Python numpy 模块,polyval() 实例源码


项目:Auspex    作者:BBN-Q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calibrate(self):
        # generate sequence
        # run and load normalized data
        data, _ = = {self.qubit_names[0]: (0, 1), self.qubit_names[1]: (0, 2)})
        # select target qubit
        data_t = data[self.qubit_names[1]]
        # fit
        self.opt_par, all_params_0, all_params_1 = fit_CR([self.lengths, self.phases, self.amps], data_t, self.cal_type)
        # plot the result
        xaxis = self.lengths if self.cal_type==CR_cal_type.LENGTH else self.phases if self.cal_type==CR_cal_type.PHASE else self.amps
        finer_xaxis = np.linspace(np.min(xaxis), np.max(xaxis), 4*len(xaxis))
        self.plot["Data 0"] = (xaxis,       data_t[:len(data_t)//2])
        self.plot["Fit 0"] =  (finer_xaxis, np.polyval(all_params_0, finer_xaxis) if self.cal_type == CR_cal_type.AMP else sinf(finer_xaxis, *all_params_0))
        self.plot["Data 1"] = (xaxis,       data_t[len(data_t)//2:])
        self.plot["Fit 1"] =  (finer_xaxis, np.polyval(all_params_1, finer_xaxis) if self.cal_type == CR_cal_type.AMP else sinf(finer_xaxis, *all_params_1))
        return (str.lower(, self.opt_par)
项目:PySAT    作者:USGS-Astrogeology    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def band_center(spectrum, low_endmember=None, high_endmember=None, degree=3):
    x = spectrum.index
    y = spectrum

    if not low_endmember:
        low_endmember = x[0]
    if not high_endmember:
        high_endmember = x[-1]

    ny = y[low_endmember:high_endmember]

    fit = np.polyfit(ny.index, ny, degree)

    center_fit = Series(np.polyval(fit, ny.index), ny.index)
    center = band_minima(center_fit)

    return center, center_fit
项目:auxi.0    作者:Ex-Mente    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot(self, dataset, path, show=False):
        with PdfPages(path) as pdf:
            x_vals =['T'].tolist()
            y_vals =[self.symbol].tolist()
            plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals, 'ro', alpha=0.4, markersize=4)

            x_vals2 = np.linspace(min(x_vals), max(x_vals), 80)
            fx = np.polyval(self._coeffs, x_vals2)
            plt.plot(x_vals2, fx, linewidth=0.3, label='')

            plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0, 4))
            plt.legend(loc=3, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0.8))
            plt.title('$%s$ vs $T$' % self.display_symbol)
            plt.xlabel('$T$ (K)')

            plt.ylabel('$%s$ (%s)' % (self.display_symbol, self.units))

            fig = plt.gcf()

        if show:
项目:pyberny    作者:azag0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_cubic(y0, y1, g0, g1):
    """Fit cubic polynomial to function values and derivatives at x = 0, 1.

    Returns position and function value of minimum if fit succeeds. Fit does
    not succeeds if

    1. polynomial doesn't have extrema or
    2. maximum is from (0,1) or
    3. maximum is closer to 0.5 than minimum
    a = 2*(y0-y1)+g0+g1
    b = -3*(y0-y1)-2*g0-g1
    p = np.array([a, b, g0, y0])
    r = np.roots(np.polyder(p))
    if not np.isreal(r).all():
        return None, None
    r = sorted(x.real for x in r)
    if p[0] > 0:
        maxim, minim = r
        minim, maxim = r
    if 0 < maxim < 1 and abs(minim-0.5) > abs(maxim-0.5):
        return None, None
    return minim, np.polyval(p, minim)
项目:smhr    作者:andycasey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, dispersion, *parameters):
        Generate data at the dispersion points, given the parameters.

        :param dispersion:
            An array of dispersion points to calculate the data for.

        :param parameters:
            Keyword arguments of the model parameters and their values.

        function, profile_parameters = self._profiles[self.metadata["profile"]]

        N = len(profile_parameters)
        y = 1.0 - function(dispersion, *parameters[:N])

        # Assume rest of the parameters are continuum coefficients.
        if parameters[N:]:
            y *= np.polyval(parameters[N:], dispersion)

        return y
项目:PyShearlets    作者:grlee77    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def meyeraux(x):
    """meyer wavelet auxiliary function.

    v(x) = 35*x^4 - 84*x^5 + 70*x^6 - 20*x^7.

    x : array
        grid points

    y : array
        values at x
    # Auxiliary def values.
    y = np.polyval([-20, 70, -84, 35, 0, 0, 0, 0], x) * (x >= 0) * (x <= 1)
    y += (x > 1)
    return y
项目:orbs    作者:thomasorb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bias_coeff_from_T(self, master_bias_temp, master_bias_level,
                              frame_temp, calibrated_params):
        :param master_bias_temp: Temperature of the master bias frame.

        :param master_bias_level: Median of the master bias frame.

        :param frame_temp: Temperature of the frame to correct.

        :param calibrated_params: parameters [a, b] of the
          function bias_level(T) = aT + b. T is in degrees C and
          bias_level(T) is the median of the bias frame at the
          given temperature.
        calib_master_bias_level = np.polyval(
            calibrated_params, master_bias_temp)
        calib_frame_bias_level = np.polyval(
            calibrated_params, frame_temp)
        return  calib_frame_bias_level / calib_master_bias_level
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def csalbr(tau):
    # Previously 3 functions csalbr fintexp1, fintexp3
    a = [-.57721566, 0.99999193, -0.24991055, 0.05519968, -0.00976004,
    #xx = a[0] + a[1] * tau + a[2] * tau**2 + a[3] * tau**3 + a[4] * tau**4 + a[5] * tau**5
    #xx = np.polyval(a[::-1], tau)

    # xx = a[0]
    # xftau = 1.0
    # for i in xrange(5):
    #     xftau = xftau*tau
    #     xx = xx + a[i] * xftau
    fintexp1 = np.polyval(a[::-1], tau) - np.log(tau)
    fintexp3 = (np.exp(-tau) * (1.0 - tau) + tau**2 * fintexp1) / 2.0

    return (3.0 * tau - fintexp3 *
            (4.0 + 2.0 * tau) + 2.0 * np.exp(-tau)) / (4.0 + 3.0 * tau)

# From crefl.1.7.1
项目:adel    作者:openalea-incubator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_dimensions(self, data, fit_TTmax = True):
        if fit_max is True, use blade length profile to adjust dHS_max

        if (fit_TTmax and 'L_blade' in data.columns):
            dat = data.dropna(subset=['L_blade'])
            xn = self.xn(dat['rank'])
            fit = numpy.polyfit(xn,dat['L_blade'],7)
            x = numpy.linspace(min(xn), max(xn), 500)
            y = numpy.polyval(fit,x)
            self.xnmax = x[numpy.argmax(y)]
            self.TTmax = self.TTxn(self.xnmax)

        self.scale = {k: numpy.mean(data[k] / self.predict(k,data['rank'], data['nff'])) for k in data.columns if k in self.ref.columns}

        return self.scale
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, points, values, *args, **kwds):
        points : nd array (npoints, ndim)
        values : 1d array (npoints,)
        **kwds : keywords to [avg]polyfit()
        self.points = self._fix_shape_init(points)
        assert self.points.ndim == 2, "points is not 2d array"
        self.values = values
        if self._has_keys(kwds, ['degrange', 'degmin', 'degmax', 'levels']):
            self.fitfunc = avgpolyfit
            self.evalfunc = avgpolyval
            self.fitfunc = polyfit
            self.evalfunc = polyval = self.fitfunc(self.points, self.values, *args, **kwds)
项目:faampy    作者:ncasuk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vp2dp(vp,p=[],temp=[],enhance=False):
    Convert a volume mixing ratio to a dew point ( and vapour pressure )
    Using ITS-90 correction of Wexler's formula
    Optional enhancement factors for non ideal 
    c=np.array([-9.2288067e-06, 0.46778925, -20.156028, 207.98233],dtype='f8')
    d=np.array([-7.5172865e-05, 0.0056577518, -0.13319669, 1],dtype='f8')
    if(enhance and len(p)>0) :
        A=np.array([8.5813609e-09, -6.7703064e-06, 0.001807157, -0.16302041],dtype='f8')
        B=np.array([6.3405286e-07, -0.00077326396, 0.34378043, -59.890467],dtype='f8')
    return dp
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_trace_poly(self, use_poly=False, smoothing_length=25):
        sel = self.trace_x != self.flag
        if use_poly:
            self.trace = np.polyval(self.trace_polyvals, 
                                    1. * np.arange(self.D) / self.D)
            self.trace = np.zeros((self.D,))
            init_x = np.where(sel)[0][0]
            fin_x = np.where(sel)[0][-1]
            self.trace[init_x:fin_x] = np.interp(np.arange(init_x,fin_x), 
            self.trace[init_x:fin_x] = biweight_filter(self.trace[init_x:fin_x], 
            ix = int(init_x+smoothing_length/2+1)
            fx = int(init_x+smoothing_length/2+1 + smoothing_length*2)
            p1 = np.polyfit(np.arange(ix,fx), self.trace[ix:fx], 1)
            self.trace[:ix] = np.polyval(p1, np.arange(ix))
            ix = int(fin_x-smoothing_length/2-1 - smoothing_length*2)
            fx = int(fin_x-smoothing_length/2) 
            pf = np.polyfit(np.arange(ix,fx), self.trace[ix:fx], 1)
            self.trace[fx:self.D] = np.polyval(pf, np.arange(fx,self.D))
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_wavelength_new(x, solar_spec, fibers, fibn, group,
                              smooth_length=21, init_lims=None, order=3, 
                              init_sol=None, debug=False, interactive=False, 
                              nbins=21, wavebuff=100, plotbuff=85, 
                              fixscale=True, use_leastsq=False, res=1.9):
    L = len(x)
    if init_lims is None:
        init_lims = [np.min(solar_spec[:,0]), np.max(solar_spec[:,0])]
    if init_sol is not None:
        init_wave_sol = np.polyval(init_sol, 1. * x / L)
    y_sun = solar_spec[:,1]  
    lowfib = np.max([0,fibn-group])
    highfib = np.min([len(fibers)-1,fibn+group])
    y = np.array([biweight_filter(fibers[i].spectrum, smooth_length)
                  / fibers[i].spectrum 
                  for i in xrange(lowfib,highfib)])
    y = biweight_location(y,axis=(0,))
    bins = np.linspace(init_lims[0], init_lims[1], nbins)
    bins = bins[1:-1]
    scale = 1.*(init_lims[1] - init_lims[0])/L
    wv0 = init_lims[0]
    wave0_save = [] 
    scale_save = []
    x_save = []
    wave_save = []
项目:pyomo    作者:Pyomo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_omega(cp):
    for i in range(len(cp)):
        ptmp = []
        tmp = 0
        for j in range(len(cp)):
            if j != i:
                row = []
                tmp += 1
        for j in range(len(cp)-1):
            p = conv(p,ptmp[j])
        pint = numpy.polyint(p)
        arow = []
        for j in range(len(cp)):
    return a
项目:pyomo    作者:Pyomo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_adot(cp,order=1):
    for i in range(len(cp)):
        ptmp = []
        tmp = 0
        for j in range(len(cp)):
            if j != i:
                row = []
                tmp += 1
        for j in range(len(cp)-1):
            p = conv(p,ptmp[j])
        pder = numpy.polyder(p,order)
        arow = []
        for j in range(len(cp)):
    return a
项目:pyomo    作者:Pyomo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_afinal(cp):
    for i in range(len(cp)):
        ptmp = []
        tmp = 0
        for j in range(len(cp)):
            if j != i:
                row = []
                tmp += 1
        for j in range(len(cp)-1):
            p = conv(p,ptmp[j])
    return afinal
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_polyfit(self):
        c = np.array([3., 2., 1.])
        x = np.linspace(0, 2, 7)
        y = np.polyval(c, x)
        err = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]
        weights = np.arange(8, 1, -1)**2/7.0

        # check 1D case
        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, cov=True)
        est = [3.8571, 0.2857, 1.619]
        assert_almost_equal(est, m, decimal=4)
        val0 = [[2.9388, -5.8776, 1.6327],
                [-5.8776, 12.7347, -4.2449],
                [1.6327, -4.2449, 2.3220]]
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov, decimal=4)

        m2, cov2 = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, w=weights, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal([4.8927, -1.0177, 1.7768], m2, decimal=4)
        val = [[8.7929, -10.0103, 0.9756],
               [-10.0103, 13.6134, -1.8178],
               [0.9756, -1.8178, 0.6674]]
        assert_almost_equal(val, cov2, decimal=4)

        # check 2D (n,1) case
        y = y[:, np.newaxis]
        c = c[:, np.newaxis]
        assert_almost_equal(c, np.polyfit(x, y, 2))
        # check 2D (n,2) case
        yy = np.concatenate((y, y), axis=1)
        cc = np.concatenate((c, c), axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(cc, np.polyfit(x, yy, 2))

        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, yy + np.array(err)[:, np.newaxis], 2, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 1], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 1], decimal=4)
项目:varconvolve    作者:sheliak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def var(x):
    Creates a polynomial that describes the kernel width
    return np.polyval(p,x)

#x sampling:
项目:tango    作者:LLNL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extrap1d_constrained_linear_regression(x, y, xEval, side='right', numPts=10):
    """Perform extrapolation using constrained linear regression on part of the data (x,y).  Use numPts
    from either the left or right side of the data (specified by input variable side) as the input data.
    The linear regression is constrained to pass through the final point (x0, y0) (rightmost point if
    side=='right', leftmost if side=='left').  Data MUST be sorted.

      x                 independent variable on the smaller domain (array)
      y                 dependent variable on the smaller domain (array)
      xEval             values of x at which to evaluate the linear regression model
      side              side of the data from which to perform linear regression ('left' or 'right')
      numPts            number of points to use in the linear regression (scalar)
      yEval             values of dependent variable in the linear regression model evaluated at x_eval (array)
    assert side=='left' or side=='right'
    if side=='left':
        xSide = x[:numPts]
        ySide = y[:numPts]
        x0 = x[0]
        y0 = y[0]
    elif side=='right':
        xSide = x[-numPts:]
        ySide = y[-numPts:]
        x0 = x[-1]
        y0 = y[-1]

    a = least_squares_slope(xSide, ySide, x0, y0)  # determine model (a, x0, y0)
    b = y0 - a*x0
    #y_eval = scipy.polyval([a,b], x_eval)
    yEval = a*(xEval - x0) + y0 # evaluate model on desired points
    return yEval
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_continuum_blockvisibility(vis: BlockVisibility, degree=1, mask=None) -> BlockVisibility:
    """ Fit and remove continuum visibility

    Fit a polynomial in frequency of the specified degree where mask is True

    :param vis:
    :param degree: Degree of polynomial
    :param mask:
    assert isinstance(vis, Visibility) or isinstance(vis, BlockVisibility), vis

    if mask is not None:
        assert numpy.sum(mask) > 2 * degree, "Insufficient channels for fit"

    nchan = len(vis.frequency)
    x = (vis.frequency - vis.frequency[nchan // 2]) / (vis.frequency[0] - vis.frequency[nchan // 2])
    for row in range(vis.nvis):
        for ant2 in range(vis.nants):
            for ant1 in range(vis.nants):
                for pol in range(vis.polarisation_frame.npol):
                    wt = numpy.sqrt(['weight'][row, ant2, ant1, :, pol])
                    if mask is not None:
                        wt[mask] = 0.0
                    fit = numpy.polyfit(x,['vis'][row, ant2, ant1, :, pol], w=wt, deg=degree)
                    prediction = numpy.polyval(fit, x)
          ['vis'][row, ant2, ant1, :, pol] -= prediction
    return vis
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_continuum_image(im: Image, degree=1, mask=None):
    """ Fit and remove continuum visibility in place

    Fit a polynomial in frequency of the specified degree where mask is True

    :param im:
    :param deg:
    :param mask:
    assert isinstance(im, Image)

    if mask is not None:
        assert numpy.sum(mask) > 2 * degree, "Insufficient channels for fit"

    nchan, npol, ny, nx = im.shape
    channels = numpy.arange(nchan)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        frequency = im.wcs.sub(['spectral']).wcs_pix2world(channels, 0)[0]
    frequency -= frequency[nchan // 2]
    frequency /= numpy.max(frequency)
    wt = numpy.ones_like(frequency)
    if mask is not None:
        wt[mask] = 0.0

    for pol in range(npol):
        for y in range(ny):
            for x in range(nx):
                    fit = numpy.polyfit(frequency,[:, pol, y, x], w=wt, deg=degree)
                    prediction = numpy.polyval(fit, frequency)
          [:, pol, y, x] -= prediction
    return im
项目:jiveplot    作者:haavee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def phaserate(plotar, ms2mappings):
    if plotar.plotType!='phatime':
        raise RuntimeError, "phaserate() cannot run on plot type {0}".format( plotar.plotType )
    spm = ms2mappings.spectralMap
    # iterate over all plots and all data sets within the plots
    for k in plotar.keys():
        for d in plotar[k].keys():
            # get a reference to the data set
            dsref = plotar[k][d]
            # get the full data set label - we have access to all the data set's properties (FQ, SB, POL etc)
            n     = plots.join_label(k, d)
            # fit a line through the unwrapped phase 
            unw    = numpy.unwrap(numpy.deg2rad(dsref.yval))
            coeffs = numpy.polyfit(dsref.xval, unw, 1)
            # evaluate the fitted polynomial at the x-loci
            extray = numpy.polyval(coeffs, dsref.xval)
            # here we could compute the reliability of the fit
            diff   = unw - extray
            ss_tot = numpy.sum(numpy.square(unw - unw.mean()))
            ss_res = numpy.sum(numpy.square(diff))
            r_sq   = 1.0 - ss_res/ss_tot
            # compare std deviation and variance in the residuals after fit
            std_r  = numpy.std(diff)
            var_r  = numpy.var(diff)
            f      = spm.frequencyOfFREQ_SB(n.FQ, n.SB)
            rate   = coeffs[0]
            if var_r<std_r:
                print "{0}: {1:.8f} ps/s @ {2:5.4f}MHz [R2={3:.3f}]".format(n, rate/(2.0*numpy.pi*f*1.0e-12), f/1.0e6, r_sq )
                # before plotting wrap back to -pi,pi and transform to degrees
                dsref.extra = [ drawline_fn(n, dsref.xval, numpy.rad2deg(do_wrap(extray))) ]
项目:jiveplot    作者:haavee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def phasedbg(plotar, ms2mappings):
    global cache
    if plotar.plotType!='phatime':
        raise RuntimeError, "phasedbg() cannot run on plot type {0}".format( plotar.plotType )
    store = len(cache)==0
    # iterate over all plots and all data sets within the plots
    for k in plotar.keys():
        for d in plotar[k].keys():
            # get a reference to the data set
            dsref = plotar[k][d]
            # get the full data set label - we have access to all the data set's properties (FQ, SB, POL etc)
            n     = plots.join_label(k, d)
            # fit a line through the unwrapped phase 
            unw    = numpy.unwrap(numpy.deg2rad(dsref.yval))
            #coeffs = numpy.polyfit(dsref.xval, unw, 1)
            coeffs = numpy.polyfit(xrange(len(dsref.yval)), unw, 1)
            # evaluate the fitted polynomial at the x-loci
            extray = numpy.polyval(coeffs, dsref.xval)
            # here we could compute the reliability of the fit
            diff   = unw - extray
            # compare std deviation and variance in the residuals after fit
            std_r  = numpy.std(diff)
            var_r  = numpy.var(diff)
            coeffs = numpy.rad2deg(coeffs)
            if var_r<std_r:
                # decide what to do
                if store:
                    cache[n] = coeffs
                    # check if current key exists in cache; if so
                    # do differencing
                    otherCoeffs = cache.get(n, None)
                    if otherCoeffs is None:
                        print "{0}: not found in cache".format( n )
                        delta = otherCoeffs - coeffs
                        print "{0.BL} {0.SB} {0.P}: dRate={1:5.4f} dOff={2:4.1f}".format(n, delta[0], delta[1]+360.0 if delta[1]<0.0 else delta[1])
                # before plotting wrap back to -pi,pi and transform to degrees
                #dsref.extra = [ drawline_fn(n, dsref.xval, numpy.rad2deg(do_wrap(extray))) ]
    if not store:
        cache = {}
项目:GPS    作者:golsun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def estimate_tau0(T0, atm):

    T0_fit = np.array([600,1000])
    tau0_fit = np.array([5,0.1])
    x = 1000.0/T0_fit
    y = 1.0*np.log10(tau0_fit)
    coeff_low = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

    T0_fit = np.array([1000,1600])
    tau0_fit = np.array([0.1,1e-4])
    x = 1000.0/T0_fit
    y = 1.0*np.log10(tau0_fit)
    coeff_high = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

    atm_fit = 1.0*np.array([1, 10, 20])
    mtp_fit = 1.0*np.array([1, 0.1, 0.02])
    x = np.sqrt(atm_fit)
    y = np.log10(mtp_fit)
    coeff_p = np.polyfit(x,y,1)

    if T0 < 1000:
        tau_1atm = (10 ** np.polyval(coeff_low, 1000.0/T0))
        tau_1atm = (10 ** np.polyval(coeff_high, 1000.0/T0))

    mtp = 10 ** np.polyval(coeff_p, np.sqrt(atm))

    tau = tau_1atm * mtp
    #print 'tau = '+str(tau)
    tau_level = 10 ** (np.floor(np.log10(tau)))
    #print 'tau_level = '+str(tau_level)
    tau_rounded = tau_level * np.round(tau/tau_level * 1.0)/1.0
    #print 'tau_rounded = '+str(tau_rounded)
    #print tau_level
    #print str(tau_rounded)

    #print tau_rounded
    tau_rounded = max(1e-2, tau_rounded)
    return float(str(tau_rounded))
项目:data_utilities    作者:fmv1992    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compose_functions(cls,
                          functions=(np.sin, np.exp, np.square, np.polyval,
                                     np.tan, ),
        """Compose functions from an iterable of functions.

        This is a helper function to cover a more real life scenario of

            x (numpy.array): array for which composed values will be computed.
            number_of_compositions (int): number of compositions of functions.
            functions (tuple): an iterable of functions.
            clip_big_values (bool): whether or not to limit function extremes.
            clip_value (float): limit values for function composition.

            y (numpy.array): array of composed functions

        i = 0
        y = x
        while i < number_of_compositions:
            func = np.random.choice(functions)
            if func == np.polyval:
                n_coefs = np.random.randint(0, 10)
                coefs = np.random.randint(-50, 50, size=n_coefs)
                y = func(coefs, x)
                y = func(y)
            if clip_big_values:
                y = np.clip(y, -clip_value, clip_value)
            i += 1
        return y

    # Goes with 'fast' parameters by default.
项目:tinyml    作者:parasdahal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_fit(self):
        """Plot the training data in X array along with decision boundary
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        x1 = np.linspace(self.table.min(), self.table.max(), 100)
        #reverse self.theta as it requires coeffs from highest degree to constant term
        x2 = np.polyval(np.poly1d(self.theta[::-1]),x1)
        plt.plot(x1, x2, color='r', label='decision boundary');
        plt.scatter(self.X[:, 1], self.X[:, 2], s=40, c=self.y,
项目:chxanalys    作者:yugangzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ployfit( y, x=None, order = 20 ):
    fit data (one-d array) by a ploynominal function
    return the fitted one-d array
    if x is None:
        x = range(len(y))
    pol = np.polyfit(x, y, order)
    return np.polyval(pol, x)
项目:keras-gp    作者:alshedivat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def construct_lanes(data, pts_per_lane):
    poly_x, poly_y = data[:,:4], data[:,4:]
    lane_x = np.vstack(
        [np.polyval(poly_x[t], np.linspace(0, 50, pts_per_lane))
         for t in xrange(poly_x.shape[0])])
    lane_y = np.vstack(
        [np.polyval(poly_y[t], np.linspace(0, 50, pts_per_lane))
         for t in xrange(poly_y.shape[0])])
    lane = np.hstack([lane_x, lane_y])
    nnz = lane_x.sum(axis=1) > 0.
    return lane, nnz
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_polyfit(self):
        c = np.array([3., 2., 1.])
        x = np.linspace(0, 2, 7)
        y = np.polyval(c, x)
        err = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]
        weights = np.arange(8, 1, -1)**2/7.0

        # check 1D case
        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, cov=True)
        est = [3.8571, 0.2857, 1.619]
        assert_almost_equal(est, m, decimal=4)
        val0 = [[2.9388, -5.8776, 1.6327],
                [-5.8776, 12.7347, -4.2449],
                [1.6327, -4.2449, 2.3220]]
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov, decimal=4)

        m2, cov2 = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, w=weights, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal([4.8927, -1.0177, 1.7768], m2, decimal=4)
        val = [[8.7929, -10.0103, 0.9756],
               [-10.0103, 13.6134, -1.8178],
               [0.9756, -1.8178, 0.6674]]
        assert_almost_equal(val, cov2, decimal=4)

        # check 2D (n,1) case
        y = y[:, np.newaxis]
        c = c[:, np.newaxis]
        assert_almost_equal(c, np.polyfit(x, y, 2))
        # check 2D (n,2) case
        yy = np.concatenate((y, y), axis=1)
        cc = np.concatenate((c, c), axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(cc, np.polyfit(x, yy, 2))

        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, yy + np.array(err)[:, np.newaxis], 2, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 1], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 1], decimal=4)
项目:auxi.0    作者:Ex-Mente    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(self, **state):
        Calculate the material physical property at the specified temperature
        in the units specified by the object's 'property_units' property.

        :param T: [K] temperature

        :returns: physical property value
        return np.polyval(self._coeffs, state['T'])
项目:pyberny    作者:azag0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit_quartic(y0, y1, g0, g1):
    """Fit constrained quartic polynomial to function values and erivatives at x = 0,1.

    Returns position and function value of minimum or None if fit fails or has
    a maximum. Quartic polynomial is constrained such that it's 2nd derivative
    is zero at just one point. This ensures that it has just one local
    extremum.  No such or two such quartic polynomials always exist. From the
    two, the one with lower minimum is chosen.
    def g(y0, y1, g0, g1, c):
        a = c+3*(y0-y1)+2*g0+g1
        b = -2*c-4*(y0-y1)-3*g0-g1
        return np.array([a, b, c, g0, y0])

    def quart_min(p):
        r = np.roots(np.polyder(p))
        is_real = np.isreal(r)
        if is_real.sum() == 1:
            minim = r[is_real][0].real
            minim = r[(r == max(-abs(r))) | r == -max(-abs(r))][0].real
        return minim, np.polyval(p, minim)

    D = -(g0+g1)**2-2*g0*g1+6*(y1-y0)*(g0+g1)-6*(y1-y0)**2  # discriminant of d^2y/dx^2=0
    if D < 1e-11:
        return None, None
        m = -5*g0-g1-6*y0+6*y1
        p1 = g(y0, y1, g0, g1, .5*(m+np.sqrt(2*D)))
        p2 = g(y0, y1, g0, g1, .5*(m-np.sqrt(2*D)))
        if p1[0] < 0 and p2[0] < 0:
            return None, None
        [minim1, minval1] = quart_min(p1)
        [minim2, minval2] = quart_min(p2)
        if minval1 < minval2:
            return minim1, minval1
            return minim2, minval2
项目:smhr    作者:andycasey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, model_dispersion, model_normalized_flux, *parameters):

        # Marginalize over all models.

        assert len(parameters) == len(self.parameter_names)

        # Continuum.
        O = self.metadata["continuum_order"]
        continuum = 1.0 if 0 > O \
            else np.polyval(parameters[-(O + 1):][::-1], model_dispersion)

        y = model_normalized_flux * continuum

        # Smoothing?
            index = self.parameter_names.index("smoothing")
        except ValueError:
            kernel = abs(parameters[index])
            y = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(y, kernel, axis=-1)

        # Redshift?
            index = self.parameter_names.index("redshift")
        except ValueError:
            z = 0
            v = parameters[index]
            z = v/299792.458 # km/s

        return np.interp(x, model_dispersion * (1 + z), y)
项目:Project-Euler    作者:XiaoTaoWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def FIT(p, seq):

    k = len(p)
    predict = polyval(p, k+1)

    return predict
项目:page_dewarp    作者:mzucker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def project_xy(xy_coords, pvec):

    # get cubic polynomial coefficients given
    #  f(0) = 0, f'(0) = alpha
    #  f(1) = 0, f'(1) = beta

    alpha, beta = tuple(pvec[CUBIC_IDX])

    poly = np.array([
        alpha + beta,
        -2*alpha - beta,

    xy_coords = xy_coords.reshape((-1, 2))
    z_coords = np.polyval(poly, xy_coords[:, 0])

    objpoints = np.hstack((xy_coords, z_coords.reshape((-1, 1))))

    image_points, _ = cv2.projectPoints(objpoints,
                                        K, np.zeros(5))

    return image_points
项目:PyCS    作者:COSMOGRAIL    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcmlmags(self, lightcurve):
        Returns a "lc.mags"-like array made using the ml-parameters.
        It has the same size as lc.mags, and contains the microlensing to be added to them.
        The lightcurve object is not changed !

        For normal use, call getmags() from the lightcurve.

        Idea : think about only returning the seasons mags to speed it up ? Not sure if reasonable, as no seasons defined outside ?
        jds = lightcurve.jds[self.season.indices] # Is this already a copy ? It seems so. So no need for an explicit copy().
        # We do not need to apply shifts (i.e. getjds()), as anyway we "center" the jds.

        # Old method :
        if self.mltype == "poly":

            refjd = np.mean(jds)
            jds -= refjd # This is apparently safe, it does not shifts the lightcurves jds.

            allmags = np.zeros(len(lightcurve.jds))
            allmags[self.season.indices] = np.polyval(self.params, jds) # probably faster then +=
            return allmags

        # Legendre polynomials :
        if self.mltype == "leg":

            rjd = (np.max(jds) - np.min(jds))/2.0
            cjd = (np.max(jds) + np.min(jds))/2.0
            jds = (jds - cjd)/rjd

            allmags = np.zeros(len(lightcurve.jds))

            for (n, p) in enumerate(self.params):
                allmags[self.season.indices] += p * ss.legendre(n)(jds)

            return allmags
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_polyfit(self):
        c = np.array([3., 2., 1.])
        x = np.linspace(0, 2, 7)
        y = np.polyval(c, x)
        err = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]
        weights = np.arange(8, 1, -1)**2/7.0

        # check 1D case
        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, cov=True)
        est = [3.8571, 0.2857, 1.619]
        assert_almost_equal(est, m, decimal=4)
        val0 = [[2.9388, -5.8776, 1.6327],
                [-5.8776, 12.7347, -4.2449],
                [1.6327, -4.2449, 2.3220]]
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov, decimal=4)

        m2, cov2 = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, w=weights, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal([4.8927, -1.0177, 1.7768], m2, decimal=4)
        val = [[8.7929, -10.0103, 0.9756],
               [-10.0103, 13.6134, -1.8178],
               [0.9756, -1.8178, 0.6674]]
        assert_almost_equal(val, cov2, decimal=4)

        # check 2D (n,1) case
        y = y[:, np.newaxis]
        c = c[:, np.newaxis]
        assert_almost_equal(c, np.polyfit(x, y, 2))
        # check 2D (n,2) case
        yy = np.concatenate((y, y), axis=1)
        cc = np.concatenate((c, c), axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(cc, np.polyfit(x, yy, 2))

        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, yy + np.array(err)[:, np.newaxis], 2, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 1], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 1], decimal=4)
项目:satpy    作者:pytroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ir_calibrate(self, data):
        """IR calibration

        cwl = self._header['block5']["central_wave_length"][0] * 1e-6
        c__ = self._header['calibration']["speed_of_light"][0]
        h__ = self._header['calibration']["planck_constant"][0]
        k__ = self._header['calibration']["boltzmann_constant"][0]
        a__ = (h__ * c__) / (k__ * cwl)

        #b__ = ((2 * h__ * c__ ** 2) / (1.0e6 * cwl ** 5 * + 1[:] *= 1.0e6 * cwl ** 5[:] **= -1[:] *= (2 * h__ * c__ ** 2)[:] += 1

        #Te_ = a__ / np.log(b__)[:] = a__ / np.log(

        c0_ = self._header['calibration']["c0_rad2tb_conversion"][0]
        c1_ = self._header['calibration']["c1_rad2tb_conversion"][0]
        c2_ = self._header['calibration']["c2_rad2tb_conversion"][0][:] = c0_ + c1_ * Te_ + c2_ * Te_ ** 2[:] = np.polyval([c2_, c1_, c0_],

        data.mask[ < 0] = True
        data.mask[np.isnan(] = True
项目:npfl114    作者:ufal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _discretize(self, observation):
        if not self._is_discrete:
            buckets = np.array(observation,
            for i in range(len(observation)):
                buckets[i] = np.digitize(observation[i], self._separators[i])
            observation = np.polyval(buckets, self._bins)

        return observation
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_polyfit(self):
        c = np.array([3., 2., 1.])
        x = np.linspace(0, 2, 7)
        y = np.polyval(c, x)
        err = [1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]
        weights = np.arange(8, 1, -1)**2/7.0

        # check 1D case
        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, cov=True)
        est = [3.8571, 0.2857, 1.619]
        assert_almost_equal(est, m, decimal=4)
        val0 = [[2.9388, -5.8776, 1.6327],
                [-5.8776, 12.7347, -4.2449],
                [1.6327, -4.2449, 2.3220]]
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov, decimal=4)

        m2, cov2 = np.polyfit(x, y+err, 2, w=weights, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal([4.8927, -1.0177, 1.7768], m2, decimal=4)
        val = [[8.7929, -10.0103, 0.9756],
               [-10.0103, 13.6134, -1.8178],
               [0.9756, -1.8178, 0.6674]]
        assert_almost_equal(val, cov2, decimal=4)

        # check 2D (n,1) case
        y = y[:, np.newaxis]
        c = c[:, np.newaxis]
        assert_almost_equal(c, np.polyfit(x, y, 2))
        # check 2D (n,2) case
        yy = np.concatenate((y, y), axis=1)
        cc = np.concatenate((c, c), axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(cc, np.polyfit(x, yy, 2))

        m, cov = np.polyfit(x, yy + np.array(err)[:, np.newaxis], 2, cov=True)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(est, m[:, 1], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 0], decimal=4)
        assert_almost_equal(val0, cov[:, :, 1], decimal=4)
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def op(i, j, x, y):
    p0, a, b, c = orthopy.line.recurrence_coefficients.jacobi(
            i, 0, 0,
            # standardization='monic'
            standardization='p(1)=(n+alpha over n)'
    val1 =
            (x-y)/(x+y), p0, a, b, c

    val1 = numpy.polyval(scipy.special.jacobi(i, 0, 0), (x-y)/(x+y))

    # treat x==0, y==0 separately
    if isinstance(val1, numpy.ndarray):
        idx = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(x == 0, y == 0))[0]
        val1[idx] = numpy.polyval(scipy.special.jacobi(i, 0, 0), 0.0)
        if numpy.isnan(val1):
            val1 = numpy.polyval(scipy.special.jacobi(i, 0, 0), 0.0)

    p0, a, b, c = orthopy.line.recurrence_coefficients.jacobi(
            j, 2*i+1, 0,
            # standardization='monic'
            standardization='p(1)=(n+alpha over n)'
    val2 =
            1-2*(x+y), p0, a, b, c
    # val2 = numpy.polyval(scipy.special.jacobi(j, 2*i+1, 0), 1-2*(x+y))

    flt = numpy.vectorize(float)
    return flt(
        numpy.sqrt(2*i + 1) * val1 * (x+y)**i
        * numpy.sqrt(2*j + 2*i + 2) * val2
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_eval(t, ref, tol=1.0e-14):
    n = 5
    p0, a, b, c = orthopy.line.recurrence_coefficients.legendre(
            n, 'monic', symbolic=True
    value = orthopy.line.evaluate_orthogonal_polynomial(t, p0, a, b, c)

    assert value == ref

    # Evaluating the Legendre polynomial in this way is rather unstable, so
    # don't go too far with n.
    approx_ref = numpy.polyval(legendre(n, monic=True), t)
    assert abs(value - approx_ref) < tol
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_eval_vec(t, ref, tol=1.0e-14):
    n = 5
    p0, a, b, c = orthopy.line.recurrence_coefficients.legendre(
            n, 'monic', symbolic=True
    value = orthopy.line.evaluate_orthogonal_polynomial(t, p0, a, b, c)

    assert (value == ref).all()

    # Evaluating the Legendre polynomial in this way is rather unstable, so
    # don't go too far with n.
    approx_ref = numpy.polyval(legendre(n, monic=True), t)
    assert (abs(value - approx_ref) < tol).all()
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_clenshaw(tol=1.0e-14):
    n = 5
    _, _, alpha, beta = \
        orthopy.line.recurrence_coefficients.legendre(n, 'monic')
    t = 1.0

    a = numpy.ones(n+1)
    value = orthopy.line.clenshaw(a, alpha, beta, t)

    ref = math.fsum([
            numpy.polyval(legendre(i, monic=True), t)
            for i in range(n+1)])

    assert abs(value - ref) < tol
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def polyval(fit, points, der=0, avg=False):
    """Evaluate polynomial generated by ``polyfit()`` on `points`.

    fit, points : see polyfit()
    der : int, optional
        Derivative order. Only for 1D, uses np.polyder().
    avg : bool, optional
        Internal hack, only used by ``avgpolyval()``.

    For 1D we provide "analytic" derivatives using np.polyder(). For ND, we
    didn't implement an equivalent machinery. For 2D, you might get away with
    fitting a bispline (see Interpol2D) and use it's derivs. For ND, try's RBF
    interpolator which has at least 1st derivatives for arbitrary dimensions.

    See Also
    :class:`PolyFit`, :class:`PolyFit1D`, :func:`polyfit`
    pscale, pmin = fit['pscale'], fit['pmin']
    vscale, vmin = fit['vscale'], fit['vmin']
    if der > 0:
        assert points.shape[1] == 1, "deriv only for 1d poly (ndim=1)"
        # ::-1 b/c numpy stores poly coeffs in reversed order
        dcoeffs = np.polyder(fit['coeffs'][::-1], m=der)
        return np.polyval(dcoeffs, (points[:,0] - pmin[0,0]) / pscale[0,0]) / \
            pscale[0,0]**der * vscale
        vand = vander((points - pmin) / pscale, fit['deg'])
        if avg:
            return, fit['coeffs']) * vscale
            return, fit['coeffs']) * vscale + vmin
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_compare_numpy():
    x = np.sort(np.random.rand(10))
    y = np.random.rand(10)
    yy1 = np.polyval(np.polyfit(x, y, 3), x)
    for scale in [True,False]:
        yy2 = num.PolyFit1D(x, y, 3, scale=scale)(x)
        assert np.allclose(yy1, yy2)
项目:sfa-numpy    作者:spatialaudio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Legendre_matrix(N, ctheta):
    r"""Matrix of weighted Legendre Polynominals.

    Computes a matrix of weighted Legendre polynominals up to order N for
    the given angles

    .. math::

        L_n(\theta) = \frac{2n+1}{4 \pi} P_n(\theta)

    N : int
        Maximum order.
    ctheta : (Q,) array_like

    Lmn : ((N+1), Q) numpy.ndarray
        Matrix containing Legendre polynominals.
    if ctheta.ndim == 0:
        M = 1
        M = len(ctheta)
    Lmn = np.zeros([N+1, M], dtype=complex)
    for n in range(N+1):
        Lmn[n, :] = (2*n+1)/(4*np.pi) * np.polyval(special.legendre(n), ctheta)

    return Lmn
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_fibmodel_poly(self, use_poly=False):
        self.fibmodel = np.zeros((self.D, len(self.binx)))
        for i in xrange(len(self.binx)):
            if use_poly:
                self.fibmodel[:,i] = np.polyval(self.fibmodel_polyvals[:,i],
                                                1.* np.arange(self.D) / self.D)
                self.fibmodel[:,i] = np.interp(np.arange(self.D), 
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_wave_poly(self):
        self.wavelength = np.polyval(self.wave_polyvals, 
                                     1.* np.arange(self.D) / self.D)