Python networkx 模块,density() 实例源码


项目:analyse_website_dns    作者:mrcheng0910    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def manage_data(domain_name):

    domain_pkts = get_data(domain_name)
    node_cname, node_ip, visit_total, edges, node_main = get_ip_cname(domain_pkts[0]['details'])
    for i in domain_pkts[0]['details']:
        for v in i['answers']:

    DG = nx.DiGraph()

    ass =  nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(DG)
    nodes_count = len(node_cname)+len(node_ip)+len(node_main)
    print nodes_count
    edges_count = len(edges)
    average_degree = sum(
    print domain_name,ass
    print nx.density(DG)
    return nodes_count,edges_count, ass,average_degree,nx.degree_histogram(DG)
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data_prop(self):
        prop =  super(frontendNetwork, self).get_data_prop()

        if self.is_symmetric():
            nnz = np.triu(
            nnz =

        _nnz =
        d = {'instances':[1],
               'nnz': nnz,
               'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(),
               'nnz_var': _nnz.var(),
               'density': self.density(),
               'diameter': self.diameter(),
               'clustering_coef': self.clustering_coefficient(),
               'modularity': self.modularity(),
               'communities': self.clusters_len(),
               'features': self.get_nfeat(),
               'directed': not self.is_symmetric()
        return prop
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def template(self, d):
        d['time'] = d.get('time', None)
        netw_templ = '''###### $corpus
        Building: $time minutes
        Nodes: $instances
        Links: $nnz
        Degree mean: $nnz_mean
        Degree var: $nnz_var
        Diameter: $diameter
        Modularity: $modularity
        Clustering Coefficient: $clustering_coef
        Density: $density
        Communities: $communities
        Relations: $features
        Directed: $directed
        return super(frontendNetwork, self).template(d, netw_templ)
项目:pybel-tools    作者:pybel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def info_list(graph):
    """Returns useful information about the graph as a list of tuples

    :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph
    :rtype: list
    number_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes()
    result = [
        ('Nodes', number_nodes),
        ('Edges', graph.number_of_edges()),
        ('Citations', count_unique_citations(graph)),
        ('Authors', count_unique_authors(graph)),
        ('Network density', nx.density(graph)),
        ('Components', nx.number_weakly_connected_components(graph)),

        result.append(('Average degree', sum(graph.in_degree().values()) / float(number_nodes)))
    except ZeroDivisionError:'Graph has no nodes')

    if graph.warnings:
        result.append(('Compilation warnings', len(graph.warnings)))

    return result
项目:PedWorks    作者:BrnCPrz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_density(graph):
    print "\n\tCalculating density..."
    g = graph
    dens = nx.density(g)
    print "\t   >  Graph density:", dens
    return g, dens
项目:ocean    作者:worldoss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density(Network):
    density = []    

# adjacent matrix
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        titles = ['PartID', 'Noeds', 'Edges', 'TotalLength', 'Density', 'AveConnect']
        k, unit = ips.unit

        gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False) if para['parts'] else []
        comid, datas = 0, []
        for g in gs:
            sl = 0
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                sl += sum([i['weight'] for i in g[s][e].values()])
            datas.append([comid, g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), round(sl*k, 2), 
                round(nx.density(g), 2), round(nx.average_node_connectivity(g),2)][1-para['parts']:])
            comid += 1
        print(titles, datas)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-graph', datas, titles[1-para['parts']:])
项目:imagepy    作者:Image-Py    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, ips, imgs, para = None):
        titles = ['PartID', 'Noeds', 'Edges', 'TotalLength', 'Density', 'AveConnect']
        k, unit = ips.unit

        gs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(, False) if para['parts'] else []
        comid, datas = 0, []
        for g in gs:
            sl = 0
            for (s, e) in g.edges():
                sl += sum([i['weight'] for i in g[s][e].values()])
            datas.append([comid, g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_edges(), round(sl*k, 2), 
                round(nx.density(g), 2), round(nx.average_node_connectivity(g),2)][1-para['parts']:])
            comid += 1
        print(titles, datas)
        IPy.table(ips.title+'-graph', datas, titles[1-para['parts']:])
项目:pymake    作者:dtrckd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density(self):
        g = self.getG()
        return nx.density(g)
项目:Database-Generation-for-Itemset-Mining    作者:clezcano    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphDensity(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                transaction = line.strip().split(self.delimeter)
                if len(transaction) == 1:
                elif len(transaction) > 1:
                    for i in range(len(transaction) - 1):
                        for j in range(i + 1, len(transaction)):
                            self.G.add_edges_from([(transaction[i], transaction[j])])
                    return -1 # empty transaction found
        return nx.density(self.G)
项目:Database-Generation-for-Itemset-Mining    作者:clezcano    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphDensity(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                transaction = line.strip().split(self.delimeter)
                if len(transaction) == 1:
                elif len(transaction) > 1:
                    for i in range(len(transaction) - 1):
                        for j in range(i + 1, len(transaction)):
                            self.G.add_edges_from([(transaction[i], transaction[j])])
                    return -1 # empty transaction found
        return nx.density(self.G)
项目:Database-Generation-for-Itemset-Mining    作者:clezcano    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphDensity(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                transaction = line.strip().split(self.delimeter)
                if len(transaction) == 1:
                elif len(transaction) > 1:
                    for i in range(len(transaction) - 1):
                        for j in range(i + 1, len(transaction)):
                            self.G.add_edges_from([(transaction[i], transaction[j])])
                    return -1 # empty transaction found
        return nx.density(self.G)
项目:Database-Generation-for-Itemset-Mining    作者:clezcano    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def graphDensity(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                transaction = line.strip().split(self.delimeter)
                if len(transaction) == 1:
                elif len(transaction) > 1:
                    for i in range(len(transaction) - 1):
                        for j in range(i + 1, len(transaction)):
                            self.G.add_edges_from([(transaction[i], transaction[j])])
                    return -1 # empty transaction found
        return nx.density(self.G)