def _get_glyph(gnum, height, width, shift_prob, shift_size): if isinstance(gnum, list): n = randint(*gnum) else: n = gnum glyph = random_points_in_circle( n, 0, 0, 0.5 )*array((width, height), 'float') _spatial_sort(glyph) if random()<shift_prob: shift = ((-1)**randint(0,2))*shift_size*height glyph[:,1] += shift if random()<0.5: ii = randint(0,n-1,size=(1)) xy = glyph[ii,:] glyph = row_stack((glyph, xy)) return glyph
def find_stable_a(self, A, cond_h, cond_s): # build the different combinations of # condition equations condeq = [] if cond_h.size > 0: condeq.append(cond_h) condeq.append(cond_s) if cond_h.size > 0: condeq.append(numpy.row_stack((cond_s,cond_h))) condnum = [] condnum.append(numpy.linalg.cond(A)) for cond in condeq: condnum.append(numpy.linalg.cond(numpy.row_stack((A,cond)))) i = numpy.argmin(numpy.array(condnum)) if i == 0: return numpy.array([]) else: return condeq[i-1]
def getallweights(model): # get weights from model model_list = MD.model2list(model) weight_np = None for i in range(len(model_list)): model_state_dict = model_list[i].state_dict() for k, d in model_state_dict.items(): k_split = k.split(".") if k_split[-1] == "weight": d_np = d.cpu().numpy() d_np = d_np.reshape(d_np.size, 1) if weight_np is None: weight_np = d_np else: weight_np = np.row_stack((weight_np, d_np)) return weight_np
def get_training_data(): dict = unpickle(cwd + '/cifar10/cifar10-batches-py/data_batch_' + str(1)) images = dict[b'data'] labels = dict[b'labels'] filenames = dict[b'filenames'] for i in range(2,5): idict = unpickle(cwd + '/cifar10/cifar10-batches-py/data_batch_' + str(i)); dict = np.row_stack((dict,idict)) iimages = idict[b'data'] images = np.row_stack((images,iimages)) ilabels = idict[b'labels'] labels = np.column_stack((labels,ilabels)) ifilenames = idict[b'filenames'] filenames = np.row_stack((filenames,ifilenames)) return {b'batch_label':'training batch,40000*3072',b'data':images,b'labels':labels,b'filenames':filenames}
def main(args, **argv): from numpy import row_stack fn = args.fn out = args.out # w = 1000 # h = 1000 paths = get_lines_from_svg(fn, out) mi, ma, move = get_mid(row_stack(paths)) paths, _ = spatial_sort(paths) paths = spatial_concat(paths) paths = align_left(paths, mi) w, h = ma - mi if args.svgwrite: export_svg_svgwrite(out, paths, w, h, line_width=1) else: export_svg(out, paths, w, h, line_width=1) # return
def prepare_inputs(*inputs, **kwinputs): """Prepare the inputs for the simulator. The signature follows that given in `elfi.tools.external_operation`. This function appends kwinputs with unique and descriptive filenames and writes an input file for the bdm executable. """ alpha, delta, tau, N = inputs meta = kwinputs['meta'] # Organize the parameters to an array. The broadcasting works nicely with constant # arguments. param_array = np.row_stack(np.broadcast(alpha, delta, tau, N)) # Prepare a unique filename for parallel settings filename = '{model_name}_{batch_index}_{submission_index}.txt'.format(**meta) np.savetxt(filename, param_array, fmt='%.4f %.4f %.4f %d') # Add the filenames to kwinputs kwinputs['filename'] = filename kwinputs['output_filename'] = filename[:-4] + '_out.txt' # Return new inputs that the command will receive return inputs, kwinputs
def draw_matplot_graph(unit_supplies, replay): units = sorted(list(unit_supplies.keys())) y = NP.row_stack([ unit_supplies[i] for i in units ]) # this call to 'cumsum' (cumulative sum), passing in your y data, # is necessary to avoid having to manually order the datasets x = times y_stack = NP.cumsum(y, axis=0) # a 3x10 array fig = PLT.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) patches = [] ax1.fill_between(x, 0, y_stack[0,:], facecolor="#CC6666", alpha=.7) patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color="#CC6666", label=units[0], alpha=.7)) for index, key in enumerate(units[1:]): color = "#" + hashlib.sha224(bytes(key, 'utf-8')).hexdigest()[:6] patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=key, alpha=.7)) ax1.fill_between(x, y_stack[index,:], y_stack[index+1,:], facecolor=color, alpha=.7) PLT.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0., handles=patches) PLT.show()
def fill_in_missing_dates(df, date_col_name, other_col): startd = df[date_col_name].values[0] endd = df[date_col_name].values[-1] print startd, endd idx = pd.date_range(startd, endd) dict = {} for index, row in df.iterrows(): dict[row[date_col_name]] = row[other_col] new_data = [] for d in idx: pydate = d.to_pydatetime() daskey = pydate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') new_data.append([daskey, dict[daskey] if dict.has_key(daskey) else None]) return np.row_stack(new_data)
def fill_in_missing_dates(df, date_col_name, other_col): startd = df[date_col_name].values[0] endd = df[date_col_name].values[-1] print startd, endd idx = pd.date_range(startd, endd) dict = {} for index, row in df.iterrows(): dict[row[date_col_name]] = row[other_col] new_data = [] for d in idx: pydate = d.to_pydatetime() daskey = pydate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') new_data.append([daskey, dict[daskey] if dict.has_key(daskey) else 0]) return np.row_stack(new_data)
def link_export(self): from numpy import row_stack num = self.num links = self.links[:num*10, 0] edges = set() for i, c in enumerate(self.link_counts[:num,0]): for k in range(c): j = links[10*i+k] if i<j: lnk = (i, j) else: lnk = (j, i) if lnk not in edges: edges.add(lnk) return self.xy[:num,:], row_stack(list(edges))
def lookAtTransform(pos, target, up, square=False, camera=False): pos = np.array(pos, np.float32) target = np.array(target, np.float32) up = np.array(up, np.float32) # print 'lookAtTransform:' dir = target - pos R = rotationFromVectors(dir, up, camera=camera) # print 'R:', R pos = np.matrix(pos).T V = np.column_stack((R, -R*pos)) if square: V = np.row_stack(( V, np.array([0,0,0,1], np.float32) )) return V
def unprojectOpenGL(self, u): # K, R, t = camera.factor() # squareProj = np.row_stack(( # camera.P, # np.array([0,0,0,1], np.float32) # )) # invProj = np.linalg.inv(squareProj) # x = invProj*np.row_stack([np.mat(u).T, [1]]) # x = x[:3] # u = np.mat(u).T # x = np.linalg.inv(R)*(np.linalg.inv(K)*u - t) proj = self.getOpenGlCameraMatrix() invProj = np.linalg.inv(proj) x = invProj*np.row_stack([np.mat(u).T, [1]]) x = x[:3] / x[3] return x
def kronecker_weight_vpn(dims): """ Return VectorPartitionFunction for computing weight multiplicities in the symmetric algebra Sym(C^prod(dims)) with respect to the maximal torus of GL(dims[1]) x ... x GL(dims[n]). """ # build list of multi-indices multi_indices = list(itertools.product(*map(range, dims))) # build matrix such that the r-th row corresponds to the r-th entries of all weights As = [] for i, dim in enumerate(dims): A = np.zeros(shape=(dim, len(multi_indices)), dtype=object) for j, midx in enumerate(multi_indices): A[midx[i], j] = 1 As.append(A) A = np.row_stack(As) return VectorPartitionFunction(A)
def callback(itr): def samplefun(num_samps): import numpy as np z = np.array(np.random.randn(num_samps, zdim), dtype=np.float32) return decode(z).eval(session=sess) viz.plot_samples(itr, samplefun, savedir='vae_mnist_samples') def sample_z(mu, log_sigmasq, M=5): eps = tf.random_normal((M, zdim), dtype=tf.float32) return mu + tf.exp(0.5 * log_sigmasq) * eps def recons(num_samps): # random subset subset = X[np.random.choice(X.shape[0], 1)] mu, log_sigmasq = encode(subset) imgs = decode(sample_z(mu, log_sigmasq, M=24)).eval(session=sess) return np.row_stack([subset, imgs]) viz.plot_samples(itr, recons, savedir='vae_mnist_samples', stub='recon') test_lb = test_lb_fun.eval(session=sess) * Ntest print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb) ########################################## # Make gradient descent fitting function # ##########################################
def _estimate_current_anticlockwise_degrees_using_minarearect(self, spot_xy) -> float: # Find the minimum area rectangle around the number nearby_contour_groups = contour_tools.extract_contour_groups_close_to( self.contour_groups, target_point_xy=spot_xy, delta=self._min_pixels_between_contour_groups) nearby_contours = [c for grp in nearby_contour_groups for c in grp] box = cv2.minAreaRect(np.row_stack(nearby_contours)) corners_xy = cv2.boxPoints(box).astype(np.int32) self._log_contours_on_current_image([corners_xy], name="Minimum area rectangle") # Construct a vector which, once correctly rotated, goes from the bottom right corner up & left at 135 degrees sorted_corners = sorted(corners_xy, key=lambda pt: np.linalg.norm(spot_xy - pt)) bottom_right_corner = sorted_corners[0] # The closest corner to the spot adjacent_corners = sorted_corners[1:3] # The next two closest corners unit_vectors_along_box_edge = misc.normalised(adjacent_corners - bottom_right_corner) up_left_diagonal = unit_vectors_along_box_edge.sum(axis=0) degrees_of_up_left_diagonal = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-up_left_diagonal[1], up_left_diagonal[0])) return degrees_of_up_left_diagonal - 135
def get_fractures(self): res = defaultdict(list) for fid, node in self.fid_node[:self.fnum, :]: res[fid].append(self.xy[node, :]) return [row_stack(v) for k, v in res.items()]
def write(sand): from modules.writer import Writer lines = [] vertices = [] vnum = 0 W = Writer( GLYPH_HEIGHT, GLYPH_WIDTH, WORD_SPACE, SHIFT_PROB, SHIFT_SIZE, EDGE ) i = 0 for y in linspace(EDGE, 1.0-EDGE, ROW_NUM): print(y) for a in W.export( get_word_generator(), y, gnum = GNUM, inum = INUM ): sand.paint_dots(a) i += 1 vertices.append(a) lines.append(arange(len(a)).astype('int')+vnum) vnum += len(a) return row_stack(vertices), lines
def _interpolate_write_with_cursive(glyphs, inum, theta, noise, offset_size): stack = row_stack(glyphs) ig = _rnd_interpolate(stack, len(glyphs)*inum, ordered=True) gamma = theta + cumsum((1.0-2.0*random(len(ig)))*noise) dd = column_stack((cos(gamma), sin(gamma)))*offset_size a = ig + dd b = ig + dd[:,::-1]*array((1,-1)) return a, b
def _export(self, glyphs, inum): stack = row_stack(glyphs) ig = _rnd_interpolate(stack, len(glyphs)*inum, ordered=True) return ig
def load(fn): from codecs import open from numpy import row_stack vertices = [] faces = [] lines = [] with open(fn, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for l in f: if l.startswith('#'): continue values = l.split() if not values: continue if values[0] == 'v': vertices.append([float(v) for v in values[1:]]) if values[0] == 'f': face = [int(v.split('//')[0])-1 for v in values[1:]] faces.append(face) if values[0] == 'l': line = [int(v.split('//')[0])-1 for v in values[1:]] lines.append(line) try: faces = row_stack(faces) except ValueError: faces = None return { 'faces': faces, 'vertices': row_stack(vertices), 'lines': lines }
def spatial_concat_2d(paths, eps=1.e-9): from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import row_stack res = [] curr = paths[0] concats = 0 for p in paths[1:]: if p.shape[0]<2: print('WARNING: path with only one vertex.') continue if norm(p[0,:]-curr[-1,:])<eps: curr = row_stack([curr, p[1:,:]]) concats += 1 else: res.append(curr) curr = p res.append(curr) print('concats: ', concats) print('original paths: ', len(paths)) print('number after concatination: ', len(res)) print() return res
def spatial_concat(paths, eps=1.e-9): from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import row_stack res = [] curr = paths[0] concats = 0 for p in paths[1:]: if p.shape[0]<2: print('WARNING: path with only one vertex.') continue if norm(p[0,:]-curr[-1,:])<eps: curr = row_stack([curr, p[1:,:]]) concats += 1 else: res.append(curr) curr = p res.append(curr) print('concats: ', concats) print('original paths: ', len(paths)) print('number after concatination: ', len(res)) print() return res
def optimize_glove(glove_path, vocab): """Trim down GloVe embeddings to use only words in the data.""" vocab_set = frozenset(vocab) seen_vocab = [] X = [] with open(glove_path) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip().split(' ') # split() fails on ". . ." word, embed = line[0], line[1:] if word in vocab_set: X.append(np.array(embed, dtype=np.float32)) seen_vocab.append(word) return seen_vocab, np.row_stack(X)
def dietrich_baseline(bands, intensities, half_window=16, num_erosions=10): ''' Fast and precise automatic baseline correction of ... NMR spectra, 1991. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002223649190402F http://www.inmr.net/articles/AutomaticBaseline.html ''' # Step 1: moving-window smoothing w = half_window * 2 + 1 window = np.ones(w) / float(w) Y = intensities.copy() if Y.ndim == 2: window = window[None] Y[..., half_window:-half_window] = convolve(Y, window, mode='valid') # Step 2: Derivative. dY = np.diff(Y) ** 2 # Step 3: Iterative thresholding. is_baseline = np.ones(Y.shape, dtype=bool) is_baseline[..., 1:] = iterative_threshold(dY) # Step 3: Binary erosion, to get rid of peak-tops. mask = np.zeros_like(is_baseline) mask[..., half_window:-half_window] = True s = np.ones(3, dtype=bool) if Y.ndim == 2: s = s[None] is_baseline = binary_erosion(is_baseline, structure=s, iterations=num_erosions, mask=mask) # Step 4: Reconstruct baseline via interpolation. if Y.ndim == 2: return np.row_stack([np.interp(bands, bands[m], y[m]) for y, m in zip(intensities, is_baseline)]) return np.interp(bands, bands[is_baseline], intensities[is_baseline])
def summarise(skelimage): ndim = skelimage.ndim g, counts, skelimage_labeled = skeleton_to_nx(skelimage) coords = np.nonzero(skelimage) ids = skelimage_labeled[coords] sorted_coords = np.transpose(coords)[np.argsort(ids)] tables = [] for i, cc in enumerate(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g)): stats = branch_statistics(cc) if stats.size == 0: continue coords0 = sorted_coords[stats[:, 0].astype(int) - 1] coords1 = sorted_coords[stats[:, 1].astype(int) - 1] distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords0 - coords1)**2, axis=1)) skeleton_id = np.full(distances.shape, i, dtype=float) tables.append(np.column_stack((skeleton_id, stats, coords0, coords1, distances))) columns = (['skeleton-id', 'node-id-0', 'node-id-1', 'branch-distance', 'branch-type'] + ['coord-0-%i' % i for i in range(ndim)] + ['coord-1-%i' % i for i in range(ndim)] + ['euclidean-distance']) column_types = [int, int, int, float, int] + 2*ndim*[int] + [float] arr = np.row_stack(tables).T data_dict = {col: dat.astype(dtype) for col, dat, dtype in zip(columns, arr, column_types)} df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict) return df
def __init__(self,file_path): # w2v_file = os.path.join(base_path, "vectors_poem.bin") self.model = word2vec.load(file_path) if 'unknown' not in self.model.vocab_hash: unknown_vec = np.random.uniform(-0.1,0.1,size=128) self.model.vocab_hash['unknown'] = len(self.model.vocab) self.model.vectors = np.row_stack((self.model.vectors,unknown_vec))
def read_merged_qdp(infile): """ Read merged QDP with multiple group of data separated by "no no no". """ lines = map(lambda line: re.sub(r"^\s*no\s+no\s+no.*$", "X", line.strip(), flags=re.I), open(infile).readlines()) lines = isplit(lines, ("X",)) data_groups = [] for block in lines: data = [list(map(float, l.split())) for l in block] data.append(np.row_stack(data)) return data_groups
def sliding_window_padded(a, ws, ss=(1,1), flatten=True): colpad = ws[0]/2 col_a = np.empty((a.shape[0],colpad)) col_a[:] = np.nan a = np.column_stack([col_a, a, col_a]) rowpad = ws[1]/2 row_a = np.empty((rowpad, a.shape[1])) row_a[:] = np.nan a = np.row_stack([row_a, a, row_a]) return sliding_window(a, ws, ss, flatten) #From http://www.johnvinyard.com/blog/?p=268
def add_stick(self, stick_to_add): self.candlesticks = np.row_stack((self.candlesticks, stick_to_add.close_candlestick(self.name)))
def close_candlestick(self): if not self.updated_hist_data: self.time_of_first_candlestick_close = datetime.datetime.now() if len(self.candlesticks) > 0: self.candlesticks = np.row_stack((self.candlesticks, self.cur_candlestick.close_candlestick(period_name=self.name, prev_stick=self.candlesticks[-1]))) else: self.candlesticks = np.array([self.cur_candlestick.close_candlestick(self.name)])
def generate_quadrants(rows, rng): Q0 = rng.multivariate_normal([2,2], cov=[[.5,0],[0,.5]], size=rows/4) Q1 = rng.multivariate_normal([-2,2], cov=[[.5,0],[0,.5]], size=rows/4) Q2 = rng.multivariate_normal([-2,-2], cov=[[.5,0],[0,.5]], size=rows/4) Q3 = rng.multivariate_normal([2,-2], cov=[[.5,0],[0,.5]], size=rows/4) colors = iter(cm.gist_rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 4))) for q in [Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3]: plt.scatter(q[:,0], q[:,1], color=next(colors)) plt.close('all') return np.row_stack((Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3))
def joint_parameters(self): mean = np.concatenate((np.zeros(self.L), self.mux)) cov = np.row_stack(( np.column_stack((np.eye(self.L), self.W.T)), np.column_stack((self.W, np.dot(self.W, self.W.T) + self.Psi)) )) return mean, cov
def mvn_marginalize(mu, cov, query, evidence): Q, E = query, evidence # Retrieve means. muQ = mu[Q] muE = mu[E] # Retrieve covariances. covQ = cov[Q][:,Q] covE = cov[E][:,E] covJ = cov[Q][:,E] covQE = np.row_stack(( np.column_stack((covQ, covJ)), np.column_stack((covJ.T, covE)) )) assert np.allclose(covQE, covQE.T) return muQ, muE, covQ, covE, covJ
def parse_parameter_sweep(file='/Users/srinath/playground/data-science/BimboInventoryDemand/logs/xgboost_params-explore-case4.txt'): file = open(file,'r') data = file.read() data = data.replace('\n','') data = re.sub(r'\[=+\'\].*?s', '', data) #28. feature 27 =Producto_ID_Dev_proxima_StdDev (0.002047) p1 = re.compile('Run ([0-9+]) XGBoost_nocv {(.*?)} .*?rmsle=([0-9.]+)') readings = [] for match in p1.finditer(data): data_index = int(match.group(1)) params_as_str = match.group(2) rmsle = float(match.group(3)) print data_index, rmsle, params_as_str kvmap = parse_map_from_str(params_as_str) print kvmap readings.append([data_index, rmsle, kvmap['eta'], kvmap['max_depth'], kvmap['min_child_weight'], kvmap['gamma'], kvmap['subsample'], kvmap['colsample_bytree']]) df_data = np.row_stack(readings) para_sweep_df= pd.DataFrame(df_data, columns=['data_index' , 'rmsle', 'eta', 'max_depth', 'min_child_weight', 'gamma', 'subsample', 'colsample_bytree']) print para_sweep_df return para_sweep_df
def vote_with_lr(conf, forecasts, best_model_index, y_actual): start = time.time() best_forecast = forecasts[:, best_model_index] forecasts = np.sort(np.delete(forecasts, best_model_index, axis=1), axis=1) forecasts = np.where(forecasts <=0, 0.1, forecasts) data_train = [] for i in range(forecasts.shape[0]): f_row = forecasts[i,] min_diff_to_best = np.min([cal_rmsle(best_forecast[i], f) for f in f_row]) comb = list(itertools.combinations(f_row,2)) avg_error = scipy.stats.hmean([cal_rmsle(x,y) for (x,y) in comb]) data_train.append([min_diff_to_best, avg_error, scipy.stats.hmean(f_row), np.median(f_row), np.std(f_row)]) X_all = np.column_stack([np.row_stack(data_train), best_forecast]) if conf.target_as_log: y_actual = transfrom_to_log(y_actual) #we use 10% full data to train the ensamble and 30% for evalaution no_of_training_instances = int(round(len(y_actual)*0.25)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(no_of_training_instances, X_all, y_actual) y_actual_test = y_actual[no_of_training_instances:] lr_model =linear_model.Lasso(alpha = 0.2) lr_model.fit(X_train, y_train) lr_forecast = lr_model.predict(X_test) lr_forcast_revered = retransfrom_from_log(lr_forecast) calculate_accuracy("vote__lr_forecast " + str(conf.command), y_actual_test, lr_forcast_revered) print_time_took(start, "vote_with_lr") return lr_forcast_revered
def parse_feature_explore_output(file_name, feature_importance_map): #[IDF1] ['clients_combined_vh_Mean_x', 'clients_combined_vhci_x', 'clients_combined_vh_median_x', 'Producto_ID_Venta_hoy_Mean', 'Producto_ID_Venta_hoyci', 'Producto_ID_Venta_hoy_median', 'Producto_ID_Dev_proxima_Mean', 'Producto_ID_Dev_proximaci', 'Producto_ID_Dev_proxima_median', 'agc_product_Mean', 'agc_productci', 'agc_product_median'] XGB 0.584072902792 file = open(file_name,'r') data = file.read() data = data.replace('\n','') data = re.sub(r'\[=+\'\].*?s', '', data) #28. feature 27 =Producto_ID_Dev_proxima_StdDev (0.002047) p1 = re.compile('\[IDF1\] (\[.*?\]) XGB ([0-9.]+)') readings = [] for match in p1.finditer(data): feature_set = match.group(1) rmsle = float(match.group(2)) if 0.56 < rmsle < 0.57: for f in parse_list_from_str(feature_set): count = feature_importance_map.get(f, 0) count += 1 feature_importance_map[f] = count readings.append([feature_set, rmsle]) df_data = np.row_stack(readings) para_sweep_df= pd.DataFrame(df_data, columns=['feature_set' , 'rmsle']) return para_sweep_df
def combine_label_batch(num0, num1, numt=0, order='01'): assert order=='01' or order=='10' label_batch_0 = np.tile((1,0,0),(num0,1)) label_batch_1 = np.tile((0,1,0),(num1,1)) label_batch_t = np.tile((0,0,1),(numt,1)) if order == '01': label_batch_all = np.row_stack((label_batch_0, label_batch_1, label_batch_t)) else: label_batch_all = np.row_stack((label_batch_1, label_batch_0, label_batch_t)) label_batch_all = label_batch_all.astype('float32') return label_batch_all
def linescan(self, data, mask): """ Calculate the trace for all children and return a 2D array of traces. :param data: the data to apply on. :param mask: some additional overlay mask :return: 2D numpy array holding traces for all children """ return numpy.row_stack((child(data, mask) for child in self.segments))
def outline(self): """ Return the corners of the branch in such order that they encode a polygon. """ return numpy.row_stack((self.corners[:, 0, :], self.corners[::-1, 1, :]))
def quadrilaterals(self): """ Generator over quadrilateral segments of that branch. """ if self.nquadrilaterals > 0: corners = self.corners for i in range(self.nquadrilaterals): yield numpy.row_stack((corners[i, 0, :], corners[i + 1, 0, :], corners[i + 1, 1, :], corners[i, 1, :]))
def linescan(self): """ Calculate the trace for all children and return a 2D array aka linescan for that branch roi. """ if self.parent_mask in self.__linescans: return self.__linescans[self.parent_mask] import numpy data = self.segmentation.data overlay = self.segmentation.overlay postprocessor = self.segmentation.postprocessor self.__linescans[self.parent_mask] = numpy.row_stack( (postprocessor(child(data, overlay)) for child in self.parent_mask.children)) return self.__linescans[self.parent_mask]
def draw(self, program, model=None, rawVertices=False): scale = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) scale[0,0] = self.scale[0] scale[1,1] = self.scale[1] scale[2,2] = self.scale[2] if not rawVertices: if model == None: orient = lookAtTransform(self.pos, self.pos + self.dir, self.up, square=True) # model = np.linalg.inv(orient)*scale model = np.linalg.inv(orient)*scale else: orient = lookAtTransform(self.pos, self.pos + self.dir, self.up, square=True) # model = model*np.linalg.inv(orient)*scale model = model*np.linalg.inv(orient)*scale else: model = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) program.setUniformMat4('model', model) # for mesh in self.aiModel.meshes: # for i in range(0, len(mesh.vertices)): # # print 'model', model # vert = np.row_stack([np.matrix(mesh.vertices[i]).T, np.array([1])]) # worldVert = model*vert # eyeVert = proj*worldVert # ndcVert = eyeVert[:3]/eyeVert[3] # print 'worldVert:', worldVert.T # # print ' m->w', worldVert.T # print ' w->e', eyeVert.T # print ' e->n', ndcVert.T glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) for mesh in self.meshBuffers: mesh.draw(program) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL)
def getOpenGlCameraMatrix(self): K, R, t = self.factor() # print 'R', R # print 'getOpenGlCameraMatrix:' # print 'Kraw:', K K = convertToOpenGLCameraMatrix(K, self.framebufferSize, self.near, self.far) # print 'K:', K V = np.column_stack((R, t)) V = np.row_stack(( V, np.array([0,0,0,1], np.float32) )) # print 'V:', V P = K*V # print 'P:', P # vpMat = viewPortMatrix(framebufferSize) # print 'vpMat:', vpMat # print 'VpP:', vpMat*P return P
def _predict(self, t, X): sess = tf.get_default_session() N, _ = X.shape B = self.input_var.get_shape()[0].value if B is None or B == N: pred = sess.run(t, {self.input_var: X}) else: pred = [sess.run(t, {self.input_var: X[i:i + B]}) for i in range(0, N, B)] pred = np.row_stack(pred) return pred
def calc_L(matrix): (x, y) = np.shape(matrix) return np.row_stack((np.mat(np.ones((1, y))), Sigmoid(matrix)))
def predict_segment(model, features, target_query): """ Use the provided model to predict the values for the new feature set Input: @param model: The pretrained model @features: A list of features to use in the model prediction (list of column names) @target_query: The query to run to obtain the data to predict on and the cartdb_ids associated with it. """ batch_size = 1000 joined_features = ','.join(['"{0}"::numeric'.format(a) for a in features]) try: cursor = plpy.cursor('SELECT Array[{joined_features}] As features FROM ({target_query}) As a'.format( joined_features=joined_features, target_query=target_query)) except Exception, e: plpy.error('Failed to build segmentation model: %s' % e) results = [] while True: rows = cursor.fetch(batch_size) if not rows: break batch = np.row_stack([np.array(row['features'], dtype=float) for row in rows]) #Need to fix this. Should be global mean. This will cause weird effects batch = replace_nan_with_mean(batch) prediction = model.predict(batch) results.append(prediction) try: cartodb_ids = plpy.execute('''SELECT array_agg(cartodb_id ORDER BY cartodb_id) As cartodb_ids FROM ({0}) As a'''.format(target_query))[0]['cartodb_ids'] except Exception, e: plpy.error('Failed to build segmentation model: %s' % e) return cartodb_ids, np.concatenate(results)