Python numpy 模块,Inf() 实例源码


项目:rca-evaluation    作者:sieve-microservices    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ncc_c(x, y):
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])
    array([ 0.13333333,  0.36666667,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,
            0.36666667,  0.13333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,1,1], [1,1,1])
    array([ 0.33333333,  0.66666667,  1.        ,  0.66666667,  0.33333333])
    >>> _ncc_c([1,2,3], [-1,-1,-1])
    array([-0.15430335, -0.46291005, -0.9258201 , -0.77151675, -0.46291005])
    den = np.array(norm(x) * norm(y))
    den[den == 0] = np.Inf

    x_len = len(x)
    fft_size = 1<<(2*x_len-1).bit_length()
    cc = ifft(fft(x, fft_size) * np.conj(fft(y, fft_size)))
    cc = np.concatenate((cc[-(x_len-1):], cc[:x_len]))
    return np.real(cc) / den
项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:pyshearlab    作者:stefanloock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SLcomputeSNR(X, Xnoisy):
    SLcomputeSNR Compute signal to noise ratio (SNR).


        SNR = SLcomputeSNR(X, Xnoisy)


        X:      2D or 3D signal.
        Xnoisy: 2D or 3D noisy signal.


        SNR: The signal to noise ratio (in dB).

    if np.linalg.norm(X-Xnoisy) == 0:
        return np.Inf
        return 10 * np.log10( np.sum(np.power(X,2)) / np.sum(np.power(X-Xnoisy,2)) )
项目:third_person_im    作者:bstadie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:vampyre    作者:GAMPTeam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,shape,z0rep_axes=(0,), z1rep_axes=(0,), map_est=False):
        self.shape = shape
        ndim = len(shape)
        if z0rep_axes == 'all':
            z0rep_axes = tuple(range(ndim))
        if z1rep_axes == 'all':
            z1rep_axes = tuple(range(ndim))            
        self.z0rep_axes = z0rep_axes
        self.z1rep_axes = z1rep_axes
        self.cost_avail = True
        self.map_est = map_est

        # Initial variances
        self.zvar0_init= np.Inf
        self.zvar1_init= np.Inf
项目:vampyre    作者:GAMPTeam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,y,shape,zrep_axes=(0,),thresh=0,perr=1e-6,\

        self.y = y
        self.shape = shape
        self.thresh = thresh
        self.perr = perr
        self.cost_avail = True
        self.var_init = var_init

        # Set the repetition axes
        ndim = len(self.shape)
        if zrep_axes == 'all':
            zrep_axes = tuple(range(ndim))
        self.zrep_axes = zrep_axes
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:deep-learning-keras-projects    作者:jasmeetsb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
           (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:graynet    作者:raamana    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalid_nbins():
    with raises(ValueError):
        ew = graynet.extract(subject_id_list, fs_dir, num_bins=np.NaN)

    with raises(ValueError):
        ew = graynet.extract(subject_id_list, fs_dir, num_bins=np.Inf)

    with raises(ValueError):
        ew = graynet.extract(subject_id_list, fs_dir, num_bins=2)

# test_multi_edge()
# test_multi_edge_CLI()
# test_empty_subject_list()
# test_run_no_IO()
# test_run_roi_stats_via_API()
# test_run_roi_stats_via_CLI()
# test_CLI_only_weight_or_stats()
项目:cma    作者:hardmaru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in xrange(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in xrange(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:Story_CoWriting    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, decision):

        for context in self.contexts:
            if decision in self.contexts[context]:
                self.contexts_scores[context] += eta + np.random.randn()*1e-5

        # special condition for names:
        if decision in women_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.Inf
            self.men_names_score = 0.
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in men_names:
            self.women_names_score = 0.
            self.men_names_score = np.Inf
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in robots_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.men_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.robots_names_score = np.Inf

        self.most_likely_context = max(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        self.less_likely_context = min(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
项目:Story_CoWriting    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, decision):

        for context in self.contexts:
            if decision in self.contexts[context]:
                self.contexts_scores[context] += eta + np.random.randn()*1e-5

        # special condition for names:
        if decision in women_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.Inf
            self.men_names_score = 0.
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in men_names:
            self.women_names_score = 0.
            self.men_names_score = np.Inf
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in robots_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.men_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.robots_names_score = np.Inf

        self.most_likely_context = max(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        self.less_likely_context = min(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
项目:Story_CoWriting    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, decision, weight):

        for context in CONTEXTS:
            if decision in CONTEXTS[context]:
                self.contexts_scores[context] += weight + np.random.randn()*1e-5

        # special condition for names:
        if decision in women_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.Inf
            self.men_names_score = 0.
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in men_names:
            self.women_names_score = 0.
            self.men_names_score = np.Inf
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in robots_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.men_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.robots_names_score = np.Inf

        self.most_likely_context = max(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        self.less_likely_context = min(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
项目:Story_CoWriting    作者:alexis-jacq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, decision):

        for context in self.contexts:
            if decision in self.contexts[context]:
                self.contexts_scores[context] += eta + np.random.randn()*1e-5

        # special condition for names:
        if decision in women_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.Inf
            self.men_names_score = 0.
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in men_names:
            self.women_names_score = 0.
            self.men_names_score = np.Inf
            self.robots_names_score = -1.
        if decision in robots_names:
            self.women_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.men_names_score = np.random.randn()*1e-5
            self.robots_names_score = np.Inf

        self.most_likely_context = max(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        self.less_likely_context = min(self.contexts_scores.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
项目:Tethys    作者:JosePedroMatos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # define required options
        if not 'pBins' in self.opt:
        if not 'inertia' in self.opt:
        if not 'c1' in self.opt:
        if not 'c2' in self.opt:
        if not 'c3' in self.opt:

        if self.opt['c3']==0:

        # define required variables
        self.pBestIdxs=np.arange(self.opt['population'], dtype=np.int32)
        self.gBestIdxs=np.arange(self.opt['population'], dtype=np.int32)
        tmp=np.hstack((-np.Inf, np.linspace(0,1, num=self.opt['pBins'])))
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
          logging.warning('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode))
          self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
            (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
          self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
 = np.Inf
          self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
 = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:FLASH    作者:yuyuz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_best_trial(filename, cut=None):
        fh = open(filename, "r")
        trials = cPickle.load(fh)

        current_best = numpy.Inf
        best_idx = 0
        if cut is None:
            cut = len(trials['trials'])
        print filename, "#Trials", len(trials['trials'])
        for i, trial in enumerate(trials['trials'][:cut]):
            result = trial['result']
            if result < current_best:
                best_idx = i
                current_best = result
        if current_best == numpy.Inf:
            raise Exception("%s does not contain any results" % filename)
        return current_best, best_idx
    except Exception as e:
        print "Problem with ", filename, e
        return None, None

# TODO: Don't know whether this is longer needed
项目:synchrony    作者:cknd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_all_times_to_correct_decision(self,thr=0.5,stay_above=True,unit="spikes",spikemeasure="growing_spikecount", do_title=True):
        times = np.array([self.time_to_correct_decision(e,thr,stay_above,unit,spikemeasure) for e in self.experiments]).flatten()
        # times[30:50] = np.Inf
        maximum = int(np.ceil(max(times[times!=np.Inf])))
        plt_inf = maximum+2 # for unsuccessful trials (time=Inf), set time to some value distinct from any actual decision time.
        times[times==np.Inf] = plt_inf

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(hcPlotting.fig_width,hcPlotting.fig_height/3))

        bins = np.hstack([np.arange(0.25,maximum+1,0.5),[plt_inf,plt_inf+1]])
        n,_,_ = plt.hist(times,bins,color='k',edgecolor='w')

        ax = plt.gca()

        ax.set_xticklabels([str(i) for i in range(maximum+1)]+[r'$\infty$'])

        ax.set_ylabel("nr. of trials")
        ax.set_xlabel("spikes observed before classification")
        if do_title:
            plt.title("thr = "+str(thr)+", stay_above = "+str(stay_above)+", classes: " +" vs. ".join(self.classes))
项目:kaggle_airbnb    作者:svegapons    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', patience=0, verbose=0, mode='auto'):
        super(Callback, self).__init__()

        self.monitor = monitor
        self.patience = patience
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.wait = 0
        self.best_epoch = 0

        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf
项目:gail-driver    作者:sisl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                          if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                          if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:traffic-prediction    作者:JonnoFTW    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', mode='auto', verbose=0):
        super(BestWeight, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.mode = mode
        self.best_weights = None
        self.verbose = verbose
        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf
项目:keras    作者:NVIDIA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
           (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:eval-embed    作者:hlt-bme-hu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_questions(C, all_words, n):
    scores = dist_function[0](C[:, all_words], W[all_words, :], W2)
    worst = -dist_function[1]*numpy.Inf
    for i in range(C.shape[0]):
        scores[i, C[i, :].nonzero()[1]] = worst
    if dist_function[1] > 0:
        hits = scores.argpartition(-n, axis=1)[:, -n:]
        answers = [sorted(hits[i], key=lambda hit: scores[i, hit], reverse=True) for i in range(len(hits))]
        hits = scores.argpartition(n, axis=1)[:, :n]
        answers = [sorted(hits[i], key=lambda hit: scores[i, hit], reverse=False) for i in range(len(hits))]
    if args.log_level > 1:
        small_scores = [scores[i, answers[i]] for i in xrange(hits.shape[0])]
        small_scores = None
    return answers, small_scores
项目:keras_superpixel_pooling    作者:parag2489    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
           (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:deep-coref    作者:clarkkev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=False, mode='auto'):

        super(Callback, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.save_best_only = save_best_only

        if mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn("ModelCheckpoint mode %s is unknown, fallback to auto mode" % (self.mode), RuntimeWarning)
            mode = 'auto'

        if mode == "min":
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == "max":
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if "acc" in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf
项目:DeepJet    作者:mstoye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _reset(self):
        """Resets wait counter and cooldown counter.
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode),
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if (self.mode == 'min' or
           (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor)):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:rllab    作者:rll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:gamtools    作者:pombo-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_location_string(loc_string):
    Parse a UCSC format location string (e.g. "chr2:1000-1100") and return
    an interval tuple in the format ('chr2', 1000, 1100).

    :param loc_string: Input location string
    :type loc_string: :ref:`location string <location_string>`
    :returns: (chromosome name, start coordinate, stop coordinate)

    chrom_fields = loc_string.split(':')

    chrom = chrom_fields[0]

    if len(chrom_fields) == 1:

        start, stop = 0, np.Inf


        pos_fields = chrom_fields[1].split('-')

        start, stop = (int(pos.replace(",", "")) for pos in pos_fields)

    return chrom, start, stop
项目:maml_rl    作者:cbfinn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, length=None):
        """see ``__init__``"""
        if length is None:
            length = len(self.bounds)
        max_i = min((len(self.bounds) - 1, length - 1))
        self._lb = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][0] is not None
                          else -np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        self._ub = array([self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1]
                          if self.bounds[min((i, max_i))][1] is not None
                          else np.Inf
                          for i in range(length)], copy=False)
        lb = self._lb
        ub = self._ub
        # define added values for lower and upper bound
        self._al = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(lb[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(lb[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(lb)], copy=False)
        self._au = array([min([(ub[i] - lb[i]) / 2, (1 + np.abs(ub[i])) / 20])
                             if isfinite(ub[i]) else 1 for i in rglen(ub)], copy=False)
项目:mctest-model    作者:Maluuba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, monitor='val_loss', cut_ratio=0.5, patience=2, scheduled_start_epoch=1, scheduled_cut_ratio=1.):
            monitor: quantity to be monitored.
            cut_ratio: cut the learning rate by this percent.
            patience: number of epochs with no improvement
                after which training will be stopped.
            scheduled_start_epoch: from which epoch to do scheduled learning rate discount
            scheduled_cut_ratio: learning rate discount ratio.
        super(Callback, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.patience = patience = np.Inf
        self.wait = 0
        self.cut_ratio = cut_ratio
        self.monitor_decrease = False
        self.scheduled_start_epoch = scheduled_start_epoch
        self.scheduled_cut_ratio = scheduled_cut_ratio
项目:pycma    作者:CMA-ES    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_bounds(self, ib, dimension):
        """ib == 0/1 means lower/upper bound, return a vector of length
        `dimension` """
        sign_ = 2 * ib - 1
        assert sign_**2 == 1
        if self.bounds is None or self.bounds[ib] is None:
            return np.array(dimension * [sign_ * np.Inf])
        res = []
        for i in range(dimension):
            res.append(self.bounds[ib][min([i, len(self.bounds[ib]) - 1])])
            if res[-1] is None:
                res[-1] = sign_ * np.Inf
        return np.array(res)
项目:FenicsSolver    作者:qingfengxia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def solve_static(self, F, up_, Dirichlet_bcs_up):
        # Solve stationary Navier-Stokes problem with Picard method
        # other methods may be more acurate and faster

        iter_ = 0
        max_iter = 50
        eps = 1.0
        tol = 1E-3
        under_relax_ratio = 0.7
        up_temp = Function(self.function_space)  # a temporal to save value in the Picard loop

        timer_solver = Timer("TimerSolveStatic")
        while (iter_ < max_iter and eps > tol):
            # solve the linear stokes flow to avoid up_s = 0

            # other solving methods
            up_ = self.solve_linear_problem(F, up_, Dirichlet_bcs_up)
            #up_s = self.solve_amg(F, Dirichlet_bcs_up, up_s)  #  AMG is not working with mixed function space

            diff_up = up_.vector().array() - up_temp.vector().array()
            eps = np.linalg.norm(diff_up, ord=np.Inf)

            print("iter = {:d}; eps_up = {:e}; time elapsed = {}\n".format(iter_, eps, timer_solver.elapsed()))

            ## underreleax should be defined here, Courant number, 
            up_.vector()[:] = up_temp.vector().array() + diff_up * under_relax_ratio

            iter_ += 1
        ## end of Picard loop
        print("*" * 10 + " end of Navier-Stokes equation iteration" + "*" * 10)

        return up_
项目:kernel_goodness_of_fit    作者:karlnapf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen(N, df, thinning=1):
    log_den = log_normal
    if df < np.Inf:
        log_den = grad_log_t_df(df)

    return metropolis_hastings(log_den, chain_size=N, thinning=thinning, x_prev=np.random.randn(), step=0.5)

# estimate size of thinning
项目:kernel_goodness_of_fit    作者:karlnapf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_thinning(X, nlags=50):
    autocorrelation = acf(X, nlags=nlags, fft=True)
    thinning = np.argmin(np.abs(autocorrelation - 0.95)) + 1
    return thinning, autocorrelation

# X = gen(TEST_CHAIN_SIZE, np.Inf)
# thinning, autocorr = get_thinning(X)
# print('thinning for AR normal simulation ', thinning, autocorr[thinning])
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, custom_model, filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0,
                 save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False,
                 mode='auto', period=1):
        super(CustomModelCheckpoint, self).__init__()
        self.custom_model = custom_model
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.save_best_only = save_best_only
        self.save_weights_only = save_weights_only
        self.period = period
        self.epochs_since_last_save = 0

        if mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('CustomModelCheckpoint mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (mode),
            mode = 'auto'

        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor or self.monitor.startswith('fmeasure'):
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_axis(self):
        # Vector norms.
        # Compare the use of `axis` with computing the norm of each row
        # or column separately.
        A = array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=self.dt)
        for order in [None, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, np.Inf, -np.Inf]:
            expected0 = [norm(A[:, k], ord=order) for k in range(A.shape[1])]
            assert_almost_equal(norm(A, ord=order, axis=0), expected0)
            expected1 = [norm(A[k, :], ord=order) for k in range(A.shape[0])]
            assert_almost_equal(norm(A, ord=order, axis=1), expected1)

        # Matrix norms.
        B = np.arange(1, 25, dtype=self.dt).reshape(2, 3, 4)
        nd = B.ndim
        for order in [None, -2, 2, -1, 1, np.Inf, -np.Inf, 'fro']:
            for axis in itertools.combinations(range(-nd, nd), 2):
                row_axis, col_axis = axis
                if row_axis < 0:
                    row_axis += nd
                if col_axis < 0:
                    col_axis += nd
                if row_axis == col_axis:
                    assert_raises(ValueError, norm, B, ord=order, axis=axis)
                    n = norm(B, ord=order, axis=axis)

                    # The logic using k_index only works for nd = 3.
                    # This has to be changed if nd is increased.
                    k_index = nd - (row_axis + col_axis)
                    if row_axis < col_axis:
                        expected = [norm(B[:].take(k, axis=k_index), ord=order)
                                    for k in range(B.shape[k_index])]
                        expected = [norm(B[:].take(k, axis=k_index).T, ord=order)
                                    for k in range(B.shape[k_index])]
                    assert_almost_equal(n, expected)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_keepdims(self):
        A = np.arange(1, 25, dtype=self.dt).reshape(2, 3, 4)

        allclose_err = 'order {0}, axis = {1}'
        shape_err = 'Shape mismatch found {0}, expected {1}, order={2}, axis={3}'

        # check the order=None, axis=None case
        expected = norm(A, ord=None, axis=None)
        found = norm(A, ord=None, axis=None, keepdims=True)
        assert_allclose(np.squeeze(found), expected,
                        err_msg=allclose_err.format(None, None))
        expected_shape = (1, 1, 1)
        assert_(found.shape == expected_shape,
                shape_err.format(found.shape, expected_shape, None, None))

        # Vector norms.
        for order in [None, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, np.Inf, -np.Inf]:
            for k in range(A.ndim):
                expected = norm(A, ord=order, axis=k)
                found = norm(A, ord=order, axis=k, keepdims=True)
                assert_allclose(np.squeeze(found), expected,
                                err_msg=allclose_err.format(order, k))
                expected_shape = list(A.shape)
                expected_shape[k] = 1
                expected_shape = tuple(expected_shape)
                assert_(found.shape == expected_shape,
                        shape_err.format(found.shape, expected_shape, order, k))

        # Matrix norms.
        for order in [None, -2, 2, -1, 1, np.Inf, -np.Inf, 'fro', 'nuc']:
            for k in itertools.permutations(range(A.ndim), 2):
                expected = norm(A, ord=order, axis=k)
                found = norm(A, ord=order, axis=k, keepdims=True)
                assert_allclose(np.squeeze(found), expected,
                                err_msg=allclose_err.format(order, k))
                expected_shape = list(A.shape)
                expected_shape[k[0]] = 1
                expected_shape[k[1]] = 1
                expected_shape = tuple(expected_shape)
                assert_(found.shape == expected_shape,
                        shape_err.format(found.shape, expected_shape, order, k))
项目:digital_rf    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def power_plot(data, sfreq, toffset, log_scale, zscale, title):
    """Plot the computed power of the iq data."""

    t_axis = numpy.arange(0, len(data)) / sfreq + toffset

    if log_scale:
        lrxpwr = 10 * numpy.log10(data + 1E-12)
        lrxpwr = data

    zscale_low, zscale_high = zscale

    if zscale_low == 0 and zscale_high == 0:
        if log_scale:
            zscale_low = numpy.min(
                lrxpwr[numpy.where(lrxpwr.real != -numpy.Inf)])
            zscale_high = numpy.max(lrxpwr) + 3.0
            zscale_low = numpy.min(lrxpwr)
            zscale_high = numpy.max(lrxpwr)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(t_axis, lrxpwr.real)
    ax.axis([toffset, t_axis[len(t_axis) - 1], zscale_low, zscale_high])

    ax.set_xlabel('time (seconds)')
    if log_scale:
        ax.set_ylabel('power (dB)')

    return fig
项目:digital_rf    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def spectrum_plot(data, freq, cfreq, toffset, log_scale, zscale, title, clr):
    """Plot a spectrum from the data for a given fft bin size."""
    tail_str = ''
    if log_scale:
        #        pss = 10.0*numpy.log10(data / numpy.max(data))
        pss = 10.0 * numpy.log10(data + 1E-12)
        tail_str = ' (dB)'
        pss = data

    print freq
    freq_s = freq / 1.0E6 + cfreq / 1.0E6
    print freq_s
    zscale_low, zscale_high = zscale

    if zscale_low == 0 and zscale_high == 0:
        if log_scale:
            zscale_low = numpy.median(
                numpy.min(pss[numpy.where(pss.real != -numpy.Inf)])) - 3.0
            zscale_high = numpy.median(numpy.max(pss)) + 3.0
            zscale_low = numpy.median(numpy.min(pss))
            zscale_high = numpy.median(numpy.max(pss))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    ax.plot(freq_s, pss, clr)
    print freq_s[0], freq_s[-1], zscale_low, zscale_high
    ax.axis([freq_s[0], freq_s[-1], zscale_low, zscale_high])
    ax.set_xlabel('frequency (MHz)')
    ax.set_ylabel('power spectral density' + tail_str, fontsize=12)

    return fig
项目:digital_rf    作者:MITHaystack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rti_plot(data, extent, tick_locs, tick_labels, log_scale, zscale, title):

    # set to log scaling
    if log_scale:
        RTId = 10.0 * numpy.log10(data)
        RTId = data

    zscale_low, zscale_high = zscale
    if zscale_low == 0 and zscale_high == 0:
        if log_scale:
            zscale_low = numpy.median(
                numpy.min(RTId[numpy.where(RTId.real != -numpy.Inf)])) - 3.0
            zscale_high = numpy.median(numpy.max(RTId)) + 10.0
            zscale_low = numpy.median(numpy.min(RTId))
            zscale_high = numpy.median(numpy.max(RTId))

    vmin = zscale_low
    vmax = zscale_high

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    img = ax.imshow(RTId, origin='lower',
                    extent=extent, interpolation='none', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, aspect='auto')

    # plot dates

    ax.set_xticklabels(tick_labels, rotation=-45, fontsize=10)
    cb = fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)
    ax.set_xlabel('time (seconds)', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('range (km)', fontsize=12)

    return fig
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filepath, monitor='val_loss', verbose=0,
                 save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False,
        super(ModelCheckpoint, self).__init__()
        self.monitor = monitor
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.save_best_only = save_best_only
        self.save_weights_only = save_weights_only

        if mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('ModelCheckpoint mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (mode),
            mode = 'auto'

        if mode == 'min':
            self.monitor_op = np.less
   = np.Inf
        elif mode == 'max':
            self.monitor_op = np.greater
   = -np.Inf
            if 'acc' in self.monitor:
                self.monitor_op = np.greater
       = -np.Inf
                self.monitor_op = np.less
       = np.Inf
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
        self.wait = 0       # Allow instances to be re-used = np.Inf if self.monitor_op == np.less else -np.Inf
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reset(self):
        if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
            warnings.warn('Learning Rate Plateau Reducing mode %s is unknown, '
                          'fallback to auto mode.' % (self.mode), RuntimeWarning)
            self.mode = 'auto'
        if self.mode == 'min' or (self.mode == 'auto' and 'acc' not in self.monitor):
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b - self.epsilon)
   = np.Inf
            self.monitor_op = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b + self.epsilon)
   = -np.Inf
        self.cooldown_counter = 0
        self.wait = 0
        self.lr_epsilon = self.min_lr * 1e-4
项目:third_person_im    作者:bstadie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_bounds(self, ib, dimension):
        """ib == 0/1 means lower/upper bound, return a vector of length
        `dimension` """
        sign_ = 2 * ib - 1
        assert sign_**2 == 1
        if self.bounds is None or self.bounds[ib] is None:
            return array(dimension * [sign_ * np.Inf])
        res = []
        for i in range(dimension):
            res.append(self.bounds[ib][min([i, len(self.bounds[ib]) - 1])])
            if res[-1] is None:
                res[-1] = sign_ * np.Inf
        return array(res)
项目:dtnn    作者:atomistic-machine-learning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, asedb, kvp={}, data={}, batch_size=1,
                 selection=None, shuffle=True, prefetch=False,
                 capacity=5000, num_epochs=np.Inf, floatX=np.float32):
        super(ASEDataProvider, self).__init__(batch_size)

        self.asedb = asedb
        self.prefetch = prefetch
        self.selection = selection
        self.block_size = block_size
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.kvp = kvp = data
        self.floatX = floatX
        self.feat_names = ['numbers', 'positions', 'cell',
                           'pbc'] + list(kvp.keys()) + list(data.keys())
        self.shapes = [(None,), (None, 3), (3, 3),
                       (3,)] + list(kvp.values()) + list(data.values())

        self.epoch = 0
        self.num_epochs = num_epochs
        self.n_rows = 0

        # initialize queue
        with connect(self.asedb) as con:
            row = list(, limit=1))[0]

        feats = self.convert_atoms(row)
        dtypes = [np.array(feat).dtype for feat in feats]
        self.queue = tf.FIFOQueue(capacity, dtypes)

        self.placeholders = [
            tf.placeholder(dt, name=name)
            for dt, name in zip(dtypes, self.feat_names)
        self.enqueue_op = self.queue.enqueue(self.placeholders)
        self.dequeue_op = self.queue.dequeue()

        self.preprocs = []
项目:pslab-desktop-apps    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self):
            retval = self.func()
            if isinstance(retval,numbers.Number) and retval != np.Inf:self.value.setText('%s'%(self.applySIPrefix(retval,self.units) ))
            else: self.value.setText(str(retval))
项目:pslab-desktop-apps    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self):
            retval = self.func()
                if isinstance(retval,numbers.Number) and retval != np.Inf:self.value.setText('%s'%(self.applySIPrefix(retval,self.units) ))
                else: self.value.setText(retval)
项目:pslab-desktop-apps    作者:fossasia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self):
            retval = self.func(self.optionBox.currentText())
            #if abs(retval)<1e4 and abs(retval)>.01:self.value.setText('%.3f %s '%(retval,self.units))
            #else: self.value.setText('%.3e %s '%(retval,self.units))
            if isinstance(retval,numbers.Number) and retval != np.Inf:self.value.setText('%s'%(self.applySIPrefix(retval,self.units) ))
            else: self.value.setText(str(retval))
            if self.linkFunc:
项目:source_separation_ml_jeju    作者:hjkwon0609    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _safe_db(num, den):
    """Properly handle the potential +Inf db SIR, instead of raising a
    RuntimeWarning. Only denominator is checked because the numerator can never
    be 0.
    if den == 0:
        return np.Inf
    return 10 * np.log10(num / den)
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_bounds(self, ib, dimension):
        """ib == 0/1 means lower/upper bound, return a vector of length
        `dimension` """
        sign_ = 2 * ib - 1
        assert sign_**2 == 1
        if self.bounds is None or self.bounds[ib] is None:
            return array(dimension * [sign_ * np.Inf])
        res = []
        for i in range(dimension):
            res.append(self.bounds[ib][min([i, len(self.bounds[ib]) - 1])])
            if res[-1] is None:
                res[-1] = sign_ * np.Inf
        return array(res)