Python numpy 模块,flatnonzero() 实例源码


项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def numpy_groupby(values, keys):
    """ Group a collection of numpy arrays by key arrays.
        Yields (key_tuple, view_tuple) where key_tuple is the key grouped on and view_tuple is a tuple of views into the value arrays.
          values: tuple of arrays to group
          keys: tuple of sorted, numeric arrays to group by """

    if len(values) == 0:
    if len(values[0]) == 0:

    for key_array in keys:
        assert len(key_array) == len(keys[0])
    for value_array in values:
        assert len(value_array) == len(keys[0])

    # The indices where any of the keys differ from the previous key become group boundaries
    key_change_indices = np.logical_or.reduce(tuple(np.concatenate(([1], np.diff(key))) != 0 for key in keys))
    group_starts = np.flatnonzero(key_change_indices)
    group_ends = np.roll(group_starts, -1)
    group_ends[-1] = len(keys[0])

    for group_start, group_end in itertools.izip(group_starts, group_ends):
        yield tuple(key[group_start] for key in keys), tuple(value[group_start:group_end] for value in values)
项目:dcss_single_cell    作者:srmcc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_clustering_accuracy(label1, label2):
    From clustering_on_transcript_compatibility_counts, see github for MIT license
    uniq1,uniq2 = np.unique(label1),np.unique(label2)
    # Create two dictionaries. Each will store the indices of each label
    entries1,entries2 = {},{}
    for label in uniq1: entries1[label] = set(np.flatnonzero((label1==label)))
    for label in uniq2: entries2[label] = set(np.flatnonzero((label2==label)))
    # Create an intersection matrix which counts the number of entries that overlap for each label combination        
    W = np.zeros((len(uniq1),len(uniq2)))
    for i,j in itertools.product(range(len(uniq1)),range(len(uniq2))):
    # find the max weight matching
    match_val = get_max_wt_matching(uniq1,uniq2,W)
    # return the error rate
    return (1-match_val/float(len(label1)))*100
项目:Kiddo    作者:Subarno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visualize(X, Y, classes, samples_per_class=10):
    nb_classes = len(classes)

    for y, cls in enumerate(classes):
        idxs = np.flatnonzero(Y == y)
        idxs = np.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False)

        for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
            plt_idx = i * nb_classes + y + 1
            plt.subplot(samples_per_class, nb_classes, plt_idx)
            plt.imshow(X[idx], cmap='gray')
            if i == 0:
项目:material-seg    作者:paulu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brute_radius_search(self, v, radius2=None, batchsize=1024):
        v = v.ravel()
        norm2 = self.get_dataset('norm2')
        v_norm2 = np.sum(v * v)
        candidates = []
        ids = self.ids[:]
        for i in xrange(0, self.num_ids, batchsize):
            blockdata =[i:i+batchsize, :]
            dists = norm2[i:i+batchsize] + v_norm2 - 2 *, v)
            assert dists.ndim == 1
            if radius2:
                for j in np.flatnonzero(dists < radius2):
                    candidates.append((dists[j], ids[i+j]))
                for j in xrange(dists.shape[0]):
                    candidates.append((dists[j], ids[i+j]))
        return candidates
项目:blmath    作者:bodylabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def points_in_front(self, points, inverted=False, ret_indices=False):
        Given an array of points, return the points which lie either on the
        plane or in the half-space in front of it (i.e. in the direction of
        the plane normal).

        points: An array of points.
        inverted: When `True`, invert the logic. Return the points that lie
          behind the plane instead.
        ret_indices: When `True`, return the indices instead of the points

        sign = self.sign(points)

        if inverted:
            mask = np.less_equal(sign, 0)
            mask = np.greater_equal(sign, 0)

        indices = np.flatnonzero(mask)

        return indices if ret_indices else points[indices]
项目:skggm    作者:skggm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_approx_support(m, m_hat, prob=0.01):
    """Returns 1 if model selection error is less than or equal to prob rate,
    0 else.

    NOTE: why does np.nonzero/np.flatnonzero create so much problems?
    m_nz = np.flatnonzero(np.triu(m, 1))
    m_hat_nz = np.flatnonzero(np.triu(m_hat, 1))

    upper_diagonal_mask = np.flatnonzero(np.triu(np.ones(m.shape), 1))
    not_m_nz = np.setdiff1d(upper_diagonal_mask, m_nz)

    intersection = np.in1d(m_hat_nz, m_nz)  # true positives
    not_intersection = np.in1d(m_hat_nz, not_m_nz)  # false positives

    true_positive_rate = 0.0
    if len(m_nz):
        true_positive_rate = 1. * np.sum(intersection) / len(m_nz)
        true_negative_rate = 1. - true_positive_rate

    false_positive_rate = 0.0
    if len(not_m_nz):
        false_positive_rate = 1. * np.sum(not_intersection) / len(not_m_nz)

    return int(np.less_equal(true_negative_rate + false_positive_rate, prob))
项目:pyberny    作者:azag0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_clusters(C):
    nonassigned = list(range(len(C)))
    clusters = []
    while nonassigned:
        queue = set([nonassigned[0]])
        while queue:
            node = queue.pop()
            queue.update(n for n in np.flatnonzero(C[node]) if n in nonassigned)
    C = np.zeros_like(C)
    for cluster in clusters:
        for i in cluster:
            C[i, cluster] = True
    return clusters, C
项目:pyberny    作者:azag0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, geom, allowed=None):
        self._coords = []
        geom = geom.supercell()
        dist = geom.dist(geom)
        radii = np.array([get_property(sp, 'covalent_radius') for sp in geom.species])
        bondmatrix = dist < 1.3*(radii[None, :]+radii[:, None])
        self.fragments, C = get_clusters(bondmatrix)
        radii = np.array([get_property(sp, 'vdw_radius') for sp in geom.species])
        shift = 0.
        C_total = C.copy()
        while not C_total.all():
            bondmatrix |= ~C_total & (dist < radii[None, :]+radii[:, None]+shift)
            C_total = get_clusters(bondmatrix)[1]
            shift += 1.
        for i, j in combinations(range(len(geom)), 2):
            if bondmatrix[i, j]:
                bond = Bond(i, j, C=C)
        for j in range(len(geom)):
            for i, k in combinations(np.flatnonzero(bondmatrix[j, :]), 2):
                ang = Angle(i, j, k, C=C)
                if ang.eval(geom.coords) > pi/4:
        for bond in self.bonds:
            self.extend(get_dihedrals([bond.i, bond.j], geom.coords, bondmatrix, C))
项目:pyberny    作者:azag0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pinv(A, log=lambda _: None):
    U, D, V = np.linalg.svd(A)
    thre = 1e3
    thre_log = 1e8
    gaps = D[:-1]/D[1:]
        n = np.flatnonzero(gaps > thre)[0]
    except IndexError:
        n = len(gaps)
        gap = gaps[n]
        if gap < thre_log:
            log('Pseudoinverse gap of only: {:.1e}'.format(gap))
    D[n+1:] = 0
    D[:n+1] = 1/D[:n+1]
项目:pumpp    作者:bmcfee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inverse(self, encoded, duration=None):
        '''Inverse static tag transformation'''

        ann = jams.Annotation(namespace=self.namespace, duration=duration)

        if np.isrealobj(encoded):
            detected = (encoded >= 0.5)
            detected = encoded

        for vd in self.encoder.inverse_transform(np.atleast_2d(detected))[0]:
            vid = np.flatnonzero(self.encoder.transform(np.atleast_2d(vd)))
        return ann
项目:enterprise    作者:nanograv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quant2ind(U):
    Use quantization matrix to return slices of non-zero elements.

    :param U: quantization matrix

    :return: list of `slice`s for non-zero elements of U

    .. note:: This function assumes that the pulsar TOAs were sorted by time.

    inds = []
    for cc, col in enumerate(U.T):
        epinds = np.flatnonzero(col)
        if epinds[-1] - epinds[0] + 1 != len(epinds):
            raise ValueError('ERROR: TOAs not sorted properly!')
        inds.append(slice(epinds[0], epinds[-1]+1))
    return inds
项目:Deep-Subspace-Clustering    作者:tonyabracadabra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find(a,n=None,d=None,nargout=1):
    if d:
        raise NotImplementedError

    # there is no promise that nonzero or flatnonzero
    # use or will use indexing of the argument without
    # converting it to array first.  So we use asarray
    # instead of asanyarray
    if nargout == 1:
        i = np.flatnonzero(np.asarray(a)).reshape(1,-1)+1
        if n is not None:
            i = i.take(n)
        return matlabarray(i)
    if nargout == 2:
        i,j = np.nonzero(np.asarray(a))
        if n is not None:
            i = i.take(n)
            j = j.take(n)
        return (matlabarray((i+1).reshape(-1,1)),
    raise NotImplementedError
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def error_contour(self, phi, epsilon = 2.0, delta_phi = None):
    """Error between worm shape and contour from image given implicitly by phi

      phi (array): implicit worm contour, if none calculated from actual shape
      delta_phi (number): range of phi values to consider for error estimate
      epsilon (number): refularization parameter for the step functions
      curvature (bool): error due to curvature on phi

    phi2 = self.phi(size = phi.shape);

    if delta_phi is None:
      error =  np.sum((np.tanh(phi / epsilon)-np.tanh(phi2 / epsilon))**2);
      idx = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_and(phi2 <= delta_phi, phi2 >= -delta_phi))
      error =np.sum((np.tanh(phi[idx] / epsilon)-np.tanh(phi2[idx] / epsilon))**2);

    return error;
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_EER(Pfa, Pmiss):
  """ computes the equal error rate (EER) given
  Pmiss or False Negative Rate
  Pfa or False Positive Rate
  calculated for a range of operating points on the DET curve

  @Author: "Timothee Kheyrkhah, Omid Sadjadi"
  fpr = Pfa
  fnr = Pmiss
  diff_pm_fa = fnr - fpr
  x1 = np.flatnonzero(diff_pm_fa >= 0)[0]
  x2 = np.flatnonzero(diff_pm_fa < 0)[-1]
  a = (fnr[x1] - fpr[x1]) / (fpr[x2] - fpr[x1] - (fnr[x2] - fnr[x1]))
  return fnr[x1] + a * (fnr[x2] - fnr[x1])
项目:CIFAR-10-basic    作者:Baichenjia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visual_data(self):
        print "visualized some cifar-10 picture..."
        classes = ['plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
        num_classes = len(classes)
        samples_per_class = 7
        for y, cl in enumerate(classes):
            idxs = np.flatnonzero(self.y_train == y)
            idxs = np.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False)
            for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
                plt_idx = i * num_classes + y + 1
                plt.subplot(samples_per_class, num_classes, plt_idx)
                if i == 0:
        print "visualized data done...\n---------\n"

项目:gm-cml    作者:wangyida    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def imcrop_tosquare(img):
    """Make any image a square image.

    img : np.ndarray
        Input image to crop, assumed at least 2d.

    crop : np.ndarray
        Cropped image.
    size = np.min(img.shape[:2])
    extra = img.shape[:2] - size
    crop = img
    for i in np.flatnonzero(extra):
        crop = np.take(crop, extra[i] // 2 + np.r_[:size], axis=i)
    return crop
项目:TF-FaceLandmarkDetection    作者:mariolew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def imcrop_tosquare(img):
    """Make any image a square image.

    img : np.ndarray
        Input image to crop, assumed at least 2d.

    crop : np.ndarray
        Cropped image.
    size = np.min(img.shape[:2])
    extra = img.shape[:2] - size
    crop = img
    for i in np.flatnonzero(extra):
        crop = np.take(crop, extra[i] // 2 + np.r_[:size], axis=i)
    return crop
项目:finite-element-course    作者:finite-element    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def boundary_nodes(fs):
    """Find the list of boundary nodes in fs. This is a
    unit-square-specific solution. A more elegant solution would employ
    the mesh topology and numbering.
    eps = 1.e-10

    f = Function(fs)

    def on_boundary(x):
        """Return 1 if on the boundary, 0. otherwise."""
        if x[0] < eps or x[0] > 1 - eps or x[1] < eps or x[1] > 1 - eps:
            return 1.
            return 0.


    return np.flatnonzero(f.values)
项目:Polymers    作者:FracturedRocketSpace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeEndToEnd(endtoendDistances, polWeights):
    # Initiate variables

    # Loop over all possible polymer lengths
    for z in range(c.nBeads):
        # Get data
        t1 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(endtoendDistances)[:,z])
        t2 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(polWeights)[:,z]);
        # Count non-Zero
        dataLength = len( np.flatnonzero(t2!=0) );
        # Calculate mean and standard deveation of mean
        weightedEndtoendSq[z]=np.average(t1, weights=t2)
        weightedEndtoendSqStd[z]=( (np.average((t1 - weightedEndtoendSq[z])**2, weights=t2)) / (dataLength))**(1/2)

    return weightedEndtoendSq, weightedEndtoendSqStd

 # Calculate gyradius and errors
项目:Polymers    作者:FracturedRocketSpace    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeGyradiusStd(gyradiusSq, polWeights):
    # Calc Weighted gyradius and standard deviation

    # Initiate variables

    # Loop over all possible polymer lengths
    for z in range(c.nBeads):
        # Get weight for bead number z in all polymers
        w = np.squeeze(np.asarray(polWeights)[:,z])
        # Count nonzero
        dataLength = len( np.flatnonzero(w!=0) )
        # Calculate mean and standard deveation of mean
        weightedGyradiusSq[z]=np.average(gyradiusSq[:,z], weights=w)
        weightedGyradiusSqStd[z]=( (np.average((gyradiusSq[:,z] - weightedGyradiusSq[z])**2, weights=w)) / (dataLength))**(1/2)

    return weightedGyradiusSq, weightedGyradiusSqStd
项目:HumanLearning    作者:dgtgrade    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_dropout(self):
        n_nodes = self.n_nodes
        dropout[0:n_nodes[0]]=False # no dropout units in first layer
        dropout[-n_nodes[-1]:]=False # no dropout units in last layer
        self.dropout = dropout

        # ths_d ???
        self.ths_d = np.zeros(len(self.ths)).astype(np.bool)
        for l in range(len(self.ths_l)):
            if (l<len(self.ths_l)-1):
                # input node? dropout ? ??
                for i in np.flatnonzero(self.__get_dropout(l)):
                        # ??? +1? bias ?? ??
                        np.arange(n_nodes[l+1])*(n_nodes[l]+1)+(i+1)] = True
                # output node? dropout ? ??
                for i in np.flatnonzero(self.__get_dropout(l+1)):
                        self.ths_l[l]+(i+1)*(n_nodes[l]+1)] = True
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mapToNewPos(curposIDs, bigtosmall):
    ''' Convert list of old ids to new positions after bigtosmall reordering.

    >>> curposIDs = [0, 2, 4]
    >>> N = [11, 9, 3, 1, 5]
    >>> bigtosmall = argsort_bigtosmall_stable(N)
    >>> print bigtosmall
    [0 1 4 2 3]
    >>> newposIDs = mapToNewPos(curposIDs, bigtosmall)
    >>> print newposIDs
    [0, 3, 2]
    newposIDs = np.zeros_like(curposIDs)
    for posID in range(len(curposIDs)):
        newposIDs[posID] = np.flatnonzero(bigtosmall == curposIDs[posID])[0]
    return newposIDs.tolist()
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findMergePairByUID(self, uidA, uidB):
        ''' Find which currently tracked merge pair contains desired uids.

        rowID : int
            index of tracked merge quantities related to specific uid pair.
        assert hasattr(self, 'mUIDPairs')
        rowID = np.flatnonzero(
            np.logical_and(uidA == self.mUIDPairs[:, 0],
                           uidB == self.mUIDPairs[:, 1]))
        if not rowID.size == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Bad search for correct merge UID pair.\n' + str(rowID))
        rowID = rowID[0]
        return rowID
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _discardAnyTrackedPairsThatOverlapWithAorB(self, uidA, uidB):
        ''' Update to discard remaining pairs that overlap uidA/uidB.

        Post Condition
        Attributes mUIDPairs and _MergeTerms dont have any more info
        about other pairs (uidj,uidk) where where uidA or uidB are involved.
        if hasattr(self, 'mUIDPairs'):
            mUIDPairs = self.mUIDPairs
            # Remove any other pairs associated with kA or kB
            keepRowIDs = ((mUIDPairs[:, 0] != uidA) *
                          (mUIDPairs[:, 1] != uidA) *
                          (mUIDPairs[:, 0] != uidB) *
                          (mUIDPairs[:, 1] != uidB))
            keepRowIDs = np.flatnonzero(keepRowIDs)

            # Remove any other pairs related to kA, kB
            if self.hasMergeTerms():
                for key, dims in self._MergeTerms._FieldDims.items():
                    mArr = getattr(self._MergeTerms, key)
                    if dims[0] == 'M':
                        mArr = mArr[keepRowIDs]
                        self._MergeTerms.setField(key, mArr, dims=dims)
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makePlanForEmptyComps(curSS, dtargetMinCount=0.01, **kwargs):
    """ Create a Plan dict for any empty states.

        Plan : dict with either no fields, or two fields named
               * candidateIDs
               * candidateUIDs

        Any "empty" Plan dict indicates that no empty comps exist.
    Nvec = curSS.getCountVec()
    emptyIDs = np.flatnonzero(Nvec < dtargetMinCount)
    if len(emptyIDs) == 0:
        return dict()
    Plan = dict(candidateIDs=emptyIDs.tolist(),
    return Plan
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def argsortBigToSmallByTiers(tierAScores, tierBScores):
    ''' Perform argsort, prioritizing first arr then second arr.

    >>> AScores = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    >>> BScores = [6, 5, 4, 8, 7]
    >>> print argsortBigToSmallByTiers(AScores, BScores)
    [0 1 2 3 4]
    >>> AScores = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1]
    >>> BScores = [6, 5, 4, 8, 7, 11, 1.5, -1.5]
    >>> print argsortBigToSmallByTiers(AScores, BScores)
    [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
    >>> print argsortBigToSmallByTiers(BScores, AScores)
    [5 3 4 0 1 2 6 7]
    tierAScores = np.asarray(tierAScores, dtype=np.float64)
    sortids = argsort_bigtosmall_stable(tierAScores)
    limits = np.flatnonzero(np.diff(tierAScores[sortids]) != 0) + 1
    sortids = sortids[
        argsort_bigtosmall_stable(tierBScores, limits=limits)]
    return sortids
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_sequence(seqID, Data, dimID=0, maxT=200):
    Xseq = Data.X[Data.doc_range[seqID]:Data.doc_range[seqID + 1]]
    Zseq = Data.TrueParams['Z'][
            seqID +

    Xseq = Xseq[:maxT, dimID]  # Xseq is 1D after this statement!
    Zseq = Zseq[:maxT]

    # Plot X, colored by segments Z
    changePts = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(np.diff(Zseq)))
    changePts = np.hstack([0, changePts + 1])
    for ii, loc in enumerate(changePts[:-1]):
        nextloc = changePts[ii + 1]
        ts = np.arange(loc, nextloc)
        xseg = Xseq[loc:nextloc]
        kseg = int(Zseq[loc])

        color = GaussViz.Colors[kseg % len(GaussViz.Colors)]
        pylab.plot(ts, xseg, '.-', color=color, markersize=8)
            [nextloc - 1, nextloc], [Xseq[nextloc - 1], Xseq[nextloc]], 'k:')
    pylab.ylim([-2, 14])
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_underprediction_scores_per_word(model, Data, LP=None, **kwargs):
    ''' Find scalar score for each vocab word. Larger => worse prediction.
    if LP is None:
        LP = model.calc_local_params(Data)
    DocWordFreq_emp = calcWordFreqPerDoc_empirical(Data)
    DocWordFreq_model = calcWordFreqPerDoc_model(model, LP)
    uError = np.maximum(DocWordFreq_emp - DocWordFreq_model, 0)
    # For each word, identify set of relevant documents
    DocWordMat = Data.to_sparse_docword_matrix().toarray()
    score = np.zeros(Data.vocab_size)
    # TODO: only consider words with many docs overall
    for vID in xrange(Data.vocab_size):
        countPerDoc = DocWordMat[:, vID]
        typicalWordCount = np.median(countPerDoc[countPerDoc > 0])
        candidateDocs = np.flatnonzero(countPerDoc > typicalWordCount)
        if len(candidateDocs) < 10:
        score[vID] = np.mean(uError[candidateDocs, vID])
    # Only give positive probability to words with above average score
    score = score - np.mean(score)
    score = np.maximum(score, 0)
    score = score * score  # make more peaked!
    score /= score.sum()
    return score
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample_target_GroupXData(Data, model, LP, **kwargs):
    ''' Draw sample subset of provided GroupXData dataset
    randstate = kwargs['randstate']
    if not hasValidKey('targetCompID', kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('TODO')

    ktarget = kwargs['targetCompID']
    targetProbThr = kwargs['targetCompFrac']
    mask = LP['resp'][:, ktarget] > targetProbThr
    objIDs = np.flatnonzero(mask)
    if len(objIDs) < 2:
        return None, dict()
    targetObjIDs = objIDs[:kwargs['targetMaxSize']]
    TargetData = Data.select_subset_by_mask(atomMask=targetObjIDs,
    TargetInfo = dict(ktarget=ktarget)
    return TargetData, TargetInfo
项目:bnpy    作者:bnpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def removeEmptyComps_SSandLP(self, SS, LP):
        ''' Remove all parameters related to empty components from SS and LP

            SS : bnpy SuffStatBag
            LP : dict for local params
        badks = np.flatnonzero(SS.N[:-1] < 1)
        # Remove in order, from largest index to smallest
        for k in badks[::-1]:
            mask = LP['Z'] > k
            LP['Z'][mask] -= 1
        if 'resp' in LP:
            del LP['resp']
        return SS, LP
项目:vae-style-transfer    作者:sunsided    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def imcrop_tosquare(img):
    """Make any image a square image.

    img : np.ndarray
        Input image to crop, assumed at least 2d.

    crop : np.ndarray
        Cropped image.
    size = np.min(img.shape[:2])
    extra = img.shape[:2] - size
    crop = img
    for i in np.flatnonzero(extra):
        crop = np.take(crop, extra[i] // 2 + np.r_[:size], axis=i)
    return crop
项目:edm2016    作者:Knewton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data_by_id(self, ids):
        """  Helper for getting current data values from stored identifiers
        :param float|list ids: ids for which data are requested
        :return: the stored ids
        :rtype: np.ndarray
        if self.ids is None:
            raise ValueError("IDs not stored in node {}".format(
        if is None:
            raise ValueError("No data in node {}".format(
        ids = np.array(ids, ndmin=1, copy=False)
        found_items = np.in1d(ids, self.ids)
        if not np.all(found_items):
            raise ValueError("Cannot find {} among {}".format(ids[np.logical_not(found_items)],
        idx = np.empty(len(ids), dtype='int')
        for k, this_id in enumerate(ids):
            if self.ids.ndim > 1:
                idx[k] = np.flatnonzero(np.all(self.ids == this_id, axis=1))[0]
                idx[k] = np.flatnonzero(self.ids == this_id)[0]
        return np.array(, ndmin=1)[idx]
项目:edm2016    作者:Knewton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subset_test(lin_op):
        """ Test that subsetting a linear operator produces the correct outputs.
        :param LinearOperator lin_op: the linear operator
        sub_idx = np.random.rand(lin_op.shape[0], 1) > 0.5
        # make sure at least one element included
        sub_idx[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_idx))] = True
        sub_idx = np.flatnonzero(sub_idx)
        sub_lin_op = undertest.get_subset_lin_op(lin_op, sub_idx)

        # test projection to subset of indices
        x = np.random.randn(lin_op.shape[1], np.random.randint(1, 3))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sub_lin_op * x, (lin_op * x)[sub_idx, :])

        # test back projection from subset of indices
        y = np.random.randn(len(sub_idx), np.random.randint(1, 3))
        z = np.zeros((lin_op.shape[0], y.shape[1]))
        z[sub_idx] = y
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sub_lin_op.rmatvec(y), lin_op.rmatvec(z))
项目:edm2016    作者:Knewton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_data_by_id(self):
        dim, data, cpd, ids = self.gen_data()
        node = undertest.Node(name='test node', data=data, cpd=cpd, ids=ids)
        # test setting of ids
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(node.ids, ids)
        # test for one id
        idx = np.random.randint(0, dim)
        # test for a random set of ids
        ids_subset = np.random.choice(ids, dim, replace=True)
                                      [[np.flatnonzero(ids == x)[0]] for x in ids_subset])
        # test for all ids
        self.assertEqual(node.get_all_data_and_ids(), {x: node.get_data_by_id(x) for x in ids})
        # test when data are singleton
        dim, _, cpd, ids = self.gen_data(dim=1)
        node = undertest.Node(name='test node', data=1, cpd=cpd, ids=ids)
        self.assertEqual(node.get_all_data_and_ids(), {x: node.get_data_by_id(x) for x in ids})
项目:orange-infrared    作者:markotoplak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def migrate_settings(cls, settings_, version):
        if version < 2:
            # delete the saved attr_value to prevent crashes
                del settings_["context_settings"][0].values["attr_value"]

        # migrate selection
        if version <= 2:
                current_context = settings_["context_settings"][0]
                selection = getattr(current_context, "selection", None)
                if selection is not None:
                    selection = [(i, 1) for i in np.flatnonzero(np.array(selection))]
                    settings_.setdefault("imageplot", {})["selection_group_saved"] = selection
项目:orange-infrared    作者:markotoplak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redraw_integral(self):
        dis = []
        if np.any(self.curveplot.selection_group) and
            # select data
            ind = np.flatnonzero(self.curveplot.selection_group)[0]
            show =[ind:ind+1]

            previews = self.flow_view.preview_n()
            for i in range(self.preprocessormodel.rowCount()):
                if i in previews:
                    item = self.preprocessormodel.item(i)
                    desc =
                    params =
                    if not isinstance(params, dict):
                        params = {}
                    preproc = desc.viewclass.createinstance(params)
                    preproc.metas = False
                    datai = preproc(show)
                    di = datai.domain.attributes[0].compute_value.draw_info(show)
                    color = self.flow_view.preview_color(i)
                    dis.append({"draw": di, "color": color})
        refresh_integral_markings(dis, self.markings_list, self.curveplot)
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_differential_expression(matrix, clusters, sseq_params=None):
    """ Compute differential expression for each cluster vs all other cells
        Args: matrix      - GeneBCMatrix  :  gene expression data
              clusters    - np.array(int) :  1-based cluster labels
              sseq_params - dict          :  params from compute_sseq_params """

    n_clusters = np.max(clusters)

    if sseq_params is None:
        print "Computing params..."
        sseq_params = compute_sseq_params(matrix.m)

    # Create a numpy array with 3*K columns;
    # each group of 3 columns is mean, log2, pvalue for cluster i
    all_de_results = np.zeros((matrix.genes_dim, 3*n_clusters))

    for cluster in xrange(1, 1+n_clusters):
        in_cluster = clusters == cluster
        group_a = np.flatnonzero(in_cluster)
        group_b = np.flatnonzero(np.logical_not(in_cluster))
        print 'Computing DE for cluster %d...' % cluster

        de_result = sseq_differential_expression(
            matrix.m, group_a, group_b, sseq_params)
        all_de_results[:, 0+3*(cluster-1)] = de_result['norm_mean_a']
        all_de_results[:, 1+3*(cluster-1)] = de_result['log2_fold_change']
        all_de_results[:, 2+3*(cluster-1)] = de_result['adjusted_p_value']

    return DIFFERENTIAL_EXPRESSION(all_de_results)
项目:cellranger    作者:10XGenomics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_nonzero_axes(self):
        new_mat = GeneBCMatrix(list(self.genes), list(self.bcs))
        new_mat.m = self.m

        nonzero_bcs = np.flatnonzero(new_mat.get_reads_per_bc())
        if new_mat.bcs_dim > len(nonzero_bcs):
            new_mat = new_mat.select_barcodes(nonzero_bcs)

        nonzero_genes = np.flatnonzero(new_mat.get_reads_per_gene())
        if new_mat.genes_dim > len(nonzero_genes):
            new_mat = new_mat.select_genes(nonzero_genes)

        return new_mat, nonzero_bcs, nonzero_genes
项目:astrobase    作者:waqasbhatti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gridsearch_report(results, n_top=3):
    for i in range(1, n_top + 1):
        candidates = np.flatnonzero(results['rank_test_score'] == i)
        for candidate in candidates:
            LOGINFO("Model with rank: {0}".format(i))
            LOGINFO("Mean validation score: {0:.3f} (std: {1:.3f})".format(
            LOGINFO("Parameters: {0}".format(results['params'][candidate]))

项目:risk-slim    作者:ustunb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computeObjvals(self, getObjval):
        new = self.copy()
        compute_ind = np.flatnonzero(np.isnan(new.objvals))
        new.objvals[compute_ind] = map(getObjval,[compute_ind])
        return new
项目:SourceFilterContoursMelody    作者:juanjobosch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _iter_indices(self):

        for y_train, y_test in super(ShuffleLabelsOut, self)._iter_indices():
            # these are the indices of classes in the partition
            # invert them into data indices

            train = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(self.y_indices, y_train))
            test = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(self.y_indices, y_test))

            yield train, test
项目:higlass-server    作者:hms-dbmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_chrom(abs_pos, chr_info=None, c=None):
    if chr_info is None:
            chr_info = get_chrom_names_cumul_len(c)
            return None

        chr_id = np.flatnonzero(chr_info[2] > abs_pos)[0] - 1
    except IndexError:
        return None

    return chr_info[0][chr_id]
项目:higlass-server    作者:hms-dbmi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def abs_coord_2_bin(c, pos, chr_info):
        chr_id = np.flatnonzero(chr_info[2] > pos)[0] - 1
    except IndexError:

    chrom = chr_info[0][chr_id]
    relPos = pos - chr_info[2][chr_id]

    return c.offset((chrom, relPos, chr_info[1][chrom]))
项目:SOTA-Py    作者:mehrdadn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, isrc, tbudget, preallocate_aggressively, prediscretize, stderr=None):
        # preallocate_aggressively = {-1: minimize dynamic memory usage, 0: minimize initialization latency, 1: maximize speed}
        network =
        if stderr is not None: tprev = timeit.default_timer(); print_("Computing optimal update order...", end=' ', file=stderr)
        ibudget = int(discretize_up(numpy.asarray([tbudget], float), self.discretization))
        (stack, _, visited_iedges, end_itimes) = dijkstra(network, False, isrc, self.timins, True, ibudget, self.min_itimes_to_dest)
        eused = numpy.flatnonzero((0 <= visited_iedges) & (visited_iedges <= ibudget)).tolist()
        self.end_itimes = end_itimes.tolist()
        if stderr is not None: print_(int((timeit.default_timer() - tprev) * 1000), "ms", file=stderr); del tprev

        if prediscretize:
            if stderr is not None: tprev = timeit.default_timer(); print_("Discretizing edges...", end=' ', file=stderr)
            for eiused, tidist in zip(eused, network.discretize_edges(
                list(map(network.edges.hmm.__getitem__, eused)),
                list(map(network.edges.tmin.__getitem__, eused)),
                self.cached_edges_tidist[eiused] = tidist
            if stderr is not None: print_(int((timeit.default_timer() - tprev) * 1000), "ms", file=stderr); del tprev

        if preallocate_aggressively >= 0:
            # uv[i][t] should be the probability of reaching the destination from node i in <= t steps (so for T = 0 we get uv[idst] == [1.0])
            # Rationale: uv[i] should be the convolution of edge[i,j] with uv[j], with no elements missing.
            for i in xrange(len(self.min_itimes_to_dest)):
                m = max(self.end_itimes[i] - self.min_itimes_to_dest[i], 0)
                self.uv[i].ensure_size(m, preallocate_aggressively > 0)
            for eij in eused:
                m = max(self.end_itimes[network.edges.begin[eij]] - (self.timins[eij] + self.min_itimes_to_dest[network.edges.end[eij]]), 0)
                self.ue[eij].ensure_size(m, preallocate_aggressively > 0)
                self.we[eij].ensure_size(m, preallocate_aggressively > 0)
        return (stack, eused, ibudget)
项目:braindecode    作者:robintibor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _compute_trial_pred_labels_from_cnt_y(self, dataset, all_preds, ):
        # Todo: please test this
        # we only want the preds that are for the same labels as the last label in y
        # (there might be parts of other class-data at start, for trialwise misclass we assume
        # they are contained in other trials at the end...)
        preds_per_trial = compute_preds_per_trial_for_set(
            all_preds, self.input_time_length, dataset)
        trial_labels = []
        trial_pred_labels = []
        for trial_pred, trial_y in zip(preds_per_trial, dataset.y):
            # first cut to the part actually having predictions
            trial_y = trial_y[-trial_pred.shape[1]:]
            wanted_class = trial_y[-1]
            # extract the first marker different from the wanted class
            # by starting from the back of the trial
            i_last_sample = np.flatnonzero(trial_y[::-1] != wanted_class)
            if len(i_last_sample) > 0:
                i_last_sample = i_last_sample[0]
                # remember last sample is now from back
                trial_pred = trial_pred[:, -i_last_sample:]
            trial_pred_label = np.argmax(np.mean(trial_pred, axis=1))
        trial_labels = np.array(trial_labels)
        trial_pred_labels = np.array(trial_pred_labels)
        return trial_labels, trial_pred_labels
项目:AlphaPy    作者:ScottFreeLLC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def grid_report(results, n_top=3):
    r"""Report the top grid search scores.

    results : dict of numpy arrays
        Mean test scores for each grid search iteration.
    n_top : int, optional
        The number of grid search results to report.

    None : None

    for i in range(1, n_top + 1):
        candidates = np.flatnonzero(results['rank_test_score'] == i)
        for candidate in candidates:
  "Model with rank: {0}".format(i))
  "Mean validation score: {0:.3f} (std: {1:.3f})".format(
  "Parameters: {0}".format(results['params'][candidate]))

# Function hyper_grid_search
项目:radwatch-analysis    作者:bearing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peak_finder(spectrum, energy):
    PEAK_FINDER will search for peaks within a certain range determined by the
    Energy given. It takes a spectrum object and an Energy value as input. The
    energy range to look in is given by the Full-Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM).
    If more than one peak is found in the given range, the peak with the
    highest amount of counts will be used.
    e0 = spectrum.energy_cal[0]
    eslope = spectrum.energy_cal[1]
    energy_axis = e0 + eslope*

    peak_energy = []
    # rough estimate of fwhm.
    fwhm = 0.05*energy**0.5
    fwhm_range = 1

    # peak search area
    start_region = np.flatnonzero(energy_axis > energy - fwhm_range * fwhm)[0]
    end_region = np.flatnonzero(energy_axis > energy + fwhm_range * fwhm)[0]
    y =[start_region:end_region]
    indexes = peakutils.indexes(y, thres=0.5, min_dist=4)
    tallest_peak = []
    if indexes.size == 0:
        peak_energy.append(int((end_region - start_region) / 2) + start_region)
        for i in range(indexes.size):
            spot =[indexes[i]+start_region]
        indexes = indexes[np.argmax(tallest_peak)]
    peak_energy = float(energy_axis[peak_energy])
项目:radwatch-analysis    作者:bearing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peak_finder(spectrum, energy):
    PEAK_FINDER will search for peaks within a certain range determined by the
    Energy given. It takes a Spectra file and an Energy value as input. The
    energy range to look in is given by the Full-Width-Half-Maximum (FWHM).
    If more than one peak is found in the given range, the peak with the
    highest amount of counts will be used.
    e0 = spectrum.energy_cal[0]
    eslope = spectrum.energy_cal[1]
    energy_axis = e0 + eslope*

    peak_energy = []
    # rough estimate of fwhm.
    fwhm = 0.05*energy**0.5
    fwhm_range = 1

    # peak search area
    start_region = np.flatnonzero(energy_axis > energy - fwhm_range * fwhm)[0]
    end_region = np.flatnonzero(energy_axis > energy + fwhm_range * fwhm)[0]
    y =[start_region:end_region]
    indexes = peakutils.indexes(y, thres=0.5, min_dist=4)
    tallest_peak = []
    if indexes.size == 0:
        peak_energy.append(int((end_region - start_region) / 2) + start_region)
        for i in range(indexes.size):
            spot =[indexes[i]+start_region]
        indexes = indexes[np.argmax(tallest_peak)]
    peak_energy = float(energy_axis[peak_energy])
项目:cvcalib    作者:Algomorph    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transform2quat(self):
        """Construct quaternion from the transform/rotation matrix 

        :returns: quaternion formed from transform matrix
        :rtype: numpy array

        # Code was copied from perl PDL code that uses backwards index ordering
        T = self.transform.transpose()  
        den = np.array([ 1.0 + T[0, 0] - T[1, 1] - T[2, 2],
                              1.0 - T[0, 0] + T[1, 1] - T[2, 2],
                              1.0 - T[0, 0] - T[1, 1] + T[2, 2],
                              1.0 + T[0, 0] + T[1, 1] + T[2, 2]])

        max_idx = np.flatnonzero(den == max(den))[0]

        q = np.zeros(4)
        q[max_idx] = 0.5 * sqrt(max(den))
        denom = 4.0 * q[max_idx]
        if (max_idx == 0):
            q[1] = (T[1, 0] + T[0, 1]) / denom 
            q[2] = (T[2, 0] + T[0, 2]) / denom 
            q[3] = -(T[2, 1] - T[1, 2]) / denom 
        if (max_idx == 1):
            q[0] = (T[1, 0] + T[0, 1]) / denom 
            q[2] = (T[2, 1] + T[1, 2]) / denom 
            q[3] = -(T[0, 2] - T[2, 0]) / denom 
        if (max_idx == 2):
            q[0] = (T[2, 0] + T[0, 2]) / denom 
            q[1] = (T[2, 1] + T[1, 2]) / denom 
            q[3] = -(T[1, 0] - T[0, 1]) / denom 
        if (max_idx == 3):
            q[0] = -(T[2, 1] - T[1, 2]) / denom 
            q[1] = -(T[0, 2] - T[2, 0]) / denom 
            q[2] = -(T[1, 0] - T[0, 1]) / denom 

        return q
项目:pytorch_fnet    作者:AllenCellModeling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_blank_slices(volume, slice_dim='z'):
    idx_dim = 'zyx'.find(slice_dim)
    axes_other = tuple(i for i in range(3) if (i != idx_dim))
    assert idx_dim >= 0

    means = np.mean(volume, axis=axes_other)
    assert means.ndim == 1
    threshold = 10
    median_of_means = np.median(means)
    mask_bads = np.logical_or(means < threshold, means < 0.5*median_of_means)
    if np.count_nonzero(mask_bads):
        idx_bads = np.flatnonzero(mask_bads)
        msg = 'bad {:s}: {:s}'.format(slice_dim, str(tuple(idx_bads)))
        return False, msg
    return True, 'okay'