Python os.path 模块,commonprefix() 实例源码


项目:devsecops-example-helloworld    作者:boozallen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _common_shorten_repr(*args):
    args = tuple(map(safe_repr, args))
    maxlen = max(map(len, args))
    if maxlen <= _MAX_LENGTH:
        return args

    prefix = commonprefix(args)
    prefixlen = len(prefix)

    common_len = _MAX_LENGTH - \
                 (maxlen - prefixlen + _MIN_BEGIN_LEN + _PLACEHOLDER_LEN)
    if common_len > _MIN_COMMON_LEN:
               (maxlen - prefixlen) < _MAX_LENGTH
        prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, common_len)
        return tuple(prefix + s[prefixlen:] for s in args)

    prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, _MIN_COMMON_LEN)
    return tuple(prefix + _shorten(s[prefixlen:], _MIN_DIFF_LEN, _MIN_END_LEN)
                 for s in args)
项目:endpointer    作者:devjack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverse_paths_for(self, filename):

        # Current directory
        if path.isfile(path.abspath(filename)):
            base_directory = path.commonprefix([
            return base_directory
        # Try base dir's for files we've previously loaded
        # Lets definitions refer to each other relatively
        for known_file in self.files:
            full_known_file_path = path.abspath(known_file)
            known_directory = path.dirname(full_known_file_path)
            if path.isfile(known_directory + "/" + filename):
                return known_directory

        raise KeyError("Definition not found for %s" % filename)
项目:download-manager    作者:thispc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def slotClipboardChange(self):
            called if clipboard changes
        if self.checkClipboard:
            text = self.clipboard.text()
            pattern = re.compile(r"(http|https|ftp)://[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(([0-9]{1,5})?/.*)?")
            matches = pattern.finditer(text)

            # thanks to: jmansour //#139
            links = [str( for match in matches]
            if len(links) == 0:

            filenames = [link.rpartition("/")[2] for link in links]

            packagename = commonprefix(filenames)
            if len(packagename) == 0:
                packagename = filenames[0]

            self.slotAddPackage(packagename, links)
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fill_ot_entry(self, row, col):
        Fill an entry of the observation table.
        Only save the part of the output generated by the col parameter.

            row(tuple(int)): A tuple of integers specifiying the row to fill.
            col(tuple(int)): A tuple of integers specifying the column to fill.
        prefix = self.membership_query(row)
        full_output = self.membership_query(row + col)

        common_prefix_len = len(commonprefix([prefix, full_output]))
        self.ot[row, col] = full_output[common_prefix_len:]

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
项目:scrapy_rss    作者:woxcab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _common_shorten_repr(*args):
        args = tuple(map(safe_repr, args))
        maxlen = max(map(len, args))
        if maxlen <= _MAX_LENGTH:
            return args

        prefix = commonprefix(args)
        prefixlen = len(prefix)

        common_len = _MAX_LENGTH - \
                     (maxlen - prefixlen + _MIN_BEGIN_LEN + _PLACEHOLDER_LEN)
        if common_len > _MIN_COMMON_LEN:
            assert _MIN_BEGIN_LEN + _PLACEHOLDER_LEN + _MIN_COMMON_LEN + \
                   (maxlen - prefixlen) < _MAX_LENGTH
            prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, common_len)
            return tuple(prefix + s[prefixlen:] for s in args)

        prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, _MIN_COMMON_LEN)
        return tuple(prefix + _shorten(s[prefixlen:], _MIN_DIFF_LEN, _MIN_END_LEN)
                     for s in args)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _common_shorten_repr(*args):
    args = tuple(map(safe_repr, args))
    maxlen = max(map(len, args))
    if maxlen <= _MAX_LENGTH:
        return args

    prefix = commonprefix(args)
    prefixlen = len(prefix)

    common_len = _MAX_LENGTH - \
                 (maxlen - prefixlen + _MIN_BEGIN_LEN + _PLACEHOLDER_LEN)
    if common_len > _MIN_COMMON_LEN:
               (maxlen - prefixlen) < _MAX_LENGTH
        prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, common_len)
        return tuple(prefix + s[prefixlen:] for s in args)

    prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, _MIN_COMMON_LEN)
    return tuple(prefix + _shorten(s[prefixlen:], _MIN_DIFF_LEN, _MIN_END_LEN)
                 for s in args)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _common_shorten_repr(*args):
    args = tuple(map(safe_repr, args))
    maxlen = max(map(len, args))
    if maxlen <= _MAX_LENGTH:
        return args

    prefix = commonprefix(args)
    prefixlen = len(prefix)

    common_len = _MAX_LENGTH - \
                 (maxlen - prefixlen + _MIN_BEGIN_LEN + _PLACEHOLDER_LEN)
    if common_len > _MIN_COMMON_LEN:
               (maxlen - prefixlen) < _MAX_LENGTH
        prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, common_len)
        return tuple(prefix + s[prefixlen:] for s in args)

    prefix = _shorten(prefix, _MIN_BEGIN_LEN, _MIN_COMMON_LEN)
    return tuple(prefix + _shorten(s[prefixlen:], _MIN_DIFF_LEN, _MIN_END_LEN)
                 for s in args)
项目:automation-examples    作者:globus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_dir_to_delete(transfer_client, task):
    """Find the common directory under which all the files live. If one exists,
    it will be deleted recursively, even if not all files under it were
    transferred. If there is no common directory, each file that was
    transferred will be deleted"""
    successful_file_transfers = \
    print("Transfer Task({}): {} -> {}\n was submitted by {}\n".
          format(task["task_id"], task["source_endpoint"],

    files_list = [
        globr["source_path"] for globr in successful_file_transfers]
    print("files list is ", files_list)

    common_dir = dirname(commonprefix(files_list))
    return files_list, common_dir
项目:libmozdata    作者:mozilla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getMatchingVersion(version, versions_dates):
    date = None
    longest_match = []
    longest_match_v = None
    for v, d in versions_dates:
        match = commonprefix([v.split('.'), str(version).split('.')])
        if len(match) > 0 and (len(match) > len(longest_match) or (len(match) == len(longest_match) and int(v[-1]) <= int(longest_match_v[-1]))):
            longest_match = match
            longest_match_v = v
            date = d

    return date
项目:pomu    作者:Hummer12007    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def strip_root(self, d_path):
        """Strip the root component of d_path"""
        # the path should be either relative, or a child of root
        if d_path.startswith('/'):
            if path.commonprefix([d_path, self.root]) != self.root:
                raise ValueError('Path should be a subdirectory of root')
            return strip_prefix(strip_prefix(d_path, self.root), '/')
        return d_path
项目:beansoup    作者:fxtlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def score_model(self, model_txn, txn):
        """Score an existing transaction for its ability to provide a model
        for an incomplete transaction.

          model_txn: The transaction to be scored.
          txn: The incomplete transaction.
          A float number representing the score, normalized in [0,1].
        def get_description(txn):
            return ('{} {}'.format(txn.payee or '', txn.narration or '')).strip()

        # If the target transaction does not have a description, there is
        # nothing we can do
        txn_description = get_description(txn)
        n_max = len(txn_description)
        if n_max > 1:
            # Only consider model transactions whose posting to the target
            # account has the same sign as the transaction to be completed
            posting = [p for p in model_txn.postings if p.account == self.account][0]
            if number.same_sign(posting.units.number, txn.postings[0].units.number):
                model_txn_description = get_description(model_txn)
                n_match = len(path.commonprefix(
                    [model_txn_description, txn_description]))
                score = float(n_match) / float(n_max)
                return score
        return 0
项目:download-manager    作者:thispc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def relpath(path, start=curdir):
        """Return a relative version of a path"""
        if not path:
            raise ValueError("no path specified")
        start_list = abspath(start).split(sep)
        path_list = abspath(path).split(sep)
        # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
        i = len(commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
        rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
        if not rel_list:
            return curdir
        return join(*rel_list)
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _remove_common_prefix(main, prefix):
    Return the suffix of main after removing its common prefix with "prefix"
        main (list): List to return suffix
        prefix (list): list to match prefix

        list: suffix of main after removing common prefix with prefix list.
    common_part = commonprefix([main, prefix])
    return main[len(common_part):]
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fill_ot_entry(self, row, col):
        Fill an entry of the observation table.
        Only save the part of the output generated by the col parameter.

            row(tuple(int)): A tuple of integers specifiying the row to fill.
            col(tuple(int)): A tuple of integers specifying the column to fill.

        prefix = self.membership_query(row)
        full_output = self.membership_query(row + col)

        prefix_len = len(commonprefix([prefix, full_output]))
        self.ot[row, col] = full_output[prefix_len:]
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_counterexample(self, ce):
        Counterexample processing method. The method is similar with the
        Shabaz-Groz counterexample processing with an additional module to
        check for counterexamples resulting from lookahead transitions.

            ce (list): counterexample input
        # Process lookaheads

        #Finding longest prefix among strings in access_strings
        maxlen = 0
        for row in self.ot.access_strings:
            if not row:
            # Seems that commonprefix works for tuple/list pairs but convert
            # just to be sure.
            prefix = commonprefix([ce, list(row)])
            if len(prefix) > maxlen:
                maxlen = len(prefix)

        # Add the all the suffixes as experiments in distinguishing strings
        suff = ()
        for c in reversed(ce[maxlen:]):
            suff = (c,) + suff
            # Add the experiment if not already there
            if suff not in self.ot.dist_strings:

            # Fill the entries in the observation table
            for row in self.ot.access_strings + self.ot.transitions:
                self._fill_ot_entry(row, suff)

            # Fill the lookahead transitions
            for (src, inp, _) in self.ot.lookaheads:
                self._fill_ot_entry(src+inp, suff)
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_ce_sg(self, ce):
        Counterexample processing using the Shabaz-Groz algorithm.

            ce (list): counterexample input

        #Finding longest prefix among strings in S_m
        maxlen = 0
        for row in self.ot.access_strings:
            if not row:
            # Seems that commonprefix works for tuple/list pairs but convert
            # just to be sure.
            prefix = commonprefix([ce, list(row)])
            if len(prefix) > maxlen:
                maxlen = len(prefix)

        # Add the all the suffixes as experiments in E_m
        suff = ()
        for c in reversed(ce[maxlen:]):
            suff = (c,) + suff
            # Add the experiment if not already there
            if suff not in self.ot.dist_strings:

            # Fill the entries in the observation table
            for row in self.ot.access_strings + self.ot.transitions:
                self._fill_ot_entry(row, suff)

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
项目:sardana    作者:sardana-org    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def refresh(self):
        self.macro_path = mp = self._ms().get_property("MacroPath")[
        self.base_macro_path = osp.commonprefix(self.macro_path)
        self.rel_macro_path = [osp.relpath for p in mp, self.base_macro_path]
项目:libSigNetSim    作者:vincent-noel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeRelativePath(self, path):

        if self.__sourceType == self.LOCAL and (isabs(self.__source) or commonprefix([self.__source, path]) != ""):
            self.__source = relpath(self.__source, path)
项目:sublime-text-3-packages    作者:nickjj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:macos-st-packages    作者:zce    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return open_paren + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:grammarinator    作者:renatahodovan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_grammars(out, antlr):
    Build lexer and grammar from ANTLRv4 grammar files in Python3 target.

    :param out: Output directory.
    :param antlr: Path to the ANTLR4 tool (Java jar binary).
    :return: List of references/names of the lexer, parser and listener classes of the target.
        # TODO: support Java parsers too.
        languages = {
            'python': {'antlr_arg': '-Dlanguage=Python3',
                       'ext': 'py',
                       'listener_format': 'Listener',
                       'sources': ['ANTLRv4Lexer.g4', 'ANTLRv4Parser.g4', 'LexBasic.g4', '']}

        # Copy the grammars from the package to the given working directory.
        for resource in languages['python']['sources']:
            with open(join(out, resource), 'wb') as f:
                f.write(get_data(__package__, join('resources', 'antlr', resource)))

        grammars = tuple([file for file in languages['python']['sources'] if file.endswith('.g4')])

        # Generate parser and lexer in the target language and return either with
        # python class ref or the name of java classes.
        cmd = 'java -jar {antlr} {lang} {grammars}'.format(antlr=antlr,
                                                           grammars=' '.join(grammars))

        with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, cwd=out) as proc:
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
            if proc.returncode:
                logger.error('Building grammars %r failed!\n%s\n%s\n', grammars,
                             stdout.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'),
                             stderr.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
                raise CalledProcessError(returncode=proc.returncode, cmd=cmd, output=stdout + stderr)

        files = listdir(out)
        filename = basename(grammars[0])

        def file_endswith(end_pattern):
            return splitext(split(list(
                filter(lambda x: len(commonprefix([filename, x])) > 0 and x.endswith(end_pattern), files))[0])[1])[0]

        # Extract the name of lexer and parser from their path.
        lexer = file_endswith('Lexer.{ext}'.format(ext=languages['python']['ext']))
        parser = file_endswith('Parser.{ext}'.format(ext=languages['python']['ext']))
        # The name of the generated listeners differs if Python or other language target is used.
        listener = file_endswith('{listener_format}.{ext}'.format(listener_format=languages['python']['listener_format'], ext=languages['python']['ext']))

        return (getattr(__import__(x, globals(), locals(), [x], 0), x) for x in [lexer, parser, listener])
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Exception while loading parser modules', exc_info=e)
        raise e
项目:chalktalk_docs    作者:loremIpsum1771    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:sflearn    作者:GeorgeArgyros    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_lookahead(self, inp):
        Check a counterexample for lookahead transitions using prefix-closed
        queries. If an unknown lookahead is found it is added on the observation

            inp (list): Counterexample input.
        # Make a prefix closed membership query and gather the result
        prefix = []
        prefix_set = [[]]
        prefix_set_input = [[]]
        for c in inp:

        for i in xrange(1, len(prefix_set)):
            if commonprefix([prefix_set[i], prefix_set[i-1]]) != prefix_set[i-1]:
                logging.debug('Lookahead detected at position %s : %s, %s',
                              i, prefix_set[i-1], prefix_set[i])

                la_out = _remove_common_prefix(prefix_set[i], prefix_set[i-1])
                j = None
                for j in reversed(xrange(i)):
                    if commonprefix([prefix_set[i], prefix_set[j]]) == prefix_set[j]:
                        la_inp = inp[j:i]

                la_out = _remove_common_prefix(prefix_set[i], prefix_set[j])
                access_string = self._run_in_hypothesis(inp, j)
                out_as = self.membership_query(access_string)
                out_complete = self.membership_query(list(access_string)+la_inp)

                # If The access string for the lookahead state is wrong, we will
                # add the lookahead path once this is fixed in a next iteration.
                if _remove_common_prefix(out_complete, out_as) != la_out:
                    logging.debug('Lookahead detected but access string is '+ \
                                  'wrong, skipping.')
                if  self.ot.add_lookahead_transition(access_string,
                    # Fill all table entries for the lookahead transition
                    for col in self.ot.dist_strings:
                        self._fill_ot_entry(access_string + tuple(la_inp), col)
                    # New lookahead added, no need for further processing.
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return open_paren + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:kubeface    作者:hammerlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prefixes(self, max_prefixes=1, **fields_dict):
        for (key, value) in fields_dict.items():
            assert key in self.field_names, key
            assert value is None or isinstance(value, list), type(value)

        def make_prefixes(
            result = [[]]
            if not template_pieces:
                return result

            (literal, field_name) = template_pieces[0]
            if literal:
                for piece in result:

            values = fields_dict.get(field_name)
            if values is None:
                values = self.valid_values.get(field_name)
            if values is not None:
                if len(result) * len(values) > max_prefixes:
                    common_prefix = commonprefix(values)
                    for piece in result:
                    new_result = []
                    for value in values:
                        new_fields_dict = dict(fields_dict)
                        new_fields_dict[field_name] = [value]
                        rest = make_prefixes(
                            max_prefixes=max_prefixes / (
                                len(result) * len(values)),
                        for some_rest in rest:
                                [x + [value] + some_rest for x in result])
                    result = new_result
            return result

        prefix_components = make_prefixes(self.template_pieces)
        assert len(prefix_components) <= max_prefixes
        return [''.join(x) for x in prefix_components]
项目:enkiWS    作者:juliettef    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return open_paren + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:picireny    作者:renatahodovan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_grammars(grammars, out, antlr, lang='python'):
    Build lexer and grammar from ANTLRv4 grammar files in Python3 target.

    :param grammars: Tuple of grammar files.
    :param out: Output directory.
    :param antlr: Path to the ANTLR4 tool (Java jar binary).
    :param lang: The target language of the parser.
    :return: List of references/names of the lexer, parser and listener classes of the target.

    # Generate parser and lexer in the target language and return either with
    # python class ref or the name of java classes.
    global grammar_cache
    if lang not in grammar_cache:
        grammar_cache[lang] = {}
    if grammars in grammar_cache[lang]:
        logger.debug('%r is already built with %s target.', grammars, lang)
        return grammar_cache[lang][grammars]

        languages = {
            'python': {'antlr_arg': '-Dlanguage=Python3', 'ext': 'py', 'listener_format': 'Listener'},
            'java': {'antlr_arg': '', 'ext': 'java', 'listener_format': 'BaseListener'},

        cmd = 'java -jar {antlr} {lang} -o {out} {grammars}'.format(antlr=antlr,
                                                                    grammars=' '.join(grammars))
        with Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, cwd=out) as proc:
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
            if proc.returncode:
                logger.error('Building grammars %r failed!\n%s\n%s\n', grammars, stdout, stderr)
                raise CalledProcessError(returncode=proc.returncode, cmd=cmd, output=stdout + stderr)

        files = listdir(out)
        filename = basename(grammars[0])

        def file_endswith(end_pattern):
            return splitext(split(list(
                filter(lambda x: len(commonprefix([filename, x])) > 0 and x.endswith(end_pattern), files))[0])[1])[0]

        # Extract the name of lexer and parser from their path.
        lexer = file_endswith('Lexer.{ext}'.format(ext=languages[lang]['ext']))
        parser = file_endswith('Parser.{ext}'.format(ext=languages[lang]['ext']))
        # The name of the generated listeners differs if Python or other language target is used.
        listener = file_endswith('{listener_format}.{ext}'.format(listener_format=languages[lang]['listener_format'], ext=languages[lang]['ext']))

        if lang == 'python':
            grammar_cache[lang][grammars] = [getattr(__import__(x, globals(), locals(), [x], 0), x) for x in [lexer, parser, listener]]
            grammar_cache[lang][grammars] = [lexer, parser, listener]

        return grammar_cache[lang][grammars]
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Exception while loading parser modules', exc_info=e)
        raise e
项目:python-flask-security    作者:weinbergdavid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return make_charset(oneletter)
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def regex_opt_inner(strings, open_paren):
    """Return a regex that matches any string in the sorted list of strings."""
    close_paren = open_paren and ')' or ''
    # print strings, repr(open_paren)
    if not strings:
        # print '-> nothing left'
        return ''
    first = strings[0]
    if len(strings) == 1:
        # print '-> only 1 string'
        return open_paren + escape(first) + close_paren
    if not first:
        # print '-> first string empty'
        return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(strings[1:], '(?:') \
            + '?' + close_paren
    if len(first) == 1:
        # multiple one-char strings? make a charset
        oneletter = []
        rest = []
        for s in strings:
            if len(s) == 1:
        if len(oneletter) > 1:  # do we have more than one oneletter string?
            if rest:
                # print '-> 1-character + rest'
                return open_paren + regex_opt_inner(rest, '') + '|' \
                    + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
            # print '-> only 1-character'
            return open_paren + make_charset(oneletter) + close_paren
    prefix = commonprefix(strings)
    if prefix:
        plen = len(prefix)
        # we have a prefix for all strings
        # print '-> prefix:', prefix
        return open_paren + escape(prefix) \
            + regex_opt_inner([s[plen:] for s in strings], '(?:') \
            + close_paren
    # is there a suffix?
    strings_rev = [s[::-1] for s in strings]
    suffix = commonprefix(strings_rev)
    if suffix:
        slen = len(suffix)
        # print '-> suffix:', suffix[::-1]
        return open_paren \
            + regex_opt_inner(sorted(s[:-slen] for s in strings), '(?:') \
            + escape(suffix[::-1]) + close_paren
    # recurse on common 1-string prefixes
    # print '-> last resort'
    return open_paren + \
        '|'.join(regex_opt_inner(list(group[1]), '')
                 for group in groupby(strings, lambda s: s[0] == first[0])) \
        + close_paren