Python new 模块,classobj() 实例源码


项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the type CF__POA.Port.
        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the type CF__POA.Port.
        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the type CF__POA.Port.                
        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance 
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeSQLTests(base, suffix, globals):
    """Make a test case for every db connector which can connect.

    @param base: Base class for test case. Additional base classes
                 will be a DBConnector subclass and unittest.TestCase
    @param suffix: A suffix used to create test case names. Prefixes
                   are defined in the DBConnector subclasses.
    connectors = [GadflyConnector, SQLiteConnector, PyPgSQLConnector,
                  PsycopgConnector, MySQLConnector, FirebirdConnector]
    for connclass in connectors:
        name = connclass.TEST_PREFIX + suffix
        import new
        klass = new.classobj(name, (connclass, base, unittest.TestCase), {})
        globals[name] = klass

# PsycopgADBAPITestCase MySQLADBAPITestCase FirebirdADBAPITestCase
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeSQLTests(base, suffix, globals):
    """Make a test case for every db connector which can connect.

    @param base: Base class for test case. Additional base classes
                 will be a DBConnector subclass and unittest.TestCase
    @param suffix: A suffix used to create test case names. Prefixes
                   are defined in the DBConnector subclasses.
    connectors = [GadflyConnector, SQLiteConnector, PyPgSQLConnector,
                  PsycopgConnector, MySQLConnector, FirebirdConnector]
    for connclass in connectors:
        name = connclass.TEST_PREFIX + suffix
        import new
        klass = new.classobj(name, (connclass, base, unittest.TestCase), {})
        globals[name] = klass

# PsycopgADBAPITestCase MySQLADBAPITestCase FirebirdADBAPITestCase
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def factoryclass (base, factory):
    def init (self, *args, **kwargs):
        base.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return new.classobj(base.__name__, (base, factory), { '__init__': init })
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the same type as the one specified as the
        porttype argument during the object instantiation.  It uses the
        classobj from the new module to generate a class on runtime.

        The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:

            name:        The name of the class to generate
            bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
            dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
                         functions, and class variables

        It is important to notice that the porttype is a BULKIO__POA type and
        not a BULKIO type.  The reason is because it is used to generate a
        Port class that will be returned when the getPort() is invoked.  The
        returned class is the one acting as a server and therefore must be a
        Portable Object Adapter rather and a simple BULKIO object.

        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the same type as the one specified as the
        porttype argument during the object instantiation.  It uses the
        classobj from the new module to generate a class on runtime.

        The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:

            name:        The name of the class to generate
            bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
            dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
                         functions, and class variables

        It is important to notice that the porttype is a BULKIO__POA type and
        not a BULKIO type.  The reason is because it is used to generate a
        Port class that will be returned when the getPort() is invoked.  The
        returned class is the one acting as a server and therefore must be a
        Portable Object Adapter rather and a simple BULKIO object.

        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        if self.port_type == BULKIO__POA.dataXML:
            pushPacket = self.pushPacketXML
            pushPacket = self.pushPacket
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the same type as the one specified as the
        porttype argument during the object instantiation.  It uses the
        classobj from the new module to generate a class on runtime.

        The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:

            name:        The name of the class to generate
            bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
            dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
                         functions, and class variables

        It is important to notice that the porttype is a BULKIO__POA type and
        not a BULKIO type.  The reason is because it is used to generate a
        Port class that will be returned when the getPort() is invoked.  The
        returned class is the one acting as a server and therefore must be a
        Portable Object Adapter rather and a simple BULKIO object.

        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        if self.port_type == BULKIO__POA.dataXML:
            pushPacket = self.pushPacketXML
            pushPacket = self.pushPacket
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass',

        # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPort(self):
        Returns a Port object of the same type as the one specified as the 
        porttype argument during the object instantiation.  It uses the 
        classobj from the new module to generate a class on runtime.

        The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:

            name:        The name of the class to generate
            bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
            dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
                         functions, and class variables

        It is important to notice that the porttype is a BULKIO__POA type and
        not a BULKIO type.  The reason is because it is used to generate a 
        Port class that will be returned when the getPort() is invoked.  The
        returned class is the one acting as a server and therefore must be a
        Portable Object Adapter rather and a simple BULKIO object.

        # The classobj generates a class using the following arguments:
        #    name:        The name of the class to generate
        #    bases:       A tuple containing all the base classes to use
        #    dct:         A dictionary containing all the attributes such as
        #                 functions, and class variables
        PortClass = classobj('PortClass', 

       # Create a port using the generate Metaclass and return an instance 
        port = PortClass()
        return port._this()
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_classobj(self, obj):
    """ Save an interactively defined classic class object by value """
    if obj.__module__ == '__main__':
        args = (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, obj.__dict__)
        self.save_reduce(new.classobj, args, obj=obj)
        pickle.Pickler.save_global(self, obj, name)
项目:spickle    作者:bwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_sf_payload(self):
        with self.assertRaises(spickle.UnpicklingError):
            def nasty(module, function, *args):
                return pickle.dumps(new.classobj(function, (), {
                    '__getinitargs__': lambda self, arg=args: arg,
                    '__module__': module

            t = nasty("subprocess", "Popen", ("/bin/ls", "/tmp"))
项目:tichu-tournament    作者:aragos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hook__setattr__(obj):
    if not hasattr(obj,'__attrproxy__'):
        C = obj.__class__
        import new
            '__setattr__':lambda self,k,v,osa=getattr(obj,'__setattr__',None),hook=hook: hook(self,k,v,osa)})
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def watchObject(self, object, identifier, callback):
        """Watch the given object.

        Whenever I think the object might have changed, I'll send an
        ObjectLink of it to the callback.

        The identifier argument is used to generate identifiers for
        objects which are members of this one.
        if type(object) is not types.InstanceType:
            raise TypeError, "Sorry, can only place a watch on Instances."

        # uninstallers = []

        dct = {}
        reflect.addMethodNamesToDict(object.__class__, dct, '')
        for k in object.__dict__.keys():
            dct[k] = 1

        members = dct.keys()

        clazzNS = {}
        clazz = new.classobj('Watching%s%X' %
                             (object.__class__.__name__, id(object)),
                             (_MonkeysSetattrMixin, object.__class__,),

        clazzNS['_watchEmitChanged'] = new.instancemethod(
            lambda slf, i=identifier, b=self, cb=callback:
            cb(b.browseObject(slf, i)),
            None, clazz)

        # orig_class = object.__class__
        object.__class__ = clazz

        for name in members:
            m = getattr(object, name)
            # Only hook bound methods.
            if ((type(m) is types.MethodType)
                and (m.im_self is not None)):
                # What's the use of putting watch monkeys on methods
                # in addition to __setattr__?  Well, um, uh, if the
                # methods modify their attributes (i.e. add a key to
                # a dictionary) instead of [re]setting them, then
                # we wouldn't know about it unless we did this.
                # (Is that convincing?)

                monkey = _WatchMonkey(object)
                # uninstallers.append(monkey.uninstall)

        # XXX: This probably prevents these objects from ever having a
        # zero refcount.  Leak, Leak!
        ## self.watchUninstallers[object] = uninstallers
项目:spc    作者:whbrewer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_table(self,table,migrate=True,fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None):
        myfields = {}
        for field in table:
            if isinstance(polymodel,Table) and in polymodel.fields():
            attr = {}
            if isinstance(field.custom_qualifier, dict):
                #this is custom properties to add to the GAE field declartion
                attr = field.custom_qualifier
            field_type = field.type
            if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType):
                ftype = self.types[field_type.native or field_type.type](**attr)
            elif isinstance(field_type, gae.Property):
                ftype = field_type
            elif field_type.startswith('id'):
            elif field_type.startswith('decimal'):
                precision, scale = field_type[7:].strip('()').split(',')
                precision = int(precision)
                scale = int(scale)
                ftype = GAEDecimalProperty(precision, scale, **attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('reference'):
                if field.notnull:
                    attr = dict(required=True)
                referenced = field_type[10:].strip()
                ftype = self.types[field_type[:9]](referenced, **attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('list:reference'):
                if field.notnull:
                    attr['required'] = True
                referenced = field_type[15:].strip()
                ftype = self.types[field_type[:14]](**attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('list:'):
                ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr)
            elif not field_type in self.types\
                 or not self.types[field_type]:
                raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s' % field_type)
                ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr)
            myfields[] = ftype
        if not polymodel:
            table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (gae.Model, ), myfields)
        elif polymodel==True:
            table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (PolyModel, ), myfields)
        elif isinstance(polymodel,Table):
            table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (polymodel._tableobj, ), myfields)
            raise SyntaxError("polymodel must be None, True, a table or a tablename")
        return None
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def watchObject(self, object, identifier, callback):
        """Watch the given object.

        Whenever I think the object might have changed, I'll send an
        ObjectLink of it to the callback.

        The identifier argument is used to generate identifiers for
        objects which are members of this one.
        if type(object) is not types.InstanceType:
            raise TypeError, "Sorry, can only place a watch on Instances."

        # uninstallers = []

        dct = {}
        reflect.addMethodNamesToDict(object.__class__, dct, '')
        for k in object.__dict__.keys():
            dct[k] = 1

        members = dct.keys()

        clazzNS = {}
        clazz = new.classobj('Watching%s%X' %
                             (object.__class__.__name__, id(object)),
                             (_MonkeysSetattrMixin, object.__class__,),

        clazzNS['_watchEmitChanged'] = new.instancemethod(
            lambda slf, i=identifier, b=self, cb=callback:
            cb(b.browseObject(slf, i)),
            None, clazz)

        # orig_class = object.__class__
        object.__class__ = clazz

        for name in members:
            m = getattr(object, name)
            # Only hook bound methods.
            if ((type(m) is types.MethodType)
                and (m.im_self is not None)):
                # What's the use of putting watch monkeys on methods
                # in addition to __setattr__?  Well, um, uh, if the
                # methods modify their attributes (i.e. add a key to
                # a dictionary) instead of [re]setting them, then
                # we wouldn't know about it unless we did this.
                # (Is that convincing?)

                monkey = _WatchMonkey(object)
                # uninstallers.append(monkey.uninstall)

        # XXX: This probably prevents these objects from ever having a
        # zero refcount.  Leak, Leak!
        ## self.watchUninstallers[object] = uninstallers
项目:StuffShare    作者:StuffShare    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None):
        myfields = {}
        for field in table:
            if isinstance(polymodel, Table) and in polymodel.fields():
            attr = {}
            if isinstance(field.custom_qualifier, dict):
                #this is custom properties to add to the GAE field declartion
                attr = field.custom_qualifier
            field_type = field.type
            if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType):
                ftype = self.types[field_type.native or field_type.type](**attr)
            elif isinstance(field_type, ((self.use_ndb and ndb.Property) or gae.Property)):
                ftype = field_type
            elif field_type.startswith('id'):
            elif field_type.startswith('decimal'):
                precision, scale = field_type[7:].strip('()').split(',')
                precision = int(precision)
                scale = int(scale)
                dec_cls = (self.use_ndb and NDBDecimalProperty) or GAEDecimalProperty
                ftype = dec_cls(precision, scale, **attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('reference'):
                if field.notnull:
                    attr = dict(required=True)
                ftype = self.types[field_type[:9]](**attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('list:reference'):
                if field.notnull:
                    attr['required'] = True
                ftype = self.types[field_type[:14]](**attr)
            elif field_type.startswith('list:'):
                ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr)
            elif not field_type in self.types or not self.types[field_type]:
                raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s' % field_type)
                ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr)
            myfields[] = ftype
        if not polymodel:
            model_cls = (self.use_ndb and ndb.Model) or gae.Model
            table._tableobj =  classobj(table._tablename, (model_cls, ), myfields)
            if self.use_ndb:
                # Set NDB caching variables
                if self.ndb_settings and (table._tablename in self.ndb_settings):
                    for k, v in self.ndb_settings.iteritems():
                        setattr(table._tableobj, k, v)
        elif polymodel==True:
            pm_cls = (self.use_ndb and NDBPolyModel) or PolyModel
            table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (pm_cls, ), myfields)
        elif isinstance(polymodel, Table):
            table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (polymodel._tableobj, ), myfields)
            raise SyntaxError("polymodel must be None, True, a table or a tablename")
        return None