Python numpy 模块,int0() 实例源码


项目:dust_repos    作者:taozhijiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def img_contour_select(ctrs, im):
    # ????????????
    cand_rect = []
    for item in ctrs:
        epsilon = 0.02*cv2.arcLength(item, True)
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(item, epsilon, True)  
        if len(approx) <= 8:
            rect = cv2.minAreaRect(item)
            if rect[1][0] < 20 or rect[1][1] < 20:
            if rect[1][0] > 150 or rect[1][1] > 150:
            #ratio = (rect[1][1]+0.00001) / rect[1][0]
            #if ratio > 1 or ratio < 0.9:
            #    continue
            box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
            box_d = np.int0(box)
            cv2.drawContours(im, [box_d], 0, (0,255,0), 3)
    img_show_hook("????", im)   
    return cand_rect
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_markers(img,markers):
    for m in markers:
        centroid = np.array(m['centroid'],dtype=np.float32)
        origin = np.array(m['verts'][0],dtype=np.float32)
        hat = np.array([[[0,0],[0,1],[.5,1.25],[1,1],[1,0]]],dtype=np.float32)
        hat = cv2.perspectiveTransform(hat,m_marker_to_screen(m))
        if m['id_confidence']>.9:
            cv2.polylines(img,np.int0(hat),color = (0,0,255),isClosed=True)
            cv2.polylines(img,np.int0(hat),color = (0,255,0),isClosed=True)
        # cv2.polylines(img,np.int0(centroid),color = (255,255,int(255*m['id_confidence'])),isClosed=True,thickness=2)
        m_str = 'id: {:d}'.format(m['id'])
        org = origin.copy()
        # cv2.rectangle(img, tuple(np.int0(org+(-5,-13))[0,:]), tuple(np.int0(org+(100,30))[0,:]),color=(0,0,0),thickness=-1)
        cv2.putText(img,m_str,tuple(np.int0(org)[0,:]),fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0,0,255))
        if 'id_confidence' in m:
            m_str = 'idc: {:.3f}'.format(m['id_confidence'])
            org += (0, 12)
            cv2.putText(img,m_str,tuple(np.int0(org)[0,:]),fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0,0,255))
        if 'loc_confidence' in m:
            m_str = 'locc: {:.3f}'.format(m['loc_confidence'])
            org += (0, 12 )
            cv2.putText(img,m_str,tuple(np.int0(org)[0,:]),fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0,0,255))
        if 'frames_since_true_detection' in m:
            m_str = 'otf: {}'.format(m['frames_since_true_detection'])
            org += (0, 12 )
            cv2.putText(img,m_str,tuple(np.int0(org)[0,:]),fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0,0,255))
        if 'opf_vel' in m:
            m_str = 'otf: {}'.format(m['opf_vel'])
            org += (0, 12 )
            cv2.putText(img,m_str,tuple(np.int0(org)[0,:]),fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=0.4, color=(0,0,255))
项目:dust_repos    作者:taozhijiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def img_contour_select(ctrs, im):
    # ????????????
    cand_rect = []
    for item in ctrs:
        epsilon = 0.02*cv2.arcLength(item, True)
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(item, epsilon, True)  
        if len(approx) <= 8:
            rect = cv2.minAreaRect(item)
            if rect[2] < -10 and rect[2] > -80:
            if rect[1][0] < 10 or rect[1][1] < 10:
            #ratio = (rect[1][1]+0.00001) / rect[1][0]
            #if ratio > 1 or ratio < 0.9:
            #    continue
            box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
            box_d = np.int0(box)
            cv2.drawContours(im, [box_d], 0, (0,255,0), 3)
    img_show_hook("????", im)   
    return cand_rect
项目:idmatch    作者:maddevsio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_border(contour, ary):
    """Remove everything outside a border contour."""
    # Use a rotated rectangle (should be a good approximation of a border).
    # If it's far from a right angle, it's probably two sides of a border and
    # we should use the bounding box instead.
    c_im = np.zeros(ary.shape)
    r = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    degs = r[2]
    if angle_from_right(degs) <= 10.0:
        box = cv2.boxPoints(r)
        box = np.int0(box)
        cv2.drawContours(c_im, [box], 0, 255, -1)
        cv2.drawContours(c_im, [box], 0, 0, 4)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        cv2.rectangle(c_im, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 255, -1)
        cv2.rectangle(c_im, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 0, 4)

    return np.minimum(c_im, ary)
项目:dataArtist    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMask(self, shape):

        center=p + s / 2
        # opencv convention:
        shape = (shape[1], shape[0])
        arr1 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        arr2 = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # draw rotated rectangle:
        vertices = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints((center, s, a)))
        cv2.drawContours(arr1, [vertices], 0, color=1, thickness=-1)
        # draw ellipse:
        cv2.ellipse(arr2, (int(center[0]), int(center[1])), (int(s[0] / 2 * self._ratioEllispeRectangle),
                     int(s[1] / 2 * self._ratioEllispeRectangle)), int(a),
                    startAngle=0, endAngle=360, color=1, thickness=-1)
        # bring both together:
        return np.logical_and(arr1, arr2).T
项目:dataArtist    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getMask(self, shape):

        p = self.state['pos']
        s = self.state['size']
        center = p + s / 2
        a = self.state['angle']
        # opencv convention:
        shape = (shape[1], shape[0])
        arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        # draw rotated rectangle:
        vertices = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints((center, s, a)))
        cv2.drawContours(arr, [vertices],
        return arr.astype(bool).T
项目:Recognition    作者:thautwarm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deal(self,frame):
        term_crit = ( cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 1 )
        dst = cv2.calcBackProject([frame],[0],roi_hist,[0,180],1)
        if self.m=='m':
            ret, track_window_r = cv2.meanShift(dst, track_window, term_crit)
            x,y,w,h = track_window_r
            img2 = cv2.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), 255,2)
        elif self.m=='c':
            ret, track_window_r = cv2.CamShift(dst, track_window, term_crit)

            pts = cv2.boxPoints(ret)
            pts = np.int0(pts)
            img2 = cv2.polylines(frame,[pts],True, 255,2)

        img2 = cv2.line(img2,center1,center2,color=0)
#        x,y,w,h = track_window
#        img2 = cv2.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), 255,2)
        return rectsNew
项目:PAN-Card-OCR    作者:dilippuri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_border(contour, ary):
    """Remove everything outside a border contour."""
    # Use a rotated rectangle (should be a good approximation of a border).
    # If it's far from a right angle, it's probably two sides of a border and
    # we should use the bounding box instead.
    c_im = np.zeros(ary.shape)
    r = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    degs = r[2]
    if angle_from_right(degs) <= 10.0:
        box =
        box = np.int0(box)
        cv2.drawContours(c_im, [box], 0, 255, -1)
        cv2.drawContours(c_im, [box], 0, 0, 4)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cv2.boundingRect(contour)
        cv2.rectangle(c_im, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 255, -1)
        cv2.rectangle(c_im, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 0, 4)

    return np.minimum(c_im, ary)
项目:unmixing    作者:arthur-e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density_slice(rast, rel=np.less_equal, threshold=1000, nodata=-9999):
    Returns a density slice from a given raster. Arguments:
        rast        A gdal.Dataset or a NumPy array
        rel         A NumPy logic function; defaults to np.less_equal
        threshold   An integer number
    # Can accept either a gdal.Dataset or numpy.array instance
    if not isinstance(rast, np.ndarray):
        rastr = rast.ReadAsArray()

        rastr = rast.copy()

    if (len(rastr.shape) > 2 and min(rastr.shape) > 1):
        raise ValueError('Expected a single-band raster array')

    return np.logical_and(
        rel(rastr, np.ones(rast.shape) * threshold),
        np.not_equal(rastr, np.ones(rast.shape) * nodata)).astype(np.int0)
项目:Millennium-Eye    作者:Elysium1937    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shapeFiltering(img):
    contours = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0]
    if len(contours) == 0:
        return "yoopsie"
        #print contours
    """blank_image = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1],3), np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(blank_image, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255))
    cv2.imshow("imagiae", blank_image)
    good_shape = []
    for c in contours:
        x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
        """rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
        box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
        box = np.int0(box)
        w = """
        #if h == 0:
        #    continue
        ratio = w / h
        ratio_grade = ratio / (TMw / TMh)
        if 0.2 < ratio_grade < 1.8:
    """blank_image = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1],3), np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(blank_image, good_shape, -1, (255, 255, 255))
    cv2.imshow("imagia", blank_image)
    return good_shape
项目:Millennium-Eye    作者:Elysium1937    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findCorners(contour):
    """blank_image = np.zeros((img.shape[0],img.shape[1],3), np.uint8)
    cv2.drawContours(blank_image, contour, -1, (255, 255, 255))
    rows,cols = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2,rows/2),-45,0.5)
    dst = cv2.warpAffine(blank_image,M,(cols,rows))
    cv2.imshow("rotatio", dst)
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
    box = np.int0(box)
    height_px_1 = box[0][1] - box[3][1]
    height_px_2 = box[1][1] - box[2][1]
    print height_px_1, height_px_2
    if height_px_1 < height_px_2:
        close_height_px = height_px_2
        far_height_px = height_px_1
        close_height_px = height_px_1
        far_height_px = height_px_2

    return close_height_px, far_height_px
项目:Millennium-Eye    作者:Elysium1937    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findCorners(contour):
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
    box = numpy.int0(box)
    height_px_1 = box[0][1] - box[3][1]
    height_px_2 = box[1][1] - box[2][1]
    print height_px_1, height_px_2
    if height_px_1 < height_px_2:
        close_height_px = height_px_2
        far_height_px = height_px_1
        close_height_px = height_px_1
        far_height_px = height_px_2

    return close_height_px, far_height_px
项目:dataArtist    作者:radjkarl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(roi):
        img1b.setImage(roi.getArrayRegion(arr, img1a), levels=(0, arr.max()))

    # cell.sigRegionChanged.connect(update)
    # update(cell)
项目:omr    作者:rbaron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bounding_rect(contour):
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
    return np.int0(box)
项目:Smart-Car    作者:jimchenhub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shi_tomasi(gray):
    # image????
    # maxCorners???????
    # qualityLevel?????????????????????
    # minDistance??????????
    corners = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(gray,25,0.01,10)
    # ?????? [[ 311., 250.]] ????????
    corners = np.int0(corners)
    return corners
项目:2016-Tegra-OpenCV    作者:HighlandersFRC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculateFrame(self,cap):
        data = self.getDataPoints()
        #targetCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)
        frame =
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        lower_bound = np.array([float(data['HMIN']),float(data["SMIN"]),float(data['VMIN'])])
        upper_bound = np.array([float(data['HMAX']),float(data["SMAX"]),float(data['VMAX'])])

        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
        mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,lower_bound,upper_bound)

        largest_area = 0
        xCenter = -1
        yCenter = -1
        targetRect = None

        ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(mask,200,255,0)
        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    if len(contours) > 1:
        areas = [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours]
        max_index = np.argmax(areas)
        cnt = contours[max_index]
        rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt)
        box =
        box = np.int0(box)

        xCenter = (box[0][0] + box[1][0] + box[2][0] + box[3][0]) /4
        yCenter = (box[0][1] + box[1][1] + box[2][1] + box[3][1]) /4

        output = {}
    distance = 0.0025396523 * yCenter**2 + 0.1000098497 *yCenter + 46.8824851568
    theta = math.atan2(xCenter-160, distance)
        output_dict = {"xCenter": xCenter, "yCenter": yCenter,"theta": theta, "distance":distance}
        output = json.dumps(output_dict)

        return frame ,output , True, mask
项目:unmixing    作者:arthur-e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cfmask(mask, mask_values=(1,2,3,4,255), nodata=-9999):
    Returns a binary mask according to the CFMask algorithm results for the
    image; mask has True for water, cloud, shadow, and snow (if any) and False
    everywhere else. More information can be found:

    Landsat 4-7 Pre-Collection pixel_qa values to be masked:
        mask_values = (1, 2, 3, 4)

    Landsat 4-7 Collection 1 pixel_qa values to be masked (for "Medium" confidence):
        mask_values = (1, 68, 72, 80, 112, 132, 136, 144, 160, 176, 224)

    Landsat 8 Collection 1 pixel_qa values to be masked (for "Medium" confidence):
        mask_values = (1, 324, 328, 386, 388, 392, 400, 416, 432, 480, 832, 836, 840, 848, 864, 880, 900, 904, 912, 928, 944, 992, 1024)

        mask        A gdal.Dataset or a NumPy array
        mask_path   The path to an EOS HDF4 CFMask raster
        mask_values The values in the mask that correspond to NoData pixels
        nodata      The NoData value; defaults to -9999.
    if not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
        maskr = mask.ReadAsArray()

        maskr = mask.copy()

    # Mask according to bit-packing described here:
    maskr = np.in1d(maskr.reshape((maskr.shape[0] * maskr.shape[1])), mask_values)\
        .reshape((1, maskr.shape[0], maskr.shape[1])).astype(np.int0)

    return maskr
项目:Vision2016    作者:AluminatiFRC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getTargetBox(target):
    minRect = cv2.minAreaRect(target)
    box =
    #box = np.int0(box) # convert points to ints
    return box
项目:pyANPD    作者:abdulfatir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_contour(contour, img, aspect_ratio_range, area_range):
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
    img_width = img.shape[1]
    img_height = img.shape[0]
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) 
    box = np.int0(box)

    X = rect[0][0]
    Y = rect[0][1]
    angle = rect[2] 
    width = rect[1][0]
    height = rect[1][1]

    angle = (angle + 180) if width < height else (angle + 90)


    if (width > 0 and height > 0) and ((width < img_width/2.0) and (height < img_width/2.0)):
        aspect_ratio = float(width)/height if width > height else float(height)/width
        if (aspect_ratio >= aspect_ratio_range[0] and aspect_ratio <= aspect_ratio_range[1]):
            if((height*width > area_range[0]) and (height*width < area_range[1])):

                box_copy = list(box)
                point = box_copy[0]
                dists = [((p[0]-point[0])**2 + (p[1]-point[1])**2) for p in box_copy]
                sorted_dists = sorted(dists)
                opposite_point = box_copy[dists.index(sorted_dists[1])]
                tmp_angle = 90

                if abs(point[0]-opposite_point[0]) > 0:
                    tmp_angle = abs(float(point[1]-opposite_point[1]))/abs(point[0]-opposite_point[0])
                    tmp_angle = rad_to_deg(math.atan(tmp_angle))

                if tmp_angle <= 45:
                    output = True
    return output
项目:seglink    作者:dengdan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_to_xys(bboxes, image_shape):
    """Convert Seglink bboxes to xys, i.e., eight points
    The `image_shape` is used to to make sure all points return are valid, i.e., within image area
    if len(bboxes) == 0:
        return []

    assert np.ndim(bboxes) == 2 and np.shape(bboxes)[-1] == 5, 'invalid `bboxes` param with shape =  ' + str(np.shape(bboxes))

    h, w = image_shape[0:2]
    def get_valid_x(x):
        if x < 0:
            return 0
        if x >= w:
            return w - 1
        return x

    def get_valid_y(y):
        if y < 0:
            return 0
        if y >= h:
            return h - 1
        return y

    xys = np.zeros((len(bboxes), 8))
    for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
        bbox = ((bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), bbox[4])
        points =
        points = np.int0(points)
        for i_xy, (x, y) in enumerate(points):
            x = get_valid_x(x)
            y = get_valid_y(y)
            points[i_xy, :] = [x, y]
        points = np.reshape(points, -1)
        xys[bbox_idx, :] = points
    return xys
项目:brainiak    作者:brainiak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, fname=None, include_orth=True, include_pols=True):
        if fname is None:
            # fname is the name of the file to read in the design matrix
   = np.zeros([0, 0])
            self.n_col = 0
            # number of columns (conditions) in the design matrix
            self.column_types = np.ones(0)
            self.n_basis = 0
            self.n_stim = 0
            self.n_orth = 0
            self.StimLabels = []
            # isAFNI = re.match(r'.+[.](1D|1d|txt)$', fname)
            filename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
            # We assume all AFNI 1D files have extension of 1D or 1d or txt
            if ext in ['.1D', '.1d', '.txt']:

        self.include_orth = include_orth
        self.include_pols = include_pols
        # The two flags above dictates whether columns corresponding to
        # baseline drift modeled by polynomial functions of time and
        # columns corresponding to other orthogonal signals (usually motion)
        # are included in nuisance regressors.
        self.cols_task = np.where(self.column_types == 1)[0]
        self.design_task =[:, self.cols_task]
        if np.ndim(self.design_task) == 1:
            self.design_task = self.design_task[:, None]
        # part of the design matrix related to task conditions.
        self.n_TR = np.size(self.design_task, axis=0)
        self.cols_nuisance = np.array([])
        if self.include_orth:
            self.cols_nuisance = np.int0(
                                  np.where(self.column_types == 0)[0])))
        if self.include_pols:
            self.cols_nuisance = np.int0(
                                  np.where(self.column_types == -1)[0])))
        if np.size(self.cols_nuisance) > 0:
            self.reg_nuisance =[:, self.cols_nuisance]
            if np.ndim(self.reg_nuisance) == 1:
                self.reg_nuisance = self.reg_nuisance[:, None]
            self.reg_nuisance = None
        # Nuisance regressors for motion, baseline, etc.
项目:srcsim2017    作者:ZarjRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_array_button_thing(self):
        """ Find the array button on the solar array box """

        """ This uses color to determine if we have a choke """
        lower = np.array([0, 0, 60], dtype = "uint8")
        upper = np.array([20, 20, 255], dtype = "uint8")
        mask = cv2.inRange(self.img, lower, upper)

        blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (5, 5), 0)
        thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]

        contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        contours = contours[0] if is_cv2() else contours[1]

        debug_img = None
        if self.debug:
            debug_img = self.img.copy()

        button_box = None
        for c in contours:
            box = cv2.boundingRect(c)

            if button_box is None:
                button_box = box
                button_box = self._union_box(deepcopy(button_box), box)

        if button_box is None:

        top,bottom,left,right,center = self.find_dimensions(np.int0(np.array(self._bound_to_boxpoints(button_box))))
        if top is None or left is None or center is None:
            return None

        height = self.find_distance(top, bottom)
        width = self.find_distance(left, right)

        if self.debug:
            for c in contours:
                cv2.drawContours(debug_img, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)

  , top, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , bottom, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , left, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , right, 5, (255, 255, 0))
            cv2.rectangle(debug_img, (button_box[0], button_box[1]),
                    (button_box[0] + button_box[2], button_box[1] + button_box[3]), (128, 0, 128), 2)
  , center, 5, (255, 255, 0))

            cv2.imshow("button picture", debug_img)
            cv2.setMouseCallback("button picture", self.handle_mouse)

        self.array_button = Thing(height, width, center, None)
        self.array_button.computed_center = self.compute_center(left, right, top, bottom)
项目:srcsim2017    作者:ZarjRobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_a_thing(self, c, min_height, max_height, min_width, max_width, max_distance, debug_img=None):
        rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c)
        box = if is_cv2() else cv2.boxPoints(rect)

        top,bottom,left,right,center = self.find_dimensions(np.int0(np.array(box)))

        if top is None or left is None or center is None:
            return None

        vertical = self.find_distance(top, bottom)
        horizontal = self.find_distance(left, right)
        away = self.find_distance(center, None)

        if vertical > horizontal:
            height = vertical
            width = horizontal
            flipped = False
            height = horizontal
            width = vertical
            flipped = True

        if height < min_height or height > max_height:
            return None

        if width < min_width or width > max_height:
            return None

        if away > max_distance:
            return None

        # This page was helpful in understanding angle
        angle = rect[2]
        if rect[1][0] < rect[1][1]:
            angle -= 90.0

        if debug_img is not None:
            x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
            cv2.drawContours(debug_img, [c], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.drawContours(debug_img, [np.int0(np.array(box))], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2)

  , top, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , bottom, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , left, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , right, 5, (255, 255, 0))
  , center, 5, (255, 255, 0))

        return Thing(height, width, center, angle)
项目:Stronghold-2016-Vision    作者:team4099    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_contours(orig_image):
    Get edge points (hopefully corners) from the given opencv image (called
    contours in opencv)

        :param: `orig_image` - the thresholded image from which to find contours
    new_image = numpy.copy(orig_image)
    # cv2.imshow("Vision", new_image)
    # cv2.waitKey(1000)
    new_image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(new_image,
    # print(len(contours))
    # print(len(contours[0]))
    # print(len(contours[0][0]))
    # print(len(contours[0][0][0]))
    largest_contour = 0
    most_matching = 0
    min_score = 0
    max_area = 0
    if len(contours) > 1:
        print("Length of contours:", len(contours))
        max_area = cv2.contourArea(contours[0])
        min_score = average_goal_matching(contours[0])
        for i in range(1, len(contours)):
            # print(contours[i])
            current_score = average_goal_matching(contours[i])
            current_area = cv2.contourArea(contours[i])
            if current_area > max_area:
                max_area = current_area
                largest_contour = i
            if current_score < min_score and current_score != 0 and current_area > 300 and current_area < 1500:
                min_score = current_score
                most_matching = i
    elif len(contours) == 0:
        raise GoalNotFoundException("Goal not found!")
    if min_score >= 9999999999999999:
        raise GoalNotFoundException("Goal not found!")
    print("largest_contour:", largest_contour)
    print("Area:", max_area)
    # print("largest_contour:", largest_contour)
    print("Most matching:", most_matching)
    print("Score:", min_score)
    print("Area of most matching:", cv2.contourArea(contours[most_matching]))

    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[most_matching])
    box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
    box = numpy.int0(box)
    # print(box)
    return numpy.array(contours[most_matching]), box
项目:ChessBot    作者:pakhandi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detectAllVertices(self, testImg):
        # Detecting vertices on the newly constructed board
        self.gray = cv2.cvtColor(testImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        tempVertices = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.gray, int(self.FINAL_VERTICES_COUNT), 0.01, 10)
        tempVertices = np.int0(tempVertices)

        newVertices = []

        for i in tempVertices:
            x, y = i.ravel()
            newVertices.append((x, y))

        # Matrix to store coordinates of vertices on the board
        self.ALL_VERTICES = [[(0, 0) for x in range(self.FACTOR + 2)] for x in range(self.FACTOR + 2)]

        # Filling the matrix
        self.ALL_VERTICES[0][0] = (self.CORNERS[1])

        for i in range(0, self.FACTOR):
            for j in range(0, self.FACTOR):
                predicted_x = self.ALL_VERTICES[i][j][0] + int(
                    (self.OUTER_VERTICES[2][self.FACTOR - i][0] - self.OUTER_VERTICES[0][i][0]) / 8)
                predicted_y = self.ALL_VERTICES[i][j][1] + int(
                    (self.OUTER_VERTICES[3][self.FACTOR - i][1] - self.OUTER_VERTICES[1][i][1]) / 8)

                minn_dist = self.INT_MAX

                for point in newVertices:
                    this_dist = Geometry.getPointsDistance(point, (predicted_x, self.ALL_VERTICES[i][j][1]))
                    if this_dist < minn_dist:
                        self.ALL_VERTICES[i][j + 1] = point
                        minn_dist = this_dist

                minn_dist = self.INT_MAX

                for point in newVertices:
                    this_dist = Geometry.getPointsDistance(point, (self.ALL_VERTICES[i][j][0], predicted_y))
                    if this_dist < minn_dist:
                        self.ALL_VERTICES[i + 1][j] = point;
                        minn_dist = this_dist

        self.ALL_VERTICES[self.FACTOR][self.FACTOR] = (self.CORNERS[3])
项目:ROS-Robotics-By-Example    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_callback(self, msg):

      # convert ROS image to OpenCV image
         image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='bgr8')
      except CvBridgeError as e:

      # create hsv image of scene
      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

      # find pink objects in the image
      lower_pink = numpy.array([139, 0, 240], numpy.uint8)
      upper_pink = numpy.array([159, 121, 255], numpy.uint8)
      mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_pink, upper_pink)

      # dilate and erode with kernel size 11x11
      cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, numpy.ones((11,11))) 

      # find all of the contours in the mask image
      contours, heirarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
      self.contourLength  = len(contours)

      # Check for at least one target found
      if self.contourLength < 1:
         print "No target found"

      else:                       # target found

         ## Loop through all of the contours, and get their areas
         area = [0.0]*len(contours)
         for i in range(self.contourLength):
            area[i] = cv2.contourArea(contours[i])

         #### Target #### the largest "pink" object
         target_image = contours[area.index(max(area))]

         # Using moments find the center of the object and draw a red outline around the object
         target_m = cv2.moments(target_image)
         self.target_u = int(target_m['m10']/target_m['m00'])
         self.target_v = int(target_m['m01']/target_m['m00'])
         points = cv2.minAreaRect(target_image)
         box =
         box = numpy.int0(box)
         cv2.drawContours(image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2)
         rospy.loginfo("Center of target is x at %d and y at %d", int(self.target_u), int(self.target_v))

         self.target_found = True               # set flag for depth_callback processing

         # show image with target outlined with a red rectangle
         cv2.imshow ("Target", image)

   # This callback function handles processing Kinect depth image, looking for the depth value 
   #   at the location of the center of the pink target.
项目:unmixing    作者:arthur-e    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def binary_mask(rast, mask, nodata=-9999, invert=False):
    Applies an arbitrary, binary mask (data in [0,1]) where pixels with
    a value of 1 are pixels to be masked out. Arguments:
        rast    A gdal.Dataset or a NumPy array
        mask    A gdal.Dataset or a NumPy array
        nodata  The NoData value; defaults to -9999.
        invert  Invert the mask? (tranpose meaning of 0 and 1); defaults to False.
    # Can accept either a gdal.Dataset or numpy.array instance
    if not isinstance(rast, np.ndarray):
        rastr = rast.ReadAsArray()

        rastr = rast.copy()

    if not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray):
        maskr = mask.ReadAsArray()

        maskr = mask.copy()

    if not np.alltrue(np.equal(rastr.shape[-2:], maskr.shape[-2:])):
        raise ValueError('Raster and mask do not have the same shape')

    # Convert Boolean arrays to ones and zeros
    if maskr.dtype == bool:
        maskr = maskr.astype(np.int0)

    # Transform into a "1-band" array and apply the mask
    if maskr.shape != rastr.shape:
        maskr = maskr.reshape((1, maskr.shape[-2], maskr.shape[-1]))\
            .repeat(rastr.shape[0], axis=0) # Copy the mask across the "bands"

    # TODO Compare to place(), e.g.,
    #, mask.repeat(rastr.shape[0], axis=0), (nodata,))
    # Mask out areas that match the mask (==1)
    if invert:
        rastr[maskr < 1] = nodata

        rastr[maskr > 0] = nodata

    return rastr
项目:2017-Vision    作者:RoboticsTeam4904    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filterContoursFancy(contours, image=None):
    if len(contours) == 0:
        return []

    numContours = len(contours)
    areas = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contour) for contour in contours])

    boundingRects = [cv2.boundingRect(contour) for contour in contours]
    widths, heights, positions = boundingInfo(boundingRects)

    rotatedRects = [cv2.minAreaRect(contour) for contour in contours]
    if config.withOpenCV3:
        rotatedBoxes = [np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) for rect in rotatedRects]
        rotatedBoxes = [np.int0( for rect in rotatedRects]
    rotatedAreas = [cv2.contourArea(box) for box in rotatedBoxes]

    sizeScores = [size(area)for area in areas]
    ratioScores = ratios(widths, heights)
    rotationScores = [rotation(rect) for rect in rotatedRects]
    rectangularScores = [distToPolygon(contour, poly) for contour,poly in zip(contours, rotatedBoxes)]
    areaScores = polygonAreaDiff(areas, rotatedAreas)
    quadScores = [Quadrify(contour) for contour in contours]

    rectangularScores = np.divide(rectangularScores, widths)

    scores = np.array([sizeScores, ratioScores, rotationScores, rectangularScores, areaScores, quadScores])
    contourScores =, scores)

    correctInds, incorrectInds = sortedInds(contourScores)
    correctContours = np.array(contours)[correctInds]

    if config.extra_debug:
        print "size, ratio, rotation, rectangular, area, quad"
        print "Weights:", weights
        print "Scores: ", contourScores
        print np.average(scores, axis=1)
        if len(incorrectInds) != 0:
            print "AVG, WORST", test(scores, correctInds, incorrectInds)
        for i in range(numContours):
            print "CONTOUR " + str(i)
            print np.multiply(scores[:, i], weights) #newWeights
            print contourScores[i]
            if image:
                img = copy.deepcopy(image)
                Printing.drawImage(img, contours[:i] + contours[i+1:], contours[i], False)
                Printing.display(img, "contour " + str(i), doResize=True)
    return correctContours
项目:2017-Vision    作者:RoboticsTeam4904    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filterContoursAutocalibrate(contours, image=None):
    if len(contours) == 0:
        return []

    numContours = len(contours)
    areas = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contour) for contour in contours])

    boundingRects = [cv2.boundingRect(contour) for contour in contours]
    widths, heights, positions = boundingInfo(boundingRects)

    rotatedRects = [cv2.minAreaRect(contour) for contour in contours]
    if config.withOpenCV3:
        rotatedBoxes = [np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) for rect in rotatedRects]
        rotatedBoxes = [np.int0( for rect in rotatedRects]
    rotatedAreas = [cv2.contourArea(box) for box in rotatedBoxes]

    sizeScores = [size(area)for area in areas]
    ratioScores = ratios(widths, heights)
    rotationScores = [rotation(rect) for rect in rotatedRects]
    rectangularScores = [distToPolygon(contour, poly) for contour,poly in zip(contours, rotatedBoxes)]
    areaScores = polygonAreaDiff(areas, rotatedAreas)
    quadScores = [Quadrify(contour) for contour in contours]

    rectangularScores = np.divide(rectangularScores, widths)

    scores = np.array([sizeScores, ratioScores, rotationScores, rectangularScores, areaScores, quadScores])
    contourScores =, scores)

    correctInds, incorrectInds = sortedInds(contourScores)
    correctContours = np.array(contours)[correctInds]

    averageScore = 0
    for i in range(numContours):
        averageScore += sizeScores[i]
        averageScore +=  ratioScores[i]
        averageScore +=  rotationScores[i]
        averageScore +=  rectangularScores[i]
        averageScore +=  areaScores[i]
        averageScore +=  quadScores[i]
    averageScore /= numContours
    return averageScore
项目:ROS-Robotics-by-Example    作者:FairchildC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_callback(self, msg):

      # convert ROS image to OpenCV image
         image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, desired_encoding='bgr8')
      except CvBridgeError as e:

      # create hsv image of scene
      hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

      # find pink objects in the image
      lower_pink = numpy.array([139, 0, 240], numpy.uint8)
      upper_pink = numpy.array([159, 121, 255], numpy.uint8)
      mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_pink, upper_pink)

      # dilate and erode with kernel size 11x11
      cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, numpy.ones((11,11))) 

      # find all of the contours in the mask image
      contours, heirarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
      self.contourLength  = len(contours)

      # Check for at least one target found
      if self.contourLength < 1:
         print "No target found"

      else:                       # target found

         ## Loop through all of the contours, and get their areas
         area = [0.0]*len(contours)
         for i in range(self.contourLength):
            area[i] = cv2.contourArea(contours[i])

         #### Target #### the largest "pink" object
         target_image = contours[area.index(max(area))]

         # Using moments find the center of the object and draw a red outline around the object
         target_m = cv2.moments(target_image)
         self.target_u = int(target_m['m10']/target_m['m00'])
         self.target_v = int(target_m['m01']/target_m['m00'])
         points = cv2.minAreaRect(target_image)
         box =
         box = numpy.int0(box)
         cv2.drawContours(image, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2)
         rospy.loginfo("Center of target is x at %d and y at %d", int(self.target_u), int(self.target_v))

         self.target_found = True               # set flag for depth_callback processing

         # show image with target outlined with a red rectangle
         cv2.imshow ("Target", image)

   # This callback function handles processing Kinect depth image, looking for the depth value 
   #   at the location of the center of the pink target.
项目:indices    作者:shekharshank    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def detect_barcode(imageval):

    # load the image and convert it to grayscale

    file_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(imageval), dtype=np.uint8)
        img_data_ndarray = cv2.imdecode(file_bytes, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_data_ndarray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # compute the Scharr gradient magnitude representation of the images
    # in both the x and y direction
    gradX = cv2.Sobel(gray, ddepth =, dx = 1, dy = 0, ksize = -1)
    gradY = cv2.Sobel(gray, ddepth =, dx = 0, dy = 1, ksize = -1)

    # subtract the y-gradient from the x-gradient
    gradient = cv2.subtract(gradX, gradY)
    gradient = cv2.convertScaleAbs(gradient)

    # blur and threshold the image
    blurred = cv2.blur(gradient, (9, 9))
    (_, thresh) = cv2.threshold(blurred, 225, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

    # construct a closing kernel and apply it to the thresholded image
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (21, 7))
    closed = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)

    # perform a series of erosions and dilations
    closed = cv2.erode(closed, None, iterations = 4)
    closed = cv2.dilate(closed, None, iterations = 4)

    # find the contours in the thresholded image, then sort the contours
    # by their area, keeping only the largest one
    (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(closed.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
    c = sorted(cnts, key = cv2.contourArea, reverse = True)[0]

    # compute the rotated bounding box of the largest contour
    rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c)
    box = np.int0(

    # draw a bounding box arounded the detected barcode and display the
    # image
    cv2.drawContours(img_data_ndarray, [box], -1, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # cv2.imshow("Image", image)
    #cv2.imwrite("uploads/output-"+"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")  +".jpg",image)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)

    #outputfile = "uploads/output-" + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ".jpg"
    outputfile = "uploads/output.jpg"
