Python numpy.fft 模块,fft() 实例源码


项目:Auspex    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_rabi(xdata, ydata):
    """Analyze Rabi amplitude data to find pi-pulse amplitude and phase offset.
            xdata: ndarray of calibration amplitudes. length should be even.
            ydata: measurement amplitudes
            pi_amp: Fitted amplitude of pi pulsed
            offset: Fitted mixer offset
            fit_pts: Fitted points."""

    #seed Rabi frequency from largest FFT component
    N = len(ydata)
    yfft = fft(ydata)
    f_max_ind = np.argmax(np.abs(yfft[1:N//2]))
    f_0 = 0.5 * max([1, f_max_ind]) / xdata[-1]
    amp_0 = 0.5*(ydata.max() - ydata.min())
    offset_0 = np.mean(ydata)
    phase_0 = 0
    if ydata[N//2 - 1] > offset_0:
        amp_0 = -amp_0
    popt, _ = curve_fit(rabi_model, xdata, ydata, [offset_0, amp_0, f_0, phase_0])
    f_rabi = np.abs(popt[2])
    pi_amp = 0.5/f_rabi
    offset = popt[3]
    return pi_amp, offset, popt
项目:ThePayne    作者:pacargile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def smooth_fft(dx, spec, sigma):
    """Basic math for FFT convolution with a gaussian kernel.
    :param dx:
        The wavelength or velocity spacing, same units as sigma
    :param sigma:
        The width of the gaussian kernel, same units as dx
    :param spec:
        The spectrum flux vector
    # The Fourier coordinate
    ss = rfftfreq(len(spec), d=dx)
    # Make the fourier space taper; just the analytical fft of a gaussian
    taper = np.exp(-2 * (np.pi ** 2) * (sigma ** 2) * (ss ** 2))
    ss[0] = 0.01  # hack
    # Fourier transform the spectrum
    spec_ff = np.fft.rfft(spec)
    # Multiply in fourier space
    ff_tapered = spec_ff * taper
    # Fourier transform back
    spec_conv = np.fft.irfft(ff_tapered)
    return spec_conv
项目:rca-evaluation    作者:sieve-microservices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ncc_c(x, y):
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
    array([ 0.13333333,  0.36666667,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,
            0.36666667,  0.13333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,1,1], [1,1,1])
    array([ 0.33333333,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,  0.33333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3], [-1,-1,-1])
    array([-0.15430335, -0.46291005, -0.9258201 , -0.77151675, -0.46291005])
    den = np.array(norm(x) * norm(y))
    den[den == 0] = np.Inf

    x_len = len(x)
    fft_size = 1<<(2*x_len-1).bit_length()
    cc = ifft(fft(x, fft_size) * np.conj(fft(y, fft_size)))
    cc = np.concatenate((cc[-(x_len-1):], cc[:x_len]))
    return np.real(cc) / den
项目:scikit-kge    作者:mnick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cconv(a, b):
    Circular convolution of vectors

    Computes the circular convolution of two vectors a and b via their
    fast fourier transforms

    a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\mathcal{F}(a) \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

    a: real valued array (shape N)
    b: real valued array (shape N)

    c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
       convolution of a and b
    return ifft(fft(a) * fft(b)).real
项目:scikit-kge    作者:mnick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ccorr(a, b):
    Circular correlation of vectors

    Computes the circular correlation of two vectors a and b via their
    fast fourier transforms

    a \ast b = \mathcal{F}^{-1}(\overline{\mathcal{F}(a)} \odot \mathcal{F}(b))

    a: real valued array (shape N)
    b: real valued array (shape N)

    c: real valued array (shape N), representing the circular
       correlation of a and b

    return ifft(np.conj(fft(a)) * fft(b)).real
项目:ugm-kayu-nde    作者:mappuji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kayufft_db(signal, rate):
    """ Perform FFT for wood's longitudinal stress wave signal
        Acoustic signal in time domain and the sampling rate
        Signal in ferquency domain with unit in dB
    signal_length = len(signal)
    fft_result = fft(signal)
    uniq_points = int(ceil((signal_length + 1) / 2.0)) #only takes one side of FFT result
    fft_result = fft_result[0:uniq_points]
    fft_result = abs(fft_result)
    fft_result = fft_result / float(signal_length)
    fft_result = fft_result**2
    if signal_length % 2 > 0:
        fft_result[1:len(fft_result)] = fft_result[1:len(fft_result)] * 2
        fft_result[1:len(fft_result) - 1] = fft_result[1:len(fft_result) - 1] * 2
    fft_abscissa = arange(0, uniq_points, 1.0) * (rate / signal_length)
    fft_ordinate = 10 * log10(fft_result)
    return fft_ordinate, fft_abscissa
项目:ThePayne    作者:pacargile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def smooth_fft_vsini(dv,spec,sigma):
    # The Fourier coordinate
    ss = rfftfreq(len(spec), d=dv)

    # Make the fourier space taper
    ss[0] = 0.01 #junk so we don't get a divide by zero error
    ub = 2. * np.pi * sigma * ss
    sb = j1(ub) / ub - 3 * np.cos(ub) / (2 * ub ** 2) + 3. * np.sin(ub) / (2 * ub ** 3)
    #set zeroth frequency to 1 separately (DC term)
    sb[0] = 1.

    # Fourier transform the spectrum
    FF = np.fft.rfft(spec)

    # Multiply in fourier space
    FF_tap = FF * sb

    # Fourier transform back
    spec_conv = np.fft.irfft(FF_tap)
    return spec_conv
项目:EC602    作者:gottben    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_random_x(self):        
        Automatically generate a number of test cases for DFT() and compare results to numpy.fft.ftt
        This will generate and test input lists of length 2 to max_N a total of 10 times each


        #for x of length 2 to max_N (inclusive)
        for N in range(2,max_N+1):                      
            #generate and test x ten times
            for t in range(0,10):
                #randomly generate x
                x = []
                for i in range(0,N):
                #test DFT by comparing to fft.fft out to 6 decimal places
                testing.assert_array_almost_equal(DFT(x),fft.fft(x), err_msg='Your results do not agree with numpy.fft.fft',verbose=True)
项目:ArduPi-ECG    作者:ferdavid1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fourierExtrapolation(x, n_predict):
    n = len(x)
    n_harm = 10                     # number of harmonics in model
    t = np.arange(0, n)
    p = np.polyfit(t, x, 1)         # find linear trend in x
    x_notrend = x - p[0] * t        # detrended x
    x_freqdom = fft.fft(x_notrend)  # detrended x in frequency domain
    f = fft.fftfreq(n)              # frequencies
    indexes = list(range(n))
    # sort indexes by frequency, lower -> higher
    indexes.sort(key = lambda i: np.absolute(f[i]))

    t = np.arange(0, n + n_predict)
    restored_sig = np.zeros(t.size)
    for i in indexes[:1 + n_harm * 2]:
        ampli = np.absolute(x_freqdom[i]) / n   # amplitude
        phase = np.angle(x_freqdom[i])          # phase
        restored_sig += ampli * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[i] * t + phase)
    return restored_sig + p[0] * t
项目:ArduPi-ECG    作者:ferdavid1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fourierExtrapolation(x, n_predict):
    n = len(x)
    n_harm = 10                     # number of harmonics in model
    t = np.arange(0, n)
    p = np.polyfit(t, x, 1)         # find linear trend in x
    x_notrend = x - p[0] * t        # detrended x
    x_freqdom = fft.fft(x_notrend)  # detrended x in frequency domain
    f = fft.fftfreq(n)              # frequencies
    indexes = list(range(n))
    # sort indexes by frequency, lower -> higher
    indexes.sort(key = lambda i: np.absolute(f[i]))

    t = np.arange(0, n + n_predict)
    restored_sig = np.zeros(t.size)
    for i in indexes[:1 + n_harm * 2]:
        ampli = np.absolute(x_freqdom[i]) / n   # amplitude
        phase = np.angle(x_freqdom[i])          # phase
        restored_sig += ampli * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[i] * t + phase)
    return restored_sig + p[0] * t
项目:ArduPi-ECG    作者:ferdavid1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fourierExtrapolation(x, n_predict):
    n = len(x)
    n_harm = 10                     # number of harmonics in model
    t = np.arange(0, n)
    p = np.polyfit(t, x, 1)         # find linear trend in x
    x_notrend = x - p[0] * t        # detrended x
    x_freqdom = fft.fft(x_notrend)  # detrended x in frequency domain
    f = fft.fftfreq(n)              # frequencies
    indexes = list(range(n))
    # sort indexes by frequency, lower -> higher
    indexes.sort(key = lambda i: np.absolute(f[i]))

    t = np.arange(0, n + n_predict)
    restored_sig = np.zeros(t.size)
    for i in indexes[:1 + n_harm * 2]:
        ampli = np.absolute(x_freqdom[i]) / n   # amplitude
        phase = np.angle(x_freqdom[i])          # phase
        restored_sig += ampli * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[i] * t + phase)
    return restored_sig + p[0] * t
项目:Test-stock-prediction-algorithms    作者:timestocome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fourierEx(x, n_predict, harmonics):

    n = len(x)                  # number of input samples
    n_harmonics = harmonics            # f, 2*f, 3*f, .... n_harmonics  ( 1,2, )
    t = np.arange(0, n)         # place to store data
    p = np.polyfit(t, x, 1)     # find trend
    x_no_trend = x - p[0] * t 
    x_frequency_domains = fft.fft(x_no_trend)
    f = np.fft.fftfreq(n)       # frequencies
    indexes = list(range(n))
    indexes.sort(key=lambda i: np.absolute(f[i]))

    t = np.arange(0, n + n_predict)
    restored_signal = np.zeros(t.size)
    for i in indexes[:1 + n_harmonics * 2]:
        amplitude = np.absolute(x_frequency_domains[i] / n)
        phase = np.angle(x_frequency_domains[i])
        restored_signal += amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f[i] * t + phase)

    return restored_signal + p[0] * t
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peak_freq(signal,timebase,minfreq=0,maxfreq=1.e18):
    TODO: old code: needs review
    this function only has a basic unittest to make sure it returns
    the correct freq in a simple case.
    timebase = array(timebase)
    sig_fft = fft.fft(signal)
    sample_time = float(mean(timebase[1:]-timebase[:-1]))

    #SRH modification, frequencies seemed a little bit off because of the -1 in the denominator
    #Here we are trusting numpy....
    #fft_freqs = (1./sample_time)*arange(len(sig_fft)).astype(float)/(len(sig_fft)-1)
    fft_freqs = fft.fftfreq(len(sig_fft),d=sample_time)
    # only show up to nyquist freq
    new_len = len(sig_fft)/2
    sig_fft = sig_fft[:new_len]
    fft_freqs = fft_freqs[:new_len]
    [minfreq_elmt,maxfreq_elmt] = searchsorted(fft_freqs,[minfreq,maxfreq])
    sig_fft = sig_fft[minfreq_elmt:maxfreq_elmt]
    fft_freqs = fft_freqs[minfreq_elmt:maxfreq_elmt]

    peak_elmt = (argsort(abs(sig_fft)))[-1]
    return [fft_freqs[peak_elmt], peak_elmt]
项目:qmeq    作者:gedaskir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kernel_fredriksen(n):
    Generates kernel for Hilbert transform using FFT.

    n : int
        Number of equidistant grid points.

        Kernel used when performing Hilbert transform using FFT.
    aux = np.zeros(n+1, dtype=doublenp)
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        aux[i] = i*log(i)
    m = 2*n
    ker = np.zeros(m, dtype=doublenp)
    for i in range(1,n):
        ker[i] = aux[i+1]-2*aux[i]+aux[i-1]
        ker[m-i] = -ker[i]
    return fft(ker)/pi
项目:qmeq    作者:gedaskir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hilbert_fredriksen(f, ker=None):
    Performs Hilbert transform of f.

    f : array
        Values of function on a equidistant grid.
    ker : array
        Kernel used when performing Hilbert transform using FFT.

        Hilbert transform of f.
    if ker is None:
        ker = kernel_fredriksen(len(f))
    n = len(f)
    fpad = fft(np.concatenate( (f,np.zeros(len(ker)-n)) ))
    r = ifft(fpad*ker)
    return r[0:n]
项目:sound_source_localization    作者:povidanius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cross_correlation_using_fft(self, x, y):
    f1 = fft(x)
    f2 = fft(np.flipud(y))
        cc = np.real(ifft(f1 * f2))
    return fftshift(cc)

    # clean up
   # def close(self):
      # close serial
   #   self.ser.flush()
   #   self.ser.close() 

# Main
项目:Auspex    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hilbert(signal):
    # construct the Hilbert transform of the signal via the FFT
    # in essense, we just want to set negative frequency components to zero
    spectrum = np.fft.fft(signal)
    n = len(signal)
    midpoint = int(np.ceil(n/2))

    kernel = np.zeros(n)
    kernel[0] = 1
    if n%2 == 0:
        kernel[midpoint] = 1
    kernel[1:midpoint] = 2
    return np.fft.ifft(kernel * spectrum)
项目:accpy    作者:kramerfelix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_pyfftw(x, effort=effort[0], wis=False):
    N = len(x)
    a = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty(int(N), n, 'complex128')
    a[:] = x
    if wis is not False:
        fft =, threads=8)
        ifft =, threads=8)
        fft =, planner_effort=effort, threads=8)
        ifft =, planner_effort=effort, threads=8)
    return fft, ifft
项目:piradar    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def delayseq(x, delay_sec:float, fs:int):
    x: input 1-D signal
    delay_sec: amount to shift signal [seconds]
    fs: sampling frequency [Hz]

    xs: time-shifted signal

    assert x.ndim == 1, 'only 1-D signals for now'

    delay_samples = delay_sec*fs
    delay_int = round(delay_samples)

    nfft = nextpow2(x.size+delay_int)

    fbins = 2*pi*ifftshift((arange(nfft)-nfft//2))/nfft

    X = fft(x,nfft)
    Xs = ifft(X*exp(-1j*delay_samples*fbins))

    if isreal(x[0]):
        Xs = Xs.real

    xs = zeros_like(x)
    xs[delay_int:] = Xs[delay_int:x.size]

    return xs
项目:ugm-kayu-nde    作者:mappuji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def argmax_p(fft_ordinate, rate):
    """ Find an argmax of fft result
    upper_thresh_freq = 4100
    lower_thresh_freq = 800
    upper_thresh = int(len(fft_ordinate) / (rate / 2) * upper_thresh_freq)
    lower_thresh = int(len(fft_ordinate) / (rate / 2) * lower_thresh_freq)
    argmax = fft_ordinate[lower_thresh:upper_thresh].argmax()
    argmax += lower_thresh
    return argmax
项目:ugm-kayu-nde    作者:mappuji    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def max_p(fft_ordinate, rate):
    """ Find an argmax of fft result
    upper_thresh_freq = 4100
    lower_thresh_freq = 800
    upper_thresh = int(len(fft_ordinate) / (rate / 2) * upper_thresh_freq)
    lower_thresh = int(len(fft_ordinate) / (rate / 2) * lower_thresh_freq)
    # return max(fft_ordinate)
    return max(fft_ordinate[lower_thresh:upper_thresh])
项目:FMCW-radar    作者:khpeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Fourier(x,fs,NFFT):     # Approximate Fourier transform on the interval (-fs/2,fs/2)
    return f, T/N*np.exp(1j*pi*f*T)*fft(x*(-1.)**n,NFFT)
项目:seelab-jr    作者:jithinbp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_frequency(self, v, si):  # voltages, samplimg interval is seconds
        from numpy import fft
        NP = len(v)
        v = v -v.mean()         # remove DC component
        frq = fft.fftfreq(NP, si)[:NP/2]    # take only the +ive half of the frequncy array
        amp = abs(fft.fft(v)[:NP/2])/NP     # and the fft result
        index =  amp.argmax()               # search for the tallest peak, the fundamental
        return frq[index]
项目:seelab-jr    作者:jithinbp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def amp_spectrum(self, v, si, nhar=8):  
        # voltages, samplimg interval is seconds, number of harmonics to retain
        from numpy import fft
        NP = len(v)
        frq = fft.fftfreq(NP, si)[:NP/2]    # take only the +ive half of the frequncy array
        amp = abs(fft.fft(v)[:NP/2])/NP     # and the fft result
        index =  amp.argmax()               # search for the tallest peak, the fundamental
        if index == 0:                      # DC component is dominating
            index =  amp[4:].argmax()       # skip frequencies close to zero
        return frq[:index*nhar], amp[:index*nhar]   # restrict to 'nhar' harmonics
项目:seelab-jr    作者:jithinbp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fft(self,ya, si):
        Returns positive half of the Fourier transform of the signal ya. 
        Sampling interval 'si', in milliseconds
        ns = len(ya)
        if ns %2 == 1:  # odd values of np give exceptions
            ns=ns-1 # make it even
        v = np.array(ya)
        tr = abs(np.fft.fft(v))/ns
        frq = np.fft.fftfreq(ns, si)
        x = frq.reshape(2,ns/2)
        y = tr.reshape(2,ns/2)
        return x[0], y[0]
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cps(a,b):
    return fft.fft(a)*conjugate(fft.fft(b))
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cps(a,b):
    return fft.fft(a)*conjugate(fft.fft(b))
项目:pslab-python    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_frequency(self, v, si):  # voltages, samplimg interval is seconds
        from numpy import fft
        NP = len(v)
        v = v -v.mean()         # remove DC component
        frq = fft.fftfreq(NP, si)[:NP/2]    # take only the +ive half of the frequncy array
        amp = abs(fft.fft(v)[:NP/2])/NP     # and the fft result
        index =  amp.argmax()               # search for the tallest peak, the fundamental
        return frq[index]
项目:pslab-python    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def amp_spectrum(self, v, si, nhar=8):  
        # voltages, samplimg interval is seconds, number of harmonics to retain
        from numpy import fft
        NP = len(v)
        frq = fft.fftfreq(NP, si)[:NP/2]    # take only the +ive half of the frequncy array
        amp = abs(fft.fft(v)[:NP/2])/NP     # and the fft result
        index =  amp.argmax()               # search for the tallest peak, the fundamental
        if index == 0:                      # DC component is dominating
            index =  amp[4:].argmax()       # skip frequencies close to zero
        return frq[:index*nhar], amp[:index*nhar]   # restrict to 'nhar' harmonics
项目:pslab-python    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fft(self,ya, si):
        Returns positive half of the Fourier transform of the signal ya. 
        Sampling interval 'si', in milliseconds
        ns = len(ya)
        if ns %2 == 1:  # odd values of np give exceptions
            ns=ns-1 # make it even
        v = np.array(ya)
        tr = abs(np.fft.fft(v))/ns
        frq = np.fft.fftfreq(ns, si)
        x = frq.reshape(2,ns/2)
        y = tr.reshape(2,ns/2)
        return x[0], y[0]
项目:PyFusionGUI    作者:SyntaxVoid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call_spec():
    global y,NFFT,Fsamp,Fcentre,foverlap,detrend,_window, _type, fmod, chan_name, diag_name
    print len(y), NFFT,foverlap, _type, fmod
    ax = pl.subplot(111)
    if _type=='F': 
        print("shot=%d") % shot
        data = device.acq.getdata(shot, diag_name)    
        if chan_name=='':
                print("Choosing from", [ for chn in ch])
                print "Failed to open channel database - try mirnov_1_8"

#        data = pyfusion.load_channel(shot,name)
#        data = pyfusion.acq.getdata(shot_number, diag_name)    
        if data==None: return(False)

        if _window==local_none: windowfn=pl.window_none
#        else: windowfn=pl.window_hanning
        elif _window==local_hanning: windowfn=pl.window_hanning
        else: windowfn=_window(arange(NFFT))
        clim=(-60,20)   # eventually make this adjustable
# colorbar commented out because it keeps adding itself
        data.plot_spectrogram(NFFT=NFFT, windowfn=windowfn, noverlap=foverlap*NFFT, 
#                         colorbar=True, clim=clim)
#        colorbar() # used to come up on a separate page, fixed, but a little clunky - leave for now

    elif _type == 'T':
# some matplotlib versions don't know about Fc
        pl.specgram(z*y, NFFT=NFFT, Fs=Fsamp, detrend=detrend,
#                 window = _window
                 noverlap=foverlap*NFFT, cmap=cmap)
    elif _type == 'L':
    elif _type == 'W':
    elif _type =='C':
    else: raise ' unknown plot type "' + _type +'"'

# ------  END of call_spec