def isotropic_mean_shift(self): """normalized last mean shift, under random selection N(0,I) distributed. Caveat: while it is finite and close to sqrt(n) under random selection, the length of the normalized mean shift under *systematic* selection (e.g. on a linear function) tends to infinity for mueff -> infty. Hence it must be used with great care for large mueff. """ z = self.sm.transform_inverse((self.mean - self.mean_old) / self.sigma_vec.scaling) # works unless a re-parametrisation has been done # assert Mh.vequals_approximately(z, np.dot(es.B, (1. / es.D) * # np.dot(es.B.T, (es.mean - es.mean_old) / es.sigma_vec))) z /= self.sigma * self.sp.cmean z *= self.sp.weights.mueff**0.5 return z
def _random_vec(sites, ldim, randstate=None, dtype=np.complex_): """Returns a random complex vector (normalized to ||x||_2 = 1) of shape (ldim,) * sites, i.e. a pure state with local dimension `ldim` living on `sites` sites. :param sites: Number of local sites :param ldim: Local ldimension :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :returns: numpy.ndarray of shape (ldim,) * sites >>> psi = _random_vec(5, 2); psi.shape (2, 2, 2, 2, 2) >>> np.abs(np.vdot(psi, psi) - 1) < 1e-6 True """ shape = (ldim, ) * sites psi = _randfuncs[dtype](shape, randstate=randstate) psi /= np.linalg.norm(psi) return psi
def random_mps(sites, ldim, rank, randstate=None, force_rank=False): """Returns a randomly choosen normalized matrix product state :param sites: Number of sites :param ldim: Local dimension :param rank: Rank :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :param force_rank: If True, the rank is exaclty `rank`. Otherwise, it might be reduced if we reach the maximum sensible rank. :returns: randomly choosen matrix product (pure) state >>> mps = random_mps(4, 2, 10, force_rank=True) >>> mps.ranks, mps.shape ((10, 10, 10), ((2,), (2,), (2,), (2,))) >>> mps.canonical_form (0, 4) >>> round(abs(1 - mp.inner(mps, mps)), 10) 0.0 """ return random_mpa(sites, ldim, rank, normalized=True, randstate=randstate, force_rank=force_rank, dtype=np.complex_)
def _standard_normal(shape, randstate=np.random, dtype=np.float_): """Generates a standard normal numpy array of given shape and dtype, i.e. this function is equivalent to `randstate.randn(*shape)` for real dtype and `randstate.randn(*shape) + 1.j * randstate.randn(shape)` for complex dtype. :param tuple shape: Shape of array to be returned :param randstate: An instance of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` (default is ``np.random``)) :param dtype: ``np.float_`` (default) or `np.complex_` Returns ------- A: An array of given shape and dtype with standard normal entries """ if dtype == np.float_: return randstate.randn(*shape) elif dtype == np.complex_: return randstate.randn(*shape) + 1.j * randstate.randn(*shape) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid dtype.'.format(dtype))
def setup_params(self, data): keys = ('fun_data', 'fun_y', 'fun_ymin', 'fun_ymax') if not any(self.params[k] for k in keys): raise PlotnineError('No summary function') if self.params['fun_args'] is None: self.params['fun_args'] = {} if 'random_state' not in self.params['fun_args']: if self.params['random_state']: random_state = self.params['random_state'] if random_state is None: random_state = np.random elif isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) self.params['fun_args']['random_state'] = random_state return self.params
def bootstrap_statistics(series, statistic, n_samples=1000, confidence_interval=0.95, random_state=None): """ Default parameters taken from R's Hmisc smean.cl.boot """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random alpha = 1 - confidence_interval size = (n_samples, len(series)) inds = random_state.randint(0, len(series), size=size) samples = series.values[inds] means = np.sort(statistic(samples, axis=1)) return pd.DataFrame({'ymin': means[int((alpha/2)*n_samples)], 'ymax': means[int((1-alpha/2)*n_samples)], 'y': [statistic(series)]})
def mahalanobis_norm(self, dx): """compute the Mahalanobis norm that is induced by the adapted sample distribution, covariance matrix ``C`` times ``sigma**2``, including ``sigma_vec``. The expected Mahalanobis distance to the sample mean is about ``sqrt(dimension)``. Argument -------- A *genotype* difference `dx`. Example ------- >>> import cma, numpy >>> es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(numpy.ones(10), 1) >>> xx = numpy.random.randn(2, 10) >>> d = es.mahalanobis_norm(es.gp.geno(xx[0]-xx[1])) `d` is the distance "in" the true sample distribution, sampled points have a typical distance of ``sqrt(2*es.N)``, where ``es.N`` is the dimension, and an expected distance of close to ``sqrt(N)`` to the sample mean. In the example, `d` is the Euclidean distance, because C = I and sigma = 1. """ return sqrt(sum((self.D**-1. * np.dot(self.B.T, dx / self.sigma_vec))**2)) / self.sigma
def __call__(self, x, inverse=False): # function when calling an object """Rotates the input array `x` with a fixed rotation matrix (``self.dicMatrices['str(len(x))']``) """ x = np.array(x, copy=False) N = x.shape[0] # can be an array or matrix, TODO: accept also a list of arrays? if str(N) not in self.dicMatrices: # create new N-basis for once and all rstate = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(self.seed) if self.seed else np.random.seed() B = np.random.randn(N, N) for i in range(N): for j in range(0, i): B[i] -= np.dot(B[i], B[j]) * B[j] B[i] /= sum(B[i]**2)**0.5 self.dicMatrices[str(N)] = B np.random.set_state(rstate) if inverse: return np.dot(self.dicMatrices[str(N)].T, x) # compute rotation else: return np.dot(self.dicMatrices[str(N)], x) # compute rotation # Use rotate(x) to rotate x
def elli(self, x, rot=0, xoffset=0, cond=1e6, actuator_noise=0.0, both=False): """Ellipsoid test objective function""" if not isscalar(x[0]): # parallel evaluation return [self.elli(xi, rot) for xi in x] # could save 20% overall if rot: x = rotate(x) N = len(x) if actuator_noise: x = x + actuator_noise * np.random.randn(N) ftrue = sum(cond**(np.arange(N) / (N - 1.)) * (x + xoffset)**2) alpha = 0.49 + 1. / N beta = 1 felli = np.random.rand(1)[0]**beta * ftrue * \ max(1, (10.**9 / (ftrue + 1e-99))**(alpha * np.random.rand(1)[0])) # felli = ftrue + 1*np.random.randn(1)[0] / (1e-30 + # np.abs(np.random.randn(1)[0]))**0 if both: return (felli, ftrue) else: # return felli # possibly noisy value return ftrue # + np.random.randn()
def __init__( self, batch_size, training_epoch_size=None, no_stub_batch=False, shuffle=None, seed=None, buffer_size=2, ): self.batch_size = batch_size self.training_epoch_size = training_epoch_size self.no_stub_batch = no_stub_batch self.shuffle = shuffle if seed is not None: self.random = np.random.RandomState(seed) else: self.random = np.random self.buffer_size = buffer_size
def test_process_image(compress, out_dir): numpy.random.seed(8) image = numpy.random.randint(256, size=(16, 16, 3), dtype=numpy.uint16) meta = { "DNA": "/User/jcaciedo/LUAD/dna.tiff", "ER": "/User/jcaciedo/LUAD/er.tiff", "Mito": "/User/jcaciedo/LUAD/mito.tiff" } compress.stats["illum_correction_function"] = numpy.ones((16,16,3)) compress.stats["upper_percentiles"] = [255, 255, 255] compress.stats["lower_percentiles"] = [0, 0, 0] compress.process_image(0, image, meta) filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(out_dir,"*")) real_filenames = [os.path.join(out_dir, x) for x in ["dna.png", "er.png", "mito.png"]] filenames.sort() assert real_filenames == filenames for i in range(3): data = scipy.misc.imread(filenames[i]) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(image[:,:,i], data)
def test_apply(corrector): image = numpy.random.randint(256, size=(24, 24, 3), dtype=numpy.uint16) illum_corr_func = numpy.random.rand(24, 24, 3) illum_corr_func /= illum_corr_func.min() corrector.illum_corr_func = illum_corr_func corrected = corrector.apply(image) expected = image / illum_corr_func assert corrected.shape == (24, 24, 3) numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(corrected, expected)
def estimate(self, context, data): pdf = ScaleMixture() alpha = context.prior.alpha beta = context.prior.beta d = context._d if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data[:, numpy.newaxis] a = alpha + 0.5 * d * len(data.shape) b = beta + 0.5 * data.sum(-1) ** 2 s = numpy.clip(numpy.random.gamma(a, 1. / b), 1e-20, 1e10) pdf.scales = s context.prior.estimate(s) pdf.prior = context.prior return pdf
def testRandom(self): ig = InverseGaussian(1., 1.) samples = ig.random(1000000) mu = numpy.mean(samples) var = numpy.var(samples) self.assertAlmostEqual(ig.mu, mu, delta=1e-1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ig.mu ** 3 / ig.shape, var, delta=1e-1) ig = InverseGaussian(3., 6.) samples = ig.random(1000000) mu = numpy.mean(samples) var = numpy.var(samples) self.assertAlmostEqual(ig.mu, mu, delta=1e-1) self.assertAlmostEqual(ig.mu ** 3 / ig.shape, var, delta=5e-1)
def testRandom(self): from scipy.special import kv from numpy import sqrt a = 2. b = 1. p = 1 gig = GeneralizedInverseGaussian(a, b, p) samples = gig.random(10000) mu_analytical = sqrt(b) * kv(p + 1, sqrt(a * b)) / (sqrt(a) * kv(p, sqrt(a * b))) var_analytical = b * kv(p + 2, sqrt(a * b)) / a / kv(p, sqrt(a * b)) - mu_analytical ** 2 mu = numpy.mean(samples) var = numpy.var(samples) self.assertAlmostEqual(mu_analytical, mu, delta=1e-1) self.assertAlmostEqual(var_analytical, var, delta=1e-1)
def _check_random_state(seed): """Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance If seed is None, return the RandomState singleton used by np.random. If seed is an int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with seed. If seed is already a RandomState instance, return it. Otherwise raise ValueError. """ if seed is None or seed is np.random: return np.random.mtrand._rand if isinstance(seed, int): return np.random.RandomState(seed) if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState): return seed raise ValueError('%r cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState' ' instance' % seed)
def test_poisson(self): """Tests that Gibbs sampling the initial process yields a Poisson process.""" nt = 50 ns = 1000 num_giter = 5 net = self.poisson times = [] for i in range(ns): arrv = net.sample (nt) obs = arrv.subset (lambda a,e: a.is_last_in_queue(e), copy_evt) gsmp = net.gibbs_resample (arrv, 0, num_giter) resampled = gsmp[-1] evts = resampled.events_of_task (2) times.append (evts[0].d) exact_sample = [ numpy.random.gamma (shape=3, scale=0.5) for i in xrange (ns) ] times.sort() exact_sample.sort() print summarize(times) print summarize(exact_sample) netutils.check_quantiles (self, exact_sample, times, ns)
def _sample_testset(self, data): test_sample = self.test_sample if not isinstance(test_sample, int): return data userid, feedback = self.fields.userid, self.fields.feedback if test_sample > 0: sampled = (data.groupby(userid, sort=False, group_keys=False) .apply(random_choice, test_sample, self.random_state or np.random)) elif test_sample < 0: #leave only the most negative feedback from user idx = (data.groupby(userid, sort=False)[feedback] .nsmallest(-test_sample).index.get_level_values(1)) sampled = data.loc[idx] else: sampled = data return sampled
def elastic_transform(image, alpha, sigma, random_state=None): """Elastic deformation of images as described in [Simard2003]_. .. [Simard2003] Simard, Steinkraus and Platt, "Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Visual Document Analysis", in Proc. of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003. """ if random_state is None: random_state = np.random.RandomState(None) shape = image.shape[1:]; dx = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha dy = gaussian_filter((random_state.rand(*shape) * 2 - 1), sigma, mode="constant", cval=0) * alpha x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[1]), np.arange(shape[0])) indices = np.reshape(y+dy, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(x+dx, (-1, 1)) #return map_coordinates(image, indices, order=1).reshape(shape) res = np.zeros_like(image); for i in xrange(image.shape[0]): res[i] = map_coordinates(image[i], indices, order=1).reshape(shape) return res;
def load_augment(fname, w, h, aug_params=no_augmentation_params, transform=None, sigma=0.0, color_vec=None): """Load augmented image with output shape (w, h). Default arguments return non augmented image of shape (w, h). To apply a fixed transform (color augmentation) specify transform (color_vec). To generate a random augmentation specify aug_params and sigma. """ img = load_image(fname) if transform is None: img = perturb(img, augmentation_params=aug_params, target_shape=(w, h)) else: img = perturb_fixed(img, tform_augment=transform, target_shape=(w, h)) np.subtract(img, MEAN[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], out=img) np.divide(img, STD[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], out=img) img = augment_color(img, sigma=sigma, color_vec=color_vec) return img
def __call__(self, x, inverse=False): # function when calling an object """Rotates the input array `x` with a fixed rotation matrix (``self.dicMatrices['str(len(x))']``) """ x = np.array(x, copy=False) N = x.shape[0] # can be an array or matrix, TODO: accept also a list of arrays? if str(N) not in self.dicMatrices: # create new N-basis for once and all rstate = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(self.seed) if self.seed else np.random.seed() B = np.random.randn(N, N) for i in xrange(N): for j in xrange(0, i): B[i] -= np.dot(B[i], B[j]) * B[j] B[i] /= sum(B[i]**2)**0.5 self.dicMatrices[str(N)] = B np.random.set_state(rstate) if inverse: return np.dot(self.dicMatrices[str(N)].T, x) # compute rotation else: return np.dot(self.dicMatrices[str(N)], x) # compute rotation # Use rotate(x) to rotate x
def form_set_data(labels, max_num, verbose=False): """Generate label sets from sample labels. For each sample, generate a set by random sampling within the same class. Set is a tensor """ # group sample ids based on label. label_ids = {} for idx in range(labels.size): if labels[idx] not in label_ids: label_ids[labels[idx]] = [] label_ids[labels[idx]].append(idx) set_ids = {} for idx in range(labels.size): samp_ids = label_ids[labels[idx]][:] samp_num = min(max_num, len(samp_ids)) set_ids[idx] = rand.sample(samp_ids, samp_num) if verbose: print "set {} formed.".format(idx) return set_ids
def rvs(cls, a, b, size=1, random_state=None): """Draw random variates. Parameters ---------- a : float or array-like b : float or array-like size : int, optional random_state : RandomState, optional Returns ------- np.array """ u = ss.uniform.rvs(loc=a, scale=b-a, size=size, random_state=random_state) x = np.exp(u) return x
def rvs(cls, b, size=1, random_state=None): """Get random variates. Parameters ---------- b : float size : int or tuple, optional random_state : RandomState, optional Returns ------- arraylike """ u = ss.uniform.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=size, random_state=random_state) t1 = np.where(u < 0.5, np.sqrt(2. * u) * b - b, -np.sqrt(2. * (1. - u)) * b + b) return t1
def rvs(self, size=None, random_state=None): """Sample the joint prior.""" random_state = np.random if random_state is None else random_state context = ComputationContext(size or 1, seed='global') loaded_net = self.client.load_data(self._rvs_net, context, batch_index=0) # Change to the correct random_state instance # TODO: allow passing random_state to ComputationContext seed loaded_net.node['_random_state'] = {'output': random_state} batch = self.client.compute(loaded_net) rvs = np.column_stack([batch[p] for p in self.parameter_names]) if self.dim == 1: rvs = rvs.reshape(size or 1) return rvs[0] if size is None else rvs
def raw_to_floatX(imb, pixel_shift=0.5, square=True, center=False, rng=None): rng = rng if rng else np.random w,h = imb.shape[2], imb.shape[3] # image size x, y = 0,0 # offsets if square: if w > h: if center: x = (w-h)/2 else: x = rng.randint(w-h) w=h elif h > w: if center: y = (h-w)/2 else: y = rng.randint(h-w) h=w return nn.utils.floatX(imb)[:,:,x:x+w,y:y+h]/ 255. - pixel_shift # creates and hdf5 file from a dataset given a split in the form {'train':(0,n)}, etc # appears to save in unpredictable order, so order must be verified after creation
def batch_loader(self, rnd_gen=np.random, shuffle=True): """load_mbs yields a new minibatch at each iteration""" batchsize = self.batchsize inds = np.arange(self.n_samples) if shuffle: rnd_gen.shuffle(inds) n_mbs = np.int(np.ceil(self.n_samples / batchsize)) x = np.zeros(self.X_shape, np.float32) y = np.zeros(self.y_shape, np.float32) ids = np.empty((batchsize,), np.object_) for m in range(n_mbs): start = m * batchsize end = (m + 1) * batchsize if end > self.n_samples: end = self.n_samples mb_slice = slice(start, end) x[:end - start, :] = self.x[inds[mb_slice], :] y[:end - start, :] = self.y[inds[mb_slice], :] ids[:end - start] = self.ids[inds[mb_slice]] yield dict(X=x, y=y, ID=ids)
def __init__(self, n_samples, duration, *ops, **kwargs): super(Sampler, self).__init__(*ops) self.n_samples = n_samples self.duration = duration random_state = kwargs.pop('random_state', None) if random_state is None: self.rng = np.random elif isinstance(random_state, int): self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=random_state) elif isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): self.rng = random_state else: raise ParameterError('Invalid random_state={}'.format(random_state))
def __init__(self, data, rng=None): if rng is None: rng = np.random if is_integer(data): if data < 1: raise ValidationError("Number of dimensions must be a " "positive int", attr='data', obj=self) self.v = rng.randn(data) self.v /= np.linalg.norm(self.v) else: self.v = np.array(data, dtype=float) if len(self.v.shape) != 1: raise ValidationError("'data' must be a vector", 'data', self) self.v.setflags(write=False)
def mahalanobis_norm(self, dx): """return Mahalanobis norm based on the current sample distribution. The norm is based on Covariance matrix ``C`` times ``sigma**2``, and includes ``sigma_vec``. The expected Mahalanobis distance to the sample mean is about ``sqrt(dimension)``. Argument -------- A *genotype* difference `dx`. Example ------- >>> import cma, numpy >>> es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(numpy.ones(10), 1) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS (5_w,... >>> xx = numpy.random.randn(2, 10) >>> d = es.mahalanobis_norm(es.gp.geno(xx[0]-xx[1])) `d` is the distance "in" the true sample distribution, sampled points have a typical distance of ``sqrt(2*es.N)``, where ``es.N`` is the dimension, and an expected distance of close to ``sqrt(N)`` to the sample mean. In the example, `d` is the Euclidean distance, because C = I and sigma = 1. """ return self.sm.norm(np.asarray(dx) / self.sigma_vec.scaling) / self.sigma
def get_rng(): """Get the package-level random number generator. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` instance The :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` instance passed to the most recent call of :func:`set_rng`, or ``numpy.random`` if :func:`set_rng` has never been called. """ return _rng
def set_rng(rng): """Set the package-level random number generator. Parameters ---------- new_rng : ``numpy.random`` or a :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` instance The random number generator to use. """ global _rng _rng = rng
def set_seed(seed): """Set numpy seed. Parameters ---------- seed : int """ global _rng _rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
def __init__(self, db, keys, rng=np.random): super(DataIterator, self).__init__() self.db = db self.keys = keys self.rng = rng # If there is only one key, wrap it in a list if isinstance(self.keys, str): self.keys = [self.keys] # Retrieve the data specification (shape & dtype) for all data objects # Assumes that all samples have the same shape and data type self.spec = db.get_data_specification(0)
def __init__(self, db, keys, batch_size, shuffle=False, endless=True, rng=np.random): super(SimpleBatch, self).__init__(db, keys, rng) self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.endless = endless # Set up Python generator self.gen = self.batch()
def __init__(self, db, keys, batch_size, shuffle=False, endless=True, rng=np.random): super(SimpleBatchThreadSafe, self).__init__(db, keys, batch_size, shuffle, endless, rng)
def __init__(self, db, keys, batch_size, rng=np.random): super(StochasticBatch, self).__init__(db, keys, rng) self.batch_size = batch_size # Set up Python generator self.gen = self.batch()
def __init__(self, db, keys, batch_size, rng=np.random): super(StochasticBatchThreadSafe, self).__init__(db, keys, batch_size, rng)
def random_lowrank(rows, cols, rank, randstate=np.random, dtype=np.float_): """Returns a random lowrank matrix of given shape and dtype""" if dtype == np.float_: A = randstate.randn(rows, rank) B = randstate.randn(cols, rank) elif dtype == np.complex_: A = randstate.randn(rows, rank) + 1.j * randstate.randn(rows, rank) B = randstate.randn(cols, rank) + 1.j * randstate.randn(cols, rank) else: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid dtype".format(dtype)) C = A.dot(B.conj().T) return C / np.linalg.norm(C)
def random_fullrank(rows, cols, **kwargs): """Returns a random matrix of given shape and dtype. Should provide same interface as random_lowrank""" kwargs.pop('rank', None) return random_lowrank(rows, cols, min(rows, cols), **kwargs)
def _zrandn(shape, randstate=None): """Shortcut for :code:`np.random.randn(*shape) + 1.j * np.random.randn(*shape)` :param randstate: Instance of np.radom.RandomState or None (which yields the default np.random) (default None) """ randstate = randstate if randstate is not None else np.random return randstate.randn(*shape) + 1.j * randstate.randn(*shape)
def _randn(shape, randstate=None): """Shortcut for :code:`np.random.randn(*shape)` :param randstate: Instance of np.radom.RandomState or None (which yields the default np.random) (default None) """ randstate = randstate if randstate is not None else np.random return randstate.randn(*shape)
def _random_state(sites, ldim, randstate=None): """Returns a random positive semidefinite operator of shape (ldim, ldim) * sites normalized to Tr rho = 1, i.e. a mixed state with local dimension `ldim` living on `sites` sites. Note that the returned state is positive semidefinite only when interpreted in global form (see :func:`tools.global_to_local`) :param sites: Number of local sites :param ldim: Local ldimension :param randstate: numpy.random.RandomState instance or None :returns: numpy.ndarray of shape (ldim, ldim) * sites >>> from numpy.linalg import eigvalsh >>> rho = _random_state(3, 2).reshape((2**3, 2**3)) >>> all(eigvalsh(rho) >= 0) True >>> np.abs(np.trace(rho) - 1) < 1e-6 True """ shape = (ldim**sites, ldim**sites) mat = _zrandn(shape, randstate=randstate) rho = np.conj(mat.T).dot(mat) rho /= np.trace(rho) return rho.reshape((ldim,) * 2 * sites) #################################### # Factory functions for MPArrays # ####################################