def _fix_output(output, usemask=True, asrecarray=False): """ Private function: return a recarray, a ndarray, a MaskedArray or a MaskedRecords depending on the input parameters """ if not isinstance(output, MaskedArray): usemask = False if usemask: if asrecarray: output = output.view(MaskedRecords) else: output = ma.filled(output) if asrecarray: output = output.view(recarray) return output
def test_view_simple_dtype(self): (mrec, a, b, arr) = self.data ntype = (np.float, 2) test = mrec.view(ntype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, ma.MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, np.array(list(zip(a, b)), dtype=np.float)) self.assertTrue(test[3, 1] is ma.masked)
def get_gaussian_seeing_weighted_spec(self, x_c, y_c, radius, seeing=4): """ Function to extract the spectrum of a circular aperture defined by x_c, y_c and radius in spaxel space. The spectrum is weighted by a 2d gaussian centered at the center of the aperture, with a std = seeing in spaxels :param x_c: x coordinate of the center of the aperture (spaxel) :param y_c: y coordiante of the center of the aperture (spaxel) :param radius: radius of the circular aperture :param seeing: standard deviation of the gaussian in spaxels :return: XSpectrum1D object """ import scipy.ndimage.filters as fi new_3dmask = self.get_mini_cube_mask_from_ellipse_params(x_c, y_c, radius) w = self.wavelength n = len(w) fl = np.zeros(n) sig = np.zeros(n) self.cube.mask = new_3dmask for wv_ii in range(n): mask = new_3dmask[wv_ii] center = np.zeros(mask.shape) ###Por alguna razon no funciona si cambio la asignacion a np.zeros_like(mask) center[y_c][x_c] = 1 weigths = ma.MaskedArray(fi.gaussian_filter(center, seeing)) weigths.mask = mask weigths = weigths / np.sum(weigths) fl[wv_ii] = np.sum(self.cube[wv_ii] * weigths) sig[wv_ii] = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.stat[wv_ii] * (weigths ** 2))) self.cube.mask = self.mask_init return XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((w, fl, sig))
def set_smooth_metdata(): @wrapt.decorator def func_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): do_meta = from_args(wrapped, ("meta",), *args, **kwargs)["meta"] if do_meta is None: do_meta = True if not xarray_enabled() or not do_meta: return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) argvars = from_args(wrapped, ("field", "passes"), *args, **kwargs) field = argvars["field"] passes = argvars["passes"] result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs) outname = "smooth2d" outdimnames = ["dim_{}".format(i) for i in py3range(result.ndim)] outcoords = OrderedDict() outattrs = OrderedDict() if isinstance(field, DataArray): outname = "smooth_" + ucode(field.name) outdimnames = list(field.dims) outcoords.update(field.coords) outattrs.update(field.attrs) outattrs["passes"] = passes if isinstance(result, ma.MaskedArray): outattrs["_FillValue"] = result.fill_value outattrs["missing_value"] = result.fill_value return DataArray(result, name=outname, coords=outcoords, dims=outdimnames, attrs=outattrs) return func_wrapper
def test_null_types(self): """ Test to validate that the numpy protocol handler can deal with null values. @since 3.3.0 - updated 3.6.0: now numeric types used masked array @jira_ticket PYTHON-550 @expected_result Numpy can handle non mapped types' null values. @test_category data_types:serialization """ s = self.session s.row_factory = tuple_factory s.client_protocol_handler = NumpyProtocolHandler table = "%s.%s" % (self.keyspace_name, self.function_table_name) create_table_with_all_types(table, s, 10) begin_unset = max(s.execute('select primkey from %s' % (table,))[0]['primkey']) + 1 keys_null = range(begin_unset, begin_unset + 10) # scatter some emptry rows in here insert = "insert into %s (primkey) values (%%s)" % (table,) execute_concurrent_with_args(s, insert, ((k,) for k in keys_null)) result = s.execute("select * from %s" % (table,))[0] from numpy.ma import masked, MaskedArray result_keys = result.pop('primkey') mapped_index = [v[1] for v in sorted(zip(result_keys, count()))] had_masked = had_none = False for col_array in result.values(): # these have to be different branches (as opposed to comparing against an 'unset value') # because None and `masked` have different identity and equals semantics if isinstance(col_array, MaskedArray): had_masked = True [self.assertIsNot(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]] [self.assertIs(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]] else: had_none = True [self.assertIsNotNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]] [self.assertIsNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]] self.assertTrue(had_masked) self.assertTrue(had_none)
def load_data(self): hdulist = fits.open(self.filename) print("MuseCube: Loading the cube fluxes and variances...") # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() self.cube = ma.MaskedArray(hdulist[1].data) self.stat = ma.MaskedArray(hdulist[2].data) print("MuseCube: Defining master masks (this may take a while but it is for the greater good).") # masking self.mask_init = np.isnan(self.cube) | np.isnan(self.stat) self.cube.mask = self.mask_init self.stat.mask = self.mask_init # for ivar weighting ; consider creating it in init ; takes long # self.flux_over_ivar = self.cube / self.stat self.header_1 = hdulist[1].header # Necesito el header para crear una buena copia del white. self.header_0 = hdulist[0].header if self.filename_white is None: print("MuseCube: No white image given, creating one.") w_data = copy.deepcopy(self.create_white(save=False).data) w_header_0 = copy.deepcopy(self.header_0) w_header_1 = copy.deepcopy(self.header_1) # These loops remove the third dimension from the header's keywords. This is neccesary in order to # create the white image and preserve the cube astrometry for i in w_header_0.keys(): if '3' in i: del w_header_0[i] for i in w_header_1.keys(): if '3' in i: del w_header_1[i] # prepare the header hdu = fits.HDUList() hdu_0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=w_header_0) hdu_1 = fits.ImageHDU(data=w_data, header=w_header_1) hdu.append(hdu_0) hdu.append(hdu_1) hdu.writeto('new_white.fits', clobber=True) self.filename_white = 'new_white.fits' print("MuseCube: `new_white.fits` image saved to disk.")
def spatial_smooth(self, npix, output="smoothed.fits", test=False, **kwargs): """Applies Gaussian filter of std=npix in both spatial directions and writes it to disk as a new MUSE Cube. Notes: the STAT cube is not touched. Parameters ---------- npix : int Std of Gaussian kernel in spaxel units. output : str, optional Name of the output file test : bool, optional Whether to check for flux being conserved **kwargs are passed down to scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter() Return ------ Writes a new file to disk. """ if not isinstance(npix, int): raise ValueError("npix must be integer.") cube_new = copy.deepcopy(self.cube) ntot = len(self.cube) for wv_ii in range(ntot): print('{}/{}'.format(wv_ii + 1, ntot)) image_aux = self.cube[wv_ii, :, :] smooth_ii = ma.MaskedArray(ndimage.gaussian_filter(image_aux, sigma=npix, **kwargs)) smooth_ii.mask = image_aux.mask | np.isnan(smooth_ii) # test the fluxes are conserved if test: gd_pix = ~smooth_ii.mask try: med_1 = np.nansum(smooth_ii[gd_pix]) med_2 = np.nansum(image_aux[gd_pix]) print(med_1, med_2, (med_1 - med_2) / med_1) np.testing.assert_allclose(med_1, med_2, decimal=4) except AssertionError: import pdb pdb.set_trace() cube_new[wv_ii, :, :] = smooth_ii # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() hdulist = fits.open(self.filename) hdulist[1].data = cube_new.data prihdr = hdulist[0].header comment = 'Spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of sigma={} spaxels (by MuseCube)'.format(npix) print(comment) prihdr['history'] = comment hdulist.writeto(output, clobber=True) print("MuseCube: new smoothed cube written to {}".format(output))
def spatial_smooth(self, npix, output="smoothed.fits", test=False, **kwargs): """Applies Gaussian filter of std=npix in both spatial directions and writes it to disk as a new MUSE Cube. Notes: the STAT cube is not touched. Parameters ---------- npix : int Std of Gaussian kernel in spaxel units. output : str, optional Name of the output file test : bool, optional Whether to check for flux being conserved **kwargs are passed down to scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter() Return ------ Writes a new file to disk. """ if not isinstance(npix, int): raise ValueError("npix must be integer.") cube_new = ma.MaskedArray(copy.deepcopy(self.cube)) cube_new.mask = np.isnan(self.cube) | np.isnan(self.stat) ntot = len(self.cube) for wv_ii in range(ntot): print('{}/{}'.format(wv_ii + 1, ntot)) image_aux = cube_new[wv_ii, :, :] smooth_ii = ma.MaskedArray(ndimage.gaussian_filter(image_aux, sigma=npix, **kwargs)) smooth_ii.mask = image_aux.mask | np.isnan(smooth_ii) # test the fluxes are conserved if test: gd_pix = ~smooth_ii.mask try: med_1 = np.nansum(smooth_ii[gd_pix]) med_2 = np.nansum(image_aux[gd_pix]) print(med_1, med_2, (med_1 - med_2) / med_1) np.testing.assert_allclose(med_1, med_2, decimal=4) except AssertionError: import pdb pdb.set_trace() cube_new[wv_ii, :, :] = smooth_ii # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() hdulist = fits.open(self.filename) hdulist[1].data = cube_new.data prihdr = hdulist[0].header comment = 'Spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of sigma={} spaxels (by MuseCube)'.format(npix) print(comment) prihdr['history'] = comment hdulist.writeto(output, clobber=True) print("MuseCube: new smoothed cube written to {}".format(output))
def test_null_types(self): """ Test to validate that the numpy protocol handler can deal with null values. @since 3.3.0 - updated 3.6.0: now numeric types used masked array @jira_ticket PYTHON-550 @expected_result Numpy can handle non mapped types' null values. @test_category data_types:serialization """ s = self.session s.client_protocol_handler = NumpyProtocolHandler table = "%s.%s" % (self.keyspace_name, self.function_table_name) create_table_with_all_types(table, s, 10) begin_unset = max(s.execute('select primkey from %s' % (table,))[0]['primkey']) + 1 keys_null = range(begin_unset, begin_unset + 10) # scatter some emptry rows in here insert = "insert into %s (primkey) values (%%s)" % (table,) execute_concurrent_with_args(s, insert, ((k,) for k in keys_null)) result = s.execute("select * from %s" % (table,))[0] from numpy.ma import masked, MaskedArray result_keys = result.pop('primkey') mapped_index = [v[1] for v in sorted(zip(result_keys, count()))] had_masked = had_none = False for col_array in result.values(): # these have to be different branches (as opposed to comparing against an 'unset value') # because None and `masked` have different identity and equals semantics if isinstance(col_array, MaskedArray): had_masked = True [self.assertIsNot(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]] [self.assertIs(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]] else: had_none = True [self.assertIsNotNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]] [self.assertIsNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]] self.assertTrue(had_masked) self.assertTrue(had_none)