def addMetricDistanceToEdges(graph, epsgCode): # we assume initial epsg is wsg84 (merctor projection) metricDistance = {} if epsgCode != 4326: sourceProjection = osr.SpatialReference() sourceProjection.ImportFromEPSG(4326) destinationProjection = osr.SpatialReference() destinationProjection.ImportFromEPSG(epsgCode) # https://epsg.io/2154 coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(sourceProjection, destinationProjection) for edge in graph.edges(): node1, node2 = edge line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(graph.node[node1]['longitude'], graph.node[node1]['latitude']) line.AddPoint(graph.node[node2]['longitude'], graph.node[node2]['latitude']) if epsgCode != 4326: line.Transform(coordTrans) length = line.Length() metricDistance[edge] = length nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'length', metricDistance) return graph
def add_edge_lengths(G): """ Add length (meters) attribute to each edge by great circle distance between nodes u and v. Parameters ---------- G : networkx multidigraph Returns ------- G : networkx multidigraph """ start_time = time.time() # first load all the edges' origin and destination coordinates as a # dataframe indexed by u, v, key coords = np.array([[u, v, k, G.nodes[u]['y'], G.nodes[u]['x'], G.nodes[v]['y'], G.nodes[v]['x']] for u, v, k in G.edges(keys=True)]) df_coords = pd.DataFrame(coords, columns=['u', 'v', 'k', 'u_y', 'u_x', 'v_y', 'v_x']) df_coords[['u', 'v', 'k']] = df_coords[['u', 'v', 'k']].astype(np.int64) df_coords = df_coords.set_index(['u', 'v', 'k']) # then calculate the great circle distance with the vectorized function gc_distances = great_circle_vec(lat1=df_coords['u_y'], lng1=df_coords['u_x'], lat2=df_coords['v_y'], lng2=df_coords['v_x']) gc_distances = gc_distances.fillna(value=0) nx.set_edge_attributes(G, name='length', values=gc_distances.to_dict()) log('Added edge lengths to graph in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time()-start_time)) return G
def addTimeTraveltoEdges(graph, transportation=['pedestrian, motorist']): print 'motorist in transportation', 'motorist' in transportation if 'pedestrian' in transportation: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'pedestrian', pedestrianTime(graph)) if 'motorist' in transportation: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'motorist', motoristTime(graph)) if 'publicTransportation' in transportation: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'publicTransportation', motoristTime(graph)) return graph
def set_edge_attributes(self,name,values): """Set edge attributes from dictionary of edge tuples and values. Parameters ---------- name : string Attribute name values : dict Dictionary of attribute values keyed by edge (tuple). The keys must be tuples of the form (u, v). If values is not a dictionary, then it is treated as a single attribute value that is then applied to every edge. """ set_edge_attributes(self,name,values)
def build_net(self,RCA=True,th=1.,xth=0.): ''' Builds the bipartite network with the given data. Warning: If RCA is False then th should be provided. Parameters ---------- RCA : boolean (True) Whether to use RCA filtering or regular filtering. th : float (default=1) Threshold to use. If RCA=True is the RCA threshold, if RCA=False is the flow threshold. ''' self.P[self.c] = None self.P[self.p] = None self.remove_edges_from(self.edges()) header = '' if self.name == '' else self.name + ': ' if 'RCA' not in self.data.columns.values: self._calculate_RCA() if RCA: net = self.data[(self.data['RCA']>=th)&(self.data['x']>=xth)][[self.c,self.p,'RCA','x']] else: print 'Warning: th should be provided.' net = self.data[self.data['x']>=th][[self.c,self.p,'RCA','x']] self.add_edges_from(zip(net[self.c].values,net[self.p].values)) self.set_edge_attributes('RCA',dict(zip(zip(net[self.c].values,net[self.p].values),net['RCA'].values))) self.set_edge_attributes('x',dict(zip(zip(net[self.c].values,net[self.p].values),net['x'].values)))
def add_pump(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, info_type='POWER', info_value=50.0, speed=1.0, pattern=None): """ Adds a pump to the water network model. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pump. start_node_name : string Name of the start node. end_node_name : string Name of the end node. info_type : string, optional Type of information provided for a pump. Options are 'POWER' or 'HEAD'. info_value : float or Curve object, optional Float value of power in KW. Head curve object. speed: float Relative speed setting (1.0 is normal speed) pattern: str or Pattern ID of pattern for speed setting """ if info_value and isinstance(info_value, six.string_types): info_value = self.get_curve(info_value) pump = Pump(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, info_type, info_value, speed, pattern) self._links[name] = pump self._pumps[name] = pump self._graph.add_edge(start_node_name, end_node_name, key=name) nx.set_edge_attributes(self._graph, name='type', values={(start_node_name, end_node_name, name):'pump'}) self._num_pumps += 1
def add_valve(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, diameter=0.3048, valve_type='PRV', minor_loss=0.0, setting=0.0): """ Adds a valve to the water network model. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the valve. start_node_name : string Name of the start node. end_node_name : string Name of the end node. diameter : float, optional Diameter of the valve. valve_type : string, optional Type of valve. Options are 'PRV', etc. minor_loss : float, optional Pipe minor loss coefficient. setting : float or string, optional pressure setting for PRV, PSV, or PBV, flow setting for FCV, loss coefficient for TCV, name of headloss curve for GPV. """ start_node = self.get_node(start_node_name) end_node = self.get_node(end_node_name) if type(start_node)==Tank or type(end_node)==Tank: logger.warn('Valves should not be connected to tanks! Please add a pipe between the tank and valve. Note that this will be an error in the next release.') valve = Valve(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, diameter, valve_type, minor_loss, setting) self._links[name] = valve self._valves[name] = valve self._graph.add_edge(start_node_name, end_node_name, key=name) nx.set_edge_attributes(self._graph, name='type', values={(start_node_name, end_node_name, name):'valve'}) self._num_valves += 1
def build_splicegraph(exon_index): """Build the splicegraph from a dict of SeqRecords Splicegraph is a directed graph, whose nodes - are exon_ids, - attributes are - coordinates [(transcript1, start, end), ..., (transcriptN, start, end)] - sequence in str format and whose edges - are connected exons in any way - attributes are the overlap between them: - positive means there is an overlap of that number of bases - zero means no overlap - negative means a gap of that number of bases """ # Initialize grpah splice_graph = nx.DiGraph() # Add nodes splice_graph.add_nodes_from(exon_index.keys()) nx.set_node_attributes( G=splice_graph, name='coordinates', values= exon_to_coordinates(exon_index) ) nx.set_node_attributes( G=splice_graph, name='sequence', values={exon.id : str(exon.seq) for exon in exon_index.values()} ) # Edges transcript2path = transcript_to_path(exons_to_df(exon_index)) for path in transcript2path.values(): splice_graph.add_path(path) nx.set_edge_attributes( G=splice_graph, name='overlap', values = compute_edge_overlaps(splice_graph) ) return splice_graph
def add_pipe(self, name, start_node_name, end_node_name, length=304.8, diameter=0.3048, roughness=100, minor_loss=0.0, status='OPEN', check_valve_flag=False): """ Adds a pipe to the water network model. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the pipe. start_node_name : string Name of the start node. end_node_name : string Name of the end node. length : float, optional Length of the pipe. diameter : float, optional Diameter of the pipe. roughness : float, optional Pipe roughness coefficient. minor_loss : float, optional Pipe minor loss coefficient. status : string, optional Pipe status. Options are 'Open' or 'Closed'. check_valve_flag : bool, optional True if the pipe has a check valve. False if the pipe does not have a check valve. """ length = float(length) diameter = float(diameter) roughness = float(roughness) minor_loss = float(minor_loss) if isinstance(status, str): status = LinkStatus[status] pipe = Pipe(name, start_node_name, end_node_name, length, diameter, roughness, minor_loss, status, check_valve_flag) # Add to list of cv if check_valve_flag: self._check_valves.append(name) self._links[name] = pipe self._pipes[name] = pipe self._graph.add_edge(start_node_name, end_node_name, key=name) nx.set_edge_attributes(self._graph, name='type', values={(start_node_name, end_node_name, name):'pipe'}) self._num_pipes += 1
def weight_graph(self, node_attribute={}, link_attribute={}): """ Return a weighted graph based on node and link attributes. The weighted graph changes the direction of the original link if the weight is negative. Parameters ---------- G : graph A networkx graph node_attribute : dict or pandas Series node attributes link_attribues : dict or pandas Series link attributes Returns ------- G : weighted graph A networkx weighted graph """ for node_name in self.nodes(): try: value = node_attribute[node_name] nx.set_node_attributes(self, name='weight', values={node_name: value}) except: pass for (node1, node2, link_name) in list(self.edges(keys=True)): try: value = link_attribute[link_name] if value < 0: # change the direction of the link and value link_type = self[node1][node2][link_name]['type'] # 'type' should be the only other attribute on G.edge self.remove_edge(node1, node2, link_name) self.add_edge(node2, node1, link_name) nx.set_edge_attributes(self, name='type', values={(node2, node1, link_name): link_type}) nx.set_edge_attributes(self, name='weight', values={(node2, node1, link_name): -value}) else: nx.set_edge_attributes(self, name='weight', values={(node1, node2, link_name): value}) except: pass