Python os.path 模块,splitext() 实例源码


项目:pynini    作者:daffidilly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(self):
        # work in the parent of the pages directory, because we
        # want the filenames to begin "pages/...".
        rel = relpath(self.setup.pages_dir)
        for root, dirs, files in walk(rel):
            for filename in files:
                start, ext = splitext(filename)
                if ext in self.setup.data_extensions:
                    #yield root, dirs, filename
                    loader = self.setup.data_loaders.get(ext)
                    path = join(root,filename)
                    if not loader:
                        raise SetupError("Identified data file '%s' by type '%s' but no loader found" % (filename, ext))

                    data_key = join(root, start)
                    loaded_dict = loader.loadf(path)
          [data_key] = loaded_dict

                    #self.setup.log.debug("data key [%s] ->" % (data_key, ), root, filename, ); pprint.pprint(loaded_dict, sys.stdout)

        #pprint.pprint(, sys.stdout)
        #print("XXXXX data:",
项目:pynini    作者:daffidilly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_pages(self):
        # work in the parent of the pages directory, because we
        # want the filenames to begin "pages/...".
        rel = relpath(self.setup.pages_dir)

        for root, dirs, files in walk(rel):  # self.config.pages_dir):

            # examples:
            #  root='pages'              root='pages/categories'
            #  dirs=['categories']       dirs=[]
            #  files=['index.html']      files=['list.html']

            # self.setup.log.debug("\nTEMPLATE ROOT: %s" % root)
            # self.setup.log.debug("TEMPLATE DIRS: %s" % dirs)
            # self.setup.log.debug("TEMPLATE FILENAMES: %s" % files)
            # #dir_context = global_context.new_child(data_tree[root])

            for filename in files:
                start, ext = splitext(filename)
                if ext in self.setup.template_extensions:
                    # if filename.endswith(".html"):  # TODO: should this filter be required at all?
                    yield Page(self.setup, filename, join(root, filename))
项目:Telebackup    作者:LonamiWebs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prompt_pick_backup(message):
    """Prompts the user to pick an existing database, and returns the
       selected choice database ID and its metadata"""

    # First load all the saved databases (splitting extension and path)
    saved_db = [path.splitext(path.split(f)[1])[0] for f in glob('backups/*.tlo')]

    # Then prompt the user
    print('Available backups databases:')
    for i, db_id in enumerate(saved_db):
        metadata = get_metadata(db_id)
        print('{}. {}, ID: {}'.format(i + 1,
                                      metadata.get('peer_name', '???'),

    db_id = saved_db[get_integer(message, 1, len(saved_db)) - 1]
    return db_id, get_metadata(db_id)
项目:PyGPS    作者:gregstarr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rinexobs(obsfn,writeh5=None,maxtimes=None):
    stem,ext = splitext(expanduser(obsfn))
    if ext[-1].lower() == 'o': #raw text file
        with open(obsfn,'r') as f:
            lines =
            header,version,headlines,obstimes,sats,svset = scan(lines)
            print('{} is a RINEX {} file, {} kB.'.format(obsfn,version,getsize(obsfn)/1000.0))
            data = processBlocks(lines,header,obstimes,svset,headlines,sats)
            print("finished in {0:.2f} seconds".format(time.time()-t))
    #%% save to disk (optional)
        if writeh5:
            h5fn = stem + '.h5'
            print('saving OBS data to {}'.format(h5fn))
    elif ext.lower() == '.h5':
        data = read_hdf(obsfn,key='OBS')
        print('loaded OBS data from {} to {}'.format(blocks.items[0],blocks.items[-1]))
    return data

# this will scan the document for the header info and for the line on
# which each block starts
项目:pycoal    作者:capstone-coal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rasterize(self, vector_filename, feature_filename):
        Burn features from a vector image onto a raster image.

            vector_filename (str):  filename of the vector image
            feature_filename (str): filename of the raster image
        """"Burning features from vector file: '%s' to raster file: '%s'" %(vector_filename, feature_filename))
        # assume the layer has the same name as the image
        layer_name = splitext(basename(vector_filename))[0]

        # convert vector features into nonzero pixels of the output file
        returncode = call(['gdal_rasterize',
                           '-burn', '1',
                           '-l', layer_name,

        # detect errors
        if returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not rasterize vector.')
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_folder_and_path(filepath):
    """Split a file path into its folder, filename, and extension

        path (str): Path to a file

        tuple: of (folder, filename (without extension), extension)

    dirname = op.dirname(filepath)
    filename = op.basename(filepath)
    splitext = op.splitext(filename)
    filename_without_extension = splitext[0]
    extension = splitext[1]

    return dirname, filename_without_extension, extension
项目:Gnome-Authenticator    作者:bil-elmoussaoui    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_icon(image, size):
        Generate a GdkPixbuf image
        :param image: icon name or image path
        :return: GdkPixbux Image
    directory = path.join(env.get("DATA_DIR"), "applications", "images") + "/"
    theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default()
    if theme.has_icon(path.splitext(image)[0]):
        icon = theme.load_icon(path.splitext(image)[0], size, 0)
    elif path.exists(directory + image):
        icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(directory + image)
    elif path.exists(image):
        icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(image)
        icon = theme.load_icon("image-missing", size, 0)
    if icon.get_width() != size or icon.get_height() != size:
        icon = icon.scale_simple(size, size, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR)
    return icon
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_ancestor_cmd_path(self, cmd, cwd):
        """Recursively check for command binary in ancestors' node_modules/.bin directories."""

        node_modules_bin = path.normpath(path.join(cwd, 'node_modules/.bin/'))

        binary = path.join(node_modules_bin, cmd)

        if sublime.platform() == 'windows' and path.splitext(binary)[1] != '.cmd':
            binary += '.cmd'

        if binary and access(binary, X_OK):
            return binary

        parent = path.normpath(path.join(cwd, '../'))

        if parent == '/' or parent == cwd:
            return None

        return self.find_ancestor_cmd_path(cmd, parent)
项目:pauvre    作者:conchoecia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_images(base_output_name, image_formats, dpi, path=None, transparent=False):
    file_base = opath.splitext(opath.basename(base_output_name))[0]
    for fmt in image_formats:
        if path:
            out_name = path
            out_name = "{}.{}".format(file_base, fmt)
            if fmt == 'png':
                plt.savefig(out_name, dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent)
                plt.savefig(out_name, format=fmt, transparent=transparent)
        except PermissionError:
            # thanks to for the suggestion
            print("""You don't have permission to save pauvre plots to this
            directory. Try changing the directory and running the script again!""")
项目:quokka_ng    作者:rochacbruno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dated_path(obj, file_data):
        prefix = getattr(obj, 'model_name')
    except BaseException:
        prefix = "undefined"

    parts = op.splitext(file_data.filename)
    rand = random.getrandbits(16)
    filename = u"{name}_{rand}{ext}".format(
        rand=rand, name=parts[0], ext=parts[1]
    filename = secure_filename(filename)
    today =
    path = u"{prefix}/{t.year}/{t.month}/{filename}".format(
        prefix=prefix, t=today, filename=filename
    return path
项目:MrBam    作者:OpenGene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(o):
    if o.cfdna == None and o.gdna == None:
        raise Exception("At least one of --cfdna and --gdna should be specified")

    if o.cfdna != None:
        o.cfdna = AlignmentFile(o.cfdna, "rb")
        if not o.cfdna.has_index():
            raise Exception("Index not found, use `samtools index` to generate")

    if o.gdna != None:
        o.gdna = AlignmentFile(o.gdna, "rb")
        if not o.gdna.has_index():
            raise Exception("Index not found, use `samtools index` to generate")

    if o.output == None:
        basename, extname = splitext(o.query)
        o.output = basename + "_MrBam" + extname
项目:SpyDir    作者:aur3lius-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_file(self, filename, file_url):
        Attempts to parse a file with the loaded plugins
        Returns set of endpoints
        file_set = set()
        with open(filename, 'r') as plug_in:
            lines = plug_in.readlines()
        ext = path.splitext(filename)[1].upper()
        if ext in self.plugins.keys() and self._ext_test(ext):
            for plug in self.plugins.get(ext):
                if plug.enabled:
                    res =
                    if len(res) > 0:
                        for i in res:
                            i = file_url + i
        elif ext == '.TXT' and self._ext_test(ext):
            for i in lines:
                i = file_url + i
        return file_set
项目:PyDoc    作者:shaun-h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getDownloadLink(self, link):
        if link == 'SproutCore.xml':
            data=requests.get('' + link).text
            e = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(data)
            version = e.findall('version')[0].text
            for atype in e.findall('url'):
                return {'url': atype.text, 'version':version}
        server = self.serverManager.getDownloadServer(self.localServer)
        data = requests.get(server.url+link).text
        e = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(data)
        version = e.findall('version')[0].text
        for atype in e.findall('url'):
            if not self.localServer == None:
                disassembled = urlparse(atype.text)
                filename, file_ext = splitext(basename(disassembled.path))
                url = self.localServer
                if not url[-1] == '/':
                    url = url + '/'
                url = url + filename + file_ext
                return {'url': url, 'version':version}
            if atype.text.find(server.url) >= 0:
                return {'url': atype.text, 'version':version}
项目:minc_keras    作者:tfunck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_output_image_fn(pet_fn, predict_dir, verbose=1):
        set output directory for subject and create filename for image slices. 
        output images are saved according to <predict_dir>/<subject name>/...png

            pet_fn -- filename of pet image on which prection was based
            predict_dir -- output directory for predicted images
            verbose -- print output filename if 2 or greater, 0 by default

            image_fn -- output filename for slices
    pet_basename = splitext(basename(pet_fn))[0]
    name=[ f for f in pet_basename.split('_') if 'sub' in f.split('-') ][0]

    image_fn = predict_dir +os.sep + pet_basename + '_predict.png'

    if verbose >= 2 : print('Saving to:', image_fn) 

    return image_fn
项目:PyDMD    作者:mathLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_modules_name(self):
        # it checks that __all__ includes all the .py files in dmd folder
        import pydmd
        package = pydmd

        f_aux = []
        for (__, __, filenames) in walk('pydmd'):

        f = []
        for i in f_aux:
            file_name, file_ext = path.splitext(i)
            if file_name != '__init__' and file_ext == '.py':

        assert (sorted(package.__all__) == sorted(f))
项目:mnelab    作者:cbrnr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export_annotations(self):
        """Export annotations to a CSV file.

        The resulting CSV file has three columns. The first column contains the
        annotation type, the second column contains the onset (in s), and the
        third column contains the duration (in s). The first line is a header
        containing the column names.
        fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export annotations",
        if fname:
            name, ext = splitext(split(fname)[-1])
            ext = ext if ext else ".csv"  # automatically add extension
            fname = join(split(fname)[0], name + ext)
            anns = data.current.raw.annotations
            with open(fname, "w") as f:
                for a in zip(anns.description, anns.onset, anns.duration):
                    f.write(",".join([a[0], str(a[1]), str(a[2])]))
项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trash_move(src, dst, topdir=None):
    filename = op.basename(src)
    filespath = op.join(dst, FILES_DIR)
    infopath = op.join(dst, INFO_DIR)
    base_name, ext = op.splitext(filename)

    counter = 0
    destname = filename
    while op.exists(op.join(filespath, destname)) or op.exists(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX)):
        counter += 1
        destname = '%s %s%s' % (base_name, counter, ext)


    os.rename(src, op.join(filespath, destname))
    f = open(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX), 'w')
    f.write(info_for(src, topdir))
项目:fcn    作者:wkentaro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_from_id(self, data_id):
        img_file = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '.jpg')
        img = scipy.misc.imread(img_file)
        # generate label from mask files
        lbl = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.int32)
        # shelf bin mask file
        shelf_bin_mask_file = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '.pbm')
        shelf_bin_mask = scipy.misc.imread(shelf_bin_mask_file, mode='L')
        lbl[shelf_bin_mask < 127] = -1
        # object mask files
        mask_glob = osp.join(self.dataset_dir, data_id + '_*.pbm')
        for mask_file in glob.glob(mask_glob):
            mask_id = osp.splitext(osp.basename(mask_file))[0]
            mask = scipy.misc.imread(mask_file, mode='L')
            lbl_name = mask_id[len(data_id + '_'):]
            lbl_id = self.label_names.index(lbl_name)
            lbl[mask > 127] = lbl_id
        return img, lbl
项目:pyt    作者:python-security    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_action():
    """Display existing profiles, with indices."""
    parser = OptionParser(version=mp.__version__)

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) > 0:
        print("This command takes no argument.")

    filenames = get_profile_filenames("all")
    for n, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        ts = osp.splitext(filename)[0].split('_')[-1]
        print("{index} {filename} {hour}:{min}:{sec} {day}/{month}/{year}"
              .format(index=n, filename=filename,
                      year=ts[:4], month=ts[4:6], day=ts[6:8],
                      hour=ts[8:10], min=ts[10:12], sec=ts[12:14]))
项目:pyt    作者:python-security    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_action():
    """Display existing profiles, with indices."""
    parser = OptionParser(version=mp.__version__)

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) > 0:
        print("This command takes no argument.")

    filenames = get_profile_filenames("all")
    for n, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        ts = osp.splitext(filename)[0].split('_')[-1]
        print("{index} {filename} {hour}:{min}:{sec} {day}/{month}/{year}"
              .format(index=n, filename=filename,
                      year=ts[:4], month=ts[4:6], day=ts[6:8],
                      hour=ts[8:10], min=ts[10:12], sec=ts[12:14]))
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, context):
        from os.path import basename, splitext
        filepath = self.filepath

        # change the menu title to the most recently chosen option
        preset_class = getattr(bpy.types, self.menu_idname)
        preset_class.bl_label = bpy.path.display_name(basename(filepath))

        ext = splitext(filepath)[1].lower()

        # execute the preset using script.python_file_run
        if ext == ".py":
        elif ext == ".xml":
            import rna_xml
  {'ERROR'}, "unknown filetype: %r" % ext)
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        return {'FINISHED'}
项目:pyVSR    作者:georgesterpu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def file_to_feature(file, extension='.h5', tree_leaves=5):

    tree_leaves: `int`, number of sub-directories that define the feature name
        For example, if file='./a/b/c/d/e/f/g.mp4' and tree_leaves=4
        then feature_name = 'c_d_e_f_g' + extension


    base, ext = path.splitext(file)

    leaves = []
    for _ in range(tree_leaves):
        base, leaf = path.split(base)

    feature_name = '_'.join(leaves[::-1]) + extension

    return feature_name
项目:flasky    作者:RoseOu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_if_pyc(fname):
    """Return True if the extension is .pyc, False if .py
    and None if otherwise"""
    from imp import find_module
    from os.path import realpath, dirname, basename, splitext

    # Normalize the file-path for the find_module()
    filepath = realpath(fname)
    dirpath = dirname(filepath)
    module_name = splitext(basename(filepath))[0]

    # Validate and fetch
        fileobj, fullpath, (_, _, pytype) = find_module(module_name, [dirpath])
    except ImportError:
        raise IOError("Cannot find config file. "
                      "Path maybe incorrect! : {0}".format(filepath))
    return pytype, fileobj, fullpath
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def savefile(name, *arg, **kwargs):
    """Save a file without carrying of extension.

    arg: for .npy extension
    kwargs: for .pickle or .mat extensions
    name = _safetySave(name)
    fileName, fileExt = splitext(name)
    # Pickle :
    if fileExt == '.pickle':
        with open(name, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(kwargs, f)
    # Matlab :
    elif fileExt == '.mat':
        data = savemat(name, kwargs)
    # Numpy (single array) :
    elif fileExt == '.npy':
        data =, arg)
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loadfile(name):
    """Load a file without carrying of extension. The function return
    a dictionnary data.
    fileName, fileExt = splitext(name)
    # Pickle :
    if fileExt == '.pickle':
        with open(name, "rb") as f:
            data = pickle.load(f)
    # Matlab :
    elif fileExt == '.mat':
        data = loadmat(name)
    # Numpy (single array)
    elif fileExt == '.npy':
        data = np.load(name)
    return data
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(argv=None):
    if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
        print('Usage ./%s --exp=<exp_name> --ec2_settings=<relative_path_to_ec2_settings_file>'%sys.argv[0])
    import importlib
    import os.path as osp
    import shutil
    module_name = ''%(
    mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    dst_py = osp.join(osp.dirname(FLAGS.ec2_settings),FLAGS.exp+'.py')
        shutil.copy(FLAGS.ec2_settings, dst_py)
    except shutil.SameFileError as e:
    if type(mod.params) != list: mod.params = [mod.params]
    if hasattr(mod, 'base_params'): base_params = mod.base_params
    else: base_params = dict()
    N = 0
    for params in mod.params:
        ps = base_params.copy()
        N += execute(params=ps, mode="ec2")
    print('Launched %d jobs.'%N)
项目:sphinx-nbexamples    作者:Chilipp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_files_exist(self):
        """Test if all notebooks are processed correctly"""
        raw_dir = osp.join(self.src_dir, 'raw_examples')
        for f in find_files(raw_dir,
            base = osp.splitext(f)[0].replace(
                raw_dir, osp.join(self.src_dir, 'examples'))
            self.assertTrue(osp.exists(base + '.ipynb'),
                            msg=base + '.ipynb is missing')
            self.assertTrue(osp.exists(base + '.rst'),
                            msg=base + '.rst is missing')
            self.assertTrue(osp.exists(base + '.py'),
                            msg=base + '.py is missing')
            html = osp.splitext(
                f.replace(raw_dir, osp.join(
                    self.out_dir, 'examples')))[0] + '.html'
            self.assertTrue(osp.exists(html), msg=html + ' is missing!')
项目:Library-Identification    作者:Riscure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exists_in_db(self, filename):
        Returns True if there exists a file in the DB with the same
        library name and hash as the given file
        [name, _] = splitext(basename(filename))[0].split('__')

        if not exists(join(self.path, name, self.METADATA_FILENAME)):
            return False

        newHash = ReferenceDB.get_file_hash(filename)
        metadata = self.read_metadata(name)

        # Check all versions of the library, as identified by the filename
        for version in metadata:
            if metadata[version]['file_hash'] == newHash:
                return True

        return False
项目:mpvQC    作者:Frechdachs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def saveQcFileAs():
    currentvideofile = mp.path
    if currentvideofile and not currentqcfile:
        basename = path.basename(currentvideofile)
        basename = "[QC]_{}_{}.txt".format(path.splitext(basename)[0], qcauthor)
        if sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
            trtable = str.maketrans('\\/:*?"<>|', "_________")
            basename = basename.translate(trtable)
        dirname = path.dirname(currentvideofile)
        defpath = path.join(dirname, basename)
    elif currentqcfile:
        defpath = currentqcfile
        defpath = "[QC]_UNNAMED_{}.txt".format(qcauthor)
    filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
                            _("Save QC Document"),
                            _("QC documents (*.txt);;All files (*.*)"),
    if filename:
项目:terra    作者:UW-Hydro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_thumbnail(infile, thumbfile,
                     width=300, height=300,
                     cx=0.5, cy=0.5, border=4):
    baseout, extout = op.splitext(thumbfile)

    im = image.imread(infile)
    rows, cols = im.shape[:2]
    x0 = int(cx * cols - .5 * width)
    y0 = int(cy * rows - .5 * height)
    xslice = slice(x0, x0 + width)
    yslice = slice(y0, y0 + height)
    thumb = im[yslice, xslice]
    thumb[:border, :, :3] = thumb[-border:, :, :3] = 0
    thumb[:, :border, :3] = thumb[:, -border:, :3] = 0

    dpi = 100
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width / dpi, height / dpi), dpi=dpi)

    ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], aspect='auto',
                      frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
    ax.imshow(thumb, aspect='auto', resample=True,
    fig.savefig(thumbfile, dpi=dpi)
    return fig
项目:painters    作者:inejc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_embedded_train_val_split(layer, model_name=MODEL_NAME):
    assert layer in LAYER_RESULT_FUNCS.keys()

    model_path = join(MODELS_DIR, model_name)
    model_name_no_ext, _ = splitext(model_name)
    embedded_data_dir = join(
        DATA_DIR, 'embedding_{:s}'.format(model_name_no_ext))
    train_val_split_file = join(
        embedded_data_dir, 'train_val_split_{:s}.npz'.format(layer))

    if isfile(train_val_split_file):
        split = np.load(train_val_split_file)
        return split['arr_0'], split['arr_1'],\
            split['arr_2'], split['arr_3'],\
            split['arr_4'], split['arr_5']
        return _create_embedded_train_val_split(
            layer, model_path, train_val_split_file)
项目:ml4a-3Deeprinting    作者:opendot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert(fq_in_path, fq_out_path, skip_ascii = False):
    print 'reading: {}...'.format(fq_in_path),
    with open(fq_in_path) as f: data =
    if data.startswith('solid'):
        if skip_ascii:
            print ' skipped because in ASCII format'
            solid = read_ascii_file(StringIO(data))
        except ascii.SyntaxError:
            print ' FAILED to convert!'
            solid = read_binary_file(StringIO(data))
        except binary.FormatError:
            print ' FAILED to convert!'
    fq_out_base, ext = splitext(fq_out_path)
    fq_out_path = fq_out_base + '.raw'

    with open(fq_out_path, 'w') as f:
        for facet in solid.facets:
            f.write( ' '.join(' '.join(map(str,vertex)) for vertex in facet.vertices) + '\n' )
        print ' converted in: {}'.format(fq_out_path)
项目:FileManager    作者:math2001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trash_move(src, dst, topdir=None):
    filename = op.basename(src)
    filespath = op.join(dst, FILES_DIR)
    infopath = op.join(dst, INFO_DIR)
    base_name, ext = op.splitext(filename)

    counter = 0
    destname = filename
    while op.exists(op.join(filespath, destname)) or op.exists(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX)):
        counter += 1
        destname = '%s %s%s' % (base_name, counter, ext)

        os.rename(src, op.join(filespath, destname))
        shutil.move(src, op.join(filespath, destname))
    f = open(op.join(infopath, destname + INFO_SUFFIX), 'w')
    f.write(info_for(src, topdir))
项目:recipe_zs2017_track2    作者:kamperh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    args = check_argv()

    mat_syl_fn = path.join("thetaOscillator", args.lang + "_" + args.subset + "_bounds_t.mat")
    landmarks_dir = path.join("landmarks", args.lang + "_" + args.subset)
    landmarks_fn = path.join(landmarks_dir, "landmarks.unsup_syl.pkl")

    if not path.isdir(landmarks_dir):

    print("Reading: " + mat_syl_fn)
    mat =
    n_wavs = mat["wav_files"].shape[0]

    landmarks = {}
    for i_wav in xrange(n_wavs):
        wav_label = path.splitext(path.split(str(mat["wav_files"][i_wav][0][0]))[-1])[0]
        bounds = [int(round(float(i[0])*100.0)) for i in mat["bounds_t"][i_wav][0]]
        landmarks[wav_label] = bounds[1:]  # remove first (0) landmark

    print("Writing: " + landmarks_fn)
    with open(landmarks_fn, "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(landmarks, f, -1)
项目:recipe_zs2017_track2    作者:kamperh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    args = check_argv()


    print "Reading HTK features from directory:", args.htk_dir
    npz_dict = {}
    n_feat_files = 0
    for feat_fn in glob.glob(path.join(args.htk_dir, "*." + args.extension)):
        hlist_output = shell("HList -r " + feat_fn)
        features = [
            [float(i) for i in line.split(" ") if i != ""] for line in
            hlist_output.split("\n") if line != ""
        key = path.splitext(path.split(feat_fn)[-1])[0]
        npz_dict[key] = np.array(features)
        n_feat_files += 1
    print "Read", n_feat_files, "feature files"

    print "Writing Numpy archive:", args.npz_fn
    np.savez(args.npz_fn, **npz_dict)

项目:recipe_zs2017_track2    作者:kamperh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    args = check_argv()

    print("Reading:", args.mat_fn)
    mat = tables.open_file(args.mat_fn)

    n_audio = mat.root.files_train[0].shape[0]
    print("No. audio files:", n_audio)

    filenames = []
    for i_audio in xrange(n_audio):
        filenames.append("".join([chr(i[0]) for i in mat.root.files_train[0][i_audio][0]]))
    audio_keys = [path.splitext(path.split(i)[-1])[0] for i in filenames]

    features_dict = {}
    for i_audio in xrange(n_audio):
        features = mat.root.F_train_iter[0][i_audio][0]
        features_dict[audio_keys[i_audio].replace("_", "-")] = features.T

    print("Writing:", args.npz_fn)
    np.savez(args.npz_fn, **features_dict)
项目:pbtranscript    作者:PacificBiosciences    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_fasta_filenames(self, *args):
        """Return all FASTA file names as a list."""
        ret = []
        for fn in args:
            ext = op.splitext(fn)[1].upper()
            if ext in [".XML"]:
                    fns = ContigSet(fn).toExternalFiles()
                except IOError:
                    raise IOError("Could not open %s as ContigSet." % fn)
        for fn in ret:
            if op.splitext(fn)[1].upper() not in [".FA", ".FASTA"]:
                raise IOError("%s input must be FASTA or ContigSet."
                              % self.__class__.__name__)
        return ret
项目:mimesis    作者:lk-geimfari    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize_options(self):
        """Find all files of all locales.

        self.paths = []
        self.data_path = '/mimesis/data'
        self.separators = (',', ':')
        self.data_dir = here + self.data_path
        self.before_total = 0
        self.after_total = 0

        for root, _, files in os.walk(self.data_dir):
            for file in sorted(files):
                if splitext(file)[1] == '.json':
                            relpath(root, self.data_dir),
项目:exoduscli    作者:cthlo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _run_exodus(*args):
    '''Run a Exodus using runpy
    fullpath = path.join(config.addonsdir, config.exodus['id'], config.exodus['entryfile'])
    entrypath, entryfile = path.split(fullpath)
    if entrypath not in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(0, entrypath)
    module, _ = path.splitext(entryfile)

    # Exodus assumes thread names start at 1
    # and gets provider names from the thread name
    c = threading._counter = count().next
    c() # consume 0

    sys.argv = list(args)
    # note: cannot use __import__ because Exodus spawns threads that do import
    # so that would cause deadlock
    old_modules = set(sys.modules.keys()) # unload the newly added modules after runpy
    for k in set(sys.modules.keys()) - old_modules:
        del sys.modules[k]
项目:BidsConverter    作者:lukassnoek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parrec2nii(PAR_file, cfg, compress=True):
    """ Converts par/rec files to nifti.gz. """

    base_dir = op.dirname(PAR_file)
    base_name = op.join(base_dir, op.splitext(PAR_file)[0])
    ni_name = base_name + '.nii.gz'

    REC_file = '%s.REC' % op.splitext(PAR_file)[0]

    if op.isfile(ni_name):
        [os.remove(f) for f in [REC_file] + [PAR_file]]
        return 0

    cmd = _construct_conversion_cmd(base_name, PAR_file, compress)
    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:, stdout=devnull)

    [os.remove(f) for f in [REC_file] + [PAR_file]]
项目:BidsConverter    作者:lukassnoek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_phy(f):

    try:  # Try to skip 5 rows (new version)
        df = pd.read_csv(f, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=5, header=0,
        test = df['gx']
    except KeyError:  # Else skip 4 rows (old version)
        df = pd.read_csv(f, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=4, header=0,

    gradients = ['gx', 'gy', 'gz']
    gradient_signal = np.array([df[g] for g in gradients]).sum(axis=0)
    gradient_signal[np.isnan(gradient_signal)] = 0
    gradient_signal = (gradient_signal - gradient_signal.mean()) / gradient_signal.std()

    fn = op.join(op.dirname(f), op.splitext(op.basename(f))[0])
    df.to_csv(fn + '.tsv.gz', sep='\t', index=None, compression='gzip')
项目:chihu    作者:yelongyu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_if_pyc(fname):
    """Return True if the extension is .pyc, False if .py
    and None if otherwise"""
    from imp import find_module
    from os.path import realpath, dirname, basename, splitext

    # Normalize the file-path for the find_module()
    filepath = realpath(fname)
    dirpath = dirname(filepath)
    module_name = splitext(basename(filepath))[0]

    # Validate and fetch
        fileobj, fullpath, (_, _, pytype) = find_module(module_name, [dirpath])
    except ImportError:
        raise IOError("Cannot find config file. "
                      "Path maybe incorrect! : {0}".format(filepath))
    return pytype, fileobj, fullpath
项目:ShelbySearch    作者:Agentscreech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_if_pyc(fname):
    """Return True if the extension is .pyc, False if .py
    and None if otherwise"""
    from imp import find_module
    from os.path import realpath, dirname, basename, splitext

    # Normalize the file-path for the find_module()
    filepath = realpath(fname)
    dirpath = dirname(filepath)
    module_name = splitext(basename(filepath))[0]

    # Validate and fetch
        fileobj, fullpath, (_, _, pytype) = find_module(module_name, [dirpath])
    except ImportError:
        raise IOError("Cannot find config file. "
                      "Path maybe incorrect! : {0}".format(filepath))
    return pytype, fileobj, fullpath
项目:shellgen    作者:MarioVilas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def meta_autodetect_platform(cls):
    Dark magic to autodetect the platform for built-in shellcodes.

    User-defined shellcodes must define *arch* and *os*.
    abspath = path.abspath
    join = path.join
    split = path.split
    splitext = path.splitext
    sep = path.sep
    module = cls.__module__
    if module != '__main__':
        tokens = cls.__module__.split('.')
        if len(tokens) < 2 or tokens[0] != base_package or \
                              tokens[1] == base_file:
        tokens.insert(-1, 'any')
        tokens = tokens[1:3]
        module = abspath(sys.modules[module].__file__)
        if not module.startswith(base_dir):
        tokens = module.split(sep)
        tokens = tokens[len(base_dir.split(sep)):-1]
        while len(tokens) < 2:
    cls.arch, cls.os = tokens
项目:newsreap    作者:caronc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deobsfucate(self, filebase=None):
        Scans through the segments, articles and content associated with an
        NZB-File and sets up the filenames defined in the segments to it's
        best effort

        filebase: provide a fallback filename base (the part of the file
                  before the extension) to build on if we can't detect
                  the file on our own.

        # The name from the meta tag
        _name = self.meta.get('name', '').decode(self.encoding).strip()
        if not _name:
            if filebase:
                # Use base provided as a base
                _name = filebase

                # If we can't get a name from the meta tag to start with, then
                # we use the NZB-Filename itself as a backup
                _name = splitext(basename(self.path()))[0]

        for segment in self.segments:
            filename = segment.deobsfucate(_name)
            if filename:
                # Update
                segment.filename = filename
项目:Blender-power-sequencer    作者:GDquest    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def execute(self, context):
        if not
  {'WARNING'}, "Save your file first")
            return {'CANCELLED'}

        script_file = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        addon_directory = os.path.dirname(script_file)

        # audio
        if bpy.context.scene.render.ffmpeg.audio_codec == 'NONE':
            bpy.context.scene.render.ffmpeg.audio_codec = 'AAC'
            bpy.context.scene.render.ffmpeg.audio_bitrate = 192

        # video
        if self.preset == 'youtube':
            bpy.ops.script.python_file_run(filepath=os.path.join(addon_directory, 'render_presets', ''))
        elif self.preset == 'twitter':
            bpy.ops.script.python_file_run(filepath=os.path.join(addon_directory, 'render_presets', ''))

        from os.path import splitext, dirname
        path =

        exported_file_name = 'video'
        if self.name_pattern == 'blender':
            exported_file_name = splitext(bpy.path.basename(path))[0]
        elif self.name_pattern == 'folder':
            exported_file_name = dirname(path).rsplit(sep="\\", maxsplit=1)[-1]
        elif self.name_pattern == 'scene':
            exported_file_name =

        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = "//" + exported_file_name + '.mp4'
        if self.auto_render:
            bpy.ops.render.render({'dict': "override"}, 'INVOKE_DEFAULT', animation=True)
        return {"FINISHED"}
项目:pynini    作者:daffidilly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk_data_files(self, path):
        for root, dirs, files in walk(path):
            for filename in files:
                start, ext = splitext(filename)
                if ext in self.setup.data_extensions:
                    # if filename.endswith(".yml") or filename.endswith('.json') or filename.endswith('ini'):
                    yield root, dirs, filename
项目:epubcheck    作者:titusz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_files(root, exts=None, recursive=False):
    Iterate over file paths within root filtered by specified extensions.
    :param compat.string_types root: Root folder to start collecting files
    :param iterable exts: Restrict results to given file extensions
    :param bool recursive: Wether to walk the complete directory tree
    :rtype collections.Iterable[str]: absolute file paths with given extensions

    if exts is not None:
        exts = set((x.lower() for x in exts))

    def matches(e):
        return (exts is None) or (e in exts)

    if recursive is False:
        for entry in compat.scandir(root):
            if compat.has_scandir:
                ext = splitext([-1].lstrip('.').lower()
                if entry.is_file() and matches(ext):
                    yield entry.path
                ext = splitext(entry)[-1].lstrip('.').lower()
                if not compat.isdir(entry) and matches(ext):
                    yield join(root, entry)
        for root, folders, files in compat.walk(root):
            for f in files:
                ext = splitext(f)[-1].lstrip('.').lower()
                if matches(ext):
                    yield join(root, f)
项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_modules(directory):
    files = glob.glob("{}/*.py".format(directory))
    return [imp.load_source(splitext(basename(module))[0], module) for module in files]
项目:perf    作者:RKMlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getArgs():
    Parses command line arguments and returns them to the caller
    __version__ = 'v0.2.5'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    required = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
    required.add_argument('-i', '--input', required=True, metavar='<FILE>', help='Input file in FASTA format')
    optional = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')
    optional.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), metavar='<FILE>', default=sys.stdout, help='Output file name. Default: Input file name + _perf.tsv')
    optional.add_argument('-a', '--analyse', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generate a summary HTML report.')
    cutoff_group = optional.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    cutoff_group.add_argument('-l', '--min-length', type=int, metavar='<INT>', help='Minimum length cutoff of repeat')
    cutoff_group.add_argument('-u', '--min-units', metavar='INT or FILE', help="Minimum number of repeating units to be considered. Can be an integer or a file specifying cutoffs for different motif sizes.")
    optional.add_argument('-rep', '--repeats', type=argparse.FileType('r'), metavar='<FILE>', help='File with list of repeats (Not allowed with -m and/or -M)')
    optional.add_argument('-m', '--min-motif-size', type=int, metavar='<INT>', help='Minimum size of a repeat motif in bp (Not allowed with -rep)')
    optional.add_argument('-M', '--max-motif-size', type=int, metavar='<INT>', help='Maximum size of a repeat motif in bp (Not allowed with -rep)')
    optional.add_argument('-s', '--min-seq-length', type=int, metavar = '<INT>', default=0, help='Minimum size of sequence length for consideration (in bp)')
    optional.add_argument('-S', '--max-seq-length', type=float, metavar='<FLOAT>', default=inf, help='Maximum size of sequence length for consideration (in bp)')
    seqid_group = optional.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    seqid_group.add_argument('-f', '--filter-seq-ids', metavar='<FILE>')
    seqid_group.add_argument('-F', '--target-seq-ids', metavar='<FILE>')
    optional.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='PERF ' + __version__)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.repeats and (args.min_motif_size or args.max_motif_size):
        parser.error("-rep is not allowed with -m/-M")
    if args.repeats is None:
        if args.min_motif_size is None:
            args.min_motif_size = 1
        if args.max_motif_size is None:
            args.max_motif_size = 6
    if == "<stdout>":
        args.output = open(splitext(args.input)[0] + '_perf.tsv', 'w')

    return args