Python numpy.linalg 模块,qr() 实例源码


项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rcanonicalize(self, to_site):
        """Left-canonicalizes all local tensors _ltens[:to_site] in place

        :param to_site: Index of the site up to which canonicalization is to be

        assert 0 <= to_site < len(self), 'to_site={!r}'.format(to_site)

        lcanon, rcanon = self._lt.canonical_form
        for site in range(lcanon, to_site):
            ltens = self._lt[site]
            q, r = qr(ltens.reshape((-1, ltens.shape[-1])))
            # if ltens.shape[-1] > prod(ltens.phys_shape) --> trivial comp.
            # can be accounted by adapting rank here
            newtens = (q.reshape(ltens.shape[:-1] + (-1,)),
                       matdot(r, self._lt[site + 1]))
            self._lt.update(slice(site, site + 2), newtens,
                            canonicalization=('left', None))
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lcanonicalize(self, to_site):
        """Right-canonicalizes all local tensors _ltens[to_site:] in place

        :param to_site: Index of the site up to which canonicalization is to be

        assert 0 < to_site <= len(self), 'to_site={!r}'.format(to_site)

        lcanon, rcanon = self.canonical_form
        for site in range(rcanon - 1, to_site - 1, -1):
            ltens = self._lt[site]
            q, r = qr(ltens.reshape((ltens.shape[0], -1)).T)
            # if ltens.shape[-1] > prod(ltens.phys_shape) --> trivial comp.
            # can be accounted by adapting rank here
            newtens = (matdot(self._lt[site - 1], r.T),
                       q.T.reshape((-1,) + ltens.shape[1:]))
            self._lt.update(slice(site - 1, site + 1), newtens,
                            canonicalization=(None, 'right'))
项目:mpnum    作者:dseuss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _extract_factors(tens, ndims):
    """Extract iteratively the leftmost MPO tensor with given number of
    legs by a qr-decomposition

    :param np.ndarray tens: Full tensor to be factorized
    :param ndims: Number of physical legs per site or iterator over number of
        physical legs
    :returns: List of local tensors with given number of legs yielding a
        factorization of tens
    current = next(ndims) if isinstance(ndims, collections.Iterator) else ndims
    if tens.ndim == current + 2:
        return [tens]
    elif tens.ndim < current + 2:
        raise AssertionError("Number of remaining legs insufficient.")
        unitary, rest = qr(tens.reshape(([:current + 1]), -1)))

        unitary = unitary.reshape(tens.shape[:current + 1] + rest.shape[:1])
        rest = rest.reshape(rest.shape[:1] + tens.shape[current + 1:])

        return [unitary] + _extract_factors(rest, ndims)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mode_raw(self):
        # The factorization is not unique and varies between libraries,
        # so it is not possible to check against known values. Functional
        # testing is a possibility, but awaits the exposure of more
        # of the functions in lapack_lite. Consequently, this test is
        # very limited in scope. Note that the results are in FORTRAN
        # order, hence the h arrays are transposed.
        a = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], dtype=np.double)

        # Test double
        h, tau = linalg.qr(a, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (2, 3))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))

        h, tau = linalg.qr(a.T, mode='raw')
        assert_(h.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(tau.dtype == np.double)
        assert_(h.shape == (3, 2))
        assert_(tau.shape == (2,))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:Deep-Subspace-Clustering    作者:tonyabracadabra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def qr(a):
    return matlabarray(_qr(np.asarray(a)))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:anompy    作者:takuti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, Y):
        """Alg. 3: Randomized streaming update of the singular vectors at time t.

            Y (numpy array): m-by-n_t matrix which has n_t "normal" unit vectors.


        if not hasattr(self, 'E'):
            # initial sketch
            M = np.empty_like(Y)
            M[:] = Y[:]
            # combine current sketched matrix with input at time t
            # D: m-by-(n+ell-1) matrix
            M = np.concatenate((self.E[:, :-1], Y), axis=1)

        G = np.random.normal(0., 0.1, (self.m, 100 * self.ell))
        MM =, M.T)
        Q, R = ln.qr(, G))

        # eig() returns eigen values/vectors with unsorted order
        s, A = ln.eig(, MM), Q))
        order = np.argsort(s)[::-1]
        s = s[order]
        A = A[:, order]

        U =, A)

        # update k orthogonal bases
        self.U_k = U[:, :self.k]

        U_ell = U[:, :self.ell]
        s_ell = s[:self.ell]

        # shrink step in the Frequent Directions algorithm
        delta = s_ell[-1]
        s_ell = np.sqrt(s_ell - delta)

        self.E =, np.diag(s_ell))
项目:tensorly    作者:tensorly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tucker_tensor(shape, rank, full=False, random_state=None):
    """Generates a random Tucker tensor

    shape : tuple
        shape of the tensor to generate
    rank : int or int list
        rank of the Tucker decomposition
        if int, the same rank is used for each mode
        otherwise, dimension of each mode
    full : bool, optional, default is False
        if True, a full tensor is returned
        otherwise, the decomposed tensor is returned
    random_state : `np.random.RandomState`

    tucker_tensor : ND-array or (ND-array, 2D-array list)
        ND-array : full tensor if `full` is True
        (ND-array, 2D-array list) : core tensor and list of factors otherwise
    rns = check_random_state(random_state)

    if isinstance(rank, int):
        rank = [rank for _ in shape]

    for i, (s, r) in enumerate(zip(shape, rank)):
        if r > s:
            raise ValueError('The rank should be smaller than the tensor size, yet rank[{0}]={1} > shape[{0}]={2}.'.format(i, r, s))

    factors = []
    for (s, r) in zip(shape, rank):
        Q, _= qr(rns.random_sample((s, s)))
        factors.append(T.tensor(Q[:, :r]))

    core = T.tensor(rns.random_sample(rank))
    if full:
        return tucker_to_tensor(core, factors)
        return core, factors
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_qr(self, a):
        # This test expects the argument `a` to be an ndarray or
        # a subclass of an ndarray of inexact type.
        a_type = type(a)
        a_dtype = a.dtype
        m, n = a.shape
        k = min(m, n)

        # mode == 'complete'
        q, r = linalg.qr(a, mode='complete')
        assert_(q.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r, a_type))
        assert_(q.shape == (m, m))
        assert_(r.shape == (m, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q, r), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q.T.conj(), q), np.eye(m))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r), r)

        # mode == 'reduced'
        q1, r1 = linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')
        assert_(q1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(r1.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(q1, a_type))
        assert_(isinstance(r1, a_type))
        assert_(q1.shape == (m, k))
        assert_(r1.shape == (k, n))
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1, r1), a)
        assert_almost_equal(dot(q1.T.conj(), q1), np.eye(k))
        assert_almost_equal(np.triu(r1), r1)

        # mode == 'r'
        r2 = linalg.qr(a, mode='r')
        assert_(r2.dtype == a_dtype)
        assert_(isinstance(r2, a_type))
        assert_almost_equal(r2, r1)
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_qr_empty(self):
        a = np.zeros((0, 2))
        assert_raises(linalg.LinAlgError, linalg.qr, a)
项目:flurs    作者:takuti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_model(self, y):
        y = self.proj.reduce(np.array([y]).T)
        y = np.ravel(preprocessing.normalize(y, norm='l2', axis=0))

        if not hasattr(self, 'E'):
            self.E = np.zeros((self.k, self.ell))

        # combine current sketched matrix with input at time t
        zero_cols = np.nonzero([np.isclose(s_col, 0.0) for s_col in np.sum(self.E, axis=0)])[0]
        j = zero_cols[0] if zero_cols.size != 0 else self.ell - 1  # left-most all-zero column in B
        self.E[:, j] = y

        Gaussian = np.random.normal(0., 0.1, (self.k, 100 * self.ell))
        MM =, self.E.T)
        Q, R = ln.qr(, Gaussian))

        # eig() returns eigen values/vectors with unsorted order
        s, A = ln.eig(, MM), Q))
        order = np.argsort(s)[::-1]
        s = s[order]
        A = A[:, order]

        U =, A)

        # update the tracked orthonormal bases
        self.U_r = U[:, :self.r]

        # update ell orthogonal bases
        U_ell = U[:, :self.ell]
        s_ell = s[:self.ell]

        # shrink step in the Frequent Directions algorithm
        delta = s_ell[-1]
        s_ell = np.sqrt(s_ell - delta)

        self.E =, np.diag(s_ell))
项目:flurs    作者:takuti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __simultaneous_iteration(self, A, k, eps):
        n, d = A.shape

        q = int(np.log((n / eps) / eps))
        G = np.random.normal(0., 1., (d, k))

        # Gram-Schmidt
        Y =, A.T), q), A), G)  # (n, k)
        Q, R = ln.qr(Y, mode='complete')

        return Q
项目:pylgrim    作者:kirienko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mils(A, B, y, p=1):
    # x_hat,z_hat = mils(A,B,y,p) produces p pairs of optimal solutions to
    #               the mixed integer least squares problem min_{x,z}||y-Ax-Bz||, 
    #               where x and z are real and integer vectors, respectively.
    # Input arguments:
    #    A - m by k real matrix
    #    B - m by n real matrix
    #          [A,B] has full column rank
    #    y - m-dimensional real vector
    #    p - the number of optimal solutions
    # Output arguments:
    #    x_hat - k by p real matrix
    #    z_hat - n by p integer matrix (in double precision). 
    #           The pair {x_hat(:,j),z_hat(:,j)} is the j-th optimal solution
    #           i.e., its residual is the j-th smallest, so
    #           ||y-A*x_hat(:,1)-B*z_hat(:,1)||<=...<=||y-A*x_hat(:,p)-B*z_hat(:,p)||

    m, k = A.shape
    m2, n = B.shape
    if m != m2 or m != len(y) or len(y[1]) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Input arguments have a matrix dimension error!")

    if rank(A) + rank(B) < k + n:
        raise ValueError("hmmm...")

    Q, R = qr(A, mode='complete')
    Q_A = Q[:, :k]
    Q_Abar = Q[:, k:]
    R_A = R[:k, :]

    # Compute the p optimal integer least squares solutions
    z_hat = ils(dot(Q_Abar.T, B), dot(Q_Abar.T, y), p)

    # Compute the corresponding real least squares solutions
    x_hat = lstsq(R_A, dot(Q_A.T, (dot(y, ones((1, p))) - dot(B, z_hat))))

    return x_hat, z_hat
项目:ro_sgns    作者:AlexGrinch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def projector_splitting(self, eta=5e-6, d=100, 
                            MAX_ITER=1, from_iter=0, display=0, 
                            init=(False, None, None), save=(False, None)):
        Projector splitting algorithm for word2vec matrix factorization.

        # Initialization
        if (init[0]):
            self.C = init[1]
            self.W = init[2]
            self.C = np.random.rand(d, self.D.shape[0])
            self.W = np.random.rand(d, self.D.shape[1]) 

        if (save[0] and from_iter==0):
                self.save_CW(save[1], 0)

        X = (self.C)
        for it in xrange(from_iter, from_iter+MAX_ITER):

            if (display):
                print "Iter #:", it+1

            U, S, V = svds(X, d)
            S = np.diag(S)
            V = V.T

            self.C =
            self.W = np.sqrt(S).dot(V.T)

            if (save[0]):
                self.save_CW(save[1], it+1)

            F = self.grad_MF(self.C, self.W)
            #mask = np.random.binomial(1, .5, size=F.shape)
            #F = F * mask

            U, _ = qr((X + eta*F).dot(V))
            V, S = qr((X + eta*F)
            V = V.T
            S = S.T

            X =