Python os.path 模块,rstrip() 实例源码


项目:simLAB    作者:kamwar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findFileOrDirectory(self, path):
        path = self.getFilePath(path)
        if not path:
            return None, None
        xmlPath = self.simXml.getXmlPath(path)
        node = self.simXml.find(xmlPath)
        if node == None:
            if path[-1] != "/":
                #try to select direcotry
                path += "/"
                xmlPath = self.simXml.getXmlPath(path)
                node = self.simXml.find(xmlPath)
                #try to select file
                path = path.rstrip("/")
                xmlPath = self.simXml.getXmlPath(path)
                node = self.simXml.find(xmlPath)
            if node == None:
                logging.error("Failed to select: %s" %xmlPath)
                return None, None
        return node, xmlPath
项目:deoplete-jedi    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_name(self, modname, parents, path, base):
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                mod_cls = path.rstrip('.')
                mod_cls = None
                # if documenting a class-level object without path,
                # there must be a current class, either from a parent
                # auto directive ...
                mod_cls = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:class')
                # ... or from a class directive
                if mod_cls is None:
                    mod_cls = self.env.ref_context.get('py:class')
                # ... if still None, there's no way to know
                if mod_cls is None:
                    return None, []
            modname, cls = rpartition(mod_cls, '.')
            parents = [cls]
            # if the module name is still missing, get it like above
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:module')
            if not modname:
                modname = self.env.ref_context.get('py:module')
            # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base]
项目:statik    作者:thanethomson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_url_path_component(path, component):
    return '%s/%s' % (path.rstrip('/'), component.lstrip('/'))
项目:deoplete-jedi    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_name(self):
        """Determine what module to import and what attribute to document.

        Returns True and sets *self.modname*, *self.objpath*, *self.fullname*,
        *self.args* and *self.retann* if parsing and resolving was successful.
        # first, parse the definition -- auto directives for classes and
        # functions can contain a signature which is then used instead of
        # an autogenerated one
            explicit_modname, path, base, args, retann = \
        except AttributeError:
            self.directive.warn('invalid signature for auto%s (%r)' %
            return False

        # support explicit module and class name separation via ::
        if explicit_modname is not None:
            modname = explicit_modname[:-2]
            parents = path and path.rstrip('.').split('.') or []
            modname = None
            parents = []

        self.modname, self.objpath = \
            self.resolve_name(modname, parents, path, base)

        if not self.modname:
            return False

        self.args = args
        self.retann = retann
        self.fullname = (self.modname or '') + \
                        (self.objpath and '.' + '.'.join(self.objpath) or '')
        return True
项目:deoplete-jedi    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_name(self, modname, parents, path, base):
        if modname is None:
            if path:
                modname = path.rstrip('.')
                # if documenting a toplevel object without explicit module,
                # it can be contained in another auto directive ...
                modname = self.env.temp_data.get('autodoc:module')
                # ... or in the scope of a module directive
                if not modname:
                    modname = self.env.ref_context.get('py:module')
                # ... else, it stays None, which means invalid
        return modname, parents + [base]
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_got_revision(gclient_output, got_revision_mapping):
  """Translate git gclient revision mapping to build properties."""
  properties = {}
  solutions_output = {
      # Make sure path always ends with a single slash.
      '%s/' % path.rstrip('/') : solution_output for path, solution_output
      in gclient_output['solutions'].iteritems()
  for dir_name, property_name in got_revision_mapping.iteritems():
    # Make sure dir_name always ends with a single slash.
    dir_name = '%s/' % dir_name.rstrip('/')
    if dir_name not in solutions_output:
    solution_output = solutions_output[dir_name]
    if solution_output.get('scm') is None:
      # This is an ignored DEPS, so the output got_revision should be 'None'.
      revision = commit_position = None
      # Since we are using .DEPS.git, everything had better be git.
      assert solution_output.get('scm') == 'git'
      revision = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', cwd=dir_name).strip()
      commit_position = get_commit_position(dir_name)

    properties[property_name] = revision
    if commit_position:
      properties['%s_cp' % property_name] = commit_position

  return properties
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_got_revision(gclient_output, got_revision_mapping):
  """Translate git gclient revision mapping to build properties."""
  properties = {}
  solutions_output = {
      # Make sure path always ends with a single slash.
      '%s/' % path.rstrip('/') : solution_output for path, solution_output
      in gclient_output['solutions'].iteritems()
  for dir_name, property_name in got_revision_mapping.iteritems():
    # Make sure dir_name always ends with a single slash.
    dir_name = '%s/' % dir_name.rstrip('/')
    if dir_name not in solutions_output:
    solution_output = solutions_output[dir_name]
    if solution_output.get('scm') is None:
      # This is an ignored DEPS, so the output got_revision should be 'None'.
      revision = commit_position = None
      # Since we are using .DEPS.git, everything had better be git.
      assert solution_output.get('scm') == 'git'
      revision = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', cwd=dir_name).strip()
      commit_position = get_commit_position(dir_name)

    properties[property_name] = revision
    if commit_position:
      properties['%s_cp' % property_name] = commit_position

  return properties
项目:viewvc    作者:viewvc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _canonicalize_path(path):
  import svn.core
    return svn.core.svn_path_canonicalize(path)
  except AttributeError: # svn_path_canonicalize() appeared in 1.4.0 bindings
    # There's so much more that we *could* do here, but if we're
    # here at all its because there's a really old Subversion in
    # place, and those older Subversion versions cared quite a bit
    # less about the specifics of path canonicalization.
    if, path):
      return path.rstrip('/')
      return os.path.normpath(path)
项目:depot_tools    作者:webrtc-uwp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_got_revision(gclient_output, got_revision_mapping):
  """Translate git gclient revision mapping to build properties."""
  properties = {}
  solutions_output = {
      # Make sure path always ends with a single slash.
      '%s/' % path.rstrip('/') : solution_output for path, solution_output
      in gclient_output['solutions'].iteritems()
  for property_name, dir_name in got_revision_mapping.iteritems():
    # Make sure dir_name always ends with a single slash.
    dir_name = '%s/' % dir_name.rstrip('/')
    if dir_name not in solutions_output:
    solution_output = solutions_output[dir_name]
    if solution_output.get('scm') is None:
      # This is an ignored DEPS, so the output got_revision should be 'None'.
      revision = commit_position = None
      # Since we are using .DEPS.git, everything had better be git.
      assert solution_output.get('scm') == 'git'
      revision = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD', cwd=dir_name).strip()
      commit_position = get_commit_position(dir_name)

    properties[property_name] = revision
    if commit_position:
      properties['%s_cp' % property_name] = commit_position

  return properties
项目:django-sphinxdoc    作者:luminum-solutions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def documentation(request, slug, path):
    """Displays the contents of a :class:`sphinxdoc.models.Document`.

    ``slug`` specifies the project, the document belongs to, ``path`` is the
    path to the original JSON file relative to the builddir and without the
    file extension. ``path`` may also be a directory, so this view checks if
    ``path/index`` exists, before trying to load ``path`` directly.

    project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=slug)
    path = path.rstrip('/')

        index = 'index' if path == '' else '%s/index' % path
        doc = Document.objects.get(project=project, path=index)
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        doc = get_object_or_404(Document, project=project, path=path)

    # genindex and modindex get a special template
    templates = (
        'sphinxdoc/%s.html' % os.path.basename(path),

        env = json.load(open(os.path.join(project.path, BUILDDIR,
                                          'globalcontext.json'), 'r'))
    except IOError:
        # It is possible that file does not exist anymore (for example, because
        # make clean to prepare for running make again), we do not want to
        # display an error to the user in this case
        env = None

        update_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(
            os.path.join(project.path, BUILDDIR, 'last_build')))
    except OSError:
        # It is possible that file does not exist anymore (for example, because
        # make clean to prepare for running make again), we do not want to
        # display an error to the user in this case
        update_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)

    data = {
        'project': project,
        'doc': json.loads(doc.content),
        'env': env,
        'update_date': update_date,
        'search': urlresolvers.reverse('doc-search', kwargs={'slug': slug}),

    return render_to_response(templates, data,
项目:xpybuild    作者:xpybuild    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, context):'Cleaning existing files from %s', self.path)

        for a in self.archives:
            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                items = [(a.getResolvedPath(context), '')]
                assert isinstance(a, BasePathSet)
                filteredMembers = None
                items = a.resolveWithDestinations(context)
            for (srcAbs, destRel) in items:
                if destRel and not isDirPath(destRel): destRel = os.path.dirname(destRel) # strip off the zip filename
                if '..' in destRel: raise Exception('This target does not permit destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions')

                    filesize = os.path.getsize(srcAbs)
                except Exception:
                    filesize = 0

      "Unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) to %s", os.path.basename(srcAbs), filesize/1024.0/1024,
                starttime = time.time()
                with self. __openArchive(srcAbs) as f:
                    if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents) and a.hasIncludeExcludeFilters():
                        fullList = _getnames(f)
                        if not fullList:
                            raise BuildException('No files were found in archive "%s"'%(srcAbs))
                        filteredMembers = [x for x in fullList if a.isIncluded(context, x)]
              "Unpacking %d of %d members in %s", len(filteredMembers), len(fullList), os.path.basename(srcAbs))
                        if not filteredMembers:
                            raise BuildException('No files matching the specified include/exclude filters were found in archive "%s": %s'%(srcAbs,  a))
                        if len(filteredMembers)==len(fullList):
                            raise BuildException('No files were excluded from the unpacking operation by the specified filters (check filters are correct): %s'%a)
                        filteredMembers = _getnames(f)
                    # NB: some archive types want a list of string members, others want TarInfo objects etc, so 
                    # if we support other archive types in future might need to do a bit of work here
                    path = normLongPath(self.path+destRel)
                    for m in filteredMembers:                       
                        if not isDirPath(m):
                            info = _getinfo(f, m)
                            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                                _setfilename(info, a.mapDestPath(context, _getfilename(info)))
                            if isWindows(): _setfilename(info, _getfilename(info).replace('/', '\\'))
                            f.extract(info, path=path)
                            # we should create empty directories too
                            if isinstance(a, FilteredArchiveContents):
                                m = a.mapDestPath(context, m).rstrip('/')

                            m = path.rstrip('/\\')+'/'+m
                            if isWindows(): m = m.replace('/', '\\')

      "Completed unpacking %s (%0.1f MB) in %0.1f seconds", os.path.basename(srcAbs), filesize/1024.0/1024, (time.time()-starttime))