Python numpy 模块,reshape() 实例源码


项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(self, features, labels):
        x = features["observation"]
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        actions = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(features["action"],[-1]), depth=6, on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0, axis=1)
        x = tf.concat(1, [tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x),  actions])
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 1, activation_fn=None)
        prediction = tf.sigmoid(logits, name="prediction")
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, tf.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)),name="loss")
        train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
          loss, tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step(), optimizer='Adam',
        tf.add_to_collection('prediction', prediction)
        tf.add_to_collection('loss', loss)
        return prediction, loss, train_op
项目:a-nice-mc    作者:ermongroup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualize(self, zv, path):
        z, v = zv
        if path:
   + '/trajectory.npy', z)

        z = np.reshape(z, [-1, 2])
        self.ax1.hist2d(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], bins=400)
        self.ax1.set(xlim=self.xlim(), ylim=self.ylim())

        v = np.reshape(v, [-1, 2])
        self.ax2.hist2d(v[:, 0], v[:, 1], bins=400)
        self.ax2.set(xlim=self.xlim(), ylim=self.ylim())

        if self.display:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        elif path:
            self.fig.savefig(path + '/visualize.png')
项目:DeepAnomaly    作者:adiyoss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(path_test, input_size, hidden_size, batch_size, save_dir, model_name, maxlen):
    db = read_data(path_test)

    X = create_sequences(db[:-maxlen], win_size=maxlen, step=maxlen)
    X = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], X.shape[1], input_size))

    # build the model: 1 layer LSTM
    print('Build model...')
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, input_shape=(maxlen, input_size)))

    model.load_weights(save_dir + model_name)
    model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')

    prediction = model.predict(X, batch_size, verbose=1)
    prediction = prediction.flatten()
    # prediction_container = np.array(prediction).flatten()
    Y = db[maxlen:]
    plt.plot(prediction, label='prediction')
    plt.plot(Y, label='true')
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    dspacing = gridwidth * gridheight
    layers = cells.shape[0] // dspacing

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    #height = cells.shape[3]  # should be 224 for our data
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) vertically and horizontally
    #dspacing = gridwidth * gridheight
    #layers = cells.shape[0] // dspacing

    cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]//36
    new_shape = (36, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:]) 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 

    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)

    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:kaggle_dsb2017    作者:astoc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):

    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306

    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306

    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 

    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)

    return cells
项目:Doubly-Stochastic-DGP    作者:ICL-SML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_taxi_stats(data_path=data_path):
    file_name = 'taxi_data_stats.p'
    path = data_path + file_name
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        download(file_name, data_path=data_path)

    import pickle
    stats = pickle.load(open(path, 'r'))
    sum_X = stats['sum_X']
    sum_X2 = stats['sum_X2']
    n = float(stats['n'])
    X_mean = sum_X / n
    X_std = ((sum_X2 - (sum_X**2)/n)/(n-1))**0.5

    X_mean = np.reshape(X_mean, [1, -1])
    X_std = np.reshape(X_std, [1, -1])

    return X_mean, X_std
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generateSourceData(self, format, size):
        if format in ('CF', 'CD'):
            return [complex(x) for x in xrange(size)]

        complexData = format.startswith('C')
        typecode = format[1]
        dataFormat, dataType = self.TYPEMAP[typecode]

        samples = size
        if complexData:
            samples *= 2
        data = [dataType(x) for x in xrange(samples)]
        if complexData:
            data = numpy.reshape(data, (size,2))

        return data
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_FileSource(self, format):
        filename = self._tempfileName('source_%s' % format)

        complexData = format.startswith('C')
        typecode = format[1]
        dataFormat, dataType = self.TYPEMAP[typecode]

        indata = self._generateSourceData(format, 16)
        hdr = bluefile.header(1000, format)
        bluefile.write(filename, hdr, indata)

        source = sb.FileSource(filename, midasFile=True, dataFormat=dataFormat)
        sink = sb.DataSink()
        outdata = sink.getData(eos_block=True)
        if complexData:
            self.assertEqual(sink.sri().mode, 1)
            if dataFormat in ('float', 'double'):
                outdata = bulkio_helpers.bulkioComplexToPythonComplexList(outdata)
                outdata = numpy.reshape(outdata, (len(outdata)/2,2))
            self.assertEqual(sink.sri().mode, 0)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(indata, outdata), msg='%s != %s' % (indata, outdata))
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None):
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            for label in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label)
                for action in range(n_actions):
                    actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1])
                    action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero(
                        np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action))
    return label_counts, action_label_counts
项目:yolo_tensorflow    作者:hizhangp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect(self, img):
        img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape
        inputs = cv2.resize(img, (self.image_size, self.image_size))
        inputs = cv2.cvtColor(inputs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32)
        inputs = (inputs / 255.0) * 2.0 - 1.0
        inputs = np.reshape(inputs, (1, self.image_size, self.image_size, 3))

        result = self.detect_from_cvmat(inputs)[0]

        for i in range(len(result)):
            result[i][1] *= (1.0 * img_w / self.image_size)
            result[i][2] *= (1.0 * img_h / self.image_size)
            result[i][3] *= (1.0 * img_w / self.image_size)
            result[i][4] *= (1.0 * img_h / self.image_size)

        return result
项目:Deep360Pilot-optical-flow    作者:yenchenlin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_flow(path, filename):
    flowdata = None
    with open(path + filename + '.flo') as f:
        # Valid .flo file checker
        magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1)
        if 202021.25 != magic:
            print 'Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file'
            # Reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, bands)
            w = int(np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1))
            h = int(np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1))
            #print 'Reading {}.flo with shape: ({}, {}, 2)'.format(filename, h, w)
            flowdata = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=2*w*h)

            # NOTE: numpy shape(h, w, ch) is opposite to image shape(w, h, ch)
            flowdata = np.reshape(flowdata, (h, w, 2))

    return flowdata
项目:bnn-analysis    作者:myshkov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_training_test_sets(self):
        # training set
        train_x = np.random.uniform(self.data_interval_left, self.data_interval_right, size=self.data_size)
        train_x = np.sort(train_x)
        train_y = self.true_f(train_x) + 3. * np.random.randn(self.data_size)

        self.train_x = [train_x.reshape((train_x.shape[0], 1))]
        self.train_y = [train_y.reshape((train_y.shape[0], 1))]

        # test set for visualisation
        self.test_x = np.arange(self.view_xrange[0], self.view_xrange[1], 0.01, dtype=np.float32)
        self.test_x = np.reshape(self.test_x, (self.test_x.shape[0], 1))
        self.test_y = self.true_f(self.test_x)
        self.test_y = np.reshape(self.test_y, (self.test_y.shape[0], 1))

        self.test_x = [self.test_x]
        self.test_y = [self.test_y]
项目:FCN_train    作者:315386775    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _convert(matrix, arr):
    """Do the color space conversion.

    matrix : array_like
        The 3x3 matrix to use.
    arr : array_like
        The input array.

    out : ndarray, dtype=float
        The converted array.
    arr = _prepare_colorarray(arr)
    arr = np.swapaxes(arr, 0, -1)
    oldshape = arr.shape
    arr = np.reshape(arr, (3, -1))
    out =, arr)
    out.shape = oldshape
    out = np.swapaxes(out, -1, 0)

    return np.ascontiguousarray(out)