def is_serial_system(self): for c in nx.cycle_basis(self.Network): if len(c) > 1: return True return False
def findloops(self, G): loops = [] for c in nx.cycle_basis(G): if len(c) > 1: loops.append(c) return loops
def cleanup_fixed_graph(pruned): # remove cycles while True: cycles = networkx.cycle_basis(pruned) if len(cycles) == 0: break to_delete = None worst_val = None for cycle in cycles: cur_worst_val = None cur_worst = None for a,b,data in pruned.edges(cycle, data=True): cur_val = data["p"] if cur_worst_val is None or cur_val < cur_worst_val: cur_worst_val = cur_val cur_worst = (a,b) if worst_val is None or cur_worst_val < worst_val: worst_val = cur_worst_val to_delete = cur_worst pruned.remove_edge(*to_delete) # remove all cis-edges at the ends of subgraphs degrees = pruned.degree() to_delete = [] for node, degree in dict(degrees).items(): if degree == 1: edge = list(pruned.edges([node], data=True))[0] if edge[2]["kind"]=="facing": to_delete.append(node) pruned.remove_nodes_from(to_delete) # remove unconnected nodes pruned.remove_nodes_from([node for (node, degree) in dict(pruned.degree()).items() if degree==0]) return pruned
def correctLoops(code, loops_graph, charge_type): while nx.cycle_basis(loops_graph) != []: cycle = nx.cycle_basis(loops_graph)[0] loop = path.Path(cycle) for data in code.Primal.nodes(): if loop.contains_points([data]) == [True]: charge = code.Primal.node[data]['charge'][charge_type] code.Primal.node[data]['charge'][charge_type] = (charge + 1)%2 l = len(cycle) for i in range(l): n1, n2 = cycle[i], cycle[(i+1)%l] loops_graph.remove_edge(*(n1,n2)) return code, loops_graph
def find_cycles(sub_network, weight='x_pu'): """ Find all cycles in the sub_network and record them in sub_network.C. networkx collects the cycles with more than 2 edges; then the 2-edge cycles from the MultiGraph must be collected separately (for cases where there are multiple lines between the same pairs of buses). Cycles with infinite impedance are skipped. """ branches_bus0 = sub_network.branches()["bus0"] branches_i = branches_bus0.index #reduce to a non-multi-graph for cycles with > 2 edges mgraph = sub_network.graph(weight=weight) graph = nx.OrderedGraph(mgraph) cycles = nx.cycle_basis(graph) #number of 2-edge cycles num_multi = len(mgraph.edges()) - len(graph.edges()) sub_network.C = dok_matrix((len(branches_bus0),len(cycles)+num_multi)) for j,cycle in enumerate(cycles): for i in range(len(cycle)): branch = next(iterkeys(mgraph[cycle[i]][cycle[(i+1)%len(cycle)]])) branch_i = branches_i.get_loc(branch) sign = +1 if branches_bus0.iat[branch_i] == cycle[i] else -1 sub_network.C[branch_i,j] += sign #counter for multis c = len(cycles) #add multi-graph 2-edge cycles for multiple branches between same pairs of buses for u,v in graph.edges(): bs = list(mgraph[u][v].keys()) if len(bs) > 1: first = bs[0] first_i = branches_i.get_loc(first) for b in bs[1:]: b_i = branches_i.get_loc(b) sign = -1 if branches_bus0.iat[b_i] == branches_bus0.iat[first_i] else +1 sub_network.C[first_i,c] = 1 sub_network.C[b_i,c] = sign c+=1