def aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms): """ Returns major DBMS name from a given alias >>> aliasToDbmsEnum('mssql') 'Microsoft SQL Server' """ retVal = None if dbms: for key, item in DBMS_DICT.items(): if dbms.lower() in item[0] or dbms.lower() == key.lower(): retVal = key break return retVal
def isStackingAvailable(): """ Returns True whether techniques using stacking are available """ retVal = False if PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED in kb.injection.data: retVal = True else: for technique in getPublicTypeMembers(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE, True): _ = getTechniqueData(technique) if _ and "stacked" in _["title"].lower(): retVal = True break return retVal
def intersect(valueA, valueB, lowerCase=False): """ Returns intersection of the array-ized values >>> intersect([1, 2, 3], set([1,3])) [1, 3] """ retVal = [] if valueA and valueB: valueA = arrayizeValue(valueA) valueB = arrayizeValue(valueB) if lowerCase: valueA = [val.lower() if isinstance(val, basestring) else val for val in valueA] valueB = [val.lower() if isinstance(val, basestring) else val for val in valueB] retVal = [val for val in valueA if val in valueB] return retVal
def randomizeParameterValue(value): """ Randomize a parameter value based on occurances of alphanumeric characters >>> random.seed(0) >>> randomizeParameterValue('foobar') 'rnvnav' >>> randomizeParameterValue('17') '83' """ retVal = value value = re.sub(r"%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}", "", value) for match in re.finditer('[A-Z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).upper()) for match in re.finditer('[a-z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).lower()) for match in re.finditer('[0-9]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), str(randomInt(len(match.group())))) return retVal
def randomizeParameterValue(value): """ Randomize a parameter value based on occurances of alphanumeric characters >>> random.seed(0) >>> randomizeParameterValue('foobar') 'rnvnav' >>> randomizeParameterValue('17') '83' """ retVal = value for match in re.finditer('[A-Z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).upper()) for match in re.finditer('[a-z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).lower()) for match in re.finditer('[0-9]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), str(randomInt(len(match.group())))) return retVal
def setOs(os): if os is None: return None # Little precaution, in theory this condition should always be false elif kb.os is not None and isinstance(os, basestring) and kb.os.lower() != os.lower(): msg = "sqlmap previously fingerprinted back-end DBMS " msg += "operating system %s. However now it has " % kb.os msg += "been fingerprinted to be %s. " % os msg += "Please, specify which OS is " msg += "correct [%s (default)/%s] " % (kb.os, os) while True: choice = readInput(msg, default=kb.os) if choice == kb.os: break elif choice == os: kb.os = choice.capitalize() break else: warnMsg = "invalid value" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif kb.os is None and isinstance(os, basestring): kb.os = os.capitalize() return kb.os
def isDbmsWithin(aliases): return Backend.getDbms() is not None and Backend.getDbms().lower() in aliases
def isOs(os): return Backend.getOs() is not None and Backend.getOs().lower() == os.lower()
def showStaticWords(firstPage, secondPage): """ Prints words appearing in two different response pages """ infoMsg = "finding static words in longest matching part of dynamic page content" logger.info(infoMsg) firstPage = getFilteredPageContent(firstPage) secondPage = getFilteredPageContent(secondPage) infoMsg = "static words: " if firstPage and secondPage: match = SequenceMatcher(None, firstPage, secondPage).find_longest_match(0, len(firstPage), 0, len(secondPage)) commonText = firstPage[match[0]:match[0] + match[2]] commonWords = getPageWordSet(commonText) else: commonWords = None if commonWords: commonWords = list(commonWords) commonWords.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) for word in commonWords: if len(word) > 2: infoMsg += "'%s', " % word infoMsg = infoMsg.rstrip(", ") else: infoMsg += "None" logger.info(infoMsg)
def extractExpectedValue(value, expected): """ Extracts and returns expected value by a given type >>> extractExpectedValue(['1'], EXPECTED.BOOL) True >>> extractExpectedValue('1', EXPECTED.INT) 1 """ if expected: value = unArrayizeValue(value) if isNoneValue(value): value = None elif expected == EXPECTED.BOOL: if isinstance(value, int): value = bool(value) elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.strip().lower() if value in ("true", "false"): value = value == "true" elif value in ("1", "-1"): value = True elif value == "0": value = False else: value = None elif expected == EXPECTED.INT: if isinstance(value, basestring): value = int(value) if value.isdigit() else None return value
def _resumeOS(): """ Resume stored OS information from HashDB """ value = hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.OS) if not value: return os = value if os and os != 'None': infoMsg = "resuming back-end DBMS operating system '%s' " % os logger.info(infoMsg) if conf.os and conf.os.lower() != os.lower(): message = "you provided '%s' as back-end DBMS operating " % conf.os message += "system, but from a past scan information on the " message += "target URL sqlmap assumes the back-end DBMS " message += "operating system is %s. " % os message += "Do you really want to force the back-end DBMS " message += "OS value? [y/N] " if not readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True): conf.os = os else: conf.os = os Backend.setOs(conf.os)
def _setResultsFile(): """ Create results file for storing results of running in a multiple target mode. """ if not conf.multipleTargets: return if not conf.resultsFP: conf.resultsFilename = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, time.strftime(RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT).lower()) try: conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) except (OSError, IOError), ex: try: warnMsg = "unable to create results file '%s' ('%s'). " % (conf.resultsFilename, getUnicode(ex)) handle, conf.resultsFilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=MKSTEMP_PREFIX.RESULTS, suffix=".csv") os.close(handle) conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) warnMsg += "Using temporary file '%s' instead" % conf.resultsFilename logger.warn(warnMsg) except IOError, _: errMsg = "unable to write to the temporary directory ('%s'). " % _ errMsg += "Please make sure that your disk is not full and " errMsg += "that you have sufficient write permissions to " errMsg += "create temporary files and/or directories" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) conf.resultsFP.writelines("Target URL,Place,Parameter,Technique(s),Note(s)%s" % os.linesep) logger.info("using '%s' as the CSV results file in multiple targets mode" % conf.resultsFilename)
def setOs(os): if os is None: return None # Little precaution, in theory this condition should always be false elif kb.os is not None and isinstance(os, basestring) and kb.os.lower() != os.lower(): msg = "sqlmap previously fingerprinted back-end DBMS " msg += "operating system %s. However now it has " % kb.os msg += "been fingerprinted to be %s. " % os msg += "Please, specify which OS is " msg += "correct [%s (default)/%s] " % (kb.os, os) while True: _ = readInput(msg, default=kb.os) if _ == kb.os: break elif _ == os: kb.os = _.capitalize() break else: warnMsg = "invalid value" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif kb.os is None and isinstance(os, basestring): kb.os = os.capitalize() return kb.os
def getFileItems(filename, commentPrefix='#', unicode_=True, lowercase=False, unique=False): """ Returns newline delimited items contained inside file """ retVal = list() if not unique else OrderedDict() checkFile(filename) try: with openFile(filename, 'r', errors="ignore") if unicode_ else open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in (f.readlines() if unicode_ else f.xreadlines()): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used if commentPrefix: if line.find(commentPrefix) != -1: line = line[:line.find(commentPrefix)] line = line.strip() if not unicode_: try: line = str.encode(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if line: if lowercase: line = line.lower() if unique and line in retVal: continue if unique: retVal[line] = True else: retVal.append(line) except (IOError, OSError, MemoryError), ex: errMsg = "something went wrong while trying " errMsg += "to read the content of file '%s' ('%s')" % (filename, ex) raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) return retVal if not unique else retVal.keys()
def prioritySortColumns(columns): """ Sorts given column names by length in ascending order while those containing string 'id' go first >>> prioritySortColumns(['password', 'userid', 'name']) ['userid', 'name', 'password'] """ _ = lambda x: x and "id" in x.lower() return sorted(sorted(columns, key=len), lambda x, y: -1 if _(x) and not _(y) else 1 if not _(x) and _(y) else 0)
def _resumeOS(): """ Resume stored OS information from HashDB """ value = hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.OS) if not value: return os = value if os and os != 'None': infoMsg = "resuming back-end DBMS operating system '%s' " % os logger.info(infoMsg) if conf.os and conf.os.lower() != os.lower(): message = "you provided '%s' as back-end DBMS operating " % conf.os message += "system, but from a past scan information on the " message += "target URL sqlmap assumes the back-end DBMS " message += "operating system is %s. " % os message += "Do you really want to force the back-end DBMS " message += "OS value? [y/N] " test = readInput(message, default="N") if not test or test[0] in ("n", "N"): conf.os = os else: conf.os = os Backend.setOs(conf.os)
def _setResultsFile(): """ Create results file for storing results of running in a multiple target mode. """ if not conf.multipleTargets: return if not conf.resultsFP: conf.resultsFilename = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, time.strftime(RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT).lower()) try: conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) except (OSError, IOError), ex: try: warnMsg = "unable to create results file '%s' ('%s'). " % (conf.resultsFilename, getUnicode(ex)) conf.resultsFilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="sqlmapresults-", suffix=".csv")[1] conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) warnMsg += "Using temporary file '%s' instead" % conf.resultsFilename logger.warn(warnMsg) except IOError, _: errMsg = "unable to write to the temporary directory ('%s'). " % _ errMsg += "Please make sure that your disk is not full and " errMsg += "that you have sufficient write permissions to " errMsg += "create temporary files and/or directories" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) conf.resultsFP.writelines("Target URL,Place,Parameter,Techniques%s" % os.linesep) logger.info("using '%s' as the CSV results file in multiple targets mode" % conf.resultsFilename)
def getFileItems(filename, commentPrefix='#', unicode_=True, lowercase=False, unique=False): """ Returns newline delimited items contained inside file """ retVal = list() if not unique else OrderedDict() checkFile(filename) try: with openFile(filename, 'r', errors="ignore") if unicode_ else open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in (f.readlines() if unicode_ else f.xreadlines()): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used if commentPrefix: if line.find(commentPrefix) != -1: line = line[:line.find(commentPrefix)] line = line.strip() if not unicode_: try: line = str.encode(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if line: if lowercase: line = line.lower() if unique and line in retVal: continue if unique: retVal[line] = True else: retVal.append(line) except (IOError, OSError, MemoryError), ex: errMsg = "something went wrong while trying " errMsg += "to read the content of file '%s' ('%s')" % (filename, getSafeExString(ex)) raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) return retVal if not unique else retVal.keys()
def _setResultsFile(): """ Create results file for storing results of running in a multiple target mode. """ if not conf.multipleTargets: return if not conf.resultsFP: conf.resultsFilename = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, time.strftime(RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT).lower()) try: conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) except (OSError, IOError), ex: try: warnMsg = "unable to create results file '%s' ('%s'). " % (conf.resultsFilename, getUnicode(ex)) conf.resultsFilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=MKSTEMP_PREFIX.RESULTS, suffix=".csv")[1] conf.resultsFP = openFile(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) warnMsg += "Using temporary file '%s' instead" % conf.resultsFilename logger.warn(warnMsg) except IOError, _: errMsg = "unable to write to the temporary directory ('%s'). " % _ errMsg += "Please make sure that your disk is not full and " errMsg += "that you have sufficient write permissions to " errMsg += "create temporary files and/or directories" raise SqlmapSystemException(errMsg) conf.resultsFP.writelines("Target URL,Place,Parameter,Technique(s),Note(s)%s" % os.linesep) logger.info("using '%s' as the CSV results file in multiple targets mode" % conf.resultsFilename)
def getFileItems(filename, commentPrefix='#', unicode_=True, lowercase=False, unique=False): """ Returns newline delimited items contained inside file """ retVal = list() if not unique else OrderedDict() checkFile(filename) with codecs.open(filename, 'r', UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="ignore") if unicode_ else open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in (f.readlines() if unicode_ else f.xreadlines()): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used if commentPrefix: if line.find(commentPrefix) != -1: line = line[:line.find(commentPrefix)] line = line.strip() if not unicode_: try: line = str.encode(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if line: if lowercase: line = line.lower() if unique and line in retVal: continue if unique: retVal[line] = True else: retVal.append(line) return retVal if not unique else retVal.keys()
def _setResultsFile(): """ Create results file for storing results of running in a multiple target mode. """ if not conf.multipleTargets: return if not conf.resultsFP: conf.resultsFilename = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, time.strftime(RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT).lower()) conf.resultsFP = codecs.open(conf.resultsFilename, "w+", UNICODE_ENCODING, buffering=0) conf.resultsFP.writelines("Target URL,Place,Parameter,Techniques%s" % os.linesep) logger.info("using '%s' as the CSV results file in multiple targets mode" % conf.resultsFilename)
def parseUnionPage(page): """ Returns resulting items from UNION query inside provided page content """ if page is None: return None if re.search("(?si)\A%s.*%s\Z" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), page): if len(page) > LARGE_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD: warnMsg = "large output detected. This might take a while" logger.warn(warnMsg) data = BigArray() keys = set() for match in re.finditer("%s(.*?)%s" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), page, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE): entry = match.group(1) if kb.chars.start in entry: entry = entry.split(kb.chars.start)[-1] if kb.unionDuplicates: key = entry.lower() if key not in keys: keys.add(key) else: continue entry = entry.split(kb.chars.delimiter) if conf.hexConvert: entry = applyFunctionRecursively(entry, decodeHexValue) if kb.safeCharEncode: entry = applyFunctionRecursively(entry, safecharencode) data.append(entry[0] if len(entry) == 1 else entry) else: data = page if len(data) == 1 and isinstance(data[0], basestring): data = data[0] return data
def randomizeParameterValue(value): """ Randomize a parameter value based on occurances of alphanumeric characters >>> random.seed(0) >>> randomizeParameterValue('foobar') 'rnvnav' >>> randomizeParameterValue('17') '83' """ retVal = value value = re.sub(r"%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}", "", value) for match in re.finditer('[A-Z]+', value): while True: original = match.group() candidate = randomStr(len(match.group())).upper() if original != candidate: break retVal = retVal.replace(original, candidate) for match in re.finditer('[a-z]+', value): while True: original = match.group() candidate = randomStr(len(match.group())).lower() if original != candidate: break retVal = retVal.replace(original, candidate) for match in re.finditer('[0-9]+', value): while True: original = match.group() candidate = str(randomInt(len(match.group()))) if original != candidate: break retVal = retVal.replace(original, candidate) return retVal
def _resumeDBMS(): """ Resume stored DBMS information from HashDB """ value = hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.DBMS) if not value: return dbms = value.lower() dbmsVersion = [UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION] _ = "(%s)" % ("|".join([alias for alias in SUPPORTED_DBMS])) _ = re.search(r"\A%s (.*)" % _, dbms, re.I) if _: dbms = _.group(1).lower() dbmsVersion = [_.group(2)] if conf.dbms: check = True for aliases, _, _, _ in DBMS_DICT.values(): if conf.dbms.lower() in aliases and dbms not in aliases: check = False break if not check: message = "you provided '%s' as a back-end DBMS, " % conf.dbms message += "but from a past scan information on the target URL " message += "sqlmap assumes the back-end DBMS is '%s'. " % dbms message += "Do you really want to force the back-end " message += "DBMS value? [y/N] " if not readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True): conf.dbms = None Backend.setDbms(dbms) Backend.setVersionList(dbmsVersion) else: infoMsg = "resuming back-end DBMS '%s' " % dbms logger.info(infoMsg) Backend.setDbms(dbms) Backend.setVersionList(dbmsVersion)