)
        ccs = sorted(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(g, copy=True),
                                 key=lambda x: len(x.nodes()), reverse=True)
        cc = ccs[cc_number]
        helices = [x for x in g.nodes() if x.number in cc.nodes()]
        assigned_regions = self.get_assigned_regions(helices=helices, include_alt_states=False, complementary_only=True)
        coiledcoil_monomers = [h.get_slice_from_res_id(*assigned_regions[h.number]) for h in helices]
        return Assembly(coiledcoil_monomers)
项目:isambard    作者:woolfson-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_bond_subgraphs_from_break(bond_graph, atom1, atom2):
    """Splits the bond graph between two atoms to producing subgraphs.

    This will not work if there are cycles in the bond graph.

    bond_graph: networkx.Graph
        Graph of covalent bond network
    atom1: isambard.ampal.Atom
        First atom in the bond.
    atom2: isambard.ampal.Atom
        Second atom in the bond.

    subgraphs: [networkx.Graph]
        A list of subgraphs generated when a bond is broken in the covalent
        bond network.
    bond_graph.remove_edge(atom1, atom2)
            bond_graph, copy=False))
        # Add edge
        bond_graph.add_edge(atom1, atom2)
    return subgraphs
项目:QTop    作者:jacobmarks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GCC_Partition(UnclusteredGraph, scale):
    # Make edges on Unclustered graph
    # between all nodes separated by distance 'scale'
    for node1 in UnclusteredGraph.nodes():
        for node2 in UnclusteredGraph.nodes():
            if node1 != node2:
                dist = common.euclidean_dist(node1, node2)
                if dist <= scale:
                    UnclusteredGraph.add_edge(*(node1, node2), weight=dist)
    Clusters = []
    subgraphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(UnclusteredGraph)
    for i, sg in enumerate(subgraphs):

    return Clusters
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_face_winding(mesh):
    Traverse and change mesh faces in-place to make sure winding is coherent, 
    or that edges on adjacent faces are in opposite directions

    if mesh.is_winding_consistent:'mesh has consistent winding, exiting winding repair')

    # we create the face adjacency graph: 
    # every node in g is an index of mesh.faces
    # every edge in g represents two faces which are connected
    graph_all = nx.from_edgelist(mesh.face_adjacency)
    flipped   = 0
    faces = mesh.faces.view(np.ndarray).copy()

    # we are going to traverse the graph using BFS, so we have to start
    # a traversal for every connected component
    for graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph_all):
        start = graph.nodes()[0]
        # we traverse every pair of faces in the graph
        # we modify mesh.faces and mesh.face_normals in place 
        for face_pair in nx.bfs_edges(graph, start):
            # for each pair of faces, we convert them into edges,
            # find the edge that both faces share, and then see if the edges
            # are reversed in order as you would expect in a well constructed mesh
            face_pair = np.ravel(face_pair)
            pair    = faces[face_pair]
            edges   = faces_to_edges(pair)
            overlap = group_rows(np.sort(edges,axis=1), require_count=2)
            if len(overlap) == 0:
                # only happens on non-watertight meshes
            edge_pair = edges[[overlap[0]]]
            if edge_pair[0][0] == edge_pair[1][0]:
                # if the edges aren't reversed, invert the order of one of the faces
                flipped += 1
                faces[face_pair[1]] = faces[face_pair[1]][::-1]
    if flipped > 0: 
        mesh.faces = faces'Flipped %d/%d edges', flipped, len(mesh.faces)*3)
项目:policosm    作者:ComplexCity    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connectGraphComponents(graph, level=2, highway='path', connectNearest=False):
    if nx.is_connected(graph):
        return graph

    combinations = itertools.permutations(range(nx.number_connected_components(graph)),2)

    subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph, copy=True))
    rtrees = [getGraphRtree(subgraph,'nodes') for subgraph in subgraphs]

    for i, j in combinations:
        if i not in nearestComponents:
            nearestComponents[i] = []
        smallest = i if len(subgraphs[i]) < len(subgraphs[j]) else j
        biggest = j if smallest is i else i
        candidates = {}
        nearestNeighbors = {}

        for node1, data in subgraphs[smallest].nodes(data=True):
            x, y = data['longitude'], data['latitude']
            hits = list(rtrees[biggest].nearest((x, y, x, y), 2, objects="raw"))
            for candidate in hits:
                data = json.loads(candidate)
                candidates[data['id']] = Point(data['geometry']['coordinates'])
            source = Point([x,y])
            distance, node2 = nearestNode(source, candidates)
            nearestNeighbors[distance] = node1, node2
            u,v = nearestNeighbors[min(nearestNeighbors.keys())]

        if connectNearest:
            nearestComponents[i].append((j, min(nearestNeighbors.keys()), (u,v)))
            newAttributes = {'level':level, 'highway': highway,'osmid':'-1','policosm':True, 'lanes':1,'oneway': False}
            graph.add_edge(u, v, newAttributes)

    if connectNearest:
        for i in nearestComponents.keys():
            data = nearestComponents[i]
            j, distance, (u,v) = sorted(data, key=lambda tup: tup[1])[0]

            if not graph.has_edge(u, v):
                newAttributes = {'level':level, 'highway': highway,'osmid':'-1','policosm':True, 'lanes':1,'oneway': False}
                graph.add_edge(u, v, newAttributes)
    return connectGraphComponents(graph, level, highway, connectNearest=connectNearest)
项目:policosm    作者:ComplexCity    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connectGraphComponents(graph, level=2, highway='path', connectNearest=False):
    if nx.is_connected(graph):
        return graph

    combinations = itertools.permutations(range(nx.number_connected_components(graph)),2)

    subgraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph, copy=True))
    rtrees = [getGraphRtree(subgraph,'nodes') for subgraph in subgraphs]

    for i, j in combinations:
        if i not in nearestComponents:
            nearestComponents[i] = []
        smallest = i if len(subgraphs[i]) < len(subgraphs[j]) else j
        biggest = j if smallest is i else i
        candidates = {}
        nearestNeighbors = {}

        for node1, data in subgraphs[smallest].nodes(data=True):
            x, y = data['longitude'], data['latitude']
            hits = list(rtrees[biggest].nearest((x, y, x, y), 2, objects="raw"))
            for candidate in hits:
                data = json.loads(candidate)
                candidates[data['id']] = Point(data['geometry']['coordinates'])
            source = Point([x,y])
            distance, node2 = nearestNode(source, candidates)
            nearestNeighbors[distance] = node1, node2
            u,v = nearestNeighbors[min(nearestNeighbors.keys())]

        if connectNearest:
            nearestComponents[i].append((j, min(nearestNeighbors.keys()), (u,v)))
            newAttributes = {'level':level, 'highway': highway,'osmid':'-1','policosm':True, 'lanes':1,'oneway': False}
            graph.add_edge(u, v, newAttributes)

    if connectNearest:
        for i in nearestComponents.keys():
            data = nearestComponents[i]
            j, distance, (u,v) = sorted(data, key=lambda tup: tup[1])[0]

            if not graph.has_edge(u, v):
                newAttributes = {'level':level, 'highway': highway,'osmid':'-1','policosm':True, 'lanes':1,'oneway': False}
                graph.add_edge(u, v, newAttributes)
    return connectGraphComponents(graph, level, highway, connectNearest=connectNearest)
项目:inkscapeOptimizePath    作者:Daekkyn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def effect(self):
        totalTimerStart = timeit.default_timer()
        (vertices, edges) = self.parseSVG()
        G = self.buildGraph(vertices, edges)

        timerStart = timeit.default_timer()
        self.mergeWithTolerance(G, self.options.tolerance)
        timerStop = timeit.default_timer()
        mergeDuration = timerStop-timerStart

        """for e in G.edges():
            self.log("E "+str(e[0]) + " " + str(e[1]))
        for n in G.nodes():
            self.log("Degree of "+str(n) + ": " + str("""
        #Split disjoint graphs
        connectedGraphs = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G))
        self.log("Number of disconnected graphs: " + str(len(connectedGraphs)))

        paths = []
        makeEulerianDuration = 0
        for connectedGraph in connectedGraphs:
            timerStart = timeit.default_timer()
            if self.options.overwriteRule == OVERWRITE_ALLOW_NONE:
                connectedGraph = self.makeEulerianGraphExtraNode(connectedGraph)
                connectedGraph = self.makeEulerianGraph(connectedGraph)
            timerStop = timeit.default_timer()
            makeEulerianDuration += timerStop-timerStart
            #connectedGraph is now likely a multigraph

            pathEdges = self.eulerian_circuit_hierholzer(connectedGraph)
            pathEdges = self.removeSomeEdges(connectedGraph, pathEdges)
            pathEdges = self.shiftEdgesToBreak(pathEdges)

        self.log("Path number: " + str(len(paths)))
        self.log("Total path length: " + str(sum(self.pathLength(G, x) for x in paths)))

        self.pathsToSVG(G, paths)
        totalTimerStop = timeit.default_timer()
        totalDuration = totalTimerStop-totalTimerStart
        self.log("Merge duration: {:f} sec ({:f} min)".format(mergeDuration, mergeDuration/60))
        self.log("Make Eulerian duration: {:f} sec ({:f} min)".format(makeEulerianDuration, makeEulerianDuration/60))
        self.log("Total duration: {:f} sec ({:f} min)".format(totalDuration, totalDuration/60))