def label_and_build_mask(self, episode): is_catastrophe_array = np.array( [is_catastrophe(frame.image) for frame in episode.frames if frame.action is not None]) # should_block_array = np.array([should_block(frame.image, frame.action) for frame in episode.frames]) labels = np.full(len(episode.frames), fill_value=False, dtype=np.bool) mask = np.full(len(episode.frames), fill_value=True, dtype=np.bool) for i in range(len(episode.frames)): if i + self.block_radius + 1 >= len(episode.frames): mask[i] = False continue if is_catastrophe_array[i]: mask[i] = False continue for j in range(self.block_radius + 1): if is_catastrophe_array[i + j + 1]: labels[i] = True break return labels, mask
def setUp(self): super(BridgeTest, self).setUp() self.batch_size = 4 self.encoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(4), tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(8)]) self.decoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(16), tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(8)]) final_encoder_state = nest.map_structure( lambda x: tf.convert_to_tensor( value=np.random.randn(self.batch_size, x), dtype=tf.float32), self.encoder_cell.state_size) self.encoder_outputs = EncoderOutput( outputs=tf.convert_to_tensor( value=np.random.randn(self.batch_size, 10, 16), dtype=tf.float32), attention_values=tf.convert_to_tensor( value=np.random.randn(self.batch_size, 10, 16), dtype=tf.float32), attention_values_length=np.full([self.batch_size], 10), final_state=final_encoder_state)
def _normalise_data(self): self.train_x_mean = np.zeros(self.input_dim) self.train_x_std = np.ones(self.input_dim) self.train_y_mean = np.zeros(self.output_dim) self.train_y_std = np.ones(self.output_dim) if self.normalise_data: self.train_x_mean = np.mean(self.train_x, axis=0) self.train_x_std = np.std(self.train_x, axis=0) self.train_x_std[self.train_x_std == 0] = 1. self.train_x = (self.train_x - np.full(self.train_x.shape, self.train_x_mean, dtype=np.float32)) / \ np.full(self.train_x.shape, self.train_x_std, dtype=np.float32) self.test_x = (self.test_x - np.full(self.test_x.shape, self.train_x_mean, dtype=np.float32)) / \ np.full(self.test_x.shape, self.train_x_std, dtype=np.float32) self.train_y_mean = np.mean(self.train_y, axis=0) self.train_y_std = np.std(self.train_y, axis=0) if self.train_y_std == 0: self.train_y_std[self.train_y_std == 0] = 1. self.train_y = (self.train_y - self.train_y_mean) / self.train_y_std
def fit_predict(self, ts): """ Unsupervised training of TSBitMaps. :param ts: 1-D numpy array or pandas.Series :return labels: `+1` for normal observations and `-1` for abnormal observations """ assert self._lag_window_size > self._feature_window_size, 'lag_window_size must be >= feature_window_size' self._ref_ts = ts scores = self._slide_chunks(ts) self._ref_bitmap_scores = scores thres = np.percentile(scores[self._lag_window_size: -self._lead_window_size + 1], self._q) labels = np.full(len(ts), 1) for idx, score in enumerate(scores): if score > thres: labels[idx] = -1 return labels
def create_bitmap_grid(bitmap, n, num_bins, level_size): """ Arranges a time-series bitmap into a 2-D grid for heatmap visualization """ assert num_bins % n == 0, 'num_bins has to be a multiple of n' m = num_bins // n row_count = int(math.pow(m, level_size)) col_count = int(math.pow(n, level_size)) grid = np.full((row_count, col_count), 0.0) for feat, count in bitmap.items(): i, j = symbols2index(m, n, feat) grid[i, j] = count return grid
def get_data(setname): dataset = CorporaDataSet(setname) # topic_word_array = dataset.getWordsInTopicMatrix() # topic_doc_array = dataset.getDocsInTopicMatrix() topic_word_array = dataset.getDocsInTopicMatrix() topic_doc_array = dataset.getWordsInTopicMatrix().T doc_length_array = numpy.full([topic_doc_array.shape[0]],1) vocabulary = dataset.loadVocabulary()[0].keys() print "topic word array shape: ",topic_word_array.shape print "topic doc shape: ",topic_doc_array.shape print "vocabulary: ",len(vocabulary) wordfreqs = mmread(setname + ".mtx").sum(1) word_freq_array = numpy.array(wordfreqs)[:,0] return {topic_word_key:topic_word_array, topic_doc_key:topic_doc_array, doc_length_key:doc_length_array, vocabulary_key:vocabulary, word_freq_key:word_freq_array}
def sphankel1(n, kr): """Spherical Hankel (first kind) of order n at kr Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- hn1 : complex float Spherical Hankel function hn (first kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) hn1 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 hn1[kr_nonzero] = _np.sqrt(_np.pi / 2) / _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(kr[kr_nonzero]) * hankel1(n[kr_nonzero] + 0.5, kr[kr_nonzero]) return hn1
def sphankel2(n, kr): """Spherical Hankel (second kind) of order n at kr Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- hn2 : complex float Spherical Hankel function hn (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) hn2 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 hn2[kr_nonzero] = _np.sqrt(_np.pi / 2) / _np.lib.scimath.sqrt(kr[kr_nonzero]) * hankel2(n[kr_nonzero] + 0.5, kr[kr_nonzero]) return hn2
def dsphankel1(n, kr): """Derivative spherical Hankel (first kind) of order n at kr Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- dhn1 : complex float Derivative of spherical Hankel function hn' (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) dhn1 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 dhn1[kr_nonzero] = 0.5 * (sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero] - 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero] + 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel1(n[kr_nonzero], kr[kr_nonzero]) / kr[kr_nonzero]) return dhn1
def dsphankel2(n, kr): """Derivative spherical Hankel (second kind) of order n at kr Parameters ---------- n : array_like Order kr: array_like Argument Returns ------- dhn2 : complex float Derivative of spherical Hankel function hn' (second kind) """ n, kr = scalar_broadcast_match(n, kr) dhn2 = _np.full(n.shape, _np.nan, dtype=_np.complex_) kr_nonzero = kr != 0 dhn2[kr_nonzero] = 0.5 * (sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero] - 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero] + 1, kr[kr_nonzero]) - sphankel2(n[kr_nonzero], kr[kr_nonzero]) / kr[kr_nonzero]) return dhn2
def test_find_multiple_noisy(self): """ Test finding multiple particles (noisy) """ self.atol = 5 radius = np.random.random() * 15 + 15 generated_image = self.generate_image(radius, 10, noise=0.2) actual_number = len(generated_image.coords) fits = find_disks(generated_image.image, (radius / 2.0, radius * 2.0), maximum=actual_number) _, coords = sort_positions(generated_image.coords, np.array([fits['y'].values, fits['x'].values]).T) if len(fits) == 0: # Nothing found actual = np.repeat([[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]], actual_number, axis=0) else: actual = fits[['r', 'y', 'x']].values.astype(np.float64) expected = np.array([np.full(actual_number, radius, np.float64), coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]]).T return np.sqrt(((actual - expected)**2).mean(0)), [0] * 3
def test_fit(self): ''' Tests the fit to samples. ''' # Generate random variates size = 100 samples = self.vine.rvs(size) # Fit mixed vine to samples is_continuous = np.full((self.dim), True, dtype=bool) is_continuous[1] = False vine_est = MixedVine.fit(samples, is_continuous) assert_approx_equal(vine_est.root.copulas[0].theta, 0.77490, significant=5) assert_approx_equal(vine_est.root.input_layer.copulas[0].theta, 4.01646, significant=5) assert_approx_equal(vine_est.root.input_layer.copulas[1].theta, 4.56877, significant=5)
def _logcdf(self, samples): lower = np.full(2, -np.inf) upper = norm.ppf(samples) limit_flags = np.zeros(2) if upper.shape[0] > 0: def func1d(upper1d): ''' Calculates the multivariate normal cumulative distribution function of a single sample. ''' return mvn.mvndst(lower, upper1d, limit_flags, self.theta)[1] vals = np.apply_along_axis(func1d, -1, upper) else: vals = np.empty((0, )) old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore') vals = np.log(vals) np.seterr(**old_settings) vals[np.any(samples == 0.0, axis=1)] = -np.inf vals[samples[:, 0] == 1.0] = np.log(samples[samples[:, 0] == 1.0, 1]) vals[samples[:, 1] == 1.0] = np.log(samples[samples[:, 1] == 1.0, 0]) return vals
def test_aggregate_variance(self): result = self.raster_rdd.aggregate_by_cell(Operation.VARIANCE) band = np.array([[ [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3], [1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5], [2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4], [2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5], [3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5]]]) expected = np.array([ ((self.first - band) ** 2) + ((self.second - band) ** 2), ((self.first - band) ** 2) + ((self.second - band) ** 2) ]) expected_2 = np.full((5, 5), -1.0) self.assertTrue((result.lookup(1, 0)[0].cells == expected).all()) self.assertTrue((result.lookup(0, 0)[0].cells == expected_2).all())
def test_aggregate_std(self): result = self.raster_rdd.aggregate_by_cell(Operation.STANDARD_DEVIATION) band = np.array([[ [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3], [1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5], [2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4], [2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5], [3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5]]]) expected = np.array([ (((self.first - band) ** 2) + ((self.second - band) ** 2)) ** (1/2), (((self.first - band) ** 2) + ((self.second - band) ** 2)) ** (1/2) ]) expected_2 = np.full((5, 5), -1.0) self.assertTrue((result.lookup(1, 0)[0].cells == expected).all()) self.assertTrue((result.lookup(0, 0)[0].cells == expected_2).all())
def show_weather_bydate(self): self.weathdf['gap'] = self.weathdf['time_slotid'].apply(self.find_gap_by_timeslot) by_date = self.weathdf.groupby('time_date') size = len(by_date) col_len = row_len = math.ceil(math.sqrt(size)) count = 1 for name, group in by_date: ax=plt.subplot(row_len, col_len, count) # temp = np.empty(group['time_id'].shape[0]) # temp.fill(2) # ax.plot(group['time_id'], group['gap']/group['gap'].max(), 'r', alpha=0.75) # ax.plot(group['time_id'], group['weather']/group['weather'].max()) ax.bar(group['time_id'], group['weather'], width=1) ax.set_title(name) count = count + 1 # plt.bar(group['time_id'], np.full(group['time_id'].shape[0], 5), width=1) plt.show() return
def _retrieve_sample(self, annotation): epsilon = 0.05 high_val = 1 - epsilon low_val = 0 + epsilon coco_image = self._coco.loadImgs(annotation['image_id'])[0] image_path = os.path.join(self._config.data_dir['images'], coco_image['file_name']) image = utils.load_image(image_path) ann_mask = self._coco.annToMask(annotation) mask_categorical = np.full((ann_mask.shape[0], ann_mask.shape[1], self.num_classes()), low_val, dtype=np.float32) mask_categorical[:, :, 0] = high_val # every pixel begins as background class_index = self._cid_to_id[annotation['category_id']] mask_categorical[ann_mask > 0, class_index] = high_val mask_categorical[ann_mask > 0, 0] = low_val # remove background label from pixels of this (non-bg) category return image, mask_categorical
def round(self, decimals=0, out=None): """ Return an array rounded a to the given number of decimals. Refer to `numpy.around` for full documentation. See Also -------- numpy.around : equivalent function """ result = self._data.round(decimals=decimals, out=out).view(type(self)) if result.ndim > 0: result._mask = self._mask result._update_from(self) elif self._mask: # Return masked when the scalar is masked result = masked # No explicit output: we're done if out is None: return result if isinstance(out, MaskedArray): out.__setmask__(self._mask) return out
def reshape(a, new_shape, order='C'): """ Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape. Refer to `MaskedArray.reshape` for full documentation. See Also -------- MaskedArray.reshape : equivalent function """ # We can't use 'frommethod', it whine about some parameters. Dmmit. try: return a.reshape(new_shape, order=order) except AttributeError: _tmp = narray(a, copy=False).reshape(new_shape, order=order) return _tmp.view(MaskedArray)
def dump(a, F): """ Pickle a masked array to a file. This is a wrapper around ``cPickle.dump``. Parameters ---------- a : MaskedArray The array to be pickled. F : str or file-like object The file to pickle `a` to. If a string, the full path to the file. """ if not hasattr(F, 'readline'): F = open(F, 'w') return pickle.dump(a, F)
def create_merge_multiple(save_path, creators, shuffle=True): n_sample_total = 0 creator_indices = [] for i, creator in enumerate(creators): creator._read_list() n_sample_total += creator.n_samples creator_indices.append(np.full((creator.n_samples), i, dtype=np.int)) creator_indices = np.concatenate(creator_indices) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(creator_indices) print('Start creating dataset with {} examples. Output path: {}'.format( n_sample_total, save_path)) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(save_path) count = 0 for i in range(n_sample_total): creator = creators[creator_indices[i]] example = creator._create_next_sample() if example is not None: writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) count += 1 if i > 0 and i % 100 == 0: print('Progress %d / %d' % (i, n_sample_total)) print('Done creating %d samples' % count)
def list_to_padded_tokens(dialogues, tokenizer): # compute the length of the dialogue seq_length = [len(d) for d in dialogues] # Get dialogue numpy max size batch_size = len(dialogues) max_seq_length = max(seq_length) # Initialize numpy array padded_tokens = np.full((batch_size, max_seq_length), tokenizer.padding_token, dtype=np.int32) # fill the padded array with word_id for i, (one_path, l) in enumerate(zip(dialogues, seq_length)): padded_tokens[i, 0:l] = one_path return padded_tokens, seq_length
def __parse_pairs__(self, filepath, delimiter = ',', target_col = 2, column_names = list(), sequence_length = None): assert("target" in column_names) with open(filepath, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() try: if sequence_length is None: dataframe = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep = delimiter, skip_blank_lines = True, header = None, names = column_names, index_col = False) sequence_length = np.asarray(dataframe[["i", "j"]]).max() except ValueError: return None data = np.full((sequence_length, sequence_length), np.nan, dtype = np.double) np.fill_diagonal(data, Params.DISTANCE_WITH_ITSELF) for line in lines: elements = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(delimiter) i, j, k = int(elements[0]) - 1, int(elements[1]) - 1, float(elements[target_col]) data[i, j] = data[j, i] = k if np.isnan(data).any(): # sequence_length is wrong or the input file has missing pairs warnings.warn("Warning: Pairs of residues are missing from the contacts text file") warnings.warn("Number of missing pairs: %i " % np.isnan(data).sum()) return data
def extended_2d_fancy_indexing(arr, sl1, sl2, value_of_nan): new_shape = tuple([sl1.stop - sl1.start, sl2.stop - sl2.start] + list(arr.shape[2:])) result = np.full(new_shape, value_of_nan, dtype = arr.dtype) x_lower = 0 if sl1.start < 0 else sl1.start x_upper = arr.shape[0] if sl1.stop > arr.shape[0] else sl1.stop y_lower = 0 if sl2.start < 0 else sl2.start y_upper = arr.shape[1] if sl2.stop > arr.shape[1] else sl2.stop new_x_lower = max(0, - sl1.stop + (sl1.stop - sl1.start)) new_x_upper = new_x_lower + (x_upper - x_lower) new_y_lower = max(0, - sl2.stop + (sl2.stop - sl2.start)) new_y_upper = new_y_lower + (y_upper - y_lower) if len(result.shape) == 2: result[new_x_lower:new_x_upper, new_y_lower:new_y_upper] = arr[x_lower:x_upper, y_lower:y_upper] elif len(result.shape) == 3: result[new_x_lower:new_x_upper, new_y_lower:new_y_upper, :] = arr[x_lower:x_upper, y_lower:y_upper, :] else: raise WrongTensorShapeError() return result
def select_action(self, t, greedy_action_func, action_value=None): a = greedy_action_func() if self.ou_state is None: if self.start_with_mu: self.ou_state = np.full(a.shape, self.mu, dtype=np.float32) else: sigma_stable = (self.sigma / np.sqrt(2 * self.theta - self.theta ** 2)) self.ou_state = np.random.normal( size=a.shape, loc=self.mu, scale=sigma_stable).astype(np.float32) else: self.evolve() noise = self.ou_state self.logger.debug('t:%s noise:%s', t, noise) return a + noise
def test_soft_copy_param(self): a = L.Linear(1, 5) b = L.Linear(1, 5) a.W.data[:] = 0.5 b.W.data[:] = 1 # a = (1 - tau) * a + tau * b copy_param.soft_copy_param(target_link=a, source_link=b, tau=0.1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a.W.data, np.full(a.W.data.shape, 0.55)) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(b.W.data, np.full(b.W.data.shape, 1.0)) copy_param.soft_copy_param(target_link=a, source_link=b, tau=0.1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( a.W.data, np.full(a.W.data.shape, 0.595)) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(b.W.data, np.full(b.W.data.shape, 1.0))
def get_next_note_from_note(self, note): """Given a note, uses the model to predict the most probable next note. Args: note: A one-hot encoding of the note. Returns: Next note in the same format. """ with self.graph.as_default(): with tf.variable_scope(self.scope, reuse=True): singleton_lengths = np.full(self.batch_size, 1, dtype=int) input_batch = np.reshape(note, (self.batch_size, 1, rl_tuner_ops.NUM_CLASSES)) softmax, self.state_value = self.session.run( [self.softmax, self.state_tensor], {self.melody_sequence: input_batch, self.initial_state: self.state_value, self.lengths: singleton_lengths}) return self.get_note_from_softmax(softmax)
def set_pixels(self, pixels): hsv = np.full((self.X_MAX, self.Y_MAX, 3), 0xFF, dtype=np.uint8) hsv[:, :, self.wave_type] = self.pixels[2] / 0xFFFF * 0xFF if self.wave_type == self.VALUE: hsv[:, :, 1] = 0 if self.darken_mids: hsv[:, :, 2] = np.abs(self.pixels[2] - (0xFFFF >> 1)) / 0xFFFF * 0xFF rgb = color_utils.hsv2rgb(hsv) pixels[:self.X_MAX, :self.Y_MAX] = rgb self.pixels.pop(0) ## # Calculate next frame of explicit finite difference wave #
def basic_check(self): # TODO Ghi: check the microstructure model is compatible. # if we want to be strict, only IndependentShpere should be valid, but in pratice any # model of sphere with a radius can make it! if not hasattr(self.layer.microstructure, "radius"): raise SMRTError("Only microstructure_model which defined a `radius` can be used with Rayleigh scattering") # The phase function is inherited from Rayleigh // Don't remove the commented code # def phase(self, m, mhu): # The ke function is inherited from Rayleigh // Don't remove the commented code # def ke(self, mhu): # return np.full(2*len(mhu), self.ks+self.ka) # The effective_permittivity is inherited from Rayleigh // Don't remove the commented code # def effective_permittivity(self): # return self._effective_permittivity
def test_allreduce_hint(hetr_device, config): if hetr_device == 'gpu': if 'gpu' not in ngt.transformer_choices(): pytest.skip("GPUTransformer not available") input = config['input'] device_id = config['device_id'] axis_A = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='axis_A') parallel_axis = ng.make_axis(name='axis_parallel', length=16) with ng.metadata(device=hetr_device, device_id=device_id, parallel=parallel_axis): var_A = ng.variable(axes=[axis_A], initial_value=UniformInit(1, 1)) var_B = ng.variable(axes=[axis_A], initial_value=UniformInit(input, input)) var_B.metadata['reduce_func'] = 'sum' var_B_mean = var_B / len(device_id) var_minus = (var_A - var_B_mean) with closing(ngt.make_transformer_factory('hetr', device=hetr_device)()) as hetr: out_comp = hetr.computation(var_minus) result = out_comp() np_result = np.full((axis_A.length), config['expected_result'], np.float32) np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, np_result)
def test_fixed_lr(iter_buf, max_iter, base_lr): # set up name = 'fixed' params = {'name': name, 'max_iter': max_iter, 'base_lr': base_lr} # execute naive_lr = np.full(max_iter, base_lr) lr_op = lr_policies[name]['obj'](params)(iter_buf) with ExecutorFactory() as ex: compute_lr = ex.executor(lr_op, iter_buf) ng_lr = [compute_lr(i).item(0) for i in range(max_iter)] # compare ng.testing.assert_allclose(ng_lr, naive_lr, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-3)
def plot_spikepattern(spike_trains, sim_time): """Plot set of spike trains (spike pattern)""" plt.ioff() plt.figure() for i in xrange(len(spike_trains)): spike_times = spike_trains[i].value plt.plot(spike_times, np.full(len(spike_times), i, dtype=np.int), 'k.') plt.xlim((0.0, sim_time)) plt.ylim((0, len(spike_trains))) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Neuron index') plt.show() plt.ion()
def plot_spiker(record, spike_trains_target, neuron_index=0): """Plot spikeraster and target timings for given neuron index""" plt.ioff() spike_trains = [np.array(i.spiketrains[neuron_index]) for i in record.segments] n_segments = record.size['segments'] plt.figure() for i in xrange(len(spike_trains)): plt.plot(spike_trains[i], np.full(len(spike_trains[i]), i + 1, dtype=np.int), 'k.') target_timings = spike_trains_target[neuron_index].value plt.plot(target_timings, np.full(len(target_timings), 1.025 * n_segments), 'kx', markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2) plt.xlim((0., np.float(record.segments[0].t_stop))) plt.ylim((0, np.int(1.05 * n_segments))) plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Trials') plt.title('Output neuron {}'.format(neuron_index)) plt.show() plt.ion()
def __init__(self, index): self.name = 'Walkington(tetrahedron, {})'.format(index) if index == 'p5': self.degree = 5 self.weights = 6 * numpy.concatenate([ numpy.full(4, 0.018781320953002641800), numpy.full(4, 0.012248840519393658257), numpy.full(6, 0.0070910034628469110730), ]) self.bary = numpy.concatenate([ _xi1(0.31088591926330060980), _xi1(0.092735250310891226402), _xi11(0.045503704125649649492), ]) self.points = self.bary[:, 1:] return # Default: scheme from general simplex w = walkington.Walkington(3, index) self.weights = w.weights self.bary = w.bary self.points = w.points self.degree = w.degree return
def _gen5_3(n): '''Spherical product Lobatto formula. ''' data = [] s = sqrt(n+3) for k in range(1, n+1): rk = sqrt((k+2) * (n+3)) Bk = fr(2**(k-n) * (n+1), (k+1) * (k+2) * (n+3)) arr = [rk] + (n-k) * [s] data += [ (Bk, pm_array0(n, arr, range(k-1, n))) ] B0 = 1 - sum([item[0]*len(item[1]) for item in data]) data += [ (B0, numpy.full((1, n), 0)) ] return 5, data
def setup_rw(params): pore = get_pore(**params) rw = RandomWalk(pore, **params) rw.add_wall_binding(t=params.t_bind, p=params.p_bind, eps=params.eps_bind) # define non-standard stopping criteria Tmax = params.Tmax Rmax = params.Rmax def success(self, r, z): return self.in_channel(r, z) & (z <= params.zstop) def fail(self, r, z): if self.t > Tmax: return np.full(r.shape, True, dtype=bool) toolong = (self.times[self.alive] + self.bind_times[self.alive]) > 5e6 toofar = r**2 + z**2 > Rmax**2 return toolong | toofar rw.set_stopping_criteria(success, fail) return rw ########### STREAMLINE PLOT ###########
def move_ellipses(self, coll, cyl=False): xz = self.x[:, ::2] if not cyl else np.column_stack( [np.sqrt(np.sum(self.x[:, :2]**2, 1)), self.x[:, 2]]) coll.set_offsets(xz) #inside = self.inside_wall() #margin = np.nonzero(self.alive)[0][self.inside_wall(2.)] colors = np.full((self.N,), "b", dtype=str) #colors[margin] = "r" colors[self.success] = "k" colors[self.fail] = "k" colors[self.alive & ~self.can_bind] = "r" #colors = [("r" if inside[i] else "g") if margin[i] else "b" for i in range(self.N)] coll.set_facecolors(colors) #y = self.x[:, 1] #d = 50. #sizes = self.params.rMolecule*(1. + y/d) #coll.set(widths=sizes, heights=sizes)
def sample_scalar(self, shape, a): AMAX = 30 if a > AMAX: return np.random.poisson(a, shape) k = 1 K = np.full(shape, k) s = a/np.expm1(a) S = s U = np.random.random(shape) new = S < U while np.any(new): k += 1 K[new] = k s = s*a/float(k) S = S + s new = S < U return K
def values(cls, dataset, dimension, expanded, flat): dimension = dataset.get_dimension(dimension) idx = dataset.get_dimension_index(dimension) data = dataset.data if idx not in [0, 1] and not expanded: return data[dimension.name].values values = [] columns = list(data.columns) arr = geom_to_array(data.geometry.iloc[0]) ds = dataset.clone(arr, datatype=cls.subtypes, vdims=[]) for i, d in enumerate(data.geometry): arr = geom_to_array(d) if idx in [0, 1]: ds.data = arr values.append(ds.interface.values(ds, dimension)) else: arr = np.full(len(arr), data.iloc[i, columns.index(dimension.name)]) values.append(arr) values.append([np.NaN]) return np.concatenate(values[:-1]) if values else np.array([])
def create_validTest_data(self): for i in range(len(self.validTestQ)): qId = self.validTestQ[i] item = self.corpus.QAnswers[qId].itemId question = self.corpus.QAnswers[qId].qFeature answer_list = [qId, self.validTestNa[i]] Pairwise = self.create_dense_pairwise(item, qId) Question = self.create_sparse_one(qFeature = question) Answer = self.create_sparse_one(answer_list = answer_list) Review = self.Review[item] TermtoTermR = self.create_sparse_two(item, qFeature = question) TermtoTermP = self.create_sparse_two(item, answer_list = answer_list) Question_I = (Question[0], Question[1] if Question[1].size == 1 and Question[1][0] == 0 else np.full((Question[1].size), 1.0/np.sqrt(Question[1].size)), Question[2]) Answer_I = (Answer[0], Answer[1] if Answer[1].size == 1 and Answer[1][0] == 0 else np.full((Answer[1].size), 1.0/np.sqrt(Answer[1].size)), Answer[2]) Review_I = (Review[0], np.full((Review[1].size), 1.0/np.sqrt(Review[1].size)), Review[2]) self.validTestM.append((Pairwise, Question, Answer, Review, TermtoTermR, TermtoTermP, Question_I, Answer_I, Review_I))
def dominant_sets(graph_mat, max_k=0, tol=1e-5, max_iter=1000): graph_cardinality = graph_mat.shape[0] if max_k == 0: max_k = graph_cardinality clusters = np.zeros(graph_cardinality) already_clustered = np.full(graph_cardinality, False, dtype=np.bool) for k in range(max_k): if graph_cardinality - already_clustered.sum() <= ceil(0.05 * graph_cardinality): break # 1000 is added to obtain more similar values when x is normalized # x = np.random.random_sample(graph_cardinality) + 1000.0 x = np.full(graph_cardinality, 1.0) x[already_clustered] = 0.0 x /= x.sum() y = replicator(graph_mat, x, np.where(~already_clustered)[0], tol, max_iter) cluster = np.where(y >= 1.0 / (graph_cardinality * 1.5))[0] already_clustered[cluster] = True clusters[cluster] = k clusters[~already_clustered] = k return clusters
def _search_ann(self, search_keys, dnd_keys, update_LRU_order): batch_indices = [] for act, ann in self.anns.items(): # These are the indices we get back from ANN search indices = ann.query(search_keys) log.debug("ANN indices for action {}: {}".format(act, indices)) # Create numpy array with full of corresponding action vector index action_indices = np.full(indices.shape, self.action_vector.index(act)) log.debug("Action indices for action {}: {}".format(act, action_indices)) # Riffle two arrays tf_indices = self._riffle_arrays(action_indices, indices) batch_indices.append(tf_indices) # Very important part: Modify LRU Order here # Doesn't work without tabular update of course! if update_LRU_order == 1: _ = [self.tf_index__state_hash[act][i] for i in indices.ravel()] np_batch = np.asarray(batch_indices) log.debug("Batch update indices: {}".format(np_batch)) # Reshaping to gather_nd compatible format final_indices = np.asarray([np_batch[:, j, :, :] for j in range(np_batch.shape[1])], dtype=np.int32) return final_indices
def contains(self, other): if isinstance(other, Point): x = other._x elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): x = other elif isinstance(other, Polygon): x = _points_to_array(other.vertices) return np.all(self.contains(x)) else: raise TypeError("P must be point or ndarray") # keep track of whether each point is contained in a face bools = np.full(x.shape[0], False, dtype=bool) for f in self.faces: bools = np.logical_or(bools, f.contains(x)) return bools