Python numpy 模块,count_nonzero() 实例源码


项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None):
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            for label in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label)
                for action in range(n_actions):
                    actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1])
                    action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero(
                        np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action))
    return label_counts, action_label_counts
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe

        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe

        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe

        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe

        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def metrics(self, X, y):
        metrics = {}
        y_pred_pair, loss = self.predict_proba_with_loss(X, y)
        y_pred = y_pred_pair[:,1]  ## From softmax pair to prob of catastrophe

        metrics['loss'] = loss
        threshold = self.threshold_from_data(X, y)
        metrics['threshold'] = threshold
        metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
        denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
        num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
        if any(y) and not all(y):
            metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
            y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
            if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
                metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
                metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)

        return metrics
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def classification_metrics(y, y_pred, threshold):
    metrics = {}
    metrics['threshold'] = threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, 0)
    metrics['np.std(y_pred)'] = np.std(y_pred)
    metrics['positive_frac_batch'] = float(np.count_nonzero(y == True)) / len(y)
    denom = np.count_nonzero(y == False)
    num = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(y == False, y_pred >= threshold))
    if denom > 0:
        metrics['fpr'] = float(num) / float(denom)
    if any(y) and not all(y):
        metrics['auc'] = roc_auc_score(y, y_pred)
        y_pred_bool = y_pred >= threshold
        if (any(y_pred_bool) and not all(y_pred_bool)):
            metrics['precision'] = precision_score(np.array(y, dtype=np.float32), y_pred_bool)
            metrics['recall'] = recall_score(y, y_pred_bool)
    return metrics
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_seq_qual_metrics(self, seq, qual, seq_type, cache):
        qvs = tk_fasta.get_qvs(qual)

        num_bases_q30 = np.count_nonzero(qvs >= 30)
        # Don't count no-calls towards Q30 denominator.
        # Assume no-calls get Q <= 2
        num_bases_called = np.count_nonzero(qvs > 2)

        num_bases = len(seq)
        num_bases_n = seq.count('N')

        cache.total_bases[seq_type] += num_bases
        cache.called_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_called
        cache.q30_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_q30
        cache.n_bases[seq_type] += num_bases_n
项目:cloud-volume    作者:seung-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fill_missing():
  info = CloudVolume.create_new_info(
    num_channels=1, # Increase this number when we add more tests for RGB
    resolution=[ 1,1,1 ], 
    chunk_size=[ 64,64,64 ],

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, info=info)

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, fill_missing=True)
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0

  vol = CloudVolume('file:///tmp/cloudvolume/empty_volume', mip=0, fill_missing=True, cache=True)
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0
  assert np.count_nonzero(vol[:]) == 0

项目:det_k_bisbm    作者:junipertcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _constrained_sum_sample_pos(n, total):
        # in this setting, there will be no empty groups generated by this function
        n = int(n)
        total = int(total)
        normalized_list = [int(total) + 1]
        while sum(normalized_list) > total and np.greater_equal(normalized_list, np.zeros(n)).all():
            indicator = True
            while indicator:
                normalized_list = list(map(round, map(lambda x: x * total, np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(n), 1).tolist()[0])))
                normalized_list = list(map(int, normalized_list))
                indicator = len(normalized_list) - np.count_nonzero(normalized_list) != 0
            sum_ = 0
            for ind, q in enumerate(normalized_list):
                if ind < len(normalized_list) - 1:
                    sum_ += q
            # TODO: there is a bug here; sometimes it assigns -1 to the end of the array, but pass the while condition
            normalized_list[len(normalized_list) - 1] = abs(total - sum_)
        assert sum(normalized_list) == total, "ERROR: the constrainedSumSamplePos-sampled list does not sum to #edges."
        return map(str, normalized_list)
项目:deep-prior    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculateCoM(self, dpt):
        Calculate the center of mass
        :param dpt: depth image
        :return: (x,y,z) center of mass

        dc = dpt.copy()
        dc[dc < self.minDepth] = 0
        dc[dc > self.maxDepth] = 0
        cc = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(dc > 0)
        num = numpy.count_nonzero(dc)
        com = numpy.array((cc[1]*num, cc[0]*num, dc.sum()), numpy.float)

        if num == 0:
            return numpy.array((0, 0, 0), numpy.float)
            return com/num
项目:OrbWeaver    作者:rajanil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_test_accuracy(X_test, Y_test, model, prediction_type, cellgroup_map_array):

    prediction = model.predict(X_test)
    auc = []

    if prediction_type=="cellgroup":

        prediction =, cellgroup_map_array)
        Y_test =, cellgroup_map_array)

    mask = ~np.logical_or(Y_test.sum(1)==0, Y_test.sum(1)==Y_test.shape[1])

    for y,pred in zip(Y_test.T,prediction.T):
        pos = np.logical_and(mask, y==1)
        neg = np.logical_and(mask, y==0)
            U = stats.mannwhitneyu(pred[pos], pred[neg])[0]
        except ValueError:

    return auc
项目:dp-parser-emnlp17    作者:tzshi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def aePredict(self, graph):
        graph = graph.cleaned()
        carriers = self.getLSTMFeatures(graph.nodes)
        beamconf = AEBeamConfiguration(len(graph.nodes), 1, np.array(graph.heads), self.stack_features, self.buffer_features)
        beamconf.initconf(0, self.root_first)

        while not beamconf.isComplete(0):
            valid = beamconf.validTransitions(0)
            if np.count_nonzero(valid) < 1:
            scores, exprs = self._aeEvaluate(beamconf.extractFeatures(0), carriers)
            best, bestscore = max(((i, s) for i, s in enumerate(scores) if valid[i]), key=itemgetter(1))
            beamconf.makeTransition(0, best)

        graph.heads = [i if i > 0 else 0 for i in list(beamconf.getHeads(0))]

        return graph
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nonzero_twodim(self):
        x = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [2, 0, 3]])
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x), 3)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x), ([0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2]))

        x = np.eye(3)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x), 3)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x), ([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]))

        x = np.array([[(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 11)],
                   [(1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)],
                   [(0, 0), (1, 5), (0, 1)]], dtype=[('a', 'f4'), ('b', 'u1')])
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['a']), 4)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['b']), 5)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['a']), ([0, 1, 1, 2], [2, 0, 1, 1]))
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['b']), ([0, 0, 1, 2, 2], [0, 2, 0, 1, 2]))

        assert_(not x['a'].T.flags.aligned)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['a'].T), 4)
        assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(x['b'].T), 5)
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['a'].T), ([0, 1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2, 0]))
        assert_equal(np.nonzero(x['b'].T), ([0, 0, 1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 2, 0, 2]))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_zeros(self):
        types = np.typecodes['AllInteger'] + np.typecodes['AllFloat']
        for dt in types:
            d = np.zeros((13,), dtype=dt)
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            # true for ieee floats
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='4i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
            assert_equal(d.sum(), 0)
            assert_(not d.any())

            d = np.zeros(2, dtype='(2,4)i4, (2,4)i4')
            assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(d), 0)
项目:char-rbm    作者:colinmorris    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, vec, pretty=False, strict=True):
        # TODO: Whether we should use 'strict' mode depends on whether the model
        # we got this vector from does softmax sampling of visibles. Anywhere this
        # is called on fantasy samples, we should use the model to set this param.
        if issparse(vec):
            vec = vec.toarray().reshape(-1)
        assert vec.shape == (self.nchars * self.maxlen,)
        chars = []
        for position_index in range(self.maxlen):
            # Hack - insert a tab between name parts in binomial mode
            if isinstance(self, BinomialShortTextCodec) and pretty and position_index == self.maxlen/2:
            subarr = vec[position_index * self.nchars:(position_index + 1) * self.nchars]
            if np.count_nonzero(subarr) != 1 and strict:
                char = self.MYSTERY
                char_index = np.argmax(subarr)
                char = self.alphabet[char_index]
                if pretty and char == self.FILLER:
                    # Hack
                    char = ' ' if isinstance(self, BinomialShortTextCodec) else ''
        return ''.join(chars)
项目:seniority_list    作者:rubydatasystems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def count_per_month(career_months_array):
    Returns number of employees remaining for each month (not retired).
    Cumulative sum of career_months_array input (np array) that are
    greater or equal to each incremental loop month number.
    Note: alternate method to this function is value count of mnums:
    df_actives_each_month = pd.DataFrame(df_idx.mnum.value_counts())
    df_actives_each_month.columns = ['count']
            output of career_months function.  This input is an array
            containing the number of months each employee will work until
    max_career = career_months_array.max() + 1
    emp_count_array = np.zeros(max_career)

    for i in range(0, max_career):
        emp_count_array[i] = np.count_nonzero(career_months_array >= i)

    return emp_count_array.astype(int)

项目:pandas-profiling    作者:JosPolfliet    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def describe_numeric_1d(series, **kwargs):
    stats = {'mean': series.mean(), 'std': series.std(), 'variance': series.var(), 'min': series.min(),
            'max': series.max()}
    stats['range'] = stats['max'] - stats['min']

    for x in np.array([0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95]):
        stats[pretty_name(x)] = series.dropna().quantile(x) # The dropna() is a workaround for
    stats['iqr'] = stats['75%'] - stats['25%']
    stats['kurtosis'] = series.kurt()
    stats['skewness'] = series.skew()
    stats['sum'] = series.sum()
    stats['mad'] = series.mad()
    stats['cv'] = stats['std'] / stats['mean'] if stats['mean'] else np.NaN
    stats['type'] = "NUM"
    stats['n_zeros'] = (len(series) - np.count_nonzero(series))
    stats['p_zeros'] = stats['n_zeros'] / len(series)
    # Histograms
    stats['histogram'] = histogram(series, **kwargs)
    stats['mini_histogram'] = mini_histogram(series, **kwargs)
    return pd.Series(stats,
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_symmetry_code_tri(pts):
    if len(pts) == 1:
        return '_s3()'
    elif len(pts) == 3:
        # Symmetry group [[a, a, b], [a, b, a], [b, a, a]].
        # Find the equal value `a`.
        tol = 1.0e-12
        beta = pts[0] - pts[0][0]
        ct = numpy.count_nonzero(abs(beta) < tol)
        assert ct in [1, 2], beta
        val = pts[0][0] if ct == 2 else pts[0][1]
        return '_s21({:.15e})'.format(val)

    # Symmetry group [[a, b, c], [c, a, b], ...].
    assert len(pts) == 6
    # Take the two largest value from a, b, c.
    pt0 = numpy.sort(pts[0])
    return '_s111({:.15e}, {:.15e})'.format(pt0[2], pt0[1])
项目:MuGo    作者:brilee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def score(self):
        'Return score from B perspective. If W is winning, score is negative.'
        working_board = np.copy(self.board)
        while EMPTY in working_board:
            unassigned_spaces = np.where(working_board == EMPTY)
            c = unassigned_spaces[0][0], unassigned_spaces[1][0]
            territory, borders = find_reached(working_board, c)
            border_colors = set(working_board[b] for b in borders)
            X_border = BLACK in border_colors
            O_border = WHITE in border_colors
            if X_border and not O_border:
                territory_color = BLACK
            elif O_border and not X_border:
                territory_color = WHITE
                territory_color = UNKNOWN # dame, or seki
            place_stones(working_board, territory_color, territory)

        return np.count_nonzero(working_board == BLACK) - np.count_nonzero(working_board == WHITE) - self.komi
项目:orange3-educational    作者:biolab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def step(self):
        Half of the step of k-means
        if self.step_completed:
            d =
            points = [d[self.clusters == i] for i in range(len(self.centroids))]
            for i in range(len(self.centroids)):
                c_points = points[i]
                self.centroids[i, :] = (np.average(c_points, axis=0)
                                        if len(c_points) > 0 else np.nan)
            # reinitialize empty centroids

            nan_c = np.isnan(self.centroids).any(axis=1)
            if np.count_nonzero(nan_c) > 0:
                self.centroids[nan_c] = self.random_positioning(
            self.centroids_moved = True
            self.clusters = self.find_clusters(self.centroids)
            self.centroids_moved = False
        self.step_no += 1
        self.centroids_history = self.set_list(
            self.centroids_history, self.step_no, np.copy(self.centroids))
项目:sealionengine    作者:gecrooks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rmse(self, tid_counts):
        error = np.zeros(shape=[self.cls_nb])
        err_nb = 0

        self._progress('\ntid \t true_count     \t obs_count       \t difference',
                       end='\n', verbosity=VERBOSITY.VERBOSE)

        for tid in tid_counts:
            true_counts = self.tid_counts[tid]
            obs_counts = tid_counts[tid]
            diff = np.asarray(true_counts) - np.asarray(obs_counts)
            err_nb += np.count_nonzero(diff)
            error += diff*diff

            if diff.any():
                self._progress('{} \t{} \t{} \t{}'.format(tid, true_counts, obs_counts, diff),
                               end='\n', verbosity=VERBOSITY.VERBOSE)

        error /= len(tid_counts)
        rmse = np.sqrt(error).sum() / self.cls_nb
        error_fraction = err_nb / (len(tid_counts)* self.cls_nb)

        return rmse, error_fraction
项目:bolero    作者:rock-learning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rank_archimedean_spiral():
    def archimedean_spiral(n_steps=100, max_radius=1.0, turns=4.0):
        r = np.linspace(0.0, max_radius, n_steps)
        angle = r * 2.0 * np.pi * turns / max_radius
        x = r * np.cos(angle)
        y = r * np.sin(angle)
        return np.hstack((x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis])), r

    X_train, r_train = archimedean_spiral(n_steps=100)
    X_test, r_test = archimedean_spiral(n_steps=1000, max_radius=1.1)

    rsvm = RankingSVM(random_state=0)

    y_train = rsvm.predict(X_train)
    y_test = rsvm.predict(X_test)
    assert_true(np.all(y_train[1:] < y_train[:-1]))
    assert_greater(np.count_nonzero(y_test[1:] < y_test[:-1]), 970)
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ser(x, y):
    """Measure symbol error rate between symbols in x and y.

    :param x: symbol array #1
    :param y: symbol array #2
    :returns: symbol error rate

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> arlpy.comms.ser([0,1,2,3], [0,1,2,2])
    x = _np.asarray(x,
    y = _np.asarray(y,
    n = _np.product(_np.shape(x))
    e = _np.count_nonzero(x^y)
    return float(e)/n
项目:end-to-end-negotiator    作者:facebookresearch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(self, file_name):
        """Tokenizes the file and produces a dataset."""
        lines = read_lines(file_name)

        unk = self.word_dict.get_idx('<unk>')
        dataset, total, unks = [], 0, 0
        for line in lines:
            tokens = line.split()
            input_idxs = self.context_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'input'))
            word_idxs = self.word_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'dialogue'))
            item_idxs = self.item_dict.w2i(get_tag(tokens, 'output'))
            dataset.append((input_idxs, word_idxs, item_idxs))
            # compute statistics
            total += len(input_idxs) + len(word_idxs) + len(item_idxs)
            unks += np.count_nonzero([idx == unk for idx in word_idxs])

        if self.verbose:
            print('dataset %s, total %d, unks %s, ratio %0.2f%%' % (
                file_name, total, unks, 100. * unks / total))
        return dataset
项目:PySAT    作者:USGS-Astrogeology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def polyfit_baseline(bands, intensities, poly_order=5, num_stdv=3.,
    '''Iteratively fits a polynomial, discarding far away points as peaks.
    Similar in spirit to ALS and related methods.
    Automated method for subtraction of fluorescence from biological Raman spectra
    Lieber & Mahadevan-Jansen 2003
    fit_pts = intensities.copy()
    # precalculate [x^p, x^p-1, ..., x^1, x^0]
    poly_terms = bands[:, None] ** np.arange(poly_order, -1, -1)
    for _ in range(max_iter):
        coefs = np.polyfit(bands, fit_pts.T, poly_order)
        baseline =
        diff = fit_pts - baseline
        thresh = diff.std(axis=-1) * num_stdv
        mask = diff > np.array(thresh, copy=False)[..., None]
        unfitted = np.count_nonzero(mask)
        if unfitted == 0:
        fit_pts[mask] = baseline[mask]  # these points are peaks, discard
        print("Warning: polyfit_baseline didn't converge in %d iters" % max_iter)
    return baseline
项目:semi-auto-anno    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculateCoM(self, dpt):
        Calculate the center of mass
        :param dpt: depth image
        :return: (x,y,z) center of mass

        dc = dpt.copy()
        dc[dc < self.minDepth] = 0
        dc[dc > self.maxDepth] = 0
        cc = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(dc > 0)
        num = numpy.count_nonzero(dc)
        com = numpy.array((cc[1]*num, cc[0]*num, dc.sum()), numpy.float)

        if num == 0:
            return numpy.array((0, 0, 0), numpy.float)
            return com/num
项目:tacotron    作者:jinfagang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def restore_shape(arry, step, r):
    '''Reduces and adjust the shape and content of `arry` according to r.

      arry: A 2d array with shape of [T, C]
      step: An int. Overlapping span.
      r: Reduction factor

      A 2d array with shape of [-1, C*r]
    T, C = arry.shape
    sliced = np.split(arry, list(range(step, T, step)), axis=0)

    started = False
    for s in sliced:
        if not started:
            restored = np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))
            started = True
            restored = np.vstack((restored, np.vstack(np.split(s, r, axis=1))))

    # Trim zero paddings
    restored = restored[:np.count_nonzero(restored.sum(axis=1))]
    return restored
项目:MDT    作者:cbclab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_index_first_non_zero_slice(self, dimension):
        """Get the index of the first non zero slice in this map.

            dimension (int): the dimension to search in

            int: the slice index with the first non zero values.
        slice_index = [slice(None)] * (self.max_dimension() + 1)

        if dimension > len(slice_index) - 1:
            raise ValueError('The given dimension {} is not supported.'.format(dimension))

        for index in range(self.shape[dimension]):
            slice_index[dimension] = index
            if np.count_nonzero([slice_index]) > 0:
                return index
        return 0
项目:pytorch_fnet    作者:AllenCellModeling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_mask():
    chunk = test_get_chunks(n_chunks=1)[0]

    distance = 3
    n_side = 32
    mask = get_mask(distance, chunk.shape, dims=(2, 1, 0))
    n_side_shell = n_side - 2*distance
    count_exp = 2*n_side_shell**2 + (n_side_shell - 1)*4*(n_side_shell - 2)
    count_got = np.count_nonzero(mask)
    print('DEBUG: non-zeros exp: {} | got: {}'.format(count_exp, count_got))
    assert count_exp == count_got

    distance = 5
    n_side_shell = n_side - 2*distance
    mask = get_mask(distance, chunk.shape, dims=(2, 1))
    count_exp = (n_side_shell - 1)*4*n_side
    count_got = np.count_nonzero(mask)
    print('DEBUG: non-zeros exp: {} | got: {}'.format(count_exp, count_got))
    assert count_exp == count_got
项目:wtte-rnn    作者:ragulpr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_padded_seq_lengths(padded):
    """Returns the number of (seq_len) non-nan elements per sequence.

    :param padded: 2d or 3d tensor with dim 2 the time dimension
    if len(padded.shape) == 2:
        # (n_seqs,n_timesteps)
        seq_lengths = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(padded), axis=1)
    elif len(padded.shape) == 3:
        # (n_seqs,n_timesteps,n_features,..)
        seq_lengths = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(padded[:, :, 0]), axis=1)
        print('not yet implemented')
        # TODO

    return seq_lengths
项目:treecat    作者:posterior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def import_data(data_csvs_in,
    """Import a comma-delimited list of csv files into internal treecat format.

    Common encodings include: utf-8, cp1252.
    schema = load_schema(types_csv_in, values_csv_in, groups_csv_in, encoding)
    data = np.concatenate([
        load_data(schema, data_csv_in, encoding)
        for data_csv_in in data_csvs_in.split(',')
    data.flags.writeable = False
    print('Imported data shape: [{}, {}]'.format(data.shape[0], data.shape[1]))
    ragged_index = schema['ragged_index']
    for v, name in enumerate(schema['feature_names']):
        beg, end = ragged_index[v:v + 2]
        count = np.count_nonzero(data[:, beg:end].max(1))
        if count == 0:
            print('WARNING: No values found for feature {}'.format(name))
    feature_types = [TY_MULTINOMIAL] * len(schema['feature_names'])
    table = Table(feature_types, ragged_index, data)
    dataset = {
        'schema': schema,
        'table': table,
    pickle_dump(dataset, dataset_out)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_feature_files(base_directory,
    os.makedirs(new_directory, exist_ok=False)
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(base_directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            keep = np.logical_or(labels, (np.less(
                np.random.rand(len(labels)), negative_example_keep_prob)))
            labels = labels[keep]

            for i in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[i] += np.count_nonzero(labels == i)
            features = {k: v[keep] for k, v in features.items()}
            new_path = path_relative_to_new_directory(base_directory, new_directory, episode_path,
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True)
            with open(new_path, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump((features, labels), f)
    return label_counts
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_from_data(self, X, y):
        y_bool = y == 1.   ## true if x is a catast
        y_pred = self.predict_proba(X) 
        if np.count_nonzero(y) == 0:
            return np.max(y_pred)
        return np.min(y_pred[y_bool][:,1])   # TODO CHANGED FROM WILL CODE
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k]
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_proba_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions))
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_raw_with_score(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)), np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions))
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k]
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_proba_raw(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_raw_with_score(self, obs=None, action=None):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
            predictions.append(classifier.predict_raw(obs, action))
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions)), np.count_nonzero(predictions)
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return self.apply_threshold(np.count_nonzero(predictions))
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_from_data(self, X, y):
        y_bool = y == 1.   ## true if x is a catast
        y_pred = self.predict_proba(X) 
        if np.count_nonzero(y) == 0:
            return np.max(y_pred)
        return np.min(y_pred[y_bool][:,1])   # TODO CHANGED FROM WILL CODE
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_from_predictions(y, y_pred, false_positive_margin=0, recall=1):
    """Determines a threshold for classifying examples as positive

        y: labels
        y_pred: scores from the classifier
        recall: Threshold is set to classify at least this fraction of positive
            labelled examples as positive
        false_positive_margin: Threshold is set to acheive desired recall, and
            then is extended to include an additional fraction of negative
            labelled examples equal to false_positive_margin (This allows adding
            a buffer to the threshold while maintaining a constant "cost")
    n_positive = np.count_nonzero(y)

    n_negative = len(y) - n_positive
    if n_positive == 0:
        return np.max(y_pred)
    if false_positive_margin == 0 and recall == 1:
        return np.min(y_pred[y])
    ind = np.argsort(y_pred)
    y_pred_sorted = y_pred[ind]
    y_sorted = y[ind]
    so_far = [0, 0]
    j = 0
    for i in reversed(range(len(y_sorted))):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[1] >= int(np.floor(recall * n_positive)):
            j = i
    so_far = [0, 0]
    if false_positive_margin == 0:
        return y_pred_sorted[j]
    k = 0
    for i in reversed(range(j)):
        so_far[y_sorted[i]] += 1
        if so_far[0] >= false_positive_margin * n_negative:
            k = i
    return y_pred_sorted[k]
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_proba(self, features):
        predictions = []
        for classifier in self.classifiers:
        return np.count_nonzero(predictions)