def prepare_oae_PU4(known_transisitons): print("Learn from pre + action label", "*** INCOMPATIBLE MODEL! ***", sep="\n") N = known_transisitons.shape[1] // 2 y = generate_oae_action(known_transisitons) ind = np.where(np.squeeze(combined(y[:,N:])) > 0.5)[0] y = y[ind] actions = oae.encode_action(known_transisitons, batch_size=1000).round() positive = np.concatenate((known_transisitons[:,:N], np.squeeze(actions)), axis=1) actions = oae.encode_action(y, batch_size=1000).round() negative = np.concatenate((y[:,:N], np.squeeze(actions)), axis=1) # random.shuffle(negative) # negative = negative[:len(positive)] # normalize return (default_networks['PUDiscriminator'], *prepare_binary_classification_data(positive, negative))
def prepare_oae_PU5(known_transisitons): print("Learn from pre + suc + action label", "*** INCOMPATIBLE MODEL! ***", sep="\n") N = known_transisitons.shape[1] // 2 y = generate_oae_action(known_transisitons) ind = np.where(np.squeeze(combined(y[:,N:])) > 0.5)[0] y = y[ind] actions = oae.encode_action(known_transisitons, batch_size=1000).round() positive = np.concatenate((known_transisitons, np.squeeze(actions)), axis=1) actions = oae.encode_action(y, batch_size=1000).round() negative = np.concatenate((y, np.squeeze(actions)), axis=1) # random.shuffle(negative) # negative = negative[:len(positive)] # normalize return (default_networks['PUDiscriminator'], *prepare_binary_classification_data(positive, negative))
def puzzle_plot(p): p.setup() def name(template): return template.format(p.__name__) from itertools import islice configs = list(islice(p.generate_configs(9), 1000)) # be careful, islice is not immutable!!! import numpy.random as random random.shuffle(configs) configs = configs[:10] puzzles = p.generate(configs, 3, 3) print(puzzles.shape, "mean", puzzles.mean(), "stdev", np.std(puzzles)) plot_image(puzzles[-1], name("{}.png")) plot_image(np.clip(puzzles[-1]+np.random.normal(0,0.1,puzzles[-1].shape),0,1),name("{}+noise.png")) plot_image(np.round(np.clip(puzzles[-1]+np.random.normal(0,0.1,puzzles[-1].shape),0,1)),name("{}+noise+round.png")) plot_grid(puzzles, name("{}s.png")) _transitions = p.transitions(3,3,configs=configs) print(_transitions.shape) transitions_for_show = \ np.einsum('ba...->ab...',_transitions) \ .reshape((-1,)+_transitions.shape[2:]) print(transitions_for_show.shape) plot_grid(transitions_for_show, name("{}_transitions.png"))
def prepare(data): num = len(data) dim = data.shape[1]//2 print("in prepare: ",data.shape,num,dim) pre, suc = data[:,:dim], data[:,dim:] suc_invalid = np.copy(suc) random.shuffle(suc_invalid) diff_valid = suc - pre diff_invalid = suc_invalid - pre inputs = np.concatenate((diff_valid,diff_invalid),axis=0) outputs = np.concatenate((np.ones((num,1)),np.zeros((num,1))),axis=0) print("in prepare: ",inputs.shape,outputs.shape) io = np.concatenate((inputs,outputs),axis=1) random.shuffle(io) train_n = int(2*num*0.9) train, test = io[:train_n], io[train_n:] train_in, train_out = train[:,:dim], train[:,dim:] test_in, test_out = test[:,:dim], test[:,dim:] print("in prepare: ",train_in.shape, train_out.shape, test_in.shape, test_out.shape) return train_in, train_out, test_in, test_out
def prepare2(data): "valid data diff only" num = len(data) dim = data.shape[1]//2 print("in prepare: ",data.shape,num,dim) pre, suc = data[:,:dim], data[:,dim:] diff_valid = suc - pre inputs = diff_valid outputs = np.ones((num,1)) print("in prepare: ",inputs.shape,outputs.shape) io = np.concatenate((inputs,outputs),axis=1) random.shuffle(io) train_n = int(num*0.9) train, test = io[:train_n], io[train_n:] train_in, train_out = train[:,:dim], train[:,dim:] test_in, test_out = test[:,:dim], test[:,dim:] print("in prepare: ",train_in.shape, train_out.shape, test_in.shape, test_out.shape) return train_in, train_out, test_in, test_out
def prepare3(data): "valid data only" num = len(data) dim = data.shape[1]//2 print("in prepare: ",data.shape,num,dim) inputs = data outputs = np.ones((num,1)) print("in prepare: ",inputs.shape,outputs.shape) io = np.concatenate((inputs,outputs),axis=1) random.shuffle(io) train_n = int(num*0.9) train, test = io[:train_n], io[train_n:] train_in, train_out = train[:,:2*dim], train[:,2*dim:] test_in, test_out = test[:,:2*dim], test[:,2*dim:] print("in prepare: ",train_in.shape, train_out.shape, test_in.shape, test_out.shape) return train_in, train_out, test_in, test_out
def grid_search(task, default_parameters, parameters, report=None, report_best=None, limit=float('inf')): best = {'eval' :None, 'params' :None, 'artifact':None} results = [] import itertools names = [ k for k, _ in parameters.items()] values = [ v for _, v in parameters.items()] all_params = list(itertools.product(*values)) random.shuffle(all_params) [ print(r) for r in all_params] try: for i,params in enumerate(all_params): if i > limit: break local_parameters = { k:v for k,v in zip(names,params) } print("{}/{} {}".format(i, len(all_params), local_parameters)) artifact, eval = task(merge_hash(default_parameters,local_parameters)) _update_best(artifact, eval, local_parameters, results, best, report, report_best) finally: from colors import bold print(bold("*** Best parameter: ***\n{}\neval: {}".format(best['params'],best['eval']))) print(results) return best['artifact'],best['params'],best['eval']
def _optim(self, xys): idx = np.arange(len(xys)) self.batch_size = np.ceil(len(xys) / self.nbatches) batch_idx = np.arange(self.batch_size, len(xys), self.batch_size) for self.epoch in range(1, self.max_epochs + 1): # shuffle training examples self._pre_epoch() shuffle(idx) # store epoch for callback self.epoch_start = timeit.default_timer() # process mini-batches for batch in np.split(idx, batch_idx): # select indices for current batch bxys = [xys[z] for z in batch] self._process_batch(bxys) # check callback function, if false return for f in self.post_epoch: if not f(self): break
def createSampleData(m = 100, n = 20, scale = 2, p = 0.5): print("Creating sample data.") data = zeros((m, n)) row = scale * random.rand(n) k = 0 for i in range(m): u = random.rand() if u > p: row = scale * random.rand(n) k += 1 data[i] = row random.shuffle(data) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): data[i, j] = random.poisson(data[i, j]) print("Sample data created with {} different cell types.".format(k)) return data
def prepare_dirs(delete_train_dir=False): # Create checkpoint dir (do not delete anything) if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) # Cleanup train dir # ---- # This was removed to ensure Windows compatiblity # ---- #if delete_train_dir: # if tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.train_dir): # tf.gfile.Remove(FLAGS.train_dir) # tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.train_dir) # Return names of training files if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.dataset) or \ not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.dataset): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find folder `%s'" % (FLAGS.dataset,)) filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.dataset) random.shuffle(filenames) filenames = [os.path.join(FLAGS.dataset, f) for f in filenames] return filenames
def _add_cactus_edges(self, req): sub_trees = [(req.graph["root"], list(req.nodes))] cycles = 0 edges_on_cycle = set() while sub_trees and (cycles < self._raw_parameters["max_cycles"]): cycles += 1 root_node, sub_tree = sub_trees.pop() i = random.choice(sub_tree) j = random.choice(sub_tree) while i == j or (i in req.get_out_neighbors(j)) or (j in req.get_out_neighbors(i)): i = random.choice(sub_tree) j = random.choice(sub_tree) if req.node[i]["layer"] > req.node[j]["layer"]: i, j = j, i # make edges always point down the tree if random.random() < self._raw_parameters["probability"]: req.add_edge(i, j, self._edge_demand) edges_on_cycle.add((i, j)) path_i = CactusRequestGenerator._path_to_root(req, i, root_node) path_j = CactusRequestGenerator._path_to_root(req, j, root_node) new_cycle = path_i.symmetric_difference(path_j) # only edges on the path to the first common ancestor lie on cycle edges_on_cycle = edges_on_cycle.union(new_cycle) sub_trees = CactusRequestGenerator._list_nontrivial_allowed_subtrees(req, edges_on_cycle) random.shuffle(sub_trees)
def prepare_dirs(delete_train_dir=False): # Create checkpoint dir (do not delete anything) if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) # Cleanup train dir if delete_train_dir: if tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.train_dir): tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(FLAGS.train_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.train_dir) # Return names of training files if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.dataset) or \ not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.dataset): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find folder `%s'" % (FLAGS.dataset,)) filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory(FLAGS.dataset) filenames = sorted(filenames) random.shuffle(filenames) filenames = [os.path.join(FLAGS.dataset, f) for f in filenames] return filenames
def visualize(self, num=100, save=False): """ Visualizes given Sorting Algorithm :param num: Number of points that has to be chosen for visualization :param save: Boolean indicating whether to save animation in 'output' directory """ plt.title(self.sorter.name + " Visualization") plt.xlabel("Array Index") plt.ylabel("Element") data = np.arange(num) ran.shuffle(data) self.sorter.sort(data, visualization=True) self.hist_arr = self.sorter.hist_array self.scatter = plt.scatter(np.arange(self.hist_arr.shape[1]), self.hist_arr[0]) # plt.scatter(x-array,y-array) self.animation = animation.FuncAnimation(self.fig, self.__update, frames=self.hist_arr.shape[0], repeat=False, blit=False, interval=1) if save: import os import errno path = "output" try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise path = os.path.join('output', self.sorter.name + ".mp4") p1 = Process( target=lambda: self.animation.save(path, writer=animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=100))) p1.start() plt.show()
def compare(algorithms, pts=2000, maxrun=5, progress=True): """ Compares the given list of Sorting algorithms over and Plots a bar chart :param algorithms: List of Sorting algorithms :param pts: Number of elements in testing array :param maxrun: Number of iterations to take average :param progress: Whether to show progress bar or not """ base_arr = np.arange(pts) np.random.shuffle(base_arr) algorithms = [x() for x in algorithms] # Instantiate operations = {x.name: 0 for x in algorithms} print('Please wait while comparing Sorting Algorithms') if progress: import progressbar count = 0 max_count = maxrun * len(algorithms) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=max_count) for _ in range(maxrun): for algorithm in algorithms: if progress: count += 1 bar.update(count) algorithm.sort(base_arr) operations[algorithm.name] += algorithm.count np.random.shuffle(base_arr) operations = [(k, v / maxrun) for k, v in operations.items()] plt.suptitle('Sorting Algorithm Comparision\nAveraged over {} loops'.format(maxrun)) rects = plt.bar(left=np.arange(len(operations)), height=[y for (x, y) in operations]) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(operations)), [x for (x, y) in operations]) ax = plt.axes() for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.05 * height, '%d' % int(height), ha='center', va='bottom') plt.ylabel('Average number of basic operations') plt.show()
def read_rows(): geography_records = get_geography_rows() # get same amount of none records none_records = get_none_rows(limit=len(geography_records)) all_records = geography_records + none_records random.shuffle(all_records) return all_records
def permute_suc(data): dim = data.shape[1]//2 pre, suc = data[:,:dim], data[:,dim:] suc_invalid = np.copy(suc) random.shuffle(suc_invalid) data_invalid = np.concatenate((pre,suc_invalid),axis=1) data_invalid = set_difference(data_invalid, data) return data_invalid
def generate_oae_action(known_transisitons): print("listing actions") actions = oae.encode_action(known_transisitons, batch_size=1000).round() histogram = np.squeeze(actions.sum(axis=0,dtype=int)) available_actions = np.zeros((np.count_nonzero(histogram), actions.shape[1], actions.shape[2]), dtype=int) for i, pos in enumerate(np.where(histogram > 0)[0]): available_actions[i][0][pos] = 1 N = known_transisitons.shape[1] // 2 states = known_transisitons.reshape(-1, N) print("start generating transitions") y = oae.decode([ # s1,s2,s3,s1,s2,s3,.... repeat_over(states, len(available_actions), axis=0), # a1,a1,a1,a2,a2,a2,.... np.repeat(available_actions, len(states), axis=0),], batch_size=1000) \ .round().astype(np.int8) print("remove known transitions") y = set_difference(y, known_transisitons) print("shuffling") random.shuffle(y) return y ################################################################ # data preparation
def test(): valid = np.loadtxt(sae.local("all_actions.csv"),dtype=np.int8) random.shuffle(valid) N = valid.shape[1] // 2 print("valid",len(valid)) prediction = np.clip(discriminator.discriminate(valid,batch_size=1000).round(), 0,1) print("type1 error: ",100 * np.mean(1-prediction), "%") mixed = generate_oae_action(valid[:1000]) # x2x128 max p = latplan.util.puzzle_module(sae.local("")) pre_images = sae.decode_binary(mixed[:,:N],batch_size=1000) suc_images = sae.decode_binary(mixed[:,N:],batch_size=1000) answers = np.array(p.validate_transitions([pre_images, suc_images],batch_size=1000)) invalid = mixed[np.logical_not(answers)] print("mixed",len(mixed), "invalid", len(invalid)) prediction = np.clip(discriminator.discriminate(invalid,batch_size=1000).round(), 0,1) print("type2 error: ",100 * np.mean(prediction), "%") ind = np.where(np.squeeze(combined(invalid[:,N:])) > 0.5)[0] print("type2 error (w/o invalid states by sd3): ",100 * np.mean(prediction[ind]), "%") ind = p.validate_states(sae.decode_binary(invalid[:,N:],batch_size=1000),verbose=False,batch_size=1000) print("type2 error (w/o invalid states by validator): ",100 * np.mean(prediction[ind]), "%")
def mnist_puzzle(): strips.parameters = [[4000],[0.4],[49]] strips.epoch = 1000 strips.batch_size = 2000 print(strips.parameters,strips.epoch,strips.batch_size) import puzzles.mnist_puzzle as p def convert(panels): return np.array([ [i for i,x in enumerate(panels) if x == p] for p in range(9)]).reshape(-1) ig_c = [convert([8,0,6,5,4,7,2,3,1]), convert([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])] ig = p.states(3,3,ig_c) train_c = np.array([ random_walk(ig_c[0],300, lambda config: p.successors(config,3,3)) for i in range(40) ]) train_c = train_c.reshape((-1,9)) train = p.states(3,3,train_c) configs = p.generate_configs(9) configs = np.array([ c for c in configs ]) random.shuffle(configs) test_c = configs[:1000] test = p.states(3,3,test_c) ae = run(learn_flag,"samples/mnist_puzzle33p_rw_40restarts_{}/".format(strips.encoder), train, test) dump(ae, train, test, p.transitions(3,3,train_c,True)) configs = p.generate_configs(9) configs = np.array([ c for c in configs ]) dump_all_actions(ae,configs,lambda configs: p.transitions(3,3,configs)) latent_plan(*ig, ae, option)
def puzzle(type='mnist',width=3,height=3,N=36,num_examples=6500): parameters = { 'layer' :[1000],# [400,4000], 'clayer' :[16],# [400,4000], 'dropout' :[0.4], #[0.1,0.4], 'noise' :[0.4], 'N' :[N], #[25,49], 'dropout_z' :[False], 'activation' :['tanh'], 'full_epoch' :[150], 'epoch' :[150], 'batch_size' :[4000], 'lr' :[0.001], } import importlib p = importlib.import_module('latplan.puzzles.puzzle_{}'.format(type)) p.setup() configs = p.generate_configs(width*height) configs = np.array([ c for c in configs ]) assert len(configs) >= num_examples print(len(configs)) random.shuffle(configs) transitions = p.transitions(width,height,configs[:num_examples],one_per_state=True) states = np.concatenate((transitions[0], transitions[1]), axis=0) print(states.shape) train = states[:int(len(states)*0.9)] test = states[int(len(states)*0.9):] ae = run("_".join(map(str,("samples/puzzle",type,width,height,N,num_examples,encoder))), train, test, parameters) show_summary(ae, train, test) dump_autoencoding_image_if_necessary(ae,test[:1000],train[:1000]) dump_actions(ae,transitions) dump_states (ae,states) dump_all_actions(ae,configs, lambda configs: p.transitions(width,height,configs),) dump_all_states(ae,configs, lambda configs: p.states(width,height,configs),)
def hanoi(disks=7,towers=4,N=36,num_examples=6500): parameters = { 'layer' :[1000],# [400,4000], 'clayer' :[12],# [400,4000], 'dropout' :[0.6], #[0.1,0.4], 'noise' :[0.4], 'N' :[N], #[25,49], 'dropout_z' :[False], 'activation' : ['tanh'], 'full_epoch' :[1000], 'epoch' :[1000], 'lr_epoch' :[0.5], 'batch_size' :[500], 'optimizer' :['adam'], 'lr' :[0.001], } print("this setting is tuned for conv") import latplan.puzzles.hanoi as p configs = p.generate_configs(disks,towers) configs = np.array([ c for c in configs ]) assert len(configs) >= num_examples print(len(configs)) random.shuffle(configs) transitions = p.transitions(disks,towers,configs[:num_examples],one_per_state=True) states = np.concatenate((transitions[0], transitions[1]), axis=0) print(states.shape) train = states[:int(len(states)*0.9)] test = states[int(len(states)*0.9):] ae = run("_".join(map(str,("samples/hanoi",disks,towers,N,num_examples,encoder))), train, test, parameters) print("*** NOTE *** if l_rec is above 0.01, it is most likely not learning the correct model") show_summary(ae, train, test) dump_autoencoding_image_if_necessary(ae,test[:1000],train[:1000]) dump_actions(ae,transitions,repeat=100) dump_states (ae,states,repeat=100) dump_all_actions(ae,configs, lambda configs: p.transitions(disks,towers,configs),repeat=100) dump_all_states(ae,configs, lambda configs: p.states(disks,towers,configs),repeat=100)
def prepare_dirs(delete_train_dir=False, isTest=False): # Create checkpoint dir (do not delete anything) if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.checkpoint_dir) # Cleanup train dir if delete_train_dir: if tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.train_dir): tf.gfile.DeleteRecursively(FLAGS.train_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(FLAGS.train_dir) # Return names of training files if not tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.dataset) or \ not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(FLAGS.dataset): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find folder `%s'" % (FLAGS.dataset,)) if isTest: dataDir = FLAGS.dataset_test else: dataDir = FLAGS.dataset filenames = tf.gfile.ListDirectory(dataDir) filenames = sorted(filenames) random.shuffle(filenames) filenames = [os.path.join(dataDir, f) for f in filenames] return filenames
def __init__(self, dim = 100, save_dir = 'model_MtransE.bin'): self.dim = dim self.languages = [] self.rate = 0.01 #learning rate self.trained_epochs = 0 self.save_dir = save_dir #single-language models of each language self.models = {} self.triples = {} # cross-lingual linear transfer self.transfer = {} #intersect graph self.intersect_triples = np.array([0]) #shuffle index for intersect triples self.intersect_index = np.array([0])
def train_intersect_1epoch(self, shuffle=True, const_decay=1.0, sampling=False, L1=False): num_lan = len(self.languages) sum = 0.0 count = 0 index = None if shuffle == True: RD.shuffle(self.intersect_index) index = self.intersect_index else: index = range(len(self.intersect_index)) for x in index: line = self.intersect_triples[x] count += 1 if count % 50000 == 0: print "Scanned ",count," on intersect graph" transfer_index = '' for i in range(num_lan): for j in range(num_lan): if i == j: continue l_left = self.languages[i] l_right = self.languages[j] transfer_index = l_left + l_right this_transfer = self.transfer[transfer_index] sum += self.gradient_decent(this_transfer, self.models[l_left].vec_e[line[i][0]], self.models[l_right].vec_e[line[j][0]], const_decay, L1) sum += self.gradient_decent(this_transfer, self.models[l_left].vec_e[line[i][2]], self.models[l_right].vec_e[line[j][2]], const_decay, L1) sum += self.gradient_decent(this_transfer, self.models[l_left].vec_r[line[i][1]], self.models[l_right].vec_r[line[j][1]], const_decay, L1) return sum
def test_shuffle_mixed_dimension(self): # Test for trac ticket #2074 for t in [[1, 2, 3, None], [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), None], [1, (2, 2), (3, 3), None], [(1, 1), 2, 3, None]]: np.random.seed(12345) shuffled = list(t) random.shuffle(shuffled) assert_array_equal(shuffled, [t[0], t[3], t[1], t[2]])
def _pre_epoch(self): self.nviolations = 0 if self.samplef is None: shuffle(self.pxs) shuffle(self.nxs)
def gen(self, n_samples=1): """Generates independent samples from mog.""" ii = helper.discrete_sample(self.a, n_samples) ns = [np.sum((ii == i).astype(int)) for i in xrange(self.n_components)] samples = [x.gen(n) for x, n in izip(self.xs, ns)] samples = np.concatenate(samples, axis=0) rng.shuffle(samples) return samples
def reset(self): if self.is_train: logging.info("Shuffling data...") random.shuffle(self.qa_list)
def randomize(self): """ Moves the neural networks into random positions """ random.shuffle(self.nets)
def test_shuffle_of_array_of_different_length_strings(self): # Test that permuting an array of different length strings # will not cause a segfault on garbage collection # Tests gh-7710 np.random.seed(1234) a = np.array(['a', 'a' * 1000]) for _ in range(100): np.random.shuffle(a) # Force Garbage Collection - should not segfault. import gc gc.collect()
def test_shuffle_of_array_of_objects(self): # Test that permuting an array of objects will not cause # a segfault on garbage collection. # See gh-7719 np.random.seed(1234) a = np.array([np.arange(1), np.arange(4)]) for _ in range(1000): np.random.shuffle(a) # Force Garbage Collection - should not segfault. import gc gc.collect()
def distribute(): """distribue les cartes""" cards = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] random.shuffle(cards) return cards[:26], cards[26:]
def distribute_13(): """distribue les cartes""" cards = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] random.shuffle(cards) return cards[:26], cards[26:]
def distribute_n(n): """distribue les cartes avec n""" cards = list(range(0, n)) * 4 random.shuffle(cards) return cards[:2 * n], cards[2 * n:]
def __init__(self, perm_len, num_c, x2c): assert perm_len > 0 self._perm_len = perm_len self._num_c = num_c self._x2c = np.array(x2c, np.int32) self._c2x = [] for i in xrange(self._num_c): self._c2x.append(np.where(self._x2c == i)[0]) self._cur_c = -1 self._cls = npr.permutation(self._num_c).tolist() self._cur_x = [-1] * self._num_c for i in xrange(self._num_c): npr.shuffle(self._c2x[i])
def _next_c(self): self._cur_c += 1 if self._cur_c == self._num_c: npr.shuffle(self._cls) self._cur_c = 0 return self._cls[self._cur_c]
def _next_x(self, ind_c): self._cur_x[ind_c] += 1 if self._cur_x[ind_c] == len(self._c2x[ind_c]): npr.shuffle(self._c2x[ind_c]) self._cur_x[ind_c] = 0 return self._c2x[ind_c][self._cur_x[ind_c]]
def create_step10(maindir,mbconnect=None,maxsongs=500,nfilesbuffer=0,verbose=0): """ Most likely the first step to the databse creation. Get artists from the EchoNest based on familiarity INPUT maindir - MillionSongDataset main directory mbconnect - open musicbrainz pg connection maxsongs - max number of songs per artist nfilesbuffer - number of files to leave when we reach the M songs, e.g. we stop adding new ones if there are more than 1M-nfilesbuffer already RETURN number of songs actually created """ # get all artists ids artists = get_most_familiar_artists(nresults=100) # shuffle them npr.shuffle(artists) # for each of them create all songs cnt_created = 0 for artist in artists: # CLOSED CREATION? if CREATION_CLOSED: break if verbose>0: print 'doing artist:',artist; sys.stdout.flush() cnt_created += create_track_files_from_artist(maindir,artist, mbconnect=mbconnect, maxsongs=maxsongs) t1 = time.time() nh5 = count_h5_files(maindir) t2 = time.time() print 'found',nh5,'h5 song files in',maindir,'in',int(t2-t1),'seconds (pid='+str(os.getpid())+')'; sys.stdout.flush() # sanity stop if nh5 > TOTALNFILES - nfilesbuffer: return cnt_created # done return cnt_created
def analyze(self, maxpts=1000, progress=True): """ Plots the running time of sorting algorithm Checks for 3 cases, pre-sorted array, reverse sorted array and shuffled array Analysis is done by inputting randomly shuffled integer arrays with size staring from 100, and varying upto maxpts in the steps of 100, and counting the number of basic operations :param maxpts: Upper bound on elements chosen for analysing efficiency :param progress: Boolean indicating whether to show progress bar or not """ # x is list of input sizes # y_1 running time in case of Sorted Array # y_2 running time in case of Shuffled Array # y_3 running time in case of Reverse Sorted Array x, y = np.array([0]), [np.array([0]), np.array([0]), np.array([0])] labels = ['Sorted Array', 'Shuffled Array', 'Reverse Sorted Array'] print('Please wait while analyzing {} Algorithm'.format(self.sorter.name)) if progress: import progressbar count = 0 max_count = (maxpts - 100) // 100 bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=max_count) for n in range(100, maxpts, 100): # Vary n from 100 to max in steps of 100 if progress: count += 1 bar.update(count) data = np.arange(n) input_data = [np.array(data), data[::-1]] np.random.shuffle(data) input_data.append(data) for i in range(3): self.sorter.sort(input_data[i], False) y[i] = np.vstack((y[i], [self.sorter.count])) x = np.vstack((x, [n])) plt.suptitle(self.sorter.name + " Analysis") for i in range(3): plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) plt.title(labels[i]) plt.xlabel("No. of Elements") plt.ylabel("No. of Basic Operations") plt.scatter(x, y[i]) plt.tight_layout(pad=2) plt.show()
def grid_search(path, train_in, train_out, test_in, test_out): # perform random trials on possible combinations network = Discriminator best_error = float('inf') best_params = None best_ae = None results = [] print("Network: {}".format(network)) try: import itertools names = [ k for k, _ in parameters.items()] values = [ v for _, v in parameters.items()] all_params = list(itertools.product(*values)) random.shuffle(all_params) [ print(r) for r in all_params] for i,params in enumerate(all_params): config.reload_session() params_dict = { k:v for k,v in zip(names,params) } print("{}/{} Testing model with parameters=\n{}".format(i, len(all_params), params_dict)) ae = learn_model(path, train_in,train_out,test_in,test_out, network=curry(network, parameters=params_dict), params_dict=params_dict) error = ae.net.evaluate(test_in,test_out,batch_size=100,verbose=0) results.append({'error':error, **params_dict}) print("Evaluation result for:\n{}\nerror = {}".format(params_dict,error)) print("Current results:") results.sort(key=lambda result: result['error']) [ print(r) for r in results] if error < best_error: print("Found a better parameter:\n{}\nerror:{} old-best:{}".format( params_dict,error,best_error)) del best_ae best_params = params_dict best_error = error best_ae = ae else: del ae print("Best parameter:\n{}\nerror: {}".format(best_params,best_error)) finally: print(results) best_ae.save() with open(best_ae.local("grid_search.log"), 'a') as f: import json f.write("\n") json.dump(results, f) return best_ae,best_params,best_error