Python numpy 模块,insert() 实例源码


项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert_knot(self, knot, direction=0):
        """  Insert a new knot into the spline.

        :param int direction: The direction to insert in
        :param knot: The new knot(s) to insert
        :type knot: float or [float]
        :raises ValueError: For invalid direction
        :return: self
        shape  = self.controlpoints.shape

        # for single-value input, wrap it into a list
        knot = ensure_listlike(knot)

        direction = check_direction(direction, self.pardim)

        C = np.matrix(np.identity(shape[direction]))
        for k in knot:
            C = self.bases[direction].insert_knot(k) * C
        self.controlpoints = np.tensordot(C, self.controlpoints, axes=(1, direction))
        self.controlpoints = self.controlpoints.transpose(transpose_fix(self.pardim, direction))

        return self
项目:PortfolioTimeSeriesAnalysis    作者:MizioAnd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outlier_identification(self, model, x_train, y_train):
        # Split the training data into an extra set of test
        x_train_split, x_test_split, y_train_split, y_test_split = train_test_split(x_train, y_train)
        print('\nOutlier shapes')
        print(np.shape(x_train_split), np.shape(x_test_split), np.shape(y_train_split), np.shape(y_test_split)), y_train_split)
        y_predicted = model.predict(x_test_split)
        residuals = np.absolute(y_predicted - y_test_split)
        rmse_pred_vs_actual = self.rmse(y_predicted, y_test_split)
        outliers_mask = residuals >= rmse_pred_vs_actual
        outliers_mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros((np.shape(y_train_split)[0],), dtype=bool), outliers_mask])
        not_an_outlier = outliers_mask == 0
        # Resample the training set from split, since the set was randomly split
        x_out = np.insert(x_train_split, np.shape(x_train_split)[0], x_test_split, axis=0)
        y_out = np.insert(y_train_split, np.shape(y_train_split)[0], y_test_split, axis=0)
        return x_out[not_an_outlier, ], y_out[not_an_outlier, ]
项目:pyrsss    作者:butala    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def arma_predictor_nonlinear(x, y, m, n, x_hat0=None):
    Calculate the nonlinear fit between the (*m*, *n*) ARMA model and
    the input *x* and output *y*. The optimization starts at *x_hat*
    (a vector with all 0s when `None`). The output is the tuple of the
    *m* AR and *n* MA coefficients.
    if x_hat0 is None:
        x_hat0 = NP.zeros(m + n)
     ier) = SP.optimize.leastsq(residual,
                                args=(m, x, y),
    if ier not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        raise RuntimeError('optimization failed (ier={}) --- {}'.fomat(ier,
    a_hat = x_hat[:m]
    b_hat = x_hat[m:]
    a_hat = NP.insert(a_hat, 0, 1)
    return a_hat, b_hat
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def q(self, new_q):
        # Update epsilon
        new_q = np.insert(new_q, 0, 1.)
        self._epsilon = new_q / fsum(new_q)

            if np.array(new_q).size == self._epsilon.size - 1:
                # Case 3: the entire lens is defined (new_q changes
                # the values of q)
                # Case 2: the primary is defined (new_q adds masses)
                if ((self._total_mass is not None) and
                        (self._last_mass_set != 'total_mass')):
                    self._total_mass = self._total_mass * fsum(new_q)
        except AttributeError:
            # Case 1: nothing is initialized (new_q directly sets epsilon)
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_mass(self, new_mass, index):
        Private function: Updates the total_mass and adds a component
        to the epsilon array if masses are added
        sequentially. e.g. the lens is defined by defining mass_1 and
        if not isinstance(new_mass, u.Quantity):
            new_mass *= u.solMass
        elif new_mass.unit.physical_type == 'dimensionless':
            new_mass *= u.solMass
        elif new_mass.unit.physical_type != 'mass':
            msg = 'wrong physical_type of new total_mass: {:}'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(new_mass.unit.physical_type))

        new_total_mass = self._total_mass + new_mass
        self._epsilon = self._total_mass * self._epsilon / new_total_mass
        self._epsilon = np.insert(
            self._epsilon, index, new_mass / new_total_mass)
        self._total_mass = new_total_mass
项目:fwdpy11_arg_example    作者:molpopgen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xover(rate):
    This is a mimic of a fwdpp
    recombination policy.

    We return a sorted list of breakpoints 
    on the interval [0,1).  The list is capped
    with the max value of a float (C/C++ double),
    which is a trick fwdpp uses.

    It happens that we generate the exact same value
    from time to time.  Internall, fwdpp doesn't care,
    and recoginizes that as a "double x-over".  However,
    msprime cares, b/c it results in an edge with
    left == right and an Exception gets raised.  So,
    we purge out double x-overs via np.unique.
    nbreaks = np.random.poisson(rate)
    if nbreaks == 0:
        return np.empty([0], dtype=np.float)
    rv = np.random.random_sample(nbreaks)
    rv = np.unique(rv)
    rv = np.insert(rv, len(rv), np.finfo(np.float).max)
    return rv
项目:fwdpy11_arg_example    作者:molpopgen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_breakpoints(breakpoints):
    Take the breakpoints from a meiosis,
    and return them as segments contributed
    by gamete 1 and gamete 2

    Note: bug source could be here. If breakpoints[0] == 0.0,
    we will insert stuff 2x into s1. This needs updating, 
    and so does the C++ version that this is copied from...
    s1 = np.array([(0.0, breakpoints[0])], dtype=[
                  ('left', np.float), ('right', np.float)])
    s2 = np.empty([0], dtype=s1.dtype)
    for i in range(1, len(breakpoints)):
        a = breakpoints[i - 1]
        b = breakpoints[i] if i < len(breakpoints) - 1 else 1.0
        assert(a != b)
        if i % 2 == 0.:
            s1 = np.insert(s1, len(s1), (a, b))
            s2 = np.insert(s2, len(s2), (a, b))
    return (s1, s2)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_out(self):
        mat = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        nan_mat = np.insert(mat, [0, 2], np.nan, axis=1)
        resout = np.zeros(3)
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=1)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=1, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        # 0-d output:
        resout = np.zeros(())
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=None)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=None, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=(0, 1), out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_out(self):
        mat = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        nan_mat = np.insert(mat, [0, 2], np.nan, axis=1)
        resout = np.zeros(3)
        tgt = np.percentile(mat, 42, axis=1)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=1, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        # 0-d output:
        resout = np.zeros(())
        tgt = np.percentile(mat, 42, axis=None)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=None, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=(0, 1), out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        a = [1, 2, 3]
        assert_equal(insert(a, 0, 1), [1, 1, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, 3, 1), [1, 2, 3, 1])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, 1, [1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [1, -1, 3], 9), [1, 9, 2, 9, 3, 9])
        assert_equal(insert(a, slice(-1, None, -1), 9), [9, 1, 9, 2, 9, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [-1, 1, 3], [7, 8, 9]), [1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 9])
        b = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.float64)
        assert_equal(insert(b, 0, b[0]), [0., 0., 1.])
        assert_equal(insert(b, [], []), b)
        # Bools will be treated differently in the future:
        # assert_equal(insert(a, np.array([True]*4), 9), [9, 1, 9, 2, 9, 3, 9])
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', FutureWarning)
                insert(a, np.array([True] * 4), 9), [1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 3])
            assert_(w[0].category is FutureWarning)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_place(self):
        # Make sure that non-np.ndarray objects
        # raise an error instead of doing nothing
        assert_raises(TypeError, place, [1, 2, 3], [True, False], [0, 1])

        a = np.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 8, 7])
        place(a, [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [2, 4, 6])
        assert_array_equal(a, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])

        place(a, np.zeros(7), [])
        assert_array_equal(a, np.arange(1, 8))

        place(a, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [8, 9])
        assert_array_equal(a, [8, 2, 9, 4, 8, 6, 9])
        assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Cannot insert from an empty array",
                            lambda: place(a, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], []))
项目:Sverchok    作者:Sverchok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_knots(pts, metric="DISTANCE"):
    if metric == "DISTANCE":
        tmp = np.linalg.norm(pts[:-1] - pts[1:], axis=1)
        tknots = np.insert(tmp, 0, 0).cumsum()
        tknots = tknots / tknots[-1]
    elif metric == "MANHATTAN":
        tmp = np.sum(np.absolute(pts[:-1] - pts[1:]), 1)
        tknots = np.insert(tmp, 0, 0).cumsum()
        tknots = tknots / tknots[-1]
    elif metric == "POINTS":
        tknots = np.linspace(0, 1, len(pts))
    elif metric == "CHEBYSHEV":
        tknots = np.max(np.absolute(pts[1:] - pts[:-1]), 1)
        tmp = np.insert(tmp, 0, 0).cumsum()
        tknots = tknots / tknots[-1]

    return tknots
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateIncomeProcessAlt(self):
        An alternative method for constructing the income process in the infinite
        horizon model, where the labor supply l_bar creates a small oddity.


        tax_rate = (self.IncUnemp*self.UnempPrb)/(self.l_bar*(1.0-self.UnempPrb))
        TranShkDstn     = deepcopy(approxMeanOneLognormal(self.TranShkCount,sigma=self.TranShkStd[0],tail_N=0))
        TranShkDstn[0]  = np.insert(TranShkDstn[0]*(1.0-self.UnempPrb),0,self.UnempPrb)
        TranShkDstn[1]  = np.insert(self.l_bar*TranShkDstn[1]*(1.0-tax_rate),0,self.IncUnemp)
        PermShkDstn     = approxMeanOneLognormal(self.PermShkCount,sigma=self.PermShkStd[0],tail_N=0)
        self.IncomeDstn = [combineIndepDstns(PermShkDstn,TranShkDstn)]
        self.TranShkDstn = TranShkDstn
        self.PermShkDstn = PermShkDstn
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateIncomeProcess(self):
        An alternative method for constructing the income process in the infinite horizon model.


        if self.cycles == 0:
            tax_rate = (self.IncUnemp*self.UnempPrb)/((1.0-self.UnempPrb)*self.IndL)
            TranShkDstn     = deepcopy(approxMeanOneLognormal(self.TranShkCount,sigma=self.TranShkStd[0],tail_N=0))
            TranShkDstn[0]  = np.insert(TranShkDstn[0]*(1.0-self.UnempPrb),0,self.UnempPrb)
            TranShkDstn[1]  = np.insert(TranShkDstn[1]*(1.0-tax_rate)*self.IndL,0,self.IncUnemp)
            PermShkDstn     = approxMeanOneLognormal(self.PermShkCount,sigma=self.PermShkStd[0],tail_N=0)
            self.IncomeDstn = [combineIndepDstns(PermShkDstn,TranShkDstn)]
            self.TranShkDstn = TranShkDstn
            self.PermShkDstn = PermShkDstn
        else: # Do the usual method if this is the lifecycle model
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updatePermIncGrid(self):
        Update the grid of permanent income levels.  Currently only works for
        infinite horizon models (cycles=0) and lifecycle models (cycles=1).  Not
        clear what to do about cycles>1.  Identical to version in persistent
        shocks model, but pLvl=0 is manually added to the grid (because there is
        no closed form lower-bounding cFunc for pLvl=0).


        # Run basic version of this method
        for j in range(len(self.pLvlGrid)): # Then add 0 to the bottom of each pLvlGrid
            this_grid = self.pLvlGrid[j]
            self.pLvlGrid[j] = np.insert(this_grid,0,0.0001)
项目:HARK    作者:econ-ark    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeEndOfPrdvFunc(self,EndOfPrdvP):
        Construct the end-of-period value function for this period, storing it
        as an attribute of self for use by other methods.

        EndOfPrdvP : np.array
            Array of end-of-period marginal value of assets corresponding to the
            asset values in self.aNrmNow.

        VLvlNext            = (self.PermShkVals_temp**(1.0-self.CRRA)*\
        EndOfPrdv           = self.DiscFacEff*np.sum(VLvlNext*self.ShkPrbs_temp,axis=0)
        EndOfPrdvNvrs       = self.uinv(EndOfPrdv) # value transformed through inverse utility
        EndOfPrdvNvrsP      = EndOfPrdvP*self.uinvP(EndOfPrdv)
        EndOfPrdvNvrs       = np.insert(EndOfPrdvNvrs,0,0.0)
        EndOfPrdvNvrsP      = np.insert(EndOfPrdvNvrsP,0,EndOfPrdvNvrsP[0]) # This is a very good approximation, vNvrsPP = 0 at the asset minimum
        aNrm_temp           = np.insert(self.aNrmNow,0,self.BoroCnstNat)
        EndOfPrdvNvrsFunc   = CubicInterp(aNrm_temp,EndOfPrdvNvrs,EndOfPrdvNvrsP)
        self.EndOfPrdvFunc  = ValueFunc(EndOfPrdvNvrsFunc,self.CRRA)
项目:EZClimate    作者:Litterman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _tipping_point_update(self, tmp, consump, peak_temp_interval=30.0):
        """Determine whether a tipping point has occurred, if so reduce consumption for 
        all periods after this date.
        draws = tmp.shape[0]
        disaster = self._disaster_simulation()
        disaster_cons = self._disaster_cons_simulation()
        period_lengths = self.tree.decision_times[1:] - self.tree.decision_times[:-1]

        tmp_scale = np.maximum(self.peak_temp, tmp)
        ave_prob_of_survival = 1.0 - np.square(tmp / tmp_scale) 
        prob_of_survival = ave_prob_of_survival**(period_lengths / peak_temp_interval)
        # this part may be done better, this takes a long time to loop over
        res = prob_of_survival < disaster
        rows, cols = np.nonzero(res)
        row, count = np.unique(rows, return_counts=True)
        first_occurance = zip(row, cols[np.insert(count.cumsum()[:-1],0,0)])
        for pos in first_occurance:
            consump[pos[0], pos[1]:] *= np.exp(-disaster_cons[pos[0]])
        return consump
项目:pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr    作者:ikostrikov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fix_point(x, y, interval):
    np.insert(x, 0, 0)
    np.insert(y, 0, 0)

    fx, fy = [], []
    pointer = 0

    ninterval = int(max(x) / interval + 1)

    for i in range(ninterval):
        tmpx = interval * i

        while pointer + 1 < len(x) and tmpx > x[pointer + 1]:
            pointer += 1

        if pointer + 1 < len(x):
            alpha = (y[pointer + 1] - y[pointer]) / \
                (x[pointer + 1] - x[pointer])
            tmpy = y[pointer] + alpha * (tmpx - x[pointer])

    return fx, fy
项目:IDNNs    作者:ravidziv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, input_size, layerSize, num_of_classes, learning_rate_local=0.001, save_file='',
                 activation_function=0, cov_net=False):
        self.covnet = cov_net
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.layerSize = layerSize
        self.all_layer_sizes = np.copy(layerSize)
        self.all_layer_sizes = np.insert(self.all_layer_sizes, 0, input_size)
        self.num_of_classes = num_of_classes
        self._num_of_layers = len(layerSize) + 1
        self.learning_rate_local = learning_rate_local
        self._save_file = save_file
        self.hidden = None
        self.savers = []
        if activation_function == 1:
            self.activation_function = tf.nn.relu
        elif activation_function == 2:
            self.activation_function = None
            self.activation_function = tf.nn.tanh
项目:bifrost    作者:ledatelescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def insert_zeros_evenly(input_data, number_zeros):
    """Insert zeros evenly in input_data.
        These zeros are distibuted evenly throughout
        the function, to help for binning of oddly
        shaped arrays.
    @param[in] input_data 1D array to contain zeros.
    @param[out] number_zeros Number of zeros that need
        to be added.
    @returns input_data with extra zeros"""
    insert_index = np.floor(
            step=1.0) * float(input_data.size) / number_zeros)
    output_data = np.insert(
        input_data, insert_index,
    return output_data
项目:StructEngPy    作者:zhuoju36    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear(model:Model.fem_model):
    Dvec=model.D'Solving linear model with %d DOFs...'%model.DOF)
        #sparse matrix solution
        delta_bar = sl.spsolve(sp.csr_matrix(K_bar),F_bar,sym_pos=True)
        delta = delta_bar
        #fill original displacement vector
        prev = 0
        for idx in index:
            if gap>0:
            prev = idx + 1               
            if idx==index[-1] and idx!=n_nodes-1:
                delta = np.insert(delta,prev, [0]*(n_nodes*6-prev))
        delta += Dvec
    except Exception as e:
        return None
    return delta
项目:StructEngPy    作者:zhuoju36    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_linear2(model:Model.fem_model):
    Dvec=model.D'Solving linear model with %d DOFs...'%model.DOF)
    #sparse matrix solution
    delta_bar = sl.spsolve(sp.csc_matrix(K_bar),F_bar)
    delta = delta_bar
    #fill original displacement vector
    prev = 0
    for idx in index:
        if gap>0:
        prev = idx + 1               
        if idx==index[-1] and idx!=n_nodes-1:
            delta = np.insert(delta,prev, [0]*(n_nodes*6-prev))
    delta += Dvec

    return delta
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shuffle_transmat(transmat):
    """Shuffle transition probability matrix within each row, leaving self transitions in tact.

    It is assumed that the transmat is stochastic-row-wise, meaning that A_{ij} = Pr(S_{t+1}=j|S_t=i).

    transmat : array of size (n_states, n_states)
        Transition probability matrix, where A_{ij} = Pr(S_{t+1}=j|S_t=i).

    shuffled : array of size (n_states, n_states)
        Shuffled transition probability matrix.
    shuffled = transmat.copy()

    nrows, ncols = transmat.shape
    for rowidx in range(nrows):
        all_but_diagonal = np.append(np.arange(rowidx), np.arange(rowidx+1, ncols))
        shuffle_idx = np.random.permutation(all_but_diagonal)
        shuffle_idx = np.insert(shuffle_idx, rowidx, rowidx)
        shuffled[rowidx,:] = shuffled[rowidx, shuffle_idx]

    return shuffled
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _within_event_coherent_shuffle(self, kind='train'):
        """Time swap on BinnedSpikeTrainArray, swapping only within each epoch."""
        if kind == 'train':
            bst = self.PBEs_train
        elif kind == 'test':
            bst = self.PBEs_test
            raise ValueError("kind '{}' not understood!".format(kind))

        out = copy.deepcopy(bst) # should this be deep?
        shuffled = np.arange(bst.n_bins)
        edges = np.insert(np.cumsum(bst.lengths),0,0)
        for ii in range(bst.n_epochs):
            segment = shuffled[edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]]
            shuffled[edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]] = np.random.permutation(segment)

        out._data = out._data[:,shuffled]

        if kind == 'train':
            self.PBEs_train = out
            self.PBEs_test = out
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _within_event_incoherent_shuffle(self, kind='train'):
        """Time cycle on BinnedSpikeTrainArray, cycling only within each epoch.
        We cycle each unit independently, within each epoch.
        if kind == 'train':
            bst = self.PBEs_train
        elif kind == 'test':
            bst = self.PBEs_test
            raise ValueError("kind '{}' not understood!".format(kind))

        out = copy.deepcopy(bst) # should this be deep?
        data = out._data
        edges = np.insert(np.cumsum(bst.lengths),0,0)

        for uu in range(bst.n_units):
            for ii in range(bst.n_epochs):
                segment = np.squeeze(data[uu, edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]])
                segment = np.roll(segment, np.random.randint(len(segment)))
                data[uu, edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]] = segment

        if kind == 'train':
            self.PBEs_train = out
            self.PBEs_test = out
项目:nelpy    作者:nelpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _within_event_unit_id_shuffle(self, kind='train'):
        """Unit ID shuffle on BinnedSpikeTrainArray, shuffling independently within each epoch."""

        if kind == 'train':
            bst = self.PBEs_train
        elif kind == 'test':
            bst = self.PBEs_test
            raise ValueError("kind '{}' not understood!".format(kind))

        out = copy.deepcopy(bst) # should this be deep?
        data = out._data
        edges = np.insert(np.cumsum(bst.lengths),0,0)

        unit_list = np.arange(bst.n_units)

        for ii in range(bst.n_epochs):
            segment = data[:, edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]]
            out._data[:, edges[ii]:edges[ii+1]] = segment[np.random.permutation(unit_list)]

        if kind == 'train':
            self.PBEs_train = out
            self.PBEs_test = out
项目:pycolor_detection    作者:parth1993    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findSignificantContours(img, sobel_8u, sobel):
    image, contours, heirarchy = cv2.findContours(sobel_8u, \
                                                  cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, \
    mask = np.ones(image.shape[:2], dtype="uint8") * 255

    level1 = []
    for i, tupl in enumerate(heirarchy[0]):

        if tupl[3] == -1:
            tupl = np.insert(tupl, 0, [i])
    significant = []
    tooSmall = sobel_8u.size * 10 / 100
    for tupl in level1:
        contour = contours[tupl[0]];
        area = cv2.contourArea(contour)
        if area > tooSmall:
            cv2.drawContours(mask, \
                             [contour], 0, (0, 255, 0), \
                             2, cv2.LINE_AA, maxLevel=1)
            significant.append([contour, area])
    significant.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
    significant = [x[0] for x in significant];
    peri = cv2.arcLength(contour, True)
    approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.02 * peri, True)
    mask = sobel.copy()
    mask[mask > 0] = 0
    cv2.fillPoly(mask, significant, 255, 0)
    mask = np.logical_not(mask)
    img[mask] = 0;

    return img
项目:arlpy    作者:org-arl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def diff_encode(x):
    """Encode phase differential baseband signal.

    :param x: complex baseband data to encode differentially
    :returns: differentially encoded complex baseband data of length len(x)+1

    >>> import arlpy
    >>> x = arlpy.comms.modulate(arlpy.comms.random_data(100, 4), arlpy.comms.psk(4))   # QPSK
    >>> len(x)
    >>> y = arlpy.comms.diff_encode(x)  # DQPSK
    >>> len(y)
    >>> x[0]
    >>> y[1]/y[0]
    x = _np.asarray(x)
    y = _np.insert(x, 0, 1)
    for j in range(2,len(y)):
        y[j] *= y[j-1]
    return y
项目:tinyml    作者:parasdahal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, table,reg=False,lamda=0):
        """Initializes Class for Linear Regression

        table : ndarray(n-rows,m-features + 1)
            Numerical training data, last column as training values
        reg : Boolean
            Set True to enable regularization, false by default

        #regularization parameters
        self.reg = reg
        self.lamda = lamda

        self.num_training = np.shape(table)[0]
        # remove the last column from training data to extract features data
        self.X = np.delete(table, -1, 1)
        # add a column of ones in front of the training data
        self.X = np.insert(self.X, 0, np.ones(self.num_training), axis=1)
        self.num_features = np.shape(self.X)[1]
        # extract the values of the training set from the provided data
        self.y = table[:, self.num_features - 1]
        # create parameters and initialize to 1
        self.theta = np.ones(self.num_features)
项目:sl-quant    作者:danielzak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_state(indata, test=False):
    close = indata['close'].values
    diff = np.diff(close)
    diff = np.insert(diff, 0, 0)
    sma15 = SMA(indata, timeperiod=15)
    sma60 = SMA(indata, timeperiod=60)
    rsi = RSI(indata, timeperiod=14)
    atr = ATR(indata, timeperiod=14)

    #--- Preprocess data
    xdata = np.column_stack((close, diff, sma15, close-sma15, sma15-sma60, rsi, atr))

    xdata = np.nan_to_num(xdata)
    if test == False:
        scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
        xdata = np.expand_dims(scaler.fit_transform(xdata), axis=1)
        joblib.dump(scaler, 'data/scaler.pkl')
    elif test == True:
        scaler = joblib.load('data/scaler.pkl')
        xdata = np.expand_dims(scaler.fit_transform(xdata), axis=1)
    state = xdata[0:1, 0:1, :]

    return state, xdata, close

#Take Action
项目:sl-quant    作者:danielzak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_state(data):

    close = data
    diff = np.diff(data)
    diff = np.insert(diff, 0, 0)

    #--- Preprocess data
    xdata = np.column_stack((close, diff))
    xdata = np.nan_to_num(xdata)
    scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    xdata = scaler.fit_transform(xdata)

    state = xdata[0:1, :]
    return state, xdata

#Take Action
项目:sl-quant    作者:danielzak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_state(data):

    close = data
    diff = np.diff(data)
    diff = np.insert(diff, 0, 0)

    #--- Preprocess data
    xdata = np.column_stack((close, diff))
    xdata = np.nan_to_num(xdata)
    scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
    xdata = scaler.fit_transform(xdata)

    state = xdata[0:1, :]
    return state, xdata

#Take Action
项目:Stock-Price-Prediction    作者:dhingratul    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_seq_mul(model, data, win_size, pred_len):
    Predicts multiple sequences
    Input: keras model, testing data, window size, prediction length
    Output: Predicted sequence

    Note: Run from
    pred_seq = []
    for i in range(len(data)//pred_len):
        current = data[i * pred_len]
        predicted = []
        for j in range(pred_len):
            predicted.append(model.predict(current[None, :, :])[0, 0])
            current = current[1:]
            current = np.insert(current, [win_size - 1], predicted[-1], axis=0)
    return pred_seq
项目:py-graphart    作者:dandydarcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the BFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[-1]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, -1)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree
项目:py-graphart    作者:dandydarcy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the DFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[0]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, 0)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree
项目:sparseMF    作者:jeh0753    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_iters_time(results):
    ''' Time it takes to run the model over different numbers of iterations, in log space. Works in non-log space as well, depending on how much slower the fancyimpute approach is. Runs on up to 5 iterations (I suggest using it with different size datasets).  '''
    f, (ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    width = 1 # bar width
    n_range = np.linspace(0, 5, 6)
    model_names = results[0].keys()
    for idx in xrange(len(model_names)): 
        #logtime =  np.log(results[1][model_names[idx]])
        logtime =  np.sqrt(results[1][model_names[idx]])
        logtime = np.insert(logtime, 0, 0)
        ax.plot(n_range, logtime, label=model_names[idx])

    ax.set_title("Speed of Model")
    #plt.ylabel('Time in Log Seconds')
    plt.ylabel('Time in Seconds')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
项目:sparseMF    作者:jeh0753    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_change(results):
    ''' This plot shows how each algorithm changes after each iteration. '''
    f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
    n_range = np.linspace(0, 50, 11)
    model_names = results[0].keys()
    model_range = range(len(model_names))
    for idx, model in enumerate(model_names): 
        if idx == 0:
            ax1.plot(n_range, np.insert(np.absolute(np.diff(results[0][model])), 0, results[0][model][0]), label=model)
            ax2.plot(n_range, np.insert(np.absolute(np.diff(results[1][model])), 0, results[1][model][0]), label=model)
    ax1.set_title('Root Mean Squared Error')
    ax2.set_title('Time in Seconds')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
项目:PySCUBA    作者:GGiecold    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_preprocessed_data(output_directory, cell_IDs, cell_stages, data, markers):

    processed_data_path = path.join(output_directory, 'processed_data.tsv')

    with open(processed_data_path, 'w') as f:
        np.savetxt(f, data.T, fmt = '%.6f', delimiter = '\t')

    dataset = np.genfromtxt(processed_data_path, delimiter = '\t', dtype = str)
    dataset = np.insert(dataset, 0, np.append(['Cell ID', 'Stage'], 
        markers), axis = 1)

    with open(processed_data_path, 'w') as f:
        np.savetxt(f, dataset, fmt = '%s', delimiter = '\t')
项目:PyGraphArt    作者:dnlcrl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the BFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[-1]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, -1)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree
项目:PyGraphArt    作者:dnlcrl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def DFS(self, start, fs=None):
        Returns the DFS tree for the graph starting from start
        to_be_processed = np.array([start],
        known = np.array([],
        tree = np.array([], dtype=object)
        if fs is None:
            fs = self.FSs
        while len(to_be_processed) > 0:
            # pop
            current_node = to_be_processed[0]
            to_be_processed = np.delete(to_be_processed, 0)

            for node in fs[current_node]:
                if node not in known:
                    known = np.append(known, node)
                    tree = np.append(tree, None)
                    tree[-1] = (current_node, node)
                    # push
                    to_be_processed = np.insert(to_be_processed, 0, node)

        return tree
项目:catchy    作者:jvbalen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalized_ioi(track_id):
    """Read beat and IOI data and return IOI normalized by
        beat length.
    beat_times, beat_intervals = get_beats(track_id)
    onset_times, onset_intervals = get_onsets(track_id)

    # prepend a beat at t=0
    if not beat_times[0] == 0:
        np.insert(beat_times, 0, 0)
        np.insert(beat_intervals, 0, beat_times[0])

    norm_ioi = []
    for t, ioi in zip(onset_times, onset_intervals):
        i = bisect(beat_times, t) - 1  # find in sorted list
        norm_ioi.append(ioi / beat_intervals[i])

    return norm_ioi 

# TODO: remove IOII or refactor all 3 functions below
#    (ioii is now in place because feature_transforms module doesn't like
#    0-dimensional data. currently the easiest way to get 2nd-order features
#    based on rPVI is to compute ioii here and take the mean as part of
#    feature transforms.)
项目:abcpy    作者:eth-cscs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cross_covariance(self, x, y):
        """ Computes cross-covariance between x and y 

        x: numpy.ndarray
            Vector of real numbers.
        y: numpy.ndarray
            Vector of real numbers.

            Cross-covariance calculated between x and y.

        return np.mean(np.insert(x,0,1)*np.insert(y,-1,1))-np.mean(np.insert(x,0,1))*np.mean(np.insert(y,-1,1))
项目:tfnn    作者:MorvanZhou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def onehot_encode_y(self, inplace=False):
        1-of-C dummy-coding the categorical target data.
        :param inplace: True of False
        _ys = datasets_onehot_encode(self.ys, inplace)
        data_copy =
        data_copy = np.delete(data_copy, self.n_xfeatures, axis=1)
        data_copy = np.insert(data_copy, [self.n_xfeatures], _ys, axis=1)
        if inplace:
   = data_copy
            _xs = data_copy[:, :self.n_xfeatures]
            _ys = data_copy[:, self.n_xfeatures:]
            return Data(_xs, _ys)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_out(self):
        mat = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        nan_mat = np.insert(mat, [0, 2], np.nan, axis=1)
        resout = np.zeros(3)
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=1)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=1, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        # 0-d output:
        resout = np.zeros(())
        tgt = np.median(mat, axis=None)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=None, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        res = np.nanmedian(nan_mat, axis=(0, 1), out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_out(self):
        mat = np.random.rand(3, 3)
        nan_mat = np.insert(mat, [0, 2], np.nan, axis=1)
        resout = np.zeros(3)
        tgt = np.percentile(mat, 42, axis=1)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=1, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        # 0-d output:
        resout = np.zeros(())
        tgt = np.percentile(mat, 42, axis=None)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=None, out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
        res = np.nanpercentile(nan_mat, 42, axis=(0, 1), out=resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, resout)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        a = [1, 2, 3]
        assert_equal(insert(a, 0, 1), [1, 1, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, 3, 1), [1, 2, 3, 1])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, 1, [1, 2, 3]), [1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [1, -1, 3], 9), [1, 9, 2, 9, 3, 9])
        assert_equal(insert(a, slice(-1, None, -1), 9), [9, 1, 9, 2, 9, 3])
        assert_equal(insert(a, [-1, 1, 3], [7, 8, 9]), [1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 9])
        b = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.float64)
        assert_equal(insert(b, 0, b[0]), [0., 0., 1.])
        assert_equal(insert(b, [], []), b)
        # Bools will be treated differently in the future:
        # assert_equal(insert(a, np.array([True]*4), 9), [9, 1, 9, 2, 9, 3, 9])
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.filterwarnings('always', '', FutureWarning)
                insert(a, np.array([True] * 4), 9), [1, 9, 9, 9, 9, 2, 3])
            assert_(w[0].category is FutureWarning)
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_place(self):
        # Make sure that non-np.ndarray objects
        # raise an error instead of doing nothing
        assert_raises(TypeError, place, [1, 2, 3], [True, False], [0, 1])

        a = np.array([1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 8, 7])
        place(a, [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [2, 4, 6])
        assert_array_equal(a, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])

        place(a, np.zeros(7), [])
        assert_array_equal(a, np.arange(1, 8))

        place(a, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [8, 9])
        assert_array_equal(a, [8, 2, 9, 4, 8, 6, 9])
        assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Cannot insert from an empty array",
                            lambda: place(a, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], []))
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_controlpoints(n, dim, rational, periodic):
    if len(n) == 1: # curve
        cp = gen_cp_curve(n[0],dim,periodic)
        total_n = n[0]
    elif len(n) == 2: # surface
        cp = gen_cp_surface(n, dim, periodic)
        total_n = n[0]*n[1]
    elif len(n) == 3: # volume
        cp = gen_cp_volume(n, dim, periodic)
        total_n = n[0]*n[1]*n[2]

    cp = np.reshape(cp, (total_n, dim))

    if rational:
        w  = np.random.rand(total_n) + 0.5
        w  = np.round(w*10)/10
        cp = np.insert(cp, dim, w, 1)

    return cp
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def length(self, t0=None, t1=None):
        """ Computes the euclidian length of the curve in geometric space

        .. math:: \\int_{t_0}^{t_1}\\sqrt{x(t)^2 + y(t)^2 + z(t)^2} dt

        (x,w) = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(self.order(0)+1)
        knots = self.knots(0)
        # keep only integration boundaries within given start (t0) and stop (t1) interval
        if t0 is not None:
            i = bisect_left(knots, t0)
            knots = np.insert(knots, i, t0)
            knots = knots[i:]
        if t1 is not None:
            i = bisect_right(knots, t1)
            knots = knots[:i]
            knots = np.insert(knots, i, t1)

        t = np.array([ (x+1)/2*(t1-t0)+t0 for t0,t1 in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]) ])
        w = np.array([     w/2*(t1-t0)    for t0,t1 in zip(knots[:-1], knots[1:]) ])
        t = np.ndarray.flatten(t)
        w = np.ndarray.flatten(w)
        dx = self.derivative(t)
        detJ = np.sqrt(np.sum(dx**2, axis=1))
        return, w)
项目:Splipy    作者:sintefmath    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_dimension(self, new_dim):
        """  Sets the physical dimension of the object. If increased, the new
        components are set to zero.

        :param int new_dim: New dimension.
        :return: self
        dim = self.dimension
        shape = self.controlpoints.shape
        while new_dim > dim:
            self.controlpoints = np.insert(self.controlpoints, dim, np.zeros(shape[:-1]), self.pardim)
            dim += 1
        while new_dim < dim:
            self.controlpoints = np.delete(self.controlpoints, -2 if self.rational else -1, -1)
            dim -= 1
        self.dimension = new_dim

        return self