Python numpy.random 模块,normal() 实例源码


项目:math_stat_python    作者:Sammers21    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(m=mean, c=count_of_elements):
    global h_one_true, h_two_true
    # of course sum is 10000
    h_one_true = 0
    h_two_true = 0
    for i in range(10000):
        # TODO ???????? ??? ?? ???? ?????????????
        array_of_elements_from_distribution = l.normal(m, sigma, c)
        average = sum(array_of_elements_from_distribution) / c
        right = average + (cvantil0025gaussian * sigma / n.sqrt(c))
        left = average - (cvantil0025gaussian * sigma / n.sqrt(c))
        if left < mean < right:
            h_one_true += 1
            h_two_true += 1
    return h_one_true, h_two_true
项目:Safe-RL-Benchmark    作者:befelix    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map(self, state):
        """Compute output in session.

        Make sure a default session is set when calling.
        state = state.flatten()

        if self.sess is None:
            sess = tf.get_default_session()
            sess = self.sess
        mean, var =[self.a_pred, self.var], {self.X: [state]})

        action = np.array(normal(mean, var))
        action = action.reshape(self.action_space.shape)

        return action
项目:XTREE    作者:ai-se    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patchIt(i,testInst, config=False):
    # 1. Find where t falls
    C = changes() # Record changes
    testInst = pd.DataFrame(testInst).transpose()
    current = i.find(testInst, i.tree)
    node = current
    while node.lvl > -1:
      node = node.up  # Move to tree root

    leaves = flatten([i.leaves(_k) for _k in])
      if i.config:
        best = sorted([l for l in leaves if l.score<current.score], key=lambda F: i.howfar(current,F))[0]
        best = sorted([l for l in leaves if l.score<=0.01*current.score], key=lambda F: i.howfar(current,F))[0]
      return testInst.values.tolist()[0]

    def new(old, range):
      rad = abs(min(range[1]-old, old-range[1]))
      # return randn(old, rad) if rad else old
      # return uniform(old-rad,rad+old)
      return uniform(range[0],range[1])

    for ii in best.branch:
      before = testInst[ii[0]]
      if not ii in current.branch:
        then = testInst[ii[0]].values[0]
        now = ii[1] if i.config else new(testInst[ii[0]].values[0], ii[1])
        # print(current.branch,best.branch)
        testInst[ii[0]] = now[0], old=then, new=now)

    testInst[testInst.columns[-1]] = None
    return testInst.values.tolist()[0]
项目:iutils    作者:inconvergent    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_unit_vec(num, scale):
  from numpy.random import normal

  rnd = normal(size=(num,3))
  d = norm(rnd,axis=1)
  rnd[:] /= reshape(d, (num,1))
  return rnd*scale
项目:Video-Classification-Action-Recognition    作者:qijiezhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_orthogonal_init_weights(weights):
    fan_out = weights.size(0)
    fan_in = weights.size(1) * weights.size(2)*weights.size(3)*weights.size(4)

    u, _, v = svd(normal(0.0, 0.01, (fan_out, fan_in)), full_matrices=False)

    if u.shape == (fan_out, fan_in):
        return torch.Tensor(u.reshape(weights.size()))
        return torch.Tensor(v.reshape(weights.size()))
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def skewedGauss(mu, sigma, bounds, upperSkewed=True):
    raw = gauss(mu, sigma)

    # Quicker to check an extra condition than do unnecessary math. . . .
    if raw < mu and not upperSkewed:
        out = ((mu - bounds[0]) / (3 * sigma)) * raw + ((mu * (bounds[0] - (mu - 3 * sigma))) / (3 * sigma))
    elif raw > mu and upperSkewed:
        out = ((mu - bounds[1]) / (3 * -sigma)) * raw + ((mu * (bounds[1] - (mu + 3 * sigma))) / (3 * -sigma))
        out = raw

    return out

# @todo create a def for generating an alpha and beta for a beta distribution
#   given a mu, sigma, and an upper and lower bound.  This proved faster in
#   profiling in addition to providing a much better distribution curve
#   provided multiple iterations happen within this function; otherwise it was
#   slower.
#   This might be a scratch because of the bounds placed on mu and sigma:
#   For alpha > 1 and beta > 1:
#   mu^2 - mu^3           mu^3 - mu^2 + mu
#   ----------- < sigma < ----------------
#      1 + mu                  2 - mu
##def generateBeta(mu, sigma, scale, repitions=1):
##    results = []
##    return results

# Creates rock objects:
项目:django-celery-rabbitmq-example    作者:Giangblackk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fft_random(n):
    for i in range(n):
        x = random.normal(0, 0.1, 2000)
        y = fft(x)
        if(i%30 == 0):
            process_percent = int(100 * float(i)/float(n))
                meta={'process_percent': process_percent})
    return random.random()
项目:django-celery-rabbitmq-example    作者:Giangblackk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(tid, n):
    for i in range(n):
        x = random.normal(0, 0.1, 2000)
        y = fft(x)
    result = dict()
    result['x'] = random.random()
    result['y'] = random.randint(100)
    return result

# @task_success.connect(sender='celeryapp.tasks.fft_random')
项目:riemann_workshop    作者:madedotcom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_page_latency():
    return normal(page_latency_mean, page_latency_stddev, 1)[0]
项目:riemann_workshop    作者:madedotcom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_asset_latency():
    return normal(asset_latency_mean, asset_latency_stddev, 1)[0]
项目:isp-data-pollution    作者:essandess    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def diurnal_cycle_test(self):
        now =
        tmhr = now.hour + now.minute/60.
        phase = npr.normal(14.,1.)
        exponent = min(0.667,self.chi2_mean_std(0.333,0.1))
        def cospow(x,e):  # flattened cosine with e < 1
            c = np.cos(x)
            return np.sign(c) * np.power(np.abs(c), e)
        diurn = max(0.,0.5*(1.+cospow((tmhr-phase)*(2.*np.pi/24.),exponent)))
        flr = min(0.1,self.chi2_mean_std(0.02,0.002))
        val = flr + (1.-flr)*diurn
        return npr.uniform() < val
项目:Fluid2d    作者:pvthinker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,param,grid):


        self.gamma = 1e-1

        self.forc = random.normal(size=self.sizevar)*self.msk
项目:Fluid2d    作者:pvthinker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_forcing(self,x,t,dxdt):
        """ add the forcing term on x[0]=the vorticity """

        dt = t-self.t

        self.forc = (1-self.gamma*dt)*self.forc + dt*self.gamma * random.normal(size=self.sizevar)*self.msk

        dxdt[0] += self.intensity * self.forc
项目:optnet    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(args):
    nBps = npr.randint(args.minBps, args.maxBps)
    bpLocs = [0] + sorted(npr.choice(args.seqLen-2, nBps-1, replace=False)+1) + [args.seqLen]
    bpDiffs = np.diff(bpLocs)
    heights = npr.randint(args.minHeight, args.maxHeight, nBps)
    Y = []
    for d, h in zip(bpDiffs, heights):
        Y += [h]*d
    Y = np.array(Y, dtype=np.float)

    X = Y + npr.normal(0, args.noise, (args.seqLen))
    return X, Y
项目:Kaleido    作者:vacancy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conv(name, src, cout, cin, k, p=0, s=1, wstd=0.01):
    W = opr.parameter(npr.normal(scale=wstd, size=(cout, cin, k, k)).astype('float32'), name=name + ':W')
    b = opr.parameter(np.zeros(shape=(1, cout, 1, 1), dtype='float32'), name=name + ':b')
    y = opr.conv2d(src, W, padding=p, stride=s, name=name) + b
    return opr.tanh(y)
项目:Kaleido    作者:vacancy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fc(name, src, cout, cin, wstd=0.01, nonlin=True):
    W = opr.parameter(npr.normal(scale=wstd, size=(cin, cout)).astype('float32'), name=name + ':W')
    b = opr.parameter(np.zeros(shape=(1, cout), dtype='float32'), name=name + ':b')
    y = opr.matmul(src, W) + b
    return opr.tanh(y) if nonlin else y
项目:robotics1project    作者:pchorak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    n = 20 # number of simulated measurements

    # Hidden parameters
    p0a = np.array([[215.0],[0],[-20]]) # mm
    ptc = np.array([[25.0],[10],[-30]]) # mm
    Rtc = math3D.rot([1.0,0.1,0.2],180) # deg

    # Simulate measurements
    angle_list = []
    pca_list = []
    for k in range(n):
        angles = (rng.normal(0,45),60*rng.rand(),60*rng.rand())
        # Dobot kinematics
        Rt0 = np.transpose(DobotModel.R0T(angles))
        p0t = np.transpose(np.matrix(DobotModel.forward_kinematics(angles)))
        # calculate camera vector
        pca = np.transpose(Rtc)*(Rt0*(p0a - p0t) - ptc)
        pca = pca + rng.normal(0,0.5,[3,1]) # add noise (mm)
        # add to lists

    # Estimate transformation
    (ptc_est,Rtc_est,p0a_est) = get_pose(angle_list,pca_list)
    ptc_est[2] = ptc_est[2] + p0a[2] - p0a_est[2] # could use all elements if confident about p0a
    print "ptc"
    print ptc
    print "ptc (estimate)"
    print ptc_est
    print "Rtc"
    print Rtc
    print "Rtc (estimate)"
    print Rtc_est
项目:pynamd    作者:radakb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, nstates=2, max_samples=10, klow=1.0e-1, khi=1.0e1,
                 randseed=None, sample_fudge=0.0, unsampled_states=0):
        self.max_samples = int(max_samples)
        self.nstates = int(nstates)
        # Randomize the HO parameters.
        klow, khi = float(klow), float(khi)
        #spacing = uniform(self.nstates, size=self.nstates)
        #k = klow*(khi / klow)**(spacing / self.nstates)
        # k = uniform(float(klow), float(khi), size=self.nstates)
        k = klow + (khi - klow)*exponential(1.0, self.nstates)
        sigma = sqrt(1/k)
        x0 = uniform(-0.5*sigma.max(), 0.5*sigma.max(), size=self.nstates)
        # Choose which states to sample from.
        nsampled_states = self.nstates - int(unsampled_states)
        sampled_indices = choice(arange(self.nstates), nsampled_states, False)
        # Generate samples up to max.
        x_in = normal(0.0, 1.0, (nsampled_states, self.max_samples))
        x_in *= sigma[sampled_indices, newaxis]
        x_in += x0[sampled_indices, newaxis]
        self.data_size = zeros(self.nstates, int32) 
        self.data_size[sampled_indices] += self.max_samples
        # Randomly remove samples for uneven sampling.  Note that at least one
        # state must remain the same, otherwise max_samples is incorrect.
        # Also, we don't actually have to do anything to the actual samples, bc
        # the sample size is used as a mask!
        del_max = int(sample_fudge*self.max_samples + 0.5) + 1
        if del_max > 1:
            sample_shift = randint(0, del_max, nsampled_states)
            if all(sample_shift > 0): # Randomly reset the shift for a state.
                sample_shift[choice(arange(nsampled_states))] = 0
            self.data_size[sampled_indices] -= sample_shift
        self.unsampled_indices = where(self.data_size == 0)[0]
        # Compute the energy in all states
        u_ijn = 0.5*(k[:, newaxis]*(x_in[:, newaxis, :] - x0[:, newaxis])**2)
        self.u_ijn = u_ijn
        self.f_actual = 0.5*log(k / k[0])[1:]
        self.x0 = x0
        self.x_jn = x_in
项目:piradar    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sim_iono(tx,fs,dist_m,codelen,Nstd,Ajam,station_id,usefilter,outpath,verbose):
    awgn = (normal(scale=Nstd, size=tx.size) + 1j*normal(scale=Nstd, size=tx.size))

    jam = Ajam * waveform_to_file(station_id+1, codelen, filt=usefilter, outpath=outpath,verbose=verbose)

    # delay transmit signal and add undesired signals
    tdelay_sec = 2*dist_m / c
    print(f'refl. height {dist_m/1e3} km -> delay {tdelay_sec:.3e} sec')

    rx = delayseq(tx,tdelay_sec,fs) + awgn + jam

    return rx
项目:dynamic-walking    作者:stephane-caron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate(self, dt, real, cur_est, noise_intensity):
        Update an estimation under noise and delays.

        dt : scalar
            Time since last estimation (usually one control cycle).
        real : array
            Ground-truth coordinates.
        cur_est : array
            Current estimation.
        noise_intensity : scalar
            Intensity of noise signal in [m] / [s].

        estimate : array
            New estimate.
        Delta = cur_est - real
        delay = Delta * exp(-dt / self.delay) if self.delay > 1e-4 else 0.
        if noise_intensity < 1e-4:
            return real + delay
        sigma = noise_intensity * dt
        noise = random.normal(0., sigma, size=real.shape)
        return real + delay + noise
项目:dynamic-walking    作者:stephane-caron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __update_zmp(self, target, dt):
        dz = self.zmp_state.p - target
        delay = dz * exp(-dt / self.zmp_delay) if self.zmp_delay > 1e-4 else 0.
        if self.zmp_noise < 1e-4:
            self.zmp_state.set_pos(target + delay)
        sigma = self.zmp_noise * dt
        noise = normal(0., sigma, size=target.shape)
        self.zmp_state.set_pos(target + delay + noise)
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def VaryDimension(num_samples, dimension = 5):
        Xmean = zeros(dimension)
        Xcov = identity(dimension)
        data_x = multivariate_normal(Xmean, Xcov, num_samples)
        data_z = transpose([normal(0,1,num_samples)])
        data_y = 20*sin(4*pi*(data_x[:,[0]]**2 + data_x[:,[1]]**2)) + data_z
        return data_x,data_y
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SimpleLn(num_samples, dimension = 5):
        Xmean = zeros(dimension)
        Xcov = identity(dimension)
        data_x = multivariate_normal(Xmean, Xcov, num_samples)
        data_z = transpose([normal(0,1,num_samples)])
        data_y = data_x[:,[0]] + data_z
        return data_x, data_y
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):

        import matplotlib as mpl

        n = 100
        with tm.RNGContext(42):
            gender = np.random.choice(['Male', 'Female'], size=n)
            classroom = np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C'], size=n)

            self.hist_df = DataFrame({'gender': gender,
                                      'classroom': classroom,
                                      'height': random.normal(66, 4, size=n),
                                      'weight': random.normal(161, 32, size=n),
                                      'category': random.randint(4, size=n)})

        self.mpl_le_1_2_1 = plotting._mpl_le_1_2_1()
        self.mpl_ge_1_3_1 = plotting._mpl_ge_1_3_1()
        self.mpl_ge_1_4_0 = plotting._mpl_ge_1_4_0()
        self.mpl_ge_1_5_0 = plotting._mpl_ge_1_5_0()

        if self.mpl_ge_1_4_0:
            self.bp_n_objects = 7
            self.bp_n_objects = 8
        if self.mpl_ge_1_5_0:
            # 1.5 added PolyCollections to legend handler
            # so we have twice as many items.
            self.polycollection_factor = 2
            self.polycollection_factor = 1
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_boxplot_subplots_return_type(self):
        df = self.hist_df

        # normal style: return_type=None
        result =
        self.assertIsInstance(result, np.ndarray)
        self._check_box_return_type(result, None, expected_keys=[
                                    'height', 'weight', 'category'])

        for t in ['dict', 'axes', 'both']:
            returned =, subplots=True)
                returned, t,
                expected_keys=['height', 'weight', 'category'],
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_series_groupby_plotting_nominally_works(self):
        n = 10
        weight = Series(np.random.normal(166, 20, size=n))
        height = Series(np.random.normal(60, 10, size=n))
        with tm.RNGContext(42):
            gender = np.random.choice(['male', 'female'], size=n)

        # Regression test for GH8733
项目:ademxapp    作者:itijyou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Lighting(alpha_std, eig_val, eig_vec):
    def _impl(data):
        if alpha_std == 0:
            return data
        data = data.astype(np.single, copy=False)
        alpha = npr.normal(0, alpha_std, 3)
        rgb = (eig_vec * alpha.reshape((1,3)) * eig_val.reshape((1,3))).sum(1).astype(np.single)
        data += rgb.reshape((1,1,3))
        data /= 1. + alpha_std
        return data
    return _impl

# Blend the two and save into data1
项目:particle    作者:qrqiuren    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, smp, dt, nparts, neff, initdoa, initvel, initstd,
                 noisestd, expo):
        smp : SpectrumSampler
            Sampler of spatial spectrum.
        dt : float
            Time interval of time steps.
        nparts : int
            Number of particles to be drawn by the particle filter.
        neff : int
            The threshold of efficient particles. Should less than `nparts`.
        initdoa : float
            Initial DOA angle.
        initvel : float
            Initial velocity of `initdoa`.
        initstd : float
            Standard deviation of initial particles.
        noisestd : float
            Standard deviation of noise.
        expo : float
            Exponent of computing likelihood of each particles.
        self.smp = smp

        self.A = np.array([[1, dt], [0, 1]])
        self.B = np.array([dt * dt / 2, dt])

        self.nparts = nparts
        self.neff = neff

        self.noisestd = noisestd

        self.expo = expo

        # Draw particles and set initial weight
        x0 = np.array([initdoa, initvel])
        self.x = np.tile(x0, (nparts, 1)).T + \
            (normal(0., initstd, (nparts, 2)) * self.B).T
        self.w = np.ones((nparts,)) / nparts
项目:pyculib    作者:numba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_array(dtype, shape, slices=None, empty=False):
    """Create a test array of the given dtype and shape.
    if slices is given, the returned array aliases a bigger parent array
    using the specified start and step values. (The stop member is expected to
    be appropriate to yield the given length.)"""

    from numpy.random import normal, seed

    def total_size(s):
        # this function doesn't support slices whose members are 'None'
        return s.start + (s.stop - s.start)*np.abs(s.step)

    if not slices:
        a = np.empty(dtype=dtype, shape=shape)
        if type(shape) is not tuple: # 1D
            pshape = total_size(slices)
            pshape = tuple([total_size(s) for s in slices])
        parent = np.empty(dtype=dtype, shape=pshape)
        a = parent[slices]

    if not empty:
        mult = np.array(1, dtype=dtype)
        a[:] = normal(0.,1.,shape).astype(dtype) * mult
    return a
项目:klusta    作者:kwikteam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def artificial_waveforms(n_spikes=None, n_samples=None, n_channels=None):
    # TODO: more realistic waveforms.
    return .25 * nr.normal(size=(n_spikes, n_samples, n_channels))
项目:klusta    作者:kwikteam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def artificial_features(*args):
    return .25 * nr.normal(size=args)
项目:klusta    作者:kwikteam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def artificial_traces(n_samples, n_channels):
    # TODO: more realistic traces.
    return .25 * nr.normal(size=(n_samples, n_channels))
项目:libSigNetSim    作者:vincent-noel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def applyNoiseToData(self):

        for i, experimental_data in enumerate(self.listOfExperimentalData.keys()):

            t_experimental_data = self.listOfExperimentalData[experimental_data]

            t_filtered_t = []
            t_filtered_values = []

            # Filter some time points to impose a sampling
            if self.sampling is not None:
                for j,t_time in enumerate(t_experimental_data.t):

                    if not (abs((float(t_time)/self.sampling - round(float(t_time)/self.sampling, 0))) > 1e-12 and float(t_time) > 0):

                t_filtered_t = t_experimental_data.t
                t_filtered_values = t_experimental_data.values

            # Add noise to all variables
            if self.noise > 0:
                for j, value in enumerate(t_filtered_values):
                    noise = exp(normal(0, self.noise))
                    t_filtered_values[j] = t_filtered_values[j] * noise

            self.listOfExperimentalData[experimental_data].size = len(t_filtered_t)
            self.listOfExperimentalData[experimental_data].t = t_filtered_t
            self.listOfExperimentalData[experimental_data].values = t_filtered_values
项目:dict_based_learning    作者:tombosc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, vocabulary_size, features_size, markov_order, 
                 temperature=1.0, pc_double_meaning=0.2, markov_order_dict=1,
                 min_len_definitions=4, max_len_definitions=8):
        markov_order: integer at least 1 such that
            p(x_t|x_t-1:x_1) = p(x_t|x_t-1:x_t-markov_order)
        temperature: temperature for softmax
        pc_double_meaning: percent of the tokens that have 2 different possible
                           feature vectors, i.e. 2 meanings
        assert(features_size >= 1) = markov_order
        self.V = vocabulary_size
        self.T = temperature
        self.mo_d = markov_order_dict # markov order for the dictionary definitions
        self.min_len_def = min_len_definitions
        self.max_len_def = max_len_definitions

        self.params = normal(0,1,( * features_size, self.V))
        self.params_d = normal(0,1,(self.mo_d * features_size, self.V))
        # trying to regulate the norm of the features.
        self.features = normal(0,1/(2*np.log(features_size)),
                              (self.V, features_size))

        self.features_size = features_size

        # tokens are composed of a..z letters 
        alphabet = ''.join([chr(c) for c in range(97, 97+26)]) # str(a..z)
        # tokens all have the same size tok_len
        self.tok_len = int(np.log(vocabulary_size) / np.log(len(alphabet)) + 1)
        n_homonyms = int(self.V * pc_double_meaning)
        # enumerate all the tokens
        self.vocabulary = []
        for i, tok in zip(range(self.V - n_homonyms),
                          itertools.product(alphabet, repeat=self.tok_len)):
        for i in range(n_homonyms):
            tok = np.random.choice(self.V - n_homonyms)

        # create definitions and fill the dictionary
        self.dictionary = {}
        for i in range(self.V - n_homonyms):
            tok = self.vocabulary[i]
            self.dictionary[tok] = [self.define_token(i)]
        for i in range(self.V - n_homonyms, self.V):
            tok = self.vocabulary[i]

        self.initial_features = normal(0,1,(, features_size))
        self.initial_features_d = normal(0,1,(self.mo_d, features_size))
项目:slitSpectrographBlind    作者:aasensio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def seeing(d_over_r0, npix=256, nterms=15, level=None, quiet=False, tiptilt=True):
  Returns the wavefront resulting from a realization of the seeing

      d_over_r0 (real): D/r0
      npix (int, optional): number of pixels
      nterms (int, optional): number of terms to include
      level (real, optional): precision level on the wavefront. This sets the number of terms
      quiet (bool, optional): verbose

      real: wavefront
  scale = pow(d_over_r0,5.0/3.0)

  if level:
    narr = numpy.arange(400,dtype='d') + 2
    coef = numpy.sqrt(0.2944*scale*(numpy.power((narr-1),-0.866) - numpy.power(narr,-0.866)))
    wh = numpy.where(coef < level)
    n = wh[0][0]
    norder = int(ceil(sqrt(2*n)-0.5))
    nterms = norder*(norder+1)/2
    if (nterms < 15):
      nterms = 15

  wf = numpy.zeros((npix,npix),dtype='d')

  if (nterms == 0):
    return wf

  resid = numpy.zeros(nterms,dtype='d')
  coeff = numpy.zeros(nterms,dtype='d')

  resid[0:10] = [1.030,0.582,0.134,0.111,0.088,0.065,0.059,0.053,0.046,0.040]

  if (nterms > 10):
    for i in range(10,nterms):
      resid[i] = 0.2944*pow(i+1,-0.866)

  for j in range(2,nterms+1):
    coeff[j-1] = sqrt((resid[j-2]-resid[j-1])*scale)
    if (tiptilt == False and j <= 3):
      coeff[j-1] = 0.0
    wf += coeff[j-1]*normal()*zernike(j,npix=npix)

  if not quiet:
    print( "Computed Zernikes to term %d and RMS %f" % (nterms,coeff[nterms-1]))

  return wf
项目:EndemicPy    作者:j-i-l    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, n=None, method='stub', **distribution):
            Possible arguments for the distribution are:
            - network_type: specify the type of network that should be constructed (THIS IS MANDATORY).
                It can either be the name of a distribution or of a certain network type.

            ['l_partition', 'poisson', 'normal', 'binomial', 'exponential', 'geometric', 'gamma', 'power', 'weibull']
            For specific parameters of the distributions, see:

            - method: The probabilistic framework after which the network will be constructed.
            - distribution specific arguments. Check out the description of the specific numpy
                function. Or just give the argument network_type and look at what the error tells you.

           see self._create_graph for more information
        self.is_static = True
        self._rewiring_attempts = 100000
        self._stub_attempts = 100000
        self.permitted_types = allowed_dists + ["l_partition", 'full']
        self.is_directed = False
        # to do: pass usefull info in here.
        self._info = {}
        #for now only undirected networks
        if n is not None:
            self.n = n
            if method in ['proba', 'stub']:
                self.method = method
                raise ValueError(method + ' is not a permitted method! Chose either "proba" or "stub"')
                self.nw_name = distribution.pop('network_type')
                empty_graph = False
            except KeyError:
                self.nn = []
                empty_graph = True
                #create an empty graph if network_type is not given
            if not empty_graph:
                if self.nw_name not in self.permitted_types:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The specified network type \"%s\" is not permitted. \
                        Please chose from " % self.nw_name + '[' + ', '.join(self.permitted_types) + ']')
                self.distribution = distribution
项目:particle    作者:qrqiuren    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def salphas_cplx(alpha, gamma, size=None):
    Generate complex random variables under S-alpha-S distribution.

    Please check the reference paper for furthur details on algorithms and

    alpha : float
        Alpha coefficient (characteristic exponent) of S-alpha-S distribution.
    gamma : float
        Gamma coefficient (dispersion parameter) of S-alpha-S distribution.
    size : tuple of ints, optional
        Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k
        samples are drawn. If not indicated, a complex value will be returned.

    a : float
        A real number or a real matrix with size `size` which is the sample of
        the distribution.

    Tsakalides, P., and Nikias C. L., "The robust covariation-based MUSIC
    (ROC-MUSIC) algorithm for bearing estimation in impulsive noise
    environments", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
    Jul. 1996, Vol. 44 No. 7: 1623-1633
    # Generate sample of S-alpha-S random variable A and calc its square root
    agamma = cos(pi * alpha / 4) ** 2
    a = salphas(alpha=alpha, beta=1, gamma=agamma, size=size)

    # Generate Gaussian sample G1 and G2
    sigma = 2 * (gamma ** (1 / alpha))
    g1 = random.normal(0., sigma, size=size)
    g2 = random.normal(0., sigma, size=size)

    # Calculate the final sample
    x = (np.array(a, dtype=np.complex) ** 0.5) * (g1 + 1j * g2)
    return x
项目:icnn    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('task', type=str,
                        choices=['InvertedPendulum', 'InvertedDoublePendulum',
                                 'Reacher', 'HalfCheetah', 'Swimmer', 'Hopper',
                                 'Walker2d', 'Ant', 'Humanoid', 'HumanoidStandup'],
                        help='(Every task is currently v1.)')
    parser.add_argument('--alg', type=str, choices=all_algs)
    parser.add_argument('--nSamples', type=int, default=50)
    parser.add_argument('--save', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    allDir = or os.path.join('output.random-search', args.task)
    if os.path.exists(allDir):
        if args.overwrite:
    os.makedirs(allDir, exist_ok=True)

    algs = [args.alg] if args.alg is not None else all_algs
    for i in range(args.nSamples):
        l1size = npr.randint(100, 600)
        l2size = npr.randint(100, l1size)
        hp_alg = {
            'l1size': l1size,
            'l2size': l2size,
            'reward_k': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, 1),
            'l2norm': 10.**npr.uniform(-10, -2),
            'pl2norm': 10.**npr.uniform(-10, -2),
            'rate': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'prate': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'outheta': np.maximum(1e-8, npr.normal(loc=0.15, scale=0.1)),
            'ousigma': np.maximum(1e-8, npr.normal(loc=0.1, scale=0.05)),
            'lrelu': 10.**npr.uniform(-4, -1),
            'naf_bn': bool(npr.binomial(1, 0.5)),
            'icnn_bn': bool(npr.binomial(1, 0.25)),
        if hp_alg['l2norm'] < 1e-8: hp_alg['l2norm'] = 0.
        if hp_alg['pl2norm'] < 1e-8: hp_alg['pl2norm'] = 0.
        if hp_alg['lrelu'] < 1e-3: hp_alg['lrelu'] = 0.

        for alg in algs:
            algDir = os.path.join(allDir, alg)
            runExp(args, alg, algDir, i, hp_alg)