Python numpy.random 模块,permutation() 实例源码


项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_pvalue_with_time_tracking(self,data_x=None,data_y=None):
        if data_x is None and data_y is None:
            if not self.streaming and not self.freeze_data:
                start = time.clock()
                data_generating_time = time.clock()-start
                data_x = self.data_x
                data_y = self.data_y
                data_generating_time = 0.
            data_generating_time = 0.
        #print 'data generating time passed: ', data_generating_time
        SubHSIC_statistic = self.SubHSIC_statistic(unbiased=self.unbiased,data_x=data_x, data_y = data_y)
        for jj in range(self.num_shuffles):
            pp = permutation(self.num_samples)
            yy = self.data_y[pp,:]
            null_samples[jj]=self.SubHSIC_statistic(data_x = data_x, data_y = yy, unbiased = self.unbiased)
        pvalue = ( sum( null_samples > SubHSIC_statistic ) ) / float( self.num_shuffles )
        return pvalue, data_generating_time
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_pvalue_with_time_tracking(self,data_x = None, data_y = None):
        if data_x is None and data_y is None:
            if not self.streaming and not self.freeze_data:
                start = time.clock()
                data_generating_time = time.clock()-start
                data_x = self.data_x
                data_y = self.data_y
                data_generating_time = 0.
            data_generating_time = 0.
        print 'data generating time passed: ', data_generating_time
        SubCorr_statistic = self.SubCorr_statistic(data_x=data_x,data_y=data_y)
        for jj in range(self.num_shuffles):
            pp = permutation(self.num_samples)
            yy = self.data_y[pp,:]
            null_samples[jj]=self.SubCorr_statistic(data_x = data_x, data_y = yy)
        pvalue = ( sum( null_samples > SubCorr_statistic ) ) / float( self.num_shuffles )
        return pvalue, data_generating_time
项目:Ultras-Sound-Nerve-Segmentation---Kaggle    作者:Simoncarbo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_ordering(train_imgs, train_masks, train_index):
    ordering = pd.DataFrame(data = np.arange(len(train_index[:,0])),columns = ['initial_order'],index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([train_index[:,0],train_index[:,1]],names = ['subject','image']))
    ordering.sort_index(inplace = True, level = 'subject')

    #shuffle intra subject
    ordering = ordering.groupby(level = 'subject').apply(lambda x:x.iloc[random.permutation(len(x))])
    ordering.index = ordering.index.droplevel(0)

    #create new column with new subject image order
    ordering['new'] = 0
    ordering['new'] = ordering['new'].groupby(level = 'subject').transform(lambda x:np.arange(len(x)).T)

    #take all first images per subject and so on
    final_ordering = np.array([])
    for i in ordering['new'].unique():
        idx = ordering.loc[ordering['new'] == i,'initial_order'] # indexes of i'th image for each user after shuffling
        idx = idx.iloc[random.permutation(len(idx))] # shuffle users in batch
        final_ordering = np.hstack((final_ordering,idx.values))
    final_ordering = final_ordering.astype(int)
    train_imgs , train_masks, train_index = train_imgs[final_ordering], train_masks[final_ordering], train_index[final_ordering]
    return train_imgs , train_masks, train_index
项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_parallel_helper(params):

    params: (i,(statistic, population_A, population_B, NA, NB, ntrials))
    (i,(statistic, population_A, population_B, NA, NB, ntrials)) = params
    if NA is None:
        NA = len(population_A)
        assert NA<=len(population_A)
    if NB is None:
        NB = len(population_B)
        assert NB<=len(population_B)
    result = []
    for i in range(ntrials):
        shuffle = random.permutation(concatenate([population_A,population_B]))
    return i,result
项目:sgcrfpy    作者:dswah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_newton_direction(self, active, fixed, vary, max_iter=1):
        # TODO we should be able to do a warm start...
        delta = np.zeros_like(vary.Sigma)
        U = np.zeros_like(vary.Sigma)

        for _ in range(max_iter):
            for i, j in rng.permutation(np.array(active).T):
                if i > j:
                    # seems ok since we look for upper triangular indices in active set

                if i==j:
                    a = vary.Sigma[i,i] ** 2 + 2 * vary.Sigma[i,i] * vary.Psi[i,i]
                    a = (vary.Sigma[i, j] ** 2 + vary.Sigma[i, i] * vary.Sigma[j, j] +
                         vary.Sigma[i, i] * vary.Psi[j, j] + 2 * vary.Sigma[i, j] * vary.Psi[i, j] +
                         vary.Sigma[j, j] * vary.Psi[i, i])

                b = (fixed.Syy[i, j] - vary.Sigma[i, j] - vary.Psi[i, j] +
           [i,:], U[:,j]) +
           [i,:], U[:,j]) +
           [j,:], U[:,i]))

                if i==j:
                    u = -b/a
                    delta[i, i] += u
                    U[i, :] +=  u * vary.Sigma[i, :]
                    c = self.Lam[i, j] + delta[i, j]
                    u = soft_thresh(self.lamL / a, c - b/a) - c
                    delta[j, i] += u
                    delta[i, j] += u
                    U[j, :] +=  u * vary.Sigma[i, :]
                    U[i, :] +=  u * vary.Sigma[j, :]

        return delta
项目:tensorflow-yolo    作者:hjimce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shuffle(self):
    batch = self.FLAGS.batch
    data = self.parse()
    size = len(data)

    print('Dataset of {} instance(s)'.format(size))
    if batch > size: self.FLAGS.batch = batch = size
    batch_per_epoch = int(size / batch)

    for i in range(self.FLAGS.epoch):
        shuffle_idx = perm(np.arange(size))
        for b in range(batch_per_epoch):
            # yield these
            x_batch = list()
            feed_batch = dict()

            for j in range(b*batch, b*batch+batch):
                train_instance = data[shuffle_idx[j]]
                inp, new_feed = self._batch(train_instance)

                if inp is None: continue
                x_batch += [np.expand_dims(inp, 0)]

                for key in new_feed:
                    new = new_feed[key]
                    old_feed = feed_batch.get(key, 
                        np.zeros((0,) + new.shape))
                    feed_batch[key] = np.concatenate([ 
                        old_feed, [new] 

            x_batch = np.concatenate(x_batch, 0)
            yield x_batch, feed_batch

        print('Finish {} epoch(es)'.format(i + 1))
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def joint_and_product_of_the_marginals_split(z, ds):
    """ Split to samples from the joint and the product of the marginals.

    z : (number of samples, dimension)-ndarray
        Sample points.
    ds : int vector
         Dimension of the individual subspaces in z; ds[i] = i^th subspace

    x : (number of samplesx, dimension)-ndarray
        Samples from the joint.
    y : (number of samplesy, dimension)-ndarray
        Sample from the product of the marginals; it is independent of x.


    # verification (sum(ds) = z.shape[1]):
    if sum(ds) != z.shape[1]:
        raise Exception('sum(ds) must be equal to z.shape[1]; in other ' +
                        'words the subspace dimensions do not sum to the' +
                        ' total dimension!')

    # 0,d_1,d_1+d_2,...,d_1+...+d_{M-1}; starting indices of the subspaces:
    cum_ds = cumsum(hstack((0, ds[:-1])))

    num_of_samples, dim = z.shape                                   
    num_of_samples2 = num_of_samples//2  # integer division

    # x, y:
    x = z[:num_of_samples2, :]
    y = zeros((num_of_samples2, dim))  # preallocation
    for m in range(len(ds)):
        idx = range(cum_ds[m], cum_ds[m] + ds[m])
        y[:, idx] = z[ix_(num_of_samples2 + permutation(num_of_samples2),

    return x, y
项目:RIDDLE    作者:jisungk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_split_data(self):
        X, y = [], []

        N = random.randint(10, 1000)

        for i in range(N):
            X.append(random.rand(random.randint(4, 100)).tolist())
            y.append(random.randint(0, 10))

        perm_indices = random.permutation(N)

        k = 10
        for k_idx in range(k):
            (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = split_data(X, y, 
                k_idx=k_idx, k=10, perm_indices=perm_indices)

            assert sorted(X) == sorted(X_train + X_test)
            assert sorted(y) == sorted(y_train + y_test)

        (X_train_1, y_train_1), (X_test_1, y_test_1) = split_data(X, y, 
            k_idx=k_idx, k=10, perm_indices=perm_indices)

        (X_train_2, y_train_2), (X_test_2, y_test_2) = split_data(X, y, 
            k_idx=k_idx, k=10, perm_indices=perm_indices)

        assert len(X_train_1) == len(X_train_2)
        for idx in range(len(X_train_1)):
            assert X_train_1[idx] == X_train_2[idx]
            assert y_train_1[idx] == y_train_2[idx]

        assert len(X_test_1) == len(X_test_2)
        for idx in range(len(X_test_1)):
            assert X_test_1[idx] == X_test_2[idx]
            assert y_test_1[idx] == y_test_2[idx]
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sigma_median_heuristic(X, is_sparse = False):
        if is_sparse:
            X = X.todense()
        if n>1000:
        dists=squareform(pdist(X, 'euclidean'))
        return sigma
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_null_samples_and_pvalue(self,data_x=None,data_y=None,data_z=None):
        ''' data_x,data_y, data_z are the given data that we wish to test 
        the conditional independence given data_z. 
        > each data set has the number of samples = number of rows 
        > the bandwidth for training set and test set will be different (as we will calculate as soon as data comes in)
        if data_x is None and data_y is None and data_z is None: 
            if not self.streaming and not self.freeze_data:
                start = time.clock()
                data_generating_time = time.clock()-start
                data_x = self.data_x
                data_y = self.data_y
                data_z = self.data_z
                #print "dimension of data:", np.shape(data_x)
                data_generating_time = 0.

            data_generating_time = 0.
        #print 'Data generating time passed: ', data_generating_time
        hsic_statistic, K_epsilon_x, K_epsilon_y, X_CVerror, Y_CVerror = self.compute_test_statistics_and_others(data_x, data_y, data_z)
        if self.num_shuffles != 0:
            ny = np.shape(K_epsilon_y)[0]
            null_samples = np.zeros(self.num_shuffles)
            for jj in range(self.num_shuffles):
                pp = permutation(ny)
                Kp = K_epsilon_y[pp,:][:,pp]
                null_samples[jj] = self.HSIC_V_statistic(K_epsilon_x, Kp)
            pvalue = ( sum( null_samples > hsic_statistic ) + 1) / float( self.num_shuffles + 1)
            #print "P-value:", pvalue
            pvalue = None 
            null_samples = 0  
            #print "Not interested in P-value"
        return null_samples, hsic_statistic, pvalue, X_CVerror, Y_CVerror,data_generating_time
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def turn_into_null(fn):
        def null_fn(*args, **kwargs):
            dataX,dataY=fn(*args, **kwargs)
            pp = permutation(num_samples)
            return dataX,dataY[pp]
        return null_fn
项目:kerpy    作者:oxmlcs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def HSIC_with_shuffles(self,data_x=None,data_y=None,unbiased=True,num_shuffles=0,
        start = time.clock()
        if data_x is None:
        if data_y is None:
        time_passed = time.clock()-start
        if isBlockHSIC:
            Kx, Ky = self.compute_kernel_matrix_on_dataB(data_x,data_y)
            Kx, Ky = self.compute_kernel_matrix_on_data(data_x,data_y)
        if unbiased:
            test_statistic = HSICTestObject.HSIC_U_statistic(Kx,Ky)
            test_statistic = HSICTestObject.HSIC_V_statistic(Kx,Ky)
        for jj in range(num_shuffles):
            pp = permutation(ny)
            Kpp = Ky[pp,:][:,pp]
            if unbiased:
        if estimate_nullvar:
            nullvarx, nullvary = self.unbiased_HSnorm_estimate_of_centred_operator(Kx,Ky)
            nullvarx = 2.* nullvarx
            nullvary = 2.* nullvary
            nullvarx, nullvary = None, None
        return test_statistic,null_samples,nullvarx,nullvary,Kx, Ky, time_passed
项目:mlens    作者:flennerhag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X):
        """Sample a training set.

        X: array-like
            training set to sample observations from.

        self: obj
            fitted instance with stored sample.
        self.train_shape = X.shape

        sample_idx = {}
        for i in range(2):
            dim_size = min(X.shape[i], self.size)
            sample_idx[i] = permutation(X.shape[i])[:dim_size]

        sample = X[ix_(sample_idx[0], sample_idx[1])]

        self.sample_idx_ = sample_idx
        self.sample_ = sample

        return self
项目:lmkit    作者:jiangnanhugo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sparsify(a, num_in, sb, sc):
    assert type(num_in) == int
    A = a * sb
    from numpy.random import rand, permutation
    for i in range(A.shape[1]):
        perm = permutation(A.shape[0])
        SMALL = perm[num_in:]
        A[SMALL, i] *= sc / sb
    a[:] = A

# ------------------------------------------------------------
项目:artemis    作者:QUVA-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demo_iris_svm(C=1.0, gamma=0.7):

    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    perm = permutation( =[perm] =[perm]
    clf = svm.SVC(C, 'rbf', gamma=gamma)[:90],[:90])
    return clf.score([90:],[90:])
项目:ademxapp    作者:itijyou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def RandomOrder(ts):
    def _impl(data):
        order = npr.permutation(len(ts))
        for i in order:
            data = ts[i](data)
        return data
    return _impl

# Andre Howard
项目:ademxapp    作者:itijyou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, perm_len=None):
        perm_len = self._perm_len if perm_len is None else perm_len
        return npr.permutation(perm_len)
项目:ademxapp    作者:itijyou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, perm_len, num_c, x2c):
        assert perm_len > 0
        self._perm_len = perm_len
        self._num_c = num_c
        self._x2c = np.array(x2c, np.int32)

        self._c2x = []
        for i in xrange(self._num_c):
            self._c2x.append(np.where(self._x2c == i)[0])
        self._cur_c = -1
        self._cls = npr.permutation(self._num_c).tolist()
        self._cur_x = [-1] * self._num_c
        for i in xrange(self._num_c):
项目:hyperbolic-caching    作者:kantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def permute_list(l):
    p = list(np_random.permutation(len(l)))
    out_l = [l[ix] for ix in p]
    return (out_l, p)
项目:nnlib    作者:inejc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def yield_data_in_batches(batch_size, X, y=None, shuffle=True):
    """Generates batches of input data.

    batch_size: int
        Number of examples in a single batch.

    X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The input data.

    y: array-like, shape (n_samples,)
        The target values. Can be omitted.

    shuffle: bool, default True
        Whether the examples are shuffled or not before
        put into batches.
    num_rows = X.shape[0]

    if shuffle:
        indices_gen = (i for i in permutation(num_rows))
        indices_gen = (i for i in np.arange(num_rows))

    num_yielded = 0

    while True:
        batch_indices = list(islice(indices_gen, batch_size))
        num_yielded += len(batch_indices)

        if y is None:
            yield X[batch_indices]
            yield X[batch_indices], y[batch_indices]

        if num_yielded == num_rows:
项目:darkflow    作者:thtrieu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shuffle(self):
    batch = self.FLAGS.batch
    data = self.parse()
    size = len(data)

    print('Dataset of {} instance(s)'.format(size))
    if batch > size: self.FLAGS.batch = batch = size
    batch_per_epoch = int(size / batch)

    for i in range(self.FLAGS.epoch):
        shuffle_idx = perm(np.arange(size))
        for b in range(batch_per_epoch):
            # yield these
            x_batch = list()
            feed_batch = dict()

            for j in range(b*batch, b*batch+batch):
                train_instance = data[shuffle_idx[j]]
                inp, new_feed = self._batch(train_instance)

                if inp is None: continue
                x_batch += [np.expand_dims(inp, 0)]

                for key in new_feed:
                    new = new_feed[key]
                    old_feed = feed_batch.get(key, 
                        np.zeros((0,) + new.shape))
                    feed_batch[key] = np.concatenate([ 
                        old_feed, [new] 

            x_batch = np.concatenate(x_batch, 0)
            yield x_batch, feed_batch

        print('Finish {} epoch(es)'.format(i + 1))
项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bootstrap_compare_statistic_two_sided(statistic, population_A, population_B, ntrials=1000):
    Estimate pvalue using bootstrapping


    nA = len(population_A)
    nB = len(population_B)
    n  = nA+nB
    allstats = concatenate([population_A,population_B])
    A = statistic(population_A)
    B = statistic(population_B)
    def sample():
        shuffle = random.permutation(allstats)
        draw_A, draw_B = shuffle[:nA],shuffle[nA:]
        s_a = statistic(draw_A)
        s_b = statistic(draw_B)
        return abs(s_a-s_b)
    null_samples = array([sample() for i in xrange(ntrials)])
    delta = abs(A-B)
    pvalue = mean(null_samples>delta)
    return delta,pvalue
项目:neurotools    作者:michaelerule    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crossvalidatedAUC(X,Y,NXVAL=4):
    Crossvalidated area under the ROC curve calculation. This routine
    uses the non-regularized GLMPenaltyL2 to fit a GLM point-process 
    model and test accuracy under K-fold crossvalidation.

    X : np.array
        Covariate matrix Nsamples x Nfeatures
    Y : np.array
        Binary point-process observations, 1D array length Nsamples 
    NXVAL : positive int
        Defaults to 4. Number of cross-validation blocks to use

        Area under the ROC curve, cross-validated, for non-regularized
        GLM point process model fit
    N = X.shape[0]
    P = permutation(N)
    X = X[P,:]
    Y = Y[P]
    blocksize = N//NXVAL
    predicted = []
    M = np.zeros(X.shape[1]+1)
    for i in range(NXVAL):
        a = i*blocksize
        b = a + blocksize
        if i==NXVAL-1: b = N
        train_X = concatenate([X[:a,:],X[b:,:]])
        train_Y = concatenate([Y[:a],Y[b:]])
        objective, gradient, hessian = GLMPenaltyL2(train_X,train_Y,0)
        M = minimize(objective,M,jac=gradient,hess=hessian,method='Newton-CG')['x']
        mu,B = M[0],M[1:]
        predicted.append(mu + X[a:b,:].dot(B))
    return auc(Y,concatenate(predicted))
项目:yolo_light    作者:chrisgundling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shuffle(self):
    batch = self.FLAGS.batch
    data = self.parse()
    size = len(data)

    print('Dataset of {} instance(s)'.format(size))
    if batch > size: self.FLAGS.batch = batch = size
    batch_per_epoch = int(size / batch)

    for i in range(self.FLAGS.epoch):
        shuffle_idx = perm(np.arange(size))
        for b in range(batch_per_epoch):
            # yield these
            x_batch = list()
            feed_batch = dict()

            for j in range(b*batch, b*batch+batch):
                train_instance = data[shuffle_idx[j]]
                inp, new_feed = self._batch(train_instance)

                if inp is None: continue
                x_batch += [np.expand_dims(inp, 0)]

                for key in new_feed:
                    new = new_feed[key]
                    old_feed = feed_batch.get(key, 
                        np.zeros((0,) + new.shape))
                    feed_batch[key] = np.concatenate([ 
                        old_feed, [new] 

            x_batch = np.concatenate(x_batch, 0)
            yield x_batch, feed_batch

        print('Finish {} epoch(es)'.format(i + 1))
项目:lps-anchor-pos-estimator    作者:bitcraze    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tm_ransac_more_cols(d, sol, sys):
    r_c = d.shape
    n = r_c[1]
    d2 = d ** 2

    trycols = setdiff(range(0, n), sol.cols)

    cl, dl = compactionmatrix(len(sol.rows))

    u, s, vh = linalg.svd(sol.Bhat[1:, 1:])
    u = u[:, 0:2]

    for ii in trycols:

        d2n = d2[sol.rows - 1, ii - 1]
        maxnrinl = 0
        for kk in range(0, sys.ransac_k2):

            okrows = ((isfinite(d2n)).astype(int)).nonzero()
            tmp = random.permutation(len(okrows))

            if len(tmp) >= 4:

                tryrows1 = okrows[tmp[0:3]]

                zz = linalg.inv(dl) * sol.Bhat[:, 0]
                ZZ_1 = concatenate((zeros(1, 3), u))
                ZZ = concatenate((ones(len(sol.rows), 1), ZZ_1), 1)
                ZZ0 = linalg.inv(ZZ[tryrows1, :]) * (
                    d2n[tryrows1, 1] - zz[tryrows1, 1])

                xx = linalg.inv(ZZ[tryrows1, :]) * (
                    d2n[tryrows1, 1] - zz[tryrows1, 1])

                a = (zz[okrows] + ZZ[:, okrows] * xx)
                b = d2n[okrows]
                inlids = where(abs(b - a) < sys.ransac_threshold2)

                if len(inlids) < maxnrinl:
                    maxnrinl = len(inlids)

                    tmpsol = structtype()
                    tmpsol.rows = sol.rows[tryrows1]
                    tmpsol.col = ii
                    tmpsol.Bhatn = ZZ0 * xx
                    tmpsol.inlrows = sol.rows[okrows[inlids]]

        if maxnrinl > sys.min_inliers2:
            sol.cols = concatenate((sol.cols, tmpsol.col), 1)
            sol.inlmatrix[tmpsol.inlrows, tmpsol.col] = ones(
                len(tmpsol.inlrows), 1)
            sol.Bhat = concatenate((sol.Bhat, tmpsol.Bhatn), 1)
            sol.dl = compactionmatrix(len(sol.cols))

    return sol
项目:adversarial-variational-bayes    作者:gdikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mixture_distribution(ys, w):
    """  Sampling from mixture distribution.

    The samples are generated from the given samples of the individual
    distributions and the mixing weights.

    ys : tuple of ndarrays 
         ys[i]: samples from i^th distribution, ys[i][j,:]: j^th sample
         from the i^th distribution. Requirement: the samples (ys[i][j,:])
         have the same dimensions (for all i, j).
    w : vector, w[i] > 0 (for all i), sum(w) = 1
        Mixing weights. Requirement: len(y) = len(w).


    # verification:
    if sum(w) != 1:
        raise Exception('sum(w) has to be 1!')

    if not(all(w > 0)):
        raise Exception('The coordinates of w have to be positive!')

    if len(w) != len(ys):
        raise Exception('len(w)=len(ys) has to hold!')

    # number of samples, dimensions:
    num_of_samples_v = array([y.shape[0] for y in ys])
    dim_v = array([y.shape[1] for y in ys])
    if len(set(dim_v)) != 1:  # test if all the dimensions are identical
        raise Exception('All the distributions in ys need to have the ' +
                        'same dimensionality!')

    # take the maximal number of samples (t) for which 't*w1<=t1, ..., 
    # t*wM<=tM', then tm:=floor(t*wm), i.e. compute the trimmed number of 
    # samples:     
    t = min(num_of_samples_v / w)
    tw = tuple(int(e) for e in floor(t * w))

    # mix ys[i]-s:
    num_of_samples = sum(tw)
    mixture = zeros((num_of_samples, dim_v[0]))
    idx_start = 0 
    for k in range(len(ys)):
        tw_k = tw[k]
        idx_stop = idx_start + tw_k
        # trim the 'irrelevant' part, the result is added to the mixture:
        mixture[idx_start:idx_stop] = ys[k][:tw_k]  # broadcasting

        idx_start = idx_stop

    # permute the samples to obtain the mixture (the weights have been
    # taken into account in the trimming part):
    mixture = permutation(mixture)  # permute along the first dimension

    return mixture
项目:AGNfitter    作者:GabrielaCR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _temperature_swaps(self, p, lnprob, logl):
        Perform parallel-tempering temperature swaps on the state
        in ``p`` with associated ``lnprob`` and ``logl``.

        ntemps = self.ntemps

        for i in range(ntemps - 1, 0, -1):
            bi = self.betas[i]
            bi1 = self.betas[i - 1]

            dbeta = bi1 - bi

            iperm = nr.permutation(self.nwalkers)
            i1perm = nr.permutation(self.nwalkers)

            raccept = np.log(nr.uniform(size=self.nwalkers))
            paccept = dbeta * (logl[i, iperm] - logl[i - 1, i1perm])

            self.nswap[i] += self.nwalkers
            self.nswap[i - 1] += self.nwalkers

            asel = (paccept > raccept)
            nacc = np.count_nonzero(asel)

            self.nswap_accepted[i] += nacc
            self.nswap_accepted[i - 1] += nacc

            ptemp = np.copy(p[i, iperm[asel], :])
            ltemp = np.copy(logl[i, iperm[asel]])
            prtemp = np.copy(lnprob[i, iperm[asel]])

            p[i, iperm[asel], :] = p[i - 1, i1perm[asel], :]
            logl[i, iperm[asel]] = logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]]
            lnprob[i, iperm[asel]] = lnprob[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] \
                                     - dbeta * logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]]

            p[i - 1, i1perm[asel], :] = ptemp
            logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] = ltemp
            lnprob[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] = prtemp + dbeta * ltemp

        return p, lnprob, logl
项目:hyperbolic-caching    作者:kantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pool_exec(workload, processes = -1):

    if processes == -1:
        processes = SIM_PROCESSES

        pool = Pool(processes=12)
        result =, [ (ident,) + w for 
                                          (ident, w) in enumerate(workload) ])
        sys.stderr.write("[ starting ]")

        PROGRESS_CTR = Value('i', 0)
        PROGRESS_CTR_T = Array('i', [0 for i in range(processes)])
        PROGRESS_CTR_POLICY = Array('i', [0 for i in range(processes)])
        PROGRESS_CTR_T_C = Array('i', [0 for i in range(processes)])
        WORKLOAD_LEN = len(workload)

        if (processes == 1):
            result = []
            for ix, w in enumerate(workload):
                result.append( run_sim_make( w ) )
                update_progress_bar(ix + 1, len(workload), threads = [])
            return result

        pool = Pool(processes = processes, maxtasksperchild = 1)
        workload_permuted, permutation = permute_list(workload)
        result_async = pool.map_async(run_sim_make, workload_permuted, 
                                      chunksize = 1)

        total_work = len(workload)

        while not result_async.ready():
            value = PROGRESS_CTR.value
            update_progress_bar(PROGRESS_CTR.value, total_work, threads = PROGRESS_CTR_T, policies = PROGRESS_CTR_POLICY)

        result = unpermute_list(result_async.get(), permutation)
    return result
项目:vae-flow    作者:andymiller    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_fitter(vlb, X, callback=None, load_data=True):
    N, xdim = X.shape

    # load all data onto the gpu at once... ideally
    if load_data:
        X_all = tf.constant(X, name='X')

    def fit(num_epochs, minibatch_size, L, optimizer, sess):
        num_batches = N // minibatch_size

        # set up cost function and updates
        if load_data:
            idx      = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='idx')
            mbsize   = tf.constant(minibatch_size)
            xdimsize = tf.constant(xdim)
            x_batch  = tf.slice(X_all, tf.pack([idx*mbsize, 0]),
                                       tf.pack([mbsize,xdimsize]), name='x_batch')
            x_batch  = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[minibatch_size, xdim],
        cost = -tf.reduce_mean(vlb(x_batch, L)) * N
        train_step = optimizer.minimize(cost)

        def train(bidx):
            if load_data:
      {idx:bidx}, session=sess)
                return cost.eval(feed_dict={idx:bidx}, session=sess)
                xb = X[bidx*minibatch_size:(bidx+1)*minibatch_size]
      {x_batch: xb}, session=sess)
                return cost.eval(feed_dict={x_batch: xb}, session=sess)

        start = time()
        for i in xrange(num_epochs):
            bidxs = npr.permutation(num_batches)
            vals = [train(bidx) for bidx in pyprind.prog_bar(bidxs)]
            print 'epoch {:>4} of {:>4}: {:> .6}' . \
                    format(i+1, num_epochs, np.median(vals[-10:]))
            if callback:

            # will tell you what nodes are being added

        stop = time()
        print 'cost {}, {:>5} sec per update, {:>5} sec total\n'.format(
            np.median(vals[-10:]), (stop - start) / N, stop - start)

    return fit

#  objective functions  #
项目:MachineLearningInAction    作者:JaySon-Huang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNaiveBayesToSpamEmail():
    """ ?????????????????? """
    emails = []
    emails_class = []

    for i in range(1, 26):
        # ??????
        words = getContentTokens(open('email/spam/%d.txt' % i).read())
        # ??????
        words = getContentTokens(open('email/ham/%d.txt' % i).read())

    # `??????` -- ??????????????, ?????????
    # ?????, ???
    random_order = random.permutation(50)
    testIndexs, trainIndexs = random_order[:10], random_order[10:]

    # ????
    vocabulary = getVocabulary(emails)
    # ??????????
    trainMatrix = []
    trainCategories = []
    for docIndex in trainIndexs:
            getBagOfWords2Vec(vocabulary, emails[docIndex])  # ??????
        trainCategories.append(emails_class[docIndex])'Train dataset is ready.')
    model = NaiveBayesModel(trainMatrix, trainCategories)'NaiveBayes model is trained.')

    # ??????
    errorCount = 0
    for docIndex in testIndexs:
        wordVector = getBagOfWords2Vec(vocabulary, emails[docIndex])
        result = model.predict(wordVector)
        if result != emails_class[docIndex]:
            errorCount += 1
            logging.warning('classification error. Predict/Actual: {}/{}\n{}'.format(
                ' '.join(emails[docIndex])
            ))'the error rate is: {:.2%}'.format(1.0*errorCount/len(testIndexs)))
项目:MachineLearningInAction    作者:JaySon-Huang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getLocalWords(feed1, feed0):
    summaries = []
    summaries_class = []
    fullText = []
    minLen = min(
    for i in range(minLen):
        # ???feed, ????New York
        wordList = getContentTokens(feed1['entries'][i]['summary'])
        # ???feed
        wordList = getContentTokens(feed0['entries'][i]['summary'])
    vocabulary = getVocabulary(summaries)

    # `????` -- ???????/???????????
    # ?????????
    # ?????????N??
    topN = 30
    topNWords = calcMostFreq(vocabulary, fullText, topN)
    for word, _count in topNWords:
        if word in vocabulary:

    # ?????, ???
    random_order = random.permutation(2*minLen)
    testIndexs, trainIndexs = random_order[:20], random_order[20:]

    # ??????????
    trainMatrix = []
    trainCategories = []
    for docIndex in trainIndexs:
        trainMatrix.append(getBagOfWords2Vec(vocabulary, summaries[docIndex]))
    model = NaiveBayesModel(trainMatrix, trainCategories)

    # ??????
    errorCount = 0
    for docIndex in testIndexs:
        wordVector = getBagOfWords2Vec(vocabulary, summaries[docIndex])
        result = model.predict(wordVector)
        if result != summaries_class[docIndex]:
            errorCount += 1
            logging.warning('[classification error] Predict/Actual: {}/{}\n{}'.format(
                ' '.join(summaries[docIndex])
            ))'[error rate] {:.2%}'.format(1.0*errorCount/len(testIndexs)))
    return vocabulary, model.pWordsVector