Python os.path 模块,isabs() 实例源码


项目:pipeline    作者:liorbenhorin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send2trash(path):
    if not isinstance(path, text_type):
        path = text_type(path, 'mbcs')
    if not op.isabs(path):
        path = op.abspath(path)
    fileop = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW()
    fileop.hwnd = 0
    fileop.wFunc = FO_DELETE
    fileop.pFrom = LPCWSTR(path + '\0')
    fileop.pTo = None
    fileop.fAnyOperationsAborted = 0
    fileop.hNameMappings = 0
    fileop.lpszProgressTitle = None
    result = SHFileOperationW(byref(fileop))
    if result:
        msg = "Couldn't perform operation. Error code: %d" % result
        raise OSError(msg)
项目:mx    作者:graalvm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _safe_path(path):
    If not on Windows, this function returns `path`.
    Otherwise, it return a potentially transformed path that is safe for file operations.
    This is works around the MAX_PATH limit on Windows:
    if get_os() == 'windows':
        if isabs(path):
            if path.startswith('\\\\'):
                if path[2:].startswith('?\\'):
                    # if it already has a \\?\ don't do the prefix
                    # only a UNC path has a double slash prefix
                    path = '\\\\?\\UNC' + path
                path = '\\\\?\\' + path
    return path
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_submodule_git_dir(d):
    """Search for a submodule repo."""
    if is_git_dir(d):
        return d

        with open(d) as fp:
            content =
    except (IOError, OSError):
        # it's probably not a file
        if content.startswith('gitdir: '):
            path = content[8:]

            if Git.is_cygwin():
                ## Cygwin creates submodules prefixed with `/cygdrive/...` suffixes.
                path = decygpath(path)
            if not osp.isabs(path):
                path = osp.join(osp.dirname(d), path)
            return find_submodule_git_dir(path)
    # end handle exception
    return None
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_relative_path(cls, parent_repo, path):
        """:return: a path guaranteed  to be relative to the given parent-repository
        :raise ValueError: if path is not contained in the parent repository's working tree"""
        path = to_native_path_linux(path)
        if path.endswith('/'):
            path = path[:-1]
        # END handle trailing slash

        if osp.isabs(path):
            working_tree_linux = to_native_path_linux(parent_repo.working_tree_dir)
            if not path.startswith(working_tree_linux):
                raise ValueError("Submodule checkout path '%s' needs to be within the parents repository at '%s'"
                                 % (working_tree_linux, path))
            path = path[len(working_tree_linux) + 1:]
            if not path:
                raise ValueError("Absolute submodule path '%s' didn't yield a valid relative path" % path)
            # end verify converted relative path makes sense
        # end convert to a relative path

        return path
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cygexpath(drive, path):
    if osp.isabs(path) and not drive:
        ## Invoked from `cygpath()` directly with `D:Apps\123`?
        #  It's an error, leave it alone just slashes)
        p = path
        p = path and osp.normpath(osp.expandvars(osp.expanduser(path)))
        if osp.isabs(p):
            if drive:
                # Confusing, maybe a remote system should expand vars.
                p = path
                p = cygpath(p)
        elif drive:
            p = '/cygdrive/%s/%s' % (drive.lower(), p)

    return p.replace('\\', '/')
项目:EasyClangComplete    作者:niosus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __get_cmake_deps(deps_file):
        """Parse dependencies from Makefile.cmake.

            deps_file (str): Full path to Makefile.cmake file.

            str[]: List of full paths to dependency files.
        folder = path.dirname(path.dirname(deps_file))
        deps = []
        with open(deps_file, 'r') as f:
            content =
            found = CMakeFile._DEP_REGEX.findall(content)
            for dep in found:
                if not path.isabs(dep):
                    dep = path.join(folder, dep)
        return deps
项目:lrcloud    作者:madsbk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, file_path):
        self.file_path = file_path
        config = cparser.ConfigParser()"Read meta-data file: %s"%file_path)
        self._data = {}
        for sec in config.sections():
            self._data[sec] = {}
            for (name, value) in config.items(sec):
                if value == "True":
                    value = True
                elif value == "False":
                    value = False
                try:# Try to convert the value to a time object
                   t = datetime.strptime(value, DATETIME_FORMAT)
                   value = t
                except ValueError:
                except TypeError:
                if name == "filename" and not isabs(value):
                    value = join(dirname(file_path), value) # Make filenames absolute
                self._data[sec][name] = value
项目:denite.nvim    作者:Shougo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __async_gather_candidates(self, context, timeout):
        outs, errs = context['__proc'].communicate(timeout=timeout)
        if errs:
            self.error_message(context, errs)
        context['is_async'] = not context['__proc'].eof()
        if context['__proc'].eof():
            context['__proc'] = None
        if not outs:
            return []
        if isabs(outs[0]):
            candidates = [{
                'word': relpath(x, start=context['__directory']),
                'action__path': x,
                } for x in outs if x != '']
            candidates = [{
                'word': x,
                'action__path': join(context['__directory'], x),
                } for x in outs if x != '']
        context['__current_candidates'] += candidates
        if (len(context['__current_candidates']) >=
            self.__cache[context['__directory']] = context[
        return candidates
项目:AJudge    作者:AJudge-team    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fill_judge_context(judge_context, params):
    judge_context.problem_id = params.problem
    judge_context.programming_language = params.language

    file_path = None

    if path.isabs(params.source):
        file_path = params.source
        file_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), params.source)

    file = open(file_path, "r")
    content = "".join(file.readlines())

    judge_context.source_code = content
项目:structure_spider    作者:ShichaoMa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(cls, name, lookup=[]):
        """ Search name in all directories specified in lookup.
        First without, then with common extensions. Return first hit. """
        if not lookup:
            lookup = ['.']

        if isabs(name) and isfile(name):
            return abspath(name)

        for spath in lookup:
            spath = abspath(spath) + os.sep
            fname = abspath(join(spath, name))
            if not fname.startswith(spath): continue
            if isfile(fname): return fname
            for ext in cls.extensions:
                if isfile('%s.%s' % (fname, ext)):
                    return '%s.%s' % (fname, ext)
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir):
    """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir`

    This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the
    testall() mode of pytest.
    For instance, if we run pytest on this tree::


    we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils
    module is ran in B
    for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()):
        if mod is None:
        if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
            # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal
        modfile = mod.__file__
        # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally
        # during the tests
        if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir):
            del sys.modules[modname]
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir):
    """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir`

    This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the
    testall() mode of pytest.
    For instance, if we run pytest on this tree::


    we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils
    module is ran in B
    for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()):
        if mod is None:
        if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
            # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal
        modfile = mod.__file__
        # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally
        # during the tests
        if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir):
            del sys.modules[modname]
项目:sublime-dired    作者:Twizzledrizzle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _move(self, path):
        if path == self.path:

        files = self.get_marked() or self.get_selected()

        if not isabs(path):
            path = join(self.path, path)
        if not isdir(path):
            sublime.error_message('Not a valid directory: {}'.format(path))

        # Move all items into the target directory.  If the target directory was also selected,
        # ignore it.
        files = self.get_marked() or self.get_selected()
        path = normpath(path)
        for filename in files:
            fqn = normpath(join(self.path, filename))
            if fqn != path:
                shutil.move(fqn, path)
项目:hpcbench    作者:tristan0x    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_executable(name, names=None, required=True):
    """Utility function to find an executable in PATH
    name: program to find. Use given value if absolute path

    names: list of additional names. For instance

       >>> find_executable('sed', names=['gsed'])

    required: If True, then the function raises an Exception
    if the program is not found.
    path_from_env = os.environ.get(name.upper())
    if path_from_env is not None:
        return path_from_env
    names = [name] + (names or [])
    for _name in names:
        if osp.isabs(_name):
            return _name
        paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
        eax = find_in_paths(_name, paths)
        if eax:
            return eax
    if required:
        raise NameError('Could not find %s executable' % name)
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, path, mkdir=False, logsuffix=''):

        if path:
            pwd = getpwd()
            self._prev_pwd = pwd
            self._prev_pwd = None

        if not isabs(path):
            path = normpath(opj(pwd, path))
        if not os.path.exists(path) and mkdir:
            self._mkdir = True
            self._mkdir = False
        lgr.debug("chdir %r -> %r %s", self._prev_pwd, path, logsuffix)
        os.chdir(path)  # for grep people -- ok, to chdir here!
        os.environ['PWD'] = path
项目:WhatTheHack    作者:Sylphias    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_output_to_url(self, ctx, target):
        """Given ``target``, this has to return the url through
        which the output file can be referenced.

        ``target`` may be a relative or absolute path, and is
        usually taking from the :attr:`Bundle.output` property.

        This is different from :meth:`resolve_source_to_url` in
        that you do not passed along the result of
        :meth:`resolve_output_to_path`. This is because in many
        use cases, the filesystem is not available at the point
        where the output url is needed (the media server may on
        a different machine).
        if not path.isabs(target):
            # If relative, output files are written to,
            # thus we can simply base all values off of env.url.
            return url_prefix_join(ctx.url, target)
            # If an absolute output path was specified, then search
            # the url mappings.
            return self.query_url_mapping(ctx, target)
项目:depot_tools    作者:webrtc-uwp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir):
    """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir`

    This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the
    testall() mode of pytest.
    For instance, if we run pytest on this tree::


    we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils
    module is ran in B
    for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()):
        if mod is None:
        if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
            # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal
        modfile = mod.__file__
        # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally
        # during the tests
        if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir):
            del sys.modules[modname]
项目:metapensiero.pj    作者:azazel75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_tests_from_directory(dir, ext=None):
    ext = ext or '.out'
    if not isabs(dir):
        dir = join(dirname(__file__), dir)
    if not isdir(dir):
        raise RuntimeError('%s does not exist or is not a directory' % dir)
    for pyfile in sorted(glob(join(dir, '*.py'))):
        py_code, options = load_python_code(pyfile)
        if py_code is None:
            yield pytest.mark.skip((split(pyfile)[1], None, None, None))(reason=options)

        cmpfile = splitext(pyfile)[0] + ext
        if exists(cmpfile):
            with open(cmpfile, encoding='utf-8') as f:
                expected =
            # The first item is to make it easier to spot the right test
            # in verbose mode
            yield split(pyfile)[1], py_code, options, expected
            raise RuntimeError('%s has no correspondent %s' % (pyfile, cmpfile))
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir):
    """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir`

    This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the
    testall() mode of pytest.
    For instance, if we run pytest on this tree::


    we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils
    module is ran in B
    for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()):
        if mod is None:
        if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
            # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal
        modfile = mod.__file__
        # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally
        # during the tests
        if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir):
            del sys.modules[modname]
项目:cohorts    作者:hammerlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cache_dir(cache_dir, cache_root_dir=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Return full cache_dir, according to following logic:
        - if cache_dir is a full path (per path.isabs), return that value
        - if not and if cache_root_dir is not None, join two paths
        - otherwise, log warnings and return None
    Separately, if args or kwargs are given, format cache_dir using kwargs
    cache_dir = cache_dir.format(*args, **kwargs)
    if path.isabs(cache_dir):
        if cache_root_dir is not None:
            logger.warning('cache_dir ({}) is a full path; ignoring cache_root_dir'.format(cache_dir))
        return cache_dir
    if cache_root_dir is not None:
        return path.join(cache_root_dir, cache_dir)
        logger.warning("cache dir is not full path & cache_root_dir not given. Caching may not work as expected!")
    return None
项目:python-ptrace    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def locateProgram(program):
    Locate a program using the PATH environment variable. Return the
    unchanged program value if it's not possible to get the full
    program path.
    if isabs(program):
        return program
    if dirname(program):
        # ./test => $PWD/./test
        # ../python => $PWD/../python
        program = path_join(getcwd(), program)
        program = normpath(program)
        return program
    paths = getenv('PATH')
    if not paths:
        return program
    for path in paths.split(pathsep):
        filename = path_join(path, program)
        if access(filename, X_OK):
            return filename
    return program
项目:twentybn-dl    作者:TwentyBN    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize_storage_argument(storage):
    if storage:
        return (op.join(os.getcwd(), storage)
                if not op.isabs(storage)
                else storage)
        return DEFAULT_STORAGE
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        bld = self.generator.bld
        target_paths = []
        for g in bld.groups:
            for tgen in g:
                # FIXME it might be better to check if there is a link_task (getattr?)
                target_paths += [tgen.path.get_bld().bldpath()]
                linked += [t.outputs[0].bldpath()
                    for t in getattr(tgen, 'tasks', [])
                    if t.__class__.__name__ in
                    ['cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cxxprogram', 'cxxshlib']]
        lib_list = []
        if len(linked):
            cmd = [self.env.LDD] + linked
            # FIXME add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH for osx+win32
            ldd_env = {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ':'.join(target_paths + self.env.LIBPATH)}
            # FIXME the with syntax will not work in python 2
            with tmpfile() as result:
                self.exec_command(cmd, env=ldd_env, stdout=result)
                for line in result.readlines():
                    words = line.split()
                    if len(words) < 3 or words[1] != '=>': continue
                    lib = words[2]
                    if lib == 'not': continue
                    if any([lib.startswith(p) for p in
                            [bld.bldnode.abspath(), '('] +
                    if not isabs(lib):
            lib_list = sorted(set(lib_list))
        self.outputs[0].write(linesep.join(lib_list + self.env.DYNAMIC_LIBS))
        return 0
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        bld = self.generator.bld
        target_paths = []
        for g in bld.groups:
            for tgen in g:
                # FIXME it might be better to check if there is a link_task (getattr?)
                target_paths += [tgen.path.get_bld().bldpath()]
                linked += [t.outputs[0].bldpath()
                    for t in getattr(tgen, 'tasks', [])
                    if t.__class__.__name__ in
                    ['cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cxxprogram', 'cxxshlib']]
        lib_list = []
        if len(linked):
            cmd = [self.env.LDD] + linked
            # FIXME add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH for osx+win32
            ldd_env = {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ':'.join(target_paths + self.env.LIBPATH)}
            # FIXME the with syntax will not work in python 2
            with tmpfile() as result:
                self.exec_command(cmd, env=ldd_env, stdout=result)
                for line in result.readlines():
                    words = line.split()
                    if len(words) < 3 or words[1] != '=>': continue
                    lib = words[2]
                    if lib == 'not': continue
                    if any([lib.startswith(p) for p in
                            [bld.bldnode.abspath(), '('] +
                    if not isabs(lib):
            lib_list = sorted(set(lib_list))
        self.outputs[0].write(linesep.join(lib_list + self.env.DYNAMIC_LIBS))
        return 0
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        bld = self.generator.bld
        target_paths = []
        for g in bld.groups:
            for tgen in g:
                # FIXME it might be better to check if there is a link_task (getattr?)
                target_paths += [tgen.path.get_bld().bldpath()]
                linked += [t.outputs[0].bldpath()
                    for t in getattr(tgen, 'tasks', [])
                    if t.__class__.__name__ in
                    ['cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cxxprogram', 'cxxshlib']]
        lib_list = []
        if len(linked):
            cmd = [self.env.LDD] + linked
            # FIXME add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH for osx+win32
            ldd_env = {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ':'.join(target_paths + self.env.LIBPATH)}
            # FIXME the with syntax will not work in python 2
            with tmpfile() as result:
                self.exec_command(cmd, env=ldd_env, stdout=result)
                for line in result.readlines():
                    words = line.split()
                    if len(words) < 3 or words[1] != '=>': continue
                    lib = words[2]
                    if lib == 'not': continue
                    if any([lib.startswith(p) for p in
                            [bld.bldnode.abspath(), '('] +
                    if not isabs(lib):
            lib_list = sorted(set(lib_list))
        self.outputs[0].write(linesep.join(lib_list + self.env.DYNAMIC_LIBS))
        return 0
项目:CodingDojo    作者:ComputerSocietyUNB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def abspathu(path):
        Version of os.path.abspath that uses the unicode representation
        of the current working directory, thus avoiding a UnicodeDecodeError
        in join when the cwd has non-ASCII characters.
        if not isabs(path):
            path = join(os.getcwdu(), path)
        return normpath(path)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def samefile(self, other):
        """ return True if 'other' references the same file as 'self'.
        other = getattr(other, "strpath", other)
        if not isabs(other):
            other = abspath(other)
        if self == other:
            return True
        if iswin32:
            return False # there is no samefile
        return py.error.checked_call(
                os.path.samefile, self.strpath, other)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ return a new path by appending all 'args' as path
        components.  if abs=1 is used restart from root if any
        of the args is an absolute path.
        sep = self.sep
        strargs = [getattr(arg, "strpath", arg) for arg in args]
        strpath = self.strpath
        if kwargs.get('abs'):
            newargs = []
            for arg in reversed(strargs):
                if isabs(arg):
                    strpath = arg
                    strargs = newargs
                newargs.insert(0, arg)
        for arg in strargs:
            arg = arg.strip(sep)
            if iswin32:
                # allow unix style paths even on windows.
                arg = arg.strip('/')
                arg = arg.replace('/', sep)
            strpath = strpath + sep + arg
        obj = object.__new__(self.__class__)
        obj.strpath = normpath(strpath)
        return obj
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isabs(self):
        return isabs(self.path)
项目:hdlcc    作者:suoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
                p.abspath(p.join(TEST_CONFIG_PARSER_SUPPORT_PATH, '.build')))
项目:hdlcc    作者:suoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _getSourcePath(self, path):
        Normalizes and handles absolute/relative paths
        source_path = p.normpath(p.expanduser(path))
        # If the path to the source file was not absolute, we assume
        # it was relative to the config file base path
        if not p.isabs(source_path):
            fname_base_dir = p.dirname(p.abspath(self.filename))
            source_path = p.join(fname_base_dir, source_path)

        return source_path
项目:hdlcc    作者:suoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simpleParse(filename):
        assert p.exists(filename), "Filename '%s' doesn't exists" % filename
        target_dir = None
        builder_name = None
        for _line in open(filename, mode='rb').readlines():
            line = _replaceCfgComments("", _line.decode(errors='ignore'))
            for match in re.finditer(
                match_dict = match.groupdict()
                if match_dict['target_dir'] is not None:
                    target_dir = match_dict['target_dir']
                if match_dict['builder'] is not None:
                    builder_name = match_dict['builder']

        if target_dir:
            target_dir = p.abspath(p.join(p.dirname(filename), target_dir))
            target_dir = '.hdlcc'

        if not p.isabs(target_dir):
            target_dir = p.join(p.dirname(filename), target_dir)"Simple parse found target_dir = %s and "
                                  "builder = %s", repr(target_dir),
        return target_dir, builder_name
项目:mx    作者:graalvm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(d):
        Convenience method to implement getResults() by including all files under a directory.
        assert isabs(d)
        results = []
        for root, _, files in os.walk(d):
            for name in files:
                path = join(root, name)
        return results
项目:mx    作者:graalvm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _make_absolute(path, prefix):
    Makes 'path' absolute if it isn't already by prefixing 'prefix'
    if not isabs(path):
        return join(prefix, path)
    return path
项目:mx    作者:graalvm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_source_path(self, jdk):
        Gets the path where the sources for this library are located.

        :param JDKConfig jdk: the JDK against which a relative path is resolved
        :return: the absolute path where the sources of this library are located
        if self.sourcePath is None:
            return None
        if isabs(self.sourcePath):
            return self.sourcePath
        path = self.get_jdk_path(jdk, self.sourcePath)
        if not exists(path) and jdk.javaCompliance >= self.jdkStandardizedSince:
            return self.get_jdk_path(jdk, 'lib/')
        return path
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _assert_entries(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:
            assert isinstance(entry, BaseIndexEntry)
            assert not osp.isabs(entry.path)
            assert "\\" not in entry.path
        # END for each entry
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_relative_path(self, path):
        """:return: Version of path relative to our git directory or raise ValueError
        if it is not within our git direcotory"""
        if not osp.isabs(path):
            return path
        if self.repo.bare:
            raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("require non-bare repository")
        relative_path = path.replace(self.repo.working_tree_dir + os.sep, "")
        if relative_path == path:
            raise ValueError("Absolute path %r is not in git repository at %r" % (path, self.repo.working_tree_dir))
        return relative_path
项目:Taigabot    作者:FrozenPigs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _entries_for_paths(self, paths, path_rewriter, fprogress, entries):
        entries_added = list()
        if path_rewriter:
            for path in paths:
                if osp.isabs(path):
                    abspath = path
                    gitrelative_path = path[len(self.repo.working_tree_dir) + 1:]
                    gitrelative_path = path
                    abspath = osp.join(self.repo.working_tree_dir, gitrelative_path)
                # end obtain relative and absolute paths

                blob = Blob(self.repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA,
                # TODO: variable undefined
            # END for each path
        # END rewrite paths

        # HANDLE PATHS
        assert len(entries_added) == 0
        for filepath in self._iter_expand_paths(paths):
            entries_added.append(self._store_path(filepath, fprogress))
        # END for each filepath
        # END path handling
        return entries_added
项目:pyVSR    作者:georgesterpu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_feature_to_htk(features,

    r""" Writes to output file the arr array with the given frame rate
    in the HTK binary format

    from struct import pack
    num_frames, feature_size = np.shape(features)

    if path.isabs(file):  # case of AAM
        output_filename = file_to_feature(file, extension='.htk')
    else:  # case of DCT
        output_filename = path.splitext(file)[0] + '.htk'

    outfile = open(out_dir + output_filename, 'wb')

    num_samples = np.size(features)
    sample_period = int(1 / frame_rate * (10 ** 7))
    sample_size = feature_size * 4
    parameter_kid = 9  # user-defined htk type

    header = pack(
        '>IIHH',  # big endian, 2 uint, 2 ushort

    content = b''
    for val in np.nditer(features, op_dtypes=np.float32, casting='same_kind', op_flags=['readonly', 'copy']):
        content += pack('>f', val)

项目:sahriswiki    作者:prologic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_options(self):
        path_options = (
            "accesslog", "config", "repo", "errorlog",
            "pidfile", "sock", "theme",

        for path_option in path_options:
            value = self.get(path_options, None)
            if value and not path.isabs(value):
                self[path_options] = path.abspath(path.expanduser(value))
项目:urban-journey    作者:urbanjourney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_ui(self, path: str):
        """Load in .ui file created by Qt Designer."""
        if not isabs(path):
            # If path is relative find ui file relative to file containing QWidgetNodeBase child class.
            path = join(dirname(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(1))), path)
        uic.loadUi(path, self)
项目:urban-journey    作者:urbanjourney    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_symlink(self, name, source, force):
        Load in a plugin by creating a symlink to it.

        :param name: Plugin name.
        :param source: Source path.
        :param bool force: Delete any existing symlink and recreate it.
        :returns: ``True`` if successful.
        :rtype: bool
        target_dir = join(self.path, "plugins", name)

        # Only update if the plugin doesn't exist or is being forced.
        if not force and isdir(target_dir):
            return True

        # If source dir path is relative, get absolute path relative to the project root.
        if not isabs(source):
            source = join(self.path, source)

        # Check if source dir exists.
        if not isdir(source):
            return False

        # Check if source dir is a valid uj project.
            UjProject(source, None)
        except InvalidUjProjectError:
            return False


        symlink(relpath(source, join(self.path, "plugins")), target_dir, target_is_directory=True)
        self.print("created symlink '{}' with source '{}'".format(name, target_dir))
        return True

    # TODO: Implement web, zip and copy plugin source handlers.
项目:pyecore    作者:pyecore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_uri_normalize_fileuri_abs():
    uri = URI('file:///test.xmi')
    assert path.isabs(uri.normalize())
项目:mkaestatic    作者:michibo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_configs( config_fns, input_cfg_fn, input_root ):
    ''' This function loads the configuration files 
        of all pages which are part of the project. 

        From the configuration files a 'dirlisttree' instance 
        is generated which mimics the directory structure 
        of the project and which can be accessed conveniently 
        in a jinja template.
    cfg_tree = dirlisttree()

    for cfg_fn in config_fns:
        if path.isabs(cfg_fn):
            raise ValueError('Error: You cannot use absolute paths here: %s' % cfg_fn)

        cfg_fn_base, _ = path.splitext( cfg_fn )
        _, cfg_name = path.split(cfg_fn_base)
        html_fn = "/" + cfg_fn_base + ".html"

        with open(cfg_fn, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as cfg_file:
            cfg = yaml.load(

        # Add special attributes:
        cfg['url'] = html_fn
        cfg['name'] = cfg_name

        if 'title' not in cfg:
            cfg['title'] = cfg_name

        # Configuration of current page gets special attention:
        if cfg_fn == input_cfg_fn:
            config = cfg

        pure_fn, _ = path.split( cfg_fn )


    return cfg_tree, config
项目:calmjs.parse    作者:calmjs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normrelpath(base, target):
    This function takes the base and target arguments as paths, and
    returns an equivalent relative path from base to the target, if both
    provided paths are absolute.

    if not all(map(isabs, [base, target])):
        return target

    return relpath(normpath(target), dirname(normpath(base)))
项目:FlaskBackend    作者:iamrajhans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _do_load_config(application, filename, silent=False):
    """Load configuration to the application.

        application: Flask application
        filename: Configuration name or file path.
        silent: Don't raise exception if the config is not present.
    filename = op.expanduser(op.expandvars(filename))

    if not filename.endswith('.py'):
        filename += '.py'

    if filename.startswith('.'):
        filename = op.abspath(filename)

    if not op.isabs(filename):
        # Load /<app_root>/config/<filename>
        filename = op.join(application.root_path, 'config', filename)

    if not silent or op.exists(filename):'Loading configuration [%s] ...', filename)

    if not silent and not op.exists(filename):
        raise MissingConfigurationError(filename)

    application.config.from_pyfile(filename, silent=silent)

    # See load_config().
项目:driveboardapp    作者:nortd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_compiled_filenames(pyi_builder):
    import pyi_dummy_module
    from os.path import isabs

    assert not isabs(pyi_dummy_module.dummy.__code__.co_filename), "pyi_dummy_module.dummy.__code__.co_filename has compiled filename: %s" % (pyi_dummy_module.dummy.__code__.co_filename,)
    assert not isabs(pyi_dummy_module.DummyClass.dummyMethod.__code__.co_filename), "pyi_dummy_module.DummyClass.dummyMethod.__code__.co_filename has compiled filename: %s" % (pyi_dummy_module.DummyClass.dummyMethod.__code__.co_filename,)
项目:python-scaleioclient    作者:codedellemc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_certificate(self, server_certificate_path):
        Set certificate to use for ScaleIO REST gateway calls
        :return: Nothing

        from os.path import isabs
        if isabs(server_certificate_path):
            self.verify_cert = True
            self.cert_path = server_certificate_path
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def samefile(self, other):
        """ return True if 'other' references the same file as 'self'.
        other = getattr(other, "strpath", other)
        if not isabs(other):
            other = abspath(other)
        if self == other:
            return True
        if iswin32:
            return False # there is no samefile
        return py.error.checked_call(
                os.path.samefile, self.strpath, other)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ return a new path by appending all 'args' as path
        components.  if abs=1 is used restart from root if any
        of the args is an absolute path.
        sep = self.sep
        strargs = [getattr(arg, "strpath", arg) for arg in args]
        strpath = self.strpath
        if kwargs.get('abs'):
            newargs = []
            for arg in reversed(strargs):
                if isabs(arg):
                    strpath = arg
                    strargs = newargs
                newargs.insert(0, arg)
        for arg in strargs:
            arg = arg.strip(sep)
            if iswin32:
                # allow unix style paths even on windows.
                arg = arg.strip('/')
                arg = arg.replace('/', sep)
            strpath = strpath + sep + arg
        obj = object.__new__(self.__class__)
        obj.strpath = normpath(strpath)
        return obj