Python numba 模块,prange() 实例源码


项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __rgb2hlv(I_rgb, repetitions=1):
    I_hlv = []
    for p in prange(0,len(I_rgb)):
        r = I_rgb[p, pgc.CH_RED]
        g = I_rgb[p, pgc.CH_GREEN]
        b = I_rgb[p, pgc.CH_BLUE]

        lum = np.sqrt(.241 * r + .691 * g + .068 * b)

        h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)

        h2 = int(h * repetitions)
        lum2 = int(lum * repetitions)
        v2 = int(v * repetitions)

        if h2 % 2 == 1:
            v2 = repetitions - v2
            lum = repetitions - lum2

        I_hlv.append((h2, lum, v2))

    return np.array(I_hlv, dtype=[('h', '<i4'), ('l', '<i4'), ('v', '<i4')])
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reverb(I, delay_pixels, decay = 0.5):
    assert delay_pixels != 0, "delay_pixels must be not zero"
    x = pgc.to_1d_array(I)
    if delay_pixels > 0:
        for i in prange(0, len(x) - delay_pixels-1):
            # WARNING: overflow potential
            # x[i + delay_pixels] += (x[i] * decay).astype(np.uint8)
            x[i + delay_pixels] += (x[i] * decay)
    elif delay_pixels < 0:
        for i in prange(len(x)-1, -delay_pixels+1, -1):
            # WARNING: overflow potential
            # x[i + delay_pixels] += (x[i] * decay).astype(np.uint8)
            x[i + delay_pixels] += (x[i] * decay)
    I = np.reshape(x, I.shape)
    return I
    # return I.astype(np.uint8)

#TODO: optimize code
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def flanger(X, max_time_delay=0.003, rate=1, Fs=44100, amp=0.7):
    I = X.copy()
    if pgc.num_channels(X) == 3:
        I = __flangerRGB(I, max_time_delay, rate, Fs, amp)
        return I
        x = pgc.to_1d_array(I)
        idx = np.arange(0, len(x))
        sin_ref = (np.sin(2 * math.pi * idx * (rate / Fs)))
        max_samp_delay = round(max_time_delay * Fs)
        y = np.zeros(len(x))
        y[1: max_samp_delay] = x[1: max_samp_delay]
        for i in prange(max_samp_delay+1, len(x)):
            cur_sin = np.abs(sin_ref[i])
            cur_delay = math.ceil(cur_sin * max_samp_delay)
            y[i] = (amp * x[i]) + amp * (x[i - cur_delay])
        I = np.reshape(y, I.shape)
    return I
    # return I.astype(np.uint8)
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __flangerRGB(I, max_time_delay, rate, Fs, amp):
    x0 = pgc.to_1d_array(I[:,:,0])
    x1 = pgc.to_1d_array(I[:, :, 1])
    x2 = pgc.to_1d_array(I[:, :, 2])
    idx = np.arange(0, len(x0))
    sin_ref = (np.sin(2 * math.pi * idx * (rate / Fs)))
    max_samp_delay = round(max_time_delay * Fs)
    y0 = np.zeros(len(x0))
    y0[1: max_samp_delay] = x0[1: max_samp_delay]
    y1 = np.zeros(len(x0))
    y1[1: max_samp_delay] = x0[1: max_samp_delay]
    y2 = np.zeros(len(x0))
    y2[1: max_samp_delay] = x0[1: max_samp_delay]
    for i in prange(max_samp_delay+1, len(x0)):
        cur_sin = np.abs(sin_ref[i])
        cur_delay = math.ceil(cur_sin * max_samp_delay)
        y0[i] = (amp * x0[i]) + amp * (x0[i - cur_delay])
        y1[i] = (amp * x1[i]) + amp * (x1[i - cur_delay])
        y2[i] = (amp * x2[i]) + amp * (x2[i - cur_delay])

    I[:, :, 0] = np.reshape(y0, (pgc.height(I), pgc.width(I)))
    I[:, :, 1] = np.reshape(y1, (pgc.height(I), pgc.width(I)))
    I[:, :, 2] = np.reshape(y2, (pgc.height(I), pgc.width(I)))

    return I
项目:numba-examples    作者:numba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numba_kde_multithread(eval_points, samples, bandwidths):
    result = np.zeros_like(eval_points)

    # SPEEDTIP: Parallelize over evaluation points with prange()
    for i in numba.prange(len(eval_points)):
        eval_x = eval_points[i]
        for sample, bandwidth in zip(samples, bandwidths):
            result[i] += gaussian((eval_x - sample) / bandwidth) / bandwidth
        result[i] /= len(samples)

    return result
#### END: numba_multithread
项目:numba-examples    作者:numba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def potential_numba_scalar_prange(cluster):
    energy = 0.0
    # numba.prange requires parallel=True flag to compile.
    # It causes the loop to run in parallel in multiple threads.
    for i in numba.prange(len(cluster)-1):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(cluster)):
            r = distance_numba_scalar_prange(cluster[i], cluster[j])
            e = lj_numba_scalar_prange(r)
            energy += e

    return energy
项目:pykdgrav    作者:omgspace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetPotentialParallel(x,tree, G, theta):
    result = empty(x.shape[0])
    for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
        result[i] = G*PotentialWalk(x[i],0.,tree,theta)
    return result
项目:pykdgrav    作者:omgspace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetAccelParallel(x, tree, G, theta):
    result = empty(x.shape)
    for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
        result[i] = G*ForceWalk(x[i], zeros(3), tree, theta)
    return result
项目:hpat    作者:IntelLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_array_reduce(self):
        def test_impl(N):
            A = np.ones(3);
            B = np.ones(3);
            for i in numba.prange(N):
                A += B
            return A

        hpat_func = hpat.jit(test_impl)
        n = 128
        np.testing.assert_allclose(hpat_func(n), test_impl(n))
        self.assertEqual(count_array_OneDs(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(count_parfor_OneDs(), 1)
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shift_rows_sine(X, start, num_rows, offset, phase, freq, padding):
    y = np.zeros(num_rows)
    for i in range(0,len(phase)):
        y += np.sin(phase[i] + freq[i] * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(0, num_rows) / int(num_rows/2))
    _offset = np.multiply(offset, y)
    I = X.copy()
    pad = None
    if padding == PADDING_CIRCULAR:
        for i in prange(0, len(_offset)):
            row = np.roll(I[start + i , 0:-1], int(_offset[i]), axis=0)
            I[start + i, 0:-1] = row
    return I
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pixel_sort_brighter_than_rgb(X, r, g, b, strict=False, sorting_order=('h', 'l', 'v'), iterations=8):
    """begin sorting when it finds a pixel which is not (r,g,b) in the column or row,
        and will stop sorting when it finds a (r,g,b) pixel"""
    I = X.copy()
    for row in prange(0, pgc.height(I)):
        if strict:
            from_idx = np.argwhere((I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_RED] > r) & (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_GREEN] > g)
                                   & (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_BLUE] > b))
            from_idx = np.argwhere((I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_RED] > r) | (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_GREEN] > g)
                                   | (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_BLUE] > b))

        to_idx = np.argwhere((I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_RED] <= r) & (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_GREEN] <= g)
                             & (I[row, :-1, pgc.CH_BLUE] <= b))

        if from_idx.size > 0 and to_idx.size > 0:
            i = from_idx[0][0]
            matches = np.argwhere(to_idx > i)
            while not matches.size == 0:
                j = to_idx[matches[0][0]][0]
                I_hlv = __rgb2hlv(I[row, i:j, 0:3], iterations)
                sort_idx = np.argsort(I_hlv, order=sorting_order)
                I[row, i:j] = I[row, i+sort_idx]
                matches_i = np.argwhere(from_idx > j)
                if matches_i.size == 0:
                    i = from_idx[matches_i[0][0]][0]
                    matches = np.argwhere(to_idx > i)
    return I
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __pixelate(X, block_height, block_width, h, w, _operator):

    for r in prange(0,h,block_height):
        for c in prange(0, w, block_width):
            m_val = _operator(X[r:r+block_height,c:c+block_width,:], axis=(0,1))
            X[r:r+block_height,c:c+block_width,:] = m_val
    return X.astype(np.uint8)

# from
项目:pyglitch    作者:giofusco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __tremoloRGB(I, Fc=5, alpha=0.5, Fs=44100):
    index = np.arange(0, pgc.width(I)*pgc.height(I))
    trem = (1 + alpha * np.sin(2 * np.pi * index * (Fc / Fs)))
    for c in prange(0, 2):
        x = pgc.to_1d_array(I[:, :, c])
        y = np.multiply(x, trem)
        I[:, :, c] = np.reshape(y, (pgc.height(I), pgc.width(I)))
    return I
项目:formation_python2017    作者:gouarin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_force( nbodies, child, center_of_mass, mass, cell_radius, particles, energy):
    for i in numba.prange(particles.shape[0]):
        acc = numba_functions.computeForce( nbodies, child, center_of_mass, mass, cell_radius, particles[i] )
        energy[i, 2] = acc[0]
        energy[i, 3] = acc[1]
项目:RRMPG    作者:kratzert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extrapolate_precipitation(prec, altitudes, met_station_height):
    """Extrapolate precipitation to any given height.

    This function can be used to extrapolate precipitation data from the height
    of the meteorological measurement station to any given height. The routine
    is take from the Excel version, which was released by the Cemaneige's 
    authors [1].

        prec: Numpy [t] array, which contains the precipitation input as 
            measured at the meteorological station.
        altitudes: Numpty [n] array of the median altitudes of each elevation
        met_station_height: Scalar, which is the elevation above sea level of
            the meteorological station.

        layer_prec: Numpy [t,n] array, with the precipitation of each elevation
            layer n.

    # precipitation gradient [1/m] defined in Cemaneige excel version
    beta_altitude = 0.0004

    # elevation threshold
    z_thresh = 4000

    # Number of elevation layer
    num_layers = len(altitudes)

    # Number of timesteps
    num_timesteps = prec.shape[0]

    # array for extrapolated precipitation of each elevation layer
    layer_prec = np.zeros((num_timesteps, num_layers), dtype=np.float64)

    # different extrapolation schemes depending on layer elevation
    for l in prange(num_layers):

        # layer median height smaller than threshold value
        if altitudes[l] <= z_thresh:
            layer_prec[:, l] = prec * np.exp((altitudes[l] - met_station_height)
                                             * beta_altitude)

        # layer median greater than threshold value

            # elevation of meteorological station smaller than threshold
            if met_station_height <= z_thresh:
                layer_prec[:, l] = prec * np.exp((z_thresh - met_station_height)
                                             * beta_altitude)

            # no extrapolation if station and layer median above threshold
                layer_prec[:, l] = prec

    return layer_prec
项目:RRMPG    作者:kratzert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extrapolate_temperature(min_temp, mean_temp, max_temp, altitudes,
    """Extrapolate temperature to any given height.

    This function can be used to extrapolate temperature data from the height
    of the meteorological measurement station to any given height. The routine
    is take from the Excel version, which was released by the Cemaneige's 
    authors [1].

        min_temp: Numpy [t] array, which contains the daily min temperature.    
        mean_temp: Numpy [t] array, which contains the daily mean temperature.
        max_temp: Numpy [t] array, which contains the daily max temperature.
        altitudes: Numpty [n] array of the median altitudes of each elevation
        met_station_height: Scalar, which is the elevation above sea level of
            the meteorological station.

        layer_min_temp: Numpy [t,n] array, layer-wise minium daily temperature.
        layer_mean_temp: Numpy [t,n] array, layer-wise mean daily temperature.
        layer_max_temp: Numpy [t,n] array, layer-wise maximum daily temperature.

    # temperature gradient [mm/m] defined in cema neige excel version
    theta_temp = -0.0065

    # Number of elevation layer
    num_layers = len(altitudes)

    # Number of timesteps
    num_timesteps = min_temp.shape[0]

    # initialize arrays for each variable and all layer
    layer_min_temp = np.zeros((num_timesteps, num_layers), dtype=np.float64)
    layer_mean_temp = np.zeros((num_timesteps, num_layers), dtype=np.float64)
    layer_max_temp = np.zeros((num_timesteps, num_layers), dtype=np.float64)

    for l in prange(num_layers):
        delta_temp = (altitudes[l] - met_station_height) * theta_temp

        # add delta temp to each temp variable
        layer_min_temp[:, l] = min_temp + delta_temp
        layer_mean_temp[:, l] = mean_temp + delta_temp
        layer_max_temp[:, l] = max_temp + delta_temp

    return layer_min_temp, layer_mean_temp, layer_max_temp