def out(self): """ Output instruction in textform. """ buf = idaapi.init_output_buffer(1024) if self.cmd.auxpref & self.FLo_PluginCall: lib,_ = self.get_string(self.cmd[0].addr) fn,_ = self.get_string(self.cmd[1].addr) lib = ntpath.splitext(ntpath.basename(lib))[0] out_line('{}::{}'.format(lib, fn), COLOR_INSN) OutChar(' ') out_one_operand(2) else: OutMnem(12) for i, op in ((i, self.cmd[i]) for i in range(6)): if op.type == o_void: break if i > 0: out_symbol(',') OutChar(' ') out_one_operand(i) term_output_buffer() cvar.gl_comm = 1 MakeLine(buf)
def runIndexedSearch(dbfilenameFullPath, search_space, options): # todo: Handle duplicate hit supression logger.info("Performing indexed search") DB = appDB.DBClass(dbfilenameFullPath, True, settings.__version__) DB.appInitDB() DB.appConnectDB() searchTerm = options.searchLiteral[0] numHits = 0 # Run actual indexed query data = DB.Query("SELECT RowID FROM Entries_FilePaths WHERE %s == '%s';" % (search_space, searchTerm)) if data: # results = [] # results.append(('cyan', "FileName,HitCount".split(','))) with open(options.outputFile, "w") as text_file: with open(os.path.join(ntpath.dirname(options.outputFile), ntpath.splitext(options.outputFile)[0] + ".mmd"), "w") as markdown_file: for row in data: # results.append(('white', row)) record = retrieveSearchData(row[0], DB, search_space) saveSearchData(record, None, None, text_file, markdown_file) numHits += 1 # outputcolum(results) return (numHits, 0, []) else: return(0, 0, [])
def save_screenshot(self, filename, diagram=None): """ Take a screenshot containing only this diagram. The file type is inferred from the filename extension, valid options are BMP, EMF, EWMF, JPG, PDF, PNG, SVG, WMF. :param str filename: The filename under which the screenshot will be saved on the instrument. :param Diagram diagram: The diagram to be captured. The whole screen will be captured if None. :return: a File object representing the captured screenshot :rtype: File """ _, filetype = ntpath.splitext(filename) filetype = filetype[1:].upper() if filetype not in self.HCOPy.DEVice.LANGuage.args: raise ValueError("Invalid file extension for screenshot: " + filetype) self.MMEMory.NAME().w(filename) # Define the filename self.HCOPy.DESTination().w("MMEM") # Print to mass storage self.HCOPy.DEVice.LANGuage().w(filetype) # Define the file type if diagram is not None: diagram.select_diagram() self.HCOPy.PAGE.WINDow().w("ACTive") # Print only the active diagram else: self.HCOPy.PAGE.WINDow().w("HARDcopy") self.HCOPy.IMMediate().w() # Perform the screen capture return self.filesystem.file(filename)
def KnownBadRegexCount(file_full_path): file_path = ntpath.dirname(file_full_path) file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_full_path) # Load base file total_regex_count = KnownBadRegexCountFile(file_full_path) # Load extra files for filename in glob.iglob(file_name + '-*' + file_extension): total_regex_count += KnownBadRegexCountFile(filename) return total_regex_count
def test_splitext(self): tester('ntpath.splitext("foo.ext")', ('foo', '.ext')) tester('ntpath.splitext("/foo/foo.ext")', ('/foo/foo', '.ext')) tester('ntpath.splitext(".ext")', ('.ext', '')) tester('ntpath.splitext("\\foo.ext\\foo")', ('\\foo.ext\\foo', '')) tester('ntpath.splitext("foo.ext\\")', ('foo.ext\\', '')) tester('ntpath.splitext("")', ('', '')) tester('ntpath.splitext("foo.bar.ext")', ('foo.bar', '.ext')) tester('ntpath.splitext("xx/foo.bar.ext")', ('xx/foo.bar', '.ext')) tester('ntpath.splitext("xx\\foo.bar.ext")', ('xx\\foo.bar', '.ext')) tester('ntpath.splitext("c:a/b\\c.d")', ('c:a/b\\c', '.d'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.metadata = kwargs.pop("metadata", {}) super(ParsePDB, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) profile_class = self.metadata.get( "ProfileClass", self.plugin_args.profile_class) # By default select the class with the same name as the pdb file. if profile_class is None: profile_class = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.plugin_args.pdb_filename))[0].capitalize() if profile_class not in obj.Profile.classes: profile_class = "BasicPEProfile" self.plugin_args.profile_class = profile_class versions = [] if self.plugin_args.windows_version is not None: versions = self.plugin_args.windows_version.split(".", 2) for i, metadata in enumerate(["major", "minor", "rev"]): try: self.metadata[metadata] = versions[i] except IndexError: break self.tpi = PDBParser(self.plugin_args.pdb_filename, self.session)