Python networkx 模块,max_weight_matching() 实例源码


项目:neural-decoder    作者:Krastanov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Zcorrections(self):
        '''Qubits on which to apply Z operator to fix the X stabilizer.'''
        L = self.L
        graph = self.Xwgraph()
        matches = {tuple(sorted(_)) for _ in
                   nx.max_weight_matching(graph, maxcardinality=True).items()}
        qubits = set()
        for (y1, x1), (y2, x2) in matches:
            ym, yM = 2*min(y1, y2), 2*max(y1, y2)
            if yM-ym > L:
                ym, yM = yM, ym+2*L
                horizontal = yM if (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)<0 else ym
                horizontal = ym if (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)<0 else yM
            xm, xM = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)
            if xM-xm > L/2:
                xm, xM = xM, xm+L
                vertical = xM
                vertical = xm
            qubits.update((horizontal%(2*L), _%L) for _ in range(xm, xM))
            qubits.update(((_+1)%(2*L), vertical%L) for _ in range(ym, yM, 2))
        return matches, qubits
项目:neural-decoder    作者:Krastanov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Xcorrections(self):
        '''Qubits on which to apply X operator to fix the Z stabilizer.'''
        L = self.L
        graph = self.Zwgraph()
        matches = {tuple(sorted(_)) for _ in
                   nx.max_weight_matching(graph, maxcardinality=True).items()}
        qubits = set()
        for (y1, x1), (y2, x2) in matches:
            ym, yM = 2*min(y1, y2), 2*max(y1, y2)
            if yM-ym > L:
                ym, yM = yM, ym+2*L
                horizontal = yM if (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)<0 else ym
                horizontal = ym if (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)<0 else yM
            xm, xM = min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)
            if xM-xm > L/2:
                xm, xM = xM, xm+L
                vertical = xM
                vertical = xm
            qubits.update(((horizontal+1)%(2*L), (_+1)%L) for _ in range(xm, xM))
            qubits.update(((_+2)%(2*L), vertical%L) for _ in range(ym, yM, 2))
        return matches, qubits
项目:dcss_single_cell    作者:srmcc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_max_wt_matching(row_label,column_label, weight_matrix):
    From clustering_on_transcript_compatibility_counts, see github for MIT license
    # Create a bipartite graph where each group has |unique labels| nodes 
    G = nx.complete_bipartite_graph(len(row_label), len(column_label))
    # Weight each edge by the weight in weight matrix.. 
    for u,v in G.edges(): G[u][v]["weight"]=weight_matrix[u,v-len(row_label)]
    # Perform weight matching using Kuhn Munkres
    for u,v in H.items(): max_wt+=G[u][v]["weight"]/float(2)
    return max_wt
项目:facade-segmentation    作者:jfemiani    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_objects_uniquely(candidates, targets, threshold=0.5):
    g = nx.Graph()
    for t in targets:
    for c in candidates:

    for t in targets:
        tbb = BBox(*t.bbox)
        for c in candidates:
            cbb = BBox(*c.bbox)
            intersection = tbb.intersection(cbb).area
            union = tbb.area + cbb.area - intersection

                current_iou = intersection / float(union)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                current_iou = float('inf')

            if current_iou >= threshold:
                g.add_edge(t, c, weight=current_iou)

    target_set = set(targets)
    matching = nx.max_weight_matching(g, maxcardinality=True)  # <- a dict with  v->c and c->v both
    hits = [(t, c) for (t, c) in matching.items() if t in target_set]
    return hits
项目:beans    作者:Yelp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def construct_graph(user_ids, disallowed_meetings):
    We can use a maximum matching algorithm for this:
    Yay graphs! Networkx will do all the work for us.

    # special weights that be put on the matching potential of each meeting,
    # depending on heuristics for what makes a good/bad potential meeting.
    meeting_to_weight = {}

    # This creates the graph and the maximal matching set is returned.
    # It does not return anyone who didn't get matched.
    meetings = []
    possible_meetings = {
        meeting for meeting in itertools.combinations(user_ids, 2)
    allowed_meetings = possible_meetings - disallowed_meetings

    for meeting in allowed_meetings:
        weight = meeting_to_weight.get(meeting, 1.0)
        meetings.append(meeting + ({'weight': weight},))

    graph = nx.Graph()

    return nx.max_weight_matching(graph)
项目:QTop    作者:jacobmarks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DSP_Matching(Syndrome, External, dim, alt_ext):

    # Fully connect check operators
    for check1 in Syndrome.nodes():
        for check2 in Syndrome.nodes():
            if check1 != check2:
                weight = - common.euclidean_dist(check1, check2) +.1
                Syndrome.add_edge(*(check1, check2), weight=weight)

    # Generate Boundary Graph
    External_Graph = nx.Graph()

    for m in Syndrome.nodes():
        ext = DSP_AssociatedExternal(m, External)
        weight = - common.euclidean_dist(m, ext)
        Syndrome.add_edge(*(m, ext), weight=weight)

    # Ensure even number of elements in Syndrome
    # so min weight matching can proceed successfully
    if len(Syndrome.nodes()) % 2 != 0:

    # Connect External Nodes
    edges = itertools.combinations(External_Graph,2)
    Syndrome.add_edges_from(edges, weight = 0)

    TempMatching = nx.max_weight_matching(Syndrome, maxcardinality=True)
    Matching = {}
    # each edge appears twice in TempMatching
    # Should only appear once in Matching
    for node, neighbor in TempMatching.items():
        if neighbor not in Matching and node not in Matching:
            if node not in External or neighbor not in External:
                if node != alt_ext and neighbor != alt_ext:
                    Matching[node] = neighbor

    return Matching
项目    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def max_weight_matching(Mrkt, Agents, verbose=False, maxcardinality=True):
    Computes max-weight matching of graph of inputted agents
        based on the “blossom” method for finding augmenting paths
        and the “primal-dual” method for finding a matching of maximum weight,
        both methods invented by Jack Edmonds
    Implemented by NetworkX
    Runtime: O(n^3) for n nodes
    Mrkt: mm.Market object
        The market in which the matches are made
    Agents: list
        list of agents initiating matches
    maxcardinality: bool
        if True, compute the maximum-cardinality matching
        with maximum weight among all maximum-cardinality matchings.
    verbose: bool
        Whether algorithm prints information on action
    dict { : } of matches

        “Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum Matching in Graphs”,
        Zvi Galil, ACM Computing Surveys, 1986.
    if verbose:
        print("\nMax Weight Match Algorithm\n")
        print("Agents to match ", [ for a in Agents], "\n")

    # If Agents not whole market, get subgraph
    if len(Mrkt.Graph.nodes()) != len(Agents):
        to_match = deepcopy(Mrkt.Graph.subgraph(Agents))
        to_match = Mrkt.Graph
    # Workaround of assertionerror in Nx verifyOptimum() function
    # Breaks around integer weights
    for u, v, d in to_match.edges(data=True):
        d['weight'] = float(d['weight'])

    mate = nx.max_weight_matching(to_match, maxcardinality=maxcardinality)

    result = { mate[a].name for a in mate}
    return result
项目:RideSharing_Team10    作者:spulugurtha    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def max_matching(total_distance):
    graph = nx.Graph()
    matching_dictionary = nx.max_weight_matching(graph, maxcardinality=True)
    trip_set = set()
    distance_saved = 0
    for key in matching_dictionary:
        if (key in trip_set) and (matching_dictionary[key] in trip_set):
            keyvalue = str(key) + "-" + str(matching_dictionary[key])
            keyvalue1 = str(matching_dictionary[key]) + "-" + str(key)
            if keyvalue in trips_merged_metadata.keys():
                trips = trips_merged_metadata[keyvalue]
                # print(str(trips[0].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[0].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[0].trip_duration_from_source) + "," + str(trips[0].trip_distance_from_source) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_longitude) + "," + str(trips[0].willing_to_walk))
                # print(str(trips[1].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[1].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[1].trip_duration_from_source) + "," + str(trips[1].trip_distance_from_source) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_longitude) + "," + str(trips[1].willing_to_walk))
                print(str(trips[0].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[0].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_longitude))
                print(str(trips[1].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[1].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_longitude))
                distance_saved += distance_dictionary[keyvalue]
            elif keyvalue1 in trips_merged_metadata.keys():
                trips = trips_merged_metadata[keyvalue1]
                # print(str(trips[0].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[0].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[0].trip_duration_from_source) + "," + str(trips[0].trip_distance_from_source) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_longitude) + "," + str(trips[0].willing_to_walk))
                # print(str(trips[1].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[1].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[1].trip_duration_from_source) + "," + str(trips[1].trip_distance_from_source) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_longitude) + "," + str(trips[1].willing_to_walk))
                print(str(trips[0].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[0].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[0].dropoff_longitude))
                print(str(trips[1].trip_id) + "," + str(trips[1].passenger_count) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_lattitude) + "," + str(trips[1].dropoff_longitude))
                distance_saved += distance_dictionary[keyvalue1]
            else :
                print("no there")
    print("input_trips_for_algorithm ", str(len(input_trips_for_algorithm)))
    print("input_trips_for_max_matching ", str(len(input_trips_for_max_matching)))
    print("lone_trip ", input_trips_for_max_matching.difference(matching_dictionary.keys()))
    no_trips_saved = len(input_trips_for_algorithm) - len(matching_dictionary.keys()) / 2 - len(input_trips_for_max_matching.difference(matching_dictionary.keys()))
    print("no of trips saved " + str(no_trips_saved))
    print("total_distance " + str(total_distance))
    print("distance saved " + str(total_distance - distance_saved))
    print("Total_trips_without_ridesharing " + str(len(input_trips_for_algorithm)))
    unmergeable_trips = len(input_trips_for_algorithm) - len(input_trips_for_max_matching)
    print("unmergeable trips " + str(unmergeable_trips))
    total_trips_due_to_ridesharing = len(matching_dictionary.keys()) / 2 + len(input_trips_for_max_matching.difference(matching_dictionary.keys())) + unmergeable_trips
    print("Total_trips_due_to_ridesharing " + str(total_trips_due_to_ridesharing))
    print("Merged_trips_only_after_ridesharing(without unmergeable trips and lone trips) " + str(len(matching_dictionary.keys()) / 2))
项目:QTop    作者:jacobmarks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MinWeightMatching(code, Syndrome, type, charge_type):
    dim = code.dimension

    # Fully connect check operators
    for check1 in Syndrome.nodes():
        for check2 in Syndrome.nodes():
            if check1 != check2:
                # weight = - code.distance(type, check1, check2)
                weight = - common.euclidean_dist(check1, check2)
                Syndrome.add_edge(*(check1, check2), weight=weight)

    # Generate Boundary Graph
    External_Graph = nx.Graph()

    for node in Syndrome.nodes():
        charge = Syndrome.node[node]['charge']
        external_node = AssociatedExternal(node, code.Dual[type], code.External[type])
        External_Graph.add_node(external_node, charge=(-charge) % dim)
        # weight = -code.distance(type, node, external_node)
        weight = - common.euclidean_dist(node, external_node)
        Syndrome.add_edge(*(node, external_node), weight=weight)

    # Ensure even number of elements in Syndrome
    # so min weight matching can proceed successfully
    if len(Syndrome.nodes()) % 2 != 0:
        removed_external = External_Graph.nodes()[0]
        edge = Syndrome.edges(removed_external)[0]
        min_weight = Syndrome.get_edge_data(*edge)['weight']
        for external_node in External_Graph.nodes():
            edge = Syndrome.edges(external_node)[0]
            weight = Syndrome.get_edge_data(*edge)['weight']
            if weight < min_weight:
                removed_external = external_node
                min_weight = weight


    # Connect External Nodes
    for ext1 in External_Graph:
        for ext2 in External_Graph:
            if ext1 != ext2:
                Syndrome.add_edge(*(ext1, ext2), weight=0)

    TempMatching = nx.max_weight_matching(Syndrome, maxcardinality=True)

    Matching = {}
    # each edge appears twice in TempMatching
    # Should only appear once in Matching
    for node, neighbor in TempMatching.items():
        if neighbor not in Matching:
            if node in code.Dual[type].nodes() or neighbor in code.Dual[type].nodes():
                Matching[node] = neighbor

    return Matching

# Recovery Operations
# Generate recovery chains to correct for errors during code cycle.