Python os 模块,stat_float_times() 实例源码


项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dirname = support.TESTFN
        self.fname = os.path.join(self.dirname, "f1")

        self.addCleanup(support.rmtree, self.dirname)
        with open(self.fname, 'wb') as fp:

        def restore_float_times(state):
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)


        # ensure that st_atime and st_mtime are float
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)

            old_float_times = os.stat_float_times(-1)
            self.addCleanup(restore_float_times, old_float_times)

项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getmtime(x):
        sft = stat_float_times()
            return _getmtime(x)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getmtime(x):
        sft = stat_float_times()
            return _getmtime(x)
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_utime_subsecond(self, set_time_func):
        asec, amsec = 1, 901
        atime = asec + amsec * 1e-3
        msec, mmsec = 2, 901
        mtime = msec + mmsec * 1e-3
        filename = self.fname
        os.utime(filename, (0, 0))
        set_time_func(filename, atime, mtime)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
        st = os.stat(filename)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(st.st_atime, atime, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(st.st_mtime, mtime, places=3)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_utime_subsecond(self, set_time_func):
        asec, amsec = 1, 901
        atime = asec + amsec * 1e-3
        msec, mmsec = 2, 901
        mtime = msec + mmsec * 1e-3
        filename = self.fname
        os.utime(filename, (0, 0))
        set_time_func(filename, atime, mtime)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
        st = os.stat(filename)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(st.st_atime, atime, places=3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(st.st_mtime, mtime, places=3)
项目    作者:AspenWeb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Run command and return its dependencies and outputs, using before
            and after access times to determine dependencies. """

        # For Python pre-2.5, ensure os.stat() returns float atimes
        old_stat_float = os.stat_float_times()

        originals = self.file_times()
        if self.atimes == 2:
            befores = originals
            atime_resolution = 0
            mtime_resolution = 0
            befores = self._age_atimes(originals)
            atime_resolution = FAT_atime_resolution
            mtime_resolution = FAT_mtime_resolution
        shell_keywords = dict(silent=False)
        shell(*args, **shell_keywords)
        afters = self.file_times()
        deps = []
        outputs = []
        for name in afters:
            if name in befores:
                # if file exists before+after && mtime changed, add to outputs
                # Note: Can't just check that atimes > than we think they were
                #       before because os might have rounded them to a later
                #       date than what we think we set them to in befores.
                #       So we make sure they're > by at least 1/2 the
                #       resolution.  This will work for anything with a
                #       resolution better than FAT.
                if afters[name][1]-mtime_resolution/2 > befores[name][1]:
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                elif afters[name][0]-atime_resolution/2 > befores[name][0]:
                    # otherwise add to deps if atime changed
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                # file created (in afters but not befores), add as output
                if not self.ignore(name):

        if self.atimes < 2:
            # Restore atimes of files we didn't access: not for any functional
            # reason -- it's just to preserve the access time for the user's info
            for name in deps:
            for name in originals:
                original = originals[name]
                if original != afters.get(name, None):
                    self._utime(name, original[0], original[1])

        os.stat_float_times(old_stat_float)  # restore stat_float_times value
        return deps, outputs
项目:Metnum2016_2c    作者:GarbiSebastian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Run command and return its dependencies and outputs, using before
            and after access times to determine dependencies. """

        # For Python pre-2.5, ensure os.stat() returns float atimes
        old_stat_float = os.stat_float_times()

        originals = self.file_times()
        if self.atimes == 2:
            befores = originals
            atime_resolution = 0
            mtime_resolution = 0
            befores = self._age_atimes(originals)
            atime_resolution = FAT_atime_resolution
            mtime_resolution = FAT_mtime_resolution
        shell_keywords = dict(silent=False)
        shell(*args, **shell_keywords)
        afters = self.file_times()
        deps = []
        outputs = []
        for name in afters:
            if name in befores:
                # if file exists before+after && mtime changed, add to outputs
                # Note: Can't just check that atimes > than we think they were
                #       before because os might have rounded them to a later
                #       date than what we think we set them to in befores.
                #       So we make sure they're > by at least 1/2 the
                #       resolution.  This will work for anything with a
                #       resolution better than FAT.
                if afters[name][1]-mtime_resolution/2 > befores[name][1]:
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                elif afters[name][0]-atime_resolution/2 > befores[name][0]:
                    # otherwise add to deps if atime changed
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                # file created (in afters but not befores), add as output
                if not self.ignore(name):

        if self.atimes < 2:
            # Restore atimes of files we didn't access: not for any functional
            # reason -- it's just to preserve the access time for the user's info
            for name in deps:
            for name in originals:
                original = originals[name]
                if original != afters.get(name, None):
                    self._utime(name, original[0], original[1])

        os.stat_float_times(old_stat_float)  # restore stat_float_times value
        return deps, outputs
项目:Metnum2016_2c    作者:GarbiSebastian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Run command and return its dependencies and outputs, using before
            and after access times to determine dependencies. """

        # For Python pre-2.5, ensure os.stat() returns float atimes
        old_stat_float = os.stat_float_times()

        originals = self.file_times()
        if self.atimes == 2:
            befores = originals
            atime_resolution = 0
            mtime_resolution = 0
            befores = self._age_atimes(originals)
            atime_resolution = FAT_atime_resolution
            mtime_resolution = FAT_mtime_resolution
        shell_keywords = dict(silent=False)
        shell(*args, **shell_keywords)
        afters = self.file_times()
        deps = []
        outputs = []
        for name in afters:
            if name in befores:
                # if file exists before+after && mtime changed, add to outputs
                # Note: Can't just check that atimes > than we think they were
                #       before because os might have rounded them to a later
                #       date than what we think we set them to in befores.
                #       So we make sure they're > by at least 1/2 the
                #       resolution.  This will work for anything with a
                #       resolution better than FAT.
                if afters[name][1]-mtime_resolution/2 > befores[name][1]:
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                elif afters[name][0]-atime_resolution/2 > befores[name][0]:
                    # otherwise add to deps if atime changed
                    if not self.ignore(name):
                # file created (in afters but not befores), add as output
                if not self.ignore(name):

        if self.atimes < 2:
            # Restore atimes of files we didn't access: not for any functional
            # reason -- it's just to preserve the access time for the user's info
            for name in deps:
            for name in originals:
                original = originals[name]
                if original != afters.get(name, None):
                    self._utime(name, original[0], original[1])

        os.stat_float_times(old_stat_float)  # restore stat_float_times value
        return deps, outputs